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Miguel Kanai 《Urban geography》2013,34(8):1111-1117
In this paper, I problematize the connections between global tourism, urban redevelopment and cultural policy in Buenos Aires. Market-oriented approaches to urban growth have continued after Argentina’s economic collapse of 2001–2002. Devaluation produced unprecedented international affordability, which triggered a tourism boom. City government capitalized on this through cultural initiatives. Yet tourist-oriented cultural entrepreneurialism promoted forms of disjointed redevelopment that exacerbate socio-spatial inequality and fragmentation. Moreover, Mayor Macri has been advancing a cultural politics of scale that recasts Buenos Aires as a world-class city, while mobilizing localist identities to oppose national efforts towards income redistribution and intercultural recognition. Particularly important have been the recent appropriations of tango as a cultural commodity. Deployed for city marketing and selective reinvestment, tango also emboldens Eurocentric narratives of cosmopolitan urbanity that legitimize racialized exclusion and geographical elitism. Concluding remarks suggest that socio-political uses of tango are not the exclusive domain of neoliberal urbanism, and research implications are discussed beyond Buenos Aires.  相似文献   

The Western Ghats mountain chain of Kerala, India, is prone to landslides mainly caused by anthropogenic disturbances and very high rainfall amounts. Here, some initial observations on the apparent relationship among pore water pressure fluctuations, rainfall characteristics, and landslide initiation are presented based on monitoring in an experimental catchment in the upper Tikovil River basin. On June 21 and 22, 2007, continuous rain fell for over 10 hours with a total precipitation of 147 mm, causing three shallow landslides in the catchment. Measurements using piezometers in three hollows of the catchment indicate that the rain spell resulted in the development of high pore water pressure from the beginning of the storm that persisted through the time of occurrence of shallow landslides. The pore water pressure patterns in these monitored hollows are possible representatives of the pore water pressure pattern in the hollows where the landslides initiated. This similarity of response pattern enables such data to be used for the calibration and validation of physically based slope hydrology models coupled with slope stability models.  相似文献   

Decentralization of governance and natural resource management is an ongoing process in many parts of Africa and Asia. Natural resource management requires spatial land resource data for planning. However, currently the financial and human capacity for natural resource mapping, monitoring and modelling remains low in local governments. In this context, this paper explores how new opportunities provided by the increasing availability of free satellite imagery, digital elevation data and open source spatial analysis software, can be applied by local government and NGOs to conduct sophisticated natural resource mapping and modelling in ways that meet their needs and incorporates local knowledge. Reported are cases of a local government using free geospatial data and GIS software to improve evidence‐based natural resource management in the developing world with a focus on raster data applications for satellite image analysis and terrain modelling. It is argued that, through removing barriers to uptake, such applications provide a means of decentralizing landscape analysis skills to improve local natural resource management. This hypothesis is supported through examples of a local government applying these tools in eastern Indonesia, and within this context barriers to wider adoption are explored.  相似文献   

This article examines the interplay of gender, caste-religion, and household survival strategy formation among Christian and Muslim fisher folk in the south Indian state of Kerala. The methodology consisted of surveys of forty-one households in two villages in which data pertaining to male and female work patterns and other household level data were collected in the summer of 1999. My analysis demonstrates how particular ideologies of gender and work associated with different caste-religion communities influence the strategies individual households adopt. I discuss intersections between gender and caste-religion with other socioeconomic factors and illustrate the manner in which gender then gets reworked in particular ways in the course of economic transformation.  相似文献   

By focusing on critical geographies, landscape, and spatial literacy, this article evaluates a semester-long spatial justice project conducted in a preservice teacher education program. The analysis recognizes the limitations of reading the products literally as a means of comprehending spatial representation. It expands the analysis by hacking the products and producing new landscapes to read against or up against the products as sociospatial texts. It considers the deployment of landscape concepts—borders, the representation of tension, and the gaze and subjectivity of the reader-authors—as central elements of spatial literacy that is of consequence.  相似文献   

This article examines the interplay of gender, caste‐religion, and household survival strategy formation among Christian and Muslim fisher folk in the south Indian state of Kerala. The methodology consisted of surveys of forty‐one households in two villages in which data pertaining to male and female work patterns and other household level data were collected in the summer of 1999. My analysis demonstrates how particular ideologies of gender and work associated with different caste‐religion communities influence the strategies individual households adopt. I discuss intersections between gender and caste‐religion with other socioeconomic factors and illustrate the manner in which gender then gets reworked in particular ways in the course of economic transformation.  相似文献   

自然与文化遗产保护中几个问题的探讨   总被引:23,自引:5,他引:23  
自然与文化遗产是祖先留给我们的宝贵资源,也是全人类的共同财富。随着人们对遗产价值的认识和理解的不断深入,特别是由于环境变化和不可持续的经济增长方式的影响造成了自然和文化遗产破坏的日益加剧,遗产保护问题已经成为国际社会和学术界关注的热点之一。本文系统阐述了当前自然与文化遗产保护与管理中应当重点关注的几个问题,包括:在重视申报的同时注重遗产的发掘、整理和保护;正确处理遗产保护与发展的关系;强调遗产地保护中的自然与文化的综合研究;重视周边社区对遗产保护的重要作用;在更广泛的意义上关注遗产类型;加强遗产保护与管理的科学研究等。  相似文献   

A much anticipated explosion in regional shopping center retailing in Britain has failed to emerge. This paper suggests that the threat to existing property investments was a key reason why funds for development were slow to materialize. By the time the movement gathered pace, the British government became worried by the scale of proposals. Since the consumer boom that followed the expansionary budget of 1988 was short lived, it follows that many potential investors were relieved that they did not become involved with schemes that might have had little economic viability. Therefore, the rather restricted geography of retailing in Britain has been left largely unchanged.  相似文献   

This article describes a high-impact learning project that combines geography, history, and ethnic studies. It describes the construction of the course, student outcomes, and the final and publicly presented collaborative project: the Social Justice Tour of Corvallis. Based on work in a small largely white town, this project presents a reproducible model for student learning and actively engaging with questions of race and geography.  相似文献   

This paper considers the issues of research ‘relevance’ and ‘use’ to reflect upon a cultural geography research project on bushfire that did not begin with any specific aim of being useful to policy makers but which has garnered considerable and ongoing interest from a broad audience. It provides an example of how the integration of quantitative and qualitative research methods and data can enhance research into cultural aspects of natural hazards whilst simultaneously playing a key role in ensuring that the research results are of interest to a wide range of groups. Using a mixed-methods research approach was found to provide insight into complex factors that influence attitudes and actions towards bushfire amongst diverse landholders in rural–urban interface areas in south-east Australia. We argue that mixed-methods research is a powerful tool in building and enhancing a cultural geography that has policy relevance, retains analytical depth, and is acceptable to risk managers. The ability of cultural geography through mixed-methods research to illuminate how socio-cultural processes are central to environmental attitudes and preparedness behaviour has direct relevance to recent international discussions of how to manage the vulnerability of the growing number of people living in bushfire-prone rural–urban interface areas.  相似文献   

Aboriginal cultural heritage protection, and the legislative regimes that underpin it, constitute important mechanisms for Aboriginal people to assert their rights and responsibilities. This is especially so in Victoria, where legislation vests wide-ranging powers and control of cultural heritage with Aboriginal communities. However, the politics of cultural heritage, including its institutionalisation as a scientific body of knowledge within the state, can also result in a powerful limiting of Aboriginal rights and responsibilities. This paper examines the politics of cultural heritage through a case study of a small forest in north-west Victoria. Here, a dispute about logging has pivoted around differing conceptualisations of Aboriginal cultural heritage values and their management. Cultural heritage, in this case, is both a powerful tool for the assertion of Aboriginal rights and interests, but simultaneously a set of boundaries within which the state operates to limit and manage the challenge those assertions pose. The paper will argue that Aboriginal cultural heritage is a politically contested and shifting domain structured around Aboriginal law and politics, Australian statute and the legacy of colonial history.  相似文献   

从行政分权到跨域治理:我国地方政府治理方式变革研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从集权到分权再到伙伴关系,从统治到治理再到跨域治理,西方发达国家地方政府治理方式呈现出螺旋式发展路径。我国的分权化改革打破了计划经济体制下地方政府被动羸弱的状态,在激发了地方政府发展经济的动力的同时,引发了"地方政府企业化"倾向,形成了分割的"行政区经济"。市场化改革在引入和整合体制外社会经济资源的同时,也导致政府与市场结合成"不受约束"的增长联盟,反而削弱了政府的权威。跨域治理理念旨在强化政府组织、市场组织和社会组织之间的资源整合,鼓励各种治理组织的参与,以共同应对跨行政区、跨部门、跨领域的公共事务。该文结合我国地方政府的实际情况,认为通过以下途径可以实现地方政府跨域治理:1)分权与赋权相结合,引进并整合体制外的社会经济资源,把决策权力向企业、社区和非营利组织转移;2)统筹协调各治理组织间的关系,促进城市政体内的权力平衡,以利益协调为基点,促使治理规则由支配性规则向共识性规则转变;3)综合运用行政化手段和市场化手段调整地方政府间关系,实现府际合作,促使地方政府由竞争型政府向合作型政府转变。  相似文献   

社会文化地理学在中国近10年的进展   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
白凯  周尚意  吕洋洋 《地理学报》2014,69(8):1190-1206
21世纪以来,伴随中国社会的不断“分化”与“变迁”,典型社会文化现象不断涌现,社会文化地理学研究已成为学界所持续关注的研究领域。在初步总结国外社会文化地理学的理论演进脉络的基础上,本研究分析了过去10年以来中国社会文化地理学研究的热点与关注,结合中国发展现状提出,本土社会文化特质的地理学研究、权利与资本对社会文化空间形态与地方建构的影响、城乡与区域人口迁移所形成的流动现象与规模效应等,是未来社会文化地理学应重点关注的研究领域。同时强调了,社会文化地理学在中国的发展,需要注重知识贡献的普适性与中国自身社会文化特质的辩证统一。  相似文献   

San Francisco, like many cities in the United States and across the world, has an official zero-tolerance policy on graffiti. In this article, we examine the academic literature concerned with graffiti and then present a case study of zero-tolerance abatement policies in San Francisco. Our analysis yields three main findings. First, zero-tolerance policy stimulates an anti-graffiti industry with vested interest in perpetuating an endless war for control of public space. Second, zero tolerance may generate an unintended result—the proliferation of tags and other forms of graffiti that people tend to dislike the most. Third, we find little evidence that the general public shares the same desire for zero tolerance as the San Francisco Government. Ultimately, we believe that more nuanced readings of graffiti allow greater numbers of people to make sensible, local, place-specific policies regarding graffiti.  相似文献   

郭文 《地理研究》2020,39(3):508-526
近年来,西方社会文化地理学新范式在中国地理学界受到“热捧”,但也有学者对此存有分歧、质疑、困惑和焦虑,认为新范式“缺少地理味”“跑偏了”。在梳理西方人文地理学派思想及其范式演变的基础上,对新范式的出场背景、基本议题和内涵及意义进行了剖析。研究认为:① 西方社会文化地理学新范式倡导的“人之主观意念”“理论转向”“空间间性关联”“伦理道德及本体生成”,既是对以计量革命为特征的实证主义和空间科学,以及伯克利学派“文化超有机体”的反思,也是对第二次世界大战以来日益凸显的增长全球化和全球本土化,引致的复杂社会空间和文化认知的新阐释。② 在研究视角和对象上,新范式倡导“人之主观意念”,并确立“人”在地理学中的位置和对“地”的人文主义说明;通过社会文化等“理论转向”滤镜,预见社会空间的可能性,以及社会文化的意义和价值;通过“空间间性关联”滤镜,引导人们对多种空间,尤其是空间关系的关注;通过“伦理道德及本体生成”滤镜,强化社会文化地理的道德实践和人性提升,重构人与自我、人与社会、人与自然环境的和谐共生;③ 新范式用一种独特的方式,阐释地理环境和人类活动空间进程和交织的社会经济及文化发生动因,是人类对社会文化和自然环境实践认知演变中的一次重大变革,代表一种新的地理学哲学观和思维观。④ 中国学术界对新范式之所以存在不同声音,原因之一是研究者对新旧人文地理学范式的哲学认知缺乏深度对话,另一原因是学术界针对新范式的理论阐释不足。未来社会文化地理学的中国学派,需要主动拥抱并吸收西方前沿理论的合理内容,在此基础上参与建构新的学科范式,积极回应反映时代中国和世界的重大问题。  相似文献   

山西省文化旅游资源的特征与文化产业发展模式   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
孙玉梅  秦俊丽 《地理研究》2011,30(5):845-853
文化旅游是当今世界旅游发展主流,如何提升旅游资源中的文化底蕴,是世界各地旅游业长远发展的关键问题.山西省有着丰富多样的文化旅游资源,如何提升旅游资源中的文化底蕴,实现旅游与文化很好联姻,引领文化产业的发展,成为山西旅游业向前发展的必经之路.通过对山西文化旅游资源开发利用现状与特征的分析,提出了基于山西文化旅游资源合理开...  相似文献   

新文化地理学的理论统一性与话题多样性   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:8  
新文化地理学起源于20世纪80年代,是对传统文化地理学研究范式的激进反思甚至颠覆。首先,新文化地理学具有理论基础的统一性。其反对伯克利学派"超有机体"的文化观,认为"文化"并非具象的"物体",而是在特定的社会情景或社会关系之下由社会群体自下而上地建构或生产的。自然、景观、地方、空间等地理学要素也并非"文化"被动的表达或容器,而是建构意义与价值系统的关键维度。其次,新文化地理学具有研究话题的多样性。这种多样性不应该被简单理解为研究视角的分散性或破碎性,而是新文化地理学的文化观带来的必然结果。新文化地理学关注草根群体自下而上的文化实践、不同群体与不同尺度的文化事项、以及瞬息万变的日常生活经验。因此,这极大地拓展了其研究话题的广度。目前,中国地理学中有关文化的研究还处在比较边缘化的位置,但现代中国社会的高速变迁迫切地要求文化地理学者从文化的社会性与空间性出发,探讨社会成员赋予自然、景观、地方、空间等地理学要素的文化意义,以及文化这一维度在经济地理学、城市地理学等研究中的重要作用。  相似文献   

Natural resource-management studies have become increasingly attentive to the influences of human factors. Among these,cultural biases shape people's responses to changes in natural resource systems. Several studies have applied grid-group cultural theory to assess the effects of multiple value biases among stakeholders on natural resource management. We developed and administered a questionnaire in the Heihe River Basin(n = 364) in northwestern China to investigate the appropriateness of applying this theory in the Chinese context of natural resource management. The results revealed various cultural biases among the respondents. In descending order of prevalence, these biases were hierarchism(46.98%), individualism(26.65%), egalitarianism(18.96%), and fatalism(2.78%), with the remaining respondents(4.67%) evidencing no obvious bias. Our empirical study revealed respondents' worldviews and the influence of sociodemographic characteristics on cultural biases, as theoretically posited. Among the variables examined, age had a positive and significant effect across all biases except individualism. The correlation of income to all cultural biases was consistently negative. Only education had a negative and significant effect across all biases. Women were found to adhere to egalitarianism, whereas men adhered to individualism and hierarchism. Thus, grid-group cultural theory was found to be appropriate in the Chinese context, with gender, age, education, and income evidently accounting for cultural biases. Relationships between environmental attitudes and cultural biases conformed with the hypothesis advanced by grid-group cultural theory. This finding may be of value in explaining individuals' environmental attitudes and facilitating the development and implementation of natural resource-management policies.  相似文献   

吴康 《地理研究》2009,28(5):1427-1438
基于文化地理学理论,运用传统定性与定量互补的研究方法,以淮剧为例进行了分析。首先,淮剧的传播和发展大致分为四个阶段,第一、二阶段以扩展扩散为主,第三阶段以迁移扩散为主,第四阶段主要体现出传染扩散的效应;淮剧扩散的空间结构表现为由文化源地沿着多条交通线扩散,并逐渐形成了苏北和上海的双中心结构。其次,基于现有的研究提出了淮剧空间扩散模型,揭示了灾变事件导致的大规模移民是扩散的主要因素。第三,以县、区为基本空间单元,将淮剧文化区划分为核心区、外围区和过渡区,总结出淮剧文化区存在着南、北两大文化亚区和北亚区内又分化出东、中、西三片子文化亚区的空间分异特征。最后,通过选取典型年份下专业淮剧团的数量变化来考察淮剧文化区的演变轨迹,发现核心文化区十分稳定地集中在盐城和淮安两市,外围区和过渡区呈现先扩张后收缩的空间趋势。  相似文献   

The rain shadow regions requisite a comprehensive watershed development and management plan for sustainable water resources management. The Pambar River Basin (PRB) lies on the rain shadow region of the southern Western Ghats, India, where climate showed marked intra-basin variation. A morphometric analysis was done to evaluate the drainage characteristics of PRB using topographical maps and digital elevation data. PRB was divided into eighteen 4th order basins (SB1-SB18), distributed along various climatic gradients. Lower order streams mostly dominate PRB and drainage pattern is a function of relief and structure. The terrain is highly dissected and prone to soil erosion during heavy storms and the elongated shape of PRB enables easier flood management. The influence of climate on drainage characteristics was evidently emphasized in basin morphometry. Four distinctively different classes were identified based on the morphometric similarities. The significance of morphometric analysis on the hydrological characterization is discussed and the relevance of the present study in water harvesting has been explicated.  相似文献   

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