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A 34 meter section of ash- and scoria-fall units has been studied on the upper NE flank of the active Volcán Colima. Charcoal and soil horizons are restricted to the topmost 12 m. Nine 14C dates show a smooth progression from 235 years near the surface to 8,300 years at 10 meters depth, indicating a post-Pleistocene accumulation rate of 1.3 m/1,000 years at 6 km from the vent. This figure allows an estimate of the magmatic eruption rate for fallmaterial of 0.31 km3/1,000 years, less than 15% of Colima's lava eruption rate. An unusually thick and coarse-grained scoria-fall horizon at about 4 m depth in the section appears to have been produced by the caldera-forming eruption of Colima some 4,300 years ago.The majority (40) of 46 analyzed scoria and ash horizons are typical Colima hornblende-andesites with an average SiO2 content of 58%, nearly identical to the scoriae of Colima's 1913 pyroclastic flows. The scoriae are significantly more basic than Colima's andesitic lavas, which average 61% SiO2. The six remaining scoria horizons are anomalously alkalic and rich in incompatible elements. Five coarse alkaline scoria layers occur in sequence just below the 8,300 year level. They show progressive upward increases in K, P, Ba, Sr, Zr, La, Ce, and related elements, culminating in a phlogopite-bearing scoria horizon.Over the last 20,000 years or so, a group of cinder cones erupted 20–35 km to the north of Volcán Colima, producing basic alkalic magmas including basanites and phlogopite-bearing minettes. The alkaline scoriae of the studied sections probably record pre-eruptive injections of minette magma into the subvolcanic, calc-alkaline system of V. Colima. The age, composition, and mineralogy of the alkaline scoriae are consistent with this interpretation. Least squares mixing models suggest 60 wt.% minette component in the phlogopite-bearing horizon. 相似文献
中国浙闽赣地区中生代陆相火山岩同位素年代学 总被引:30,自引:1,他引:30
<正> 中国东南沿海特别是浙闽赣地区,中生代以来火山活动频繁、喷发强烈、分布广泛,形成一套陆相火山-沉积地层,同时伴生重要的金属和非金属矿产,成为亚洲西太平洋构造-岩浆-成矿带的重要组成部份。它与北方热河群同属我国研究最早、最详细而时代、岩相又相当的两个代表岩群。由于生物演化的差异、岩性、岩相变化复杂,对这套地层时代的归属、层位划分和对比、火山活动的演化等,各家学者争论了半个多世纪,迄今未能统一。 相似文献
The volcanic stratigraphy and petrogenesis of the Oman ophiolite complex 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
The volcanic stratigraphy and trace element geochemistry of the Oman ophiolite complex indicate a multistage magmatic origin comprising: (1) magmatism due to sea-floor spreading in a marginal basin; (2) magmatism associated with discrete submarine volcanic centres or seamounts; (3) magmatism associated with crustal uplift and rifting; and (4) magmatism associated with continent-arc collision.Trace element petrogenetic modelling is used to investigate the nature of the mantle source region and the partial melting and fractional crystallization history for each magmatic event. The petrogenetic pathway for the sea-floor spreading lavas requires a high degree of melting of a mantle that was depleted in incompatible elements prior to subduction but subsequently selectively enriched in certain elements (mostly LIL elements and H2O) from an underlying subduction zone; it also requires magma mixing in an open system magma chamber prior to eruption. The seamount lavas were probably derived by a similar degree of partial melting of a similar source, but fractional crystallization was restricted to smaller high-level magma chambers. The rifting lavas were derived from a mantle source that was more depleted than the seamount lavas prior to subduction but which was later modified by a larger subduction zone component. The syn-collision lavas were however derived from an enriched mantle source, which probably underlay the passive continental margin rather than the marginal basin complex. Results such as these may provide considerable insight into the petrogenetic changes accompanying the transitions from spreading to arc volcanism in a supra-subduction zone setting. 相似文献
I. S. Sharygin A. V. Golovin A. V. Korsakov N. P. Pokhilenko 《Doklady Earth Sciences》2016,467(1):270-274
Tychite Na6Mg2(CO3)4(SO3) is a rare natural Na and Mg sulfatocarbonate. It is found only as minor mineral in deposits of saline lakes in the United States, Canada, Uganda, and China. In these continental evaporites tychite has sedimentary genesis. In this study, we report the first occurrence of tychite as a crystal phase in the melt inclusions in olivine from mantle xenoliths of the Udachnaya-East kimberlite pipe. This find provides an evidence for the probability of tychite crystallization from melts; i.e., this rare sulfatocarbonate may have a magmatic origin as well. 相似文献
Gerhard Hentschel Kurt Abraham Werner Schreyer 《Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology》1980,73(2):127-130
Idiomorphic crystals of roedderite occur in melt-coated cavities of xenoliths of contact-altered quartz-sillimanite and quartz-feldspar gneisses which were ejected with the tephritic lava of the Bellerberg volcano. Physical and chemical properties of three different sets of crystals agree generally with those of roedderites from meteorites, in which so far the mineral had been found exclusively. In detail, however, there are characteristic chemical differences amongst the Eifel roedderites with one set of crystals matching closely the ideal formula (Na,K)2Mg5 Si12O30, a second set containing excess alkalies according to the substitution Na+0.5 Mg2+, and a third set richer in iron having an alkali deficiency following Fe3+Fe2++Na+.The terrestrial roedderites are considered to be precipitates from highly alkaline, MgSi-rich, but Aldeficient gas phases that evolved through contact heating of the gneisses by the tephrite magma. 相似文献
Hydrogeochemical monitoring has been implemented at a mud volcano for the first time in the world. Measurements were carried out during the field season of 2015 at five gryphons of the South Sakhalin mud volcano with various degrees of activity. Statistically significant differences in the chemical compositions of mud-volcano waters from different gryphons are established. These differences are determined by the activity of the gryphons. 相似文献