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为了研究木吉村斑岩型铜(钼)矿床蚀变过程中元素的迁移规律,拟推流体演化规律,笔者通过对赋矿闪长玢岩体的强硅化带、钾长石化带、石英绢云母化带、青磐岩化带中分别取样测试分析,利用Grant方程定量探讨了各蚀变带围岩中主量元素、稀土元素和微量元素的带入、带出特征,结果表明:岩浆初始热液流体富K而贫Na。相对原岩(蚀变弱的青磐岩化带),在各蚀变带中Fe_2O_3、MgO、P_2O_5和TiO_2从深部强硅化带到浅部石英绢云母化带总体上由带出变为带入,SiO_2、MnO则与上述大体相反,FeO在各蚀变带主体为带出元素。各稀土元素从深部向浅部石英绢云母化带带入特征明显,同时各蚀变带在稀土元素球粒陨石标准化曲线上表现出斜率一致的右倾型特征,说明轻重稀土分馏较明显,轻稀土富集,重稀土亏损。Cu和Mo在石英绢云母化带中富集尤为明显,其次在钾长石化带也明显富集,即海拔400~500 m为主要的Cu、Mo富集区。 相似文献
地下水中苯并[a]芘来源探讨 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用色谱质谱法对2000~2002年地下水中苯并[a]芘含量进行了分析,在分析苯并[a]芘在地下水环境中迁移特征的基础上,初步探讨了地下水中苯并[a]芘的来源。结果表明,苯并[a]芘在潜水含水层、200m的承压含水层以及500m的煤系地层和1000m以上的岩溶水中都有检出,含量低,为数个ng/L;由于苯并[a]芘的辛醇-水分配系数kow很大,为106个数量级,具有很强的憎水性,会强烈地被吸附在土壤颗粒物的有机碳上,因此苯并[a]芘很难从表层土壤中迁移进入地下水,土壤和沉积物是其主要的环境归宿;从理论上看,地下水中的苯并[a]芘是天然来源。 相似文献
以铜绿山铜铁矿为例,探讨了浅成岩体冷却过程中夕卡岩及夕卡岩矿床在接触带上的形成过程及其耦合条件。在铜绿山矿区,矿体主要产出于石英二长闪长玢岩与下三叠统大冶群碳酸盐岩的半岛状 岛链状残留、捕虏体接触带中,矿体与夕卡岩密切共生。此次工作根据大量野外观察,结合对已有资料综合研究,提出成矿空间为冷缩低压区的概念,即夕卡岩及夕卡岩矿床形成的起因是在岩浆固结后的岩石冷凝收缩过程中,在接触带上形成了一个能使流体持续汇聚和长期驻留的低压区--冷缩低压区系统。这个系统与岩浆期后热液的耦合,在超临界流体、CO2气体和临界转换作用的配合下,满足了夕卡岩型矿床成矿的需求,形成了铜绿山矿床。 相似文献
胶东新立构造蚀变岩型金矿床元素地球化学行为 总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2
新立金矿位于华北克拉通东部胶东金矿省内,是一个典型的蚀变岩型(焦家型)金矿床,矿床受区域三山岛-仓上断裂带控制,产出于蚀变的玲珑花岗岩中。在主断裂带下盘蚀变矿化发育,可以划分为五个阶段:钾长石化阶段、绢英岩化阶段、黄铁绢英岩矿化阶段、多金属硫化物矿化阶段和碳酸盐化阶段。不同的蚀变矿化过程导致各阶段样品具有不同的矿物组合和地球化学特征。钾长石化花岗岩以高钾钠含量为特征,因为样品中含有新生成的二次钾长石及残留的钠长石;绢英岩的钙钠含量明显低于钾长石化花岗岩,是绢英岩化阶段斜长石蚀变分解所致;黄铁绢英岩FeT2O3含量普遍较高且SiO 2含量波动明显,与该阶段样品中大量黄铁矿的产出及部分样品中包含石英团块或石英脉相一致;多金属硫化物矿化样品的元素含量与黄铁绢英岩基本类似;碳酸盐化蚀变样品以高CaO含量为特征,与该阶段大量沉淀析出的方解石相符。在原始地幔标准化微量元素配分图上,不同阶段矿化蚀变样品,大离子亲石元素Rb、Ba、K、Sr差异性明显,而高场强元素Zr、Hf、Nb、Ta、P差异性较小,表明热液蚀变过程中大离子亲石元素活动性较强,高场强元素相对稳定。在稀土元素球粒陨石标准化图中,不同阶段样品均呈明显的右倾性,蚀变早期(钾长石化阶段)样品铕异常不明显,蚀变矿化主期(绢英岩化阶段至多金属硫化物矿化阶段)样品普遍具有负铕异常,而蚀变晚期(碳酸盐化阶段)样品普遍具有正铕异常。元素相关性分析表明,金与银、砷、铋和硫具明显正相关,与铜、铅具有一定的相关性。成矿元素因子分析也显示出金与砷、硫、铁、钴在矿化过程中具有类似的地球化学行为。实测剖面上不同位置样品元素地球化学特征的差异性主要受构造及蚀变矿化类型、强度控制,成矿元素在主断裂附近达到峰值,在远离主断裂方向上,其含量整体呈下降趋势,但在次级矿化断裂发育地段,含量又明显回升;另外在断裂附近由于微裂隙及节理相对发育,有利于热液的渗透,蚀变较强,对成矿元素的空间分布亦具有控制作用。 相似文献
Michael J. Mottl Heinrich D. Holland Rosamund F. Corr 《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1979,43(6):869-884
Fresh mid-ocean ridge basalts of varying crystallinity and an andesite were reacted with seawater and with a Na-K-Ca-Cl solution at 200–500°C and 500–1000 bar in sealed gold capsules. mass ratios of one to three were used and durations ranged from two to twenty months. The concentrations of Fe, Mn, and reduced and oxidized sulfur species in solution reached steady state in most of the experiments at 400–500°C, but not in those at 200–300°. The concentrations of Fe and Mn were a few ppm at 200–300° and increased greatly with temperature between 300 and 500°. The low values at 200–300° are probably related to the uptake of Fe and Mn by smectite at the in situ pH, which was slightly acid at 200° and slightly alkaline at 300°. The quench pH values decreased with increasing temperature above 300°. The only reliable data for the concentration of Zn in solution were obtained at 400°, where values 1–2 ppm were found. Copper was extensively leached from basalt and andesite and was deposited as part of a Cu-Au alloy in the capsule walls or, in some experiments, as chalcopyrite.Reduced sulfur was readily leached from basalt into solution, and was also produced by the reduction of seawater sulfate by ferrous iron derived from the basalts. The proportion of seawater sulfate which was reduced in the experiments with a ratio of one varied from 5–10% at 300°C to > 95% at 500°. The rate of sulfate reduction depended on the run temperature, on the crystallinity and initial sulfur content of the rocks used as starting materials, and on the ratio. The final concentration of reduced sulfur in solution increased greatly with temperature, and generally exceeded that of Fe on a molal basis.The oxide-sulfide assemblages produced in the experiments resemble those in the basalt-seawater geothermal system at Reykjanes, Iceland, and in hydrothermally altered basalts and gabbros from the oceanic crust; they include pyrite, pyrrhotite. chalcopyrite, hematite, and probably magnetite. The particular assemblage varied systematically with the temperature, rock type, and crystallinity of each run. Anhydrite precipitated in all experiments with seawater, at all temperatures from 200–500°C. However, its persistence to the end of the runs was apparently metastable, as it should have reacted with the final solutions to produce pyrite or pyrrhotite. 相似文献
In the Dharwar Craton, southern India, gold deposits are found mostly along the six arcuate shear zones passing through late Archaean greenstone belts (2.7 Ga). One such shear zone complex extends for about 400 km within and along the Ramagiri–Hungund schist belt. The Penakacherla sector of this shear zone is excellently exposed, enabling a detailed investigation of synorogenic gold mineralisation and its relationship to associated hydrothermal alteration.Metamorphism and deformation under NE–SW compression associated with Archaean subduction processes converted mafic volcanic rocks into amphibolites and intermediate to felsic volcanic rocks into quartz mica schists. Continued compression generated a 50–100-m-wide shear zone complex consisting of mafic phyllonites. Advection of hydrothermal fluids through this shear zone and reaction between fluids and the mafic phyllonites resulted in a silicified, K-metasomatic assemblage mainly consisting of chlorite, amphibole, K-mica, plagioclase, ankerite, quartz, Fe-oxides, pyrite, chalcopyrite and arsenopyrite. Networks of quartz and carbonate veinlets, a few millimeters to a few centimeters thick, formed along the foliation planes giving rise to microscopic alteration envelope, in which individual veinlet systems are merged into one another to form a composite alteration system. Gold is found within these quartz veinlets, mafic phyllonites and at their mutual contacts.Hydrothermal fluids have modified the primary major, minor, trace and LREE compositions of host rocks such that their mutual behaviour became non-systematic. Some HFSE and HREE also show minor mobility but the overall REE pattern generally resembles that of the precursor mafic volcanic rocks. Mass and volume loss/gain by Si and Ca has made significant impact on Al, Ti and Zr abundances, which are generally immobile during hydrothermal alteration. However, element pairs such as Zr–Hf, V–Sc and Nb–Ta maintain primary inter-element ratios, although their absolute abundances are drastically diluted. Similarly, ΣREE in highly silicified and carbonatised samples are reduced, but patterns remain similar to those of relatively least altered mafic phyllonites with (LaN/Yb)N between 1 and 3. In some samples, LREE enrichment is observed elevating in (LaN/Yb)N from 3 to 11. Pathfinder elements and base metals such as As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn and Sb have been added along with the Au and Ag.δ13C of carbon varies from −16‰ to −21‰ suggesting a biogenic origin, whereas coexisting pyrite δ34S ranges from 1‰ to 3‰, pointing towards the involvement of magmatic or average crustal sulphur. Overall concentrations of K, Rb, Sr, Ba, Nb, Ta, Ti, Cs, Cr, Co, V, Y and Sc and many of the ratios such as K/Rb, La/Sc, La/Yb indicate that metamorphism, devolatilisation and dehydration of an oceanic subducting slab might have partially contributed the mineralising fluids and generated the alteration assemblage observed in the host rocks. Fluid sources were mantle and greenstone belt dehydration and devolatilisation generating observed compositional and alteration diversity. 相似文献
正With the rapid increasing demand of metal lithium and its compounds in science and technology,studies on lithium recovery though lithium ion extraction from salt lake brines are blooming bacause more than 60 percent of 相似文献
黑龙江镜泊湖地区全新世玄武岩的地球化学特征及其深部过程探讨 总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2
镜泊湖地区全新世玄武岩分布在镜泊湖西北方向的“火山口森林”地区和蛤蟆塘地区。这两个地区相距只有15km,但其玄武质岩石在岩石学上具有明显的区别,前者为碱性橄榄玄武岩,后者为白榴石碱玄岩,并且具有钛角闪石、金云母和歪长石巨晶,而前者则没有这些巨晶。对它们的地球化学特征研究表明,两个地区的玄武夺石虽然均属于偏钠质的碱性玄武岩,但是白榴石碱玄岩相对于碱性橄榄玄武岩总体上具有高的Al2O3、Na2O、K2 相似文献
Y. H. Dawood H. H. Abd El-Naby A. A. Sharafeldin 《Journal of Geochemical Exploration》2004,81(1-3):15-27
El Atshan mining area, central Eastern Desert, represents one of the uranium occurrences related to alkaline volcanic rocks in Egypt. Based on the plot of total alkali elements versus silica, these rocks are classified as trachytes. The U and Eu anomalies appear to be derived from trachyte exposed to a long period of alteration and rock–fluid interaction. The trachyte has been subjected to two phases of alteration. The pronounced chemical changes include the mobility of Si, Na, Fe, U, Zn and REE and the immobility of Mg, Th, Hf, Ta and Sc. The late stage hydrothermal solutions caused the breakdown of the feldspars by losing sodium, potassium and partially silica and eventually formation of argillic alteration products, dissolution of iron-bearing sulphides, formation of iron-oxy hydroxides and corrosion of primary uranium minerals forming uranyl oxide hydrates. The acidic water percolating through the fractured trachyte rock leached not only available major or trace elements, but also REE. Eu originally incorporated in feldspars as Eu+2 has been oxidized to Eu+3 and subsequently leached away leaving a negative anomaly in the host rock. The leached U and Eu were then transported most probably as carbonate complexes. The second phase of alteration occurred at the near surface profile when the late stage hydrothermal fluids cool to the temperature of meteoric water and may have mixed with it, the pH of the fluids would shift to more alkaline values and at these conditions U and Eu were precipitated into the fracture system mainly by being adsorbed on the clay minerals and probably coprecipitated with iron oxy-hydroxides. 相似文献
200 kV and 300 kV HREM images of mullite with beam direction parallel to [010] and [100] have been compared with extensive multi-slice calculations of structure models with different oxygen vacancy arrangements. The simulations reveal that changes of the contrast pattern in HREM images are correlated with enhanced vacancy concentrations and coupled cation shifts (Al*). Furthermore, the direct relationship between contrast variation and projected vacancy concentration permits the detection of 20% oxygen vacancies along [010] and [100]. An analysis of HREM images indicates preferred orientations of vacancies parallel to 〈102〉 in the (010) plane, whereas the (010) plane yields arrangements parallel to 〈012〉 and 〈001〉, resulting in an average direction of 〈013〉. Distances of 1.5a and 1.5b between these arrangements result from preferred inter-vacancy correlation vectors of 1/2 〈310〉 and 1/2 〈130〉 in the (001) plane. The investigated 2:1 and 3:2-mullites (x = 0.40 and x = 0.25) do not show long-range ordered arrangements of oxygen vacancies, but reveal the composition-dependent formation of short-range order regions of enhanced vacancy concentrations. These regions are distributed in a matrix with a minor degree of order. 相似文献
EPR investigations of yellow-green titanites from four localities showed presence of V4+ and Fe3+. They were investigated at X-band and room temperature. For V4+ the principal values of the g matrix and 51V hyperfine splitting and the directions of their principal axes indicate presence of a VO2+ ion substituting for Ti. Due to a high zero-field splitting only approximate values of the fine structure parameters of Fe3+ could be determined. With directions of their principal axes very similar to those of V4+ this ion must also substitute for Ti. Unusually large linewidths for both ions with little variation for samples from different localities are ascribed to the reported domain structure of titanites and accumulation of impurities in the domain boundaries. While for Fe3+ a small variation of the fine structure parameters explains this broadening, for V4+ a distribution of g-factors equal to its total anisotropy must be responsible whereas the V=0 bond length is remarkably constant. Due to preferential incorporation of impurities in the grain boundaries a contribution of dipolar broadening cannot be excluded. 相似文献