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首先介绍了CFRP加固受损钢筋混凝土柱的数值模拟方法,通过OpenSees软件进行了建模分析,数值模拟结果与试验结果的对比验证了该数值模型的有效性;其次,对一6层钢筋混凝土框架以受极罕遇地震影响进行预损,采用损伤指数和折减系数的方法建立震损钢筋混凝土框架的分析模型,并选择5种不同的CFRP加固方案对其进行加固;最后,对CFRP加固的震损RC框架进行增量动力分析。定量的评价了CFRP加固震损RC框架的抗整体性倒塌能力和抗倒塌安全储备。结果表明:CFRP加固能有效提高震损钢筋混凝土框架结构的抗震性能。加固部位的选择对加固效果的影响很大,在所选用的5种CFRP加固方案中,对底层及第2层的梁柱进行加固的方案对提高震损钢筋混凝土框架的抗整体性倒塌能力效果最佳。  相似文献   

强震作用下混凝土框架结构倒塌过程的数值分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
本文引入机械铰概念解释了钢筋混凝土杆件在地震作用下的失效过程,继而建立了以楼层为基本单位的强梁弱柱型框架结构的倒塌分析模型。并将离散单元法的中心算法一动态松弛法运用到结构倒塌分析模型中,成功地模拟了钢筋混凝土框架结构在地震作用下的倒塌全过程反应。  相似文献   

A "mega-earthquake" is one with an intensity larger than the most severe earthquake intensity category currently considered in design codes. For a "mega-earthquake," the design objective of a given structure is to "preserve living spaces for people in the buildings." In this paper,factors that may influence the collapse resistance of RC frames in a mega-earthquake are analyzed based on seismic damage observed in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Methodologies to improve structural collapse resistance focus on three aspects:global strength margin,global redundancy and global integration of the structural system. Fundamental principles and design concepts for collapse prevention under a mega-earthquake are proposed,and issues that need further research are identified.  相似文献   

Earthquake-induced building collapse and progressive collapse due to accidental local failure of vertical components are the two most common failure modes of reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures. Conventional design methods usually focus on the design requirements of a specific hazard but neglect the interactions between different designs. For example, the progressive collapse design of an RC frame often yields increased reinforcement and flexural strength of the beams. As a result, the seismic design principle of “strong-column-weak-beam” may be violated, which may lead to unfavorable failure modes and weaken the seismic performance. To avoid these adverse effects of the progressive collapse design on the seismic resistance of RC frames, a novel structural detailing is proposed in this study. The proposed detailing technique intends to concurrently improve the seismic and progressive collapse performances of an RC frame by changing the layout of the newly added longitudinal reinforcement against progressive collapse without introducing any additional reinforcement. A six-story RC frame is used as the prototype building for this investigation. Both cyclic and progressive collapse tests are conducted to validate the performance of the proposed structural detailing. Based on the experimental results, detailed finite element (FE) models of the RC frame with different reinforcement layouts are established. The seismic and progressive collapse resistances of different models are compared based on the incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) and nonlinear dynamic alternate path (AP) methods, respectively. The results indicate that the proposed structural detailing can effectively resolve the conflict between the seismic and progressive collapse designs.  相似文献   

为研究施工缝对框架结构抗震性能的影响,利用提出的施工缝模型,基于OPENSEES平台建模进行静力非线性分析和非线性动力时程分析。通过对比整浇框架与带缝框架的顶点最大位移、层间位移角、塑性铰出现和分布规律等明确施工缝对框架结构的抗震性能的影响程度。结果表明,施工缝使框架结构的变形和层间位移角显著增大,并且使8、9度区框架结构的层间位移角分布发生改变;施工缝使柱端更易出现塑性铰,更易发生"强梁弱柱"的破坏模式;在高烈度区,施工缝的影响比较显著,如果忽略其影响,将会高估框架结构的抗震性能。  相似文献   

Variation in the seismic collapse fragility of reinforced concrete frame buildings predicted using different ground motion (GM) selection methods is investigated in this paper. To simulate the structural collapse, a fiber‐element modelling approach with path‐dependent cyclic nonlinear material models that account for concrete confinement and crushing, reinforcement buckling as well as low cycle fatigue is used. The adopted fiber analysis approach has been found to reliably predict the loss in vertical load carrying capacity of structural components in addition to the sidesway mode of collapse due to destabilizing P–Δ moments at large inelastic deflections. Multiple stripe analysis is performed by conducting response history analyses at various hazard levels to generate the collapse fragility curves. To select GMs at various hazard levels, two alternatives of uniform hazard spectrum (UHS), conditional mean spectrum (CMS) and generalized conditional intensity measure (GCIM) are used. Collapse analyses are repeated based on structural periods corresponding to initial un‐cracked stiffness and cracked stiffness of the frame members. A return period‐based intensity measure is then introduced and applied in estimating collapse fragility of frame buildings. In line with the results of previous research, it is shown that the choice of structural period significantly affects the collapse fragility predictions. Among the GM selection methods used in this study, GCIM and CMS methods predict similar collapse fragilities for the case study building investigated herein, and UHS provides the most conservative prediction of the collapse capacity, with approximately 40% smaller median collapse capacity compared to the CMS method. The results confirm that collapse probability prediction of buildings using UHS offers a higher level of conservatism in comparison to the other selection methods. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A multi‐level seismic vulnerability assessment of reinforced concrete moment frame buildings located in moderate seismic zones (0.25g) is performed on a set of ductile versions of low‐ to mid‐rise two‐dimensional moment frames. The study is illustrated through application to comparative trial designs of two (4‐ and 8‐story) buildings adopting both space‐ and perimeter‐framed approaches. All frames are dimensioned as per the emerging version of the seismic design code in Egypt. These new seismic provisions are in line with current European norms for seismic design of buildings. Code‐compliant designs (CCD), as well as a proposed modified code design relaxing design drift demands for the investigated buildings, are examined to test their effectiveness and reliability. Applying nonlinear inelastic incremental dynamic analyses, fragility curves (FC) for the frames are developed corresponding to various code‐specified performance levels. Code preset lower and upper bounds on design acceleration and drift, respectively, are also addressed along with their implications, if imposed, on the frames seismic performance and vulnerability. Annual spectral acceleration hazard curves for the case study frames are also generated. Estimates for mean annual frequency (MAF) of exceeding various performance levels are then computed through an integration process of the data resulting from the FC with the site hazard curves. The study demonstrates that the proposed design procedure relaxing design drift demands delivers more economic building designs relative to CCDs, yet without risking the global safety of the structure. The relaxed design technique suggested herein, even though scoring higher, as expected by intuition, MAF of exceeding various code‐limiting performance levels expressed in terms of interstory drift ratios, still guarantees a reasonably acceptable actual margin against violating code limits for such levels. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

钢筋混凝土框架柱的变形能力及基于性能的抗震设计方法   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
框架柱的变形能力主要取决于轴压比和约束箍筋用量,本文建立了柱塑性铰区配箍特征值λcv,轴压比n及塑性铰极限转动量θplc^u之间的函数关系,即λcv-n-θplc^u关系式,并与柱试验数据进行了对比,计算公式与试验结果在平均意义上吻合很好。文中推导了柱截面λcv-n-μcφ关系式,建立了配箍特征值λcv、轴压比n、柱曲率延性μcφ之间的关系。在本文公式的基础上,讨论了按现行抗震设计规范最小配箍要求的RC框架柱所达到的最大变形能力,同时指出规范的构造要求并不总满足特定的变形要求。文中提出了框架柱的性能设计方程,给出了框架柱在指定性能目标DI下基于性能的抗震设计方法的基本过程。  相似文献   

钢筋混凝土框架梁的变形能力及基于性能的抗震设计方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文以Priestley改进的Mander约束混凝土模型为基础推导了RC梁截面λbv-ξn-μbψ关系的一般计算公式和简化计算公式λbv-ξ-μbψ,建立了配箍特征值λbv、相对受压区高度ξn及曲率延性μbψ三者之间的量化关系式,用于梁截面在目标曲率延性下的变形能力设计,给出了梁截面在目标曲率延性下的设计流程图.对所设计的梁截面进行变形能力验算,均可达到设定的目标曲率延性.在简化的λbv-ξ-μbψ公式基础上建立了框架梁的性能设计方程,即λbv-ξ-θplb关系式,给出了RC框架梁基于性能的抗震设计方法的一般步骤.设计者可灵活地根据性能要求设定可接受的破损指标DI进行梁的性能设计.  相似文献   

本文建立了适合框架结构倒塌分析的离散单元模型,并且研究了模型的破坏准则、阻尼等参数确定方法。对框架结构在地震作用下的倒塌全过程进行了数值分析和可视化仿真模拟。算例表明,本文方法是有效的,可以较正确地分析剪切型框架结构的倒塌破坏过程。  相似文献   

21世纪我国经济急速发展,人口也急剧增长,这也使得地震对人类生命和财产安全造成的威胁更大,结构抗震研究需求日益增加。地震易损性分析技术对于结构破坏和损失预测都有着非同一般的应用价值,因此受到了国内外土木工程抗震界的广泛关注和研究。首先介绍了地震易损性分析的基本概念,具体地论述了用于地震易损性分析的三种方法,同时总结出此三种方法各自的优缺点;其次以RC框架结构为例论述了国内外地震易损性分析领域的研究发展,从上个世纪90年代开始进行了系统的梳理和分析。说明了地震易损性分析在研究过程中由于不确定性的存在而导致对分析结果准确度的影响;最后指出要想得到更接近于真实的易损性分析结果,还需考量易损性分析中的不确定参数,揭示了地震易损性分析研究领域所面临的挑战。  相似文献   

Following several damaging earthquakes in China,research has been devoted to find the causes of the collapse of reinforced concrete(RC) building sand studying the vulnerability of existing buildings.The Chinese Code for Seismic Design of Buildings(CCSDB) has evolved over time,however,there is still reported earthquake induced damage of newly designed RC buildings.Thus,to investigate modern Chinese seismic design code,three low-,mid-and high-rise RC frames were designed according to the 2010 CCSDB and the corresponding vulnerability curves were derived by computing a probabilistic seismic demand model(PSDM).The PSDM was computed by carrying out nonlinear time history analysis using thirty ground motions obtained from the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center.Finally,the PSDM was used to generate fragility curves for immediate occupancy,significant damage,and collapse prevention damage levels.Results of the vulnerability assessment indicate that the seismic demands on the three different frames designed according to the 2010 CCSDB meet the seismic requirements and are almost in the same safety level.  相似文献   

基于倒塌率的结构倒塌易损性分析是目前评价结构抗倒塌能力最合理的方法.但是,目前基于增量动力分析(IDA)的倒塌率分析方法,工作量和实施难度大,很难直接用于工程设计,因此有必要研究便于工程应用的新方法.本文基于18个典型多层RC框架结构的IDA倒塌率分析和静力推覆分析,发现RC框架在大震下的倒塌率及抗倒塌安全储备(CMR)与静力推覆得到的结构位移安全储备之间存在较好的相关关系.依据此关系,建议了保证大震倒塌率的推覆位移安全储备,并通过9个RC框架结构算例进行了验证.本文方法简单易行,可供规则多层RC框架结构抗倒塌设计参考.  相似文献   

本文按现行规范及技术规程设计了设防烈度为8度的一个规则的钢筋混凝土异形柱框架,并进行了单向水平地震作用下的空间三维非线性地震反应分析,考查了异形柱框架结构在设防和罕遇地震水准下的整体抗震性能,对结构能否达到抗震设防目标进行了初步评价。结果表明,8度区按规范设计的结构在设防烈度及罕遇烈度地震作用下基本能够达到预期的抗震设防目标。  相似文献   

钢筋混凝土框架中震可修标准及简化抗震设计方法   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文对国际上主要建筑抗震设计规范中钢筋混凝土框架可修水准的层间位移角限值进行了比较,讨论了国内的一些相关研究结果,结合中国抗震规范确定钢筋混凝土框架中震可修层间位移角限值和屋顶侧移率限值分别为1/150和1/200。采用安全系数的抗震设计表达、论述了对应于结构层间位移角基于承载力的简化抗震设计方法。最后用实例按反应谱分析和弹性时程分析验证了钢筋混凝土框架中震可修层间位移角限值的有效控制作用,初步确定了简化抗震设计方法中梁柱构件的抗震安全系数并分析了提高目前结构抗震安全度的措施。  相似文献   

Simplified seismic sidesway collapse analysis of frame buildings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
This paper presents the development and assessment of a simplified procedure for estimating the seismic sidesway collapse margin ratio of building structures. The proposed procedure is based on the development of a robust database of seismic peak displacement responses of nonlinear single‐degree‐of‐freedom systems for various seismic intensities and uses nonlinear static (pushover) analysis without the need for nonlinear time history dynamic analysis. The proposed simplified procedure is assessed by comparing its collapse capacity predictions on 72 different building structures with those obtained by nonlinear incremental dynamic analyses. The proposed simplified procedure offers a simple, yet efficient, computational/analytical tool that is capable of predicting collapse capacities with acceptable accuracy for a wide variety of frame building structures. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文主要对增量动力弹塑性分析(IDA)方法的两个方面作了改进:(1)以增量动力弹塑性分析方法的基本原理为基础,以快速非线性时程分析(FNA)方法为计算工具,形成快速增量动力弹塑性分析(FIDA)方法。(2)仅以IDA分析结果为基础,建立地震易损性曲线及地震破坏概率计算的离散型式。为了校验本文方法的可行性与有效性,应用增量动力弹塑性分析、模态增量动力弹塑性分析与快速增量动力弹塑性分析计算一个14层筒中筒结构试验模型,比较了用上述三种方法的计算误差与计算效率,比较了传统方法与本文方法计算该模型结构的地震易损性曲线的差别。  相似文献   

In a seismically active region, structures may be subjected to multiple earthquakes, due to mainshock–aftershock phenomena or other sequences, leaving no time for repair or retrofit between the events. This study quantifies the aftershock vulnerability of four modern ductile reinforced concrete (RC) framed buildings in California by conducting incremental dynamic analysis of nonlinear MDOF analytical models. Based on the nonlinear dynamic analysis results, collapse and damage fragility curves are generated for intact and damaged buildings. If the building is not severely damaged in the mainshock, its collapse capacity is unaffected in the aftershock. However, if the building is extensively damaged in the mainshock, there is a significant reduction in its collapse capacity in the aftershock. For example, if an RC frame experiences 4% or more interstory drift in the mainshock, the median capacity to resist aftershock shaking is reduced by about 40%. The study also evaluates the effectiveness of different measures of physical damage observed in the mainshock‐damaged buildings for predicting the reduction in collapse capacity of the damaged building in subsequent aftershocks. These physical damage indicators for the building are chosen such that they quantify the qualitative red tagging (unsafe for occupation) criteria employed in post‐earthquake evaluation of RC frames. The results indicated that damage indicators related to the drift experienced by the damaged building best predicted the reduced aftershock collapse capacities for these ductile structures. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

抗倒塌柱顶部分滑移钢筋混凝土框架结构的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从抗倒塌角度出发,提出了柱顶部分滑移钢筋混凝土框架结构的设想。通过对比该框架结构和常规框架结构的设计过程,并分别进行pushover分析,初步比较了二者的经济性以及弹塑性地震响应。研究结果表明:(1)通过滑移释放部分框架柱的柱顶内力,可以在造价略微增加的情况下,使结构具有更好的抗倒塌能力。(2)结构总层数较少时,柱顶部分滑移框架结构的造价增加比例相对更小。  相似文献   

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