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《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1226-1245
Monzogabbro stocks including felsic enclaves (monzosyenite) around the Bafra (Samsun) area at the western edge of the Eastern Pontides cut Eocene-aged volcanic and sedimentary units. The monzogabbros contain plagioclase, alkali feldspar, clinopyroxene, olivine, hornblende, biotite, apatite, and iron-titanium oxides, whereas the felsic enclaves contain alkali feldspar, plagioclase, hornblende, biotite, clinopyroxene, and iron-titanium oxides. Mineral chemistry data suggest that magmas experienced hydrous and anhydrous crystallization in deep and shallow crustal magma chambers. Several thermobarometers were used to estimate temperatures of crystallization and emplacement for the mafic and felsic magmas. Clinopyroxene thermobarometry yielded 1100–1232 C and 5.9–8.1 kbar for monzogabbros, and 931–1109 C and 1.8–6.9 kbar for felsic enclaves. Hornblende thermobarometry and oxygen fugacity estimates reveal 739–971°C, 7.0–9.2 kbar and 10?9.71 for monzogabbros and 681–928°C, 3.0–6.1 kbar and 10?11.34 for felsic enclaves. Biotite thermobarometry shows elevated oxygen fugacity varying from 10?18.9–10?11.07 at 632–904°C and 1.29–1.89 kbar for monzogabbros, to 10?15.99 –10?11.82 at 719–873°C and 1.41–1.77 kbar for felsic enclaves. The estimated zircon and apatite saturation temperatures are 504–590°C and 693–730°C for monzogabbros and 765–775°C and 641–690°C for felsic enclaves, respectively. These data imply that several phases in the gabbroic and syenitic magmas did not necessarily crystallize simultaneously and further indicate that the mineral compositions may register intervals of disequilibrium crystallization. Besides, thermobarometry contrasts between monzogabbro and felsic enclave may be partly a consequence of extended interactions between the mafic and felsic magmas by mixing/mingling and diffusion. Additionally, the hot felsic magma was close to liquidus conditions (crystallinity < 30%) when injected into cooler mafic magma (crystallinity > 50%), and thus, the monzogabbro stocks reflect hybrid products from the mingling and incomplete mixing of these two magmas.  相似文献   

Zircon U‐Pb dating of three orthogneiss samples from the North Dabie terrane (NDT) is undertaken in order to reconstruct their formation and evolutionary histories, and also the crustal architecture of the Dabie orogen after Triassic subduction and exhumation. SHRIMP zircon U‐Pb dating, in combination with back scattered electron (BSE) imaging and Laser Raman spectrometry, provides accurate identification of the core, mantle and rim structure for zircon growth during protolith formation and overgrowth during subduction/exhumation and post‐collisional metamorphism. Concordant U‐Pb ages of 760–730 Ma and high Th/U ratios of >0.4 are obtained for relict oscillatory zoning fields of inherited cores that were not metamictized. These features suggest that these ages represent the time of magmatic protolith formation during the breakup of Rodinia. The overgrown mantle domains around the metamictized cores are clean with few mineral inclusions (e.g. quartz, garnet and apatite). Mantle domains have low Th/U ratios of <0.1 and yielded U‐Pb ages of 215–205 Ma, which are slightly younger than the known ages of peak ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphism, suggesting that overgrowth took place during initial exhumation. The ages are similar to the time of retrograde metamorphism of the UHP orthogneisses in the Central Dabie terrane (CDT). Overgrown rims are also clean, with a few mineral inclusions of apatite and quartz. They yield two groups of U‐Pb ages, 138–137 Ma and 124–120 Ma. The former is considered to be the time of onset of orogenic extension and tectonic collapse, whereas the latter falls into the age range of widespread magmatism in the Dabie orogen, and is regarded as the time of extension climax that resulted in intensive anatexis of the crust. Whole‐rock Sr‐Nd isotope analyses of four orthogneisses show εNd(t) values of ?1.2 to ?15 and ISr values >0.719, similar to the values obtained from UHP orthogneisses in the CDT. It is concluded that, as with the CDT, the orthogneisses with episodic zircon growths from the NDT should also be a part of the exhumed slice following the continental deep subduction. However, the orthogneisses in this study were buried at a lower level in the orogenic crust compared with those of the CDT prior to the Cretaceous magmatism. Therefore, the orthogneisses from the NDT were affected by the Cretaceous magmatism whereas the CDT orthogneisses were not affected.  相似文献   

The Palaeozoic Alice Springs Orogeny was a major intraplate tectonic event in central and northern Australia. The sedimentological, structural and isotopic effects of the Alice Springs Orogeny have been well documented in the northern Amadeus Basin and adjacent exhumed Arunta Inlier, although the full regional extent of the event, as well as lateral variations in timing and intensity are less well known. Because of the lack of regional isotopic data, we take a sedimentological approach towards constraining these parameters, compiling the location and age constraints of inferred synorogenic sedimentation across a number of central and northern Australian basins. Such deposits are recorded from the Amadeus, Ngalia, Georgina, Wiso, eastern Officer and, possibly, Warburton Basins. Deposits are commonly located adjacent to areas of significant basement uplift related to north‐south shortening. In addition, similar aged orogenic deposits occur in association with strike‐slip tectonism in the Ord and southern Bonaparte Basins of northwest Australia. From a combination of sedimentological and isotopic evidence it appears that localised convergent deformation started in the Late Ordovician in the eastern Arunta Inlier and adjacent Amadeus Basin. Synorogenic style sedimentation becomes synchronously widespread in the late Early Devonian and in most areas the record terminates abruptly close to the end of the Devonian. A notable exception is the Ngalia Basin in which such sedimentation continued until the mid‐Carboniferous. In the Ord and Bonaparte Basins there is evidence of two discrete pulses of transcurrent activity in the Late Devonian and Carboniferous. The sedimentological story contrasts with the isotopic record from the southern Arunta Inlier, which has generally been interpreted in terms of continuous convergent orogenic activity spanning most of the Devonian and Carboniferous, with a suggestion that rates of deformation increased in the mid‐Carboniferous. Either Carboniferous sediments have been stripped off by subsequent erosion, or sedimentation outpaced accommodation space and detritus was transported elsewhere.  相似文献   

恢复勘探区油气成藏史对于加快勘探步伐有着至关重要的意义,现有研究方法种类多样并各有其优势与不足,而基于岩芯洗提手段研究油气成藏史的仪器较少.本文阐述了一种新的思路,基于此思路组装的实验仪器能够以与原油充注相反的顺序逐次洗提出岩芯中充注的原油;然后开展后期的地球化学分析,能够更加真实准确地模拟油气成藏史,从而对油气的勘探与开发提供重要信息和依据  相似文献   

Ultrahigh‐pressure metamorphism (UHPM) has recently been discovered in far‐travelled allochthons of the Scandinavian Caledonides, including finding of diamond in the Seve Nappe Complex. This UHPM of Late Ordovician age is older and less recognized than that in the Western Gneiss Region of southwestern Norway, which was related to terminal collision between Baltica and Laurentia. Here we report new evidence of UHPM in the Lower Seve Nappe, recorded by eclogite and garnet pyroxenite from the area of Stor Jougdan in northern Jämtland, central Sweden. Peak‐metamorphic assemblage of eclogite, garnet + omphacite + phengite + rutile + coesite? yields P–T conditions of 2.8–4.0 GPa and 750–900 °C, constrained by conventional geothermobarometry and thermodynamic modelling in the NCKFMTASH system. The prograde metamorphic evolution of the eclogite is inferred from inclusions of zoisite and amphibole in garnet, which are stable at lower pressure, whereas the retrograde evolution is recorded by formation of diopsidic clinopyroxene + plagioclase symplectites after omphacite, growth of amphibole replacing these symplectites, and of titanite around rutile. In garnet pyroxenite the peak‐metamorphic assemblage consists of garnet + orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + olivine. P–T conditions of 2.3–3.8 GPa and 810–960 °C have been derived based on the conventional geothermobarometry and thermodynamic modelling in the CFMASH and CFMAS systems. Retrograde evolution has been recognized from replacement of pyroxene and garnet by amphibole. The results show that eclogite was metamorphosed during deep subduction of continental crust, most probably derived from the continental margin of Baltica, whereas the origin and tectonic setting of the garnet pyroxenite is ambiguous. The studied pyroxenite/peridotite of Baltican subcontinental affinity could have been metamorphosed as a part of the subducting plate and exhumed due to the downward extraction of a forearc lithospheric block.  相似文献   

The eastern Himalayan syntaxis in southeastern Tibet consists of the Lhasa terrane, High Himalayan rocks and Indus‐Tsangpo suture zone. The Lhasa terrane constitutes the hangingwall of a subduction zone, whereas the High Himalayan rocks represent the subducted Indian continent. Our petrological and geochronological data reveal that the Lhasa terrane has undergone two stages of medium‐P metamorphism: an early granulite facies event at c. 90 Ma and a late amphibolite facies event at 36–33 Ma. However, the High Himalayan rocks experienced only a single high‐P granulite facies metamorphic event at 37–32 Ma. It is inferred that the Late Cretaceous (c. 90 Ma) medium‐P metamorphism of the southern Lhasa terrane resulted from a northward subduction of the Neo‐Tethyan ocean, and that the Oligocene (37–32 Ma) high‐P (1.8–1.4 GPa) rocks of the High Himalayan and coeval medium‐P (0.8–1.1 GPa) rocks of the Lhasa terrane represent paired metamorphic belts that resulted from the northward subduction of the Indian continent beneath Asia. Our results provide robust constraints on the Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic evolution of south Tibet.  相似文献   

获取河冰时空分布信息对黄河流域防凌减灾工作及沿岸地区可持续发展具有重要意义。收集黄河内蒙古段1989—2019年冬季河冰遥感影像数据;提出了归一化未封冻水体指数(NDUWI)用以剥离被归一化雪指数(NDSI)误分为河冰的水体像元,确定了该指数划分河冰、水体像元的阈值,并利用NDUWI结合NDSI的方法提取河冰信息进而分析河冰时空分布及变化特征,探讨了海勃湾水库调度及河床演变对河冰分布的影响。结果表明:黄河内蒙古段河冰主要分布在研究区中游(巴彦高勒—三湖河口)。1989年以来,研究区内河冰经历“平稳期”(1989—1997年)、“扩张期”(1998—2000年)、“萎缩期”(2001—2019年)3个阶段,其中2000年出现河冰面积峰值,并于2019年减小至最小。各子段中,海勃湾至巴彦高勒(R1段)2015年前河冰分布稳定,2015年起受海勃湾水库建成影响,河冰面积大幅萎缩;巴彦高勒至头道拐(R2~R4段)河冰面积变化特征大体与全段变化相同。空间上,2015年后R1段以纵向萎缩为主,巴彦高勒至三湖河口(R2段)左岸河冰萎缩,右岸河冰堆积仍有偎堤风险;三湖河口至包头(R3)段全段河冰漫滩现象严重,2016年起得以缓解;包头至头道拐(R4)段以局部漫滩为主,2016年开始以主槽封冻为主。上游海勃湾水库建成后的常规运用可有效减小下游黄河内蒙古段的河冰漫滩现象。研究成果可为黄河内蒙古段水库防凌调度及堤防安全隐患排查提供参考。  相似文献   

Mylonitic granites from two shear zones in northern Victoria Land (Antarctica) were investigated in order to examine the behaviour of the U–Th–Pb system in zircon and monazite and of the 40Ar–39Ar system in micas during ductile deformation. Meso‐ and micro‐structural data indicate that shear zones gently dip to the NE and SW, have an opposite sense of shear (top‐to‐the‐SW and ‐NE, respectively) and developed under upper greenschist facies conditions. In situ U–Pb dating by laser‐ablation inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry of zircon areas with well‐preserved igneous zoning patterns (c. 490 Ma) confirm that granites were emplaced during the Early Cambrian to Early Ordovician Ross–Delamerian Orogeny. Monazite from the Bier Point Shear Zone (BPSZ) mainly yielded U–Th–Pb ages of c. 440 Ma, in agreement with in‐situ Ar laserprobe ages of syn‐shear muscovite and with most Ar ages of coexisting biotite. The agreement of ages derived from different decay schemes and from minerals with different crystal‐chemical features suggests that isotope transport in the studied sample was mainly controlled by (re)crystallization processes and that the main episode of ductile deformation in the BPSZ occurred at c. 440 Ma. Cathodoluminscence imaging showed that zircon from the BPSZ contains decomposed areas with faint relics of oscillatory zoning. These areas yielded a U–Pb age pattern which mimics that of monazite but is slightly shifted towards older ages, supporting previous studies which suggest that ‘ghost’ structures may be affected by inheritance. In contrast, secondary structures in zircon from the Mt. Emison Shear Zone (MESZ) predominantly consist of overgrowths or totally recrystallized areas and gave U–Pb ages of c. 450 and 410 Ma. The c. 450‐Ma date matches within errors most monazite U–Th–Pb ages and in‐situ Ar ages on biotite aligned along the mylonitic foliation. This again suggests that isotope ages from the different minerals are (re)crystallization ages and constrains the time of shearing in the MESZ to the Late Ordovician. Regionally, results indicate that shear zones were active in the Late Ordovician–Early Silurian and that their development was partially synchronous at c. 440 Ma, suggesting that they belong to a shear‐zone system formed in response to ~NE–SW‐directed shortening. Taking into account the former juxtaposition of northern Victoria Land and SE Australia, we propose that shear zones represent reactivated zones formed in response to stress applied along the new plate margin as a consequence of contractional tectonics associated with the early stages (Benambran Orogeny) of the development of the Late Ordovician–Late Devonian Lachlan Fold Belt.  相似文献   

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