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Basin‐scale models are required to interpret ancient continental sedimentary successions, and reduce uncertainty in assessing geological resources in basins. Recently, modern studies show distributive fluvial systems to comprise a substantial proportion of modern sedimentary basins, but their role in ancient basin fills has yet to be quantitatively documented at the basin scale. This study analysed key fluvial characteristics to construct a detailed basin‐wide model of the Palaeogene Fort Union and Willwood formations (Bighorn Basin, Wyoming), using observations from modern studies, and ancient system scale studies of distributive fluvial systems, to guide interpretations. Mapping showed these formations to be highly heterogeneous with channel‐body proportion (from 12 to 81%) and geometry types (large amalgamated bodies to isolated channels), grain size (silt to conglomerate), average channel‐body thickness (4 to 20 m) and average storey thickness (3 to 10 m) varying significantly across the basin. Distributive fluvial systems in the form of alluvial and fluvial fans in transverse configurations were recognized as well as a wide axial system, with heterogeneity in the formations being closely aligned to these interpretations. Furthermore, numerous individual depositional systems were identified within the formations (Beartooth Absaroka, Washakie, Owl Creek and axial). Predicted downstream distributive fluvial system trends (i.e. downstream decrease in channel proportion, size and grain size) were identified in the Beartooth, Absaroka and Owl Creek systems. However, predicted trends were not identified in the Washakie system where intrabasinal thrusting disturbed the sequence. Importantly, a wide axial fluvial system was identified, where reverse downstream distributive fluvial system trends were present, interpreted to be the result of the input of transverse systems of variable size. This study provides a new level of detail in the application of basin‐scale models, demonstrating their usefulness in trying to understand and predict alluvial architecture distribution and heterogeneity, with important implications for economic resources and palaeogeographic reconstructions.  相似文献   

In modern siliciclastic environments terrestrial and aquatic vegetation binds substrate, controls weathering and erosion rates, influences run‐off, sediment supply and subsequent depositional architecture. This study assesses the applicability of modern depositional models that are impacted by vascular vegetation, as analogues for ancient pre‐land plant systems. A review of pre‐Devonian published literature demonstrates a paucity of described tidal successions; this is possibly due to the application of modern analogues for interpreting the record when there is a lack of tidal indicators. This paucity suggests a need for revised models of tidal deposition that consider the different environmental conditions prior to land plant evolution. This study examines the Ordovician–Silurian Tumblagooda Sandstone, which is exposed in the gorge of the Murchison River and coastal cliffs near Kalbarri, Western Australia. The Tumblagooda Sandstone comprises stacked sand‐rich facies, with well‐preserved bedforms and trace fossils. Previous interpretations of the depositional setting have proposed from a mixed sheet‐braided fluvial and intertidal flats; to a continental setting dominated by fluvial and aeolian processes. An enigmatic element is the rarity of mud‐rich facies preserved in the succession. Outcrop logging, facies and petrographic analysis record dominantly shallow water conditions with episodes of emergence. Abundant ichnotaxa indicate that marine conditions and bi‐directional flow structures are evidence for an intertidal and subtidal depositional environment. A macrotidal estuary setting is proposed, with evidence for tidal channels and repeated fluvial incursions. Physical and biogenic sedimentary structures are indicative of tidal conditions. The lack of clay and silt resulted in the absence of flaser or lenticular‐bedding. Instead cyclic deposition of thin beds and foreset bioturbation replaced mud drape deposits. Higher energy conditions prevailed in the absence of the binding activity of plants in the terrestrial and marine realm. This is suggestive of different weathering processes and a reduction in the preservation of some sedimentary features.  相似文献   


The Xihu sag, which is the largest petroliferous sub-basin of the East China Sea Shelf Basin, formed in a continental back-arc setting. The Oligocene Huagang Formation consisting of a fluvial–lacustrine succession deposited during the compressional stage is the prime hydrocarbon-bearing interval in the Xihu sag. A third-order sequence-stratigraphic framework has been built, and component sand-body characteristics were investigated based on seismic attribute analysis and well-log correlation. Two overall upward-fining sequences, and an internal low-accommodation systems tract (LAST) (fluvial successions characterised by amalgamated fluvial channel sand bodies interlayered with rare overbank deposits) and high-accommodation systems tract (HAST) (intervals dominated by overbank or lacustrine deposits) have been identified. The thick, multi-storied channel-fill sandstone bodies deposited along the central depression belt, capped by extensive overbank or lacustrine mud deposits, characterise each sequence and form favourable reservoir–seal associations. Proximal-to-distal changes in lithofacies associations were also analysed. The sequence-stratigraphic and lithofacies analysis suggest the existence of an axial, large-scale river channel system in the Oligocene Xihu sag. On the basis of the restoration of basin geomorphology and seismic facies analysis, the depositional architectures of the axial paleodrainage system have been reconstructed. Overall, the Huagang sequences represent the sedimentary evolution of a large-scale fluvial system sourced from axial and lateral supply areas, to form river deltas into an interior-draining basin-centre lake. Two major fluvio-lacustrine transgression–regression cycles have been recorded. During the transgression cycle, the fluvial morphology was dominated by braided fluvial style; whereas during the regression cycle, the fluvial morphology was characterised by a combination of multiple fluvial channel styles in the LAST, from upstream to downstream low-sinuosity braided, high-sinuosity braided and anastomosing fluvial channel patterns were distributed and then replaced by large-scale lake flooding in the HAST. The braided channel centre, paleobathymetric lows of channel networks and delta-front bodies are sand-prone units. The fluvial sedimentation was governed by multiple parameters: tectonics, paleogeomorphology and climate fluctuations. This integrated study on fluvial sedimentation and evolution of the Oligocene drainage system enable us to propose a conceptual model depicting fluvial channel styles and component sand-body architecture in lacustrine rift basins with axial plus transverse sediment supplies. This model can serve as a reference to illustrate channel-sand-body and associated reservoir architecture in similar types of drainage systems in terrestrial basins.  相似文献   

Stratigraphic patterns and sequence development in tectonically active extensional basins remain poorly documented in comparison with passive‐margin settings. Rift basin fills are generally characterized by coarsening‐upward trends in response to the rapid creation of accommodation by extensional faulting, and the progressive filling of graben during more quiescent periods. The Early Permian Irwin River Coal Measures in the Northern Perth Basin (Western Australia) record a complex stratigraphic arrangement of conglomerate, sandstone, mudstone and coal, and have been attributed to delta plain depositional environments that developed in a cool–temperate climatic setting during syn‐rift activity. Sedimentary analysis of outcrop and core data from the fault‐bounded Irwin Terrace is used to distinguish nine facies associations reflecting deposition in braided rivers, fixed‐anastomosed channel belts, tide‐influenced coastal environments and storm‐affected distal bays. The broader depositional system is interpreted as a morphologically asymmetrical tide‐dominated embayment with a fluvial and wave influence. The stratigraphic architecture of the Irwin River Coal Measures was strongly influenced by the evolving rift basin margin. Fault reactivation of the major basin‐bounding Darling Fault in the early syn‐rift phase caused footwall uplift and the inception of transverse palaeo‐valleys occupied by braided fluvial systems. Fault block subsidence during the subsequent balanced, backstepping and drowning phases resulted in a dominantly retrogradational stacking pattern indicating progressive flooding of marginal‐marine areas and culminating in deposition of distal marine elements. In the active rift basin, it is proposed that preservation of a shallow‐marine syn‐rift sequence was promoted by the geomorphological confinement of the embayed system increasing tidal current acceleration and hampering transgressive ravinement. The proposed sequence model demonstrates that transgressive successions can develop in the early syn‐rift phase in response to footwall uplift and tectonic subsidence. The syn‐rift sequence recording the filling of an embayment on a rift basin margin may be applied in similar tectonic and/or depositional contexts worldwide.  相似文献   

The recognition of terminal fluvial systems, otherwise termed 'terminal fans' or 'distributary fluvial fan systems', preserved in the ancient rock record is based primarily on the recognition of facies characteristics indicative of a progressive downstream decrease in: (i) fluvial discharge; (ii) channel depth and width; (iii) lateral and vertical connectivity of channel-fill elements; and (iv) evidence for channellized flow and a systematic increase in: (i) evidence for sheetflood deposition; (ii) aeolian and/or playa deposits; and (iii) channel bifurcation. However, despite these criteria having been applied previously to a variety of outcrop successions, there is still no unifying facies model that adequately accounts for the complex stratigraphic architectural relationships expected for such systems, based on the varied styles of fluvial activity and system interaction known from modern examples. Moreover, few previous studies have given significant consideration to the long-term temporal evolution of terminal fluvial fans. These issues are addressed by this study of the Permian (Leonardian/Artinskian) Organ Rock Formation of the Paradox Basin, South-east Utah. A detailed stratigraphic framework based on 84 sedimentary logs demonstrates proximal to distal variations in sedimentary style. Integration of these data with high-resolution architectural panels depicting the geometry and facies characteristics of individual fluvial elements has enabled the development of a series of depositional models that account for both the spatial and temporal evolution of the system and which are representative of: (i) initial progradation of the fluvial system into the Paradox foreland basin; (ii) retreat of the fluvial system and expansion of a distal aeolian dune system; (iii) the final phase of fluvial progradation following aeolian dune deflation; and (iv) the final retrogradation of the fluvial system back towards the hinterland.  相似文献   

Traditional facies models lack quantitative information concerning sedimentological features: this significantly limits their value as references for comparison and guides to interpretation and subsurface prediction. This paper aims to demonstrate how a database methodology can be used to generate quantitative facies models for fluvial depositional systems. This approach is employed to generate a range of models, comprising sets of quantitative information on proportions, geometries, spatial relations and grain sizes of genetic units belonging to three different scales of observation (depositional elements, architectural elements and facies units). The method involves a sequential application of filters to the knowledge base that allows only database case studies that developed under appropriate boundary conditions to contribute to any particular model. Specific example facies models are presented for fluvial environmental types categorized on channel pattern, basin climatic regime and water‐discharge regime; the common adoption of these environmental types allows a straightforward comparison with existing qualitative models. The models presented here relate to: (i) the large‐scale architecture of single‐thread and braided river systems; (ii) meandering sub‐humid perennial systems; (iii) the intermediate‐scale and small‐scale architecture of dryland, braided ephemeral systems; (iv) the small‐scale architecture of sandy meandering systems; and (v) individual architectural features of a specific sedimentary environment (a terminal fluvial system) and its sub‐environments (architectural elements). Although the quantification of architectural properties represents the main advantage over qualitative facies models, other improvements include the capacity: (i) to model on different scales of interest; (ii) to categorize the model on a variety of environmental classes; (iii) to perform an objective synthesis of many real‐world case studies; (iv) to include variability‐related and knowledge‐related uncertainty in the model; and (v) to assess the role of preservation potential by comparing ancient‐system and modern‐system data input to the model.  相似文献   

In terminal fluvial-fan systems, characteristic proximal to distal variations in sedimentary architectures are recognized to arise from progressive downstream loss of water discharge related to both infiltration and evaporation. This work aims to elucidate downstream trends in facies and architecture across the medial and distal zones of terminal-fan systems, which record transitions from deposits of channel elements to lobe-like and sheet-like elements. This is achieved via a detailed characterization of ancient ephemeral fluvial deposits of the well-exposed Kimmeridgian Tordillo Formation (Neuquén Basin, Argentina). The fine sand-prone and silt-prone succession associated with the medial to distal sectors of the system has been studied to understand relationships between depositional processes and resulting architectures. Facies and architectural-element analyses, and quantification of resulting sedimentological data at multiple scales, have been undertaken to characterize sedimentary facies, facies transitions, bed types, architectural elements and larger-scale architectural styles. Eight bed types with distinct internal facies transitions are defined and interpreted in terms of different types of flood events. Channelized and non-channelized architectural elements are defined based on their constituent bed types and their external geometry. The most common elements are terminal lobes, which are composite bodies within which largely unconfined sandy deposits are stacked in a compensational manner; a hierarchical arrangement of internal components is recognized. Proximal feeder-channel avulsion events likely controlled the evolution of terminal-lobe elements and their spatiotemporal shifts. Stratigraphic relations between architectural elements record system-wide trends, whereby a proximal sector dominated by channel elements passes downstream via a gradational transition to a medial sector dominated by sandy terminal-lobe elements, which in turn passes further downstream to a distal sector dominated by silty terminal lobe-margin and fringing deposits. This work enhances current understanding of the stratigraphic record of terminal fluvial systems at multiple scales, and provides insight that can be applied to predict the facies and architectural complexity of terminal fluvial successions.  相似文献   

Precambrian fluvial systems, lacking the influence of rooted vegetation, probably were characterised by flashy surface runoff, low bank stability, broad channels with abundant bedload, and faster rates of channel migration; consequently, a braided fluvial style is generally accepted. Pre-vegetational braided river systems, active under highly variable palaeoclimatic conditions, may have been more widespread than are modern, ephemeral dry-land braided systems. Aeolian deflation of fine fluvial detritus does not appear to have been prevalent. With the onset of large cratons by the Neoarchaean–Palaeoproterozoic, very large, perennial braided river systems became typical. The c. 2.06–1.88 Ga Waterberg Group, preserved within a Main and a smaller Middelburg basin on the Kaapvaal craton, was deposited largely by alluvial/braided-fluvial and subordinate palaeo-desert environments, within fault-bounded, possibly pull-apart type depositories.

Palaeohydrological data obtained from earlier work in the Middelburg basin (Wilgerivier Formation) are compared to such data derived from the correlated Blouberg Formation, situated along the NE margin of the Main basin. Within the preserved Blouberg depository, palaeohydrological parameters estimated from clast size and cross-bed set thickness data, exhibit rational changes in their values, either in a down-palaeocurrent direction, or from inferred basin margin to palaeo-basin centre. In both the Wilgerivier and Blouberg Formations, calculated palaeoslope values (derived from two separate formulae) plot within the gap separating typical alluvial fan gradients from those which characterise rivers (cf. [Blair, T.C., McPherson, J.G., 1994. Alluvial fans and their natural distinction from rivers based on morphology, hydraulic processes, sedimentary processes, and facies assemblages. J. Sediment. Res. A64, 450–489.]). Although it may be argued that such data support possibly unique fluvial styles within the Precambrian, perhaps related to a combination of major global-scale tectono-thermal and atmospheric–palaeoclimatic events, a simpler explanation of these apparently enigmatic palaeoslope values may be pertinent. Of the two possible palaeohydrological formulae for calculating palaeoslope, one provides results close to typical fluvial gradients; the other formula relies on preserved channel-width data. We suggest that the latter will not be reliable due to problematic preservation of original channel-widths within an active braided fluvial system. We thus find no unequivocal support for a unique fluvial style for the Precambrian, beyond that generally accepted for that period and discussed briefly in the first paragraph.  相似文献   

Biotic forcing on river meandering is a highly debated topic in sedimentology. Vegetation is assumed to hold a vital role on channel stability and sinuosity, for example through bank stabilization and pedogenic production of cohesive clays. However, statistically solid and causal relationships between vegetation density and river sinuosity remain largely untested in natural systems. This study investigates physical and biotic forcings on channel sinuosity in the Bonneville Basin of Utah (USA), an endorheic depression flanked by active fluvial networks (‘washes’) that display diverse vegetation density and channel‐planform style. By means of remote sensing and ground‐data collection, 58 washes are considered, 0·1 to 90 km2 in surface area and drained by trunk channels <45 m wide and <1·2 m deep. Each wash is composed of a catchment basin connected downstream to an aggradational and distributive channel network. Statistically solid regressions highlight the primary roles played by base level and catchment size on fluvial morphogenesis. In contrast, no correlation is found between vegetation density and other parameters such as trunk‐channel width or surface area of the largest meander in a wash. Similarly, no statistical correlation exists between vegetation density and meander size or sinuosity index. Rather, larger and more sinuous meanders are invariably associated with lower vegetation density. These results are corroborated by field evidence showing that sparse vegetation promotes flow disturbance, channel branching and bar braiding instead of stabilizing sediment surfaces. Thus, river meandering is attributed to cohesion offered by mud retention within the endorheic basin, as well as discharge and stream‐power modulation along bifurcating and low‐gradient channel reaches. Hence, this work demonstrates how meandering‐channel patterns may arise from entirely physical forcings in the absence of vegetation.  相似文献   

Continental ‘overfilled’ conditions during rift initiation are conventionally explained as due to low creation of accommodation compared with sediment supply. Alternatively, sediment supply can be relatively high from the onset of rifting due to an antecedent drainage system. The alluvial Lower Group of the western Plio–Pleistocene Corinth rift is used to investigate the interaction of fluvial sedimentation with early rifting. This rift was obliquely superimposed on the Hellenide mountain belt from which it inherited a significant palaeorelief. Detailed sedimentary logging and mapping of the well‐exposed syn‐rift succession document the facies distributions, palaeocurrents and stratigraphic architecture. Magnetostratigraphy and biostratigraphy are used to date and correlate the alluvial succession across and between fault blocks. From 3·2 to 1·8 Ma, a transverse low sinuosity braided river system flowed north/north‐east to east across east–west‐striking active fault blocks (4 to 7 km in width). Deposits evolved downstream from coarse alluvial conglomerates to fine‐grained lacustrine deposits over 15 to 30 km. The length scale of facies belts is much greater than, and thus not directly controlled by, the width of the fault blocks. At its termination, the distributive river system built small, stacked deltas into a shallow lake margin. The presence of a major antecedent drainage system is supported by: (i) a single major sediment entry point; (ii) persistence of a main channel belt axis; (iii) downstream fining at the scale of the rift basin. The zones of maximum subsidence on individual faults are aligned with the persistent fluvial axis, suggesting that sediment supply influenced normal fault growth. Instead of low accommodation rate during the early rift phase, this study proposes that facies progradation can be controlled by continuous and high sediment supply from antecedent rivers.  相似文献   

Pre‐vegetation fluvial channels have long been considered predominantly sheet‐like in geometry, owing to hydraulic sections that rapidly widened rather than incise during floods. This motif has been paralleled to that of modern dryland rivers subject to sharp discharge fluctuations during ephemeral floods. However, a number of Precambrian fluvial successions have been recently appraised as the product of deep‐channelled systems characterized by relatively stable – probably perennial – discharge regimes. One such example is the ca 1·0 Ga Applecross Formation, part of the well‐studied Torridon Group of Scotland. To contribute to this debate and to provide refined morphodynamic models for the Applecross Formation, this article presents an integration of three‐dimensional photogrammetry and outcrop sedimentology applied to key exposures at Stoer Peninsula, north‐western Scottish Highlands. Analysis of selected sandbodies reveals that high‐relief fluvial sand bars, both mid‐channel and bank‐attached, evolved within deep, braided‐channel belts. These bars grew through complex mechanisms of accretion and reactivation related to different flood stages: upstream and downstream accretion probably occurred during waning‐flood stages characterized by high hydrograph levels and abundant sediment availability; lateral accretion took place during later waning‐flood stages, and it was associated in some cases with helical recirculation and increase in bend sinuosity. Overall, the depicted morphodynamics are consistent with prolonged flood events that cannot be reconciled with sharply fluctuating discharge regimes. Critical comparisons between the internal geometry of the studied bars and modern counterparts corroborate the findings herein. Thus, this study recommends stricter comparisons between the products of modern braided channels and Precambrian fluvial rock records featuring thick and well‐developed bar forms.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous Bauru Group in south‐east Brazil consists of alluvial strata whose characteristics and distribution indicate a fluvial system developed in a semi‐arid to arid climate. Sections exposed within a 90 000 km2 study area in Minas Gerais State (in south‐eastern Brazil) were evaluated using facies and palaeosol analysis to formulate depositional and pedogenic models that may account for geomorphic and climate features. From east to west, the study succession records a gradual decrease in grain size, an increase in the width/thickness ratio in channels, a decrease in the lateral and vertical connectivity of channel deposits, and an increase in overbank deposits. The fluvial architecture indicates a braided channel belt, ephemeral ribbon–channels, and an unconfined fluvial facies from east to west in the study area. The lateral and vertical distribution of facies, stratigraphic architecture and palaeocurrent data suggest proximal, medial and distal portions of a progradational distributive fluvial system. The sedimentary dynamics were marked by the building and abandonment of channels related to processes of aggradation, vegetation growth and palaeosol generation. Macromorphological and micromorphological analyses have identified pedological and mineralogical features that indicate an arid to semi‐arid climate with a provenance from the north‐eastern part of the basin (Alto Paranaiba Uplift). From the proximal to the distal portions of the distributive fluvial system, the palaeosol development is different. In the proximal portion, the palaeosols are absent or poorly developed, allowing a possible general comparison with the present soil order: Inceptisols and Aridisols. In the medial portion of the fluvial system, the palaeosols are well‐developed and characterized by Bt, Btk, C and Ck horizons (Alfisols, Aridisols, Inceptisols and Entisols). Poorly drained to well‐drained palaeosols from the base to the top in the distal plain (Aridisols and Inceptisols) are associated with geomorphic and hydromorphic changes in the fluvial system due to progradational evolution. The genetic relationship between the fluvial architecture and the palaeosols enhances the understanding that the sedimentation and pedogenesis that occurs in different portions of the distributive fluvial system are related to the tectonic and climatic evolution of the basin.  相似文献   

Detailed facies analysis of the Neogene successions of the Pishin Belt (Katawaz Basin) has enabled documentation of successive depositional systems and paleogeographic settings of the basin formed by the collision of the northwestern continental margin of the Indian Plate and the Afghan Block. During the Early Miocene, subaerial sedimentation started after the final closure of the Katawaz Remnant Ocean. Based on detailed field data, twelve facies were recognized in Neogene successions exposed in the Pishin Belt. These facies were further organized into four facies associations i.e. channels, crevasse splay, natural levee and floodplain facies associations. Facies associations and variations provided ample evidence to recognize a number of fluvial architectural components in the succession e.g., low‐sinuosity sandy braided river, mixed‐load meandering, high‐sinuosity meandering channels, single‐story sandstone and/or conglomerate channels, lateral accretion surfaces (point bars) and alluvial fans. Neogene sedimentation in the Pishin Belt was mainly controlled by active tectonism and thrusting in response to the oblique collision of the Indian Plate with the Afghan Block of the Eurasian Plate along the Chaman‐Nushki Fault. Post Miocene deformation of these formations successively caused them to contribute as an additional source terrain for the younger formations.  相似文献   

Fluvial systems and their preserved stratigraphic expression as the fill of evolving basins are controlled by multiple factors, which can vary both spatially and temporally, including prevailing climate, sediment provenance, localized changes in the rates of creation and infill of accommodation in response to subsidence, and diversion by surface topographic features. In basins that develop in response to halokinesis, mobilized salt tends to be displaced by sediment loading to create a series of rapidly subsiding mini‐basins, each separated by growing salt walls. The style and pattern of fluvial sedimentation governs the rate at which accommodation becomes filled, whereas the rate of growth of basin‐bounding salt walls governs whether an emergent surface topography will develop that has the potential to divert and modify fluvial drainage pathways and thereby dictate the resultant fluvial stratigraphic architecture. Discerning the relative roles played by halokinesis and other factors, such as climate‐driven variations in the rate and style of sediment supply, is far from straightforward. Diverse stratigraphic architectures present in temporally equivalent, neighbouring salt‐walled mini‐basins demonstrate the effectiveness of topographically elevated salt walls as agents that partition and guide fluvial pathways, and thereby control the loci of accumulation of fluvial successions in evolving mini‐basins: drainage pathways can be focused into a single mini‐basin to preserve a sand‐prone fill style, whilst leaving adjoining basins relatively sand‐starved. By contrast, over the evolutionary history of a suite of salt‐walled mini‐basins, region‐wide changes in fluvial style can be shown to have been driven by changes in palaeoclimate and sediment‐delivery style. The Triassic Moenkopi Formation of the south‐western USA represents the preserved expression of a dryland fluvial system that accumulated across a broad, low‐relief alluvial plain, in a regressive continental to paralic setting. Within south‐eastern Utah, the Moenkopi Formation accumulated in a series of actively subsiding salt‐walled mini‐basins, ongoing evolution of which exerted a significant control on the style of drainage and resultant pattern of stratigraphic accumulation. Drainage pathways developed axial (parallel) to salt walls, resulting in compartmentalized accumulation of strata whereby neighbouring mini‐basins record significant variations in sedimentary style at the same stratigraphic level. Despite the complexities created by halokinetic controls, the signature of climate‐driven sediment delivery can be deciphered from the preserved succession by comparison with the stratigraphic expression of part of the system that accumulated beyond the influence of halokinesis, and this approach can be used to demonstrate regional variations in climate‐controlled styles of sediment delivery.  相似文献   

The Mesoproterozoic Lower Tombador Formation is formed of shallow braided fluvial, unconfined to poorly-channelized ephemeral sheetfloods, sand-rich floodplain, tide-dominated estuarine, and shallow marine sediments. Lowstand braided fluvial deposits are characterized by a high degree of channel amalgamation interbedded with ephemeral, intermediate sheetflood sandstones. Sand-rich floodplain sediments consist of intervals formed by distal sheetflood deposits interbedded with thin layers of eolian sandstones. Tide-dominated estuarine successions are formed of tide-influenced sand-bed braided fluvial, tidal channel, tidal sand flat and tidal bars. Shallow marine intervals are composed of heterolithic strata and tidal sand bars. Seismic scale cliffs photomosaics calibrated with vertical sections indicate high lateral continuity of sheet-like depositional geometry for fluvial–estuarine successions. These geometric characteristics associated with no evidence of incised-valley features nor significant fluvial scouring suggest that the Lower Tombador Formation registers deposition of unincised fluvial and tide-dominated systems. Such a scenario is a natural response of the interplay between sedimentation and fluctuations of relative sea level on the gentle margins of a sag basin. This case study indicates that fluvial–estuarine successions exhibit the same facies distributions, irrespective of being related to unincised or incised-valley systems. Moreover, this case study can serve as a starting point to better understand the patterns of sedimentation for Precambrian basins formed in similar tectonic settings.  相似文献   

The rift succession of the Araripe Basin can be subdivided into four depositional sequences, bounded by regional unconformities, which record different palaeogeographic and palaeoenvironmental contexts. Sequence I, equivalent to the Brejo Santo Formation, is composed of fluvial sheetflood and floodplain facies association, while Sequence II, correspondent to the lower portion of the Missão Velha Formation, is characterised by braided fluvial channel belt deposits. The fluvial deposits of Sequences I and II show palaeocurrents toward SE. The Sequence III, correspondent to the upper portion of Missão Velha Formation, is composed of fluvial sheetflood deposits, which are overlain by braided fluvial channel deposits displaying a palaeocurrent pattern predominantly toward SW to NW. Sequence IV, equivalent to the Abaiara Formation, is composed of fluvio–deltaic–lacustrine strata with polimodal paleocurrent pattern. The type of depositional systems, the palaeocurrent pattern and the comparison with general tectono-stratigraphic rift models led to the identification of different evolutionary stages of the Araripe Basin. Sequences I, II and III represent the record of a larger basin associated to an early rift stage. However, the difference of the fluvial palaeocurrent between sequences II and III marks a regional rearrangement of the drainage system related to tectonic activity that compartmentalised the large endorheic basin, defining more localised drainage basins separated by internal highs. Sequence IV is associated with the renewal of the landscape and implantation of half-graben systems. The high dispersion of palaeocurrents trends indicate that sedimentary influx occurs from different sectors of the half-grabens.  相似文献   

Upper Permian to Lower Triassic coastal plain successions of the Sydney Basin in eastern Australia have been investigated in outcrop and continuous drillcores. The purpose of the investigation is to provide an assessment of palaeoenvironmental change at high southern palaeolatitudes in a continental margin context for the late Permian (Lopingian), across the end‐Permian Extinction interval, and into the Early Triassic. These basins were affected by explosive volcanic eruptions during the late Permian and, to a much lesser extent, during the Early Triassic, allowing high‐resolution age determination on the numerous tuff horizons. Palaeobotanical and radiogenic isotope data indicate that the end‐Permian Extinction occurs at the top of the uppermost coal bed, and the Permo‐Triassic boundary either within an immediately overlying mudrock succession or within a succeeding channel sandstone body, depending on locality due to lateral variation. Late Permian depositional environments were initially (during the Wuchiapingian) shallow marine and deltaic, but coastal plain fluvial environments with extensive coal‐forming mires became progressively established during the early late Permian, reflected in numerous preserved coal seams. The fluvial style of coastal plain channel deposits varies geographically. However, apart from the loss of peat‐forming mires, no significant long‐term change in depositional style (grain size, sediment‐body architecture, or sediment dispersal direction) was noted across the end‐Permian Extinction (pinpointed by turnover of the palaeoflora). There is no evidence for immediate aridification across the boundary despite a loss of coal from these successions. Rather, the end‐Permian Extinction marks the base of a long‐term, progressive trend towards better‐drained alluvial conditions into the Early Triassic. Indeed, the floral turnover was immediately followed by a flooding event in basinal depocentres, following which fluvial systems similar to those active prior to the end‐Permian Extinction were re‐established. The age of the floral extinction is constrained to 252.54 ± 0.08 to 252.10 ± 0.06 Ma by a suite of new Chemical Abrasion Isotope Dilution Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry U‐Pb ages on zircon grains. Another new age indicates that the return to fluvial sedimentation similar to that before the end‐Permian Extinction occurred in the basal Triassic (prior to 251.51 ± 0.14 Ma). The character of the surface separating coal‐bearing pre‐end‐Permian Extinction from coal‐barren post‐end‐Permian Extinction strata varies across the basins. In basin‐central locations, the contact varies from disconformable, where a fluvial channel body has cut down to the level of the top coal, to conformable where the top coal is overlain by mudrocks and interbedded sandstone–siltstone facies. In basin‐marginal locations, however, the contact is a pronounced erosional disconformity with coarse‐grained alluvial facies overlying older Permian rocks. There is no evidence that the contact is everywhere a disconformity or unconformity.  相似文献   

从端点走向连续:河流沉积模式研究进展述评   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:3  
从河道类型的划分、河床演变与河型转换、河道沉积与河流砂体的建筑结构要素、河漫滩沉积、季节性河流与分支河流体系、河流沉积相模式、河流沉积学研究技术与方法等方面对国内外河流沉积模式的研究进展进行了综述,认为近十年来河流沉积学的理论和方法都发生了重要的变化。地貌学家、沉积学家和工程师认识到河道形态是连续可变的,而不是只有4~40多个端点类型。河床的演变受河床比降、流量变幅、河岸沉积物粒度构成、气候、植被以及构造沉降速率等多方面的影响。垂向剖面分析法难以对古河流类型做出正确的判断,运用建筑结构要素分析法重建河道内大型底形的地貌形态是河型判别和河流相模式重建的正确方法。河漫滩是河流沉积事件记录最为齐全的部位,对河漫滩、天然堤和泛滥平原沉积层序的研究能够揭示更多古河流沉积过程以及古环境、古气候和古生物方面的信息。对季节性河流、受季风强烈影响地区的河流、以及不同气候带河流所发育的独特沉积构造和建筑结构要素的研究不断增加。分支河流体系的概念得到越来越多的应用,但也得到不少质疑。我国学者应当注重对现代河流地貌形态和沉积过程的观察,把河床演变学的定量方法与沉积学的观点、理论和资料相结合,利用露头、三维地震资料和探地雷达技术建立河流砂体内部建筑结构信息数据库,加强对古河流河漫滩和泛滥平原的沉积过程、特征及其控制因素的研究,加强对不同构造和气候条件下河流沉积的差异性研究,不断发展河流沉积学研究技术,加强河流沉积学实验室建设和研究队伍建设,加强国际交流与合作,使我国河流沉积学为国家经济社会发展提供更加有力和有效的支撑,为推动国际河流沉积学发展做出中国人自己的贡献。  相似文献   

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