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Strain localization within shear zones may partially erase the rock fabric and the metamorphic assemblage(s) that had developed before the mylonitic event. In poly‐deformed basements, the loss of information on pre‐kinematic phases of mylonites hinders large‐scale correlations based on tectono‐metamorphic data. In this study, devoted to a relict unit of Variscan basement reworked within the nappe stack of the Northern Apennines (Italy), we investigate the possibility to reconstruct a complete pressure (P)temperature (T)–deformation (D) path of mylonitic micaschist and amphibolite by integrating microstructural analysis, mineral chemistry and thermodynamic modelling. The micaschist is characterized by a mylonitic fabric with fine‐grained K‐white mica and chlorite enveloping mica‐fishes, quartz, and garnet pseudomorphs. Potassic white mica shows Mg‐rich cores and Mg‐poor rims. The amphibolite contains green amphibole+plagioclase+garnet+quartz+ilmenite defining S1 with a superposed mylonitic fabric localized in decimetre‐ to centimetre‐scale shear zones. Garnet is surrounded by an amphibole+plagioclase corona. Phase diagram calculations provide P–T constraints that are linked to the reconstructed metamorphic‐deformational stages. For the first time an early high‐P stage at >11 kbar and 510°C was constrained, followed by a temperature peak at 550–590°C and 9–10 kbar and a retrograde stage (<475°C, <7 kbar), during which ductile shear zones developed. The inferred clockwise P–T–D path was most likely related to crustal thickening by continent‐continent collision during the Variscan orogeny. A comparison of this P–T–D path with those of other Variscan basement occurrences in the Northern Apennines revealed significant differences. Conversely, a correlation between the tectono‐metamorphic evolution of the Variscan basement at Cerreto pass, NE Sardinia and Ligurian Alps was established.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effects of different Fe2O3 bulk contents on the calculated phase equilibria of low‐T/intermediate‐P metasedimentary rocks. Thermodynamic modelling within the MnO–Na2O–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–O (MnNKFMASHTO) chemical system of chloritoid‐bearing hematite‐rich metasedimentary rocks from the Variscan basement of the Pisani Mountains (Northern Apennines, Italy) fails to reproduce the observed mineral compositions when the bulk Fe2O3 is determined through titration. The mismatch between observed and computed mineral compositions and assemblage is resolved by tuning the effective ferric iron content by P–XFe2O3 diagrams, obtaining equilibration conditions of 475 °C and 9–10 kbar related to a post‐compressional phase of the Alpine collision. The introduction of ferric iron affects the stability of the main rock‐forming silicates that often yield important thermobaric information. In Fe2O3‐rich compositions, garnet‐ and carpholite‐in curves shift towards higher temperatures with respect to the Fe2O3‐free systems. The presence of a ferric‐iron oxide (hematite) prevents the formation of biotite in the mineral assemblage even at temperatures approaching 550 °C. The use of P–T–XFe2O3 phase diagrams may also provide P–T information in common greenschist facies metasedimentary rocks.  相似文献   

This paper presents a geological–structural study of some Neogene hinterland basins of the Northern Apennines, located on the Tyrrhenian side of the chain. These basins developed on the already delineated thrust-fold belt from middle–late Tortonian times. Their evolution has been commonly referred to an extensional tectonic regime, related to the opening of the Tyrrhenian Sea. New data have allowed us to hypothesize a different tectonic evolution for the chain, where compressive tectonics plays a major role both in the external and in the hinterland area. In this frame, the hinterland area located west of a major outcropping crustal thrust (Mid-Tuscany Metamorphic Ridge) has been the target of a geological–structural investigation. The field mapping and structural analysis has been focused on the syntectonic sediments of the Radicondoli–Volterra basin as well as on adjoining minor basins. These basins commonly display a synclinal structure and are generally located in between basement culminations, probably corresponding to thrust anticlines. Sediments of the hinterland basins have been affected by compressive deformation and regional unconformities separate stratigraphic units due to the activity of basement thrusts. In the study area, normal faulting either accommodates the thrusting processes or post-dates compressive deformation. A chronology of faulting and a six-stage evolution of this area are presented, providing further insights for the Neogene tectonic evolution of the Northern Apennines. Copyright © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A fish otolith assemblage from the Messinian ‘Lago‐mare’ deposits of the Colombacci Formation cropping out in the Montecalvo in Foglia Syncline, Marche, central Italy, is described. The assemblage displays a low diversity and consists of seven taxa belonging to three families: the Gobiidae, Myctophidae and Sciaenidae. Sciaenid otoliths are the most abundant elements representing 88% of the entire assemblage. The palaeoecological analysis reveals a coastal shallow marine environment strongly influenced by continental outflow. The low diversity and high abundance of the euryecious sciaenids are indicative of a very simplified food web, which probably represented an ecological response to the fluctuating environmental parameters and available food resources. The fish remains documented here provide an unambiguous evidence that normal marine conditions were present in the Mediterranean, at least in the upper part of the ‘Lago‐mare’ event, and unquestionably demonstrate that the marine refilling preceded the Mio‐Pliocene boundary. These findings clearly demonstrate that fishes, because of their mobility and migratory behaviour, represent a useful tool for the large‐scale interpretation of the environmental conditions of the Messinian Mediterranean water body. The necessity of a new scenario of palaeoenvironmental evolution for the post‐evaporitic Messinian of the Mediterranean is also discussed. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present the results of a study of the Vena del Gesso Basin (Romagna Apennines, Italy) integrating field analyses and analogue modelling. This basin represents one of the best‐preserved top‐thrust basins in the Northern Apennines foreland and is one of the few examples where primary evaporites, related to the Messinian salinity crisis of the Mediterranean, widely crop out. The structural style affecting the Messinian gypsum is examined to get insights into the mechanism responsible for the overall deformation features recognizable in the area. The evaporites are completely detached at the base and widespread back‐thrusts, repeatedly doubling these deposits, strongly contrast with the regional forelandward vergence of structures in the Apennines. On the basis of the comparison between field data and experimental results, the features characterising this area can be described as the result of the deformation linked to the sequential activation of an obliquely propagating passive‐roof duplex. Analogue models evidenced the major role played (1) by syntectonic erosion that promoted the development of passive‐roof duplex style, as well as (2) the role of décollement level pinch‐out that determined an oblique progression of deformation. Finally our data lead to reconsider the palaeoenvironmental reconstruction concerning the onset of the Messinian salinity crisis in the Mediterranean. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Northern Apennines of Italy is a fold and thrust belt that resulted from the NE‐ward progressive overthrusting of a Mesoalpine stacking (the ocean‐derived Ligurian Units) onto the detached sedimentary cover of the Adria plate continental margin (Foredeep Units). The Futa Pass area represents a key sector for the reconstruction of the deformation history of two Foredeep Units (Acquerino and Carigiola Units). The tectonic evolution of this sector is characterized by the superposition of three main deformation stages, with a constant NNE–SSW compression direction. The oldest structure is represented by the NNE‐verging Acquerino Unit duplex structure, the roof thrust of which is represented by the Ligurian stacking basal thrust. The interpretation of this structure as a large‐scale duplex is supported by the presence in the outer sectors of the Northern Apennines belt of Ligurian Units directly overthrust on younger Foredeep Units. In the second deformation stage the NNE‐verging Tavaiano Thrust developed. This regionally significant tectonic surface juxtaposes the Acquerino Unit (already developed as a duplex) and the overlying Ligurian Units, onto the Carigiola Unit. During this stage the fault pattern of the Carigiola Unit was also developed, characterized by two conjugate fault systems, coherent with a NNE–SSW maximum compression direction. During the last deformation stage, a backthrusting with a top‐to‐the SSW sense of movement (the Marcoiano Backthrust) brings the Carigiola Unit and its tectonic cover over the Acquerino and Ligurian Units, with the development of a large footwall syncline. The deformation history presented here differs from previous studies, and so provides a contribution to the debate on Northern Apennines tectonic evolution. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The investigated mantle bodies from the External Ligurians (Groppo di Gorro and Mt. Rocchetta) show evidences of a complex evolution determined by an early high temperature metasomatism, due to percolating melts of asthenospheric origin, and a later metasomatism at relatively high temperature by hydrothermal fluids, with formation of rodingites. At Groppo di Gorro, the serpentinization and chloritization processes obliterated totally the pyroxenite protolith, whereas at Mt. Rocchetta relics of peridotite and pyroxenite protoliths were preserved from serpentinization. The rodingite parageneses consist of diopside ​+ ​vesuvianite ​+ ​garnet ​+ ​calcite ​+ ​chlorite at Groppo di Gorro and garnet ​+ ​diopside ​+ ​serpentine ​± ​vesuvianite ​± ​prehnite ​± ​chlorite ​± ​pumpellyite at Mt. Rocchetta. Fluid inclusion measurements show that rodingitization occurred at relatively high temperatures (264–334 ​°C at 500 ​bar and 300–380 ​°C at 1 ​kbar). Garnet, the first phase of rodingite to form, consists of abundant hydrogarnet component at Groppo di Gorro, whereas it is mainly composed of grossular and andradite at Mt. Rocchetta. The last stage of rodingitization is characterized by the vesuvianite formation. Hydrogarnet nucleation requires high Ca and low silica fluids, whereas the formation of vesuvianite does not need CO2-poor fluids. The formation of calcite at Groppo di Gorro points to mildly oxidizing conditions compatible with hydrothermal fluids; the presence of andradite associated with serpentine and magnetite at Mt. Rocchetta suggests Fe3+-bearing fluids with fO2 slightly higher than iron-magnetite buffer. We propose that the formation of the studied rodingite could be related to different pulses of hydrothermal fluids mainly occurring in an ocean-continent transitional setting and, locally, in an accretionary prism associated with intra-oceanic subduction.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyze the reactivation mechanism of ancient earth flows, with a view to gleaning information that can subsequently be utilized to formulate a risk-reduction strategy. All considerations made herein are the result of direct experience and observation of actual events which have occurred over the past few decades in the Northern Apennines. Particular attention has been paid to the analysis of the evolution of landslides during actual reactivation, acknowledging a typical, recurring succession of events that precede the failure of the slope. The hazard assessment of these large landslide bodies, which are of slope scale, constitutes a thorny problem, especially in view of the inapplicability of traditional deterministic models such as limit equilibrium stability analysis. Nevertheless, a site-specific assessment of probability of reactivation of these large and ancient earth flows is fundamental to effective land-use planning.  相似文献   

The Karakoram–Hindu Kush–Pamir and adjacent Tibetan plateau belt comprise a series of Gondwana‐derived crustal fragments that successively accreted to the Eurasian margin in the Mesozoic as the result of the progressive Tethys ocean closure. These domains provide unique insights into the thermal and structural history of the Mesozoic to Cenozoic Eurasian plate margin, which are critical to inform the initial boundary conditions (e.g. crustal thickness, structure and thermo‐mechanical properties) for the subsequent development of the large and hot Tibetan–Himalaya orogen, and the associated crustal deformation processes. Using a combination of microstructural analyses, thermobarometry modelling and U–Th–Pb monazite and Lu–Hf garnet geochronology, the study reappraises the metamorphic history of exposed mid‐crustal metapelites in the Chitral region of the South Pamir–Hindu Kush (NW Pakistan). This study also demonstrates that trace elements in monazite (especially Y and Dy), combined with thermodynamical modelling and Lu–Hf garnet dating, provides a powerful integrated toolbox for constraining long‐lived and polyphased tectono‐metamorphic histories in all their spatial and temporal complexity. Rocks from the Chitral region were progressively deformed and metamorphosed at sub‐ and supra‐solidus conditions through at least four distinct episodes from the Mesozoic to the Cenozoic. Rocks were first metamorphosed at ~400–500°C and ~0.3 GPa in the Late Triassic–Early Jurassic (210–185 Ma), likely in response to the accretion of the Karakoram during the Cimmerian orogeny. Pressure and temperature subsequently increased by ~0.3 GPa and 100°C in the Early‐ to Mid Cretaceous (140–80 Ma), coinciding with the intrusion of calcalkaline granitic plutons across the Karakoram and Pamir regions. This event is interpreted as the record of crustal thickening and the development of a proto‐plateau within the Eurasian margin due to a long‐lived episode of slab flattening in an Andean‐type margin. Peak metamorphism was reached in the Late Eocene–Early Oligocene (40–30 Ma) at conditions of 580–600°C and ~0.6 GPa and 700–750°C and 0.7–0.8 GPa for the investigated staurolite schists and sillimanite migmatites respectively. This crustal heating up to moderate anatexis likely resulted in the underthrusting of the Indian plate after a NeoTethyan slab‐break off or to the Tethyan Himalaya–Lhasa microcontinent collision and subsequent oceanic slab flattening. Near‐isothermal decompression/exhumation followed in the Late Oligocene (28–23 Ma) as marked by a pressure decrease in excess of ~0.1 GPa. This event was coeval with the intrusion of the 24 Ma Garam Chasma leucogranite. This rapid exhumation is interpreted to be related to the reactivation of the South Pamir–Karakoram suture zone during the ongoing collision with India. The findings of this study confirm that significant crustal shortening and thickening of the south Eurasian margin occurred during the Mesozoic in an accretionary‐type tectonic setting through successive episodes of terrane accretions and probably slab flattening, transiently increasing the coupling at the plate interface. Moreover, they indicate that the south Eurasian margin was already hot and thickened prior to Cenozoic collision with India, which has important implications for orogen‐scale strain‐accommodation mechanisms.  相似文献   

This case study paper is about a large rotational rock and earth slide—earth flow located in the Secchia River Valley, in the Northern Apennines of Italy, that has displayed multiple reactivation phases between 2002 and 2004. The main geological constraints of the mass movement are related to the overlap of flysch rock masses over clayey complexes that allows rock slides to take place in the source area. The disarrangement and weathering of rock masses following slope movements causes large amount of fine-grained debris to be accumulated on the slope and mobilised by earth sliding and flowing. Analysis of rainfall data at the onset of reactivation events has proved that they occurred after periods with cumulated values higher than the averages of the last 30 years. The quantification of the morphological modifications induced by these reactivations has been made possible by comparing pre- and post-event digital elevation models. Depletion and accumulation has been in the range of 30 m in different parts of the slope. In particular, an advancement of the landslide toe of more than 400 m, which caused a 30-m thick landslide tip to deposit, has been clearly seen. Monitoring data regarding subsurface movements and surface tension crack widening (tension cracks so large as to be properly described at trenches) has shown that sliding surfaces as deep as 43 m exist in the upper part of the landslide, while the accumulation lobe has moved by sliding and flowing over surfaces as deep as some 10 m. Velocities of cm/day have been recorded in the deep surfaces and in widening trenches of the source area, while the advancement of the accumulation lobe has been estimated as having velocities of up to 10 m/day. Groundwater in the landslide body has been observed at depths of 5–15 m in the upper areas, while it is estimated as being at the ground level in the toe. On this basis, it is concluded that the landslide still has a high potential for further development, both in the upper landslide zone and in the toe area.  相似文献   

In the evening of February 28, 2004, a landslide took place in the village of Rossena (Northern Apennines, Italy), built at the base of a crag shaped in a basalt mass and wrapped in highly deformed formation of clay and shale with blocks. The failure damaged some houses, roads and fields but, fortunately, the medieval Rossena Castle, lying on the crag, was not involved at all. The goal of the study was to attain a technical and geological model of the slope to generate a landslide risk zonation, for regularity and development planning, so that the most correct action plans could be proposed. A detailed geological and geomorphological survey allowed for distinguishing the different gravitative landform of this area. It was very helpful to plan direct and indirect investigation, including borehole drillings, samplings, seismic (tomography), and electrical surveys. A monitoring system was built up immediately after the event (three wire extensometers and one inclinometer), then progressively substituted by a more complete one (two tiltmeters, two jointmeters, four inclinometers, two incremental extensometers, and two piezometers). The phenomenon can be divided in different parts. The central sector of the slope is interested by compound slides likely affecting the bedrock and can be considered, at present, the ‘engine’ of the whole instability framework. Indeed, as a consequence, in the upper portion of the slope the huge blocks in which the outer part of the crag is disjointed experienced vertical displacements and, locally, topplings. Finally, the lowest sector is affected by slow movements, probably connected to bedrock creep or rock flow, while the toe, really at the foot of the slope, by shallow landslides. This instability framework is the result of a complex evolution, starting almost more than 9,000 years ago, as testified from a radiocarbon dating. In more recent time (19th century), the Rossena landslide was also triggered by an earthquake that induced the partially breaking up of the crag, causing rock falls and cracks in the ground.  相似文献   

Structural analysis carried out in the Tuscan Nappe (TN) in the southeastern sector of the Apuan Alps highlights a structural evolution much more complex than that proposed so far. The TN has been deformed by structures developed during four deformation phases. The three early phases resulted from a compressive tectonic regime linked to the construction of the Apenninic fold‐and‐thrust‐belt. The fourth phase, instead, is connected with the extensional tectonics, probably related to the collapse of the belt and/or to the opening of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Our structural and field data suggest the following. (1) The first phase is linked to the main crustal shortening and deformation of the Tuscan Nappe in the internal sectors of the belt. (2) The second deformation phase is responsible for the prominent NW–SE‐trending folds recognized in the study area (Mt. Pescaglino and Pescaglia antiforms and Mt. Piglione and Mt. Prana synforms). (3) The direction of shortening related to the third phase is parallel to the main structural trend of the belt. (4) The interference between the third folding phase and the earlier two tectonic phases could be related to the development of the metamorphic domes. The two directions of horizontal shortening induced buckling and vertical growth of the metamorphic domes, enhancing the process of exhumation of the metamorphic rocks. (5) The exhumation of the Tuscan Nappe occurred mostly in a compressive tectonic setting. A new model for the exhumation of the metamorphic dome of the Apuan Alps is proposed. Its tectonic evolution does not fit with the previously suggested core complex model, but is due to compressive tectonics. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the Central Iberian Zone (CIZ) of the Iberian Massif large volumes of granitoids were emplaced during the post-collisional stage of the Hercynian orogeny (syn- to post-D3, the last ductile deformation phase). Twelve granitic units and a quartz monzodiorite were selected for a U–Pb zircon and monazite geochronological study. They represent successive stages of the D3 event. The Ucanha-Vilar, Lamego, Sameiro and Refoios do Lima plutons are coeval (313±2 Ma, 319±4 Ma, 316±2 Ma and 314±2 Ma, respectively) and belong to the earliest stage. Later on the Braga massif was emplaced, its different units yielding the same age: 309±3 Ma for the Braga granite, 309±1 Ma for the Gonça granite and 311±5 Ma for a related quartz monzodiorite. The Braga massif is subcontemporaneous with the Agrela and Celeirós plutons (307±3.5 Ma and 306±2 Ma, respectively), in agreement with field data. The Briteiros granite is younger (300±1 Ma), followed by the emplacement of the Peneda–Gerês massif (Gerês, Paufito, Illa and Carris granites). The Gerês granite, emplaced at 296±2 Ma, seems to represent a first magmatic pulse immediately followed by the intrusion of the Paufito granite at 290±2.5 Ma. For the Carris granite a minimum emplacement age of 280±5 Ma was obtained. Based on these results the following chronology is proposed: (1) syn-D3 biotite granitoids, 313–319 Ma; (2) late-D3 biotite-dominant granitoids, 306–311 Ma; (3) late- to post-D3 granitoids, ca. 300 Ma; (4) post-D3 granitoids, 290–296 Ma. These chronological data indicate that successive granitic intrusions were emplaced in the CIZ during a short time span of about 30 Ma that corresponds to the latest stages of the Hercynian orogeny. A rapid and drastic change occurred at about 300 Ma, between a compressive ductile tectonic regime (D3, ca. 300–320 Ma) associated to calc-alkaline, monzonitic and aluminopotassic plutonism and a fragile phase of deformation (D4) which controlled the emplacement of the subalkaline ferro-potassic plutonism at 290–296 Ma.  相似文献   

Abstract Mg-gabbros from East Ligurian ophiolites (Northern Apennines, Italy) display a high-temperature/low-pressure recrystallization localized along ductile shear zones. In deformed gabbros, the igneous diopside is recrystallized into granoblastic aggregates of neoblastic diopside and minor red-brown amphibole. The latter displays a pargasitic composition, with high amounts of AlIV Na(A) and Ti (± 1.8, 0.7 and 0.4 atoms per formula unit, respectively). Major element composition of neoblastic minerals highlight equilibration temperature conditions in the range 800–950° C. Red-brown Ti-pargasite also occurs as a minor interstitial constituent, presumably growing from a residual trapped liquid, in the differentiated lithologies (Fe-Ti-diorites) of the plutonic ophiolitic complex. By means of ion microprobe (SIMS technique), rare earth (La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Er, Yb) and selected trace elements (Sr, Y, Cr, V, Sc, Zr, Ti) have been analysed in igneous and neoblastic diopside, as well as in Ti-pargasites. Ti-pargasites have also been analysed for F and Cl, and compared with the halogen composition of the amphiboles, mainly hornblendes to actinolites, which are related to the subsequent low-temperature brittle evolution. Neoblastic Ti-pargasite from deformed Mg-gabbros bears close compositional similarities with igneous Ti-pargasite from undeformed Fe-Ti-diorites, whereas it is geochemically distinct from the amphiboles post-dating the ductile event. In particular, Ti-pargasites have relatively high contents of F, REE, Y, Zr and Sr, which are not consistent with crystallization in the presence of seawater-derived hydrothermal fluids. High-grade recrystallization probably developed in the presence of volatile-rich igneous fluids, either trapped between the cumulus minerals or injected into the ductile shear zones from outside the local system. An alternative hypothesis comprises the absence of fluid phase and the development of ductile shear zones in Ti-pargasite-rich layers. The petrological features of deformed gabbros recovered from present-day slow-spreading ridges and fracture zones bear close similarities with the investigated ophiolitic metagabbros. In East Ligurian ophiolites, high-grade ductile shear zones have been related to the initial stages of the uplift of the gabbro-peridotite complex to the sea-floor.  相似文献   

In the Alpine-Mediterranean region, the continental redbeds and shallow-marine siliciclastics related to the early depositional phases of the Late Permian-Mesozoic continental rifting are referred to as the most common representative of the “Verrucano tectofacies”. The Verrucano-type successions exposed in southern Tuscany are diachronous, spanning from Triassic to earliest Jurassic in age, and accumulated within the Tuscan domain, a paleogeographic region of continental crust that due to the opening of the Piedmont–Ligurian ocean formed part of the Adria passive-margin. They belong to the metamorphic Verrucano Group and the non-metamorphic Pseudoverrucano fm. Viewed overall, these Verrucano-type successions appear to manifest five episodes or pulses of an ongoing continental rifting. With the exception of the first episode that developed entirely within a terrestrial setting, each one is represented by basal Verrucano-type continental siliciclastics overlain by compositionally mixed marine deposits, which resulted from four diachronous, post-Middle Triassic transgressions. This suite of tectonic pulses produced the progressive westward widening (backstepping) of the Tuscan domain in the rifting south-Tuscany area.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(6):375-387
Information from surface and subsurface geology (boreholes and seismic reflection lines) are used to depict the geometry of the extensional structures (low-angle normal faults and related Tuscan Nappe megaboudins) affecting the Mt. Amiata geothermal area and developed during the early stage of the extensional tectonics which affected the inner Northern Apennines and Tyrrhenian Sea from the Early-Middle Miocene. Normal faulting involved the thickened middle-upper crust after the collisional stage and, in the Mt. Amiata region, took place over relatively short periods (5-7 Ma) characterised by rapid extensional strain rates. Normal faults showing articulated geometry (flat-ramp-flat) characterised by subhorizontal detachments (flats) and synthetic ramps, caused widespread megaboudinage mainly in the sedimentary tectonic units and particularly in the Tuscan Nappe. Evaporites occurring at the base of the Tuscan Nappe, the deepest sedimentary tectonic unit of the Northern Apennines, controlled the geometry of the faults, and rift-raft tectonics may be the style of this first extensional phase. Three Tuscan Nappe extensional horses (megaboudins) have been recognised in the subsurface of the Mt. Amiata area. They are characterised, in map view, by elliptical shapes and show a mean NNW-SSE lengthening. They are delimited at the base and at the top by east-dipping flats, while their western and eastern margins coincide with east-dipping ramps. On the whole, considering their geometrical features, these megaboudins correspond to extensional horses belonging to an asymmetrical east-dipping extensional duplex system.

Rollover anticlines deformed the western ramp of the megaboudins and rotated the uppermost flat as well as all the structures previously developed, which became steeply-dipping to the west.  相似文献   

The Amapá Block, southeastern Guiana Shield, represents an Archean block involved in a large Paleoproterozoic belt, with evolution related to the Transamazonian orogenic cycle (2.26 to 1.95 Ga). High spatial resolution dating using an electron-probe microanalyzer (EPMA) was employed to obtain U–Th–Pb chemical ages in monazite of seven rock samples of the Archean basement from that tectonic block, which underwent granulite- and amphibolite-facies metamorphism. Pb–Pb zircon dating was also performed on one sample.Monazite and zircon ages demonstrate that the metamorphic overprinting of the Archean basement occurred during the Transamazonian orogenesis, and two main tectono-thermal events were recorded. The first one is revealed by monazite ages of 2096 ± 6, 2093 ± 8, 2088 ± 8, 2087 ± 3 and 2086 ± 8 Ma, and by the zircon age of 2091 ± 5 Ma, obtained in granulitic rocks. These concordant ages provided a reliable estimate of the time of the granulite-facies metamorphism in the southwest of the Amapá Block and, coupled with petro-structural data, suggest that it was contemporaneous to the development of a thrusting system associated to the collisional stage of the Transamazonian orogenesis, at about 2.10–2.08 Ga.The later event, under amphibolite-facies conditions, is recorded by monazite ages of 2056 ± 7 and 2038 ± 6 Ma, and is consistent with a post-collisional stage, marked by granite emplacement and coeval migmatization of the Archean basement along strike-slip shear zones.  相似文献   

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