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The polarized (Ea′, Eb and Ec) electronic absorption spectra of five natural chromium-containing clinopyroxenes with compositions close to chromdiopside, omphacite, ureyite-jadeite (12.8% Cr2O3), jadeite, and spodumene (hiddenite) were studied. The polarization dependence of the intensities of the Cr3+ bands in the clinopyroxene spectra cannot be explained by the selection rules for the point groups C 2 or C 2v but can be accounted for satisfactorily with the help of the higher order pseudosymmetry model, i.e. with selection rules for the point symmetry group C 3v. The trigonal axis of the pseudosymmetry crystal field forms an angle of 20.5° with the crystallographic direction c in the (010) plane. D q increases from diopside (1542 cm?1) through omphacite (1552 cm?1), jadeite (1574 cm?1) to spodumene (1592 cm?1). The parameter B which is a measure of covalency for Cr3+-O bonds at M1 sites in clinopyroxene depends on the Cr3+ concentration and the cations at M2 sites.  相似文献   

The paper proposes pioneering data on the polarized optical absorption spectra of Li-Fe micas: intermediate members of the siderophyllite-zinnwaldite-polylithionite and annite-protolithionite-zinnwaldite-trilithionite series with variable Fe and Li proportions and Li- and Fe-bearing muscovite (phengite). Based on the analysis of structural data, the complicated structure of the Fe2+ → Fe3+ charge transfer band in the mica structures is explained, and arguments are presented to justify the ascribing of its shortwave component (CTB-1, ν = 17200-14900 cm?1) to charge transfer in the pair Fe2+(M2) → Fe3+(M2) and the longwave component (CTB-2, ν = 14200-13600 cm?1) to charge transfer in the pair Fe2+(M1) Fe3+(M2). It is demonstrated that the anomalous shift of the superposition of two-component CTB toward the shortwave region, to 17000 cm?1, results from a decrease in the length of oxygen edges between adjacent M2M2 and M1M2 tetrahedrons when Li is accommodated in the mica structure. The first data are presented on the spectrum of Fe2+ ions in large distorted M3(M1) tetrahedrons (OAC Fe2+ II) in hetero-octahedral Li micas (zinnwaldite), and the behavior of the corresponding absorption bands at 11400 and 8000 cm?1 is determined. It is proved that characteristics of the optical spectra of Fe2+ ions can be used as an indicator of the structure of the octahedral layer in the mica structures. Results of the comparative analyses of spectral parameters of the Fe2+ → Fe3+ charge transfer, crystal field spectra of Fe2+ ions, and the crystal-chemical characteristics controlling them in micas of the polylithionite-siderophyllite series are completely consistent with the character of cation ordering in the crystal structures of these micas determined by X-ray diffraction analysis.  相似文献   

Vivianite is a bluish mineral sometimes encountered in archaeological deposits. It is notable for its tendency to change color from white or grayish to blue on exposure to air. Vivianite requires specific conditions for its formation—sources of iron, phosphate, and water, as well as low levels of oxygen and sulfide. Microbial activity is also thought to play a part in vivianite formation. The majority of archaeological texts do not discuss vivianite to any great degree, preventing a more detailed interpretation of site conditions and features. Vivianite was found in 25 exhumed burials from the North Brisbane Burial Ground, Queensland, Australia. Research indicated that bone or tissue samples for DNA analysis are best taken from areas distant from vivianite encrustations and that presence of vivianite has implications for artifact conservation. Vivianite at the North Brisbane Burial Grounds helped protect some skeletal and dental elements, preserved the impressions of metal coffin lacing, and also corroborated the oral history of temporary waterlogging and acted as a measure of pollution levels across the site. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Mössbauer and polarized optical absorption spectra of the kyanite-related mineral yoderite were recorded. Mössbauer spectra of the purple (PY) and green yoderite (GY) from Mautia Hill, Tanzania, show that the bulk of the iron is Fe3+ in both varieties, with Fe2+/(Fe2++Fe3+) ratios near 0.05. Combining this result with new microprobe data for PY and with literature data for GY gives the crystallochemical formulae: $$\begin{gathered} ({\text{Mg}}_{{\text{1}}{\text{.95}}} {\text{Fe}}_{{\text{0}}{\text{.02}}}^{{\text{2 + }}} {\text{Mn}}_{{\text{0}}{\text{.01}}}^{{\text{2 + }}} {\text{Fe}}_{{\text{0}}{\text{.34}}}^{{\text{3 + }}} {\text{Mn}}_{{\text{0}}{\text{.07}}}^{{\text{3 + }}} {\text{Ti}}_{{\text{0}}{\text{.01}}} {\text{Al}}_{{\text{3}}{\text{.57}}} )_{5.97}^{[5,6]} \hfill \\ {\text{Al}}_{{\text{2}}{\text{.00}}}^{{\text{[5]}}} [({\text{Si}}_{{\text{3}}{\text{.98}}} {\text{P}}_{{\text{0}}{\text{.03}}} ){\text{O}}_{{\text{18}}{\text{.02}}} ({\text{OH)}}_{{\text{1}}{\text{.98}}} ] \hfill \\ \end{gathered}$$ and PY and $$\begin{gathered} ({\text{Mg}}_{{\text{1}}{\text{.98}}} {\text{Fe}}_{{\text{0}}{\text{.02}}}^{{\text{2 + }}} {\text{Mn}}_{{\text{< 0}}{\text{.001}}}^{{\text{2 + }}} {\text{Fe}}_{{\text{0}}{\text{.45}}}^{{\text{3 + }}} {\text{Ti}}_{{\text{0}}{\text{.01}}} {\text{Al}}_{{\text{3}}{\text{.56}}} )_{6.02}^{[5,6]} \hfill \\ {\text{Al}}_{{\text{2}}{\text{.00}}}^{{\text{[5]}}} [({\text{Si}}_{{\text{3}}{\text{.91}}} {\text{O}}_{{\text{17}}{\text{.73}}} {\text{(OH)}}_{{\text{2}}{\text{.27}}} ] \hfill \\ \end{gathered}$$ for GY. The Mössbauer spectra at room temperature contain one main doublet with isomer shifts and quadrupole splittings of 0.36 (PY), 0.38 (GY) and 1.00 (PY), 0.92 (GY) mm s?1, respectively. These values correspond to Fe3+ in six or five-fold coordination. The doublet components have anomalously large half widths indicating either accomodation of Fe3+ in more than one position (e.g., octahedraA1 and five coordinatedA2) or the yet unresolved superstructure. Besides strong absorption in the ultraviolet (UV) starting from about 25,000 cm?1, the polarized optical absorption spectra are dominated by strong bands around 16,500 and 21,000 cm?1 (PY) and a medium strong band at around 13,800 cm?1 (GY). Position and polarization of these bands, in combination with the UV absorption, explain the colour and pleochroism of the two varieties. The bands in question are assigned to homonuclear metal-to-metal charge transfer transitions: Mn2+(A1) Mn3+(A1′) ? Mn3+(A1) Mn2+(A1′) and Mn2+(A1) Mn3+(A2 ? Mn3+(A1) Mn2+(A2) in PY and Fe2+(A1) Fe3+(A1′) ? Fe3+(A1) Fe2+(A1′) in GY. The evidence for homonuclear Mn2+ Mn3+ charge transfer (CTF) is not quite clear and needs further study. Heteronuclear FeTi CTF does not contribute to the spectra. In PY, additional weak bands were resolved at energies around 17,700, 18,700, 21,000, and 21,900 cm?1 and assigned to Mn3+ in two positions. Weak bands around 10,000 cm?1 in both varieties are assigned to Fe2+ spin-alloweddd-transitions. Very weak and sharp bands, around 15,400, 16,400, 21,300, 22,100, 23,800, and 25,000 cm?1 are identified in GY and assigned to Fe3+ spin-forbiddendd-transitions.  相似文献   

The results of X-ray fluorescence Ka 1,2 and Kβ1,β′-spectra of iron in 54 samples, including 23 minerals, are presented. Spectrum characteristics are mainly dependent on the environment of iron in the sample, the most susceptible parameter being the chemical shift δβ1. For the compounds investigated δβ1 varies between ?1.58 eV and +1.56 eV when referring to metallic iron. Chemical shifts of compounds with predominantly covalent bonds exhibit more negative values, compounds with metallic bonds nearly vanishing values and compounds with predominantly ionic bonds more positive values. The FeKβ1,β′-group of lines is actually a superposition of three lines: the long-wave line β′ and two overlapping lines β 1 5 and β 1 7 of which the superposition is conventionally denoted as β1. The relative intensity of β 1 5 increases with ionicity of the bond, while that of β 1 7 decreases. The effective charge of iron has been determined for a group of iron-bearing minerals.  相似文献   

 Polarized electronic single crystal spectra of natural Fe2+ ion-bearing oxygen-based minerals, in which ferrous ions enter octahedral sites of different symmetry and distortion (olivine, cordierite, ortho- and clinopyroxene, amphibole), eightfold sites in garnet (almandine) and clinopyroxene (M2), and tetrahedral sites in spinel, were studied at temperatures from 300 to ca. 600 K. In the minerals studied, the spin-allowed bands of Fe2+ display rather variable temperature behaviour. In most cases, due to the thermal expansion of the Fe2+-bearing polyhedra, bands shift to lower energies upon increasing temperature, though there are some exceptions to this rule: in cases of other than sixfold octahedral or close to octahedral coordination, in almandine and spinel the bands shift to higher energies, which can be explained by an increase in distortions of the Fe2+-bearing polyhedra. Splitting of the excited 5 E g-level of Fe2+ ions usually, but not always, increases with temperature, reflecting thermally induced increase in distortion of the Fe2+-bearing sites in the minerals studied. Integral intensities of the bands in question do not always obey the general rule, according to which intensity should increase with temperature, when the 3d N-centred site is centrosymmetric, or should remain unchanged when the 3d N site lacks an inversion centre. The experimental results show that the response of the characteristics of absorption bands such as width, intensity and energy caused by dd transitions of Fe2+ in oxygen-based minerals to increasing temperature is not always uniform and is at variance with expectation. This temperature dependence cannot be used directly to solve band assignment problems, as earlier proposed in the literature. Received: 22 December 1999 / Accepted: 30 October 2000  相似文献   

I. Th. Rosenqvist 《Lithos》1970,3(4):327-334
Concretions of vivianite attaining 0.5 g occur in the upper 4 m of the bottom sediments of the Åsrum lake, Vestfold, S. Norway. The vivianite-bearing zone is of lacustrine origin. Vivianite is absent in the underlying lagunal and marine sediments. Electro-chemical and chemical data are given for the interstitial water and the clay.

Solubility product of vivianite is determined. The equilibrium constant is K = 10−40 for the reaction 3 Fe++ + 2 HPO4 + 2 OH = vivianite. The concretions grew by diffusion from a slightly supersaturated interstitial water phase. The degree of supersaturation is calculated. The stability relations of vivianite and hydroxyl apatite are discussed.  相似文献   

Violet, non-pleochroic and greenish-blue, pleochroic chromium-substituted sapphirines were found in corundum-bearing spinel-websterite xenolites from the Yakutian kimberlite pipes Noyabrskaya (N) and Sludyanka (Sl), respectively. The crystallochemical formulae of sapphirine crystals from such xenolites were determined by EMP to be (Mg3.40Fe0.23Al3.25Cr0.16)[6] Al 1.00 [6] [O2/Al4.53Si1.47O18] (N) and (Mg2.53Fe0.55 Mn0.04Ti 0.03 4+ Al3.55Cr 0.08 3+ )[6]Al 1.00 [16] [O2/Al4.28Si1.73O18] (Sl). Single crystal spectra in the range 35000–6000 cm1- showed a slightly polarization dependent absorption edge near 3200 cm1- (N) or 30000 cm1- (Sl) and unpolarized bands at 25300 and 17300 cm1-, typical of spin-allowed transitions, derived from 4A2g4T1g and 4A2g4T2g, of Cr3+ in octahedral sites, with point symmetry C1, of the structure. Another weak band at 23000 cm?1 in the sapphirine-N spectra is attributed to low symmetry splitting of the excited 4T1 (F)-State of Cr3+. These assignments lead to crystal field parameters Dq=1730cm?1 and B= 685cm?1 of Cr3+ in sapphirine. Crystallochemical and spectroscopic arguments suggest that Cr3+ subsitutes for Al in the M(1) or M(8) sites of the sapphirine structure. In addition to Cr3+-transitions, spectra of Sl exhibit weak dd-bands of Fe2+ at 10000 and 7700 cm1-, which are unpolarized in consistency with the C1 site symmetry of the octahedra in the structure. Spectra of Sl show also prominent, broad bands (Δv1/2~-5000 cm1-) at 15000 and 11000 cm1-, which occur in E//Y(//b) and E//Z(//c=12°) only and exhibit an intensity ratio αY∶αz close to 1∶3. This result, the large half width, as well as band energy — MM distance considerations suggest that these bands originate from Fe2+[6]-Fe3+[6] charge-transfer transitions in wall octahedra M(1)M(2), M(6)M(7) etc., forming MM vectors of 30° with the c-axis. The lack of Fe2+-Fe3+ charge-transfer bands in sapphirine N might indicate a lower oxygen fugacity during the formation of the websterite from the Noyabrskaya pipe compared to that from the Sludyanka pipe.  相似文献   

The basic parameters and detailed chemical compositions of three asymptotic giant branch stars with similar effective temperatures and surface gravities have been determined using CCD spectra obtained with the échelle spectrometers of the SAO 6-m telescope. The metallicity and chemical composition of the optical counterpart of the OH/IR star IRAS 18123 + 0511 have been derived for the first time. The abundance [X/H] of the iron group elements (V, Cr, Fe) is ?0.45 dex. An overabundance of oxygen, [O/Fe]=1.44 dex, is detected in the atmosphere of this star. The abundances of s-process heavy elements are not enhanced, and are instead underabundant with respect to the metallicity: the average value of [X/Fe] for Y, Zr, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd is ?0.25. The derived abundances confirm that IRAS 18123 + 0511 is in the AGB stage of its evolution. The metallicity of the object, together with its radial velocity V r=78.0 km/s and Galactic latitude |b|=11°, suggest that it belongs to the old disk population. The expansion velocity of the circumstellar envelope, V exp≈21 km/s, is derived from the positions of circumstellar absorption bands. The set of parameters obtained for the low-metallicity, highlatitude supergiants BD + 18° 2757 and BD + 18° 2890 (with iron abundances [Fe/H]=2.10 and ?1.48, respectively) confirm that they are evolved halo stars, and probably UU Her-type stars.  相似文献   

Tourmaline solid solutions containing Fe, Fe+ Ti, Cr, Ni, Cu, Co, Mn chromophoric centers have been grown hydrothermally at 650° C and 1,5 kbar on natural seeding plates close to the elbaite composition. The newly grown tourmalines were characterized by chemical analyses and optical absorption spectroscopy in the range 26316-5000 cm-1 at 297 K and in the range 26316-9090 cm-1 at 77 K. Most characteristic of Fe2+, Fe3+-bearing specimens is the presence of intensive σpolarized absorption bands caused by exchange-coupled Fe2+-Fe3+ pairs in Y- and Z-sites of the tourmaline structure. An additional intensive absorption band 12500 cm-1 (σ-polarisation) appears in some specimens but is not yet found in spectra of natural tourmalines. The colour and spectroscopic properties of the Fe3+, Mn3+ and Cu2+ containing tourmalines are significantly affected by the presence of even the smallest Li-contents. The results suggest that Fe2+, Cu2+, Co2+, Ni2+-ions occupy, predominantly, Y-sites of the tourmaline structure, whereas the Cr3+-ions seem to enter the smaller Z-octachedra.  相似文献   

We have made use of the nearly complete linear polarization of synchrotron radiation to study the polarization dependence of X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) and extended fine structure (EXAFS) in oriented single crystals of gillespite (BaFe2+ Si4O10; Fe2 + in square-planar coordination, point symmetry C 4), anatase (TiO2; Ti4+ in octahedral coordination, point symmetry D 2d), and epidote (Ca2(Al, Fe3+)3SiO4)3(OH); Fe3+ in distorted octahedral coordination, point symmetry (C s). For gillespite, the Fe K-XANES spectrum varies strongly with E-vector orientation of the incident X-ray beam. When the E-vector lies in the plane of the FeO4 group (i.e., perpendicular to the c-axis), multiple-scattering features at 7127 and 7131 eV intensify, whereas when the E-vector is perpendicular to the plane of the FeO4 group (i.e., parallel to the c-axis), a strongly-polarized 1s to 4p bound state transition occurs at 7116 eV and a localized continuum resonance occurs at 7122 eV. The Fe-K-EXAFS spectrum of gillespite is also highly polarization dependent. When the E-vector is perpendicular to c, all four nearest-neighbor oxygens around Fe2+ contribute to the EXAFS signal; when E is parallel to c, the EXAFS signal from nearest-neighbors is reduced by at least 86%. The unpolarized Ti K-XANES spectrum of anatase has three relatively strong pre-edge features at 4967.1, 4969.9, and 4972.7 eV which have resisted definitive interpretation in past studies. The lowest energy feature has a strong xy polarization dependence, suggesting a large amount of 4p x,y character, and it is also very sharp, indicating a well-defined transition energy. Both of these observations are consistent with an excitonic state with a binding energy of 2.8 eV. The two higher energy features, which are characteristic of octahedrally-coordinated Ti4+, show little polarization dependence and are probably due to 1s to 3d bound-state transitions, with a small degree of np character in the final state wavefunction. Interpretation of the polarization dependence of Fe K-XANES spectra for epidote is not as straightforward due to the lower space group symmetry (P21/m) relative to gillespite (P4/ncc) and anatase (I41/amd) and the lower point group symmetry (C s) of the M(3) site which contains most of the Fe3+ in the epidote structure. However, the presence of a shoulder at 7121 eV in the E parallel to b spectrum and its absence in the E normal to bc spectrum are consistent with it being a 1s to 4p z bound-state transition. Strong, weakly x, y polarized features near 7126 eV in both spectra are most likely due to localized continuum transitions. Also, the 1s to 3d pre-edge intensity varies in intensity with E-vector orientation which is consistent with displacement of Fe3+ from the center of the M(3) octahedral site. Analysis of EXAFS spectra of epidote in these two polarizations yields bond distances which are within 0.04 Å of previous single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. This study demonstrates the utility of polarized X-ray absorption spectroscopy in quantifying the energies and orbital compositions of final state wavefunctions associated with various X-ray induced transitions in transition-metal containing minerals. It also shows that reasonably accurate M-O distances can be obtained for individual bonds oriented in crystallographically non-equivalent directions.  相似文献   

We present classifications, optical identifications, and radio spectra for eight radio sources from three flux-density-complete samples in the following declination ranges: 4°–6° (B1950), S 3.9 > 200 mJy; 10°–12°30′ (J2000), S 4.85 > 200 mJy; 74°?75° (J2000), S 4.85 > 100 mJy. For all these samples, the right ascensions are 0h–24h and the Galactic latitudes, |b| > 15°. Our optical observations at 4000–7500 ° were made with the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory; we also observed at 0.97–21.7 GHz with the RATAN-600 radio telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory. We classify four of the objects as quasars and four as galaxies. Five of the radio sources have power-law spectra at 0.97–21.7 GHz, while two objects have flat spectra. The quasar J2358+0430 virtually did not vary during 23 years.  相似文献   

The refinement of structure and composition of the interlayer space in layer aluminosilicates may be obtained by means of combined physical methods. The determination of oxonium and its hydrated forms was made using factor-group analysis, model calculation, and cation exchange reaction methods. For the determination of the space symmetry of NH 4 + ions, low temperature infrared spectra were used.  相似文献   

Polarized spectra EX, EY, and EZ of purple yoderite, taken at 295 and 100 K, result in a revised interpretation for the mineral. Major bands at around 16,900 (X>Y?Z), 18,600 (X?Y), and 20,600 cm?1 (XZ>Y) may be attributed to spin-allowed transitions of Mn3+ in trigonal bipyramids (A2 or A3). Minor features may be assigned to single ion Fe3+. However, charge transfer possibilities for bands at 18,600 and 25,500 cm?1 in yoderite cannot be ruled out and are discussed. The extremely high intensity of Mn3+ spin-allowed bands (?, 216 to 1,900 [1·g-atom?1·cm?1]) is attributed to fivefold coordination of the A2 and A3 position and to the covalency of the Mn3+-O bonds.  相似文献   

Summary Vivianite from Catavi Mine, Llallagua, Bolivia, has a near ideal composition with traces of Mg, Zn and Mn. Total rare-earth elements are < 1,gmg/g. Mössbauer spectroscopy shows FeIII/(FeII + FeIII) is approximately 0.04.a = 10.030Å,b = 13.434Å,c = 4.714Å, = 102.73dg. The middle-infrared powder spectrum shows H2O-related bands at 3490, 3290, 3130 cm–1 (stretch), 1618 cm–1 (bend), 825 cm–1 (rock), and at 665 cm–1 a possible M-OH2 twist. P04 bands occur at 1045-940 cm–1 (stretch) and 570-450 cm–1 (bend). Corresponding laser Raman microprobe bands occur at 1051 (ms), 986 (m), 948 (vs), 867 (mw), 828 (w), 568, 532, 453 (m), 442 (mw). Weak Raman bands at about 342, 303, 270 (w), 235 (ms), 227 (sh, ms), 196 (ms), 187 (sh, m), 162 (mw), and 126 (m) may arise from lattice vibrations. Differential thermal responses include a major endotherm from 115–235°C with a shoulder at 170°C and a maximum at 210°C resulting from loss of structural water combined with oxidation of Fe2+, and two small exotherms with maxima at 605 and 780°C related to structural transformations.
Charakterisierung des Vivianits von Catavi, Llallagua, Bolivien
Zusammenfassung Vivianit von der Catavi Mine, Llallagua, Bolivien zeigt annähernd ideale Zusammensetzung mit Spuren von Mg, Zn und Mn. Der gesamte Gehalt an seltenen EvolElementen ist < 1 ppm. Die Mössbauer Spektroskopie liefert ein Fe3+/(Fe2+ + Fe3+) Verhältnis von ungefähr 0.04.a = 10.030,b = 13.434,c = 4.714 Å, = 102.73°. Das Infrarot-Pulverspektrum zeigt dem H20 zuzuordnende Banden bei 3490, 3290, 3130 cm–1 (Streckschwingungen), 1618 cm–1 (Deformationsschwingung), 825 cm–1 (Schaukelschwingung) und eine mögliche M-OH2 Torsionsschwingung bei 665 cm–1. PO4 Banden liegen bei 1045-940 cm–1 (Streckschwingung) und 570-450 cm–1 (Deformations-schwingung). Entsprechende Banden der Laser Raman Mikrosonde liegen bei 1051 (mst), 986 (m), 948 (sst) 867 (mschw), 828 (schw), 568, 532, 453 (m), 442 (mschw). Raman Banden bei etwa 342, 303, 270 (schw), 235 (mst), 227 (Schulter, mst), 196 (mst), 187 (Schulter, m), 162 (mschw) und 126 (m) können auf Gitterschwingungen zurückgeführt werden. Differential-thermoanalytische Untersuchungen zeigen einen endothermen Bereich von 115–235°C mit einer Schulter bei 170 und einem Maximum bei 210°C, was auf den Verlust von strukturellem Wasser, das an eine Oxidation des Fe2+ gebunden ist, zurückzuführen ist; zwei auf strukturelle Transformationen zurückzuführende exotherme Maxima liegen bei 605 und 780°C.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   

The maxima of the electron difference densities of Fe2+ atM(1) andM(2) positions of fayalite, Fe2SiO4, determined by x-ray diffraction are considered to correspond to atomic dipoles. Provided the selection rules of dipole radiation are satisfied and the energy of the incident radiation lies within the appropriate range, the interaction of incident radiation with these atomic dipoles should lead to three absorption bands of which two originate from Fe2+ atM(1), one from Fe2+ atM(2). The relative intensities of the three bands, dependent on the polarization direction, are estimated. The result ist in excellent agreement with the interpretation of olivine spectra given by Burns (1970).  相似文献   

The E∥c and E ⊥ c polarized optical absorption spectra of a variety of blue/green tourmalines and a schorl were measured from room temperature down to helium temperatures. Heat treatments at 750–800° C in air and hydrogen were carried out on several green tourmalines. From the results obtained, absorptions at 7,900 and 13,800 cm?1 in the E∥c spectra of tourmalines are assigned to Fe2+ in the b-site. In the same polarization, bands detected at 9,000 and 13,400 cm?1 are attributed to Fe2+ in the smaller c position. In contrast to previous interpretations, the E ⊥ c polarized bands at 9,000 and 13,800 cm?1 are not assigned to single ion transitions, but are largely associated with nearest neighbour Fe2+-Fe3+ pairs. Correlations between near-infrared band absorption coefficients and FeO concentration reinforce these assignments. The temperature dependence and the reaction to heat treatment of the strongly polarized (E⊥c?E∥c) band near 18,000 cm?1 in blue and green tourmaline spectra are shown to be consistent with previous assignments of the band to Fe2++Fe3+→Fe3++Fe2+ charge transfer. Similar results are discussed for broad absorptions (also E⊥c?E∥c) found in the 22,000–25,000 cm?1 region of the spectra of certain green and brown tourmalines. It is concluded that these absorptions are due to Fe2++Ti4+→Fe3++Ti3+ charge transfer. The proposal is made that the initial effect of heating green tourmalines in air and hydrogen is to reduce Fe3+ cations located in both b- and c-sites. Further heat treatment in air and hydrogen results in the oxidation of Fe2+→Fe3+ and leads to the generation of bands near 19,100 and 21,600 cm?1. The newly formed bands are assigned to Fe3+-Fe3+ pairs.  相似文献   

绿柱石族宝石颜色丰富,一直是市场上重要的宝石品种。几十年来,国内外学者对不同颜色绿柱石的致色机理及改色工艺开展了广泛的研究。铁离子作为重要的致色过渡金属离子之一,其价态调控是绿柱石改色工艺的关键,所以铁离子的价态、晶格占位和对应的致色作用也一直是绿柱石研究的焦点。铁离子被认为可能存在于绿柱石中的铝氧八面体Al3+格位、硅氧四面体Si4+格位、铍氧四面体Be2+格位、结构通道2a或2b位和晶格间隙6g位等位置,是蓝、绿或黄等颜色绿柱石的主要致色元素。本文通过对绿柱石的晶体结构、铁离子的核外电子排布和晶格占位等方面文献资料的梳理及综合分析,认为Fe2+和Fe3+分别对蓝色和黄色绿柱石的呈色起着主导作用。当Fe2+和Fe3+处于晶格中不同位置时致色作用的具体差异,仍有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

Electronic and Mössbauer absorption spectra and electron microprobe data are correlated for iron-bearing orthopyroxenes. The correlation provides a means of quantitatively determining the distribution of Fe2+ between the M(1) and M(2) sites of orthopyroxene crystals from electronic spectra and electron microprobe analysis. The electronic spectra are used to analyze the changes in the Fe2+ distribution produced during heating experiments and confirm earlier results from Mössbauer spectra. Two components of the spin-allowed transition of Fe2+ in the M(1) site are identified at about 13,000 cm?1 and 8,500 cm?1 in γ. Molar absorptivity (?) values for all spin-allowed Fe2+ absorption bands in the near-infrared region are determined. The M(2) Fe2+ band at ~5,000 cm?1 in β is the analytically most useful for site occupancy determinations. It remains linear with concentration (?=9.65) over the entire compositional range. The band at ~10,500 cm?1 in α is the most sensitive to M(2) Fe2+ concentration (?=40.8), but deviates from linearity at high iron concentrations. The origins of spin-forbidden transitions in the visible region are examined.  相似文献   

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