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Bist Doab interfluvial tract in the north-western part of Punjab, India, has been investigated for geomorphic signatures of active tectonics using remotely sensed data and geographical information system (GIS). The anomalous river flow, abrupt changes in flow direction, angular drainage, compressed meanders, asymmetry of river bends, high channel sinuosity, abandoned channels, water-logged and marshy areas observed along the courses of Beas and Sutlej rivers and their tributaries indicate tectonically active nature of the terrain. The strong control exercised by the NE-SW and NW-SE trending lineaments on the drainage network is well evident in the form of long straightened slope deviatory courses, definite changes in channel pattern and sharp knee bend turns taken by the seasonal rivulets. The asymmetric and elongated nature of watersheds and straight to curvilinear mountain fronts quantified through morphotectonic analysis are characteristic of tectonically active settings and further corroborate the evidence of active tectonics.  相似文献   

Kondakarla lake is the largest natural fresh water lake in Visakhapatnam district. The lake is thought to have been formed in stages. There might have been in the past a ‘U’ shaped rim of hills enclosing a basin with a minor drainage system. With the reduction of hills in relative relief, the drainage got obliterated because of excessive deposition of alluvium leaving a gently sloping piedmont and a central shallow depression. An old course of the Sarada river entered the lake and there are evidences in field indicating the old course having got in and got out of the lake, in the absence of a few geomorphic units along the foot-slopes of the hills. These geomorphic units appear to have been removed by the swerving meander loops of the old course. Again, there are a series of four sandy islands in the lake, the configuration and disposition of which indicate deposition in the inside of the meander loops as point bar deposits, while the old course migrated towards southeast of the basin. The lake is thought to have been farmed in the gently sloping basin partially deepened perhaps by migrating course of tha Sarada river. Aggradation at the northestern part besides cutting off of the meander loop, has created a barrier of low relief resulting in a narrow long basin of internal drainage. Neither the structural trend of the hills nor any other features indicate synclinal or anticlinal troughs, ruling out any structural origin for this lake.  相似文献   

Satellite remote sensing technique can be effectively utilised in mapping and monitoring the river course changes and associated geomorphological features. Ravi river, flowing along the Indo-Pakistan border, has been in the limelight for its repeated flood havoc during monsoon and abrupt encroachment at some places in the Indian territory, where it was not flowing earlier. This river, meandering in zig-zag fashion along the International boundary in Amritsar and Gurdaspur districts of Punjab, poses perennial threats to the nations’s economy due to extensive destruction happening every year. An attempt has been made to map the shift of this river and the associated geomorphological features along its course using the Indian Remote Sensing Satellite data (IRS-IA and IB LISS-IIFCC) of the period 1991–1993 and the Survey of India topographic sheets of the period 1972–1973. The study shows that there has been drastic changes in the course of Ravi during a span of 20 years due to human activities along its course. The river has shifted its course considerably towards India since its topography is against it. River training structures/bundhs, built by the neighbouring country, across and very near to the earlier river course has been the main reason for this drastic shifting. It is estimated that such massive structures could turn the river course towards India by atleast 1 to 5 km in the border districts of Punjab. This shifting of Ravi along international border poses a serious threat to the Nation’s defence system.  相似文献   

The state of Haryana and the adjoining areas are covered to a large extent by Quaternary sediments of alluvial/aeolian origin. An attempt has been made to study this area and classify the various geomorphic zones and a geological-cum geomorphological map of the area has been prepared based on MSS Landsat Imagery on 1:1 million. The geological set-up of the area comprises the sub-Himalayan system of rocks, mostly belonging to Siwalik Group which are exposed in the northeastern extremity and adjoining parts. In the south and southwestern corner of Haryana bordering the state of Rajastan, older rocks belonging to Delhi Supergroup are exposed. In between lies the vast stretch of Quaternary sediments of aliuvial/aeolian origin. The different geomorphic units recognised include 1) High structural hills, 2) Moderate structural cum denudational hills, 3) Low structural-cum-denudational hills, 4) Older and younger piedmont zones, 5) Flood plain, 6) Older Alluvial surface, 7)Aeolian zone, 8) Transitional zone & 9) Upland tract. Except the river Yamuna flowing along the eastern boundary of the State, the only other stream is the Ghagghar. A well-defined palaeo-channel of the Ghagghar is clearly picked up on the imagery. This river appears to be structure controlled and flows along well-defined tectonic lines. The southerly to southeasterly direction of flow of the river Yamuna indicates a basement high. The topographical low passing through Delhi-Rohtak-Hissar and Sirsa appears to coincide with basement high and the gradual shift in the drainage system indicates some neotectonic activity in the region. The most important ecological problem of the state of Harayana is the rapid desertification due to migration of dunal sands in the south and southwestern parts. Other environmental problems related to landuse are the salt efflorescence, waterlogging, unscientific stone quarrying, etc. It is felt that geomorphic maps generated should be utilised for regional land-use planning and restoration of the eco-balance in the State.  相似文献   

Employing integrated remote sensing and GIS technology the western most part of Tripura region (Northeast India) and adjoining Bangladesh region has been investigated in the light of its geomorphological characteristics. Nature of fold ridges, several streams and the respective drainage basins are well depicted in satellite images and digital elevation model providing meaningful information. Quantitative parameters such as stream sinuosity, drainage basin asymmetry, basin elongation ratio have been computed. Main rivers of the study area, namely the Gomti and Khowai follows extremely meandering path and crosses through the transversely faulted anticlinal ridges. Fluvial anomalies viz. shift in stream channel and the abandoned meandering loops have been inferred and mapped. The Haora river in the study area exhibits northward shift in some part. Development of drainage system towards north and south from the drainage divide along the latitude 23°45N indicated up arching of the region which is also corroborated by the extracted topographic profiles. It has been observed that several tributary streams have gone dry and agricultural fields are developed along the dried up stream. These derived parameters remained useful to understand the nature of topographical modification attributed to the possible tectonic activity.  相似文献   

Balat River has abandoned its westerly course and followed an old course to the east during the recent past. This has lead to the recognition of an oscillation pattern for this river with its periodic shift where the course if confined to the zone bounded by the two channel courses.  相似文献   

Integrated resource study in Ropar wetland ecosystem was undertaken to analyse physiography, drainage, landuse and vegetation status. Various thematic maps have been prepared using black and white aerial photographs on 1:20,000 scale and IRS 1A LISS-II (FCC) on 1:50,000 scale. The Ropar wetland ecosystem is comprised of six major landforms i.e. Siwalik hills, Valley, Piedmont plain, Alluvial plain, River terraces and River courses. The study area show high drainage density with sub dendritic and sub parallel drainage. The area has poor vegetative cover which results in extensive erosion and sedimentation of Ropar lake. The water spread and. qualitative turbidity level in the notified wetland area was also monitored. Anthropogenic pressure, industrial pollution, sedimentation, eutrophication, illegal fishing and flooding have been identified as major threats to the wetland. Keeping in view the threats to Ropar wetland, the conservation measures have been suggested.  相似文献   

The Uthangarai-Thirthamalai region in Dharmapuri district is a typical Precambrian tract in Tamil Nadu. IRS-1C satellite imagery was used for interpreting folds, faults, fractures and lineaments, in this region. As interpreted from the satellite imagery, there are five major structural domains, which control the Ponnaiyar, Pambar, Vaniyar and Kovilar river courses and other drainage pattern in this region. Presence of fault rock, epidotization and sympathetic fractures along such folds and faults reveals the intensity of tectonism in this sector. The interpreted lineaments have been classified into five major groups on the basis of their geometry and orientation. From the rose diagram, it is inferred that the NNW-SSE trending lineaments are fall in major frequency domain. The springs observed near Hanumanthirtham and Thirthamalai region could be structurally originated. The geomorphology interpreted from the satellite data has shown significant morphological expression of folds, faults and lineaments. The geophysical data have been analysed and correlated with intensity of weathering by fractures and lineaments.  相似文献   

An area of 2500 sq. Km. has been covered by photogeological mapping with selected field checks which forms a part of Cuddapah basin in the Kumool and Prakasam Districts of A.P. The rocks exposed in the area belong to the Cumbum and Bairankonda Formations of Cuddapah Super Group. They occur more or less as an alternating sequence. These formations are bound on the east by Dharawar gneisses and on the west by Nandyal Shales. The Bairankonda Formation is predominantly arenaceous with quartzite as the main member, being easily identifiable in the aerial photographs by its characteristic topography, coarse drainage, light grey tone etc. The Cumbum Formation is mainly argillaceous with slate/phyllite as the main member, intercalated with minor quartzite band and is expressed on the photographs in dark tone with dendritic to sub-parellel drainage and occurs relatively at lower elevations, mostly in plains. The Dharwar (Archaean) gneisses underlying the vast plains in the east are recognised by the sandy nature of soil and by the thrusted contact of this unit with the Bairankondas. The Nandyal Shales occupying the large cultivated area in west have a darker tone and a dendritic drainage pattern. They are Upper Kurnool in age. All the litho-units have undergone pre-Kurnool deformation resulting into plunging/doubly plunging antiforms and synforms trending NNE-SSW and a few shear zones and faults. Due to severe deformation a very prominant foliation has developed in the Cumbum unit. Groove lineation has also been developed in the hinge portions of major folds. The magmatic activity in these formations has been witnessed with the emplacement of reibeckite syenite and Kimberlite plugs and veins. Geomorphologically the area may be divided into two prominant units namely (i) Denudational landforms comprising (a) hills, ridges, inselbergs, bornhardts and hogbacks on Bairankonda quartzites and phyllites (b) pediment and dissected pediment on Cumbum Shales and Dharwar gneisses and (ii) Depositional landforms such as (a) alluvial fans and colluvial fans (b) alluvial valley fills along river courses and (c) sand dunes in Dharwar gneisses.  相似文献   

The Mechi-Mahananda interfluve is a transitional area between the hills and the plains and exhibits a wide range of topographical variations. The drainage system of the area has a close relationship with lithology and landforms. The rivers originating in the hills attain a braiding character and have well developed alluvial fans. Piedmont plain covers a large area and has high ground water potential. The river terraces and flood plains also have high potentialities of ground water targeting. Fluctuation of water table is very high in the upper piedmont plain dependent upon the proximity to the drainage lines.  相似文献   

The role of hydrogeomorphological units and lineaments in the storage of groundwater from the Muvattupuzha river basin has been investigated using IRS ID LISS III data. Other than the usual water bodies such as river course, reservoirs and ponds, the major hydrogeomorphological units identified in this basin in the descending order of their groundwater potential are: valley fills, moderately dissected plateau, pediments, residual mounts, residual mount complex, linear ridges, residual hills and structural hills. Majority of the lineaments trends in NW-SE and WNW-ESE directions. Even though the eastern part of the basin is characterised by moderate to high lineament density, the above area is found to be poor to moderate groundwater prospect zone because of high gradient and structural hills. The pump test analyses of dug wells from different hydrogeomorphic units also confirm that valley fills are the most promising unit for groundwater prospecting than the rest.  相似文献   

Water logging is one of the major land degradation processes that restricts the economic and efficient utilisation of soil and land resources in command areas. Since independence, various irrigation schemes, for providing water for agriculture and drinking have been taken up by Central and State agencies in India. In most of these schemes very little efforts have been made for proper drainage. Obstruction of natural drainage by way of construction of roads, railways, aerodrome, various structures, etc., causes the ponding of monsoon runoff on the upstream of the structures. Periodic monitoring of command areas helps in analysing the extent of water logging, and should help in taking suitable remedial measures. Remote sensing and GIS are powerful tools, which could be effectively used to study the dynamic behaviour of waterlogged areas. In this study, waterlogged and salt-affected areas have been estimated in the command area of Ravi-Tawi Irrigation Complex in Jammu region. About 14% of the total command area is water logged/ salt-affected. Being a new project, this area is likely to grow in future when the project runs with its installed capacity, and as the distributaries expand in the command area. Plausible causes of water logging have been discussed, and remedial measures suggested for reclaiming operations.  相似文献   

The rough terrain between the Gogar Dhar (Mandi-Brot rise) and the Kullu-Larji valley is geologically unexplored. This paper brings out for the first time the geology and regional tectonic set-up of the area on the basis of LANDSAT imagery interpretation and field checks. Image analysis of about 3700 sq. km area and field observations along selected sections of the area reveal that the area mainly comprises mica-chlorite schists, quartzites and phyllites i.e. low to medium grade Chail metamorophics with acid and basic intrusions within them. Structually the rocks are arranged in the form of a NNW-SSE trending faulted synclinorium, the axis of which passes through Daggi Dhar. The western flank of the synclinorium is more strongly folded. Granitoids and basics show concordent relations with the country rocks. Two belts of granitoids are found occupying the cores of the folds on both the limbs of the synclinorium. Along the Uhl river (in the Chauhar valley) and the Kullu valley passes the Chail thrust separating the Chail metamorphics from the rocks of the outer carbonate belt and the traps of the Mandi unit, and the inner carbonate belt of the Larji window zone respectively. The area is dissected into blocks by cross cutting, deep-seated major faults of three generations. The fold and fault systems have prominent control over the geomorphology including the drainage patterns and landforms of the area. The present area is a typical case of inverted relief, anticlinal valleys and synclinal hills being the main geomorphic features developed due to structural control. The change in the course of the Beas River between Mandi and Pandoh is a typical case of structural control on the present drainage system.  相似文献   

Rivers flowing through the alluvium invariably have very low gradient forcing the river to flow slowly in a meandering and zigzag path. Nature and intensity of meandering is governed by the geological and tectonic conditions of the river basin. Barak River in tectonically active south Assam (Northeast India) exhibits intense meandering and shifting of the river course. Topographic data of two different years and satellite images of 4 different years covering a section of the Barak River have been investigated to verify the nature of changes undergone by the river through times. This study reveals active northward shift of the river and a prominent neck-cut off in the initial part of the study area. Northward shift of the river also occurred in the area west of Silchar. But, in the western part the river has shifted both towards north and south. Oscillatory shifting in the river channel has also been noticed. The river has shown a overall northward shift which is probably due to uplift of the southern part of the Barak River valley.  相似文献   

Channel migration includes any change of river channel geometry within the context of the cross-section, pattern or network in a drainage basin. To study the dynamic behaviour of a river, measurements taken with conventional ground-based instruments are time-consuming and expensive. Remote sensing techniques are capable of providing a measure of surface variability including dynamic behaviour of channels, reasonably quickly due to availability of the repetitive remotely-sensed data. These data are well suited for the assessment and monitoring of dynamic changes on the surface of the earth. In the present study Landsat MSS and TM data of winter season in the form of false colour composites (FCC) of years 1982 and 1987 were used for the delineation of river Ganga course lying between Allahabad and Buxar. The interpretation of satellite data was carried out using visual interpretation technique for the assessment of channel migration. The shift in river banks delineated from satellite data were measured with respect to river banks identified from topographical base map. The maximum shift observed in mid channel is 4. 55 km while maximum left and right banks shifts are 4.6 and 4.8 km, respectively.  相似文献   

Spatial characteristies of drainage geometry of Brahmaputra river and its tributaries were studied based on visual interpretation of 1RS IB imagery (on 1:250,000 scale) and topographical maps of different periods. Observed features of drainage lines alongwith possible mechanism of their formation in terms of neotectouie adjustment are discussed It is inferred that selected stretches of Brahmaputra river viz. between Dibrugarh and Jorhat and between Guwahati and Goafpara may represent channels with active boundaries that have restrieted/controlled the width of sinuous lines of discharge of the river within the valley. Local tilting of ground, lying to the south-east of Brahmaputra river, between Noa Dihing and Burhi Dihing rivers, may explain some of the observed features of these drainage lines Movement along some lineaments in recent past has occurred. This inference is based on the evidence of adjustment of several drainage lines viz, Dihing. Burhi Dihing. Dikrang. and Mora Bhareh rivers and displacement of rocks of younger age.  相似文献   

Ganga is one of the largest rivers of the world which supports millions of population on its banks. It is a tectonically controlled Himalayan river which also creates havoc due to perennial floods every year. Like most large river systems, it also shifts its course in the Gangetic plains in space and time. The present study measures the variable shift in a selected flood-prone stretch of the Allahabad city lying on the western bank of the Ganga river, taking into account the historical, annual to monthly data (including pre- and post-monsoon shifts) to show the ongoing changes in the river course with possible causes and futher implications. It also discusses for the first time the down stream effect of the Tehri dam on the Ganga river course after it became functional.  相似文献   

In the present study, an attempt has been made to delineate and characterize the different geomorphic units of Tundiya river catchment in a part of Lower Maharahstra Metamorphic Plateau, north-eastern part of Nagpur district, Maharashtra. The drainage, contour and delineated geological units have been overlaid on IRS-ID LISS III satellite imagery (bands 2,3 and 4) in EASI/PACE analysis system to delineate and characterize different geomorphological units and analysis of their processes based on the field observations. The study area is basically of metamorphic in origin with different geological formations and is influenced by the various fluvio-morphological processes. Based on the satellite data analysis, the distinct geomorphological units viz., table top summits, structural hills, subdued plateau, linear ridges, shallow, moderate and deeply buried foot slopes, shallow valley fills and deep valley fills have been delineated and characterized. The information generated from satellite data in the form of vector layers has been used in GIS to generate geological and geomorphological maps of the study area. The present study demonstrates that IRS-ID LISS-III data in conjunction with geology, drainage and contour parameters to enable detailed evaluation of different geomorphological units and analysis of their processes based on the field observations. The delineated geomorphological units can be utilized for evaluation and management of natural resources and geo-environment on sustainable basis at river catchment level.  相似文献   

Various geomorph.ological features associated with fluvial processes of the river Satluj are mapped using photo-interpretation techniques with a view to assess the environmental status of the area in the north-east of Ludhiana (Punjab State). Features mapped include braided river channels, oxbow lakes and meander scrolls. The younger alluvium supports good vegetation and cultivation because of -shallow depth of water level; though prone to annual floods in the lower levels and major floods in the higher levels. It is saved from these hazards by providing bunding on both sides of river isolated sand deposit patches have been demarcated in the older alluvium. Shifting of the main river channel towards north is noticed as it has gradually shifted from its earlier course which lies towards south.  相似文献   

The process of urbanization has induced rapid changes in the land use leading to many infrastructural and environmental problems, one of them being the frequent flooding during rains in major cities across the world. Present paper analyses the spatio-temporal variations in the urban land use of the Mithi river catchment in Mumbai and its effect on the river, its drainage and flooding events in catchment area, specifically in conjunction with the July 26, 2005 flood event in Mumbai City. Multi sensor satellite data and GIS techniques have been used to generate land use/land cover at three different points of time and study variations in the Mithi river course, thus correlating the land use/cover changes vis-a-vis the hydrographic and meteorologic information for the Mithi river catchment. Results point to the adverse human-induced influences on the Mithi river and its catchment. Almost 50% reduction in river width and 70% decrease in mudlfats and open spaces have been observed. There is also a clear rise in builtup from 29% to 70% between 1966 and 2005, thus increasing the impervious surface which in turn increases run-off during major rainfall, eventually flooding the city.  相似文献   

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