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《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):220-223

This article identifies teaching strategies to explore cultural universals. Traits that contribute to distinguishing one culture from another can be classified into general categories that all cultures share. Students identify universals in their daily lives and then compare and contrast different cultural perspectives through an exploration of these universals. Computer technology provides access to images and information about other cultures that might be used to increase students' understanding of cultural perspectives. The Internet provides a vehicle for classrooms to exchange cooperative creative writing stories that allow students the opportunity to explore different cultural perspectives through the eyes of other students around the world. Suggestions about how to establish and conduct a classroom exchange project over the Internet are provided.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(9):526-529

Urban change, university growth, and partial cultural realignment within the student-youth community contiguous to the Boulder campus of the University of Colorado have all contributed to the development of a youth ghetto. As an analytical framework for community analysis, a five-part ghetto model is applied to the community including (1) spatial enclave, (2) minority status, (3) inferior status, (4) lack of choice, and (5) social disorganization. Increasing importance of non-students in the youth ghetto combines with substandard housing, drug abuse, and rising crime as all-important ingredients in a ghettoization process that has resulted in urban blight for most neighborhoods adjacent to the Universty, and community disfunction (University Hill Riot, May 21-23, 1971). As a stabilizing force the University and the larger community are the likely candidates to initiate measures to effect a reversal in the trend. Until this is done the future of both remains uncertain.  相似文献   


This paper focuses on the 'cultural turn' which has taken place in British and to a lesser extent North American and Australian human geography in the last decade. It begins by exploring what constitutes the cultural in what has been dubbed 'new cultural geography'. It then explores contemporary claims that cultural geography has eclipsed or marginalised social geography. The final section evaluates these claims about the demise of the social, arguing that the social has not been evacuated but rather has been redefined. While this paper tells a specific story about a particular tradition and geographical frame of reference, it nonetheless has wider relevance because it provides an example of the differential development of particular sub-disciplinary areas, of the way subdisciplinary knowledges shape each other, and of the way understandings of disciplinary trends are contested.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(7):421-428

The topographic map can successfully supplement the geographical textbook and the field trip in aiding the teacher in the illustration of the cultural character of a place. Interpretation of cultural features on topographic maps requires a knowledge of map symbolization and some familiarity with the area or topic under study. An example of the type of cultural features that are well-illustrated by topographic maps is specialized agricultural settlement such as the gentleman horse farm. The student can formulate an interpretation key of the characteristic features of each settlement type. This will allow the successful interpretation of maps from distant or unfamiliar areas through comparison and even allow the map reader to “travel,” although vicariously, to distant areas.  相似文献   

Importance has been attached to the research of the impact of Holocene environmental change on the origins of human civilization and human survival at home and abroad by the academic circles (Bevan and Rooseveit, 2003; Binford, 1997; Xia et al., 2003; Zhu…  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(3):127-140

Broadening the intercultural awareness and international outlook of undergraduate students is best achieved through active rather than passive learning. The international student interview provides an excellent strategy for such active learning in introductory human geography classes. It allows American-born students to enter into a dialogue with students from other countries and learn about their cultures while simultaneously reexamining their own society and cultural frames of reference. The exercise also provides instructors with an opportunity to discuss the ethics and social practices associated with interviewing. Feedback from University of Georgia students completing this assignment underscored these benefits and provided suggestions for refinement of the exercise.  相似文献   


Tschudi, Aadel B. 1968. Land Use Problems on the Urban Fringe: the Case of Sorkedalen, Oslo. Norsk geogr. Tidsskr. 22, 252–263. This article is concerned with land use planning in urban fringe areas, in particular problems related to claims on land for recreation. Sørkedalen has been selected for its interest in showing how, in spite of strict regulations to preserve the existing cultural landscape, land use has been changing in accordance with the trend characteristic of fringe areas elsewhere. The conclusion is that realistic goals in planning depend on careful interpretation of the present situation.  相似文献   

This paper explores the usefulness of a biographical approach in studying Irish rural youth migration. There have been calls recently for an approach to migration study that involves conceptualizing migration as part of individual biographies as well as social structures. However, there is little research that explicitly adopts a biographical approach. This paper presents the theoretical underpinnings, methodological issues and findings of a recent study that was guided by the principles of a biographical approach to migration. The study was an exploration of life-path formation among Irish rural youth from the 1970s to the 1990s. The paper focuses on the three key elements of a biographical approach to migration, and relates them to Irish rural youth migration. Firstly, migration is considered as part of an individual's biography, and the methodological implications of this are explored. Secondly, it is argued, drawing on the research in Ireland, that migration decision-making is a multilayered process. In the case of Irish rural youth migration, a biographical approach highlights the complexity of migration decision-making, revealing the tensions and struggles that lie behind each move, and thus raises questions over the tendency towards simplification of the migration process. Finally, it is argued that migration is a cultural phenomenon, but that this assertion needs careful qualification. This paper problematizes the role of culture in migration processes by untangling the systems of competing discourses of migration that underlie societal norms regarding migration, thereby challenging the view of migration as "normal" for particular societies or cultures.  相似文献   


The large scale topographic map can be a valuable medium for the pedagogic study of cultural geography, as a documentary source for research, or as a supplement to field work. Ethnic settlements, by way of illustration, are distinct cultural features on the landscape and can be located on topographic maps through the compilation of settlement form interpretation keys or place-name indexes, and the study of ethnic history. With this information as a base, it is possible to develop an interpretation logic that will allow the location and identification of ethnic groups on topographic maps.  相似文献   


Ethnic music is a strong indicator of cultural identity. Central and Eastern European ethnic groups have historically been associated with folk music traditions, such as polka, and radio broadcasting patterns in the United States reflect continued demand for and support of this music. Data from the 2000 Census was used to generate maps of the county-level ancestral patterns from European regions traditionally associated with polka music and was compared with the locations of radio stations that play polka. This article demonstrates straightforward quantitative approaches to evaluating these patterns of musical preferences. This study serves as an example for ways in which mapping and GIS can be used as tools for teaching and learning topics related to cultural geography.  相似文献   


Positioned on the northern edge of the Hispano homeland, the southern portion of the old Sangre de Cristo Land Grant (present-day Costilla County, Colorado) provides an interesting empirical study of cultural change. After economically displacing Spanish-American residents from villages throughout the homeland's core, incoming Anglos have adopted the region's rich Spanish culture as their own. On the homeland's periphery, however, the cultural traditions of Hispanos and Anglos have been, for the most part, at odds. Most resident Hispanos desire to maintain ties to their traditional past, while the younger generations embrace Anglo cultural norms. Considering the vital role it plays in the maintenance of culture, religion provides a window to the study area's modified cultural environment. In 1900 the population in this region was predominantly Catholic Hispano; by 1990 Protestant-dominated Anglos comprised a sizeable proportion of the population. Comparisons are made between traditional Hispano and Anglo-influenced religious landscapes. Changes in church affiliation, the distribution of active Penitente moradas, and the characteristics of community cemeteries demonstrate ongoing cultural change. Geographically isolated communities, where Anglo intrusion is limited, retain their strong Hispano cultural integrity.  相似文献   


The poor performance of Pacific students at university is a concern for every level of society. Conventional models of teaching, learning and assessment have overlooked the cultural background of students, yet the effects of this oversight have been disastrous, alienating and disempowering. Studies of and developments in education in the Pacific and elsewhere offer opportunities to rethink the methods of teaching, learning and assessment of Pacific students in ways that are congruent with their home culture. Informed by the principle of so’a lau pule (the Samoan concept of consensus through consultation and conversation) and ethnographic research methods, this study describes an attempt to rethink ways of teaching, learning and assessing student performance in a third-year course on Resource Conservation and Management in the School of Geography, Earth Science and Environment at the University of the South Pacific. Introduced in 2007, the Student Innovative Contribution to Knowledge (SICK) allows students to participate in key decisions concerning teaching, learning and assessment. SICK is grounded in the principles of inclusiveness and participation. It takes account of the skills and abilities of Pacific students and is aligned with the philosophical basis of Pacific cultures. One hundred and fifty-eight students took part in this study over a 5-year period. Analysis was based on students’ written reviews of the semester’s work, in-depth conversation with individual students and the end-of-the-course evaluation. The findings show that, while students embrace the need for non-conventional forms of teaching, learning and assessment, the most frequently cited responses for non-participation are poor time management and varying perceptions of what is considered an innovative assessment. This study shows that understanding the cultural background of students is critical to creating culturally inclusive learning environments.  相似文献   


This study takes a human-geographical approach to examine the crucial problem of deforestation in Madagascar. Current land-use practices on the west coast threaten the survival of the dry primary forest, which exists in a delicate ecological balance under a climate bordering on aridity. A shifting-agriculture system, encouraged by government policy aimed at expanding crop cultivation, is the major factor contributing to the reduction of forested land. The forest is set on fire and the burns used to cultivate maize. After three years, yields drop dramatically, and people search for new areas of forest to clear. The practice is likely to lead to the complete disappearance of the western forests if nothing is done to change the current situation. The main practitioners are migrant Tandroy from the south of Madagascar. They migrate for reasons related to widespread local poverty and cultural practices linked to their reverence for cattle. They destroy the forests less for immediate survival than in order to gain possession of as many zebu as possible, which for them is the only way to acquire social status. Because Androy, their home region, is too poor to permit such acquisitions, migration to and deforestation of the western forest becomes an attractive alternative. The sale of maize to private exporters at a high price provides profits that can be used to buy cattle. This cultivation contributes little to food production in Madagascar, and the Tandroy , motivated by cultural considerations, stand at the base of a chain of exploitation that ends overseas. Agricultural and conservation policies in Madagascar currently do not address cultural and economic complexities such as these.  相似文献   


Literature, and specifically non-Western literature, may be profitably employed in lieu of traditional college introductory geography texts, particularly for the dual purposes of stressing contemporary themes and deemphasizing ethnocentricity while emphasizing understandings. This possibility is especially appropriate for courses using the topical or thematic approach and/or where the instructor has some reservations about the overall effectiveness of the scientific method when dealing with cultural phenomena. The major theme in the experimental course described was that of modernization, the chief sub-topics being Introduction; Cultural Change; Historical Legacy; Economic Development; Political Choices; Implications of Modernization; and Conclusions. Novels were selected representing five of these seven sub-topics. The process of selecting novels involved a number of constraints, both practical and personal in nature. Student and instructor reactions to the course were favorable. A short bibliography by theme is appended.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):194-209

This article offers a pedagogical module that explores the geography of blues culture across the Mississippi Delta. By focusing on blues culture, rather than simply blues music itself, this project provides a forum for understanding the broader geographical conditions from which this musical form emerged. This module utilizes place-based methodologies and musical expressions as lenses to understand the influences that migration and cultural diffusion have had on the evolution of Delta blues. The impacts these processes had on diffusing African cultural legacies and setting the stage for the evolution of the civil rights movement are considered.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):240-249

This article offers video lessons that interweave visual and written materials in order to introduce university undergraduates (who may or may not be geography majors) to some recent shifts in geographic inquiry. What is often described as the “cultural turn” in human geography invites us to examine more closely the politics of representation, whereby power relations animate the ever-unfolding construction of cultural identities. These examples of pedagogy explore the formulation of geographic knowledge about two cultural groups—the Maori and the Romany (a.k.a. Gypsies).  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(3):420-426

This paper outlines a method for teaching about cultural landscapes in introductory geography classes by contrasting the Renaissance gardens of Italy with the Zen gardens of Japan. The ordered, symmetrical, formal arrangement of the Renaissance gardens are compared to the Zen gardens where landscape features appear to be completely natural. By contrasting these two garden traditions—their physical characteristics, their paths of diffusion, and the world views they express—it is possible to illustrate how cultural landscapes develop and persist in areas as a result of differing combinations of physical, social, and cultural circumstances.  相似文献   


Djerba, a small island off the southeast Tunisian coast, is in many ways a unique fragment of North African cultural geography. In terms of linguistic character, religious qualities, and ethnic makeup Djerba constitutes a veritable laboratory for the study of the effects of spatial isolation. Now, however, Djerba's long-term isolation is coming to an end as tourism is gaining momentum and modernization alters the cultural landscape.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4-5):229-240

This article examines various strategies for teaching controversial topics. As a case study, I present examples from my experience teaching about the cultural/political geographic concept of iconography in southern classrooms using as an example recent debates over whether governments in the region should sanction the flying of the Confederate battle flag. First, I discuss the recent literature on the teaching of controversial issues. Second, I examine the concept of iconography and the debates over flying the flag. Third, I present different strategies that can be used to approach this controversial icon in a classroom setting. I conclude by arguing that there is no perfect solution to the teaching of controversial topics that will succeed for every topic, irrespective of time and place.  相似文献   

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