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Major element, trace element and Lu–Hf geochronological data from amphibolite facies pelitic schist in the Raft River and Albion Mountains of northwest Utah and southern Idaho indicate that garnet grew during increasing pressure, interpreted to be the result of tectonic burial and crustal thickening during Sevier orogenesis. Garnet growth was interrupted by hiatuses interpreted from discontinuities in major element zonation. Pressure–temperature paths were determined from the pre‐hiatus portions of the garnet chemical zoning profiles and indicate an increase of ~2 kbar and ~50 °C in the western Raft River Mountains. Garnet Lu–Hf dates of 150 ± 1 Ma in the western Raft River Mountains and 138.7 ± 0.7 Ma and 132 ± 5 Ma in the southern Albion Mountains indicate the timing of garnet growth. Lutetium garnet zoning profiles indicate that the Lu–Hf ages are biased towards the post‐hiatus or outer pre‐hiatus segments, indicating that the determined ages likely post‐date the recorded P–T path history or date the tail end of the paths. Crustal thickening associated with Sevier orogenesis in the western Raft River Mountains thus began slightly before 150 ± 1 Ma, in the Late Jurassic. This study shows that integrating P–T paths determined from garnet growth zoning with Lu–Hf garnet geochronology and in situ garnet trace element analyses is an effective approach for interpreting and dating deformation events in orogenic belts.  相似文献   

The recent identification of multiple strike‐parallel discontinuities within the exhumed Himalayan metamorphic core has helped revise the understanding of convergence accommodation processes within the former mid‐crust exposed in the Himalaya. Whilst the significance of these discontinuities to the overall development of the mountain belt is still being investigated, their identification and characterization has become important for potential correlations across regions, and for constraining the kinematic framework of the mid‐crust. The result of new phase equilibria modelling, trace element analysis and high‐precision Lu–Hf garnet dating of the metapelites from the Likhu Khola region in east central Nepal, combined with the previously published monazite petrochronology data confirms the presence of one of such cryptic thrust‐sense tectonometamorphic discontinuities within the lower portion of the exhumed metamorphic core and provides new constraints on the P–T estimates for that region. The location of the discontinuity is marked by an abrupt change in the nature of P–T–t paths of the rocks across it. The rocks in the footwall are characterized by a prograde burial P–T path with peak metamorphic conditions of ~660°C and ~9.5 kbar likely in the mid‐to‐late Miocene, which are overlain by the hanging wall rocks, that preserve retrograde P–T paths with P–T conditions of >700°C and ~7 kbar in the early Miocene. The occurrence of this thrust‐sense structure that separates rock units with unique metamorphic histories is compatible with orogenic models that identify a spatial and temporal transition from early midcrustal deformation and metamorphism in the deeper hinterland to later deformation and metamorphism towards the shallower foreland of the orogen. Moreover, these observations are comparable with those made across other discontinuities at similar structural levels along the Himalaya, confirming their importance as important orogen‐scale structures.  相似文献   

The Fuping Complex is one of the important basement terranes within the central segment of the Trans‐North China Orogen (TNCO) where mafic granulites are exposed as boudins within tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite (TTG) gneisses. Garnet in these granulites shows compositional zoning with homogeneous cores formed in the peak metamorphic stage, surrounded by thin rims with an increase in almandine and decrease in grossular contents suggesting retrograde decompression and cooling. Petrological and phase equilibria studies including pseudosection calculation using thermocalc define a clockwise P–T path. The peak mineral assemblages comprise garnet+clinopyroxene+amphibole+quartz+plagioclase+K‐feldspar+ilmenite±orthopyroxene±magnetite, with metamorphic P–T conditions estimated at 8.2–9.2 kbar, 870–882 °C (15FP‐02), 9.6–11.3 kbar, 855–870 °C (15FP‐03) and 9.7–10.5 kbar, 880–900 °C (15FP‐06) respectively. The pseudosections for the subsequent retrograde stages based on relatively higher H2O contents from P/T–M(H2O) diagrams define the retrograde P–T conditions of <6.1 kbar, <795 °C (15FP‐02), 5.6–5.8 kbar, <795 °C (15FP‐03), and <9 kbar, <865 °C (15FP‐06) respectively. Data from LA‐ICP‐MS zircon U–Pb dating show that the mafic dyke protoliths of the granulite were emplaced at c. 2327 Ma. The metamorphic zircon shows two groups of ages at 1.96–1.90 Ga (peak at 1.93–1.92 Ga) and 1.89–1.80 Ga (peak at 1.86–1.83 Ga), consistent with the two metamorphic events widely reported from different segments of the TNCO. The 1.93–1.92 Ga ages are considered to date the peak granulite facies metamorphism, whereas the 1.86–1.83 Ga ages are correlated with the retrograde event. Thus, the collisional assembly of the major crustal blocks in the North China Craton (NCC) might have occurred during 1.93–1.90 Ga, marking the final cratonization of the NCC.  相似文献   

The Jining Group occurs as the eastern segment of the Khondalite Belt, North China Craton and is dominated by a series of granulite facies rocks involving ‘normal’ pelitic granulites recording peak temperatures of ~850 °C and ultrahigh‐temperature (UHT) pelitic granulites recording peak temperatures of 950–1100 °C. The PT paths and ages of these two types of granulites are controversial. Three pelitic granulite samples in the Jining Group comprising two sillimanite–garnet gneiss samples (J1208 and J1210) and one spinel–garnet gneiss sample (J1303) were collected from Zhaojiayao, where ‘normal’ pelitic granulites occur, for determination of their metamorphic evolution and ages. Samples J1208 and J1210 are interpreted to record cooling paths from the Tmax stages with PT conditions respectively of ~870–890 °C/7–8 kbar and >840 °C/>7.5 kbar constrained from the stability fields of the observed mineral assemblages and the isopleths of plagioclase, garnet and biotite compositions in pseudosections. Sample J1303 is interpreted to record pre‐Tmax decompression from the kyanite‐stability fields to the Tmax stage of 950–1020 °C/8–9 kbar and a post‐Tmax cooling path revealed mainly from the stability field of the observed mineral assemblage, the plagioclase zoning and the biotite composition isopleth in pseudosections. The post‐Tmax cooling stage can be divided into suprasolidus and subsolidus stages. The suprasolidus cooling may not result in an equilibrium state at the solidus in a rock. Therefore, different minerals may record different PT conditions along the cooling path; the inferred maximum temperature is commonly higher than the solidus as well as different solidi being recorded for different samples from the same outcrop but experiencing different degrees of melt loss. Plagioclase compositions, especially its zoning in plagioclase‐rich granulites, are predicted to be useful for recording the higher temperature conditions of a granulite's thermal history. The three samples studied seem to record the temperature range covering those of the ‘normal’ and UHT pelitic granulites in the Jining Group, suggesting that UHT conditions may be reached in ‘normal’ granulites without diagnostic UHT indicators. LA‐ICP‐MS zircon U–Pb data provide a continuous trend of concordant 207Pb/206Pb ages from 1.89 to 1.79 Ga for sample J1210, and from 1.94 to 1.80 Ga for sample J1303. These continuous and long age spectrums are interpreted to represent a slow cooling and exhumation process corresponding to the post‐Tmax cooling PT paths recorded by the pelitic granulites, which may have followed the exhumation of deeply buried rocks in a thickened crust region resulted from a collision event at c. 1.95 Ga as suggested by the pre‐Tmax decompression PT path.  相似文献   

The use of in situ geochronological techniques allows for direct age constraints to be placed on fabric development and the metamorphic evolution of polydeformed and reworked terranes. The Shoal Point region of the southern Gawler Craton consists of a series of reworked granulite facies metapelitic and metaigneous units which belong to the Late Archean Sleaford Complex. Structural evidence indicates three phases of fabric development with D1 retained within boudins, D2 consisting of a series of upright open to isoclinal folds producing an axial planar fabric and D3 composed of a highly planar vertical high‐strain fabric which overprints the D2 fabric. Th–U–total Pb EPMA monazite and garnet Sm–Nd geochronology constrain the D1 event to the c. 2450 Ma Sleaford Orogeny, whereas the D2 and D3 events are constrained to the 1730–1690 Ma Kimban Orogeny. P–T pseudosections constrain the metamorphic conditions for the Sleafordian Orogeny to between 4.5 and 6 kbar and between 750 and 780 °C. Subsequent Kimban‐aged reworking reached peak metamorphic conditions of 8–9 kbar at 820–850 °C during the D2 event, followed by high‐temperature decompression to metamorphic conditions <6 kbar and 790–850 °C associated with the development of the D3 high‐strain fabric. The P–T–t evolution of the Shoal Point rocks reflects the transpressional exhumation of lower crustal rocks during the Kimban Orogeny and the development of a regional ‘flower structure’.  相似文献   

A section of the orogenic middle crust (Orlica‐?nie?nik Dome, Polish/Czech Central Sudetes) was examined to constrain the duration and significance of deformation (D) and intertectonic (I) phases. In the studied metasedimentary synform, three deformation events produced an initial subhorizontal foliation S1 (D1), a subsequent subvertical foliation S2 (D2) and a late subhorizontal axial planar cleavage S3 (D3). The synform was intruded by pre‐, syn‐ and post‐D2 granitoid sheets. Crystallization–deformation relationships in mica schist samples document I1–2 garnet–staurolite growth, syn‐D2 staurolite breakdown to garnet–biotite–sillimanite/andalusite, I2–3 cordierite blastesis and late‐D3 chlorite growth. Garnet porphyroblasts show a linear Mn–Ca decrease from the core to the inner rim, a zone of alternating Ca–Y‐ and P‐rich annuli in the inner rim, and a Ca‐poor outer rim. The Ca–Y‐rich annuli probably reflect the occurrence of the allanite‐to‐monazite transition at conditions of the staurolite isograd, whereas the Ca‐poor outer rim is ascribed to staurolite demise. The reconstructed PT path, obtained by modelling the stability of parageneses and garnet zoning, documents near‐isobaric heating from ~4 kbar/485 °C to ~4.75 kbar/575 °C during I1–2. This was followed by a progression to 4–5 kbar/580–625 °C and a subsequent pressure decrease to 3–4 kbar during D2. Pressure decrease below 3 kbar is ascribed to I2–3, whereas cooling below ~500 °C occurred during D3. In the dated mica schist sample, garnet rims show strong Lu enrichment, oscillatory Lu zoning and a slight Ca increase. These features are also related to allanite breakdown coeval with staurolite appearance. As Lu‐rich garnet rims dominate the Lu–Hf budget, the 344 ± 3 Ma isochron age is ascribed to garnet crystallization at staurolite grade, near the end of I1–2. For the dated sample of amphibole–biotite granitoid sheet, a Pb–Pb single zircon evaporation age of 353 ± 1 Ma is related to the onset of plutonic activity. The results suggest a possible Devonian age for D1, and a Carboniferous burial‐exhumation cycle in mid‐crustal rocks that is broadly coeval with the exhumation of neighbouring HP rocks during D2. In the light of published ages, a succession of telescoping stages with time spans decreasing from c. 10 to 2–3 Ma is proposed. The initially long period of tectonic quiescence (I1–2 phase, c. 10 Ma) inferred in the middle crust contrasts with contemporaneous deformation at deeper levels and points to decoupled PTD histories within the orogenic wedge. An elevated gradient of ~30 °C km?1 and assumed high heating rates of c. 20 °C Ma?1 are explained by the protracted intrusion of granitoid sheets, with or without deformation, whereas fast vertical movements (2–3 Ma, D2 phase) in the crust require the activity of deformation phases.  相似文献   

The exposed residual crust in the Eastern Ghats Province records ultrahigh temperature (UHT) metamorphic conditions involving extensive crustal anatexis and melt loss. However, there is disagreement about the tectonic evolution of this late Mesoproterozoic–early Neoproterozoic orogen due to conflicting petrological, structural and geochronological interpretations. One of the petrological disputes in residual high Mg–Al granulites concerns the origin of fine‐grained mineral intergrowths comprising cordierite + K‐feldspar ± quartz ± biotite ± sillimanite ± plagioclase. These intergrowths wrap around porphyroblast phases and are interpreted to have formed by the breakdown of primary osumilite in the presence of melt trapped in the equilibration volume by the melt percolation threshold. The pressure (P)–temperature (T) evolution of four samples from three localities across the central Eastern Ghats Province is constrained using phase equilibria modelling in the chemical system Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–Fe2O3 (NCKFMASHTO). Results of the modelling are integrated with published geochronological results for these samples to show that the central Eastern Ghats Province followed a common P–T–t history. This history is characterized by peak UHT metamorphic conditions of 945–955 °C and 7.8–8.2 kbar followed by a slight increase in pressure and close‐to‐isobaric cooling to the conditions of the elevated solidus at 940–900 °C and 8.5–8.3 kbar. In common with other localities from the Eastern Ghats Province, the early development of cordierite before osumilite and the peak to immediate post‐peak retrograde reaction between osumilite and melt to produce the intergrowth features requires that the prograde evolution was one of contemporaneous increasing pressure with increasing temperature. This counter‐clockwise (CCW) evolution is evaluated for one sample using inverse phase equilibria modelling along a schematic P–T path of 150 °C kbar?1 starting from the low P–T end of the prograde P–T path as constrained by the phase equilibria modelling. The inverse modelling is executed by step‐wise down temperature reintegration of sufficient melt into the residual bulk chemical composition at the P–T point of the 1 mol.% melt isopleth at each step, representing the melt remaining on grain boundaries after each prograde drainage event, to reach the melt connectivity transition (MCT) of 7 mol.%. The procedure is repeated until a plausible protolith composition is recovered. The result demonstrates that clastic sedimentary rocks that followed a CCW P–T evolution could have produced the observed mineral assemblages and microstructures preserved in the central Eastern Ghats Province. This study also highlights the role of melt during UHT metamorphism, particularly its importance to both chemical and physical processes along the prograde and retrograde segments of the P–T path. These processes include: (i) an increase in diffusive length scales during the late prograde to peak evolution, creating equilibration volumes larger than a standard thin section; (ii) the development of retrograde mineral assemblages, which is facilitated if some melt is retained post‐peak; (iii) the presence of melt as a weakening mechanism and the advection of heat by melt, allowing the crust to thicken; and (iv) the effect of melt loss, which makes the deep crust both denser and stronger, and reduces heat production at depth, limiting crustal thickening and facilitating the transition to close‐to‐isobaric cooling.  相似文献   

Meta‐anorthosite bodies are typical constituents of the Neoproterozoic Eastern Granulites in Tanzania. The mineral assemblage (and accessory components) is made up of clinopyroxene, garnet, amphibole; scapolite, epidote, biotite, rutile, titanite, ilmenite and quartz. Within the feldspar‐rich matrix (70–90% plagioclase), mafic domains with metamorphic corona textures were used for P–T calculations. Central parts of these textures constitute high‐Al clinopyroxene – which is a common magmatic mineral in anorthosites – and is therefore assumed to be a magmatic relict. The clinopyroxene rims have a diopsidic composition and are surrounded by a garnet corona. Locally the pyroxene is surrounded by amphibole and scapolite suggesting that a mixed CO2–H2O fluid was present during their formation. Thermobarometric calculations give the following conditions for the metamorphic peak of the individual meta‐anorthosite bodies: Mwega: 11–13 kbar, 850–900 °C; Pare Mountains: 12–14 kbar, 850–900 °C; Uluguru Mountains: 12–14 kbar, 850–900 °C. The P–T evolution of these bodies was modelled using pseudosections. The amount and composition of the metamorphic fluid and <0.5 mol.% fluid in the bulk composition is sufficient to produce fluid‐saturated assemblages at 10 kbar and 800 °C. Pseudosection analysis shows that the corona textures most likely formed under fluid undersaturated conditions or close to the boundary of fluid saturation. The stabilities of garnet and amphibole are dependent on the amount of fluid present during their formation. Mode isopleths of these minerals change their geometry drastically between fluid‐saturated and fluid‐undersaturated assemblages. The garnet coronae developed during isobaric cooling following the metamorphic peak. The cooling segment is followed by decompression as indicated by the growth of amphibole and plagioclase. The estimated of the metamorphic fluid is ~0.3–0.5. Although the meta‐anorthosites have different formation ages (Archean and Proterozoic) they experienced the same Pan‐African metamorphic overprint with a retrograde isobaric cooling path. Similar P–T evolutionary paths are known from the hosting granulites. The presented data are best explained by a tectonic model of hot fold nappes that brought the different aged anorthosites and surrounding rocks together in the deep crust followed by an isobaric cooling history.  相似文献   

New petrographic and microstructural observations, mineral equilibria modelling and U/Pb (monazite) geochronological studies were carried out to investigate the relationships between deformation and metamorphism across the Rehamna massif (Moroccan Variscan belt). In this area, typical Barrovian (muscovite to staurolite) zones developed in Cambrian to Carboniferous metasedimentary rocks that are distributed around a dome‐like structure. First assemblages are characterized by the presence of locally preserved andalusite, followed by prograde evolution culminating at 6 kbar and 620 °C in the structurally deepest staurolite zone rocks. This Barrovian sequence was subsequently uplifted to supracrustal levels, heterogeneously reworked at greenschist facies conditions, which was followed locally by static growth of andalusite, indicating heating to 2.5–4 kbar and 530–570 °C. The 206Pb/238U monazite age of 298.3 ± 4.1 Ma is interpreted as minimum age of peak metamorphic conditions, whereas the ages of 275.8 ± 1.7 Ma and 277.0 ± 1.1 Ma date decompression and heating at low pressure, in agreement with previous dating of Permian granitoids intruding the Rehamna massif. The prograde metamorphism occurred during thickening and associated horizontal flow in the deeper crust (S1 horizontal schistosity). The horizontally disposed metamorphic zones were subsequently uplifted by a regional scale antiform during ongoing N–S compression. The re‐heating of the massif follows late massive E–W shortening, refolding and retrograde shearing of all previous fabrics coevally with regionally important intrusions of Permian granitoids. We argue that metamorphic evolution of the Rehamna massif occurred several hundred kilometres from the convergent plate boundaries in the interior of continental Gondwanan plate. The tectonometamorphic history of the Rehamna massif is put into Palaeozoic plate tectonic perspective and Late Carboniferous reactivation of (Devonian)–Early Carboniferous basins formed during stretching of the north Gondwana margin and formation of the Palaeotethys Ocean. The inherited heat budget of these magma‐rich basins plays a role in the preferential location of this intracontinental orogen. It is shown that rapid transition from lithospheric stretching to compression is characterized by specific HT type of Barrovian metamorphism, which markedly differs from similar Barrovian sequences along Palaeozoic plate boundaries reported from Variscan Europe.  相似文献   

华北克拉通南缘鲁山太古宙基底的形成和演化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
鲁山地区保存和出露很好的太古宙基底岩石。文章报道了2件魏庄片麻岩的原岩年龄分别为(2867±5)Ma和(2768±5)Ma,变质作用时代分别为(2775±6)Ma和(2775±56)Ma。结合已发表数据,魏庄片麻岩原岩形成时代可大致分为2867~2928 Ma和2765~2768 Ma两个阶段;榆树庄片麻岩原岩形成于2829~2897 Ma、2752~2778 Ma和2723 Ma;斜长角闪岩原岩形成于2838~2845 Ma、2747~2794 Ma和2730 Ma。尽管三者岩性上存在差异,但原岩形成的期次和时代相当,指示它们在成因上可能存在联系。鲁山多地陆续发现2.8~2.9 Ga的岩石,表明该地区存在一定规模的中太古代基底。通过与胶东、霍邱等地对比,笔者认为华北克拉通南缘可能存在中太古代的古老陆块,其重要的初生地壳生长事件发生在2.9~3.0 Ga。  相似文献   

中条山地区出露大量早前寒武纪岩石,是认识华北克拉通晚太古代至早元古代大地构造演化的关键地区。绛县群变质陆缘碎屑-火山岩及中条群变质陆缘碎屑-碳酸盐岩建造是该区最主要的地层单元,同时也是一系列铜矿床的赋矿围岩。目前,对于二者的形成时代仍缺乏直接证据。本文通过高精度的二次离子质谱锆石U-Pb定年,厘定了绛县群和中条群中的斜长角闪岩夹层分别形成于~2189Ma和~2086Ma。结合已有同位素资料,我们认为绛县群变质沉积-火山岩系可能形成于ca.2160~2190Ma,而中条群中段的大理岩和黑色片岩系(余元下组和篦子沟组)形成于ca.2059~2086Ma之间。另外,岩石组合和矿化类型指示,中条山地区在ca.2090~2190Ma可能经历了两次裂谷事件。  相似文献   

The Changning–Menglian orogenic belt (CMOB) in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau, is considered as the main suture zone marking the closure of the Palaeo‐Tethys Ocean between the Indochina and Sibumasu blocks. Here, we investigate the recently discovered retrograded eclogites from this suture zone in terms of their petrological, geochemical and geochronological features, with the aim of constraining the metamorphic evolution and protolith signature. Two types of metabasites are identified: retrograded eclogites and mafic schists. The igneous precursors of the retrograded eclogites exhibit rare earth element distribution patterns and trace element abundance similar to those of ocean island basalts, and are inferred to have been derived from a basaltic seamount in an intra‐oceanic tectonic setting. In contrast, the mafic schists show geochemical affinity to arc‐related volcanics with the enrichment of Rb, Th and U, and depletion of Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf and Ti, and their protoliths possibly formed at an active continental margin tectonic setting. Retrograded eclogites are characterized by peak metamorphic mineral assemblages of garnet, omphacite, white mica, lawsonite and rutile, and underwent five‐stage metamorphic evolution, including pre‐peak prograde stage (M1) at 18–19 kbar and 400–420°C, peak lawsonite‐eclogite facies (M2) at 24–26 kbar and 520–530°C, post‐peak epidote–eclogite facies decompression stage (M3) at 13–18 kbar and 530–560°C, subsequent amphibolite facies retrogressive stage (M4) at 8–10 kbar and 530–600°C, and late greenschist facies cooling stage (M5) at 5–8 kbar and 480–490°C. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA–ICP–MS) U–Pb spot analyses of zircon show two distinct age groups. The magmatic zircon from both the retrograded eclogite and mafic schist yielded protolith ages of 451 ± 3 Ma, which is consistent with the ages of Early Palaeozoic ophiolitic complexes and ocean island sequences in the CMOB reported in previous studies. In contrast, metamorphic zircon from the retrograded eclogite samples yielded consistent Triassic metamorphic ages of 246 ± 2 and 245 ± 2 Ma, which can be interpreted as the timing of closure of the Palaeo‐Tethys Ocean. The compatible peak metamorphic mineral assemblages, P–T–t paths and metamorphic ages, as well as the similar protolith signatures for the eclogites in the CMOB and Longmu Co–Shuanghu suture (LCSS) suggest that the two belts formed part of a cold oceanic subduction system in the Triassic. The main suture zone of the Palaeo‐Tethyan domain extends at least 1,500 km in length from the CMOB to the LCSS in the Tibetan Plateau. The identification of lawsonite‐bearing retrograded eclogites in the CMOB provides important insights into the tectonic framework and complex geological evolution of the Palaeo‐Tethys.  相似文献   

Dating ultra‐high–pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks provides important timing constraints on deep subduction zone processes. Eclogites, deeply subducted rocks now exposed at the surface, undergo a wide range of metamorphic conditions (i.e. deep subduction and exhumation) and their mineralogy can preserve a detailed record of chronologic information of these dynamic processes. Here, we present an approach that integrates multiple radiogenic isotope systems in the same sample to provide a more complete timeline for the subduction–collision–exhumation processes, based on eclogites from the Dabie–Sulu orogenic belt in eastern China, one of the largest UHP terranes on Earth. In this study, we integrate garnet Lu–Hf and Sm–Nd ages with zircon and titanite U–Pb ages for three eclogite samples from the Sulu UHP terrane. We combine this age information with Zr‐in‐rutile temperature estimates, and relate these multiple chronometers to different P–T conditions. Two types of rutile, one present as inclusions in garnet and the other in the matrix, record the temperatures of UHP conditions and a hotter stage, subsequent to the peak pressure (‘hot exhumation') respectively. Garnet Lu–Hf ages (c. 238–235 Ma) record the initial prograde growth of garnet, while coupled Sm–Nd ages (c. 219–213 Ma) reflect cooling following hot exhumation. The maximum duration of UHP conditions is constrained by the age difference of these two systems in garnet (c. 235–220 Ma). Complementary zircon and titanite U–Pb ages of c. 235–230 Ma and c. 216–206 Ma provide further constraints on the timing of prograde metamorphism and the ‘cold exhumation' respectively. We demonstrate that timing of various metamorphic stages can thus be determined by employing complementary chronometers from the same samples. These age results, combined with published data from adjacent areas, show lateral diachroneity in the Dabie–Sulu orogeny. Three sub‐blocks are thus defined by progressively younger garnet ages: western Dabie (243–238 Ma), eastern Dabie–northern Sulu (238–235 Ma) and southern Sulu terranes (225–220 Ma), which possibly correlate to different crustal slices in the recently proposed subduction channel model. These observed lateral chronologic variations in a large UHP terrane can possibly be extended to other suture zones.  相似文献   

The Yanjiagou deposit, located in the central North China Craton (NCC), is a newly found porphyry‐type Mo deposit. The Mo mineralization here is spatially associated with the Mapeng batholith. In this study, we identify four stages of ore formation in this deposit: pyrite phyllic stage (I), quartz–pyrite stage (II), quartz–pyrite–molybdenite stage (III), which is the main mineralization stage, and quartz–carbonate stage (IV). We present sulphur and lead isotope data on pyrite, and rhenium and osmium isotopes of molybdenite from the porphyry deposit and evaluate the timing and origin of ore formation. The δ34S values of the pyrite range from ‐1.1‰ to −0.6‰, with an average of −0.875‰, suggesting origin from a mixture of magmatic/mantle sources and the basement rocks. The Pb isotope compositions of the pyrite show a range of 16.369 to 17.079 for 206Pb/204Pb, 15.201 to 15.355 for 207Pb/204Pb, and 36.696 to 37.380 for 208Pb/204Pb, indicating that the ore‐forming materials were derived from a mixture of lower crust (or basement rocks) and mantle. Rhenium contents in molybdenite samples from the main ore stage are between 74.73 to 254.43 ppm, with an average of 147.9 ppm, indicating a mixed crustal‐mantle source for the metal. Eight molybdenite separates yield model ages ranging from 124.17 to 130.80 Ma and a mean model age of 128.46 Ma. An isochron age of 126.7 ± 1.1 Ma (MSWD = 2.1, initial 187Os = 0.0032 ± 0.0012 ppb) is computed, which reveals a close link between the Mo mineralization and the magmatism that generated the Mapeng batholith. The age is close to the zircon U–Pb age of ca. 130 Ma from the batholith reported in a recent study. The age is also consistent with the timing of mineralization in the Fuping ore cluster in the central NCC, as well as the peak time of lithosphere thinning and destruction of the NCC. We evaluate the spatio‐temporal distribution of the Mo deposits in the NCC and identify three important molybdenum provinces along the northern and southern margins of the craton formed during three distinct episodes: Middle to Late Triassic (240–220 Ma), Early Jurassic (190–175 Ma), and Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous (150–125 Ma). The third period is considered to mark the most important metallogenic event, coinciding with the peak of lithosphere thinning and craton destruction in the NCC. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Yunmengshan Geopark in northern Beijing is located within the Yanshan range. It contains the Yunmengshan batholith, which is dominated by two plutons: the Yunmengshan gneissic granite and the Shicheng gneissic diorite. Four samples of the Yunmengshan gneissic granite give SHRIMP zircon U–Pb ages from 145 to 141 Ma, whereas four samples of the Shicheng gneissic diorite have ages from 159 Ma to 151 Ma. Dikes that cut the Yunmengshan diorite record SHRIMP zircon U–Pb age of 162±2 and 156±4 Ma. The cumulative plots of zircons from the diorites show a peak age of 155 Ma, without inherited zircon cores, and the peak age of 142 Ma for granite is interpreted as the emplacement age of the Yunmengshan granitic pluton, whose igneous zircons contain inherited zircon cores. The data presented here show that there were two pulses of magmatism: early diorites, followed c13 Ma later by true granites, which incorporated material from an older continental crust.  相似文献   

The metamorphic history of the Southern Marginal Zone (SMZ) of the Limpopo Belt, South Africa, possibly provides insight into one of the oldest preserved continental collision zones. The SMZ consists of granitoid gneisses (the Baviaanskloof Gneiss) and subordinate, infolded metasedimentary, metamafic and meta‐ultramafic lithologies (the Bandelierkop Formation) and is regarded as the c. 2700 Ma granulite facies reworked equivalent of the Kaapvaal craton basement. The granulite facies metamorphism is proposed to have occurred in response to collision between the Kaapvaal and Zimbabwe cratons. Previous studies have proposed a wide variety of P–T loops for the granulites, with considerable discrepancy in both the shapes of the retrograde paths and the magnitude of the peak P–T conditions. To date, the form of the prograde path and the timing of the onset of metamorphism remain unknown. This study has used a range of different metasedimentary rocks from a large migmatitic quarry outcrop to better constrain the metamorphic history and the timing of metamorphism in the SMZ. Detrital zircon ages reveal that the protoliths to the metasedimentary rocks were deposited subsequent to 2733 ± 13 Ma. Peak metamorphic conditions of 852.5 ± 7.5 °C and 11.1 ± 1.3 kbar were attained at 2713 ± 8 Ma. The clockwise P–T path is characterized by heating in the sillimanite field along a P–T trajectory which approximately parallels the kyanite to sillimanite transition, followed by near‐isothermal decompression at peak temperature and near‐isobaric cooling at ~6.0 kbar. These results support several important conclusions. First, the sedimentary rocks from the Bandelierkop Formation are not the equivalent of any of the greenstone belt sedimentary successions on the Kaapvaal craton, as has been previously proposed. Rather, they post‐date the formation of the Dominion and Witwatersrand successions on the Kaapvaal craton. From the age distribution of detrital zircon, they appear to have received significant input from various origins. Consequently, at c. 2730 Ma, the Baviaanskloof Gneiss most likely acted as basement onto which the sedimentary succession represented by the Bandelierkop Formation metapelites was deposited. Second, the rocks of the SMZ underwent rapid evolution from sediment to granulite facies anatexis, with a burial rate of ~0.17 cm yr?1. Peak metamorphism was followed by an isothermal decompression to 787.5 ± 32.5 °C and 6.7 ± 0.5 kbar and isobaric cooling to amphibolite facies conditions, below 640 °C prior to 2680 ± 6 Ma. This age for the end of the high‐grade metamorphic event is marked by the intrusion of crosscutting, undeformed pegmatites that are within error the same age as the crosscutting Matok intrusion (2686 ± 7 Ma). Collectively, the burial rate of the sedimentary rocks, the shape of the P–T path, the burial of the rocks to in excess of 30 km depth and the post‐peak metamorphic rapid decompression argue strongly that the SMZ contains sediments deposited along an active margin during lateral convergence, and that the SMZ was metamorphosed as a consequence of continental collision along the northern margin of the Kaapvaal craton at c. 2700 Ma.  相似文献   

华北克拉通中部造山带早元古代盆地演化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
刘超辉  刘福来  赵国春 《岩石学报》2012,28(9):2770-2784
华北克拉通中部造山带被认为是由东、西部陆块碰撞而产生的陆陆碰撞带。然而,关于两个陆块碰撞的时间以及方式还存在着争议。其中一个模式认为俯冲方向是向西的,两个陆块最终碰撞的时间是在2.5Ga左右,而另一个模式则认为俯冲方向是向东的,并且存在着2.1Ga和1.85Ga两期碰撞事件,第三个模式则认为俯冲方向是向东的,而最终的碰撞拼合发生在1.85Ga左右。近几年来,对于中部造山带中浅变质表壳岩系的研究取得了很大进展,为解决以上争议提供了进一步的资料。根据岩石组合和表壳岩中的不整合接触关系,位于中部造山带中段五台杂岩中的滹沱群和吕梁杂岩中的野鸡山群被分成了上下两个部分。其中,两个群的下部以及位于中部造山带南段中条杂岩中的绛县群和下中条群主要由类似于弧后盆地沉积的变质碎屑岩、碳酸盐岩和火山岩组成,而滹沱群和野鸡山群的上部以及上中条群和担山石群的岩石组合则是类似于山前磨拉石建造的变质砾岩和砂岩。来自于这些浅变质碎屑岩中碎屑锆石的年龄为我们提供了源区以及最大沉积年龄的信息。滹沱群和野鸡山群中的碎屑锆石具有两个峰值年龄,2.5Ga和2.15Ga,它们分别对应于中部造山带中段两期重要的岩浆事件。中条杂岩中的碎屑锆石年龄图谱则较为复杂,除了具有2.5Ga和2.15Ga这两个峰值,还具有2.7Ga这个较低和较老的峰值,这些较老的锆石可能来自中部造山带最南端太华杂岩中的古老岩石。弧后盆地沉积中最年轻的碎屑锆石年龄在2.1Ga左右,而山前磨拉石中最年轻的碎屑锆石在1.85Ga左右。结合前人的研究成果,我们给出了一个华北克拉通中部造山带早元古代沉积盆地的演化模式。从2.1Ga左右开始,一系列弧后盆地在"安第斯型"大陆边缘弧之后产生,在之后的东西陆块碰撞过程中他们成为了中部造山带的一部分。从1.85Ga左右开始,东西陆块沿着中部造山带碰撞,导致了陆壳加厚以及随后的快速抬升和剥蚀,从而形成了周缘前陆盆地中的山前磨拉石建造。发生在早元古代晚期的由弧后盆地向周缘前陆盆地的转化支持了华北的最终克拉通化发生在1.85Ga的构造演化模式。  相似文献   

华北克拉通是我国早前寒武纪条带状铁建造(BIF)最重要的分布区。近年来大量锆石定年研究表明,华北克拉通BIF形成于始太古代到古元古代早期,但主要为新太古代晚期(2.50~2.55Ga)。最重要的BIF分布于华北克拉通东部的鞍本、冀东和鲁西地区,沉积环境相对稳定是大规模BIF形成的重要条件。华北克拉通新太古代晚期BIF形成的构造环境还不十分清楚,但可能为岛弧构造环境。BIF明显的时代专属性是地质和大气演化的结果。  相似文献   

The Wulanhada pluton is among the rare suite of Devonian alkaline plutons occurring along the northern margin of the North China Craton(NCC).The intrusion is mainly composed of quartz-monzonite.Here we report zircon SHRIMP U-Pb data from this intrusion which shows emplacement age of ca.381.5 Ma.The rock is metaluminous with high(Na_2O + K_2O) values ranging from 8.46 to 9.66 wt.%.The REE patterns of the rocks do not show any Eu anomaly whereas the primitive-mantle-normalized spider diagram shows strong positive Sr and Ba anomalies.The Wulanhada rocks exhibit high initial values of(~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)_t = 0.70762-0.70809,low ε_(Nd)(t) =-12.76 to-12.15 values and negative values of ε_(Hf)(t) =-23.49 to-17.02 with small variations in(~(176)Hf/~(177)Hf),(0.281873-0.282049).These geochemical features and quantitative isotopic modeling results suggest that the rocks might have been formed through the partial melting of Neoarchean basic rocks in the lower crust of the NCC.The Wulanhada rocks,together with the Devonian alkaline rocks and mafic-ultramafic complex from neighboring regions,constitute a post-collisional magmatic belt along the northern NCC.  相似文献   

冀东地区始太古代早期—冥古宙锆石发现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内容提要:最古老大陆地壳的形成、组成和演化是阐释地球壳幔物质分异、构造演化的逻辑起点.由于长期地质作用改造,地球上保存的古老陆壳物质十分稀少,寻找和研究都极具挑战性.在冀东卢龙喇叭山地区,早期研究发现含有大量3.4~3.8 Ga碎屑锆石的铬云母石英岩,岩石特征和碎屑锆石年龄分布与迁安黄柏峪地区的铬云母石英岩十分类似.本...  相似文献   

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