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After analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of dynamical system and statistical system.some simple models with the equations of Lorenz system and auto-regresslon model have been respectively set up,and comparative experiments conducted.The result of the research demonstrates that in chaotic parametric domain,the accuracy of statistical forecast is higher than that of dynamical forecast,while in non-chaotic parametric domain,dynamical forecast is more accurate than statistical forecast.  相似文献   

A nested-model system is constructed by embedding the regional climate model RegCM3 into a general circulation model for monthly-scale regional climate forecast over East China. The systematic errors are formulated for the region on the basis of 10-yr (1991-2000) results of the nested-model system, and of the datasets of the Climate Prediction Center (CPC) Merged Analysis of Precipitation (CMAP) and the temperature analysis of the National Meteorological Center (NMC), U.S.A., which are then used for correcting the original forecast by the system for the period 2001-2005. After the assessment of the original and corrected forecasts for monthly precipitation and surface air temperature, it is found that the corrected forecast is apparently better than the original, suggesting that the approach can be applied for improving monthly-scale regional climate dynamical forecast.  相似文献   

中国近30年来气象统计预报进展   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
近30年来,多元统计分析方法有了长足的进步,涌现出不少新方法、新技术。文章着重介绍了近30年来气象统计预报在中国气象业务科研中的一些应用和发展,主要从多元统计分析和时间序列分析上来选材,将非统计意义的模糊集方法、人工智能(人工神经网络等)、灰色系统、车贝雪夫多项式展开等也归入到统计方法中。另外,近年来气象界用得较多的卡尔曼滤波、分形、分维等也被涉及。  相似文献   

陈启槐  葛军 《气象科学》1999,19(3):287-292
本文分别利用TRP模式及Logit模式与MOS相结合的方法,对南京市的能见度及云量进行了24小时概率预报试验。通过对两种模式的比较分析,结果表明:Logit模式的拟合率比TRP模式的高,而在实际预报中,TRP模式的预报准确率高。同时,TRP模式的计算更为方便灵活。  相似文献   

In this article,the delayed equation of precipitation forecast has been raised,and experimentshave been made on the monthly mean precipitation in the stations of Nenjiang and Shanghai.Theresults show that after being debugged,the anomalous symbol of precipitation can reach aforecasting accuracy of 670%-73% with the average relative error less than 15%.  相似文献   

金莲姬  丁裕国 《气象科学》1996,16(2):130-134
本文在Bassett概率预报模式基础上,进一步推广试验,提出一种气候预测概率模式。这种以预报未来气候取值的概率分布为目标从而判断性地作出预报决策的方法,可使传统预报的不确定性加以定量化。大量数据试验表明,这种新型的概率预测具有相当高的准确度,并适于业务应用。  相似文献   

T63模式月动力延伸预报高度场的改进实验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为克服T63模式月动力延伸预报中纬向平均环流的系统性误差较大的情形,文章利用NCEP/NCAR逐候再分析500 hPa高度场资料和非线性时空序列预测理论的局域近似法进行逐候纬向平均高度距平场预报.近30组个例的预报效果分析表明,就1~3旬总体而言,非线性时空序列预测方法对纬向平均高度距平场的预报优于持续性预报和模式动力延伸预报,体现了改善纬向平均高度场的能力.尤其是第3旬的预报,当持续性预报偏差与实况偏差明显增大、动力预报技巧相对于第1旬和第2旬降低时,相空间重构结果仍然保持一定的优势.  相似文献   

针对实际预报工作中,台风主观预报和模式风场客观预报不一致的问题,基于南海台风模式(CMATRAMS)资料、实时台风主观预报资料,采用一种考虑下垫面作用的动力解释应用方法 TCwind,得到了能较合理描述台风风场的数学方程组,结合网格预报技术,进行台风主观预报和模式风场的主客观融合,实现了台风风场预报的订正,能为网格预报提供有效辅助。以实时台风主观预报为评判标准,检验评估了2018—2019年西北太平洋所有台风的融合订正效果,发现订正后的台风风场中心能较准确地向主观路径预报调整;台风中心附近最大风速相较模式显著增强,趋近主观强度预报;台风环流风速比模式原始风速增大,风场结构分布相比模式原始风场也更合理。  相似文献   

A new method, BDA perturbing, is used in ensemble forecasting of typhoon track. This method is based on the Bogus Data Assimilation scheme. It perturbs the initial position and intensity of typhoons and gets a series of bogus vortex. Then each bogus vortex is used in data assimilation to obtain initial conditions. Ensemble forecast members are constructed by conducting simulation with these initial conditions. Some cases of typhoon are chosen to test the validity of this new method and the results show that: using the BDA perturbing method to perturb initial position and intensity of typhoon for track forecast can improve accuracy, compared with the direct use of the BDA assimilation scheme. And it is concluded that a perturbing amplitude of intensity of 5 hPa is probably more appropriate than 10 hPa if the BDA perturbing method is used in combination with initial position perturbation.  相似文献   

动力延伸预报产品释用方法的研究   总被引:50,自引:4,他引:50  
李维京  陈丽娟 《气象学报》1999,57(3):338-345
目前以数值形势预报为基础的动力产品释用方法主要有模式输出统计法(MOS)和完全预报方法(PPM)。由这两种方法建立的预报方程缺乏明确的物理意义,所以文中提出了一种动力与统计相结合的方法。该方法从大尺度大气动力学方程组出发,推导出月降水距平百分率与月环流场的关系,从而建立了月降水距平百分率预报方程,随后利用月动力延伸预报的500hPa高度场和实际降水场资料反演出月降水距平百分率预报方程的系数。该方程经过独立样本检验,表明这种方法对利用动力延伸集合预报的环流形势作月降水距平预报具有一定的能力。  相似文献   

中期数值天气预报业务的回顾与展望   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
付顺旗  张立凤 《气象科学》1999,19(1):104-110
本文回顾了近年来国内外中期数值天气预报业务的新进展,简略地介绍了当今国外(以欧洲中期天气预报中心为主)和我国中期数值天气预报业务系统。最后对未来中期数值天气预报的发展作一展望,指出其未来发展的主要方向。  相似文献   

In this paper, a statistical interpretation composite forecast model for typhoon track is set up by using numerical forecast products and several forecast schemes. Tested in 1994 typhoon season, its forecastperformance is much better than that of a previous statistical forecast model. The test shows that it is aneffective method that sufficiently Anproves objective forecast of typhoon track using the numerical forecast output products obtained in forecast and adopting several schemes in composition.  相似文献   

With a mesoscale model (MM5) nested with the global spectral model of NationalMeteorological Center/CMA and especially with the forecast experiments as to rainfall andtemperature of twenty-seven sampling stations in East China for six months (February, March,April in 1997 and June, July, August in 1998), it has been found that the better prediction can beperformed on the condition that the surface physical process of practical land-use categories andphysical parameters is parameterized in particular forecast domain. limited-area model, land-use category, forecast experiment  相似文献   

权重分布法集成预报试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
该工作提出了以历史预报评估参数为权重的权重分布客观集成预报方法 ,用该方法对 6种汛期预报方法 1 984~ 1 998年和 8个单位 1 995~ 1 998年的汛期预报进行了集成预报试验 .结果表明 ,经权重分布集成预报以后预测水平有明显提高 ,而且效果相对稳定 .权重分布集成预报方法指导思想明确 ,可行性强 ,可用于实际业务预报  相似文献   

泛相似预报法在汛期降水预报中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡鹏  谷湘潜  康红文 《气象学报》2005,63(2):250-256
文中分析了中国汛期降水的最佳相似情况,将传统的相似方法推广为包含有相似和反相似两个方面,得出近23a的最佳相似的距平相关系数(ACC)可以达到0.382。在此基础上提出泛相似预报的方法。利用近23a降水资料试验,表明泛相似的汛期降水预报评分的ACC可达0.130。  相似文献   

不同海域影响热带气旋强度变化的环境动力因素对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1982-2007年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、月平均海平面温度(SST)资料和西北太平洋、北大西洋以及北印度洋热带气旋(TC)资料,对比分析了环境动力因素对不同海域TC强度在不同时间尺度变化的影响.结果表明,在各时间尺度上,TC强度变化与垂直风切变变化有密切的联系.在西北太平洋,使TC过程强度增强或减弱的风切变...  相似文献   

针对华南前汛期降水过程,基于全球集合预报系统(GEFS)资料,利用WRF中尺度模式以及GEFS动力降尺度获取的区域集合预报初值场,通过多物理过程参数化方案组合和模式积分方法实现华南前汛期降水的区域集合预报。对2019年5月15日—6月15日共32天的华南前汛期降水过程进行了单一物理过程区域集合预报(REFSSINGLE)和多物理过程区域集合预报(REFSMULTI)的数值模拟批量敏感性试验,通过GEFS、REFSSINGLE和REFSMULTI的对比分析,探讨多物理过程参数化方案组合对华南前汛期降水的影响,同时利用一次华南前汛期暴雨过程进一步探讨集合预报试验的预报效果。结果表明:(1)REFS集合平均的预报效果明显好于控制性预报。(2)REFS降水集合离散度与预报误差的对应关系好于GEFS。(3)积分48小时后,REFSMULTI和REFSSINGLE的扰动能量分别是GEFS的4.7倍和6.3倍。(4)降水级别越大,REFS的TS评分效果就越好于GEFS;...  相似文献   

Based on the adaptive network fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), methods to filter out the noise of impact factors from the main signal are discussed. Focusing on the abnormal weather conditions in 2010, we use the delay-relevant method to analyze the five members of the summer monsoon system that had the largest effect on the subtropical high anomalies from the observational data. ANFIS is suitable for research and simulation of subtropical highs that are difficult to describe accurately with dynamics, allowing the effect of five factors on the subtropical high anomalies to be examined. Our results show that the Mascarene cold high, the Indian monsoon latent heat flux, and the South China Sea monsoon trough had the largest effect on the subtropical high anomalies. Diagnostic analysis, with genetic algorithms (GA) and dynamical reconstruction theory, reconstructed the nonlinear dynamical model of the subtropical high and its main factors objectively and accurately from the sequence of observations in 2010. Furthermore, a dynamically extended forecast experiment is performed. The forecasts for the subtropical high area index, the Mascarene cold high index, the Indian monsoon latent heat flux, and the South China Sea monsoon trough index all show a strong short-term effect over less than 25 days. The forecasting trend is accurate, and the error rate is no more than 7%. Our results provide new insight and methods for research on the association between the western Pacific subtropical high and the East Asian summer monsoon system, and for the prediction of the western Pacific subtropical high index.  相似文献   

利用地面气象资料进行福州市空气质量日预报   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
空气污染预报是建筑在空气污染与气象条件关系的基础之上的。利用福州市1995-1997年地面气象预测资料,运用统计学方法,探讨污染物浓度与气象因子(温度、气压、风、湿度、大气稳定度、降水等)分布规律,建立气象预报指标及统计预报方程,在1999年2-8月进行福州市空气污染物浓度等级试预报。结果表明运用统计模式开展城市空气污染浓度等级预报是切合实际并且可行的。  相似文献   

统计-动力相结合的相似误差订正法   总被引:28,自引:6,他引:22  
任宏利  丑纪范 《气象学报》2005,63(6):988-993
根据大气相似性原理,提出了利用历史资料的相似信息估计模式误差的反问题,并发展了一种相似误差订正(ACE)方法。该方法将统计和动力两种方法有机结合,在不改变现有数值预报模式的前提下,既充分利用了动力学发展的成就,又能够有效提取大量历史资料中的相似信息,达到减小模式误差、改进当前预报的目的。而且,ACE方法能够针对当前预报的特殊性来区分所利用过去资料的特殊性,提取历史相似信息间接求解反问题。定性分析表明,ACE方法与以往相似-动力模式原理是等价的,但无需重新建立复杂的相似离差预报模式,更具可行性和业务应用前景。在理想化的极限情形下,当数值模式或历史相似完全准确时,ACE方法的预报结果将分别蜕变为动力或统计学方法的预报结果。  相似文献   

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