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We apply a Cross-Correlation (CC) method developed previously for detecting gamma-ray point sources to the WMAP first year data by using the Point-Spread Function of WMAP and obtain a full sky CC coefficient map. We find that the CC method is a pow- erful tool to examine the WMAP foreground residuals which can be further cleaned accord- ingly. Evident foreground signals are found in the WMAP foreground cleaned maps and the Tegmark cleaned map. In this process 101 point sources are detected, and 26 of them are new sources additional to the originally listed WMAP 208 sources. We estimate the ?ux of these new sources and verify them by another method. As a result, a revised mask file based on the WMAP first year data is produced by including these new sources.  相似文献   

We present a pilot HI survey of 17 Planck Galactic Cold Clumps(PGCCs)with the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope(FAST).HI Narrow Self-Absorption(HINSA)is an effective method to detect cold HI being mixed with molecular hydrogen H2 and improves our understanding of the atomic to molecular transition in the interstellar medium.HINSA was found in 58%PGCCs that we observed.The column density of HINSA was found to have an intermediate correlation with that of 13CO,following log(N(HINSA))=(0.52±0.26)log(N13CO)+(10±4.1).HI abundance relative to total hydrogen[HI]/[H]has an average value of 4.4×10-3,which is about 2.8 times of the average value of previous HINSA surveys toward molecular clouds.For clouds with total column density NH>5×1020 cm-2,an inverse correlation between HINSA abundance and total hydrogen column density is found,confirming the depletion of cold HI gas during molecular gas formation in more massive clouds.Nonthermal line width of 13CO is about 0-0.5 kms-1 larger than that of HINSA.One possible explanation of narrower non-thermal width of HINSA is that HINSA region is smaller than that of 13CO.Based on an analytic model of H2 formation and H2 dissociation by cosmic ray,we found the cloud ages to be within 106.7-107.0 yr for five sources.  相似文献   

We collected the basic parameters of 231 supernova remnants (SNRs) in our Galaxy, namely, distances (d) from the Sun, linear diameters (D), Galactic heights (Z), estimated ages (t), luminosities (L), surface brightness (∑) and flux densities (S1) at 1-GHz frequency and spectral indices (α). We tried to find possible correlations between these parameters. As expected, the linear diameters were found to increase with ages for the shell-type remnants, and also to have a tendency to increase with the Galactic heights. Both the surface brightness and luminosity of SNRs at 1-GHz tend to decrease with the linear diameter and with age. No other relations between the parameters were found.  相似文献   

Based on the Hipparcos proper motions and available radial velocity data of O-B stars, we have re-examined the local kinematical structure of the young disk population of-1500 O-B stars not including the Gould-belt stars. A systematic warping motion of the stars about the direction to the Galactic center has been reconfirmed. A negative K-term implying a systematic contraction of stars in the solar vicinity has been detected. Two different distance scales are used in order to find out their impact on the kinematical parameters, and we conclude that the adopted distance scale plays an important role in characterizing the kinematical parameters at the present level of the measurement uncertainty.  相似文献   

The origin of cosmic rays is one of the long-standing mysteries in physics and astrophysics. Simple arguments suggest that a scenario of supernova remnants (SNRs) in the Milky Way as the dominant sources for the cosmic ray population below the knee could work: a generic calculation indicates that these objects can provide the energy budget necessary to explain the observed flux of cosmic rays. However, this argument is based on the assumption that all sources behave in the same way, i.e. they all have the same energy budget, spectral behavior and maximum energy. In this paper, we investigate if a realistic population of SNRs is capable of producing the cosmic ray flux as it is observed below the knee. We use 21 SNRs that are well-studied from radio wavelengths up to gamma-ray energies and derive cosmic ray spectra under the assumption of hadronic emission. The cosmic ray spectra show a large variety in their energy budget, spectral behavior and maximum energy. These sources are assumed to be representative for the total class of SNRs, where we assume that about 100–200 cosmic ray emitting SNRs should be present today. Finally, we use these source spectra to simulate the cosmic ray transport from individual SNRs in the Galaxy with the GALPROP code for cosmic ray propagation. We find that the cosmic ray budget can be matched well for these sources. We conclude that gamma-ray emitting SNRs can be a representative sample of cosmic ray emitting sources. In the future, experiments like CTA and HAWC will help to distinguish hadronic from leptonic sources and to further constrain the maximum energy of the sources and contribute to producing a fully representative sample in order to further investigate the possibility of SNRs being the dominant sources of cosmic rays up to the knee.  相似文献   

Several mechanisms of bar mode formation in stellar galactic disks, including the Toomre swing amplification mechanism and modal approaches, are considered. Using the well-known Kuzmin-Toomre stellar disk model as an example, it has been shown through numerical simulations that the stellar bar results from the development of an unstable normal mode. The pattern speed and the spiral wave growth rate found from a numerical experiment agree well with the linear perturbation theory. The nonlinear evolution of the bar is traced. The possible role of growing transient spirals in the formation of bars is discussed.  相似文献   

The diffused gamma halo around our Galaxy recently discovered by EGRET could be produced by annihilations of heavy relic neutrinos N (of fourth generation), whose mass is within a narrow range (MZ/2<mN<MZ). Neutrino annihilation in the halo may lead to either ultrarelativistic electron pairs whose Inverse Compton Scattering on infrared and optical galactic photons could be the source of observed GeV gamma rays, or prompt 100 MeV–1 GeV photons (due to neutral pion secondaries) born by reactions. The consequent gamma flux (10−7–10−6 cm−2 s−1 sr−1) is well comparable to the EGRET observed one, and it is also compatible with the narrow window of neutrino mass 45 GeV <mN<50 GeV, recently required to explain the underground DAMA signals.The presence of heavy neutrinos of fourth generation do not contribute much to solve the dark matter problem of the Universe, but may be easily detectable by outcoming LEP II data.  相似文献   

Some effects of a bar on stellar orbits and on chemical gradients are presented for spiral galaxies in general and for the Solar Neighborhood in particular. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The results of an investigation of IR (IRAS) observations of 58 O—B—A—F stars of different luminosity classes, which are mainly members of various associations, are presented. The color indices of these stars are determined and two-color diagrams are constructed. The emission excesses at 12 and 25 mm (E 12 and E 25) are also compared with the absorption A1640 of UV radiation. It is concluded that 24 stars (of the 58 investigated) are disk systems of the Vega type, to which Vega = N 53 also belongs. Eight known stars of the Vega type are also given in the figures for comparison. The remaining 34 stars may have gas—dust shells and/or shell—disks. The IR emission excesses of the 34 investigated stars and 11 comparison stars (eight of them are Be-Ae stars) are evidently due both to thermal emission from grains and to the emission from free—free transitions of electrons in the gas—dust shells of these stars.  相似文献   

We describe an archive of high-precision MDI flat fields that can be used to refine most MDI high-resolution continuum data. The archive consists of many flat-field images representing different time ranges over the full operating period of SOHO. The residual flat-field error on the standard level 1.5/1.8 calibrated continuum images represents a significant proportion (25% – 100%) of the true data variation data on the quiet sun. Using the flat fields in this archive will reduce that error by a factor of 10 – 30, greatly increasing the accuracy of any tracking or photometric operations. The access, use and accuracy of these flat fields are described in this paper.  相似文献   

High energy protons produced by various sources of cosmic rays, e.g., supernova remnants, pulsar wind nebulae, active galactic nuclei and gamma-ray bursts, participate in Pγ and pp interactions. Although pp interactions may be the dominant mechanism in our Galaxy, it is unclear how important pγ process is. We show that the upper bound on the fraction of total number of protons participating in pγ interactions inside all Galactic astrophysical sources of cosmic rays is 10%.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONRadial abundance gradient along the Galactic disk constitutes one of the most importantobservational constraillts fOr models of the evolution of the Galactic disk. The existence of sucha gradient is now well established, through radio and optical observations of HII regions, diskstars, pIanetary nebulae (see Henry and Worthey 1999 for a detailed review) and open clusters(Friel 1995, 1999). An average gradiellt of dlog(X/H)/dR ~ --0.06 dex kpc--' is observed inthe Milky …  相似文献   

We applied special data-processing algorithms to the study of long-period oscillations of the magnetic-field strength and the line-of-sight velocity in sunspots. The oscillations were investigated with two independent groups of data. First, we used an eight-hour-long series of solar spectrograms, obtained with the solar telescope at the Pulkovo Observatory. We simultaneously measured Doppler shifts of six spectral lines, formed at different heights in the atmosphere. Second, we had a long time series of full-disk magnetograms (10 – 34 hour) from SOHO/MDI for the line-of-sight magnetic-field component. Both ground- and space-based observations revealed long-period modes of oscillations (40 – 45, 60 – 80, and 160 – 180 minutes) in the power spectrum of the sunspots and surrounding magnetic structures. With the SOHO/MDI data, one can study the longer periodicities. We obtained two new significant periods (> 3σ) in the power spectra of sunspots: around 250 and 480 minutes. The power of the oscillations in the lower frequencies is always higher than in the higher ones. The amplitude of the long-period magnetic-field modes shows magnitudes of about 200 – 250 G. The amplitude of the line-of-sight velocity periodicities is about 60 – 110 m s−1. The absence of low-frequency oscillations in the telluric line proves their solar nature. Moreover, the absence of low-frequency oscillations of the line-of-sight velocity in the quiet photosphere (free of magnetic elements) proves their direct connection to magnetic structures. Long-period modes of oscillation observed in magnetic elements surrounding the sunspot are spread over the meso-granulation scales (10″ – 12″), while the sunspot itself oscillates as a whole. The amplitude of the long-period mode of the line-of-sight velocity in a sunspot decreases rapidly with height: these oscillations are clearly visible in the spectral lines originating at heights of approximately 200 km and fade away in lines originating at 500 km. We found a new interesting property: the low-frequency oscillations of a sunspot are strongly reduced when there is a steady temporal trend (strengthening or weakening) of the sunspot’s magnetic field. Another important result is that the frequency of long-period oscillations evidently depends on the sunspot’s magnetic-field strength.  相似文献   

The observational results of the Nobeyama 45-m SiO maser survey and the Arecibo 305-m OH maser survey are assembled for an analysis of the distribution and kinematics of late-type stars in the Galactic plane.It is found that neither SiO maser stars nor OH maser stars show any concentration to the spiral arms,which imply that they do not belong to the arm population and quite possibly they are low-mass stars in late stage of evolution.A rotational curve is also derived for these objects and a few features which may be real are discussed and compared with those derived from planetary nebulae and AGB stars.  相似文献   

Rust (1974) stated that the classical (e.g., Doppler) explanations of the cosmological red shift contradict the results of astronomical observations of the period of changes in the brightness of supernovae. This paper is an attempt at explaining this discrepancy between observations and the theoretical predictions on the grounds of a hypothesis published by the author (Bellert, 1969). That hypothesis explains the cosmological red shift by the geometry of the space of events, which is a static space.We regret to report that, soon after the submission of this paper, Professor Bellert passed away on 27 March, 1976 in Warsaw.  相似文献   

Howard  Robert F.  Gupta  S.S.  Sivaraman  K.R. 《Solar physics》1999,186(1-2):25-41
Sunspot umbral positions and areas were measured for 82 years (1906–1987) of daily, full-disk photoheliogram observations at the Kodaikanal station of the Indian Institute of Astrophysics. The measurement technique and reduction procedures used were nearly identical to those used earlier for the reduction of Mount Wilson daily full-disk photoheliograms, covering an overlapping interval of 69 years. In this paper we compare the differential rotation of the Sun from the analysis of the Kodaikanal data with the Mount Wilson results. In addition, we analyze the data set formed by combining the data from the two sites for differential rotation. While doing this, it has become apparent to us that small, subtle optical effects at both sites produce systematic errors that have an influence on rotation (and other) results from these data. These optical effects are analyzed here, and corrections are made to the positional data of the sunspots from both sites. A data set containing the combined positional data of sunspots from both sites, corrected for these optical aberrations, has been constructed. Results for both sunspot groups and individual sunspots are presented. It is pointed out that optical aberrations similar to those found in the Kodaikanal data may also exist in the Greenwich photoheliograph data, because these two sets of solar images were made with similar telescopes.  相似文献   

We present astrometric calibration of the Xuyi Schmidt Telescope Photometric Survey of the Galactic Anti-center(XSTPS-GAC). XSTPS-GAC is the photometric part of the Digital Sky Survey of the Galactic Anti-center(DSS-GAC),which is a photometric and spectroscopic sky survey, in combination with LAMOST.In order to select an astrometric reference catalog, we made comparisons between the four widely used astrometric catalogs, GSC2.3, USNO-B1.0, UCAC3 and PPMXL.PPMXL shows relatively small systematic errors in positions and more homogeneous proper motion distributions toward the Galactic Anti-center(GAC), and was selected as the reference catalog. Based on the high quality and bright reference stars that were picked out from PPMXL, we performed a 4th-order polynomial fitting in image units,to construct the transformation relation between coordinates used by XSTPS-GAC and standard coordinates, and to simultaneously correct the image distortions in the CCD. Then we applied the derived relation to all sources to obtain their mean celestial coordinates based on the International Celestial Reference System. For bright point sources with r 17.0 mag, the accuracy of astrometric calibration could reach about80 mas for each of the g, r, i bands, with systematic errors being less than 10 mas. But for the faint sources at the brightness limit of the survey, which was r ~ 19.0 mag, the accuracy can still reach 200 mas. After combining all observations, the final weighted average coordinates could reach an accuracy of less than 70 mas for bright stars. For faint stars, the rms residuals of weighted coordinates decrease to ~ 110 mas. The final combined XSTPS-GAC coordinates show a good consistency with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.  相似文献   

We report the spectra of the horizontal size of the beam pattern of the RATAN-600 radio telescope operating in the “Southern Sector with a Flat Reflector” observing mode computed in the geometrical optics approximation with allowance for the beam patterns of various primary feeds used in observations with the solar receiver facility in the 3–18 GHz frequency interval. In particular, we show that in the case broadband, spiral, or sinuous feeds are used, the width of the horizontal beam pattern of the antenna decreases with wavelength in the low-frequency part of the spectrum.We compute the spectra of the sizes of two compact local sources on the Sun, which show that the results obtained have to be taken into account when determining the parameters of local sources.  相似文献   

We investigate cosmic ray scattering in the direction perpendicular to a mean magnetic field. Unlike in previous articles we employ a general form of the turbulence wave spectrum with arbitrary behavior in the energy range. By employing an improved version of the nonlinear guiding center theory we compute analytically the perpendicular mean free path. As shown, the energy range spectral index, has a strong influence on the perpendicular diffusion coefficient. If this parameter is larger than one we find for some cases a perpendicular diffusion coefficient that is independent of the parallel mean free path and particle energy. Two applications are considered, namely transport of Galactic protons in the solar system and diffusive particle acceleration at highly perpendicular interplanetary shock waves.  相似文献   

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