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Open‐system behaviour through fluid influx and melt loss can produce a variety of migmatite morphologies and mineral assemblages from the same protolith composition. This is shown by different types of granulite facies migmatite from the contact aureole of the Ceret gabbro–diorite stock in the Roc de Frausa Massif (eastern Pyrenees). Patch, stromatic and schollen migmatites are identified in the inner contact aureole, whereas schollen migmatites and residual melanosomes are found as xenoliths inside the gabbro–diorite. Patch and schollen migmatites record D1 and D2 structures in folded melanosome and mostly preserve the high‐T D2 in granular or weakly foliated leucosome. Stromatic migmatites and residual melanosomes only preserve D2. The assemblage quartz–garnet–biotite–sillimanite–cordierite±K‐feldspar–plagioclase is present in patch and schollen migmatites, whereas stromatic migmatites and residual melanosomes contain a sub‐assemblage with no sillimanite and/or K‐feldspar. A decrease in X Fe (molar Fe/(Fe + Mg)) in garnet, biotite and cordierite is observed from patch migmatites through schollen and stromatic migmatites to residual melanosomes. Whole‐rock compositions of patch, schollen and stromatic migmatites are similar to those of non‐migmatitic rocks from the surrounding area. These metasedimentary rocks are interpreted as the protoliths of the migmatites. A decrease in the silica content of migmatites from 63 to 40 wt% SiO2 is accompanied by an increase in Al2O3 and MgO+FeO and by a depletion in alkalis. Thermodynamic modelling in the NCKFMASHTO system for the different types of migmatite provides peak metamorphic conditions ~7–8 kbar and 840 °C. A nearly isothermal decompression history down to 5.5 kbar was followed by isobaric cooling from 840 °C through 690 °C to lower temperatures. The preservation of granulite facies assemblages and the variation in mineral assemblages and chemical composition can be modelled by ongoing H2O‐fluxed melting accompanied by melt loss. The fluids were probably released by the crystallizing gabbro–diorite, infiltrating the metasedimentary rocks and fluxing melting. Release of fluids and melt loss were probably favoured by coeval deformation (D2). The amount of melt remaining in the system varied considerably among the different types of migmatite. The whole‐rock compositions of the samples, the modelled compositions of melts at the solidus at 5.5 kbar and the residues show a good correlation.  相似文献   

The recent development of activity–composition relations for mineral and melt phases in high‐grade metamafic rocks allows mineral equilibria tools to be used to further aid our understanding of partial melting and the mineralogical consequences of melt segregation in these rocks. We show that bulk compositional data from natural amphibolites cover a wide compositional range, with particular variability in the content and ratios of Ca, Na and K indicating that low‐grade metasomatic alteration can substantially alter the igneous protolith chemistry and potentially affect the volume and composition of melt generated. Mineral equilibria calculations for five samples that span the compositional variability in our data set indicate that melting occurs primarily via the fluid‐absent breakdown of amphibole+quartz to produce a pressure‐sensitive peritectic assemblage of augite, orthopyroxene and/or garnet. The introduction of orthopyroxene at the onset of the amphibolite‐to‐granulite‐facies transition at lower pressure results in an increased rate of melt production until quartz is typically exhausted, and this is similarly seen for the introduction of garnet at higher pressure. Calculated melt compositions are dependent on the protolith composition, but initial solidus melting and biotite breakdown produce 1–3 mol.% of K‐rich granitic melts. As hornblende melting proceeds, 15–20 vol.% of either more granodioritic‐to‐tonalitic or granodioritic‐to‐trondhjemitic melt is produced. Once quartz is exhausted, intermediate to mafic melt compositions are produced at ultrahigh‐temperature conditions. Quartz‐rich lithologies with high Ca coupled to low Na and K are the most fertile under orogenic conditions, yielding up to 25 mol.% of sub‐alkalic granitic melt by 850°C. Such rocks did not experience significant subsolidus alteration. Altered compositions with low Ca and elevated Na and K are not as fertile, yielding less than 15 mol.% of alkalic granitic melt by 850°C. These melt volumes are enough to be segregated, and can make a contribution to granite magmatism and intracrustal differentiation that should not be overlooked.  相似文献   

Cordierite‐bearing anatectic rocks inform our understanding of low‐pressure anatectic processes in the continental crust. This article focuses on cordierite‐bearing lithologies occurring at the upper structural levels of the Higher Himalayan Crystallines (eastern Nepal Himalaya). Three cordierite‐bearing gneisses from different geological transects (from Mt Everest to Kangchenjunga) have been studied, in which cordierite is spectacularly well preserved. The three samples differ in terms of bulk composition likely reflecting different sedimentary protoliths, although they all consist of quartz, alkali feldspar, plagioclase, biotite, cordierite and sillimanite in different modal percentages. Analysis of the microstructures related to melt production and/or melt consumption allows the distinction to be made between peritectic and cotectic cordierite. The melt productivity of different prograde assemblages (from two‐mica metapelite/metagreywacke to biotite‐metapelite) has been investigated at low‐pressure conditions, evaluating the effects of muscovite v. biotite dehydration melting on both mineral assemblages and microstructures. The results of the thermodynamic modelling suggest that the mode and type of the micaceous minerals in the prograde assemblage is a very important parameter controlling the melt productivity at low‐pressure conditions, the two‐mica protoliths being significantly more fertile at any given temperature than biotite gneisses over the same temperature interval. Furthermore, the cordierite preservation is promoted by melt crystallization at a dry solidus and by exhumation along P‐T paths with a peculiar dP/dT slope of about 15–18 bar °C?1. Overall, our results provide a key for the interpretation of cordierite petrogenesis in migmatites from any low‐P regional anatectic terrane. The cordierite‐bearing migmatites may well represent the source rocks for the Miocene andalusite‐bearing leucogranites occurring at the upper structural levels of the Himalayan belt, and low‐P isobaric heating rather than decompression melting may be the triggering process of this peculiar peraluminous magmatism.  相似文献   

The partitioning of rare earth elements (REE) between zircon, garnet and silicate melt was determined using synthetic compositions designed to represent partial melts formed in the lower crust during anatexis. The experiments, performed using internally heated gas pressure vessels at 7 kbar and 900–1000 °C, represent equilibrium partitioning of the middle to heavy REE between zircon and garnet during high‐grade metamorphism in the mid to lower crust. The DREE (zircon/garnet) values show a clear partitioning signature close to unity from Gd to Lu. Because the light REE have low concentrations in both minerals, values are calculated from strain modelling of the middle to heavy REE experimental data; these results show that zircon is favoured over garnet by up to two orders of magnitude. The resulting general concave‐up shape to the partitioning pattern across the REE reflects the preferential incorporation of middle REE into garnet, with DGd (zircon/garnet) ranging from 0.7 to 1.1, DHo (zircon/garnet) from 0.4 to 0.7 and DLu (zircon/garnet) from 0.6 to 1.3. There is no significant temperature dependence in the zircon–garnet REE partitioning at 7 kbar and 900–1000 °C, suggesting that these values can be applied to the interpretation of zircon–garnet equilibrium and timing relationships in the ultrahigh‐T metamorphism of low‐Ca pelitic and aluminous granulites.  相似文献   

Suprasolidus continental crust is prone to loss and redistribution of anatectic melt to shallow crustal levels. These processes ultimately lead to differentiation of the continental crust. The majority of granulite facies rocks worldwide has experienced melt loss and the reintegration of melt is becoming an increasingly popular approach to reconstruct the prograde history of melt‐depleted rocks by means of phase equilibria modelling. It involves the stepwise down‐temperature reintegration of a certain amount of melt into the residual bulk composition along an inferred P–T path, and various ways of calculating and reintegrating melt compositions have been developed and applied. Here different melt‐reintegration approaches are tested using El Hoyazo granulitic enclaves (SE Spain), and Mt. Stafford residual migmatites (central Australia). Various sets of P–T pseudosections were constructed progressing step by step, to lower temperatures along the inferred P–T paths. Melt‐reintegration was done following one‐step and multi‐step procedures proposed in the literature. For El Hoyazo granulites, modelling was also performed reintegrating the measured melt inclusions and matrix glass compositions and considering the melt amounts inferred by mass–balance calculations. The overall topology of phase diagrams is pretty similar, suggesting that, in spite of the different methods adopted, reintegrating a certain amount of melt can be sufficient to reconstruct a plausible prograde history (i.e. melting conditions and reactions, and melt productivity) of residual migmatites and granulites. However, significant underestimations of melt productivity may occur and have to be taken into account when a melt‐reintegration approach is applied to highly residual (SiO2 <55 wt%) rocks, or to rocks for which H2O retention from subsolidus conditions is high (such as in the case of rapid crustal melting triggered by mafic magma underplating).  相似文献   

In the North‐East Greenland Caledonides, P–T conditions and textures are consistent with partial melting of ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) eclogite during exhumation. The eclogite contains a peak assemblage of garnet, omphacite, kyanite, coesite, rutile, and clinozoisite; in addition, phengite is inferred to have been present at peak conditions. An isochemical phase equilibrium diagram, along with garnet isopleths, constrains peak P–T conditions to be subsolidus at 3.4 GPa and 940°C. Zr‐in‐rutile thermometry on inclusions in garnet yields values of ~820°C at 3.4 GPa. In the eclogite, plagioclase may exhibit cuspate textures against surrounding omphacite and has low dihedral angles in plagioclase–clinopyroxene–garnet aggregates, features that are consistent with former melt–solid–solid boundaries and crystallized melt pockets. Graphic intergrowths of plagioclase and amphibole are present in the matrix. Small euhedral neoblasts of garnet against plagioclase are interpreted as formed from a peritectic reaction during partial melting. Polymineralic inclusions of albite+K‐feldspar and clinopyroxene+quartz±kyanite±plagioclase in large anhedral garnet display plagioclase cusps pointing into the host, which are interpreted as crystallized melt pockets. These textures, along with the mineral composition, suggest partial melting of the eclogite by reactions involving phengite and, to a large extent, an epidote‐group mineral. Calculated and experimentally determined phase relations from the literature reveal that partial melting occurred on the exhumation path, at pressures below the coesite to quartz transition. A calculated P–T phase diagram for a former melt‐bearing domain shows that the formation of the peritectic garnet rim occurred at 1.4 GPa and 900°C, with an assemblage of clinopyroxene, amphibole, and plagioclase equilibrated at 1.3 GPa and 720°C. Isochemical phase equilibrium modelling of a symplectite of clinopyroxene, plagioclase, and amphibole after omphacite, combined with the mineral composition, yields a P–T range at 1.0–1. 6 GPa, 680–1,000°C. The assemblage of amphibole and plagioclase is estimated to reach equilibrium at 717–732°C, calculated by amphibole–plagioclase thermometry for the former melt‐bearing domain and symplectite respectively. The results of this study demonstrate that partial melt formed in the UHP eclogite through breakdown of an epidote‐group mineral with minor involvement of phengite during exhumation from peak pressure; melt was subsequently crystallized on the cooling path.  相似文献   

The Lesser Antilles Volcanic Arc is remarkable for the abundance and variety of erupted plutonic xenoliths. These samples provide a window into the deeper crust and record a more protracted crystallisation history than is observed from lavas alone. We present a detailed petrological and in situ geochemical study of xenoliths from Martinique in order to establish their petrogenesis, pre-eruptive storage conditions and their contribution to construction of the sub-volcanic arc crust. The lavas from Martinique are controlled by crystal–liquid differentiation. Amphibole is rarely present in the erupted lavas, but it is a very common component in plutonic xenoliths, allowing us to directly test the involvement of amphibole in the petrogenesis of arc magmas. The plutonic xenoliths provide both textural and geochemical evidence of open system processes and crystal ‘cargos’. All xenoliths are plagioclase-bearing, with variable proportions of olivine, spinel, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and amphibole, commonly with interstitial melt. In Martinique, the sequence of crystallisation varies in sample type and differs from other islands of the Lesser Antilles arc. The compositional offset between plagioclase (~An90) and olivine (~Fo75), suggests crystallisation under high water contents and low pressures from an already fractionated liquid. Texturally, amphibole is either equant (crystallising early in the sequence) or interstitial (crystallising late). Interstitial amphibole is enriched in Ba and LREE compared with early crystallised amphibole and does not follow typical fractionation trends. Modelling of melt compositions indicates that a water-rich, plagioclase-undersaturated reactive melt or fluid percolated through a crystal mush, accompanied by the breakdown of clinopyroxene, and the crystallisation of amphibole. Geothermobarometry estimates and comparisons with experimental studies imply the majority of xenoliths formed in the mid-crust. Martinique cumulate xenoliths are inferred to represent crystal mushes within an open system, through which melt can both percolate and be generated.  相似文献   

迭代法计算H2O-CO2-NaCl包裹体均一压力的改进及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章在宋玉财等于2007年提出的利用迭代法计算流体包裹体成分及均一压力的基础上,结合Duan等通过热力学模拟研究所获得的最新的热力学方程及H2O-CO2-NaCl包裹体pVtx计算程序,对宋玉财等所提出的H2O-CO2-NaCl包裹体成分及均一压力的迭代计算法提出了改进意见,同时对其进行了适当的修改。文章利用中-低温条件下求解CO2在盐水中的溶解度及摩尔体积的方程,提高了原方法的计算精度,并将原方法的适用范围(均一温度≥300 ℃)扩展到中_低温(0~260 ℃)、中_低压力(0~1 000×105Pa)以及中等盐度的范围。本方法适用于求解CO2部分均一温度高于笼形物融化温度、不含石盐子矿物且完全均一到水溶液相的H2O-CO2-NaCl包裹体。  相似文献   

Pelitic hornfelses within the inner thermal aureole of the Etive igneous complex underwent limited partial melting, generating agmatic micro‐stromatic migmatites. In this study, observed volume proportions of vein leucosomes in the migmatites are compared with modelled melt volumes in an attempt to constrain the controls on melting processes. Petrogenetic modelling in the MnNCKFMASHT system was performed on the compositions of 15 analysed Etive pelite samples using THERMOCALC. Melt modes were calculated at 2.2 kbar (the estimated pressure in the southern Etive aureole) from solidus temperatures to 800 °C for both fluid‐absent and fluid‐present conditions. Volume changes accompanying fluid‐absent melting at 2.2 kbar were also calculated. P–T pseudosections reproduce the zonal sequence of the southern Etive aureole fairly well. The modelled solidus temperatures of silica‐rich pelitic compositions are close to 680 °C at 2.2 kbar and, in the absence of free fluid, melt modes in such compositions rise to between 12 and 29% at 800 °C, half of which is typically produced over the narrow reaction interval in which orthopyroxene first appears. Silica‐poor compositions have solidus temperatures of up to ~770 °C and yield <11.4% melt at 800 °C under fluid‐absent conditions. For conditions of excess H2O, modelled melt modes increase dramatically within ~13 °C of the solidus, in some cases to >60%; by 800 °C they range from 61 to 88% and from 29 to 74% in silica‐rich and silica‐poor compositions, respectively. Calculated volume changes for fluid‐absent melting are positive for all modelled compositions and reach 4.5% in some silica‐rich compositions by 800 °C. Orthopyroxene formation is accompanied by a volume increase of up to 1.48% over a temperature increase of as little as 2.7 °C, supporting the arguments for melt‐induced ‘hydrofracturing’ as a viable melt‐escape mechanism in low‐P metamorphism. Mineral assemblages in the innermost aureole support previous conclusions that partial melting took place predominantly under fluid‐absent conditions. However, vein leucosome proportions, estimated by image analysis, do not show the expected correlation with grade, and are locally greatly in excess of melt modes predicted by fluid‐absent models, particularly close to the melt‐in isograd. Melting of interlayered psammites, addition of H2O from interlayered melt‐free rocks, and metastable persistence of muscovite are ruled out as major causes of the excess melt anomaly. The most likely cause, we believe, is that local variations existed in the amount of fluid available at the onset of melting, promoted by focussing of fluid released by dehydration in the middle and outer aureole; however, some redistribution of melt by compaction‐driven flow through the vein channel network cannot be ruled out. The formation of melt‐filled fractures in the inner Etive aureole was assisted by stresses that caused extension at high angles to the igneous contact. The fractures were probably caused either by transient pressure reduction in the diorite magma chamber associated with a second phase of intrusion, or by sub‐solidus thermal contraction in the diorite pluton during the early stages of inner‐aureole cooling.  相似文献   

Monitoring of the progressive convergence of a tunnel shows that deformations occurring in the soil surrounding a tunnel exhibit a strong evolution with time. This time‐dependent behaviour can be linked to three essential factors: the distance from the point of interest to the working face over time, the distance of unsupported tunnel to the working face and the viscous properties of the soil. The objective of this paper is to propose a constitutive model of the time‐dependent behaviour of soil which has been developed within the framework of elastoplasticity–viscoplasticity and critical state soil mechanics. The consideration of viscoplastic characteristic sets the current model apart from the CJS (Cambou, Jafari and Sidoroff) model as the basic elastoplastic model, and introduces an additional viscous mechanism. The evolution of the viscous yield surface is governed by a particular hardening called ‘viscous hardening’ with a bounding surface. The proposed constitutive model has been applied in the analysis of tunnelling. Two kinds of numerical calculations have been used in the analysis, axisymmetric analysis and plane strain analysis. Monitoring of the progressive convergence of a tunnel conducted in the railway tunnel of Tartaiguille (France), has been used to describe the calculation procedure proposed and the capability of the model. The finite difference software, fast Lagrangian analysis of continua (FLAC), has been used for the numerical simulation of the problems. The comparison of results shows that the observed deformations could have been reasonably predicted by using the constitutive model and calculation strategy proposed. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The exposed residual crust in the Eastern Ghats Province records ultrahigh temperature (UHT) metamorphic conditions involving extensive crustal anatexis and melt loss. However, there is disagreement about the tectonic evolution of this late Mesoproterozoic–early Neoproterozoic orogen due to conflicting petrological, structural and geochronological interpretations. One of the petrological disputes in residual high Mg–Al granulites concerns the origin of fine‐grained mineral intergrowths comprising cordierite + K‐feldspar ± quartz ± biotite ± sillimanite ± plagioclase. These intergrowths wrap around porphyroblast phases and are interpreted to have formed by the breakdown of primary osumilite in the presence of melt trapped in the equilibration volume by the melt percolation threshold. The pressure (P)–temperature (T) evolution of four samples from three localities across the central Eastern Ghats Province is constrained using phase equilibria modelling in the chemical system Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–Fe2O3 (NCKFMASHTO). Results of the modelling are integrated with published geochronological results for these samples to show that the central Eastern Ghats Province followed a common P–T–t history. This history is characterized by peak UHT metamorphic conditions of 945–955 °C and 7.8–8.2 kbar followed by a slight increase in pressure and close‐to‐isobaric cooling to the conditions of the elevated solidus at 940–900 °C and 8.5–8.3 kbar. In common with other localities from the Eastern Ghats Province, the early development of cordierite before osumilite and the peak to immediate post‐peak retrograde reaction between osumilite and melt to produce the intergrowth features requires that the prograde evolution was one of contemporaneous increasing pressure with increasing temperature. This counter‐clockwise (CCW) evolution is evaluated for one sample using inverse phase equilibria modelling along a schematic P–T path of 150 °C kbar?1 starting from the low P–T end of the prograde P–T path as constrained by the phase equilibria modelling. The inverse modelling is executed by step‐wise down temperature reintegration of sufficient melt into the residual bulk chemical composition at the P–T point of the 1 mol.% melt isopleth at each step, representing the melt remaining on grain boundaries after each prograde drainage event, to reach the melt connectivity transition (MCT) of 7 mol.%. The procedure is repeated until a plausible protolith composition is recovered. The result demonstrates that clastic sedimentary rocks that followed a CCW P–T evolution could have produced the observed mineral assemblages and microstructures preserved in the central Eastern Ghats Province. This study also highlights the role of melt during UHT metamorphism, particularly its importance to both chemical and physical processes along the prograde and retrograde segments of the P–T path. These processes include: (i) an increase in diffusive length scales during the late prograde to peak evolution, creating equilibration volumes larger than a standard thin section; (ii) the development of retrograde mineral assemblages, which is facilitated if some melt is retained post‐peak; (iii) the presence of melt as a weakening mechanism and the advection of heat by melt, allowing the crust to thicken; and (iv) the effect of melt loss, which makes the deep crust both denser and stronger, and reduces heat production at depth, limiting crustal thickening and facilitating the transition to close‐to‐isobaric cooling.  相似文献   

Tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite(TTG) suites constitute a large proportion of the Archean geological record;however,the geodynamic processes that generated them,and Archean continental crust in general,remain a subject of debate.The concentrations and ratios of Sr,Y,La,Yb,Nb,and Ta in TTGs are commonly used to determine the depth of melting of their metabasic sources.The trace element composition of melt produced by metabasic source rocks during anatexis is strongly affected by the presence and abundance of pressure-sensitive minerals,such as plagioclase(Sr-bearing),garnet(Y-and HREE-bearing),and rutile(Nb-and Ta-bearing).Elevated Sr/Y and La/Yb ratios and low concentrations of Nb and Ta in TTGs are generally considered to indicate melting at high pressures(≥2.0 GPa).The depth of melting is a key factor in determining the origin of TTGs as this provides critical information on the tectonic setting of their generation.We use phase equilibrium and trace element modelling to explore the effects of three potential influences on TTG trace element compositions:fractionation of trace elements into peritectic garnet cores,progressive melt loss from the source,and source bulk composition.We model three different compositions of Archean basalts along thermal gradients of 500℃/GPa,750℃/GPa,and 1000℃/GPa.The models produce maj or and trace element melt compositions that are generally consistent with measured compositions of TTGs.Although Sr/Y,La/Yb,Nb,and Ta exhibit pressure-dependent behaviour,other factors also affect these values.Garnet fractionation causes Sr/Y and La/Yb to reach much greater values and in this scenario,the values also increase with increasing temperature.Source bulk composition has an effect in all scenarios and most strongly influences La/Yb,Nb,and Ta.Overall,these results show that Sr/Y,La/Yb,Nb,and Ta can reach values generally considered to be indicative of high pressure melting at a range of P-T conditions including P 2.0 GPa.Consequently,trace element compositions of TTGs alone may provide a misleading impression of the depth of melting of metabasites and the geodynamic environment of Archean crustal growth and reworking.  相似文献   

In a Barrovian metamorphic sequence, garnetiferous mica schists document a heterogeneously developed superposition of sub‐orthogonal fabrics and multiple garnet growth episodes. In the variably deformed domains, four types of garnet porphyroblasts have been defined based on inclusion trail patterns. Modelled garnet zoning in the MnNCKFMASHTO system indicates a prograde evolution from 4–4.5 kbar and 490–510 °C to 5–6 kbar and 520–550 °C in the earliest subhorizontal fabric progressing towards 6.5–7.5 kbar and 560–590 °C in the subsequent subvertical foliation. This fabric is heterogeneously deformed into a shallow‐dipping retrograde foliation associated with garnet resorption. In situ electron backscatter diffraction measurements of ilmenite inclusions in individual garnet grains yield precise data on included planar and linear elements. Consistent orientations of internal foliations, lineations and foliation intersection axis sets indicate a superposition of three sub‐orthogonal foliation systems. Weak variations of internal records with increasing intensity of deformation suggest that a moderate buckling stage occurred, but apparent lack of porphyroblast rotation is interpreted as a result of dominant passive flow. Coupling the orientation of internal fabric sets with P–T estimates is used to complement the tectono‐metamorphic evolution of the thickened crust. We demonstrate that garnet porphyroblasts preserve features which reflect large‐scale tectonic processes in orogens.  相似文献   

Rate‐dependent behaviour of chalk and other porous rocks has undergone widespread study in geomechanics due to its implications on the performance of engineering structures. We present a rate‐dependent constitutive model for chalk and other porous rocks with several new features. The model formulation is based on a viscoplastic rate‐lines approach in which the axial strain rate depends on the proximity of the stress point to an elliptical reference surface. A non‐associated viscoplastic potential surface and an axial scaling algorithm are used to determine the viscoplastic strain components. The model predicts that axial yields stress varies as a power function of applied axial strain rate, as shown by published laboratory data. Comparisons with published experimental data indicate that the model is capable of reproducing observed rate‐dependent behaviour of chalk under a variety of loading conditions. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A method is presented for coupling cubic‐order quadrilateral finite elements with the finite side of a new coordinate ascent hierarchical infinite element. At a common side shared by a hierarchical infinite element and an arbitrary number of finite elements, the displacements are minimized in the least square sense with respect to the degrees‐of‐freedom of the finite elements. This leads to a set of equations that relate the degrees‐of‐freedom of the finite and hierarchical infinite elements on the shared side. The method is applied to a non‐homogeneous cross‐anisotropic half‐space subjected to a non‐uniform circular loading with Young's and shear moduli varying with depth according to the power law. A constant mesh constructed from coupled finite and hierarchical infinite elements is used and convergence is sought simply by increasing the degree of the interpolating polynomial. The displacements and stresses produced by conical and parabolic circular loads applied on the surface are obtained. The efficiency of the proposed method is demonstrated through convergence and comparison studies. New results produced by a frusto‐conical circular load applied on the surface of a half‐space made up of heavily consolidated London clay are provided. The non‐homogeneity parameter and degree of anisotropy are shown to influence the soil response. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A transversely isotropic thermo-poroelastic constitutive law is developed and implemented in the finite element code Code_Aster (EDF, France). It is then validated using an analytic solution for an inclined borehole in a transversely isotropic medium. A strategy for identifying the parameters of the transversely isotropic thermo-poroelastic model based on an inverse method is proposed on the basis of different laboratory tests. To demonstrate the efficiency and applicability of the model, it is then applied in a three-dimensional numerical model of an underground structure in a parameter sensitivity study. The results of the modelling highlight the importance of accounting for anisotropic phenomena when determining the dimensions of underground facilities. The whole approach is presented in the paper, from model development to application to 3D numerical modelling to an engineering case study.  相似文献   

Preserved in Quebrada de las Lajas, near San Juan, Argentina, is an ancient subaqueous proglacial sedimentary succession that includes a small‐scale (ca 50 m thick and ca 200 m wide) channel–levée system with excellent exposure of the channel axis and levée sediments. Coeval deposition of both the channel axis and the levées can be demonstrated clearly by lateral correlation of individual beds. The channel axis consists predominantly of a disorganized, pebble to boulder conglomerate with a poorly sorted matrix. The channel axis varies from 10 to 20 m wide and has a total amalgamated thickness of around 50 m. Beds fine gradationally away from the cobble–boulder conglomerates of the channel axis within a few metres, transitioning to well‐organized pebble to cobble conglomerates and sandstones of the channel margin. Within 60 m outboard of the channel axis in both directions, perpendicular to the trend of the channel axis, the mean grain size of the beds in the levées is silt to fine‐grained sand. Deposits in this channel–levée system are the product of both debris flows (channel axis) and co‐genetic turbidity currents (channel margins and levées). Bed thicknesses in the levées increase for up to 10 to 25 m away from the channel axis, beyond which bed thicknesses decrease with increasing distance. The positions of the bed thickness maxima define the levée crests, and the thinning beds constitute the outer levée slopes. From these relationships it is clear that the levée crest migrated both away from and toward the channel axis, and varied in height above the channel axis from 4 to 5 m (undecompacted), whereas the height of the levée crest relative to the distal levée varied from 4·5 to 10 m, indicating that the channel was at times super‐elevated relative to the distal levée. Bed thickness decay on the outside of the levée crest can be described quite well with a power‐law function (R2 = 0·85), whereas the thickness decay from the levée crest toward the channel axis follows a linear function (R2 = 0·78). Grain‐size changes are quite predictable from the channel margin outward, and follow logarithmic (R2 = 0·77) or power‐law (R2 = 0·72) decay curves, either of which fit the data quite well. This study demonstrates that, in at least this case: (i) levée thickness trends can be directly related to channel‐flow processes; (ii) individual bed thickness changes may control overall levée geometry; and (iii) levée and channel deposits can be coeval.  相似文献   

Mineral inclusions are ubiquitous in metamorphic rocks and elastic models for host‐inclusion pairs have become frequently used tools for investigating pressure–temperature (P–T) conditions of mineral entrapment. Inclusions can retain remnant pressures () that are relatable to their entrapment P–T conditions using an isotropic elastic model and P–T–V equations of state for host and inclusion minerals. Elastic models are used to constrain P–T curves, known as isomekes, which represent the possible inclusion entrapment conditions. However, isomekes require a temperature estimate for use as a thermobarometer. Previous studies obtained temperature estimates from thermometric methods external of the host‐inclusion system. In this study, we present the first P–T estimates of quartz inclusion entrapment by integrating the quartz‐in‐garnet elastic model with titanium concentration measurements of inclusions and a Ti‐in‐quartz solubility model (QuiG‐TiQ). QuiG‐TiQ was used to determine entrapment P–T conditions of quartz inclusions in garnet from a quartzofeldspathic gneiss from Goodenough Island, part of the (ultra)high‐pressure terrane of Papua New Guinea. Raman spectroscopic measurements of the 128, 206, and 464 cm?1 bands of quartz were used to calculate inclusion pressures using hydrostatic pressure calibrations (), a volume strain calculation (), and elastic tensor calculation (), that account for deviatoric stress. values calculated from the 128, 206, and 464 cm?1 bands’ hydrostatic calibrations are significantly different from one another with values of 1.8 ± 0.1, 2.0 ± 0.1, and 2.5 ± 0.1 kbar, respectively. We quantified elastic anisotropy using the 128, 206 and 464 cm?1 Raman band frequencies of quartz inclusions and stRAinMAN software (Angel, Murri, Mihailova, & Alvaro, 2019,  234 :129–140). The amount of elastic anisotropy in quartz inclusions varied by ~230%. A subset of inclusions with nearly isotropic strains gives an average and of 2.5 ± 0.2 and 2.6 ± 0.2 kbar, respectively. Depending on the sign and magnitude, inclusions with large anisotropic strains respectively overestimate or underestimate inclusion pressures and are significantly different (<3.8 kbar) from the inclusions that have nearly isotropic strains. Titanium concentrations were measured in quartz inclusions exposed at the surface of the garnet. The average Ti‐in‐quartz isopleth (19 ± 1 ppm [2σ]) intersects the average QuiG isomeke at 10.2 ± 0.3 kbar and 601 ± 6°C, which are interpreted as the P–T conditions of quartzofeldspathic gneiss garnet growth and entrapment of quartz inclusions. The P–T intersection point of QuiG and Ti‐in‐quartz univariant curves represents mechanical and chemical equilibrium during crystallization of garnet, quartz, and rutile. These three minerals are common in many bulk rock compositions that crystallize over a wide range of P–T conditions thus permitting application of QuiG‐TiQ to many metamorphic rocks.  相似文献   

Selective dissolution of aragonitic grains is emerging as a volumetrically significant process that affects a broad range of modern carbonate settings. This study explores mechanisms and implications of aragonite loss in Challenger Mound, a giant cold‐water coral (Lophelia pertusa) mound of Pleistocene age, which lies on the continental slope off south‐west Ireland. A comprehensive sampling scheme allowed the integration of petrographic data with geochemical analyses of sediment and pore water. The mound remains virtually unlithified and consists of stacked, fining‐upward cycles of silty coral floatstone–rudstone and bafflestone grading into wackestone. Whereas calcitic grains appear unaltered, aragonitic grains are corroded and fragmented. Aragonite dissolution is attributed to organic matter oxidation at/near the sediment–water interface and, at greater depths, to the initial stages of bacterially mediated sulphate reduction, when alkalinity production is outpaced by the generation of H+. Pore water profiles indicate that undersaturated waters are diffusing towards the mound interior from two centres of sulphate reduction: one located in the upper 10 m of the sediment column and a second that lies below an erosional unconformity which marks the base of the mound. Continued aragonite dissolution is expected to gradually lower the diagenetic potential of the Challenger Mound and delay lithification until deep burial, when solution‐compaction processes come into play. Despite a fundamental role in predestining the final taphonomic and textural characteristics of Challenger Mound, the processes described here are expected to leave little trace in the geological record due to a lack of cementation and calcitization. Assuming that similar processes have been active throughout the Phanerozoic, results imply that the understanding of diagenetic processes in carbonate systems may be incomplete.  相似文献   

抽水融冰技术是解决高寒区引水式电站冬季运行冰害问题的有效措施之一。为研究抽水融冰对电站引水渠道冬季引水的水温控制规律,以红山嘴水电站为例,基于RNG κ-ε模型数值模拟研究结果,从热流量比角度探讨了渠道水温沿程衰减规律,并采用2013年2月和2014年1月原型观测结果进行了验证。结果表明:渠道水温沿程衰减过程可分为骤降段、过渡段和缓降段3部分,各段范围受外界条件控制;衰减曲线呈幂函数分布,相关系数达到98%;对比气温对渠温沿程衰减的影响表明,随着大气温度的降低,渠道水温沿程衰减速度明显加快;-10 ℃为水温衰减过程变化转折点,当气温高于-10 ℃时,可以近似认为渠温衰减规律一致,渠温沿程变化主要受到热流量比值影响;低于-10 ℃时,气温对渠道水温沿程变化影响显著。  相似文献   

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