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考虑埋置基础侧面和底面地基与基础的相互作用,研究了埋置于横观各向同性饱和地基中刚性圆柱基础的扭转振动问题。假设基础侧壁与地基完全黏结,沿侧面对剪应力积分得到了侧壁地基对基础所产生的反扭矩;通过研究位于横观各向同性饱和地基上刚性圆形基础的扭转振动,求得基础底面地基作用于基础的反扭矩。结合基础底面位移和应力连续等条件,根据基础振动的动力平衡方程,求解了相应的动力响应问题。给出了基础的角位移幅值,地基的等效刚度系数和等效阻尼系数的表达式。通过算例研究了相关参数对基础扭转振动的影响。  相似文献   

艾智勇  曹国军 《岩土力学》2011,32(Z2):58-63
利用弹性矩形板与多层地基表面的竖向位移协调条件与光滑接触条件,由横观各向同性多层地基应力与位移非耦合的传递矩阵解,推导出弹性矩形板下竖向应力和位移的解析解。在此基础上,编制了相应的程序,并进行了数值计算。计算结果表明:矩形板刚度对板底竖向位移及板中心下的竖向应力有着较为显著的影响;板底竖向位移及板中心下的竖向应力随着板刚度的增加而减小,相同荷载作用下横观各向同性地基与均匀各向同性地基模型的计算结果差异较大,实际工程中很有必要采用更符合土体性质的横观各向同性地基模型  相似文献   

艾智勇  张逸帆 《岩土力学》2016,37(5):1243-1248
运用对偶积分方程来求解层状横观各向同性地基与墙下条形基础的共同作用问题。从直角坐标平面应变问题控制方程出发,通过傅里叶(Fourier)变换和层间连续性条件,可以得到层状横观各向同性地基的传递矩阵解。基于该传递矩阵解,并利用条形基础与地基接触的混合边值条件,推导出一组关于基础挠度和地基反力的对偶积分方程。考虑墙下条形基础受到竖向集中荷载的情况,利用弹性薄板理论先求解出条形基础挠度;随后应用雅可比(Jacobi)正交多项式和级数展开的方法,将对偶积分方程转化为线性代数方程组进行求解。编制了相应的计算程序,其计算结果与有限元软件ABAQUS的结果基本吻合,从而验证了所提理论的正确性。算例分析表明,板土相对刚度与地基成层性对地基反力、地表沉降和沿z轴竖向正应力有很大的影响。  相似文献   

横观各向同性地基模型的理论分析及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据横观各向同性体各向同性面水平时本构方程推导出了横观各向同性面倾斜时的本构方程并得出了横观各向同性地基在上述两种情况下的自重应力计算公式。运用本论文的理论 ,从自重应力角度能很好的解释水平应力大于竖直应力和水平应力的各向异性这些重要的实测现象  相似文献   

王小岗 《岩土力学》2011,32(1):253-260
研究了横观各向同性饱和土地基在地表动力荷载作用下的三维瞬态响应。基于饱和多孔介质的三维Biot波动理论,利用Laplace变换,建立圆柱坐标系下横观各向同性饱和土的波动方程;解耦波动方程后,根据算子理论,并借助Fourier展开和Hankel变换技术,得到瞬态荷载作用下,饱和土介质的土骨架位移和应力、孔隙水相对位移和孔隙水压力的一般解;利用一般解,给出横观各向同性饱和地基在地表集中荷载激励下的瞬态Lamb问题的解答。数值算例结果表明,采用各向同性饱和介质的动力学模型,不能准确描述具有明显各向异性特性的饱和土地基的瞬态动力特性。  相似文献   

金耀华  孙炎  钱玉林 《岩土力学》2005,26(Z1):163-167
分析了水平条形均布荷载下横观各向同性地基位移规律,归纳了位移随弹性模量比n之不同而变化的规律,提出了水平条形均布荷载下横观各向同性地基位移的近似简化解,以供岩土工程设计人员参考。  相似文献   

对于横观各向同性软土地基上沉入式大圆筒防波堤结构提出了一种准三维上限极限分析方法,所假设的破坏机制为大圆筒结构绕筒体内中轴线上某点发生转动失稳,泥面处形成楔体破坏,而筒底部形成圆弧滑裂面。本方法可以考虑土的三轴压缩、拉伸强度与直剪强度的差异。利用ABAQUS分别进行平面应变以及三维有限元分析,软土采用Hill本构模型,所得到的破坏模式以及大圆筒结构水平承载力与上限极限分析方法吻合较好,同时可以得出考虑地基土各向异性的大圆筒结构承载力比不考虑时有较大降低。  相似文献   

郑长杰  丁选明  安淑红 《岩土力学》2016,37(9):2477-2483
考虑地基沉积过程中产生的竖向和水平向力学性质的差异,对横观各向同性地基中管桩扭转振动频域响应进行了理论研究。基于横观各向同性材料的本构关系以及桩-土耦合扭转振动,建立了桩土系统定解问题,通过Laplace变换和分离变量法求得了桩周土和桩芯土扭转振动位移形式解。通过桩-土接触面的连续条件,求得了管桩扭转频域响应解析解,并得到了桩顶复动刚度和速度导纳的表达式。将所得解退化到横观各向同性地基中实心桩解以及均匀地基中管桩解,并与已有文献进行了对比,验证了解的合理性。通过数值算例,分析了桩周土和桩芯土的横观各向同性力学参数对桩顶扭转复刚度及速度导纳的影响。  相似文献   

韩泽军  林皋  周小文  杨林青 《岩土力学》2018,39(6):2287-2294
动力响应问题的求解对于地基在外荷载作用下引起的弹性波动问题研究有重要的意义。本文提出了一种求解横观各向同性层状地基在施加时间简谐荷载作用下任意点的应力响应的算法。此算法利用傅里叶变换将广义平面应变问题频率-空间域的动力方程转化到频率-波数域内,结合对偶变量的引入,利用高精度的精细积分算法对状态方程进行求解,在得到频率-波数域内的位移响应的基础上,利用傅里叶逆变换得到任意点的动应力响应。简谐荷载不仅可以施加在地基表面,而且可以施加在地基内部。对比算例验证了本文算法的准确性,同时对地基各向异性特性、激励频率和阻尼比对动应力响应的影响进行了参数分析,为工程实际提供可靠的数值依据。  相似文献   

三维横观各向同性成层地基的传递矩阵解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
艾智勇  成怡冲 《岩土力学》2010,31(Z2):25-30
通过解耦变换推导出三维直角坐标系下横观各向同性地基的非耦合状态方程;利用双重Fourier变换以及Cayley-Hamilton定理得到了单层地基的传递矩阵;结合边界条件和层间连续条件进而得其传递矩阵解。编制了相应程序并进行了数值计算与分析,结果表明:数值结果与已有文献结果十分吻合,地基的横观各向同性性质与成层性质对受荷地基中竖向位移和应力的影响较为显著。  相似文献   

An analytical investigation of a half‐space containing transversely isotropic material under forced vertical and horizontal displacements applied on a rectangular rigid foundation is presented in this paper. With the goal of a rigorous solution to the shape‐ and rigidity‐ induced singular mixed boundary value problem, the formulation employs scalar potential representation, the Fourier expansion and the Hankel integral transforms method to obtain the surface arbitrary point‐load solution in cylindrical coordinate system. The obtained Green's functions are rewritten in rectangular coordinate system, allowing the response of the half‐space because of an arbitrary distributed load on a rectangular surface area be given in terms of a double integral. The numerical evaluations of stresses are done with the use of an element, which is singular at the edge and the corner of the rectangle. Upon the imposition of the rigidity displacement boundary condition for a rigid foundation and the use of a set of two‐dimensional adaptive‐gradient elements, which can capture the singular behavior in the contact stress effectively, a set of new numerical results are presented to illustrate the effect of transverse isotropy on the foundation response. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An analytical solution is presented in this paper to study the time‐dependent settlement behaviour of a rigid foundation resting on a transversely isotropic saturated soil layer. The governing equations for a transversely isotropic saturated soil, within Biot's poroelasticity framework, are solved by means of Laplace and Hankel transforms. The problem is subsequently formulated in the Laplace transform domain in terms of a set of dual integral equations that are further reduced to a Fredholm integral equation of the second kind and solved numerically. The developed analytical solution is validated via comparison with the existing analytical solution for an isotropic saturated soil case, and adopted as a benchmark to examine the sensitivities of the mesh refinement and the locations of truncation boundaries in the finite element simulations using ABAQUS. Particular attention is paid to the influences of the degree of soil anisotropy, boundary drainage condition, and the soil layer thickness on the consolidation settlement and contact stress of the rigid foundation. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

叶俊能 《岩土力学》2010,31(5):1597-1603
基于Biot波动理论,构建列车荷载-轨道系统-双层状横观各向同性饱和地基模型,将模型分为上覆路轨系统和地层系统。对上覆路轨系统和地层系统处理,并利用双重Fourier变换技术,在变换域中将横观各向同性饱和地基动力响应的求解简化为求解一个6阶控制方程的特征值问题,进而得到了列车荷载作用下双层横观各向同性饱和地基力响应的解析结果。利用离散Fourier逆变换得到数值计算结果,重点分析了上下土层的刚度和泊松比对位移和孔隙水压力和剪切应力响应的影响,结果表明,上、下土层刚度差异对地基动力响应有较大影响,土层各向异性参数中模量的影响较泊松比大。计算结果可为软土路基加固深度的确定提供理论依据。  相似文献   

肖仁成  赵锡宏 《岩土力学》2007,28(10):2133-2137
从常规三轴压缩试验得到横观各向同性土层的力学参数,综合9种来自于不同国家和地区的横观各向同性土层的土样参数,研究分析了横观各向同性土层参数对建筑物沉降的影响。作为典型例子,对上海一幢剪力墙结构的箱形基础与横观各向同性土进行共同作用分析,并与各向同性土层上的分析结果进行比较,结果表明:横观各向同性土层参数对沉降的影响有些不同,尤其是不排水加载条件确定的土层参数影响的结果大不相同。  相似文献   

A numerical procedure is described for the analysis of the vertical deformation and the stress distribution of the strip footings on layered soil media. Three layers of soil with different stiffness are considered with the middle soil layer the thinnest and most stiff layer. The soil media is discretized and using the theory of elasticity, the governing differential equations are obtained in terms of vertical and horizontal displacements. These equations along with appropriate boundary and continuity conditions are solved by using the finite difference method. The vertical and horizontal displacements, strains and stresses are found at various nodes in the soil media. Parametric studies are carried out to study the effect of the placement depth of the middle soil layer, the relative ratios of the moduli of deformation of the soil layers on the vertical displacement of the footing and the vertical stress distribution. These studies reveal that the middle thin but very stiff layer acts like a plate and redistributes the stresses on the lower soft soil layer uniformly. The displacement on the top and bottom of the middle soil layer is almost the same showing that the compression of the middle layer is negligible as it is very stiff.  相似文献   

A theoretical formulation is presented for the determination of the interaction of a vertically loaded disc embedded in a transversely isotropic half‐space. By means of a complete representation using a displacement potential, it is shown that the governing equations of motion for this class of problems can be uncoupled into a fourth‐order partial differential equation. With the aid of Hankel transforms, a relaxed treatment of the mixed‐boundary value problem is formulated as dual integral equations, which, in turn, are reduced to a Fredholm equation of the second kind. In addition to furnishing a unified view of existing solutions for zero and infinite embedments, the present treatment reveals a severe boundary‐layer phenomenon, which is apt to be of interest to this class of problems in general. The present solutions are analytically in exact agreement with the existing solutions for a half‐space with isotropic material properties. To confirm the accuracy of the numerical evaluation of the integrals involved, numerical results are included for cases of different degrees of the material anisotropy and compared with existing solutions. Further numerical examples are also presented to elucidate the influence of the degree of the material anisotropy on the response. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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