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The absorption coefficient of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (aCDOM) has been found to be correlated with fluorescence emission (excitation at 355 nm). In the coastal European Atlantic area and in the Western Mediterranean Sea (Gulf of Lions), a significant statistical dependence has been found between aCDOM and fluorescence with dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration. The relationship shows that, in the river plume areas (Rhine in the North Sea and Rhône in the Gulf of Lions), a consistent fraction of DOC (from 40% to 60% of the average of the DOC measured) is non-absorbing in visible light range, where the dissolved organic matter (DOM) is typically absorbent. In comparison, in the open sea, apparently not affected by the continental inputs, the entire DOC belongs to the chromophoric DOM whose specific absorption is lower (5 to 10 times) than that found in the river plume areas.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the photobleaching potential of estuarine waters from different depths and redox conditions and with varying degree of biological activity, filtered, unfiltered and chloroform-poisoned water samples from the Baltic Sea were exposed to ambient sunlight. Fluorescence, at excitation 350 nm and emission 450 nm, was used as an indication of humic substance concentration. Fluorescence and organic carbon concentration were measured at regular time intervals during light exposure. We found that the decrease in humic substance fluorescence can be fitted to an exponential decay function. The fluorescence half-lives were within the range 0.4 – 4.6 days in different water masses, with fluorescence decreasing to between 20% and 60% of initial concentration, respectively. Results from the curve fitting procedure indicate a rest concentration of humic substance fluorescence, similar among the sampled sites, that is resistant to further photochemical degradation. The largest relative decreases in fluorescence were found in deep waters, but samples from deep waters also had a higher fluorescence rest concentration than samples from surface waters. Biological activity was reduced by filtering the samples through 0.2μm pore size filters or adding chloroform. No statistically significant differences were found after 3 days of irradiation between samples with and without treatment to reduce biological activity. The highest initial fluorescence values and the largest fluorescence decrease were found in the anoxic waters of the Gotland Deep. The organic carbon concentrations decreased 3–7% at all stations. The shortest half-life of humic substance, and the largest decrease in organic carbon concentrations, were found in samples from the northern basins of the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

The sources and distribution of organic matter (OM) in surface waters and sediments from Winyah Bay (South Carolina, USA) were investigated using a variety of analytical techniques, including elemental, stable isotope and organic biomarker analyses. Several locations along the estuary salinity gradient were sampled during four different periods of contrasting river discharge and tidal range. The dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations of surface waters ranged from 7 mg l−1 in the lower bay stations closest to the ocean to 20 mg l−1 in the river and upper bay samples. There was a general linear relationship between DOC concentrations and salinity in three of the four sampling periods. In contrast, particulate organic carbon (POC) concentrations were significantly lower (0.1–3 mg l−1) and showed no relationship with salinity. The high molecular weight dissolved OM (HMW DOM) isolated from selected water samples collected along the bay displayed atomic carbon:nitrogen ratios ([C/N]a) and stable carbon isotopic compositions of organic carbon (δ13COC) that ranged from 10 to 30 and from −28 to −25‰, respectively. Combined, such compositions indicate that in most HMW DOM samples, the majority of the OM originates from terrigenous sources, with smaller contributions from riverine and estuarine phytoplankton. In contrast, the [C/N]a ratios of particulate OM (POM) samples varied significantly among the collection periods, ranging from low values of 5 to high values of >20. Overall, the trends in [C/N]a ratios indicated that algal sources of POM were most important during the early and late summer, whereas terrigenous sources dominated in the winter and early spring.In Winyah Bay bottom sediments, the concentrations of the mineral-associated OM were positively correlated with sediment surface area. The [C/N]a ratios and δ13COC compositions of the bulk sedimentary OM ranged from 5 to 45 and from −28 to −23‰, respectively. These compositions were consistent with predominant contributions of terrigenous sources and lesser (but significant) inputs of freshwater, estuarine and marine phytoplankton. The highest terrigenous contents were found in sediments from the river and upper bay sites, with smaller contributions to the lower parts of the estuary. The yields of lignin-derived CuO oxidation products from Winyah Bay sediments indicated that the terrigenous OM in these samples was composed of variable mixtures of relatively fresh vascular plant detritus and moderately altered soil OM. Based on the lignin phenol compositions, most of this material appeared to be derived from angiosperm and gymnosperm vascular plant sources similar to those found in the upland coastal forests in this region. A few samples displayed lignin compositions that suggested a more significant contribution from marsh C3 grasses. However, there was no evidence of inputs of Spartina alterniflora (a C4 grass) remains from the salt marshes that surround the lower sections of Winyah Bay.  相似文献   

海藻场是生物多样性最高的生态系统之一, 其内部的沉积物有机质是支撑海藻场生物多样性的重要物质基础之一。本研究以浙江省嵊山岛北部无人村沿岸的天然海藻场为研究对象, 在大型海藻凋落期6~8月采集沉积物和端元生物样本, 分析了沉积物样本的粒径组成、总有机碳 (TOC)、总氮(TN)、碳氮比值(C/N)和碳氮稳定同位素(δ13C和δ15N), 通过贝叶斯稳定同位素混合模型评估了沉积物有机质的来源及变化规律。结果显示, 1)海藻场沿岸沉积物中粉砂占比最大, 砂的占比最低, 沉积物类型为黏土质粉砂; 2)沉积物TOC、TN、C/N、δ13C和δ15N范围分别为0.70%~2.41%、0.11%~0.41%、5.53~6.48、–21.79‰~–19.60‰和1.56‰~4.26‰, 在空间分布上, TOC与TN含量均随离岸距离增加而下降; 3)沉积物粒径组成、C/N比值、δ13C和δ15N之间的关系显示沉积物有机质主要来源于大型海藻和浮游植物的混合贡献; 4)根据贝叶斯同位素混合模型计算结果显示, 大型海藻对沉积物有机质贡献率在2.30%~45.60%, 在空间分布上, 大型海藻对沉积物有机质的贡献率随离岸距离增加而下降; 5)海藻碎屑产生量和沉积物有机碳沉积量评估结果显示, 大型海藻产生的碎屑有机质中有11.98%进入海藻场及沿岸海域的表层沉积物中。本研究为评估海藻场碎屑的产生规模和时空分布, 以及渔业资源养护功能提供了数据支撑。  相似文献   

Closed, isolated small systems, as the representatives of a “unique-environmental feature”, are valuable natural laboratories for studying different biogeochemical processes. The saline Rogoznica Lake (“Dragon Eye”), situated on the Eastern Adriatic coast is such a system (10 276 m2, 15 m deep) typical of many stratified, sulfide rich water bodies. The depth of mixolimnion changes seasonally and it is greatly influenced by meteorological conditions, i.e. temperature and rainfall. Vertical mixing usually occurs during winter when cold, oxygen-rich water from the surface sinks downwards.  相似文献   

对长江口邻近陆架区表层沉积物的有机物进行碳、氮元素、碳稳定同位素和木质素测定,以分析其物质来源,特别是陆源有机物的迁移埋藏。结果表明,碳与氮含量的比值为6.2~7.7,δ13C为-19.9×10-3~-22.4×10-3。8种木质素酚单位的总含量(相对于总有机碳)为0.15×10-2~1.56×10-2mg/mg,显著低于长江口门处的2.50×10-2mg/mg。香草基酚类的酸醛比平均值为0.90,表明该海区的陆源有机物是高度降解的;紫丁香级酚类与香草基酚类的含量之比为(0.78±0.35),肉桂基酚类与香草基酚类的含量之比为(0.13±0.08),表明这些陆源有机物源于草本和木本混合的被子植物。31.5°N以南站位木质素的降解程度比北部的高,草本植物源的贡献更大,被子植物的主导优势也更明显;长江输入的有机物以沿岸堆积为主,具有显著的离岸降低趋势。在31.5°N以北的陆架区,虽然近岸站位陆源有机物的贡献显著高于其他站位,但其他站位并没有离岸递减趋势。这种南北分布差别可能是由海流条件和水深梯度的差异引起的。计算结果显示,该海区表层沉积物中的陆源有机物占总有机物的5%~57%,且主要来自土壤有机质。  相似文献   

A variety of measures of organic matter concentration and quality were made on samples collected from the top few mm of intertidal mudflat sediment over the course of a year, in order to assess the relative importance of biological and sedimentological influences on sedimentary organic matter. Winter and summer were times of relatively fine-grained sediment accumulation, caused by biological deposition or stabilization processes and resulting in higher organic matter concentrations. Stable carbon isotope and Br:C ratios indicated a planktonic source of bulk organic matter. Ratios of organic carbon to specific surface area of the sediments were consistent with an organic monolayer coverage of sediment grains. Correction for changing grain size during the year showed no change in the organic concentration per unit surface area, in spite of organic matter inputs by in situ primary production, buildup of heterotroph biomass and mucus coatings, and biodeposition of organic-rich seston. There were also no indications of changes in bulk organic quality, measured as hydrolyzable carbohydrates and amino acids, in response to these biological processes. It is concluded that biological processes on a seasonal time scale affect the bulk organic matter of these sediments via a modulation of grain size rather than creation or decay of organic matter.  相似文献   

The quantity of chromophoric or coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) released by eleven species of intertidal and sub-tidal macroalgae commonly found on UK shores was investigated. The subsequent breakdown of CDOM was also measured by exposing collected CDOM samples to light and dark conditions for over two weeks. CDOM absorption properties were compared at a fixed wavelength of 440 nm and across two integrated wave - bands; UV-A (400–315 nm) and UV-B (315–280 nm). Absorption spectra of macroalgal CDOM samples were typically characterized by peaks and shoulders in the UV bands, features which were species specific. The spectral slope, derived using the log-linear method, proved to be very specific to the species and to the effect of light. Slope measurements ranged from 0.010 to 0.027 nm−1, in the range of normal seawater values. Significantly more CDOM was produced by algae which were illuminated, providing evidence for a light driven exudation mechanism. Averaged across all species, exudation in the dark accounted for 63.7% of that in the light in the UV-B band. Interspecific differences in exudation rate encompassed an order of magnitude, with the highest absorption measurements attributable to brown algae. However, some brown algae produced considerably less CDOM (e.g. Pelvetia canaliculata), which were more comparable to the green and red species. Over an exposure time of 16 days, significant photochemical degradation of CDOM was observed using a natural summer sunlight regime, showing that natural solar radiation could be an important removal mechanism for newly produced algal CDOM. Though the most obvious effect was a decrease in absorption, photo-bleaching also caused a significant increase in the spectral slope parameter of 0.004 nm−1.  相似文献   

Transport processes were studied in a gully between a salt marsh and an estuary. After storm tides, ebb currents in the gully reached high values. It is concluded that particulate matter (both organic and inorganic) are imported into the marsh. Coarse organic debris is exported during storm tides, but this amount is low when compared with the primary production on the marsh. Exports are shown for dissolved organic carbon, ammonia, phosphate and silica, while nitrate and possibly nitrite are imported. Organic matter derived from in situ production and net import is buried and partly mineralized in the marsh.  相似文献   

Understanding how human-induced management interacts with and affects the structure and functioning of large estuarine ecosystems is a major research challenge. In West Africa, human intervention on the Senegal River Estuary was intended to reduce the impact of major flooding by opening a new mouth in October 2003, 25 km to the north of the existing mouth. This study describes the effects of the new environmental conditions on the physical and biochemical characteristics of the water column and on microbial communities (bacteria, phytoplankton by size class and heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF)) in comparison with the situation in 2002. In 2006, seventeen stations were sampled, during both neap and spring tides, at a depth of 0.5 m along a salinity gradient from freshwater to marine conditions. Inorganic nutrient levels were often low but there were high levels of chlorophyll a in the estuarine area (mean of 13.7–20.7 μg L−1 in spring and neap tide conditions, respectively) producing a eutrophic status in this estuary. Average HNF abundances were lower (mean of 108 and 174 cells l−1 during neap and spring tides, respectively) compared to the situation in 2002 (mean between 2.5 and 6.7 × 104 cells l−1). Three biological indicators for assessing environmental changes are discussed: ratio of bacteria to heterotrophic flagellate abundances, ratio of picophytoplankton to nanophytoplankton, and the density of thermo-tolerant coliforms (TTC) and faecal streptococci. It is demonstrated that man-made alteration of the hydrologic regime can modify the microbial community structure and cause the health status of the estuary to deteriorate.  相似文献   

The characteristics of grain-size,total organic carbon(TOC) and total nitrogen(TN) contents,TOC/TN ratios,stable carbon isotope(δ13C) and 210 Pb dating were measured in six sediment cores from the Xiaohai Lagoon.The results show distinct spatial and temporal variations in sedimentation patterns.The sediments are dominated by clayey silt,sandy silt and by silty sand in the southern,middle lagoon and the northern lagoon,respectively.TOC and TN contents decline from south to north.Sedimentation rates,determined by 210 Pb dating,tend to decrease from south to middle.However,the determination of sedimentation rate in the north is difficult.These spatial variations are related to the variations in sediment sources and hydrodynamic conditions in the Xiaohai Lagoon.The variations of organic matter signatures can be divided into two stages in the cores from the southern and middle lagoon.Before 1988,the organic matter signatures are relatively stable.The contribution of terrestrial organic carbon sources varies between 60% and 85%.After 1988,the organic matter signatures demonstrate significant variations.TOC and TN contents increase rapidly,TOC/TN ratios decrease,δ13C values shift to higher and the contribution of terrestrial organic carbon sources decreases to 40%-50%.The contributions of phytoplankton organic matter have increased in the sediment since 1988.Increasing aquaculture activities have had a significant impact on organic matter signatures since 1988.The sedimentation rates have increased rapidly in the southern and middle lagoon since 1988 due to the anthropogenic activities which include aquaculture,mining and deforestation.These activities have caused eutrophication and increased siltation in the southern and middle lagoon.  相似文献   

河口沉积物作为承接陆海过程的重要载体, 是有机质赋存的主要形式之一。本文研究了珠江口沉积物总有机碳、总氮含量和沉积物可溶性有机物三维荧光特征, 以及其在口内区、混合区和口外区空间差异和影响因素, 并结合碳稳定同位素(δ13C)估算了珠江口各区域沉积物中不同来源有机质的贡献。结果显示: (1)沉积物总有机碳和总氮含量空间变化相似, 口内区和混合区域沉积有机质含量显著高于口外区; 主成分分析发现, 口内区沉积有机质含量主要受径流输入的影响, 口外区主要受Fe3+的影响; (2)MixSIAR稳定同位素混合模型结果显示, 口内区和混合区沉积有机质以陆源为主, 口外区则以海源为主; (3)珠江口沉积物新生有机质较多, 可快速被利用, 总体上不利于有机碳存储; 而陆源输入导致口内区和混合区沉积有机质腐殖化程度较高, 有机碳可存储性相对较高, 口外受海源有机质和铁氧化物—有机质复合体的影响, 有机碳可存储性相对较低。本研究可为深入认知河口区沉积有机质的生物地球化学过程及有机碳存储提供参考。  相似文献   

Fe限制的研究对于探讨全球CO2变化及解决"温室效应"具有重要的意义.南海兼具开阔大洋和边缘海的特征,其古生产力的演变对区域及全球气候变化的研究具有重要作用.本文采用连续提取法对两个南海柱样沉积物中的Fe,Ba,Al等主要金属元素进行了形态分析,并将两个站位沉积物中沉积有机态Fe与Al/Ti比值、TOC、生源Ba等古生...  相似文献   

为更好地了解有机质对沉积物吸附稀土元素能力的影响,对珠江口和南海沉积物在去除有机质之前和之后进行了稀土元素吸附实验研究。结果表明,同一种沉积物在去除有机质前后对稀土元素的吸附呈现基本相同的规律,只是吸附量有所不同。沉积物在去除有机质之后对稀土离子的吸附能力比去除有机质之前大大降低;沉积物对各种稀土元素吸附量降低的百分比为:珠江口沉积物对Yb的吸附量减少了47.24%,对La的吸附量减少了75.50%,对其它元素的吸附量减少介于47.24%—75.50%之间;南海沉积物对Sm的吸附量减少了35.93%,对Ho的吸附量减少了45.41%,对其它元素的吸附量减少介于35.93%—45.41%之间。  相似文献   

依据2017年8—9月对黄海海域溶解有机物(DOM)的调查,探讨了夏季黄海海水中溶解有机碳(DOC)和有色溶解有机物(CDOM)的空间分布特征。在表层海水中,受陆源影响较大的近岸海域CDOM含量相对较高,北黄海冷水团区域由于水产养殖的饵料引起DOC浓度升高,且该部分DOC以无色为主。DOC浓度随深度逐渐降低,而CDOM逐渐升高,该特征在冷水团区域更为显著,因此DOC和CDOM在冷水团区域的表底差异远大于浅水区的非冷水团区域。陆源输入和初级生产是引起表层DOC升高的主要原因,而光漂白则引起CDOM降低,同时光漂白还导致表层水体中CDOM分子量和芳香性低于底层。底层溶解氧饱和度在冷水团为80%~93%,均表现为弱不饱和状态。层化不仅阻碍了O2向底层水体输送,还抑制了DOC和CDOM的垂向混合,这是引起冷水团区域表底层DOC和CDOM差异较大的主要原因。  相似文献   

The role of organic matter in the sorption capacity of marine sediments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zhanfei Liu  Cindy Lee 《Marine Chemistry》2007,105(3-4):240-257
Past studies have suggested that desiccation enhances hydrophobicity of salt marsh sediment, and that drying and rewetting sediment can be used to investigate sorption mechanisms of amino acids and other organic compounds [Liu, Z., Lee, C., 2006. Drying effects on sorption capacity of coastal sediment: The importance of architecture and polarity of organic matter. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 70, 3313–3324]. Here we further develop this technique to study sorption of hydrophobic and hydrophilic organic compounds in a wide range of marine sediments. Our results show that hydrophilic compounds sorb strongly to wet coastal sediments; in dried sediments, sorption of hydrophilic compounds decreases, while sorption of hydrophobic compounds is greatly enhanced. Small compounds with aromatic rings sorb more in dried than wet coastal sediments, suggesting that aromatic groups have a stronger effect on sorption than polar groups like amino and carboxyl moieties. Sorption of lysine, glutamic acid and putrescine decreases greatly when sediment is pretreated with KCl, indicating the importance of cation ion exchange. However, α-amino acids sorb much more than corresponding β- or γ-amino acids, and l-alanine sorbs more than d-alanine, suggesting that amino group location and chiral selectivity play an important role in sorption. Comparison of lysine and tyrosine sorption in different sediments indicates that source and diagenetic state of organic matter are important factors determining sorption capacity. Lysine sorbs much more to organic detritus from salt marsh sediment than to fresh Spartina root materials, marine particles, lignin or humic acids, indicating the importance of structural integrity in sorption. Desorption hysteresis of glutamic acid, putrescine and lysine (in dried sediment) suggests the presence of enzyme-type sorption sites of high sorption energy or multiple binding mechanisms. Taken together, these findings suggest that organic matter plays the major role in amino acid sorption in organic-rich sediments.  相似文献   

The fish fauna of the Berg River Estuary was sampled from the mouth to 40 km upstream using a small-meshed seine-net before (summer 1993), during (summer 1994) and after (summer 1996) a low-oxygen, hydrogen sulphide “black tide” event that caused a mass mortality of fish in St Helena Bay. These data were compared to determine how the species composition, abundance and distribution of the fish fauna of the Berg River Estuary differed before, during and after the event as well as to ascertain which species, if any, found refuge in the estuary. The overall catch-per-unit-effort of 1637 fish.haul−1 during the event was almost double the 932 fish.haul−1 and 643 fish.haul−1 in the years before and after respectively. All the fish recorded alive in the estuary during the event were species known to have some degree of estuarine association. No representatives of the purely marine species found dead on the adjacent shoreline were recorded live in the estuary during the event. Of the 10 estuarine-associated species sampled, 5 extended their range and/or modal peaks of abundance further upstream during the event. One species, Liza richardsonii, was abundant enough to examine its size distribution in different breaches of the estuary. Large/adult fish were concentrated further upstream than small/juvenile fish, which appeared to be unable to escape tidal currents and were concentrated at the edge of the low-oxygen front. Collectively this circumstantial evidence indicates that (1) fish used the Berg Estuary as a refuge from low-oxygen conditions in the marine environment during the “black tide” event, and (2) the ability to secure refuge in the estuary was restricted to species described as “estuarine-associated” or “estuarine-dependent”.  相似文献   

Although Macrobrachium petersi has nine larval stages, only stage I and a minimal number of stage II M. petersi larvae were caught in the Keiskamma estuary. Stage I larvae undergo a vertical migration at night which is markedly influenced by salinity, especially under stratified conditions. Larvae remain in the water column on the ebb tide, a behavioural pattern which effectively carried them to favourable salinities for growth and development. Stage I larvae show an association with salt front regions. The sudden decline in larval abundance from stage I to stage II downstream from the front suggests a change from a pelagic to an epibenthic existence. Later larval stages failed to appear in the plankton. However, post-larvae were caught in the estuary and a juvenile migration from the estuary to freshwater was monitored.  相似文献   

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