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含离子浓度参数的粘性泥沙沉速公式研究   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以长江为例分析了河流中的水化学特性,得出河流中影响粘性泥沙沉速的主要是Ca2+。阳离子影响泥沙沉速的主要原因是粘性沙的絮凝。对泥沙絮凝沉降过程进行理论分析,推导出絮凝沉速与离子浓度之间的关系式。并且根据试验结果确定以Ca2+浓度为参数时经验关系式中的系数值。用实测的沉速对絮凝沉速公式进行了初步的验证。验证结果表明,用张瑞瑾沉速公式计算结果与实测结果相差很大,而絮凝沉速公式计算结果与实测结果相符合。  相似文献   

Most techniques for estimating settling velocities of natural particles have been developed for siliciclastic sediments. Therefore, to understand how these techniques apply to bioclastic environments, measured settling velocities of bioclastic sedimentary deposits sampled from a nearshore fringing reef in Western Australia were compared with settling velocities calculated using results from several common grain‐size analysis techniques (sieve, laser diffraction and image analysis) and established models. The effects of sediment density and shape were also examined using a range of density values and three different models of settling velocity. Sediment density was found to have a significant effect on calculated settling velocity, causing a range in normalized root‐mean‐square error of up to 28%, depending upon settling velocity model and grain‐size method. Accounting for particle shape reduced errors in predicted settling velocity by 3% to 6% and removed any velocity‐dependent bias, which is particularly important for the fastest settling fractions. When shape was accounted for and measured density was used, normalized root‐mean‐square errors were 4%, 10% and 18% for laser diffraction, sieve and image analysis, respectively. The results of this study show that established models of settling velocity that account for particle shape can be used to estimate settling velocity of irregularly shaped, sand‐sized bioclastic sediments from sieve, laser diffraction, or image analysis‐derived measures of grain size with a limited amount of error. Collectively, these findings will allow for grain‐size data measured with different methods to be accurately converted to settling velocity for comparison. This will facilitate greater understanding of the hydraulic properties of bioclastic sediment which can help to increase our general knowledge of sediment dynamics in these environments.  相似文献   

Settling velocities of suspended cohesive sediment in estuaries vary over a range of several orders in magnitude. Variations in the suspended sediment concentration are often considered as the principal cause. Turbulence and the suspended sediment concentration, as well as other factors such as salinity, dissolved organic substances, flocculation ability, and the rate of floc growth affect setting velocities. A laterally–averaged finite difference model for hydrodynamics and cohesive sediment transport is developed and applied in the Tanshui River estuary, Taiwan. The model has been calibrated and verified with water surface elevation, longitudinal velocity, salinity, and cohesive sediment measured. The overall performance of the model is in qualitative agreement with the available data. The model is used to investigate the influence of settling velocity on cohesive sediment transport dynamics. The simulation indicates that the turbidity maximum zone is near Kuan–Du. When settling velocities increase the surface cohesive sediment concentration at Kuan–Du station trends to decrease and bottom cohesive sediment concentration increases. Both surface and bottom cohesive sediment concentrations decrease at Taipei Bridge and Pa–Ling Bridge. This implies that suspended sediment advected seaward and deposited. There is consequently a net seaward flux of suspended sediment near surface, and a net landward flux near the bed.  相似文献   

阳离子浓度对泥沙沉速影响实验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
应用了静态沉降实验方法中的移液管法,初步研究了水中常见阳离子对河流中细颗粒泥沙沉速的影响,这些阳离子包括Na+、Ca2+、Mg2+和Al3+等。实验结果表明,阳离子浓度对泥沙沉速的影响可以分为两个阶段:①随着阳离子浓度的增加泥沙沉速也增大;②当离子浓度大于某值时,离子浓度对泥沙沉速的影响不大。在同样离子浓度条件下,离子价态高者影响较大。同时分析了长江和黄河干流中下游河段的水化学特性;分析结果表明,在一般的河水水质的情况下,有必要考虑水中阳离子(主要是Ca2+、Mg2+)对细颗粒泥沙沉速的影响。  相似文献   

The widespread sheets of fine particulate sediment frequently deposited by tsunami constitute valuable evidence from which to reconstruct tsunami inundation. This is illustrated with evidence from three sites near Montrose, in eastern Scotland, U.K., where a horizon of mainly sand, laid down during the Holocene Storegga Slide palaeotsunami of circa 8000 BP is examined. The horizon is remarkably consistent in its distribution, morphology, stratigraphy, and particle size characteristics. These properties allow inferences to be made on the nature of tsunami flow onshore and run-up. It is suggested that estimates can be made of the possible depth of water involved from the characteristics of the sediment, and thus of the extent of inundation involved in the tsunami at these sites.  相似文献   

Image-based soil particle size and shape characterization relies on computer methods to process and analyze the images. For contacting particles spread on a flat surface this requires delineation of particle boundaries through shape-based image segmentation. The traditional method using watershed analysis fails for particles that have constrictions (are peanut-shaped). The oversegmentation interprets such particles as being two, thereby underestimating the long particle dimension by about 50% and overestimating particle sphericity by about a factor of two. This paper presents a solution to the problem of oversegmentation through morphologic reconstruction. The key to this improvement is distinguishing the necks in peanut shaped particles from actual contacts between particles. A parameter α is defined to quantify the necks and contacts. Approximately 220,000 particles in a range of 2.0–35.0 mm having various shapes and angularities were studied to find typical α values for necks and contacts. An algorithm is proposed to correct the oversegmentation based on α. The results show that this improved watershed analysis accurately segments sand particles at contacts while preserving the continuity of peanut shaped particles. Example lab tests demonstrate the significance of the problem and its solution.  相似文献   

Y. Yilmaz   《Engineering Geology》2009,104(3-4):290-294
The minimum and maximum void ratios, corresponding to states of densest and loosest packing, of 111 systematically prepared mixed graded sand samples are determined with Method 2A and Method B according to ASTM D 4253 and ASTM D 4254 standards, respectively. Although, those standards are applicable to soils that may contain up to at most 15% fines content, for the harmony of the results even for samples having fines content greater 15%, no other methods are used throughout the experimental program. The test results show that 3rd degree polynomial equations derived from existing experimental data, as a function of packing material percentage, are quite reasonable (R2 ≈ 1.0) to estimate the variation of minimum and maximum void ratios for the sands considered. Furthermore, error analysis of the limit void ratios is also carried out. It is found that predictability of maximum void ratio for the soil types and gradations considered is more accurate than that of minimum void ratio.  相似文献   

芙蓉洞洞穴水离子浓度和元素比值变化特征及其环境意义   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
通过对芙蓉洞2006年3月—2009年2月期间泉水和洞穴滴水、池水的地球化学指标监测,结合当地的器测数据,初步认为洞穴滴水的Sr2+、Ca2+、Mg2+浓度及其比值既取决于环境降水和温度的变化,也受到上覆岩土作用的影响。芙蓉洞外山上的6#泉水Ca2+平均浓度为45.81mg/L,洞内1#、3#滴水Ca2+的平均浓度64.59mg/L,2#和4#池水中由于Ca2+沉积,浓度下降到24.74mg/L,下降了大约61.7%。Mg2+和Sr2+的浓度在泉水、滴水和池水中的变化规律与Ca2+基本一致。各种水体中Cl-的浓度变化幅度较小,平均浓度为1.72±0.2mg/L。岩溶水与基岩作用时间长短以及运移过程中Ca2+的前期沉积作用对各元素与离子含量变化具有重要作用。旱季Ca2+的前期沉积作用和雨季基岩的溶蚀及雨水的稀释作用主导着岩溶水中Mg/Ca与Sr/Ca的变化,这些指标能对干旱和洪涝等极端气候事件做出响应。   相似文献   

A series of laboratory experiments was conducted in order to determine how settling-driven convection influences the length-scale over which the majority of particles settle beneath a buoyant sediment-laden plume spreading over a denser saline layer. This system is analogous to sediment-laden river water spreading into a lake or the coastal ocean. The key dimensionless parameter that controls the settling dynamics of such flows is the density ratio, defined as the ratio of density differences due to the added salt and sediment. For a buoyant plume, this ratio has to be greater than unity, so that the experiments in the current study were performed for density ratios between one and five. When density ratio was close to one, settling-driven convection was vigorous and the length-scale over which sedimentation occurred was very small. A strong secondary turbidity current was generated in this case. On the other hand, for larger values of density ratio, the predicted length-scale over which a secondary plume was generated increased in proportion to the density ratio. A complete mathematical expression for this length-scale was developed using recent theory that described the timescale over which settling-driven convection evolved. The theoretically predicted propagation length-scale showed very good quantitative agreement with laboratory experiments. The use of the dimensionless density ratio allows the expression to predict which sediment-laden river plumes in lakes and the coastal ocean could quickly form secondary turbidity currents.  相似文献   

针对富水砂层中地下管道破损诱发地面沉降的问题,设计了一套可视化试验装置,对骨架粒径d90 =1.45~8.45 mm的11种砂土样、5种满流流速下土体渗流侵蚀诱发地表沉降的规律进行了研究。研究表明:(1)管道破损诱发的土体渗流侵蚀有3种模式,分别为:只突水无沉降、形成土拱并发生沉降和溃砂沉降;(2)土体骨架粒径、破损口尺寸、厚跨比是决定土体产生何种渗流侵蚀模式的主要因素,满流流速主要影响土体沉降范围;(3)管道破损口上方土体形成土拱或溃砂时,土体骨架粒径d90与厚跨比r的关系为:当8.0≥r≥4.2时,d90随r的增大呈抛物线下降;当12.5≥r≥8.0时,d90保持不变;(4)管道破损口上方土体形成土拱或溃砂时,流速为0的初始沉降半径、沉降深度由破损口直径D与土体平均粒径d50的比值(D/d50)决定;沉降半径、沉降深度均随满流流速的增大而线性增大;形成土拱时,沉降半径、沉降深度随流速增大的扩展速度(VL、VH)与D/d50呈对数关系;溃砂时,沉降半径随流速增大的扩展速度VL规律如下:当23.0≥D/d50≥6.0时,VL随D/d50的增加而线性增大,当42.0≥D/d50≥23.0时,VL随D/d50的增大呈对数减小。  相似文献   

曹斌  邹燚  夏建新 《水科学进展》2017,28(3):356-363
管道中固液两相流水击对管道和输送系统可能产生严重的破坏,而固液两相在这种非恒定流中的运动特性是计算最大水击压力变化的重要依据。采用粒子图像测速技术(Particle Image Velocimetry,PIV),通过试验研究水击发生时,水平圆管中不同平均流速、颗粒粒径条件下,流体介质和粗颗粒在管道断面的速度分布以及粗颗粒跟随性的变化规律。研究结果表明:①在水击发生的不同时刻,圆管流中粗颗粒的流速在管道断面分布呈不规则的抛物线型分布,主要表现为靠近管道壁面底部的颗粒流速略小于靠近管道顶部流速,当颗粒粒径大于1.5 mm,平均流速小于2.5 m/s时,粗颗粒表现出明显的沉降特性;②粗颗粒的跟随性与颗粒受力有密切关系,其中颗粒速度与流体速度的变化量是影响颗粒受力的重要参数;③基于试验数据拟合得到了水击条件下粗颗粒跟随性系数k的经验公式,并分析了颗粒粒径、管道直径、两相流平均流速以及水击发生时间等不同参数对粗颗粒跟随性系数的影响,公式计算值与实测值之间的误差在5%以内。  相似文献   

This study focuses on identifying concrete behavior under severe triaxial loadings (near field detonation or ballistic impacts). In order to reproduce high stress levels with well‐controlled loading paths, static tests have been carried out on concrete samples by mean of a very high‐capacity triaxial press (stress levels on the order of 1 GPa). It is a longstanding fact that the water/cement ratio (W/C), upon entering the concrete composition, is a major parameter affecting the porosity and strength of the cement matrix of hardened concrete. The objective of this article is to quantify the effect of this ratio on concrete behavior under conditions of high confinement. From the composition of a reference ‘ordinary’ concrete (i.e. W/C=0.6), two other concretes have been produced with W/C ratios equal to 0.4 and 0.8, respectively. This article presents experimental results and their analysis regarding the effect of water/cement ratio (W/C) on concrete behavior under high confinement. It shows that when placed under high confinement, concrete behaves like a granular stacking composed of concrete without any influence from the level of cement matrix strength. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

以福建标准砂为材料,采用宏细观模型试验方法,分析了转速比对松砂和密砂地基中螺旋挤扩钻具成孔特性的影响。宏观上,研究了竖向阻力、扭矩和土体应力随贯入深度的变化规律;细观上,结合环氧树脂砂土固化方法与数字图像分析技术,探讨了孔周土体相对密实度变化及其组构演化规律。试验结果表明,无论松砂还是密砂,钻具贯入时的竖向阻力、扭矩及孔周土体最大径向应力均随着转速比的增加而减小;钻具贯入导致松砂地基中钻头深度和孔周土体均发生挤密,而对于密砂则均发生不同程度的体胀;无论松砂还是密砂,孔周砂土切块环向面上的接触法向各向异性程度均随着转速比的增加而减小,而转速比对其径向面上的接触法向各向异性分布影响不大。该试验结果有助于提升对螺旋挤土桩成孔过程宏细观机制的认识。  相似文献   

本文研究了水中铀、镭、钍放射性同位素比值分布特征;提出了赣州南部花岗岩地区放射性同位素比值的判别指标,论述了应用~(226)Ra/~(228)Ra和~(230)Th/~(232)Th比值联合作图判别水异常成因,是一种有找矿意义的途径;列举了隘高岩体、大埠岩体、大富足岩体等地区应用同位素比位判别矿化引起的放射性水异常找矿实例;肯定了应用水中放射性同位素比值判别水异常找矿价值这一新方法的可行性,并就完善和改进该方法提出一些设想和建议。  相似文献   

严己宽 《地质通报》2011,30(11):1802-1808
为了解释普遍存在的成矿规模与区域化探异常面积大小不成比例的问题,提出了“区域异常集中度”的概念,给出了概念的定义、相关要素和计算方法.探讨了区域异常集中度的主要特点,数值大小、计算尺度与成矿规模的关系,适用条件等.认为区域异常集中度反映了成矿物质的集中程度,应用它找大矿是在区域成矿要素范围内众多异常中“同中求异”的过程...  相似文献   

用粒子示踪技术测量明渠挟沙水流中固相颗粒的速度时,流速梯度和浓度梯度的存在会引起测量误差.选用典型的垂线流速与浓度分布公式对时均速度测量误差进行分析,得出了误差的解析表达式.对该解析式的理论分析表明,测量误差恒小于零,即速度测量值比实际值偏小.误差的大小与采样窗口的相对位置、尺寸及颗粒的悬浮指数有关.对误差大小随自变量...  相似文献   

地震波泊松比蕴涵着丰富的地质信息,根据泊松比可以识别地壳岩石的基性程度,进而分析地球动力学与成矿背景。本文搜集整理了国家地震科学数据共享中心等数据平台自20世纪80年代至2017年底的天然地震震相资料,经过数据筛选,得到华南研究区内M≥2.0级地震事件11410个。通过最小二乘法拟合数据的走时-震中距关系直线方程,得到Pg波平均波速6.11 km/s,Sg波平均波速3.60 km/s,首波Pn波平均波速8.06 km/s,Sn波平均波速4.59 km/s。在此基础上,求得华南地壳平均波速比Vp/Vs为1.697,由公式计算得到华南地壳的平均泊松比为0.234,壳幔界面附近的平均波速比Vp/Vs为1.756,计算得到壳幔界面附近的平均泊松比为0.260。走时反演给出的泊松比结果显示扬子地块、华夏地块以及东南沿海地壳的物性差异。华夏地块与扬子地块之间存在大面积的低泊松比异常区,与江南造山带存在良好的对应关系;而东南沿海、钦杭成矿带泊松比明显较高,解释为幔源物质注入地壳的结果。  相似文献   

位场边缘识别方法有很多种,其中归一化标准差法(NSTD)、倾斜角法(Ta)和Theta Map(cosθ)等方法属于比值类方法.比值类方法在计算过程中会出现分母接近于0或者等于0这种情况,致使计算结果不稳定,并产生错误的边缘识别结果.为此,对比值类边缘识别方法计算公式中的分母加一个大于零的正则化因子,不但解决了比值类方法的数值计算稳定性问题,而且提高了部分比值类边缘识别方法识别结果的精度.通过理论模型和实际资料检验了新方法的稳定性、精度以及有效性.正则化因子的引入同样可以改善以比值类方法为基础构建的二阶导数类边缘识别方法的识别效果,如倾斜角总水平导数(Ta-THDR)的识别效果.正则化这一思想不但可以解决比值类位场边缘识别方法的数值计算问题,而且可以解决比值类方法的数值计算问题.  相似文献   

Laser diffraction is now widely used for particle size distribution analysis of sediments and soils. The technique can be very precise, and offers advantages of speed and cost over many other methods when used to analyse mixtures of sand, silt and clay. This study presents the results of an experimental investigation that examined the sensitivity of the Beckman-Coulter LS230 instrument to mixtures of different grain populations and differences in particle shape. The instrument was found to have high sensitivity to coarse particles in a finer matrix (detection threshold 1–2%), but much lower sensitivity to finer particles in a coarser mixture (detection threshold 12–17%). Experiments using near-spherical ballotini showed that laser analysis provides very similar values to dry sieving for the mean, median and mode, but for a range of natural sand samples values for the mean, median and mode were offset by 8–21%, with an average of ca 15%, compared with sieving. Analysis using a Beckman-Coulter RapidVUE instrument, which provides both size and shape information, provided support for the hypothesis that the differences between laser analysis and sieving are partly attributable to the effects of particle shape. However, an additional factor is the way in which the laser software interprets the optical diffraction data. The software predicts a high degree of log-normality in the size distribution, such that highly skewed, truncated or bimodal samples are poorly represented. Experiments using sieved fractions of ballotini indicated that, even with near-perfectly spherical particles, the particle size distribution predicted by the laser software includes a relatively large percentage of particles outside the sieve class limits.  相似文献   

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