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This study is aimed at understanding the behavior of monazite, xenotime, apatite and zircon, and the redistribution of Zr, REE, Y, Th, and U among melt, rock-forming and accessory phases in a prograde metamorphic sequence, the Kinzigite Formation of Ivrea-Verbano, NW Italy, that may represent a section from the middle to lower continental crust. Metamorphism ranges from middle amphibolite to granulite facies and metapelites show evidence of intense partial melting and melt extraction. The appearance of melt controls the grain size, fraction of inclusions and redistribution of REE, Y, Th, and U among accessories and major minerals. The textural evolution of zircon and monazite follows, in general, the model of Watson et al. (1989). Apatite is extracted from the system dissolved into partial melts. Xenotime is consumed in garnet-forming reactions and is the first source for the elevated Y and HREE contents of garnet. Once xenotime is exhausted, monazite, apatite, zircon, K-feldspar, and plagioclase are progressively depleted in Y, HREE, and MREE as the modal abundance of garnet increases. Monazite is severely affected by two retrograde reactions, which may have consequences for U-Pb dating of this mineral. Granulite-grade metapelites (stronalites) are significantly richer in Ti, Al, Fe, Mg, Sc, V, Cr, Zn, Y, and HREE, and poorer in Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Tl, U, and P, but have roughly the same average concentration of Cu, Sr, Pb, Zr, Ba, LREE, and Th as amphibolite-grade metapelites (kinzigites). The kinzigite-stronalite transition is marked by the sudden change of Th/U from 5–6 to 14–15, the progressive increase of Nb/Ta, and the decoupling of Ho from Y. Leucosomes were saturated in zircon, apatite, and (except at the lowest degree of partial melting) monazite. Their REE patterns, especially the magnitude of the Eu anomaly, depend on the relative proportion of feldspars and monazite incorporated into the melt. The presence of monazite in the source causes an excellent correlation of LREE and Th, with nearly constant Nd/Th ≈ 2.5–3. The U depletion and increase in Th/U characteristic of granulite facies only happens in monazite-bearing rocks. It is attributed to enhancement of the U partitioning in the melt due to elevated Cl activity followed by the release of a Cl-rich F-poor aqueous fluid at the end of the crystallization of leucosomes. Halide activity in partial melts was buffered by monazite and apatite. Since the U (and K) depletion does not substantially affect the heat-production of metapelites, and mafic granulites maintain similar Th/U and abundance of U and Th as their unmetamorphosed equivalents, it seems that geochemical changes associated to granulitization have only a minor influence on heat-production in the lower crust.  相似文献   

A single zircon geochronological study of gneisses from the Obudu Plateau of southeastern Nigeria, using the evaporation technique, indicates that zircons recorded several Precambrian high-grade metamorphic events (Eburnean and Pan-African). Igneous and multifaceted metamorphic zircons yielded 207Pb/206Pb ages of 2062.4 ± 0.4 Ma, 1803.8 ± 0.4 Ma and 574 ± 10 Ma, respectively and confirm for the first time that granulite-facies metamorphism affected the basement of southeastern Nigeria, resulting in the formation of charnockites and granulitic gneisses. The Pan-African high-grade event was coeval with the formation of granulites in Cameroon, Togo and Ghana and resulted from collisional processes during continental amalgamation to form the Gondwana supercontinent. The sources of the sediments, which were deposited at ≈605 Ma and metamorphosed at 574 Ma, comprise older igneous and metamorphic protoliths (including inherited xenocrystic zircons up to 2.5 Ga in age). The Palaeoproterozoic zircons seem to have survived Pan-African melting.  相似文献   

U–Pb sensitive high resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) dating of zircons from charnockitic and garnet–biotite gneisses from the central portion of the Mozambique belt, central Tanzania indicate that the protolith granitoids were emplaced in a late Archaean, ca. 2.7 Ga, magmatic event. These ages are similar to other U–Pb and Pb–Pb ages obtained for other gneisses in this part of the belt. Zircon xenocrysts dated between 2.8 and 3.0 Ga indicate the presence of an older basement. Major and trace element geochemistry of these high-grade gneisses suggests that the granitoid protoliths may have formed in an active continental margin environment. Metamorphic zircon rims and multifaceted metamorphic zircons are dated at ca. 2.6 Ga indicating that these rocks were metamorphosed some 50–100 my after their emplacement. Pressure and temperature estimates on the charnockitic and garnet–biotite gneisses were obscured by post-peak metamorphic compositional homogenisation; however, these estimates combined with mineral textures suggest that these rocks underwent isobaric cooling to 800–850 °C at 12–14 kbar. It is considered likely that the granulite facies mineral assemblage developed during the ca. 2.6 Ga event, but it must be considered that it might instead represent a pervasive Neoproterozoic, Pan African, granulite facies overprint, similar to the ubiquitous eastern granulites further to the east.  相似文献   

Back-scattered electron (BSE) imaging and X-ray element mapping of monazite in low-grade metasedimentary rocks from the Paleoproterozoic Stirling Range Formation, southwestern Australia, reveal the presence of distinct, high-Th cores surrounded by low-Th, inclusion-rich rims. Previous geochronology has shown that the monazite cores are older than 1.9 Ga and overlap with the ages of detrital zircon grains (∼3.5–2.0 Ga), consistent with a detrital origin. Many cores have scalloped and embayed surfaces indicating partial dissolution of former detrital grains. Textural evidence links the growth of the monazite rims (∼1.2 Ga) to deformation and regional metamorphism during the Mesoproterozoic Albany-Fraser orogeny. These results indicate that high-Th detrital monazite is unstable under low-grade metamorphic conditions (<400°C) and was partially or completely dissolved. Dissolution was followed by near-instantaneous reprecipitation and the formation of low-Th monazite and ThSiO4. This reaction is likely to operate in other low-grade metasedimentary rocks, resulting in the progressive replacement of detrital monazite by metamorphic monazite during regional prograde metamorphism.  相似文献   

BEA  F. 《Journal of Petrology》1996,37(3):521-552
A systematic study with laser ablation—ICP-MS, scanningelectron microscopy and electron microprobe revealed that 70–95wt% of REE (except Eu), Y, Th and U in granite rocks and crustalprotoliths reside within REEYThU-rich accessories whose nature,composition and associations change with the rock aluminosity.The accessory assemblage of peraluminous granites, migmatitesand high-grade rocks is composed of monazite, xenotime (in low-Cavarieties), apatite, zircon, Thorthosilicate, uraninite andbetafite-pyrochlore. Metaluminous granites have allanite, sphene,apatite, zircon, monazite and Thorthosilicaie. Peralkaline graniteshave aeschinite, fergusonite, samarskite, bastnaesite, fluocerite,allanite, sphene, zircon, monazite, xenotime and Th-orthosilicate.Granulite-grade garnets are enriched in Nd and Sm by no lessthan one order of magnitude with respect to amphibolite-gradegarnets. Granulitegrade feldspars are also enriched in LREEwith respect to amphibolite-grade feldspars. Accessories causenon-Henrian behaviour of REE, Y, Th and U during melt—solidpartitioning. Because elevated fractions of monazite, xenotimeand zircon in common migmatites are included within major minerals,their behaviour during anatexis is controlled by that of theirhost. Settling curves calculated for a convecting magma showthat accessories are too small to settle appreciably, beingseparated from the melt as inclusions within larger minerals.Biotite has the greatest tendency to include accessories, therebyindirectly controlling the geochemistry of REE, Y, Th and U.We conclude that REE, Y, Th and U are unsuitable for petrogeneticalmodelling of granitoids through equilibrium-based trace-elementfractionation equations. KEY WORDS: accessory minerals; geochemical modelling; granitoids; REE, Y, Th, U  相似文献   

Bea  F. 《Journal of Petrology》1996,37(6):1601
Owing to an error in a computer program, some of the LA—ICP—MSdata for yttrium presented in Tables 3, 4, 5, 6, 12 and 13 ofBea (1996) are incorrect. The following changes should be made:  相似文献   

The behaviour of major and trace elements have been studied along two serpentinite weathering profiles located in the Kongo-Nkamouna and Mang North sites of the Lomié ultramafic complex.The serpentinites are characterized by high SiO2 and MgO contents, very low trace, rare earth and platinum-group element contents. Lanthanide and PGE contents are higher in the Nkamouna sample than in Mang North. Normalized REE patterns according to the CI chondrites reveal that: (i) all REE are below chondrites abundances in the Mang North sample; (ii) the (La/Yb)N ratio value is higher in the Nkamouna sample (23.72) than in the Mang one (1.78), this confirms the slightly more weathered nature of the Nkamouna sample. Normalized PGE patterns according to the same CI chondrites reveal a negative Pt anomaly in the Mang sample. The Nkamouna sample is characterized by a flat normalized PGE pattern.All element contents increase highly from the parent rock to the coarse saprolite.In the weathering profiles, Fe2O3 contents decrease from the bottom to the top contrarily to Al2O3, SiO2 and TiO2. The contents of alkali and alkaline oxides are under detection limit.Concerning trace elements, Cr, Ni, Co, Cu, Zn and Sc decrease considerably from the bottom to the top while Zr, Th, U, Be, Sb, Sn, W, Ta, Sr, Rb, Hf, Y, Li, Ga, Nb and Pb increase towards the clayey surface soil. Chromium, Ni and Co contents are high in the weathered materials in particular in the saprolite zone and in the nodules.REE contents are high in the weathered materials, particularly in Nkamouna. Their concentrations decrease along both profiles. Light REE are more abundant than heavy REE. Normalized REE patterns according to the parent rock reveal positive Ce anomalies in all the weathered materials and negative Eu anomalies only at the bottom of the coarse saprolite (Nkamouna site). Positive Ce anomalies are higher in the nodular horizon of both profiles. An additional calculation method of lanthanide anomalies, using NASC data, confirms positive Ce anomalies ([Ce/Ce*]NASC = 1.15 to 60.68) in several weathered materials except in nodules ([Ce/Ce*]NASC = 0.76) of the upper nodular horizon (Nkamouna profile). The (La/Yb)N ratios values are lower in the Nkamouna profile than in Mang site.PGE are more abundant in the weathered materials than in the parent rock. The highest contents are obtained in the coarse saprolite and in the nodules. The elements with high contents along both profiles are Pt (63–70 ppb), Ru (49–52 ppb) and Ir (41 ppb). Normalized PGE patterns show positive Pt anomalies and negative Ru anomalies.The mass balance evaluation, using thorium as immobile element, reveals that:
– major elements have been depleted along the weathering profile, except for Fe, Mn and Ti that have been enriched even only in the coarse saprolite;
– all the trace elements have been depleted along both profiles, except for Cr, Co, Zn, Sc, Cu, Ba, Y, Ga, U and Nb that have been enriched in the coarse saprolite;
– rare earth elements have been abundantly accumulated in the coarse saprolite, before their depletion towards the top of the profiles;
– platinum-group elements have been abundantly accumulated in the coarse saprolite but have been depleted towards the clayey surface soil.
Moreover, from a pedogenetical point of view, this study shows that the weathering profiles are autochtonous, except in the upper part of the soils where some allochtonous materials are revealed by the presence of zircon grains.  相似文献   

The major and trace element compositions of nine eclogites from the Dabie–Sulu ultrahigh pressure (UHP) metamorphic terrane in eastern China were determined for both whole rock and the main constituent minerals, garnet and clinopyroxene. The results indicate that the eclogite protoliths originated from a basaltic magma, which formed in a continental setting as shown by isotopic and immobile element data. Based on the garnet REE characteristics, the eclogites can be roughly divided into two groups. Group 1 has LREE enrichment with no Eu anomaly for whole rock, and smooth LREE depletion but HREE enrichment pattern for garnet, whereas group 2 shows a depletion of LREE with a pronounced positive Eu anomaly and flat HREE pattern for both whole rock and garnet. From these features, we suggest that the protoliths for group 2 are Fe–Ti–gabbros with relatively high cumulus plagioclase and Fe–Ti oxide, whereas the group 1 eclogites are probably from basalts. Therefore, the unusual garnet REE pattern observed in group 2 can be considered as an important signature for identifying gabbro protoliths for eclogites. The identification of gabbro protoliths from the eclogites in the Dabie–Sulu terrane provides evidence for Neoproterozoic rift magmatism in the northern margin of the Yangtze craton. During ultrahigh pressure metamorphism in the Dabie–Sulu terrane, LILEs (including Ba, Rb, Th, U, K) had high mobility, but REEs and HFSEs were immobile, and trace element distribution equilibrium was approached between garnet and clinopyroxene. An estimate of mass balance indicates that garnet and clinopyroxene host the majority of HREEs and Y, and clinopyroxene is a significant host for Sr, but minor and accessory minerals predominantly account for LREEs, Th, U, and Zr.  相似文献   

Mobilization and migration of the heat‐producing elements (HPE) during anatexis is a critical process in the development of orogenic systems, the evolution of continental crust and the stabilization of cratons. In many crustal rocks the accessory minerals are the dominant hosts of Th and U, and the behaviour of these minerals during partial melting controls the concentrations of these elements in draining melt and residue. We use phase equilibrium modelling to evaluate if loss of melt saturated in the essential structural constituents of the accessory minerals can explain the concentrations of Th and U in residual metasedimentary migmatites and granulites along two well‐characterized crustal transects in the Ivrea zone, Italy and at Mt Stafford, Australia. While an equilibrium model of accessory mineral breakdown and melt loss approximates the depletion of U in the residual crust along both transects, it does not explain the relative enrichment of Th. We propose that the high Th concentrations in residual crust may be explained by either inhibition of monazite dissolution by kinetic factors or near‐peak growth of new high Th grains and overgrowth rims on undissolved monazite due to migration of melt through the orogenic crust. Retention of the HPE in the middle and deep orogenic crust may allow metasedimentary granulites to overcome the enthalpy barrier of melting to achieve ultrahigh temperature conditions and may be partly responsible for the slow cooling of many granulite terranes. Lastly, although the mantle was warmer and crustal heat production was higher in the past, peak temperatures and apparent thermal gradients of high‐temperature (HT)–ultrahigh temperature (UHT) granulite terranes have not decreased significantly since the Neoarchean. However, the pressure of HP granulite facies metamorphism has increased gradually from the Archean to the Phanerozoic, which suggests that the lithosphere became stronger as secular cooling of the mantle enabled plate collisions to form thicker orogens. Thus, as the lithosphere became stronger, the proportion of HT–UHT metamorphism associated with thin lithosphere and mantle heat has decreased, whereas the proportion associated with the formation of thick crust and radiogenic heat has increased.  相似文献   

This paper presents data on REE and Y, Nb, Zr, Hf, Ta, Th and U abundances for two candidate reference materials (RMs), spinel lherzolite LSHC-1 and amphibole Amf-1, being currently developed at the Institute of Geochemistry SB RAS, Irkutsk. To determine the contents of these elements inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry was applied with: (i) solution nebulisation (solution ICP-MS) and (ii) laser ablation (LA-ICP-MS) of fused glass disks. The precision of results obtained by both techniques was better than 6% RSD for most elements. Accuracy was assessed by using the geochemical RMs JB-2, JGb-1 (GSJ) and MAG-1 (USGS). The trace element results by solution ICP-MS for JGb-1 and JB-2 agree with reference values presented by Imai et al. (1995, this Journal) within 1–10%. Significant differences were found for Nb and Ta determinations. The accuracy of LA-ICP-MS results evaluated by RM MAG-1 was within 4%, except for Eu (about 10%). The analytical results obtained for LSHC-1 and Amf-1 by solution ICP-MS and LA-ICP-MS were in good agreement with each other and with INAA and XRF data presented for the certification of these RMs. They can be considered as the indicative values for assigning certified values to the above-mentioned RMs.  相似文献   

The geochemical reference material BHVO-1 was analysed by a variety of techniques over a six year period. These techniques included inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry and atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-MS and ICP-AES, respectively), laser ablation ICP-MS and spark source mass spectroscopy. Inconsistencies between the published consensus values reported by Gladney and Roelandts (1988, Geostandards Newsletter) and the results of our study are noted for Rb, Y, Zr, Pb and Th. The values reported here for Rb, Y, Zr and Pb are generally lower, while Th is higher than the consensus value. This is not an analytical artefact unique to the University of Notre Dame ICP-MS facility, as most of the BHVO-1 analyses reported over the last ten to twenty years are in agreement with our results. We propose new consensus values for each of these elements as follows: Rb = 9.3 ± 0.2 μg g-1 (compared to 11 ± 2 μg g-1), Y = 24.4 ± 1.3 μg g-1 (compared to 27.6 ± 1.7 μg g-1), Zr = 172 ± 10 μg g-1 (compared to 179 ± 21 μg g-1), Pb = 2.2 ± 0.2 μg g-1 (compared to 2.6 ± 0.9 μg g-1) and Th = 1.22 ± 0.02 μg g-1 (compared to 1.08 ± 0.15 μg g-1).  相似文献   

Plutonic zircons from the Cretaceous Separation Point Suite (SPS) were analysed by LA-ICPMS for U–Pb isotope ratios and trace element concentrations. Pooled 206Pb/238U ages range from 112 to 124 Ma. Cathodoluminescence imaging reveals minor inheritence and textural evidence of repeated dissolution and re-precipitation of zircon. Core and rim spot analyses, however, document zircon growth during extended periods of time (>2 myr). Protracted crystallisation histories for simple plutonic systems are inconsistent with generalised thermal constraints, which predict cooling below the solidus within <1 myr. Consequently, we conclude that the SPS granitoids sampled in this study were not emplaced rapidly but incrementally over extended time periods. Zircon Th/U and Zr/Hf ratios are positively correlated with crystallisation temperatures, consistent with crystallisation from evolving melts. However, highly variable trace element concentrations, along with temperature reversals are indicative of complex crystallisation histories involving continuous fractional crystallisation repeatedly punctuated by hotter, more mafic magma recharge. Normalised abundances of the redox-sensitive elements Eu and Ce in zircon vary systematically with degrees of whole rock differentiation, pointing to evolutionary trends in magmatic oxidation states coupled with feldspar crystallisation.  相似文献   

In this study, the mobilization, redistribution, and fractionation of trace and rare earth elements (REE) during chemical weathering in mid-ridge (A), near mountaintop (B), and valley (C) profiles (weak, weak to moderate, and moderate to intense chemical weathering stage, respectively), are characterized. Among the trace elements, U and V were depleted in the regolith in all three profiles, Sr, Nb, Ta, Zr, and Hf displayed slight gains or losses, and Th, Rb, Cs, and Sc remained immobile. Mn, Ba, Zn, Cu, and Cr were enriched at the regolith in profiles A and B, but depleted in profile C. Mn, Pb, and Co were also depleted in the saprock and fractured shale zones in profiles A and B and enriched in profile C. REEs were enriched in the regolith and depleted at the saprock zone in profiles A and B and depleted along profile C. Mobility of trace and REEs increased with increasing weathering intensity. Normalized REE patterns based on the parent shale revealed light REE (LREE) enrichment, middle REE (MREE), and heavy REE (HREE) depletion patterns. LREEs were less mobile compared with MREEs and HREEs, and this differentiation increased with increasing weathering degree. Positive Ce anomalies were higher in profile C than in profiles A and B. The Ce fractionated from other REE showed that Ce changed from trivalent to tetravalent (as CeO2) under oxidizing conditions. Minimal REE fractionation was observed in the saprock zone in profiles A and B. In contrast, more intense weathering in profile C resulted in preferential retention of LREE (especially Ce), leading to considerable LREE/MREE and LREE/HREE fractionation. (La/Yb)N and (La/Sm)N ratios displayed maximum values in the saprock zone within low pH values. Findings demonstrate that acidic solutions can mobilize REEs and result in leaching of REEs out of the highly acidic portions of the saprock material and transport downward into fractured shale. The overall behavior of elements in the three profiles suggests that solution pH, as well as the presence of primary and secondary minerals, play important roles in the mobilization and redistribution of trace elements and REEs during black shale chemical weathering.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2004,19(6):899-916
A 7 step sequential extraction procedure has been conducted on a podzolic soil profile from the Vosges Mountains in order to determine the ability of several elements to be released to the environment. Very little Si, K and Al were extractable (<10% of the total soil concentration) but larger proportions (> 10% of the total soil concentration) of Ca, P, metals (Fe, Pb), REE and actinides (Th, U) could be leached. For each element, preferential binding sites can be recognized. High recovery of P and Ca in the acid soluble fraction (AS) suggests that phosphate minerals are highly involved in this step of the extraction. Organic matter appears to control the adsorption of Ca, Fe, Th, U and REE, even at depths in the soil profile where organic matter content is particularly low (0.5%). Weak acid leaching experiments (with HCl and acetic acid 0.001 N) were also performed in order to characterize the origin of the insoluble material in this soil profile. The leachable REE distributions indicate that a large part of the labile REE in the surface horizon has an atmospheric origin whereas at greater depth phosphate mineral (apatite) alteration is the main factor controlling REE release in the leachate. The study further suggests that adsorbed material holding actinides and REE are not strictly the same. So, caution should be taken when using REE as analogues for actinides in soils systems.  相似文献   

Adjacent magnetite and chert bands and reference standards FeR-3 and FeR-4 from the Neoarchean Temagami iron-formation (IF) show shale-normalized rare earth and yttrium (REY) patterns with low Nd/Yb ratios and positive Eu, Gd and Y anomalies, indicating that they formed as marine chemical sediments. In contrast to previous claims, none of the samples shows any Ce anomaly, indicating the absence of oxidative Ce-REY decoupling and arguing against oxic conditions in the wider vicinity of the Neoarchean “Temagami seabasin”. The distribution of Zr, Hf and Ta yields Zr/Hf and Hf/Ta ratios that differ from those of chondrites, average upper continental crust and local shales, suggesting that the Temagami IF is the only case observed so far in which a significant fraction of these elements is non-detrital but sourced from seawater. If Neoarchean seawater was characterized by Zr/Hf and Hf/Ta ratios similar to those of modern seawater these ratios point towards preferential scavenging of Hf over Zr and Ta, as is typical of the modern ocean. Similar to the 2.9 Ga old Mozaan IF in the Pongola Supergroup, South Africa, the Temagami IF shows low Th/U ratios that differ from those of the respective local shales and from that of average upper continental crust. Decoupling of U and Th results from U4+ oxidation in the Earth's surface system and fractionated Th/U ratios in these marine chemical sediments are, therefore, at odds with the lack of Ce anomalies. This suggests a different redox-sensitivity of the two paleo-redox-proxies Th–U and Ce-REY and demonstrates that the Temagami IF and the Mozaan IF warrant further study of other paleo-redox-proxies.  相似文献   

Examinations of Grenville massifs in the Blue Ridge Geologic Province of Virginia and North Carolina indicate that the country rocks (∼ 1100–1450 Ma) are layered gneisses that were metamorphosed during Grenville orogenesis (∼ 1000–1100 Ma) to amphibolite to granulite facies and intruded by plutonic suites. Subsequently, the Grenville terrane was intruded by a suite of peralkaline granitic plutons (∼ 700 Ma) and progressively overlapped westward by Upper Precambrian to Cambrian sedimentary and volcanic rocks. Following deposition of Upper Precambrian and Palaeozoic rocks, the Blue Ridge Geologic Province was subjected to Taconic metamorphism (∼ 450–480 Ma) which generally increased in intensity southeastward from greenschist (chlorite grade) to upper amphibolite (sillimanite grade) facies. Large-scale late Devonian thrusting (∼ 350 Ma) along the Fries fault system and the Brevard zone-Yadkin fault system produced the present day distribution of juxtaposed Grenville massifs and Palaeozoic metamorphic zones in the Blue Ridge Geologic Province. Palinspastic restoration of the Taconic metamorphic zones to their pre-late Devonian relative positions yields an ∼ 50 km displacement on the Fries fault system near the Grandfather Mountain window and and an ∼ 80 km displacement on the Smith River allochthon farther east. Restoration of the Grenville massifs to this same palinspastic base shows that Grenville metamorphic grade decreased southeastward from the deeper granulite facies (opx + gar) to the shallower granulite facies (opx ± amp) to amphibolite facies.  相似文献   

We present a revised method for the determination of concentrations of rare earth (REE) and other trace elements (Y, Sc, Zr, Ba, Hf, Th) in geological samples. Our analytical procedure involves sample digestion using alkaline fusion (NaOH-Na2O2) after addition of a Tm spike, co-precipitation on iron hydroxides, and measurement by sector field-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (SF-ICP-MS). The procedure was tested successfully for various rock types (i.e., basalt, ultramafic rock, sediment, soil, granite), including rocks with low trace element abundances (sub ng g−1). Results obtained for a series of nine geological reference materials (BIR-1, BCR-2, UB-N, JP-1, AC-E, MA-N, MAG-1, GSMS-2, GSS-4) are in reasonable agreement with published working values.  相似文献   

 Sediment geochemistry of a shallow (6-m average) reservoir (Lake Waco) was evaluated for the spatial distribution of major and trace elements. Sixty bottom and core samples along a 21-km transect within the reservoir, 18 overbank sediment samples, and 8 rock types in the drainage area were collected and analyzed for major (Al, Ca, Fe) and trace elements (As, Ba, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr, V, Zn). Elemental concentrations in the reservoir sediments closely correspond to concentrations in the regional rocks and represent a mixture of overbank sediment composition of the tributaries. Elemental concentrations were statistically regressed against Al concentrations in order to establish regional baseline levels and thereby distinguish natural from anthropogenic sources. Spatial geochemical trends, considered in terms of element-to-Al ratio versus V-to-Al ratio, relate to the natural and anthropogenic sources contributing to the elemental concentrations. The spatial elemental distribution in the reservoir, which receive sediments from two mineralogically contrasting basins, reflect textural and mineralogical transition within the reservoir and suggest a progressive mixing of sediment from the tributaries. The spatial elemental distribution and sediment texture suggest that the sediment-source, which determines the sediment-type, has a greater influence on the major- and trace-element distributions in shallow reservoir sediments than bathymetry. Received: 25 September 1997 · Accepted: 3 February 1998  相似文献   

Data are reported for rare earth elements (REE), Y, Th, Zr, Hf, Nb and Ta in four geological reference materials using sodium peroxide (Na2O2) sintering and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. The described procedure was used by students during their thesis work. A compilation of their reference material data acquired over one year of laboratory work demonstrates the ease and reliability of the method and the high reproducibility of the analytical results. Relative standard deviations of up to thirty six measurements of one reference material were lower than 5% for Y and the REE. Reproduciblities of Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta and Th were higher at between 5% and 10%, and can be attributed to the inhomogeneous distribution of zircon and other trace mineral phases and uncorrected drift effects. The concentration data are compared to reference and literature values and demonstrate that the procedure is also accurate. New data on G-3 show some systematic deviations from G-2, which are statistically significant.  相似文献   

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