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Rainwater is a major source of dissolved iron to much of the world's oceans, including regions where iron may be a limiting nutrient for marine phytoplankton primary production. Rainwater iron is therefore potentially important in regulating global photosynthetic uptake of CO2, and hence climate. Two rainwater addition bioassay experiments (2% rain) conducted at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Station (BATS) during March 2000 using 50 or 100 nM FeCl2 or FeCl3 in synthetic rain (pH 4.5 H2SO4) showed an increase in chlorophyll a 50% greater than controls after three days. Addition of 20 μM hydrogen peroxide, a typical rainwater concentration at BATS, completely removed the chlorophyll a increase with both forms of iron additions, suggesting stimulation of phytoplankton growth by rainwater iron can be limited by rainwater H2O2. In laboratory experiments using Gulf Stream seawater, iron-enriched (100 nM Fe(III)) synthetic rain was mixed with seawater in a 5% rain 95% seawater ratio. Dissolved iron concentrations increased two times above concentrations predicted based on dilution alone. The increase in soluble iron probably resulted from release from seawater particles and was maintained for more than 24 hours. No increase was observed in controls that did not have iron added to the synthetic rain, or with synthetic rainwater containing both added iron and H2O2. The increase in iron concentration above that predicted by dilution indicates rain may have a larger effect on seawater iron concentrations than that calculated for rainwater iron addition alone.  相似文献   

Dimethylsulfide (DMS) measurements in the seawater of the subtropical and the temperate western Indian Ocean were conducted for the first time from 3 December to 20 December 1997. In total, 443 surface seawater DMS determinations were performed between 24°–49° S and 50° E–77° E with a frequency of 1 sample every 10 km. An important spatial variability was observed in seawater DMS concentrations with values ranging from 0.9 to 35.8 nM. DMS maxima coincided in most cases with thermal fronts and were in reasonable agreement with mean pigment figures obtained from satellite observations. The deduced DMS fluxes are consistent with long-term observations of atmospheric DMS and rainwater concentrations of nss- SO4= and MSA measured at Amsterdam island (37° S, 77° E); then account for the differences observed in atmospheric DMS concentrations between Amsterdam island and Cape Grim, Indian Ocean monitoring stations.  相似文献   

大气过氧化氢(H2O2)是一种重要的光化学产物,也是硫酸盐气溶胶生成及降水酸化过程的关键氧化剂。然而,我国对H2O2的观测研究较少,尤其对雾霾期间H2O2浓度变化特征认识不足。该文介绍了冬春时段(2016年12月-2017年4月)在北京城区中国气象局的H2O2观测结果,并结合同期O3,PAN,NOX,PM2.5等污染物和气象要素观测数据,分析H2O2浓度变化特征与影响因素。观测结果表明:观测期间H2O2体积混合比(简称为浓度)为(0.65±0.59)×10-9,其中,春季浓度(0.83±0.67)×10-9高于冬季浓度(0.51±0.47)×10-9;H2O2平均日变化基本呈现单峰特征,峰值出现在18:00-21:00,比其他地区峰值出现稍晚,并滞后于O3峰值时间4~7 h;相对湿度对H2O2日峰值时间和浓度水平有影响,小于55%时日峰值出现于18:00-24:00,平均峰值浓度1.52×10-9;大于65%时日峰值出现于11:00-16:00,日峰值浓度均小于1×10-9。H2O2,O3和PAN虽然同属光化学产物,但在不同污染状况下浓度水平和变化趋势差异明显;H2O2清洁日峰值浓度高于污染日,但11:00-15:00污染日浓度略高于清洁日。  相似文献   

Over a period of one year, the moss Scleropodium purum was sampled every two weeks in a French rural area to determine the levels of Li, Na, Al, Si, P, Ca, V, Mn, Fe, Zn, Ba, Hg, and Pb. The element distribution in the moss shoot was studied throughout the year. An apical bioconcentration was discovered for Na, P, Ca, Mn, and Zn, whereas higher levels were found in the basal fraction for Li, Al, Si, V, Fe, Ba, Hg, and Pb. A significant variation of element concentrations was observed during the sampling period. In the apical part Li, Al, Si, V, Fe, Ba, and Hg show maximum levels in the summer and minimum in the autumn. The same pattern was found with Ca and Mn in the whole plant, whereas Na showed opposite fluctuations.  相似文献   

利用T42L9全球大气环流谱模式进行数值试验 ,以揭示南海夏季风强度异常的特征及其影响。控制试验结果表明 ,该模式不仅能够很好地模拟出气候平均的西风带槽脊和高低空气流分布以及它们的季节性变化 ,而且对于与亚洲季风有关的各个主要系统 ,如南亚高压、副高进退及越赤道气流等都有较强的模拟能力。在亚洲季风区及热带太平洋这一大范围区域的大气内部热源异常强迫下 ,模式显示出了南海夏季风持续异常的特征、北半球热带外环流的响应以及亚洲季风区降水异常分布。南海夏季风长时间强度异常所引起的大气内部热源异常 ,一方面通过三维垂直环流的异常联结着南海夏季风对北半球热带内外环流的影响 ,另一方面它又通过持续异常期的波列传播 ,即能量的传播 ,不仅影响我国长江流域降水 ,还会逐渐影响到北半球中高纬环流结构。这样西风带环流形势将会发生相应的变化和调整 ,南海夏季风持续异常影响到了北半球大气环流和天气气候的变化。  相似文献   

A one-month experiment was performed at Amsterdam Island in January 1998, to investigate the factors controlling the short-term variations of atmospheric dimethylsulfide (DMS) and its oxidation products in the mid-latitudes remote marine atmosphere. High mixing ratios of DMS, sulfur dioxide (SO2) and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) have been observed during this experiment, with mean concentrations of 395 parts per trillion by volume (pptv) (standard deviation, = 285, n = 500), 114 pptv ( = 125, n = 12) and 3 pptv ( = 1.2, n = 167), respectively. Wind speed and direction were identified as the major factors controlling atmospheric DMS levels. Changes in air temperature/air masses origin were found to strongly influence the dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO)/DMS and SO2/DMS molar ratios, in line with recent laboratory data. Methanesulfonic acid (MSA) and non-sea-salt sulfate (nss-SO4 2–) mean concentrations in aerosols during this experiment were 12.2± 6.5 pptv (1, n=47) and 59 ± 33 pptv (1, n=47), respectively. Evidence of vertical entrainment was reported following frontal passages, with injection of moisture-poor, ozone-rich air. High MSA/ nss-SO4 2– molar ratios (mean 0.44) were calculated during these events. Finally following frontal passages, few spots in condensation nuclei (CN) concentration were also observed.  相似文献   

我国极端高温事件的年代际变化及其与大气环流的联系   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
利用1957~2004年全国181个气象台站观测逐日最高气温,分析了我国年平均极端高温事件(Ex-treme Hot Events,EHE)日数、强度、最早发生日期(EHE Onset Date,EHE-OD)和最迟发生日期(EHETermination Date,EHE-TD)的气候态及年代际变化的时空特征.气候态分...  相似文献   

The characteristics of atmospheric-angular-momentum (AAM) and length-of-day (LOD) on different timescales are investigated in this paper, on the basis of the NECP/NCAR reanalysis data and an LOD dataset for 1962-2010. The variation and overall trend of the AAM anomaly (AAMA) at different latitudes are presented, and the relationship between AAMA and LOD is discussed. The AAMAs in different latitude regions exhibit different patterns of variation, and the AAMA in the tropics makes a dominant contribution to the global AAMA. In the tropics, the AAMA propagates poleward to the extratropical regions. It is confirmed that a downward propagation of the AAMA occurs in the lower stratosphere. Correlation analysis shows that the relationship between AAMA and LOD varies significantly on different timescales. Specifically, the tropical AAMA is positively correlated with LOD on short timescales, but they are not obviously correlated on long timescales. This indicates that the interaction between AAM and the earth's angular momentum follows the conservative restriction on short timescales, but the influence of the earth angular momentum on that of the atmosphere depends on the interaction process on long timescales.  相似文献   

The impacts of solar activity on climate are explored in this two-part study.Based on the principles of atmospheric dynamics,Part I propose an amplifying mechanism of solar impacts on winter climate extremes through changing the atmospheric circulation patterns.This mechanism is supported by data analysis of the sunspot number up to the predicted Solar Cycle 24,the historical surface temperature data,and atmospheric variables of NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis up to the February 2011 for the Northern Hemisphere winters.For low solar activity,the thermal contrast between the low-and high-latitudes is enhanced,so as the mid-latitude baroclinic ultra-long wave activity.The land-ocean thermal contrast is also enhanced,which amplifies the topographic waves.The enhanced mid-latitude waves in turn enhance the meridional heat transport from the low to high latitudes,making the atmospheric "heat engine" more efficient than normal.The jets shift southward and the polar vortex is weakened.The Northern Annular Mode(NAM) index tends to be negative.The mid-latitude surface exhibits large-scale convergence and updrafts,which favor extreme weather/climate events to occur.The thermally driven Siberian high is enhanced,which enhances the East Asian winter monsoon(EAWM).For high solar activity,the mid-latitude circulation patterns are less wavy with less meridional transport.The NAM tends to be positive,and the Siberian high and the EAWM tend to be weaker than normal.Thus the extreme weather/climate events for high solar activity occur in different regions with different severity from those for low solar activity.The solar influence on the midto high-latitude surface temperature and circulations can stand out after removing the influence from the El Nin o-Southern Oscillation.The atmospheric amplifying mechanism indicates that the solar impacts on climate should not be simply estimated by the magnitude of the change in the solar radiation over solar cycles when it is compared with other external radiative forcings that do not influence the climate in the same way as the sun does.  相似文献   

利用激光粒子计数器和颗粒物自动测定仪测量的郑州市大气气溶胶粒子的数浓度和质量浓度,分析了局地气溶胶的干沉降和湿沉降以及郑州市大气气溶胶数浓度和质量浓度的时空变化,结果表明:郑州市局地区域大气气溶胶中粒径≥2μm的粒子,沉降速度随粒径的增大而增大,而粒径≤0.3μm的粒子,沉降速度变化不大;湿沉降率大于干沉降率。气溶胶浓度有明显的日变化特征,17:00-19:00为最高峰,6:00-9:00为次高峰,这是早晨及下午上下班汽车运行高峰期向大气排放的尾气和汽车扬尘所致。在垂直分布上,45-80 m处的粒子数多于1.5 m处的粒子数;在水平分布上,交通建筑区内的浓度高于其他功能区的浓度。  相似文献   

NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and a 47-year precipitation dataset are utilized to analyze the relationship between an atmospheric heat source (hereafter called < Q1 >) over the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau (QXP) and its surrounding area and precipitation in northwest China. Our main conclusions are as follows: (1) The horizontal distribution of < Q1 > and its changing trend are dramatic over QXP in the summer. There are three strong centers of < Q1 > over the south side of QXP with obvious differences in the amount o...  相似文献   

Interannual to interdecadal precipitation (P), evaporation (E), water deficit (E-P), and total heat flux have been correlated with North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and Mediterranean Oscillation (MO) indices to explore the influence of large-scale atmospheric forcing on the variability of the Mediterranean water and heat budgets. Basin-averaged precipitation decrease from the mid-1960s to the late 1980s clearly corresponds to a switch from a low to a high state of both indices. The variability of E-P is not so well correlated with the atmospheric indices because of the different sensitivity of E and P that leads to correlations of opposite sign in the eastern and western sub-basins. The effectiveness of the NAO and MO indices is quite similar for P and E-P but the regional MO index has turned out to be a more successful indicator of interdecadal evaporation and net heat flux because, from the mid-1970s to the early 1990s, correlation with the NAO index decreases considerably. Because the MO centre remains relatively steady, it influences most of the Mediterranean Sea year round, so it is more suitable for monitoring long-term water and especially heat budget variability.  相似文献   

利用1971—2000年广西的降水资料,对广西暴雨的时空分布特征进行了研究;结合广西高速公路路网分布,对广西主要高速公路暴雨出现的频数进行分析;针对暴雨对高速公路交通安全的影响进行研究,并提出暴雨天气高速公路交通安全的应对措施。  相似文献   

Local ozone production and loss rates for the arctic free troposphere (58–85° N, 1–6 km, February–May) during the TroposphericOzone Production about the Spring Equinox (TOPSE) campaign were calculated using a constrained photochemical box model. Estimates were made to assess the importance of local photochemical ozone production relative to transport in accounting for the springtime maximum in arctic free tropospheric ozone. Ozone production and loss rates from our diel steady-state box model constrained by median observations were first compared to two point box models, one run to instantaneous steady-state and the other run to diel steady-state. A consistent picture of local ozone photochemistry was derived by all three box models suggesting that differences between the approaches were not critical. Our model-derived ozone production rates increased by a factor of 28 in the 1–3 km layer and a factor of 7 in the 3–6 kmlayer between February and May. The arctic ozone budget required net import of ozone into the arctic free troposphere throughout the campaign; however, the transport term exceeded the photochemical production only in the lower free troposphere (1–3 km) between February and March. Gross ozone production rates were calculated to increase linearly with NOx mixing ratiosup to 300 pptv in February and for NOx mixing ratios up to 500 pptv in May. These NOx limits are an order of magnitude higher thanmedian NOx levels observed, illustrating the strong dependence ofgross ozone production rates on NOx mixing ratios for the majority of theobservations. The threshold NOx mixing ratio needed for netpositive ozone production was also calculated to increase from NOx 10pptv in February to 25 pptv in May, suggesting that the NOx levels needed to sustain net ozone production are lower in winter than spring. This lower NOx threshold explains how wintertime photochemical ozone production can impact the build-up of ozone over winter and early spring. There is also an altitude dependence as the threshold NOx neededto produce net ozone shifts to higher values at lower altitudes. This partly explains the calculation of net ozone destruction for the 1–3 km layerand net ozone production for the 3–6 km layer throughout the campaign.  相似文献   

Convection in a quasi-steady, cloud-free, shear-free atmospheric boundary layer is investigated based on a large-eddy simulation model. The performed tests indicate that the characteristic (peak) values of statistical moments at the top of the mixed layer are proportional to the interfacial scales (from gradients of scalars in the interfacial layer). Based on this finding a parameterization is proposed for profiles of scalar variances. The parameterization employs two, semi-empirical similarity functions Fm(z/zi) andFi(z/zi), multiplied by a combination of the mixed-layer scales and the interfacial scales.  相似文献   

用1980~1996年OLR资料及NCEP/NCAR再分析资料研究了南海夏季风持续异常的基本特征及其与全球环流的关系.对比分析结果指出,强弱南海夏季风期大尺度环流(副热带高压、局地 Hadley环流及 Walker环流等)变化基本相反.在南海地区出现强弱持续异常的季风活动时,该地区的对流活动不仅与大尺度热带和副热带流场有关,而且还反映出北半球西风带环流的调整.北半球中高纬大气环流对南海夏季风持续异常是有响应的.南海地区季风的强弱,特别是出现持续异常时,强弱季风所对应的动能差异是全球性的,其相应的大气热状态也截然不同.南海夏季风强烈而持续的对流活动明显通过改变大气热源的分布和大尺度垂直环流的结构,影响到更大范围地区的环流状况.  相似文献   

张盈盈  李忠贤  刘伯奇 《大气科学》2015,39(6):1059-1072
本文基于日本气象厅(JMA)的JRA-25再分析资料,分析了春季青藏高原表面感热加热年际变化的时空特征,及其对印度夏季风爆发过程的影响。EOF分析结果表明,春季高原感热加热的年际变化在高原中西部最为明显,这主要与局地地-气温差的年际变率有关。统计分析表明,当春季高原中西部表面感热偏强(弱)时,印度夏季风爆发偏早(晚),且高原中西部表面感热与ENSO事件无显著相关。春季高原中西部感热能够通过改变印度季风区对流层高层和低层的经向热力结构来影响印度夏季风的爆发时间。当春季高原中西部感热偏强时,造成的上升气流在高原以西的印度季风区北部下沉,通过绝热增暖引起局地对流层中上部的异常暖中心,令印度季风区对流层中上部平均温度经向梯度由冬至夏的季节性反转提早。同时,印度季风区北部的下沉运动能够抑制当地降水,令陆面温度升高,并通过非绝热过程造成对流层低层的异常暖中心,进一步增强了印度季风区的海陆热力对比。在印度季风区以北地区对流层高、低层异常增暖的共同作用下,印度夏季风提前爆发。  相似文献   

达坂城风力发电厂风的天气气候特征及预报问题研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对达坂城风力发电厂提供的1998年该厂单点风速资料进行统计分析,总结出天气气候特征,并运用天气学方法对其进行研究,找出预报指标,强调了单点风速预报制作过程中的实验问题。  相似文献   

北大西洋年代际振荡(AMO)气候影响的研究评述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
北大西洋年代际振荡(theAtlantic Multidecadal Oscillation,AMO)是发生在北大西洋区域空间上具有海盆尺度、时间上具有多十年尺度的海表温度(sea surface temperature,SST)准周期性暖冷异常变化。它具有65~80a周期,振幅为0.4℃。AMO的形成与热盐环流的准周期性振荡有关,它是气候系统的一种自然变率。诸多研究表明,AMO在北大西洋局地气候及全球其他区域气候演变中发挥了重要影响。欧亚大陆的表面气温,美国大陆、巴西东北部、西非以及南亚的降水,北大西洋飓风等都与之密切相关。AMO对东亚季风气候的年代际变化有显著的调制作用,暖位相AMO增强东亚夏季风,减弱冬季风,冷位相则相反。本文总结了这方面的研究进展,讨论了AMO对未来气候预测的意义,认为最近20多年来我国冬季的显著增暖与AMO处于暖位相有关,是人类温室气体强迫与暖位相AMO(自然因子)两种增暖影响相叠加的结果。随着AMO逐渐转入冷位相,我国冬季变暖趋势将放慢,并有望于21世纪20年代中期逆转。  相似文献   

利用双向耦合的区域气候模式和大气化学模式系统, 研究了中国与邻近地区人为污染排放引起对流层臭氧变化和产生的辐射强迫.结果表明, 污染排放对对流层臭氧含量的影响有明显的季节变化, 对北方的影响不如南方显著, 西部的季节变化稳定且小于东部, 内陆污染地区各季节臭氧柱含量的变化量均较高.对整个模拟区域而言, 臭氧变化量的年平均值为30.928 DU, 春季最大为32.168 DU, 而空间分布变化在12~38 DU之间.臭氧变化量对北方地区辐射的影响较小, 而对低纬和华东地区影响较大, 臭氧变化量引起的晴空地气系统短波辐射强迫、长波辐射强迫的平均值分别是0.185 W·m-2和0.464 W·m-2, 标准化短波辐射强迫与净辐射强迫值为0.006 W·m-2·DU-1和0.021 W·m-2·DU-1.气候反馈过程对对流层臭氧含量的影响范围在-0.470~0.752 DU之间, 包含气候反馈过程的区域年平均臭氧变化量是30.942 DU.在气候反馈条件下, 臭氧变化量的短波和长波辐射强迫分别是0.249 W·m-2及 0.482 W·m-2, 标准化的短波与净辐射强迫值为0.008 W·m-2·DU-1和0.024 W·m-2·DU-1.臭氧变化量导致地表温度的变化范围在±0.80 K之间.  相似文献   

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