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本文基于POM海洋模式,通过改变地形条件进行了不同海平面下的数值实验,探讨了日本海表层环流场对海平面变化的响应。研究表明:随着海平面的下降,日本海南部的对马暖流及其分支逐渐减弱,海平面降低至-90 m和-100 m时,对马暖流的东朝鲜暖流分支和日本近岸分支几乎消失;而日本海北部的寒流强度基本保持不变,仅寒流主轴位置逐渐向北移动。且海平面的下降使对马海峡流量逐渐减小,进而导致对马暖流的强度逐渐减弱,影响范围也不断缩小。研究结果对过去古海洋海平面变化过程中日本海表层环流的改变问题具有一定的参考和依据。  相似文献   

48ka以来日本海Ulleung海盆南部的海洋沉积环境演化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
晚第四纪以来伴随底层水含氧量的剧烈变化,浅色和深色沉积层的交替出现是日本海半远洋沉积物的主要特征。沉积特征分析表明,日本海Ulleung海盆南部KCES1孔的沉积物具有四种不同的沉积构造:均质、纹层、纹层状和混杂构造。深色沉积层一般具有纹层和纹层状构造,并且与我国内陆的千年尺度东亚夏季风强弱变化记录有很好的对应关系,表明纹层沉积物也具有千年尺度的变化规律,从而进一步说明了冰川性海平面变化和东亚夏季风波动应该是Ulleung海盆南部底层水溶解氧含量变化的主要原因。在暖期,在东亚夏季风降水相对增强的影响下,低温、低盐的东海沿岸水对日本海表层水体的贡献要大于对马暖流的贡献,日本海水体间的交换减弱,最终造成缺氧的海底沉积环境。在冷期,夏季风强度的减弱(冬季风增强)加快了日本海西北部深层水的生成,Ulleung海盆南部的底层水含氧量高,相应地沉积了具均质构造的浅色沉积物;在末次盛冰期最低海平面时,日本海成为一个封闭的海盆,降雨量高于蒸发量,水体出现分层,底层水处于停滞缺氧状态。自距今17.5 ka(日历年,下同)以来底层水含氧量较高,对马暖流逐渐成为影响日本海海洋沉积环境的主要因素。Ulleung海盆南部底层水的含氧量在YD期间有一定程度的降低,东海沿岸水的短暂强盛制约了深层水的流通。自距今10.5 ka以来对马暖流强盛,日本海海底处于富氧的沉积环境。  相似文献   

对日本海西南陆坡对马暖流主流轴下方高沉积速率沉积物柱状样,进行了典型元素比值和物源判别函数方面的系统研究,以探讨全新世以来研究区沉积物的物质来源变化.结果表明,韩国的洛东江和中国的长江为所研究沉积物的主要来源.它们对研究区的物质贡献变化可划分为5个阶段,并主要受对马暖流演化和海平面上升的影响.全新世早期(9.6~6.5...  相似文献   

对日本海西南陆坡对马暖流主流轴下方高沉积速率沉积物柱状样,进行了沉积学和地球化学系统研究,以探讨全新世以来对马暖流在研究区的形成与演化,并得出了与附近地区古海洋学方法非常相近的结果,从而为今后研究区的对马暖流演化研究提供了沉积学和地球化学指标。据此,该柱状样中所记录的对马暖流演化可划分为5个主要阶段。全新世初期(9.6 kaBP),对马暖流开始进入日本海,其强度较弱,同时,伴随着富营养东海沿岸水的影响,海底环境由还原性向氧化性转变;6.5 kaBP时,对马暖流控制下的日本海南部现代对流模式最终建立起来,东海沿岸水的影响基本消失,随后,对马暖流明显减弱;3.0 kaBP时,对马暖流再次增强并基本达到现在水平,且在随后的3 ka里保持总体稳定,期间在2.0~0.7 kaBP存在一次较弱的减弱过程。  相似文献   

基于WOD13(World Ocean Database 2013)的温盐观测资料,分析了对马海峡断面和日本海内一断面上温盐分布的季节变化特征,并利用水团组成混合比的方法探讨了对马海峡断面处的水团组成对日本海内断面上温盐分布的影响的季节和年际变化。研究表明:对马海峡断面上水团组成呈现显著的季节变化。冬季,整个水层被高盐水占据;夏季,对马海峡表层出现高温低盐水,底层为高盐水,次表层为表层低盐水和底层高盐水的混合水体;春秋为过渡季节。日本海断面上,秋季温盐分布最为复杂,表层为高温低盐水,次表层为高盐水,其下为低温高密水。两个断面季节变化对比可以看出,夏季对马海峡断面处的水团组成会影响秋季日本海断面上的温盐分布。夏季对马海峡表层和次表层水是秋季日本海断面表层50m以浅出现低盐水的主要原因;对马海峡深层高盐水主要影响秋季日本海断面50~150m水层,混合比可达0.82;其下为日本海固有水。夏季对马海峡处水团组成的年际变化也会影响秋季日本海断面上温盐分布的年际变化。长江流量较大的年份,夏季对马海峡表层和次表层低盐水的核心盐度值偏低,秋季其在日本海断面上的混合比就高于其他年份;对马海峡底层高盐水在日本海断面上混合比的年际变化则决定于其影响水层上的流场结构和温盐分布。  相似文献   

利用变分资料同化技术对P矢量方法进行优化处理,并采用此优化后的P矢量方法优化计算了日本海环流和日本海主要海峡的体积输运.日本海的主要环流系统,比如对马暖流(TWC)及其分支,东朝鲜暖流(EKWC)和日本近岸分支(JNB),极地锋海流(PFC),和日本海中的反气旋式涡,都能够被很好地一一反映出来.另外,优化后的P矢量方法...  相似文献   

为探究不同季节下黄海暖流在源区的状态,利用韩国海洋数据中心(Korea Oceanographic Data Center)发布的水文数据,对黄海暖流源区附近温盐结构及其季节变化进行了分析。结果表明:年平均状态下对马暖流在济州岛东南存在向西向入侵的趋势,其入侵存在明显的季节变化:秋季最强,冬、春季开始减弱,夏季最弱。济州岛西侧,约在33°30′N、125°30′E处存在一支伸向西北的高盐舌,该高盐舌盐度同样具有明显的季节变化:冬季最强,春季开始减弱,夏季降至最低,秋季盐度开始缓慢回升。黄海区盐度的变化要滞后于对马暖流区盐度变化。冬季朝鲜沿岸水南下入侵程度最强,能到达34°N以南的位置。  相似文献   

本文分析该海域约70个测站的温、盐资料,获得以下结果:(1)夏季在对马暖流的源区,于10~75m水层内,其流路成一明显的分界线,左(西)侧温、盐度较低,右(东)侧温、盐度较高。(2)夏季对马暖流源区存在着三种海水:高温、高盐水,高温、低盐水和高温、次高盐水。(3)夏季朝鲜海峡地区,东水道的温、盐度高于西水道温、盐度。(4)1987年,东海黑潮区、长江口、杭州湾外及东海酉南部海域,夏季的表层盖度,皆比1989年同季、同一海域的盐度偏高;而对马暖流“东海段”却出现相反的低盐现象。其原因之一,1987年冲淡水势力极强,几乎盘踞了对马暖流源区的大部分海域,使源区盐度下降,并随对马暖流北上输送的缘故。其中:(1)和(4)两点认识系首次提出。  相似文献   

基于MOM模式的物理框架,妥善考虑了开边界的物理过程,改造和发展了一个区域海洋数值模式。本模式不仅可以方便地调整开边界条件,使之满足边界的特定物理条件,而且可以方便地做针对性修改,使模式更加可靠。改进后的模式具有MOM模式物理概念明确、公式便于理解、结果便于表达的全部特点,同时克服了MOM模式边界条件不完整、程序不易调整、参数难以改变的缺点。区域性模式比全球模式的计算速度快很多倍,可以成为区域性研究的有效工具。将此模式应用于南海,利用Hellerman&Rosenstein气候态风应力驱动模式10a,得到与全球模式效果相当的结果。模式模拟结果展现了南海流场的季节特征,在模式分辨率下表现出了多涡结构。根据模拟的流场计算了南海与其它海域的水交换通量。在年平均意义下,外海水通过吕宋海峡进入南海,南海水通过台湾海峡、民都洛海峡和卡里马塔海峡流出南海。各海峡水通量具有明显的季节变化。  相似文献   

The Formation and Circulation of the Intermediate Water in the Japan Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to clarify the formation and circulation of the Japan/East Sea Intermediate Water (JESIW) and the Upper portion of the Japan Sea Proper Water (UJSPW), numerical experiments have been carried out using a 3-D ocean circulation model. The UJSPW is formed in the region southeast off Vladivostok between 41°N and 42°N west of 136°E. Taking the coastal orography near Vladivostok into account, the formation of the UJSPW results from the deep water convection in winter which is generated by the orchestration of fresh water supplied from the Amur River and saline water from the Tsushima Warm Current under very cold conditions. The UJSPW formed is advected by the current at depth near the bottom of the convection and penetrates into the layer below the JESIW. The origin of the JESIW is the low salinity coastal water along the Russian coast originated by the fresh water from the Amur River. The coastal low salinity water is advected by the current system in the northwestern Japan Sea and penetrates into the subsurface below the Tsushima Warm Current region forming a subsurface salinity minimum layer. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Variability of Sea Surface Circulation in the Japan Sea   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Composite sea surface dynamic heights (CSSDH) are calculated from both sea surface dynamic heights that are derived from altimetric data of ERS-2 and mean sea surface that is calculated by a numerical model. The CSSDH are consistent with sea surface temperature obtained by satellite and observed water temperature. Assuming the geostrophic balance, sea surface current velocities are calculated. It is found that temporal and spatial variations of sea surface circulation are considerably strong. In order to examine the characteristics of temporal and spatial variation of current pattern, EOF analysis is carried out with use of the CSSDH for 3.5 years. The spatial and temporal variations of mode 1 indicate the strength or weakness of sea surface circulation over the entire Japan Sea associated with seasonal variation of volume transport through the Tsushima Strait. The spatial and temporal variations of mode 2 mostly indicate the temporal variation of the second branch of the Tsushima Warm Current and the East Korean Warm Current. It is suggested that this variation is possibly associated with the seasonal variation of volume transport through the west channel of the Tsushima Strait. Variations of mode 3 indicate the interannual variability in the Yamato Basin.  相似文献   

By using Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements with the four round-trips method to remove diurnal/semidiurnal tidal currents, the detailed current structure and volume transport of the Tsushima Warm Current (TWC) along the northwestern Japanese coast in the northeastern Japan Sea were examined in the period September–October 2000. The volume transport of the First Branch of the TWC (FBTWC) east of the Noto Peninsula was estimated as approximately 1.0 Sv (106 m3/s), and the FBTWC continued to flow along the Honshu Island to the south of the Oga Peninsula. To the north of the Oga Peninsula, the Second Branch of Tsushima Warm Current and the eastward current established by the subarctic front were recombined with the FBTWC and the total volume transport increased to 1.9 Sv. The water properties at each ADCP line strongly suggested that most of the upper portion of the TWC with high temperature and low salinity flowed out to the North Pacific as the Tsugaru Warm Current. In the north of the Tsugaru Strait, the volume transport of the northward current was observed to be as almost 1 Sv. However, the component of the TWC water was small (approximately 0.3 Sv).  相似文献   

A review is made of circulation and currents in the southwestern East/Japan Sea (the Ulleung Basin), and the Korea/Tsushima Strait which is a unique conduit for surface inflow into the Ulleung Basin. The review particularly concentrates on describing some preliminary results from recent extensive measurements made after 1996. Mean flow patterns are different in the upstream and downstream regions of the Korea/Tsushima Strait. A high velocity core occurs in the mid-section in the upstream region, and splits into two cores hugging the coasts of Korea and Japan, the downstream region, after passing around Tsushima Island located in the middle of the strait. Four-year mean transport into the East/Japan Sea through the Korea/Tsushima Strait based on submarine cable data calibrated by direct observations is 2.4 Sv (1 Sv = 106 m3 s−1). A wide range of variability occurs for the subtidal transport variation from subinertial (2–10 days) to interannual scales. While the subinertial variability is shown to arise from the atmospheric pressure disturbances, the longer period variation has been poorly understood.Mean upper circulation of the Ulleung Basin is characterized by the northward flowing East Korean Warm Current along the east coast of Korea and its meander eastward after the separation from the coast, the Offshore Branch along the coast of Japan, and the anticyclonic Ulleung Warm Eddy that forms from a meander of the East Korean Warm Current. Continuous acoustic travel-time measurements between June 1999 and June 2001 suggest five quasi-stable upper circulation patterns that persist for about 3–5 months with transitions between successive patterns occurring in a few months or days. Disappearance of the East Korean Warm Current is triggered by merging the Dok Cold Eddy, originating from the pinching-off of the meander trough, with the coastal cold water carried Southward by the North Korean Cold Current. The Ulleung Warm Eddy persisted for about 20 months in the middle of the Ulleung Basin with changes in its position and spatial scale associated with strengthening and weakening of the transport through the Korea/Tsushima Strait. The variability of upper circulation is partly related to the transport variation through the Korea/Tsushima Strait. Movements of the coastal cold water and the instability of the polar front also appear to be important factors affecting the variability.Deep circulation in the Ulleung Basin is primarily cyclonic and commonly consists of one or more cyclonic cells, and an anticyclonic cell centered near Ulleung Island. The cyclonic circulation is conjectured to be driven by a net inflow through the Ulleung Interplain Gap, which serves as a conduit for the exchange of deep waters between the Japan Basin in the northern East Sea and the Ulleung Basin. Deep currents are characterized by a short correlation scale and the predominance of mesoscale variability with periods of 20–40 days. Seasonality of deep currents is indistinct, and the coupling of upper and deep circulation has not been clarified yet.  相似文献   

A significant surface net heat loss appears around the Kuroshio and the Tsushima Warm Current regions. The area where the surface heat loss occurs should require heat to be supplied by the current to maintain the long-term annual heat balance. Oceanic heat advection in these regions plays an important role in the heat budget. The spatial distribution of the heat supply by the Tsushima Warm Current near the surface was examined by calculating the horizontal heat supply in the surface layer of the East Sea (the Japan Sea) (ESJS), directly from historical sea surface temperature and current data. We have also found a simple estimation of the effective vertical scale of heat supply by the current to compensate net heat loss using the heat supplied by the current in the surface 10 m layer. The heat supplied by the current for the annual heat balance was large in the Korea/Tsushima Strait and along the Japanese Coast, and was small in the northwestern part of the ESJS. The amount of heat supplied by the current was large in the northwestern part and small in the south-eastern part of the ESJS. These features suggest that the heat supplied by the Tsushima Warm Current is restricted to near the surface around the northeastern part and extends to a deeper layer around the southeastern part of the ESJS. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Absolute geostrophic velocities were calculated along TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) groundtracks located in the Ulleung Basin of the southwestern Japan/East Sea (JES) from a combined analysis of nearly a decade of T/P data and two years of pressure-gauge-equipped inverted echo sounder (PIES) data obtained during the United States Office of Naval Research’s JES Program. Geostrophic velocities have been calculated daily for the Ulleung Basin from June 1999 to July 2001 from a three-dimensional mapping of temperature and salinity produced by PIES data interpreted via the Gravest Empirical Mode (GEM) technique combined with the Navy’s Modular Ocean Data Assimilation System (MODAS). These velocities were then used to convert T/P velocity anomalies to absolute velocities for the T/P time period of 1993 to 2002. Current intensities and variabilities associated with the East Korean Warm Current, Ulleung Warm Eddy, and Offshore Branch are examined. Spatial and temporal variations of the sea surface circulation are strong. Intensification of the currents generally occurred during the fall season. The flow pattern in individual years differed greatly from year to year and differed from climatology in important qualitative ways.  相似文献   

The most plausible scenarios for seasonal to interannual variabilities and their possible causes are investigated for the Tsushima Current system passing through the Japan Sea. The study is based on the north and south two-box model across the polar front in an idealized upper ocean of the Japan Sea. The boxes are connected by lateral diffusive heat transport and cooled by atmospheric forcing at the annual mean state. The south box, i.e. the Tsushima Current region, only interacts with the outside warmer box in the East China Sea and has an eastward thermal-driven current originating in the outside box. The magnitude of this current depends on the strength of the thermal gradient between the north and south boxes; the inflow of warm waters can therefore be maintained by net heat loss through the sea-surface. I call such a thermal-driven inflow process a "Cooling-Induced Current" system in the present study. Under periodical heat forcing, the perturbation response of the model to water temperature fields and inflow transport were examined. It is shown that the lateral diffusion time across the polar front (over a period of 10 years) is crucial to the interannual modeled response. An analysis of the seasonal heat budget suggests that the heat transported into the Japan Sea from the East China Sea in summer is stored mainly within the Tsushima Current region and contributes to heat loss by the sea-surface cooling in winter.  相似文献   

Recent advances in ocean-circulation research on the Yellow Sea and East China Sea shelves are summarized. Observations using acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) suggest that the connectivity of mean-volume-transports is incomplete between the Tsushima (2.6 Sverdrups; 1 Sv = 106 m3/s) and Taiwan Straits (1.2 Sv). The remaining 1.4-Sv transport must be supplied by onshore Kuroshio intrusion across the East China Sea shelf break. The Yellow Sea Warm Current is not a persistent ocean current, but an episodic event forced by northerly winter monsoon winds. Nevertheless, the Cheju Warm Current is detected clearly regardless of season. In addition, the throughflow in the Taiwan Strait may be episodic in winter when northeasterly winds prevail. The throughflow strengthens (vanishes) under moderate (severe) northeasterly wind conditions. Using all published ADCP-derived estimates, the throughflow transport (V) in the Taiwan Strait is approximated as
where V 0, V 1, K are 1.2 Sv, 1.3 Sv, and 157 days, respectively, t is yearday, and T is 365.2422 days (i.e., 1 year). The difference between the throughflow transports in the Tsushima and Taiwan Straits suggests that the onshore Kuroshio intrusion across the shelf break increases from autumn to winter. The China Coastal Current has been observed in winter, but shelf currents are obscure in summer.  相似文献   

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