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初步研究表明,以往被认为是典型的S型花岗质岩石的湘南西山火山侵入杂岩应为铝质A型花岗质岩石。该杂岩富硅碱贫钙镁、K2O/Na2O>1、准铝过铝质(0.94~1.26);FeO /MgO比值大(平均12.05),高于M型,S型和I型花岗岩。在微量元素和稀土元素组成上,岩石富LREE,Ga,Y,Nb,Zr等大离子高场强元素及亏损Ni,Cr,Eu,Ti,V,P,Sr等,与国内外A型花岗岩相似。与一般A型花岗岩来源于I型花岗岩或大量抽提了S型花岗岩物质后的地壳源区不同,西山火山侵入杂岩的I(Sr)(0.71612~0.71823)较高,εNd(-7.0~-8.0)较低,钕模式年龄(1 517~1 600Ma)略小于区域上变质基底和中国东南部中生代花岗岩类的钕模式年龄,显示其直接来源于地壳物质的部分熔融,但可能有少量新生地幔物质的加入。西山铝质A型花岗质火山侵入杂岩是中侏罗世晚期挤压造山作用趋于结束,造山带崩塌,岩石圈强烈伸展减薄、热流值上升的构造背景下形成的造山后花岗质岩石。  相似文献   

By using petrological,isotope chronological,and geochemical methods,the authors studied the volcanic rocks in the studied area,mainly including dacites and trachytes. The results show that they formed during the late Early Cretaceous. Geochemically,the volcanic rocks are relatively enriched in large-ion lithophile elements( Rb,K,and Th) and depleted in high field strength elements( Nb,Ta,and Ti),and rich in light rare earth elements,and depleted in heavy rare earth elements. The fact indicates that the main body of the volcanic rocks in the Qushenla Formation was derived from the partial melting of lower crust. The lithological assemblages are characterized by continental high-K calc-alkaline and shoshonitic series,suggesting that the southward-subducting oceanic slab in southern Bangong Lake had break off and that the Bangong Lake-Nujiang Ocean had closed before 107 Ma. The main dynamic mechanisms for the genesis of this set of intermediate-acidic volcanic rocks were upwelling of the asthenosphere and partial melting of the lower crust caused by slab break-off.  相似文献   

Zircon U-Pb age,whole rock geochemical and zircon Hf isotopic data are presented for Late Paleozoic granodiorites from the Taerqi region,central Daxing'anling to constrain its petrogenesis and tectonic implication.LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb age data indicates that the Late Paleozoic granodiorites were emplaced with age of333.4 ± 2.2 Ma(Early Carboniferous).Geochemically,the granodiorite samples have Si O2= 60.54%-71.40%,Na2 O = 4.04%--4.66%,K2 O = 1.65%--4.27% and Mg O = 0.96%--3.53%,belonging to medium-K to high-K calc-alkaline I-type granites.They are slightly enriched in large ion lithophile elements(e.g.Rb,Th,U and K) and light rare earth elements,and depleted in high field strength elements(e.g.Nb,Ta and Ti),with εHf(t) values of 8.0--11.8 and Hf two-stage model ages of 586-829 Ma.All these geochemical features suggest that the primary magma was derived from partial melting of Neoproterozoic to Phanerozoic newly accreted lower crust.According to the geochemical data and regional geological investigations,the Early Carboniferous granodiorites formed in an island arc setting linked to the subduction of the Paleo-Asian Oceanic Plate beneath the Xing'an Terrane.This also implies that the Xing'an and Songliao terranes have not amalgamated before the Early Carboniferous.  相似文献   

西秦岭糜署岭岩浆混合花岗岩地球化学特征及构造意义   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
西秦岭糜署岭岩体是壳幔岩浆混合的产物。从寄主岩石和基性端元暗色微细粒镁铁质包体的主要元素、稀土元素岩石地球化学研究入手,深入探讨了糜署岭岩体是壳源和幔源两类岩浆混合形成的混浆花岗岩,其岩石地球化学特征介于壳源和幔源两个端元之间并有显著的过渡特征,表明二者在岩浆侵位过程中发生过不同程度地物质成分交换。这对研究西秦岭中生代壳幔混合作用和地壳增生有重要意义。  相似文献   

Major oxides,as well as trace elements (including rare earth elements) compositions have been analyzed for the mixosedimentites from Neoproterozoic Jiayuan Formation in northern Anhui,China.The results show that the concentrations of elements are closely related to the relative proportions of carbonates and terrigenous detritus (varying from 2/3 to 1/9 based on petrographic study).The ratios between some immobile elements (e.g.La,Th,Zr and Sc) are constant and then can be used as tracers for the discrimination of provenance and tectonic setting of terrigenous detritus.The results indicate that the terrigenous detritus mainly came from the felsic volcanics related to continental arc,with minor contribution from the old basement.Combined with recent research progresses,these mixosedimentites imply that the Neoproterozoic sedimentation in northern Anhui was probably taken place in a back arc basin during the convergence of Rodinia super continent between 1.0 and 0.8 Ga.  相似文献   

The Early Cretaceous deposits are composed of important source rocks in Boli Basin. The types of the source rocks include black mudstones and coal (with carbonaceous mudstone). By the organic geochemical analysis methods, the authors discussed the organic petrological characters, abundance of organic matter, degree of maturity and the type of source rocks. The main micro-component of black mudstone is exinite or vitrinite, and the content of vitrinite is high in coal. The weathering of the outcrop is very serious. The abundance of organic matter in source rock reaches the poor to better rank. The major kerogens in mudstone are type- Ⅲ, type- Ⅱ 2 and some type- Ⅱ 1 ; the organic type of coal is type-Ⅲ. The thermal evolution of the source rocks in every structural unit is very different, from low-maturity to over-maturity. The depositional environment is reductive, which is good for the preservation of organic matter. The organic matter in source rocks is mainly from aquatic organisms and terrigenous input.  相似文献   

The Early Cretaceous deposits are composed of important source rocks in Boli Basin. The types of the source rocks include black mudstones and coal (with carbonaceous mudstone). By the organic geochemical analysis methods, the authors discussed the organic petrological characters, abundance of organic matter, degree of maturity and the type of source rocks. The main micro-component of black mudstone is exinite or vitrinite, and the content of vitrinite is high in coal. The weathering of the outcrop is very serious. The abundance of organic matter in source rock reaches the poor to better rank. The major kerogens in mudstone are type-Ⅲ, type-Ⅱ2 and some type-Ⅱ1; the organic type of coal is type-Ⅲ. The thermal evolution of the source rocks in every structural unit is very different, from low-maturity to over-maturity. The depositional environment is reductive, which is good for the preservation of organic matter. The organic matter in source rocks is mainly from aquatic organisms and terrigenous input.  相似文献   

西秦岭大水金矿岩浆岩年代学、地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西秦岭大水金矿床与其周围伴生的中酸性小岩体的成因关系,直接影响矿床成因的划分和深部资源的开发。中酸性岩浆岩的成因、源区性质及岩体规模对金矿成矿有重要影响。大水金矿岩浆岩地球化学研究结果显示:岩浆系列属于高钾钙碱性系列;岩体球粒陨石标准化稀土元素配分模式具有轻稀土元素富集、重稀土元素亏损、Eu正异常的特征;岩体洋中脊花岗岩标准化微量元素蛛网图显示其富集大离子亲石元素K、Rb、Ba、Th等,亏损高场强元素Nb、Ta、Hf、Zr、Sm、Y、Yb等,花岗岩的w(Sr)-w(Yb)分类属于高Sr、低Yb"C"型埃达克岩。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb法测年获得大水金矿格尔括合岩体和竖井941岩脉的锆石U-Pb年龄分别为(215.8±1.3)、(202.9±1.5)Ma;成矿热液蚀变叠加在脉岩之上,成矿年龄应晚于202.9 Ma的脉岩年龄。Sr-Nd同位素组成具有高初始N(87Sr)/N(86Sr)值、低εNd的特点,模式年龄为1.29~1.47Ga。εSr(t)-εNd(t)图解表明岩浆源区为下地壳;εNd(t)-初始N(87Sr)/N(86Sr)图解暗示西秦岭存在统一的岩浆源区。因此,西秦岭大水金矿在成因上与高Sr、低Yb"C"型埃达克岩密切相关。  相似文献   

地球化学在物源及沉积背景分析中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
物源分析是盆地分析和古地理分析不可或缺的内容和方法,地球化学在物源及沉积背景分析中起着非常重要的作用.运用文献研究法对“地球化学在物源及沉积背景分析中的应用”有关文献进行了研究,分析阐述了常量元素分析、稀土-微量元素分析以及裂变径迹、K-Ar、Ar-Ar、Rb-Sr、Sm Nd、U-Pb、Re-Os、S、O、Si同位素分析等方法及其优势与不足.结果表明:常量元素、稀土-微量元素分析在源区物质组成、构造背景、源区风化强度、成分成熟度及氧化-还原条件判别方面有很好的应用效果;各种同位素分析体系在不同目的的研究中具有自身优势,均得到了很好的应用.但影响岩石化学成分的因素较多,特别是对于沉积岩,很容易受外生营力的影响;物源及沉积背景分析中的地球化学方法运用单一;对研究区区域地质情况的研究不足.为此,建议在利用地球化学方法进行物源及沉积背景分析时,需要充分认识影响碎屑沉积物化学组成的因素,综合运用多种方法进行物源区分析,扬长补短,同时要特别注意对区域地质情况的研究.  相似文献   

Early Cretaceous A-type rhyolites of the Shangkuli Formation in the Hailar Basin of NE China exhibit geochemical characteristics of high silicon, alkali, Fe/Mg, Ga/Al, Zr, Pb, HFSEs, and REE contents but low Ca, Ba, Sr and Eu, which meet the criteria of typical reduced A-type granite.The A-type rhyolites are most probably derived from magmatic underplating and partial melting of quartz-feldspathic lower crust, with the lithospheric mantle material involved, due to the extensional deformation of the Erguna-Hulun Fault.Although the A-type rhyolites show A1-type trace elements characteristics, they were formed in a post-orogenic extension-al background together with the coeval widespread bimodal volcanic rocks, metamorphic core complexes, vol-canic fault basins and metallogenic province in the Sino-Russia-Mongolia border tract.This extension event was related to the collapse of thickened region of the continental crust after the closure of the Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean.  相似文献   

This paper reports lithologic features,K--Ar age and geochemical data of riebeckite granophyres from Aliwula area in the southern Da Hinggan Mts.,aiming to reveal the petrogenesis of riebeckite granophyres.K-Ar age of riebeckite granophyres is 126 ± 2 Ma,implying that the riebeckite granophyres formed in the Early Cretaceous.The granophyres are rich in riebeckites and with a lot of melt-fluid inclusion in its quartz phenocrysts.The granophyres are characterized by extensive enrichment in SiO2,FeO,and(Na2O+K2O) and depletion in MgO and CaO,strong negative Eu anomalies and strong positive Ce anomalies.Additionally,the riebeckite granophyres not only have high total REE contents and display enrichment of HFSEs(for example Zr,Hf,Nb,Ta),but also are strong in depletion of LILEs(e.g.Ba,Sr) as well as high Ga /Al ratios.Primitive mantle-normalized REE pattern significantly displays REE M--W tetrad effect.REEs fractionate evidently and highly enrich in LREE,but are uneven distribution in the rocks.Taken together,we conclude that the riebeckite granophyres are similar to typical A-type granite,which could be derived from stretching environments in the Early Cretaceous.The granophyres originated from residual melt which underwent highly differentiation process,and were formed in magmatic-hydrothemal transition stage at last.  相似文献   

Parametamorphic rocks from Arong County in southeastern Inner Mongolia- Daxinganling district are regarded as Proterozoic in age, belonging to the Wolegen Group and composed of volcanoclastic and sand- stone in origin, and have been disputed in tectonic setting. Because of the stability in metamorphism, the rare earth elements indicate the features of their protoliths. The authors integrated the petrologic methods with the geochemical parameters which include ЕREE, ЕLREE/NHREE, δCe, δEu, La/Yb, Sm/Nd, Th/Sc and the standard values of chondrite. The results show that the protoliths of Wolengen Group may be a group of volcanoclastic and continental margin clastic rocks, and their tectonic setting is the continent island arc.  相似文献   

The study presents the results of U-Pb dating of zircons and whole-rock geochemical analyses of a syenogranite located in the western Niubiziliang area,China with the aim of determining its formation time,petrogenesis and the regional tectonic setting. Zircons within the syenogranite are euhedral-subhedral and display rhythmic growth zoning,indicating a magmatic origin. Zircon U-Pb data obtained by LA-ICP-MS indicate the syenogranite formed in the Late Permian (260.7±1.5 Ma). The w(SiO_2) of syenogranites is 70.82%--73.59%,w(Al_2O_3) is 13.49%--14.82%,and w(Na_2O + K_2O) is 7.85%--8.52%,and yield K_2O/Na_2O ratios of 1.06--1.26. Therefore,the syenogranites belong to the high-K calc-alkaline and metaluminous (A/CNK 1,A/NK 1) series which display I-type granites similarly. The syenogranites also show the geochemical characteristics of volcanic arc rocks,being enriched in large-ion lithophile elements (LILEs; K,Rb) and light rare-earth elements (LREEs; La,Ce,Sm,Nd),but depleted in high field strength elements( HFSEs; Ta,Nb,P,Ti). On the whole,trace element ratios are close to the mean of the Earth's crust,indicating a lowercrust magma source. The low Sr (161--214) ×10~(-6) and Yb (1.08--1.80)×10~(-6) concentrations indicate that plagioclase and hornblende are residual mineral phases in the source. The regional geology and whole-rock geochemistry suggest that the formation of the syenogranites was related to subduction of the Zongwulong Ocean crust,and the north margin of Qaidam Block during the Late Permian was in an active continental margin tectonic setting.  相似文献   

Based on the results of four regional geological surveys of 1: 50000 including Shulan County map in Jilin,taking Shulan area as the study area,the authors re-delineated the rock type assemblages,e.g. metamorphic rhyolite,metamorphic tuffaceous breccia lava,sericite-quartz schist and tremolite altered rock,etc.,and the structural contacts between them. With the help of in-situ LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating for zircons,it is concluded that the zircon crystallization ages of the metamorphic rhyolite,the metamorphic andesitic tuff breccia lava and the tremolite altered rock are 339. 1 ± 1. 3 Ma( n = 27,MSWD = 0. 78),351. 8 ± 1. 7 Ma( n = 21,MSWD = 0.82),and 362.0±1.8 Ma( n = 43,MSWD = 2.2) respectively. The metamorphic complex is actually a set of tectonic melange which comprises the rocks in different types,sources,times,or tectonic settings,and was formed by tectonism.  相似文献   

Parametamorphic rocks from Arong County in southeastern Inner Mongolia-Daxinganling district are regarded as Proterozoic in age,belonging to the Wolegen Group and composed of volcanoclastic and sandstone in origin,and have been disputed in tectonic setting.Because of the stability in metamorphism,the rare earth dements indicate the features of their protoliths.The authors integrated the petrologic methods with the geochemical parameters which include ∑REE,∑LREE/∑HREE,δCe,δEu,La/Yb,Sm/Nd,Th/Sc and the standard values of chondrite.The results show that the protoliths of Wolengen Group may be a group of voleanoclastic and continental margin elastic rocks,and their tectonic setting is the continent island arc.  相似文献   

安徽南陵-宣城地区是一个中-新生代火山-沉积盆地,位于长江中下游构造-岩浆-成矿带东北段的东南翼。对该区发育的岩浆岩开展了较为系统的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年及岩石主量、微量和稀土元素分析,并与长江中下游构造-岩浆-成矿带其他地区岩浆岩进行对比,旨在确定岩浆岩的成岩时代、探讨岩浆岩成因及其与成矿的关系。南陵-宣城地区岩浆岩一部分侵入于盆地基底中,另一部分喷发形成盆地盖层,还有一部分产于盆地之上的推覆构造(体)中。侵入岩的岩性主要为花岗岩、花岗闪长岩、石英闪长岩、辉石闪长岩等,火山岩主要为英安质火山碎屑岩和熔岩。获得的侵入岩锆石U-Pb年龄主要为138~135 Ma,火山岩年龄均小于134 Ma,表明岩浆作用发生于晚中生代(燕山晚期)早白垩世。岩浆岩主量元素显示高Si、K的特征,为亚碱性高钾钙碱性系列岩石;微量元素组成显示岩浆岩富集Rb、Th、U、K等大离子亲石元素,亏损Nb、Ta、Ti等高场强元素,火山岩比侵入岩较为亏损Sr和P;球粒陨石标准化稀土元素配分模式均表现为富集轻稀土元素的右倾模式和较弱的Eu负异常。元素地球化学特征指示区内岩浆岩具有壳幔混源且以幔源为主的特征。南陵-宣城地区既发育与长江中下游构造-岩浆-成矿带隆起区(如铜陵地区)同位素地质年龄和地球化学特征基本一致的侵入岩,又发育与凹陷区(如庐枞、宁芜等盆地)同位素地质年龄和地球化学特征基本一致的火山-次火山岩,显示该区晚中生代岩浆作用具有长江中下游构造-岩浆-成矿带隆起区和凹陷区的双重特征。岩浆作用的双重特征暗示与其有关的成矿作用也可能具有双重性,即既可能发育与隆起区侵入岩浆作用有关的斑岩型、矽卡岩型和脉型铜金等多金属矿床,也可能发育与凹陷区火山-次火山岩有关的玢岩型铁(硫)矿床。  相似文献   

都兰县沟里公社江各一带零星分布的火山岩处于柴达木南缘,火山岩受后期构造运动的破坏和侵入体的侵噬,呈支离破碎的断块残留在侵入体内,空间展布上受断裂构造控制,在野外地质调查的基础上,结合室内岩石学、地球化学、同位素年龄研究,该火山岩形成时代为早-中三叠世,为消减带俯冲碰撞的岛弧环境。  相似文献   

Ningwu Basin is one of the Mesozoic continental volcanic basins in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.The volcanic rocks of the Longwangshan,dawangshan,Gushan and Niangniangshan formations,as well as the homologous subvolcanic rocks or small intrusions,are developed from old to new in the Ningwu Basin.Zircon U-Pb dating results show the latialite phonolite of Niangniangshan Formation was erupted at 128±1 Ma(i.e.,Early Cretaceous).The latialite phonolite contains moderate SiO2 contents(57.28%-60.96%)with high Na 2O+K 2O contents,belonging to shoshonite series.The samples have high REE contents,and display right-inclined REE distribution pattern.They are characterized by enrichment in some large ion lithophile elements(e.g.,LILEs,Rb,K),and depletion in some high field strength elements(e.g.,HFSEs,Nb,Ta,Ti).All volcanic samples have relatively depleted Nd isotopic compositions(ISr=0.707197--0.707878;εNd(t)=-0.5--0.9),indicating no genetic relationship with the lower crust of Yangtze plate,but a drift trend towards the EMII.The geochemical data suggest that the Early Cretaceous latialite phonolite was derived from the partial melting of an enriched lithospheric mantle metasomatized by subduction-related fluids in an arc-related setting.Based on the temporal and spatial distribution and geochemical variation characteristics of the regional volcanic rocks,it is suggested that the tectonic system within the study area changed from a subduction-related compression to an extensional environment in the early Early Cretaceous,which was caused by the ridge subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

The study presents the results of U-Pb dating of zircons and whole-rock geochemical analyses of syenogranite in Angeer Yinwula area, China, with the aim of determining its formation time, petrogenesis and regional setting. Zircon U-Pb data obtained by LA-ICP-MS indicate that the syenogranite formed in the Early Cretaceous(136.1±0.9 Ma). Geochemically, the rock is characterized by high SiO_2(76.63%--77.58%) and Na_2O+K_2O(8.00%--8.32%), low MgO(0.02%--0.04%) and TFe_2O_3(0.51%--0.84%), and is enriched in LREEs and LILEs, depleted in HREEs and HFSEs. It belongs to high-K calc-alkaline, metaluminous-weakly peraluminous, exhibiting an affinity to I-type granite. All these characteristics implied that the syenogranite in this region derived from crust-mantle mixed source. Overall, the regional geology, geochronology and geochemical features suggest that the formation of the syenogranite was related to the subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

In order to reveal the sedimentary environment of carbonate rocks in Nanfen Formation of Qingbaikou System in Tonghua, Jilin Province, the mineral composition and petrochemistry of carbonate rocks in Nanfen Formation were analyzed. The mineral compositions of five carbonate rock samples in Nanfen Formation mainly consist of calcite, with minor clay minerals and quartz, and the rock type is siliceous marlite. The Mn/Sr va-lues range from 1.52 to 4.08, with an average of 2.64, indicating that the carbonate rocks experienced weak diagenesis; the Sr/Ba values range from 1.26 to 2.51, with an average of 1.93, indicating marine environment; the ratio of Mg/Al ranges from 35.33 to 86.34, with an average of 62.95, indicating the seawater environment, which is consistent with the result from Sr/Ba; the MgO/CaO values range from 0.01 to 0.04, with an average of 0.02, indicating humid environment; the values of V/(V+Ni) range from 0.63 to 0.73, with an average of 0.70, indicating anoxic environment. In summary, geochemical analyses show that the Nanfen Formation carbonate rocks are marine deposits, in a warm, humid, anoxic environment with poor flow of seawater, and subsequently underwent weak diagenetic alteration.  相似文献   

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