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《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):183-191

Prairie mosaic: An ethnic atlas of rural North Dakota: by William C. Sherman, Fargo: North Dakota Institute for Regional Studies, 1983. v and 152 pp., figs., illus., photos, maps, and indexes. $12.85 cloth.

Nigeria in Maps: by K. Michael Barbour, Julius S. Oguntoyinbo, J. O. C. Onyemelukwe, and James C. Nwafor, eds. New York: Africana Publishing, 1982. vii and 148 pp., figs., illus., graphs, tables, maps, apps., biblio., and glossary. $29.50 paper.

Frontier on the Rio Grande: A Political Geography of Development and Social Deprivation: by John W. House, New York: Oxford University Press, 1982. xii and 281 pp., figs., tables, photos, maps, app., refs., and index. $29.95 cloth.

Progress in Rural Geography: by Michael Pacione, ed., Totowa, NJ: Barnes &; Noble, 1983. 253 pp., figs., graphs, tables, maps, and index. $26.95 cloth.

The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography: by James M. Rubenstein and Robert S. Bacon, St. Paul, MN: West Publishing, 1983. xxx and 501 pp., figs., illus., graphs, tables, photos, maps, and index. $26.95 cloth.

Applied Geography: Practice, Problems and Prospects: by Morgan Sant, New York: Longman, 1982. x and 152 pp., figs., tables, maps, refs., and index. $30.00 cloth, $11.95 paper.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):466-470

Children love books, and through carefully chosen ones geographic concepts can be conveyed. Books are good resources—great background material for describing a place, emphasizing the culture of a region, highlighting a geographical issue, or clarifying where a place is in the world. This article explains how literature encourages geographic thinking, builds geographic skills, and develops lasting mental maps of places and regions.  相似文献   


Recent federal court decisions have emphasized the need to eliminate schools whose racial composition varies from that of the whole district by more than a fixed percent. A linear programming model is presented to assist school administrators in developing desegregation plans that comply with these guidelines. An efficient solutional technique that exploits the special structure of this model increases problem-size capabilities. A study of the Columbus City School District examines the tradeoffs involved at different levels of desegregation.  相似文献   

陈精日  刘立秋 《山地学报》2001,19(5):452-455
八十年代初我们开始对泥石流地声(振动)特征值与泥石流活动关系进行了研究,研制成功“泥石流地声警报器”等,并先后在蒋家沟和长江上游三省六个站点安装使用了8套仪器,其中有5套“AJ-2A地声遥测警报器”在5个预警报站安装使用,其中宁南县城后山史家沟1991年成功监测5场泥石流,并发出预报警。使观测人员能及时进入观测现场,收集各种泥石流资料并随时监视着泥石流的发展趋势,一旦泥石流进一步发展可能给当地人民生命财产造成危害时就能及时发生报警。通过上述成功监测实例又一次证明“泥石流地声警报器”进行泥石流防灾防警是可行的。本文还就“泥石流地声警报器”的报警工作原理和性能特点进行了论述。  相似文献   

Hasholt, Bent: A new map of the Mitdluagkat glacier—a preliminary report. Geografisk Tidsskrift 87: 19–21, Copenhagen June 1987.

A new map covering the whole Mitdluagkat Glacier has been elaborated. The map is based on air photos from Geodetic Institute in scale 1:150,000 taken July 30, 1981. The scale of the new map is 1:20,000 with 10-m contour intervals. Preliminary field tests indicate that the map is so accurate that it might be used for comparative studies of long-term variations in mass balance of the glacier.  相似文献   

Frost susceptibility is a concept widely used in cold region geotechnical design, to quantify the capacity of a soil in generating frost heave and frost damage. The laboratory test used to verify frost susceptibility of a soil is based on the measurement of frost heave generated in the soil under specific conditions. In reality this concept is, however, more related to the soil's potential to thaw weakening than to frost heave. Recent experimental studies show that frost non-susceptible soils like clean sand and clean gavel can also generate much ice segregation and frost heave if the conditions are favourable, hence challenging the usefulness and suitability of soil classification based on frost susceptibility. It is further shown that the concept is not suitable for design scenarios where frost heave itself is a serious hazard, such as in high-speed rail embankments.  相似文献   


Geography is a part of scientific knowledge devoted to the study of two fundamental relations of human life: relations with the natural world and relations across space. These relations do not exist in isolation but are merely aspects of life as a whole. They must be understood and taught as parts of a total theory of human existence. Marxism is such an attempt to holistically understand the world. It is also, however, an attempt to change the world. Although Marxists recognize that capitalism has yielded enormous technical and material benefits for a minority of the world's people, we now find other competing purposes rising to primary positions in the list of urgent societal tasks. These purposes include equalizing living standards, finding jobs for the present doomed generation of children, removing the economic and social tensions underlying dangerous military antagonisms, and achieving a stable, managed relation with the natural environment. For purposes like these, Marxists consider capitalism outdated as a form of social and economic organization. Most Western Marxists are also critical of the centralized socialism of the Soviet Union. Socialism in the Soviet Union has achieved a modest standard of living for its working class. But the Soviet Union has yet to begin an approach towards a true model of socialism in the sense of decentralizing economic and political power directly to the mass of the people. Because we live in capitalist countries however, the focus of this critique is capitalist, rather than Soviet-style socialist society.  相似文献   

Michigan's Southern Peninsula is by far the largest drift repository in the Great Lakes Area. Thickness of the glacial sediments averages 85 m and volume, previously unknown, exceeds 9300 km3. The distribution, however, is very uneven, as is the underlying bedrock surface. These variations and known surface characteristics provide a basis for the first qualitative and quantitative identification of distinct drift realms. Even the smallest of the eight realms contains about 35% more drift than the better known Kettle Moraine tract of Wisconsin, which encompasses 50% more area. Comparative analysis within the peninsula shows that Pleistocene glaciation completely transformed the topography to the north, whereas the southern half has palimpsest relationships with subcropping formations. [Key words: drift, drift volume, Michigan, Great Lakes, Pleistocene.]  相似文献   

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