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The latest dataset from the SCS(South China Sea) Monsoon Experiment is used to investigate the features of abrupt change in some meteorological elements before,during and after the summer monsoon's establishment in 1998 and explore its onset characteristic process.We have arrived at a preliminary conclusion that the 1998 Asian summer monsoon is established first in the SCS as early as May 23,which is representative of the earliest indicator of the conversion from a winter into a summer monsoon situation in Asia;the continued retreat eastward of the western Pacific subtropical high from the SCS region has direct effect on the SCS summer monsoon establishment because the withdrawal favors the release of unstable energy,responsible for the sudden onset of the monsoon.Our tentative investigation indicates that the eastward extension of the westerly and rainfall band from the equatorial Indian Ocean into the Indo-China Peninsula and the southward spreading of an active South-China stationary front,acting as the interaction between mid and low latitude systems,are likely to be the characteristic events contributing to the subtropical high's eastward retreating and the summer monsoon's onset over the SCS. 相似文献
1998年南海夏季风建立前后的突变特征及爆发过程 总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7
利用南海季风试验所得到的最新资料分析了1998年南海夏季风建立前后的突变特征及其爆发过程,初步认定1998年亚洲夏季风最早(5月23日)在南海地区建立,它是亚洲冬季风形势向夏季风形势转换的最早体现。副高从南海地区连续东撤是南海地区夏季风建立的直接过程,它的撤出有利于不稳定能量的释放,形成南海夏季风的爆发性。提出赤道印度洋地区的西风和降水向中南半岛地区扩展、华南静止锋活跃南压,这种形式的中低纬相互作 相似文献
1998年南海夏季风低频振荡特征分析 总被引:9,自引:8,他引:9
利用NCEP/NCAR1998年再分析资料和SST资料,研究了南海夏季风的低频振荡特征。结果表明,南海夏季风的低频振荡对南海夏季风的爆发具有加强的作用;南海低频低层辐合(散)区对应低频降水正(负)值区;南海地区的大气低频振荡以向北、向东传播为主,南海地区低频散度在垂直方向呈现出相互补偿的特征。 相似文献
亚洲夏季风建立格局和南海季风爆发特征及其成因初探 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
使用1980 ̄1986年欧洲中期预报中心(ECMWF)格点资料和1980 ̄1992年日本地球静止气象卫星(GMS)观测到的黑体辐射(TBB)资料,分析了南海季风爆发和亚洲夏季风建立格局及其可能机制。发现亚洲夏季风建立征兆最早出现在中南半岛-南海地区,随后自该地区分别向西、向东扩展;中南半岛地区是东亚季风和印度季风的天然分界线,其两侧夏季风的建立特征和形成机制迥然不同。亚洲夏季风自东向西逐渐建立的格 相似文献
Based on the method of composite analysis, the onset process and preceding signs of summer
monsoon over the South China Sea (SCS) is investigated. The result indicates that convection activities appear
first over the Indo-China Peninsula prior to the onset of the monsoon, then around the Philippines just at the
point of onset, implying that the convection activities around the Philippines serve as one of the reasons leading
to the SCS monsoon onset. Before the SCS monsoon onset, the equatorial westerly over the Indian Ocean
(75°E 95°E ) experiences noticeable enhancement and plays an important role on the SCS monsoon onset.
It propagates eastward rapidly and causes the establishment and strengthening of equatorial westerly in the
southern SCS, on the one hand, it results in the migration southward of the westerly on south side of the
south-China stationary front by means of shift northeastward of the westerly and convection over the Bay of
Bengal, on the other. Further study also shows that the intensification of equatorial westerly in the Indian Ocean
(75°E 95°E) and the southern SCS is closely related to the reinforcement of the Southern-Hemisphere
Mascarene high and Australian high, and cross-equatorial flow northward around Somali, at 85°E and 105°E,
respectively. 相似文献
The time and space variations of the ten-day mean surface sensible heat flux have beenanalyzed in this paper based on the data of NCEP/NCAR from January of 1979 to December of1995 in the South China Sea(SCS)monsoon region.It is found that large variations of the surfacesensible heat flux standard deviations exist in the northwestern Indochina Peninsula and the IndianPeninsula regions,and their locations and strength change significantly during the onset period ofSCS monsoon.The negative deviations appear evidently earlier in the Indocbina Peninsula than inthe Indian Peninsula but the deviation strength in the Indian Peninsula is stronger than that in theIndochina Peninsula.The appearance of the zonal negative mean deviations in the southern part ofthe Indochina Peninsula corresponds to the date of the SCS summer monsoon onset,while theoccurrence of the deviation decrease corresponds to the date of the South Asian monsoon onset.The sensible heat flux increases dekad by dekad before the onset of the summer monsoon in theIndian Peninsula and the Indochina Peninsula and decreases after the monsoon onset.Therefore,the surface sensible heat flux changes in the Indochina and the Indian Peninsula regions maybe havesome connections with the SCS monsoon onset and the Indian monsoon onset,and the IndochinaPeninsula maybe becomes the sensitive or key region to the SCS monsoon onset and the land maybeplays an important role in triggering summer monsoon onset. 相似文献
建立一个一维模型来模拟东亚季风,模型的中心是水汽平流反馈。通过分析发现,它允许两种稳定状态存在,分别是暖湿和少雨的东亚夏季风。这个模型可以用来证明冰川边界条件的改变会对季风系统产生重要影响。最为显著的结论是,随着控制系统热量平衡的某些特征量如行星反照率、CO2浓度等的变化,东亚夏季风模型会出现一些突变点。这个发现表明,由于人类活动的影响,如土地利用的改变、硫化物的扩散、温室气体浓度的增加等,都有可能对东亚夏季风系统造成很大的影响,甚至能引发突变。 相似文献
南海夏季风降水的区域差异及其突变特征 总被引:2,自引:8,他引:2
使用1950~1997年NCAR/NCEP再分析逐日降水资料,采用聚类和相关分析相结合的方法对南海夏季风降水进行了区域划分,分析了南海夏季风降水爆发前后南海降水的突变特征。结果表明:南海 105~120°E,0~20°N区域可划分为 SCS1区、SCS2区、SCS3区和SCS4区4个小区域,每个区域的降水有其各自不同的变化特征。前三个区域的降水变化不显著,不能反映南海夏季风降水爆发的突然性,变化最显著的是SCS4区,它最好地刻画了南海夏季风降水的变化特征,因此,我们选取它作为今后工作中南海夏季风降水的研究范围。突变检验表明,5月17日,南海SCS4区降水发生明显的突变,与5月15日相比,SCS4区降水场形势发生明显变化,其区域平均降水突增超过6 mm/day,标志着南海夏季风降水的爆发。 相似文献
The 850 hPa wind field data from NCEP and OLR data are used to study the variation behavior of the southwesterly wind and OLR in the South China Sea and their mutual relationship. A monsoon index is putforward that reflects the variation of the southwest monsoon in the region. In the preliminary study or intensity variation and establishment time of the monsoon, it is found that it is of dual peaks on the seasonal scale and the interannual variation of the monsoon intensity and the establishment time are related with sea surface temperature. The summer monsoon is established earlier and with higher intensity in the EI Niño year and vice versa. 相似文献
在对南海夏季风的爆发及中南半岛陆面过程的可能影响进行了诊断分析的基础上,应用MM5/NOAHLSM模式,研究了中南半岛陆气相互作用对2004年南海夏季风爆发过程的可能影响。结果发现:在南海夏季风爆发前,中南半岛南海地区低层气温差确实出现低值,甚至负值;尽管短期内中南半岛土壤湿度和降水的变化没有引起季风爆发日期的改变,但对季风爆发的强度有影响。土壤湿度和降水变化引起的干异常可导致地表感热通量的增大和地表温度的升高,致使中南半岛与南海之间低层的温差异常(负温差)减小,季风爆发强度减弱;不同的是,湿异常可引起季风爆发强度增强。这一结果说明,在南海夏季风爆发前期,中南半岛上空对流活动和降水异常及其引起的土壤湿度的异常变化在一定程度上会影响到季风爆发的过程。文章还比较了不同温湿地表条件下低层大气状态的差异和地表能量、水分平衡过程的不同,分析了陆气相互作用对季风活动产生影响的物理机制。 相似文献
The time and space variations of the ten-day mean surface sensible heat flux have been analyzed in this paper based on the data of NCEP/NCAR from January of 1979 to December of 1995 in the South China Sea (SCS) monsoon region.It is found that large variations of the surface sensible heat flux standard deviations exist in the northwestern Indochina Peninsula and the Indian Peninsula regions,and their locations and strength change significantly during the onset period of SCS monsoon.The negative deviations appear evidently earlier in the Indocbina Peninsula than in the Indian Peninsula but the deviation strength in the Indian Peninsula is stronger than that in the Indochina Peninsula.The appearance of the zonal negative mean deviations in the southern part of the Indochina Peninsula corresponds to the date of the SCS summer monsoon onset,while the occurrence of the deviation decrease corresponds to the date of the South Asian monsoon onset.The sensible heat flux increases dekad by dekad before the onset of the summer monsoon in the Indian Peninsula and the Indochina Peninsula and decreases after the monsoon onset.Therefore,the surface sensible heat flux changes in the Indochina and the Indian Peninsula regions maybe have some connections with the SCS monsoon onset and the Indian monsoon onset,and the Indochina Peninsula maybe becomes the sensitive or key region to the SCS monsoon onset and the land maybe plays an important role in triggering summer monsoon onset. 相似文献
1998年夏季中国南部低频降水特征与南海低频夏季风活动 总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14
1998年 5~ 8月 4 0°N以南的中国地区低频 (含准 4 5天、准 2 3天和准14天 )降水率及其方差占总降水率及其方差的比重很大 ,因此研究低频降水及与其相对应的低频环流对长江流域洪涝的影响是很重要的。研究表明 ,准 4 5天东西向低频槽脊由南海不断向北传播 ,以及低槽中的低频低涡向西传播是形成长江流域低频降水的重要原因 ,低频降水主要位于低频西风区 ,而低频槽南侧的低频西风实质是南海低频夏季风的表现 ,由此可见 ,南海低频夏季风的向北传播对长江流域降水具有重要贡献。 相似文献
1998年南海西南季风活动的初步分析 总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8
利用NCEP再分析资料和OLR、SST观测数据,分析了1998年南海西南季风的建立日期、强度的多时间尺度变化特征、与海面温度的相互作用以及对广东降水的影响.得出南海西南季风建立的日期为5月17日(5月4候).1998年为弱季风年,OLR具有1个月左右的振荡周期,西南风具有半个月左右的振荡周期.孟加拉湾地区季风和105°E越赤道气流是南海季风低频变化的重要策源地.1998年南海季风弱,主要是由于初春赤道东太平洋海温正距平,并导致南海-阿拉伯海海温正距平的结果. 相似文献
1INTRODUCTIONLocatingatthesoutheasternpartofAsia,theSouthChinaSea(SCS)linkstheIndianOceanandwesternPacificandimmediatelyborderswiththeSouthAsiamonsoonregion.ItisanimportantlocationinwhichtheEastAsiamonsoonsysteminteractswiththeIndianOceanoneandamostdirectsourceofmoistureforthesubtropicalmonsoonsysteminEastAsia.TheSCSmonsoonanomaliescandirectlyaffectonthetemporal-spatialdistributionofprecipitationinthesouthofChinaandtheChangjiangRivervalleysothatseriousfloods/droughtsarecaused.Com… 相似文献
1998年地面加热场的基本特征及其与南海夏季风爆发的可能联系 总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16
文中对 1 998年 1月 1日到 8月 31日共 2 4 3d的南海季风试验再分析资料的地面感热场和潜热场进行 EOF分析 ,由感热的第一特征向量场发现 ,中南半岛地区、青藏高原的东北部和印度半岛的大部分是感热通量大值区 ,而海洋上是小值区 ,海陆热力差异十分明显 ,这种海陆感热对比是促使季风爆发的大背景。由感热的时间经度演变图可以看出 ,中南半岛所在经度范围内南北连续的感热分布对南海季风的早爆发具有重要作用。由温度平流项的分布可发现 ,中南半岛的加热作用明显早于青藏高原地区 ,使得中南半岛对南海季风的早期爆发有重要作用 ,而青藏高原对于南海季风的维持具有重要意义。由于印度半岛与中南半岛的海陆分布的差异 ,使得两个地区的温度平流项也有所不同 相似文献
2004年南海夏季风的爆发及中南半岛陆面过程的可能影响 I: 诊断分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
南海夏季风的爆发受高原、海洋(海气相互作用)、冷空气和陆地(陆面过程或陆气相互作用)等多种因素的影响,其中中南半岛由于是连接南海夏季风和印度、孟加拉湾季风的关键区,而且孟加拉湾不仅是亚洲最早爆发夏季风的地区,又是副热带高压最早断裂的地区。因此它的陆面过程对南海夏季风的影响是不可忽视的。文章从2004年南海夏季风爆发前后的环流和降水分析其活动特征,并进一步研究中南半岛陆面过程对南海夏季风的爆发日期和强度的影响。2004年南海夏季风于5月19日爆发,利用NCEP再分析资料及地面站点降水资料对这次季风爆发前后的环流形势和降水分布进行分析,结果表明:强对流活动由孟加拉湾移到中南半岛,引起中南半岛的降水增大,导致陆面过程发生改变(包含土壤湿度,感热、潜热通量,向上长波辐射),最终使得中南半岛—南海之间的低层气温差出现符号逆转,为南海夏季风的爆发提供了必要的条件。此外,中南半岛—南海低层气温差同南海夏季风的活跃程度有密切的联系。通常负的温差出现后不久,南海夏季风即进入活跃期或非活跃期,正的温差出现之后则常常是南海夏季风的中断期。 相似文献
黑潮地区海温影响南海夏季风爆发日期的数值试验 总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4
采用合成分析和相关分析等方法讨论了季节转换时期(4~6月)黑潮地区海温异常同海夏季风爆发时间和西太平洋副高位置与强度的影响。教值模拟结果进一步表明,该地区海温正针导致西太平洋副高位置偏南,强度偏强,南海夏季风建立较晚,弱度偏北 ,江淮流流域偏涝;反之亦然。 相似文献
东亚副热带夏季风槽的气候特征及其与南海夏季风槽的比较 总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5
利用NCAR/NCEP再分析资料,从气候特征角度研究了东亚副热带夏季风槽的结构和演变特征及其与南海夏季风槽的区别.结果表明,无论是辐合还是对流,南海夏季风槽都强于副热带夏季风槽.南海夏季风槽伸展高度较低,位置少变;而副热带夏季风槽伸展高度较高,并且随高度向北倾斜.南海夏季风槽建立早且突然,表现为对流层低层正相对涡度突然出现,其撤退缓慢;副热带夏季风槽则是渐进式建立,表现为低层云贵高原、广西地区的正相对涡度逐步向东北方向扩展,其撤退较快.南海夏季风槽建立过程中东西风向逆转是一个很明显的指示因子,而副热带夏季风建立过程没有伴随明显的风向逆转,主要特征是西风增强.南海夏季风槽不具备锋面性质,副热带夏季风槽则具备明显的锋面性质. 相似文献
The temporal and spatial variations of the ten-day mean surface latent heat flux (TMLH) havebeen analyzed in this paper based on the data of NCEP from January of 1979 to December of 1995in the South China Sea (SCS) monsoon region. It is found that there exist maximum centers ofTMLH standard deviation in the northwest Indochina and the Indian Peninsula as well as thewestern Pacific, SCS, the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal, and their locations and strengthschange significantly during the period of SCS monsoon onset. A positive zonal deviation of TMLHoccurs first in the Indochina Peninsula, apparently earlier than that in the Indian Peninsula. Theappearance of maximum positive zonal deviations of TMLH approximately coincides with thesummer monsoon onset. Over the Indochina and Indian Peninsulas, the TMLH increases graduallywith a small amplitude of variation before the onset of summer monsoon, and the rate of increase issignificantly enhanced after the onset of the monsoon; whereas over the ocean, TMLH decreasesbefore the monsoon onset, varies little during the period of monsoon and increases gradually afterthe ending of monsoon. Therefore, it seems that the surface latent heat flux plays an importantrole in the maintenance of the summer monsoon, and its variation is an phenomenon accompanyingthe onset of summer monsoon. 相似文献
Results of the definition of South China Sea summer monsoon onset date and East Asian summer
monsoon index in recent years are summarized in this paper. And more questions to be resolved are introduced
later. 相似文献