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We present NeV/MgV and SiVII/MgVII theoretical line intensity ratios as a function of electron densityN e and temperatureT e . These are shown in the form of ratio-ratio diagrams, which should in principle allow bothN e andT e to be deduced for the emitting region of the solar plasma. We apply these diagnostics in the solar atmosphere, and discuss the available observations made from space. In most cases, however, we deduceN e andT e from the computed absolute line intensities in a spherically symmetric model atmosphere of the Sun. Possible future applications of this investigation to spectral data from the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) on the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

This article briefly overviews the physics of the Sun’s hot atmosphere, using observations from recent solar spacecrafts: Yohkoh, SOHO, TRACE and RHESSI.  相似文献   

The energy and angular distribution of electrons as a function of column densities initially for monoenergetic and monodirectional electron beams and incidence angles of 0‡, 30‡ and 60‡ have been studied by combining small angle scattering using analytical treatment with large angle collisions using Monte Carlo calculations. Using these distributions, X-ray and EUV-line flux have been studied as a function of column density. It is observed that the line flux increases with the increase in column density, becoming significant at intermediate column densities where the electron energies and angular distributions have a non-Maxwellian nature.  相似文献   

The technique of electron reflectometry, a method for remote estimation of planetary magnetic fields, is expanded from its original use of mapping crustal magnetic fields at the Moon to achieving the same purpose at Mars, where the presence of a substantial atmosphere complicates matters considerably. The motion of solar wind electrons, incident on the martian atmosphere, is considered in detail, taking account of the following effects: the electrons' helical paths around the magnetic field lines to which they are bound, the magnetic mirror force they experience due to converging field lines in the vicinity of crustal magnetic anomalies, their acceleration/deceleration by electrostatic potentials, their interactions with thermal plasma, their drifts due to magnetic field line curvature and perpendicular electric fields and their scattering off, and loss of energy through a number of different processes to, atmospheric neutrals. A theoretical framework is thus developed for modeling electron pitch angle distributions expected when a spacecraft is on a magnetic field line which is connected to both the martian crust and the interplanetary magnetic field. This framework, along with measured pitch angle distributions from the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Magnetometer/Electron Reflectometer (MAG/ER) experiment, can be used to remotely measure crustal magnetic field magnitudes and atmospheric neutral densities at ∼180 km above the martian datum, as well as estimate average parallel electric fields between 200 and 400 km altitude. Detailed analysis and full results, concerning the crustal magnetic field and upper thermospheric density of Mars, are left to two companion papers.  相似文献   

The process of non-linear ambipolar diffusion in the region overlying the solar surface can be an effective mechanism for producing sharp magnetic structures and current sheets. These may be the sites responsible for the occurrence of connectivity of magnetic field lines, and the subsequent explosive input of energy for heating of some of the features in the atmosphere of the Sun..  相似文献   

The non-isothermal magnetohydorstatic equilibrium is studied in this paper, on the basis of two-dimensional solutions of an isothermal case[9]. We present two models of temperature distribution and derive the two relevant partial differential equations of non-isothermal magnetohydrostatic equilibrium. Using the solution of the isothermal case as an approximation of the 1st degree and choosing appropriate boundary conditions, we obtain several solutions of the equations with an iterative method numerically, and obtain the equilibrium configurations and the distributions of temperature and magnetic energy. From these results, we find that the equilibrium configurations will change obviously as the temperature changes from the isothermal case slightly. Change of the temperature may play an important role in producing relatively violent solar activities through instability.  相似文献   

The Pioneer Venus Orbiter Infrared Radiometer and Venera 15 Fourier Transform Spectrometer observations of thermal emission from Venus' middle atmosphere between 10° S and 50° N have been independently re-analyzed using a common method to determine global maps of temperature, cloud optical depth, and water vapor abundance. The spectral regions observed include the strong 15 μm carbon dioxide band and the 45 μm fundamental rotational water band. The different spatial and spectral resolutions of the two instruments have necessitated the development of flexible analysis tools. New radiative transfer and retrieval models have been developed for this purpose based on correlated-k absorption tables calculated with up-to-date spectral line data. The common analysis of these two sets of observations has hence been possible for the first time. From the PV OIR observations, the cloud-top unit optical depth pressure showed a minimum of ∼110±10 mbars in the evening equatorial region and a maximum of ∼160±12 mbars in the morning mid-latitude regions. From the Venera 15 FTS spectra, the cloud-top pressure was found to increase from morning values of ∼120±10 to 200±30 mbars in the late afternoon/early evening region. The cloud-top water vapor abundances observed by the PV OIR instrument were found to fluctuate from 10±5 ppm at night up to 90±15 ppm in the equatorial cloud-top region shortly after the sub-solar point. The mean Venera 15 FTS water vapor abundances were found to be 12±5 ppm with only a slight enhancement over the equatorial latitude bands and no clear day-night distinction. The common analysis of these two sets of observations broadly validates previously published individual findings. The differences in the retrieved atmospheric state can no longer be attributed to radiative transfer modeling bias and suggest significant temporal variability in the middle atmosphere of Venus.  相似文献   

We derive formulas for the radio flux generated in solar flares by the resonance transition mechanism. This mechanism is shown to produce the observed decimeter-wave emission in continuum radio bursts at a level of small-scale irregularities of ~10?6–10?7. Thus, an analysis of continuum decimeter emission offers a unique opportunity to study small-scale turbulence in solar flares.  相似文献   

Reliable measurements of the solar magnetic field are restricted to the level of the photosphere. For about half a century attempts have been made to calculate the field in the layers above the photosphere, i.e. in the chromosphere and in the corona, from the measured photospheric field. The procedure is known as magnetic field extrapolation. In the superphotospheric parts of active regions the magnetic field is approximately force-free, i.e. electric currents are aligned with the magnetic field. The practical application to solar active regions has been largely confined to constant-α or linear force-free fields, with a spatially constant ratio, α, between the electric current and the magnetic field. We review results obtained from extrapolations with constant-α force-free fields, in particular on magnetic topologies favourable for flares and on magnetic and current helicities. Presently, different methods are being developed to calculate non-constant-α or nonlinear force-free fields from photospheric vector magnetograms. We also briefly discuss these methods and present a comparison of a linear and a nonlinear force-free magnetic field extrapolation applied to the same photospheric boundary data. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We consider two types of streamer structures observed in the solar atmosphere. Structures of the first type are medium-scale configurations with scale lengths comparable to the scale height in the corona, kT/mg = 100 thousand km, which appear as characteristic plasma structures in the shape of a dome surrounding the active region with thin streamers emanating from its top. In configurations of this type, gravity plays no decisive role in the mass distribution. The plasma density is constant on magnetic surfaces. Accordingly, the structure of the configurations is defined by the condition ψ = const, where ψ is the flux function of the magnetic field. Structures of the second type are large-scale configurations (coronal helmets, loops, and streamers), which differ from the above structures in that their scale lengths exceed the scale height in the corona. For them, gravity plays a decisive role; as a result, instead of the magnetic surfaces, the determining surface is BgradΦ = 0. We constructed three-dimensional images of these structures. Some of the spatial curves called “visible contours” of the Br = 0 surface are shown to be brightest in the corona. We assume that the helmet boundaries and polar plumes are such curves.  相似文献   

Summary The VUV emission spectra from the solar atmosphere and stellar atmospheres have been intensively studied during the past 25 years with several major space programs. In this review we discuss the spectroscopic diagnostic techniques used to study astrophysical plasmas, the atomic processes involved, the recent observations and the plans for future space missions.  相似文献   

To date, there is no core accretion simulation that can successfully account for the formation of Uranus or Neptune within the observed 2–3 Myr lifetimes of protoplanetary disks. Since solid accretion rate is directly proportional to the available planetesimal surface density, one way to speed up planet formation is to take a full accounting of all the planetesimal-forming solids present in the solar nebula. By combining a viscously evolving protostellar disk with a kinetic model of ice formation, which includes not just water but methane, ammonia, CO and 54 minor ices, we calculate the solid surface density of a possible giant planet-forming solar nebula as a function of heliocentric distance and time. Our results can be used to provide the starting planetesimal surface density and evolving solar nebula conditions for core accretion simulations, or to predict the composition of planetesimals as a function of radius. We find three effects that favor giant planet formation by the core accretion mechanism: (1) a decretion flow that brings mass from the inner solar nebula to the giant planet-forming region, (2) the fact that the ammonia and water ice lines should coincide, according to recent lab results from Collings et al. [Collings, M.P., Anderson, M.A., Chen, R., Dever, J.W., Viti, S., Williams, D.A., McCoustra, M.R.S., 2004. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 354, 1133–1140], and (3) the presence of a substantial amount of methane ice in the trans-saturnian region. Our results show higher solid surface densities than assumed in the core accretion models of Pollack et al. [Pollack, J.B., Hubickyj, O., Bodenheimer, P., Lissauer, J.J., Podolak, M., Greenzweig, Y., 1996. Icarus 124, 62–85] by a factor of 3–4 throughout the trans-saturnian region. We also discuss the location of ice lines and their movement through the solar nebula, and provide new constraints on the possible initial disk configurations from gravitational stability arguments.  相似文献   

Based on a plane-parallel isothermal solar model atmosphere permeated by a horizontal magnetic field whose strength is proportional to the square root of the plasma density and in the approximation of a specified field for vertically propagating and nonpropagating magnetoacoustic-gravity waves, we consider the nonlinear interaction between the corresponding disturbances, to within quantities of the second order of smallness. We investigate the efficiency of the nonlinear generation of waves at difference and sum frequencies and of an acoustic flow (wind) as a function of the magnetic-field strength and the excitation frequency of the initial disturbances at the lower atmospheric boundary.  相似文献   

During the Ulysses flyby of Jupiter, the spacecraft crossed the outer part of the Io plasma torus along a basically North-to-South trajectory at a Jovicentric distance of about 8RJ. The quasi-thermal noise measured by the Unified Radio and Plasma Wave (URAP) experiment is used to deduce the electron density and temperature along the trajectory. The density is deduced from the upper hybrid frequency line and the temperature from the spin modulation of Bernstein waves. These results are used to build a simplified Gaussian model of the torus. The density profile is roughly symmetric with respect to the centrifugal equator, with a scale height of about 0.9RJ. The density at equator crossing is twice as large as that expected from the Divine-Garrett Voyager-based model at the same radial distance. The density scale height is lower than that found by Voyager 1; it is consistent with an ion temperature of about 5 × 105K, assuming an effective mass of about 20 proton masses. The fitting of the pressure distribution, symmetric with respect to the centrifugal equator, yields a cold electron temperature of about 1.4 × 105K at the equator, which is of the same order of magnitude as found by Voyager 1.  相似文献   

Based on a plane-parallel isothermal model solar atmosphere permeated by a uniform magnetic field directed against the action of gravity, we considered the nonlinear interaction between vertically propagating Alfvén and acoustic-gravity waves. We established that Alfvén waves are efficiently generated at the difference and sum frequencies. We ascertained that no acoustic-gravity waves are formed at the corresponding combination frequencies. A horizontal magnetohydrodynamic wind whose direction changes with height was found to be formed in the solar atmosphere at zero difference frequency.  相似文献   

This paper is a result of the evolution of researches on the prediction and identification of the solar EUV spectrum by Ivanov-Holodny and the author.An absolute calibration of the solar EUV spectrum is given. The corresponding energy distribution is shown in Figure 2. During the minimum solar activity the radiation flux in the range below 1027 Å near the earth is 2.6 erg/cm2 sec, in the maximum it is 8 erg/cm2 sec.Abundances of fifteen elements in the solar atmosphere were deduced (Table III) from a comparison of predicted and observed intensities of more than 300 lines in the spectral region below 1215 Å.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the viscous transport of solar wind momentum to the upper layers of the Venus ionosphere with that occurring within the trans-terminator flow leads to estimates of the ratio of the viscosity coefficients that are applicable to both cases. Support for viscous forces between the solar wind and the ionospheric plasma in the trans-terminator flow derives from the momentum flux balance between the momentum flux in the latter flow and the deficiency of solar wind momentum along the flanks of the ionosheath. By comparing the relative width of the viscous boundary layer in the Venus ionosheath and the width of the trans-terminator flow we find that the transport of momentum within the upper ionosphere proceeds at a rate similar to that at which momentum is delivered to the upper ionosphere from the solar wind. Comparable values are obtained for the viscosity coefficient of the solar wind that streams over the ionosphere and that implied from momentum transport within the ionospheric trans-terminator flow. It is further suggested that despite the different nature of the processes that give place to the viscous transport of the solar wind momentum to the upper ionosphere (wave-particle interactions) and those responsible for its distribution within the ionosphere (through coulombian collisions) there is a similar response in the behavior of both plasmas to momentum transport. Calculations show that with comparable values of the viscosity coefficient in the ionosheath and in the upper ionospheric plasma the mean free path suitable to wave-particle interactions in the ionosheath is of the same order of magnitude as the mean free path of the planetary O+ ions that interact through coulombian collisions in the upper ionosphere. The effects of this similarity are considered in the discussion.  相似文献   

Based on a plane-parallel isothermal model solar atmosphere permeated by a uniform magnetic field directed against the action of gravity, we investigate the parametric generation of acoustic-gravity disturbances by Alfvén waves propagating along the corresponding field lines. We established that for a weak linear coupling of Alfvén waves, the nonlinear interaction of Alfvén waves propagating in opposite directions (rather than in the same direction) is the predominant generation mechanism of acoustic-gravity disturbances at the difference frequency. In this case, no acoustic flow (wind) was found to emerge at a zero difference frequency in the acoustic-gravity field.  相似文献   

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