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对复式河道漫滩水流进行了研究,建立了摩阻因子与一维明渠流摩阻因子的关系,揭示出滩地的量纲为一涡粘性系数随着摩阻因子的增加而增加,并将二次流的影响表达成与雷诺切应力相同的形式,从而将其归入表观切应力中,由量纲为一表观涡粘性系数确定,后者可通过量纲为一表观涡粘性系数与摩阻因子之间的一个关系加以计算,该关系类似于量纲为一涡粘性系数与摩阻因子之间的关系。对光滑边界上对称的漫滩水流进行了计算,计算结果与实验资料吻合良好。  相似文献   

基于2009年5月至2011年10月科其喀尔冰川的花杆观测资料,对其消融区的表面运动特征进行分析. 结果表明:冰川消融区的年水平运动速度最大值为86.69 m·a-1,年垂直运动速度最大值为15.34 m·a-1,均出现在冰川海拔4 000~4 200 m的消融区上部;在靠近冰川末端的冰舌下部,受冰量补给减弱、厚层表碛覆盖等影响,冰川运动缓慢,年水平运动速度小于5 m·a-1,而垂直运动速度值小于2 m·a-1. 大多数横剖面的水平运动速度具有从中部向边缘逐渐减小的特征,而有的剖面却出现局部速度增大的区域. 整体而言,冰川水平及垂直运动速度随海拔降低而减小,符合冰川运动的一般规律,但主要受地形作用的影响,垂直运动速度随海拔的变化会出现波动. 消融期月水平运动速度与同期气温和降水的变化具有一定的相关性,可能反映出气候快速变化对冰川运动的影响.  相似文献   

Settling velocities of suspended cohesive sediment in estuaries vary over a range of several orders in magnitude. Variations in the suspended sediment concentration are often considered as the principal cause. Turbulence and the suspended sediment concentration, as well as other factors such as salinity, dissolved organic substances, flocculation ability, and the rate of floc growth affect setting velocities. A laterally–averaged finite difference model for hydrodynamics and cohesive sediment transport is developed and applied in the Tanshui River estuary, Taiwan. The model has been calibrated and verified with water surface elevation, longitudinal velocity, salinity, and cohesive sediment measured. The overall performance of the model is in qualitative agreement with the available data. The model is used to investigate the influence of settling velocity on cohesive sediment transport dynamics. The simulation indicates that the turbidity maximum zone is near Kuan–Du. When settling velocities increase the surface cohesive sediment concentration at Kuan–Du station trends to decrease and bottom cohesive sediment concentration increases. Both surface and bottom cohesive sediment concentrations decrease at Taipei Bridge and Pa–Ling Bridge. This implies that suspended sediment advected seaward and deposited. There is consequently a net seaward flux of suspended sediment near surface, and a net landward flux near the bed.  相似文献   

任凯珍 《城市地质》2009,4(4):15-16
本文以贾峪东沟为研究对象,介绍了泥石流流速,堆积模式与降雨量关系模拟实验目的,方法、装置和物料。并提出最大堆积长度、宽度和厚度与降雨量的关系,降雨量与泥石流扇状地危险范围的关系,堆积形态比与降雨量的关系及流速与降雨量的关系。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results from discrete element modelling (DEM) of an idealised (sand) asphalt mixture under constant strain rate (velocity) compressive loading using the Burgers viscoelastic model. Using dimensional analysis it is shown that the effect of scaling applied velocity is the same as that of scaling both viscosities in the Burgers model by the same factor. This has been shown to be the case for a bonded aggregate, and it also has been shown to be applicable even when bond breakage occurs within the sample. This scaling method will be of great benefit in modelling tests on asphalt under different constant strain rates, simply by scaling both viscosities to minimise computational time.  相似文献   

Settling and traction velocities were measured on optimally preserved tests of larger foraminifera using a settling tube and flume tank. Within larger foraminifera with porcelaneous tests, the peneroplids, Peneroplis antillarum, P. planatus, P. pertusus and Dendritina cf. D. zhengae, are distinguished by low test densities (ca 1·2) that do not change with growth. Buoyancy is high because of low Reynolds numbers and increases in large individuals because of the allometric change of test shape. The fusiform Alveolinella quoyi, with test densities ca 1·6, is characterized by high Reynolds numbers, inducing the weakest buoyancy within porcelaneous larger foraminifera. The highest buoyancy was recorded for the three soritids, Parasorites orbitolitoides, Sorites orbiculus and Amphisorus hemprichii, because of their low test densities (ca 1·25) and the extremely flat, biconcave, plate‐like shape. Flat tests, however, reduce traction and entrainment from smooth surfaces. Within hyaline larger foraminiferat, the amphisteginids show thick‐lenticular (Amphistegina lobifera, A. radiata) to thin‐lenticular tests (A. bicirculata, A. papillosa), influencing buoyancy. Here, high test densities (ca 1·8) decrease with growth in A. lobifera, A. lessonii and A. bicirculata, and remain constant in A. radiata and A. papillosa. Minimum velocities required for entrainment are lower for thick‐lenticular tests and higher for thin‐lenticular tests. Test densities remain constant with growth in the calcarinid Baculogypsina sphaerulata (ρ ∼ 1·78) and decrease slightly in Calcarina gaudichaudii and Neorotalia calcar (starting at ρ ∼ 1·85), all living under extreme hydrodynamic conditions. Density decreases the most in Baculogypsinoides spinosus (starting at ρ ∼ 1·8), resulting in higher buoyancy through low Reynolds numbers. Traction is promoted in spherical tests of Baculogypsina and Baculogypsinoides. Within nummulitids, the thick‐lenticular Palaeonummulites venosus (test density decreasing with size; starting at 1·78) is less buoyant, expressed in high Reynolds numbers, but easily entrained. Thick‐lenticular juveniles and extremely flat adults distinguish Operculinella cumingii, Heterostegina depressa and the giant Cycloclypeus carpenteri. Test densities increase during growth, starting from ca 1·6 and attaining a maximum of 1·8. Buoyancy is low in small tests and high in large tests, while entrainment velocities are reduced as the tests flatten. High buoyancy is also a characteristic of the entirely flat tests in Operculina ammonoides (from deeper regions) and Planostegina operculinoides, which is expressed in the lowest Reynolds numbers within larger foraminifera.  相似文献   

探地雷达共中心点(CMP)法仅用于局部速度测试,为使用宽角反射法进行剖面探测,可固定一个雷达天线而将另一个天线沿测线移动,从而获取整个地质界面的反射信号.本文提出宽角反射剖面探测方法,基于平直岩层界面导出其反射信号的关系式,并开发出解释软件,可精确计算岩层几何参数和层速度,从而进行地质分层.  相似文献   

结合鄂尔多斯盆地北部塔巴庙地区低、降速带的调查实例,简述多道面波分析MASW在沙漠地区的应用,并将反演结果与小折射资料进行对比说明其运用效果.实践表明,在采集和处理参数选取合理的情况下,最大勘探测度可以达60 m,完全可以满足实际工作需要.在近地表构造复杂地区采用多道面波分析技术进行低、降速带情况调查,可以弥补小折射和微测井调查的不足,展现出受地表环境影响较小的优越性.  相似文献   

悬板开孔对排沙漏斗流场特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
排沙漏斗的水沙分离性能取决于其流场特性,为了弄清楚悬板开孔对流场特性的影响,利用粒子图像测速技术和数值模拟方法,分别对悬板溢流段和非溢流段同时均匀布孔、仅在非溢流段布孔和无孔时的排沙漏斗流场特性开展研究。结果表明:①布孔位置不影响涡流性质但影响其强度,均匀布孔时涡流强度最小,不利于水沙离心分离;②无孔和仅在非溢流段布孔时的流场特性有利于泥沙径向输移、沉降和排出,均匀布孔径向速度和二次流流速减小不利于泥沙输移和排出;③仅在悬板非溢流段布孔时悬板表面速度大于其他方案,泥沙不易淤积于悬板。为减少悬板上的泥沙淤积量且同时要保证较高的泥沙截除率时可采用仅在悬板非溢流段布孔的方案优化悬板体型。  相似文献   

黄继锋  鄂栋臣  张胜凯 《冰川冻土》2015,37(5):1150-1159
2007-2012年,在东南极达尔克冰川实施了18期空间方向交会观测,解算得到了冰川的运动规律:其整体平均运动速度为0.41 m·d-1,平均流向的方位角为7.01°;总的来说,其冬季和夏季的流速基本相当,但冰川前缘附近的运动在冬季显得更为活跃;冰川横截面上从边缘到中心,流速逐渐增大,流速最大的点出现在冰川中轴线上,流速最小的点则出现在边界附近;沿冰川流动方向,从上游至入海口,流速亦逐渐增大,冰川前缘流速最大,此处有较多的冰裂缝发育.与之前的遥感研究结果相比较,冰川运动比较稳定,流速未发现显著变化.  相似文献   

The use of grain‐size distribution of muds for the reconstruction of past deep ocean currents is becoming established and applied in the palaeoceanographic community. The methods are also applicable to shallow marine and tidal flat muds with similar inferences concerning the energy of wave and current sorting being drawn. Fine sediment grain‐size distributions can be obtained using a variety of instruments based on fundamentally different theoretical principles. These machines may give varying, sometimes misleading, results giving divergent interpretations of flow speed history. The new evidence presented here, combined with earlier work, suggests that of the three most commonly used analytical methods for fine silts with clays, settling velocity (Sedigraph) should be the method and instrument of choice, with electrical resistance pulse counters (e.g. Coulter Counter) as a suitable alternative. The data also show that laser particle sizers should be avoided for palaeocurrent reconstructions because the measured size of platey minerals can be dominated by their large projected area. This causes them to be recorded as the same size as larger equant grains although they have much smaller settling velocity and were deposited in aggregates. This produces results with a weaker relationship to the dynamics of deposition. The central problem is thus that some coarse clay/fine silt is recorded as medium to coarse silt, the key size in the ‘sortable silt’ mean size method of inferring changes in flow speed. For coarse silts (e.g. loess) the laser gives more satisfactory results.  相似文献   

The multiscale transport mechanism of methane in unconventional reservoirs is dominated by slip and transition flows resulting from the ultra-low permeability of micro/nano-scale pores, which requires consideration of the microscale and rarefaction effects. Traditional continuum-based computational fluid dynamics (CFD) becomes problematic when modeling micro-gaseous flow in these multiscale pore networks because of its disadvantages in the treatment of cases with a complicated boundary. As an alternative, the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM), a special discrete form of the Boltzmann equation, has been widely applied to model the multi-scale and multi-mechanism flows in unconventional reservoirs, considering its mesoscopic nature and advantages in simulating gas flows in complex porous media. Consequently, numerous LBM models and slip boundary schemes have been proposed and reported in the literature. This study investigates the predominately reported LBM models and kinetic boundary schemes. The results of these LBM models systematically compare to existing experimental results, analytical solutions of Navier-Stokes, solutions of the Boltzmann equation, direct simulation of Monte Carlo (DSMC) and information-preservation DSMC (IP_DSMC) results, as well as the numerical results of the linearized Boltzmann equation by the discrete velocity method (DVM). The results point out the challenges and limitations of existing multiple-relaxation-times LBM models in predicting micro-gaseous flow in unconventional reservoirs.  相似文献   

泥石流流速是难以实测和准确推算的重要参数。在分析既有各类弯道超高计算公式的基础上,探讨适用于各类泥石流的弯道超高计算模式,进而改进基于弯道超高的粘性泥石流、稀性泥石流和泥流的流速计算公式,用实例加以验证。  相似文献   

研究了水泥颗粒开始沉积时浆液最小流动速度(临界速度)、裂隙中水泥颗粒沉积分布规律与排水方式等,提出了临界速度值以及浆液流动通道形成的起点至注浆孔的距离的计算公式,进一步揭示了水泥浆液在岩体裂隙中的流动沉积机理。  相似文献   

将力学中的Hamilton原理推广于曲线拟合,提出了一种曲线拟合的新方法——应用Hamilton原理作曲线拟合,并以泥沙阻力系数为例,具体说明了本原理的应用.  相似文献   

因对初至旅行时层数的确定和拐点拾取存存不确定性.导致时间项反演方法在近地表复杂区建立的速度模型精度不高,静校正效果不理想。对此提出了利刚旅行时差值曲线方法进行层数确定和拐点拾取。理论分析认为,运用旅行时差值曲线方法时,应尽餐选择相邻的激发点。通过对三层近地表速度模型进行射线追踪。得到初至旅行时,根据其旅行时曲线初步判定层数,再运用旅行时差值曲线进一步确定层数。观察时间项反演速度模型,其与近地表速度模型较接近,经计算反演速度模型与设计的近地表速度模型之间的均方根误差仅为0.95m,可见该方法可有效提高时间项反演的精度。  相似文献   

横流中多孔射流的流动特性是揭示其输移扩散机理的基础。利用粒子图像测速技术PIV测量了横向流动条件下单孔、两孔和四孔射流的速度场,对射流主体范围内、射流的迎流面和各个射流之间的流场进行了研究。实验研究表明,多个射流中的第1个射流迎流面卷吸强度明显大于单个射流情况;两个射流之间的区域可分为两个部分,上游部分水体被卷吸进入上一个射流,下游部分水体被卷吸进入下一个射流;后面射流迎流面的横向流速明显低于第1个射流迎流面的横向流速,揭示了导致后面射流弯曲的横向有效流速沿程发展变化过程;揭示了横向有效流速的沿程变化规律。  相似文献   

富水隧道的涌水问题是目前隧道施工中要解决的首要问题,尤其是涌水量特别大、水流速度大的隧道。目前针对该问题多采用注浆加固圈的方法,以排为主,后注浆加固。这种方法对于涌水量不大、渗透率低的围岩可行,而对于水压力大、地下水丰富的隧道,其效果差、成本高。针对该问题,文章提出一种幕墙堵水技术。首先分析渗透力与浆液的黏滞系数之间的关系,通过计算得出多孔介质中注浆浆液在渗透力作用下的地下水临界流速,确定幕墙距离隧道的最佳间距为2m,并提出了24种不同尺寸的注浆方案。采用数值模拟方法,分别计算了24种注浆方案的堵水或限排效果。最后在所建的24个模型中得出注浆深度为30.6m,注浆长度为20m的方案为最佳堵水方案,并应用到工程中。结果显示该方案堵水效果明显,洞内积水降低80%,能保证隧道下一步施工。研究表明:通过临界流速分析方法能够经济、快速地确定堵水或限排方案,满足现场施工及注浆堵水限排的要求,研究成果可为类似工程设计提供理论依据。  相似文献   

地下水多元示踪试验在岩溶地区的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过广西某排泥库区进行地下水多元示踪试验的工程实例,介绍了多元示踪试验在岩溶地区的成功应用及有效判析方法,对有效查明岩溶地区地下水水力联系,正确评价场区水文地质条件具一定的借鉴和参考价值。  相似文献   

用数值模拟方法研究了地下异质体对波散射,分析了散射波对表面波相速度影响,结果表明:由相速度曲线扰动难以有效确定异质体方位。在表面波场中,散射波能量相对较小,不易辨别,以振源为中心,在测线上对称布置一组测点,通过两侧测点质点响应曲线比较,得到表面散射波场。在表面散射波场中,散射瑞利波是主要的,由散射瑞利波走时随测点位置变化可判断地下异质体的方位。最后,给出地下异质体方位测试方案。  相似文献   

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