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李凯  宋立军  东玉  李爱荣 《海洋学报》2019,41(3):96-105
塔斯曼海位于西南太平洋地区,处于印度-澳大利亚板块和西兰板块之间,大地构造背景复杂。该地区是全球油气资源勘探的重点海域之一,但是国内对该地区的研究相当匮乏。本文根据塔斯曼海海域的自由空气重力异常对塔斯曼海海域的构造单元进行了划分,前人关于塔斯曼海的研究主要集中在Resolution海岭北部,我们认为塔斯曼海的范围应包括Resolution海岭以南,麦夸里海岭以西,塔斯曼断裂带以东的区域(即南部次盆)。结果显示,塔斯曼海域及邻区包括3个一级构造单元:东澳大利亚陆缘、西兰板块和塔斯曼海盆,且塔斯曼海盆可进一步划分为西部次盆、东部次盆和南部次盆。本文基于塔斯曼海域90 Ma以来的洋壳年龄数据编制了构造演化图,将塔斯曼海的形成演化过程分为4个阶段:(1)中生代陆内裂谷期(90~83 Ma BP);(2)塔斯曼海扩张阶段(83~61 Ma BP);(3)塔斯曼海北部扩张停止阶段(61~52 Ma BP);(4)塔斯曼海南部改造阶段(52 Ma BP至今)。  相似文献   

The modulation of tropical cyclogenesis over the southern South China Sea (SSCS) by the El Nin o- Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is examined in October-December (OND), when tropical cyclone (TC) activities are most active in this region. The results reveal that there were more TCs formed over the SSCS during La Nin a years and less TCs during El Nin o years. How different environmental factors (including low-level vorticity, mid-level relative humidity, vertical wind shear, and potential intensity) contribute to this influence is investigated, using a genesis potential (GP) index developed by Emanuel and Nolan. Composite anomalies of the GP index are produced for El Nin o and La Nin a years separately, which could account for the changes of TC frequency over the SSCS in different ENSO phases. The degree of contribution by each factor is determined quantitatively by producing composites of modified indices in which only one of the contributing factors varies, with the others set to climatology. The results show that the mid-level relative humidity makes the largest contribution to the ENSO modulation of tropical cyclogenesis over the SSCS. Although warmer sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and larger amount of evaporation from the ocean surface were observed over the SSCS during El Nin o years, anomalous descending motions due to the anomalous Walker circulations inhibited the upward transports of water vapor and led to less moisture contents in the middle troposphere, which suppressed TC formations.  相似文献   

Semi-geostrophic dynamics of jets are studied using a potential vorticity front in an equivalent barotropic model. Meandering processes of the front are examined in the thin-jet limit on a -plane by a curvilinear coordinate system. For calculated along-front velocity fields, asymmetrical profiles are caused by meandering. This asymmetry of the velocity profile is enhanced as the Rossby number becomes large. Using the along-front velocity fields, the normal velocity of front is expressed so that the Rossby number is explicitly included. This expression can be rewritten in the form of the mKdV equation.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments with a rotating tank confirm the bifurcation character of a barotropic flow driven by an inflow and an outflow described by Sakai (1986). The model, a circular basin with a topographic β-effect, simulates a mid-latitude oceanic feature. At a low Rossby number, stationary Rossby waves are observed which are symmetrical with a line connecting the inlet and the outlet. As the Rossby number increases, a bifurcation occurs and two kinds of vortex flows are observed. In the vortex, potential vorticity is almost uniform. In addition to the two vortex flows, a jet-like inertial flow can also be observed. In general, thre results of these experiments agree well with those of a low-order model and a numerical model.  相似文献   

三个登陆浙江热带气旋数值试验及暴雨过程的湿位涡分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
首先利用非静力平衡中尺度数值模式MM5(V3)对2004年3个登陆浙江热带气旋的登陆过程进行了数值模拟试验,通过对路径、降水的对比验证表明,MM5模式对热带气旋的模拟是比较成功的。然后在模拟效果较好的基础上,利用高分辨的模拟结果,对台风暴雨过程的湿位涡进行了诊断分析,结果表明:3场台风暴雨的形成机制有显著差异,Rananim强降水是由其本身环流造成的,至于Mindulle和Haima的降水冷空气的侵入起到了重要作用。暴雨都发生在陡立密集区附近,对流层低层湿位涡负值中心与暴雨落区存在较好的对应关系,而其中心数值绝对值随时间的变化量与1h降水存在正相关关系,说明湿位涡负值中心可以作为降水时空分布的重要指标,为台风暴雨预报提供一种思路。  相似文献   

The ebb-tidal delta model of McBride and Moslow is the most comprehensive on the morphogenesis and distribution of shoreface ridges along the US Atlantic seaboard to date. This discussion evaluates the applicability of the above model to the southern North Sea barrier island coast. Results indicate that the characteristics of the North Sea shoreface-connected ridge sediments display a genetic relationship with those of the inlet ebb delta as implied by the ebb-tidal model. By contrast, ridge orientation is not well accounted for by lateral inlet migration and shoreline recession as suggested by the model. A possible reason for the aforementioned discrepancy is discussed.  相似文献   

The formation and tectonic evolution of Philippine Sea Plate and KPR   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The Philippine Sea Plate has an extremely special tectonic background. As an oceanic plate, it is almost entirely surrounded by subduction zones with complex internal tectonic features. On the basis of enormous published literature, this paper offers a comprehensive overview of the tectonic and evolution history of the Philippine Basin and the Kyushu-Palau Ridge (KPR) in the Philippine Sea Plate, and discusses the geological features of KPR. Referring to relevant definitions of various "ridges" stipulated in United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, so the KPR is believed to be a remnant arc formed during the opening of the Parece Vela and Shikoku Basins in the Philippine Sea Plate. It is a submarine ridge on oceanic plate rather than a submarine elevation. And thus, it is not a natural component of the Japan continental margin.  相似文献   

低空急流对0212号台风"北冕"后部暴雨影响的分析和数值试验   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
本文首先用实测资料分析了0212号台风"北冕"造成福建大暴雨过程的环流形势和物理量场特征,指出低空偏南风急流的北抬和加强为远离风暴中心的福建东南沿海大暴雨提供了有利的水汽和动力条件.然后用中尺度模式(MM5)模拟分析了低空偏南风急流强度变化对本次暴雨过程的影响,结果表明低空急流强度变化对福建东南部的暴雨落区及强度有很大影响.  相似文献   

南海形成演化综合模式的初步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南海是西太平洋边缘海中最大海盆之一,这里构造运动频繁,多种构造相互叠加,其形成演化过程非常复杂.许多学者对南海的成因持有各种不同的看法,主要有弧后扩张模式、地幔上涌模式、印度-欧亚板块碰撞挤出模式、海底扩张模式和陆缘扩张模式.作者在前人研究的基础上,提出各种成因模式在南海的形成演化中起到不同的作用,但是可以相互兼容而统一于南海的形成演化中,把多种成因模式综合起来才能更合理地解释南海的形成演化过程.  相似文献   

西北太平洋海平面异常模态在纯拉尼娜事件与拉尼娜和负印度洋偶极子(IOD)事件同时发生时表现出完全不同的形态。在纯拉尼娜事件期间,西北太平洋海平面呈现显著的正异常;而2010/2011拉尼娜事件期间西北太平洋海平面明显降低,呈显著的负异常,其与印度洋负IOD事件密切相关。研究结果表明,负IOD事件能在热带西太平洋驱动显著的西风异常,由此减弱了拉尼娜峰值期间西北太平洋海平面正异常。同时,在负IOD峰值期的9月,在日经线附近存在显著的风应力旋度正异常,激发负的海平面异常以Rossby波的形式向西传播,并在第二年6月抵达菲律宾以东海域,维持并加强该海域海平面负异常,进而对北赤道流分叉点位置及输运产生重要的影响。  相似文献   

On the basis of the historical profile observations and the recent Kuroshio observations,the yearly formation,development and decay of the high density water found between 50 to 100 m isobath over the middle and southern East China Sea continental shelf are anyalysed. The formation of this high density water occurs between November and March of the following year. A possible reason for it is that as the mixed water between the coastal water and the outer sea water transports northward by the Taiwan Warm Current, its density increases by surface cooling. It also mixes with the neighbouring lower density water masses. The transportation and decay of the high density water through April to July are also descussed. They can be ascribed to the seasonal surface layer warming and the fast development of Taiwan Warm Current. The high density water disappears in August.  相似文献   

This study involved outcrop, drilling, seismic, gravity, and magnetic data to systematically document the geological records of the subduction process of Proto-South China Sea (PSCS) and establish its evolution model. The results indicate that a series of arc-shaped ophiolite belts and calcalkaline magmatic rocks are developed in northern Borneo, both of which have the characteristics of gradually changing younger from west to east, and are direct signs of subduction and collision of PSCS. At the same time, the subduction of PSCS led to the formation of three accretion zones from the south to the north in Borneo, the Kuching belt, Sibu belt, and Miri belt. The sedimentary formation of northern Borneo is characterized by a three-layer structure, with the oceanic basement at the bottom, overlying the deep-sea flysch deposits of the Rajang–Crocker group, and the molasse sedimentary sequence that is dominated by river-delta and shallow marine facies at the top, recording the whole subduction–collision–orogeny process of PSCS. Further, seismic reflection and tomography also confirmed the subduction and collision of PSCS. Based on the geological records of the subduction and collision of PSCS, combined with the comprehensive analysis of segmented expansion and key tectonic events in the South China Sea, we establish the “gradual” subduction-collision evolution model of PSCS. During the late Eocene to middle Miocene, the Zengmu, Nansha, and Liyue–Palawan blocks were separated by West Baram Line and Balabac Fault, which collided with the Borneo block and Kagayan Ridge successively from the west to the east, forming several foreland basin systems, and PSCS subducted and closed from the west to the east. The subduction and extinction of PSCS controlled the oil and gas distribution pattern of southern South China Sea (SSCS) mainly in three aspects. First, the “gradual” closure process of PSCS led to the continuous development of many large deltas in SSCS. Second, the deltas formed during the subduction–collision of PSCS controlled the development of source rocks in the basins of SSCS. Macroscopically, the distribution and scale of deltas controlled the distribution and scale of source rocks, forming two types of source rocks, namely, coal measures and terrestrial marine facies. Microscopically, the difference of terrestrial higher plants carried by the delta controlled the proportion of macerals of source rocks. Third, the difference of source rocks mainly controlled the distribution pattern of oil and gas in SSCS. Meanwhile, the difference in the scale of source rocks mainly controlled the difference in the amount of oil and gas discoveries, resulting in a huge amount of oil and gas discoveries in the basin of SSCS. Meanwhile, the difference of macerals of source rocks mainly controlled the difference of oil and gas generation, forming the oil and gas distribution pattern of “nearshore oil and far-shore gas”.  相似文献   

Frank Chew 《Marine Geodesy》2013,36(1):103-116
Western boundary currents, such as the Gulf Stream, are often modeled as flows in near cross‐stream geostrophic balance with paths that are straight or nearly straight. The effect of planetary vorticity advection on the downstream sea‐level slope in these rectilinear flows is re‐examined and found negligible. Instead, the re‐examination reveals a much greater effect of the ageostrophic component of the horizontal divergence in determining the downstream slope. Overlooked in previous studies is the geostrophic component of the horizontal divergence because of a hidden assumption of parallel flow. To avoid this pitfall, we employ a natural coordinate system to follow precisely the downstream direction. Further, we differentiate between weak geostrophic flows with small accelerations and flows in cross‐stream geostrophic balance where downstream acceleration might be appreciable. Two Rossby numbers are employed: a small cross‐stream number (≤0.01) to describe the near cross‐stream balance, and a large downstream number (≤0.1) to describe the large downstream accelerations that are found in western boundary flows. Finally, by means of a scale analysis we show that over the whole range of possible Rossby numbers, the advection effect of planetary vorticity on downstream sea level slope is negligible compared to the effect of the ageostrophic component of the horizontal divergence. Some new data on the nearshore gradient of the Reynolds stress are also included.  相似文献   

采用经验正交函数(EOF)分解、超前滞后相关分析等方法,分析了36°N断面、大连—成山头断面和渤海中部断面盐度的空间分布特征和时间变化特征,讨论了环黄、渤海海洋站之间盐度的关系。结果表明,36°N断面、大连—成山头断面和渤海中部断面盐度的整体趋势都是升高,黄河流量的减小是造成渤海盐度升高的重要原因。黄海千里岩站1960~2000年间的盐度整体趋势也是升高,年变化率为0.01/a,造成盐度升高的主要原因是降水的减少,并且其短期震荡可能和ElNio有关,长期变化则与太平洋年代际震荡(PDO)有关。此外,千里岩站和其他海洋站之间的盐度有较好的正相关关系,只是在时间上存在着1~3个月的超前。对黄、渤海盐度长期变化的系统分析表明,近海盐度可能受到外洋的影响,有助于加深对中国近海环境演变的认识。  相似文献   

From late 1995 through early 2001, three major interannual climate events occurred in the tropical Pacific; the 1995–97 La Niña (LN), 1997–98 El Niño (EN), and 1998–2001 LN. We analyze atmospheric and upper oceanic anomalies in the northeast Pacific (NEP) during these events, and compare them to anomalies both elsewhere in the north and tropical Pacific, and to typical EN and LN anomaly patterns. The atmospheric and oceanic anomalies varied strongly on intraseasonal and interannual scales. During the 1995–97 LN and 1997–98 EN, the Northeast Pacific was dominated by negative SLP and cyclonic wind anomalies, and by upper ocean temperature and sea surface height (SSH) anomalies. The latter were positive along the North American west coast and in the NEP thermal anomaly pool (between Hawaii, Vancouver Island, and Baja California), and negative in the central north Pacific. This atmospheric/oceanic anomaly pattern is typical of EN. An eastward shift in the atmospheric teleconnection from east Asia created EN-like anomalies in the NEP during the 1995–97 LN, well before the 1997–98 EN had begun. The persistence of negative sea-level pressure (SLP) and cyclonic wind anomalies in the NEP during the 1997–98 EN intensified pre-existing upper oceanic anomalies. Atmospheric anomalies were shifted eastward during late 1996–early 1998, leading to a similar onshore shift of oceanic anomalies. This produced exceptionally strong positive upper ocean temperature and SSH anomalies along the west coast during the 1997–98 EN, and explains the unusual coastal occurrences of several species of large pelagic warm-water fishes. The growth and eastward shift of these pre-existing anomalies does not appear to have been linked to tropical Pacific EN anomalies until late 1997, when a clear atmospheric teleconnection between the two regions developed. Prior to this, remote atmospheric impacts on the NEP were primarily from east Asia. As the 1998–2001 LN developed, NEP anomalies began reversing toward the typical LN pattern. This led to predominantly negative SLP and cyclonic wind anomalies in the NEP, and upper ocean temperature and SSH anomalies that were mainly negative along the west coast and positive in the central north Pacific. The persistence of these anomalies into mid-2001, and a number of concurrent biological changes in the NEP, suggest that a decadal climate shift may have occurred in late 1998.During 1995–2001, NEP oceanic anomalies tracked the overlying atmospheric anomalies, as indicated by the maintenance of a characteristic spatial relationship between these anomalies. In particular, wind stress curl and SSH anomalies in the NEP maintained an inverse relationship that strengthened and shifted eastward toward the west coast during late 1996–early 1998. This consistent relationship indicates that anomalous Ekman transport driven by regional atmospheric forcing was an important contributor to temperature and SSH anomalies in the NEP and CCS during the 1997–98 EN. Other studies have shown that coastal propagations originating from the tropical Pacific also may have contributed to coastal NEP anomalies during this EN. Our results indicate that at least some of this coastal anomaly signal may have been generated by regional atmospheric forcing within the NEP.  相似文献   

利用多代卫星测高数据计算中国近海及邻域重力异常   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高海洋重力场数据的精度和空间分辨率,联合Jason-1/2、T/P、Envisat、ERS-1/2、Geosat等多代卫星测高数据计算中国近海及邻域(0°~42°N,100°~140°E)2′×2′重力异常。对卫星测高数据分别进行共线处理和自交叉点平差,并以T/P卫星测高数据为基准进行多星数据联合平差,有效削弱了卫星测高数据的时变影响和不协调性;利用逆Vening-Meinesz公式计算重力异常,与船测重力相比,均方根误差为5.4 mgal。结果表明,通过引入高精度的卫星测高数据,结合多项平差处理手段,提高了海洋重力异常的计算精度。  相似文献   

Based on the long-term data obtained with a TeraScan receiver from NOAA satellites, the monthly average anomalies of the water surface in the Sea of Okhotsk have been calculated with a resolution of 0.25° and their statistical characteristics have been analyzed. During the studies, water areas with significant deviations from the average long-term values were estimated and the zones where anomalies substantially exceeded the standard deviation were distinguished. The spatial-time variations in these anomalies have been studied using the methods of decomposition in terms of empirical orthogonal functions and spectral analysis.  相似文献   

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