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《New Astronomy》2003,8(4):337-370
We summarize the main results from MODEST-1, the first workshop on MOdeling DEnse STellar systems. Our goal is to go beyond traditional population synthesis models, by introducing dynamical interactions between single stars, binaries, and multiple systems. The challenge is to define and develop a software framework to enable us to combine in one simulation existing computer codes in stellar evolution, stellar dynamics, and stellar hydrodynamics. With this objective, the workshop brought together experts in these three fields, as well as other interested astrophysicists and computer scientists. We report here our main conclusions, questions and suggestions for further steps toward integrating stellar evolution and stellar (hydro)dynamics.  相似文献   

If one is only interested in the behaviour of a few longlived modes, the simplest model for the evolution to steady nonlinear stellar pulsation is nonresonant interaction. As the coupled-mode equations are generically not dependent upon a particular stellar model, qualitative ideas about the eventual evolution of mode energies give scenarios that depend mainly upon nonlinear coupling constants and linear growth rates. Two linearly unstable modes are considered in the presence of a representative stable or slave mode. One scenario models a double-mode pulsator, without it being necessary that all coupling constants be negative, if only the model is well behaved enough in excluding unbounded solutions and in avoiding finite amplitudes for the slave modes. The influence of driving on slave modes is then such that all slave modes ultimately decay away. Other scenarios show evolution to classic pulsators. A discussion is given of the modelling of a classic Cepheid in a mode which is not the linearly most unstable one. Findings of the present paper show the need for additional theoretical and numerical modelling and a cautious discussion thereof.  相似文献   

Planetary nebulae (PNe) in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) offer the unique opportunity to study both the population and evolution of low- and intermediate-mass stars, by means of the morphological type of the nebula. Using observations from our LMC PN morphological survey, and including images available in the Hubble Space Telescope Data Archive and published chemical abundances, we find that asymmetry in PNe is strongly correlated with a younger stellar population, as indicated by the abundance of elements that are unaltered by stellar evolution (Ne, Ar, and S). While similar results have been obtained for Galactic PNe, this is the first demonstration of the relationship for extragalactic PNe. We also examine the relation between morphology and abundance of the products of stellar evolution. We found that asymmetric PNe have higher nitrogen and lower carbon abundances than symmetric PNe. Our two main results are broadly consistent with the predictions of stellar evolution if the progenitors of asymmetric PNe have on average larger masses than the progenitors of symmetric PNe. The results bear on the question of formation mechanisms for asymmetric PNe-specifically, that the genesis of PNe structure should relate strongly to the population type, and by inference the mass, of the progenitor star and less strongly on whether the central star is a member of a close binary system.  相似文献   

大量研究表明,蓝离散星的形成可能有多种机制,目前比较流行的形成机制可以概括为以下几类:密近双星系统的质量传输及双星并合、密集星场的恒星碰撞,以及包含双星系统的恒星间 (双星-单星、双星-双星)相互作用导致的恒星并合。与此同时,蓝离散星在各类恒星系统中的普遍存在,也使得研究这类恒星的形成及演化成为追踪恒星系统动力学演化、化学演化及积分光谱性质变化的有效指针。  相似文献   

Massive stars     
We describe the present state of massive star research seen from the viewpoint of stellar evolution, with special emphasis on close binaries. Statistics of massive close binaries are reasonably complete for the Solar neighbourhood. We defend the thesis that within our knowledge, many scientific results where the effects of binaries are not included, have an academic value, but may be far from reality. In chapter I, we summarize general observations of massive stars where we focus on the HR diagram, stellar wind mass loss rates, the stellar surface chemistry, rotation, circumstellar environments, supernovae. Close binaries can not be studied separately from single stars and vice versa. First, the evolution of single stars is discussed (chapter I). We refer to new calculations with updated stellar wind mass loss rate formalisms and conclusions are proposed resulting from a comparison with representative observations. Massive binaries are considered in chapter II. Basic processes are briefly described, i.e. the Roche lobe overflow and mass transfer, the common envelope process, the spiral-in process in binaries with extreme mass ratio, the effects of mass accretion and the merging process, the implications of the (asymmetric) supernova explosion of one of the components on the orbital parameters of the binary. Evolutionary computations of interacting close binaries are discussed and general conclusions are drawn. The enormous amount of observational data of massive binaries is summarized. We separately consider the non-evolved and evolved systems. The latter class includes the semi-detached and contact binaries, the WR binaries, the X-ray binaries, the runaways, the single and binary pulsars. A general comparison between theoretical evolution and observations is combined with a discussion of specially interesting binaries: the evolved binaries HD 163181, HD 12323, HD 14633, HD 193516, HD 25638, HD 209481, Per and Sgr; the WR+OB binary V444 Cyg; the high mass X-ray binaries Vela X-1, Wray 977, Cyg X-1; the low mass X-ray binaries Her X-1 and those with a black hole candidate; the runaway Pup, the WR+compact companion candidates Cyg X-3, HD 50896 and HD 197406. We finally propose an overall evolutionary model of massive close binaries as a function of primary mass, mass ratio and orbital period. Chapter III deals with massive star population synthesis with a realistic population of binaries. We discuss the massive close binary frequency, mass ratio and period distribution, the observations that allow to constrain possible asymmetries during the supernova explosion of a massive star. We focuss on the comparison between observed star numbers (as a function of metallicity) and theoretically predicted numbers of stellar populations in regions of continuous star formation and in starburst regions. Special attention is given to the O-type star/WR star/red supergiant star population, the pulsar and binary pulsar population, the supernova rates. Received 17 July 1998  相似文献   

Issues concerning the structure and evolution of core collapse progenitor stars, and stellar evolution in general, are discussed with an emphasis on interior evolution. We discuss some recent results that address quantifying the uncertainties inherent in modern stellar evolution calculations, and we describe a research effort aimed at investigating the transport and mixing processes associated with stellar turbulence, which is arguably the greatest source of uncertainty in supernova progenitor structure, besides mass loss, at the time of core collapse. We highlight the important role played by precision observations of stellar parameters in constraining theoretical models, as well as the physical insight that can be garnered from three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulation.  相似文献   

The dynamical evolution of small stellar groups composed of N=6 components was numerically simulated within the framework of a gravitational N-body problem. The effects of stellar mass loss in the form of stellar wind, dynamical friction against the interstellar medium, and star mergers on the dynamical evolution of the groups were investigated. A comparison with a purely gravitational N-body problem was made. The state distributions at the time of 300 initial system crossing times were analyzed. The parameters of the forming binary and stable triple systems as well as the escaping single and binary stars were studied. The star-merger and dynamical-friction effects are more pronounced in close systems, while the stellar wind effects are more pronounced in wide systems. Star-mergers and stellar wind slow down the dynamical evolution. These factors cause the mean and median semimajor axes of the final binaries as well as the semimajor axes of the internal and external binaries in stable triple systems to increase. Star mergers and dynamical friction in close systems decrease the fraction of binary systems with highly eccentric orbits and the mean component mass ratios for the final binaries and the internal and external binaries in stable triple systems. Star mergers and dynamical friction in close systems increase the fraction of stable triple systems with prograde motions. Dynamical friction in close systems can both increase and decrease the mean velocities of the escaping single stars, depending on the density of the interstellar medium and the mean velocity of the stars in the system.  相似文献   

In this paper we present the stellar population synthesis results for a sample of 75 bulges in isolated spiral Sb-Sc galaxies, using the spectroscopic data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the STARLIGHT code. We find that both pseudo-bulges and classical bulges in our sample are predominantly composed of old stellar populations, with mean mass-weighted stellar age around 10 Gyr. While the stellar population of pseudo-bulges is, in general, younger than that of classical bulges, the difference is not significant, which indicates that it is hard to distinguish pseudo-bulges from classical bulges, at least for these isolated galaxies, only based on their stellar populations. Pseudo-bulges have star formation activities with relatively longer timescale than classical bulges, indicating that secular evolution is more important in this kind of systems. Our results also show that pseudo-bulges have a lower stellar velocity dispersion than their classical counterparts, which suggests that classical bulges are more dispersion-supported than pseudo-bulges.  相似文献   

We present MUSE, a software framework for combining existing computational tools for different astrophysical domains into a single multiphysics, multiscale application. MUSE facilitates the coupling of existing codes written in different languages by providing inter-language tools and by specifying an interface between each module and the framework that represents a balance between generality and computational efficiency. This approach allows scientists to use combinations of codes to solve highly coupled problems without the need to write new codes for other domains or significantly alter their existing codes. MUSE currently incorporates the domains of stellar dynamics, stellar evolution and stellar hydrodynamics for studying generalized stellar systems. We have now reached a “Noah’s Ark” milestone, with (at least) two available numerical solvers for each domain. MUSE can treat multiscale and multiphysics systems in which the time- and size-scales are well separated, like simulating the evolution of planetary systems, small stellar associations, dense stellar clusters, galaxies and galactic nuclei. In this paper we describe three examples calculated using MUSE: the merger of two galaxies, the merger of two evolving stars, and a hybrid N-body simulation. In addition, we demonstrate an implementation of MUSE on a distributed computer which may also include special-purpose hardware, such as GRAPEs or GPUs, to accelerate computations. The current MUSE code base is publicly available as open source at http://muse.li.  相似文献   

We analyse the K -band Hubble diagram for a sample of brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) in the redshift range 0< z <1. In good agreement with earlier studies, we confirm that the scatter in the absolute magnitudes of the galaxies is small (0.3 mag). The BCGs exhibit very little luminosity evolution in this redshift range: if q 0=0.0, we detect no luminosity evolution; for q 0=0.5, we measure a small negative evolution (i.e., BCGs were about 0.5 mag fainter at z =1 than today). If the mass in stars of these galaxies had remained constant over this period of time, substantial positive luminosity evolution would be expected: BCGs should have been brighter in the past, since their stars were younger. A likely explanation for the observed zero or negative evolution is that the stellar mass of the BCGs has been assembled over time through merging and accretion, as expected in hierarchical models of galaxy formation. The colour evolution of the BCGs is consistent with that of an old stellar population ( z for>2) that is evolving passively. We can thus use evolutionary population synthesis models to estimate the rate of growth in stellar mass for these systems. We find that the stellar mass in a typical BCG has grown by a factor ≃2 since z ≃1 if q 0=0.0, or by factor ≃4 if q 0=0.5. These results are in good agreement with the predictions of semi-analytic models of galaxy formation and evolution set in the context of a hierarchical scenario for structure formation. The models predict a scatter in the luminosities of the BCGs that is somewhat larger than the observed one, but that depends on the criterion used to select the model clusters.  相似文献   

The effect of a neutron-proton vortex system on the rotation dynamics of neutron stars is examined. The dynamics of the motion of a two component superfluid system in the core of a neutron star yields an equation for the evolution of the pulsar's rotation period. The spin down of the star owing to energy release at the core boundary, which is associated with a contraction of the length of the neutron vortex as it moves radially and magnetic energy of the vortical cluster is released, is taken into account. Evolutionary curves are constructed for pulsars with different magnetic fields and stellar radii. For certain values of the coefficient of friction between the superfluid and normal components in the core of the neutron star, at the end of its evolution a radio pulsar may become an anomalous x-ray pulsar or a source of soft gamma radiation with a period on the order of 10 seconds.  相似文献   

Using evolutionary population synthesis we present integrated colours, integrated spectral energy distributions and absorption-line indices defined by the Lick Observatory image dissector scanner (referred to as the Lick/IDS) system, for an extensive set of instantaneous-burst binary stellar populations with and without binary interactions. The ages of the populations are in the range 1–15 Gyr and the metallicities are in the range 0.0001–0.03. By comparing the results for populations with and without binary interactions we show that the inclusion of binary interactions makes the integrated U – B , B – V , V – R and R – I colours and all Lick/IDS spectral absorption indices (except for Hβ) substantially smaller. In other words, binary evolution makes a population appear bluer. This effect raises the derived age and metallicity of the population.
We calculate several sets of additional solar-metallicity binary stellar populations to explore the influence of the binary evolution algorithm input parameters (the common-envelope ejection efficiency and the stellar wind mass-loss rate) on the resulting integrated colours. We also look at the dependence on the choice of distribution functions used to generate the initial binary population. The results show that variations in the choice of input model parameters and distributions can significantly affect the results. However, comparing the discrepancies that exist between the colours of various models, we find that the differences are less than those produced between the models with and those without binary interactions. Therefore it is very necessary to consider binary interactions in order to draw accurate conclusions from evolutionary population synthesis work.  相似文献   

We have compared the kinematics and metallicity of the main-sequence binary and single uvby F stars from the Hipparcos catalog to see if the populations of these stars originate from the same statistical ensemble. The velocity dispersions of the known unresolved binary F stars have been found to be dramatically smaller than those of the single F stars. This suggests that the population of these binaries is, in fact, younger than that of the single stars, which is further supported by the difference in metal abundance: the binaries turn out to be, on average, more metal rich than the single stars. So, we conclude that the population of these binaries is indeed younger than that of the single F stars. Comparison of the single F stars with the C binaries (binary candidates identified in Suchkov & McMaster) has shown, on the other hand, that the latter stars are, on average, older than the single F stars. We suggest that the age difference between the single F stars, known unresolved binaries, and C binaries is associated with the fact that stellar evolution in a binary systems depends on the binary components' mass ratio and separation, with these parameters being statistically very different for the known binaries and C binaries (e.g., mostly substellar secondaries in C binaries vs. stellar secondaries in known binaries). In general we conclude that the populations of known binaries, C binaries, and single F stars do not belong to the same statistical ensemble. The implications of the discovered age difference between these populations along with the corresponding differences in kinematics and metallicity should be important not only for understanding the evolution of stars but also for the history of star formation and the evolution of the local Galactic disk.  相似文献   

The structure of the stellar atmosphere irradiated by an X-ray source is calculated. On the basis of these numerical calculations an approximate theory of the X-ray reprocessing is formulated. The interaction of X-rays with the stellar atmosphere induces a considerable stellar wind. However, the main part of the X-ray energy is reemitted.The optical appearances of the close binary system including an X-ray source are discussed. The light curve of such a system is obtained. The mass-loss rate of a star with the size close to that of its Roche lobe is evaluated in the isothermal approximation. Most likely, the accretion of matter on to a neutron star, or a black hole, is the cause of the X-ray luminosity. The accreting matter is supplied with the mass outflow from the normal component induced by X-rays. The X-ray luminosity is shown to have an upper limit stipulated by the outflow saturation.The model of HZ Her=Her X1 system is constructed which accounts for the observed light curve. The optical appearances of the system are due to the X-ray heating of the face of the X-ray source area of the normal star. The radiation of this hot area is partly reflected by the surface of the disc around the X-ray source. The thin disc is formed by the accretion of matter by the X-ray source. The effective reflection of hard X-rays (hv15–30 keV) by the stellar surface is considered. This phenomenon makes it possible to detect those X-ray pulsars whose beam does not intercept the Earth.The model of Sco X1 as a black hole in a close binary system is discussed.  相似文献   

The formation of a disk galaxy within a slowly growing dark halo is simulated with a new chemo-dynamical model. The model describes the evolution of the stellar populations, the multi-phase ISM and all important interaction. I find, that the galaxy forms radially from inside-out and vertically from top-to-bottom. The derived stellar age distributions show that the inner halo is the oldest component, followed by the outer halo, the triaxial bulge, the halo-disk transition region and the disk. Despite the still idealized model, the final galaxy resembles present-day disk galaxies in many aspects. In particular, the stellar metallicity distribution in the halo of the model resembles the one of M31. The bulge in the model shows, at least two stellar subpopulations, an early collapse population and a population that formed later out of accreted disk mass. In the stellar metallicity distribution of the disk, I find a pronounced ‘G-dwarf problem’ which is the result of a pre-enrichment of the disk ISM with metal-rich gas from the bulge. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We present a state-of-the-art N -body code which includes a detailed treatment of stellar and binary evolution as well as the cluster dynamics. This code is ideal for investigating all aspects relating to the evolution of star clusters and their stellar populations. It is applicable to open and globular clusters of any age. We use the N -body code to model the blue straggler population of the old open cluster M67. Preliminary calculations with our binary population synthesis code show that binary evolution alone cannot explain the observed numbers or properties of the blue stragglers. On the other hand, our N -body model of M67 generates the required number of blue stragglers and provides formation paths for all the various types found in M67. This demonstrates the effectiveness of the cluster environment in modifying the nature of the stars it contains, and highlights the importance of combining dynamics with stellar evolution. We also perform a series of N =10 000 simulations in order to quantify the rate of escape of stars from a cluster subject to the Galactic tidal field.  相似文献   

The spectroscopic determination of the helium abundance in the oldest stars of the galaxy is supported by the theory of stellar evolution when neutrino emission is considered according to the photon-neutrino coupling theory, if it is assumed that the population II stars started their life with a low surface helium content.Receipt delayed by postal strike in Great Britain.  相似文献   

孔旭  程福臻 《天文学进展》2001,19(3):375-386
演化的星族合成方法是在给定恒星形成率和初始质量函数的前提下,利用理论的恒星演化轨迹和恒星光谱库得到的组合特征(光谱,光度),拟合星系、星团等恒星复合天体的观测特征,给出其中星族组成的一种有效方法。对演化的星族合成方法在天体物理研究中的重要意义及其原理和算法以及影响演化星族合成方法结果的最主要的四个输入量:恒星演化轨迹、恒星光谱库、初始质量函数和恒星形成率进行了评述。  相似文献   

High spatial resolution visible and NIR observations of the bar of NGC 5850, a prototype of double barred spirals, together with visible intermediate and high dispersion spectra along the primary bar, are being used, with the aid of simple stellar population synthesis models, to investigate the mean age and metallicity of the different stellar components of the central part of the galaxy. The determination of stellar ages and metallicities would constrain theoretical scenarios for secondary bar formation and the evolution of barred spirals. Unfortunately, we cannot obtain a good fit with simple stellar populations (SSPs) to the spectral indices, so it can not give us, by now, insight into the mean stellar age and metallicity of the real populations in the central region of the galaxy. These preliminary results show a relatively old primary bar with metallicity about solar, although absolute values must be taken with care. The nucleus has a young stellar component, and is very dusty. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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