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It is shown that the infrared flux method for determining stellar effective temperatures (Blackwell and Shallis 1977; Blackwell, Petford and Shallis 1980) can be applied to cool carbon stars. Although the spectra of cool carbon stars are highly line blanketed, the spectral region between 3 and 4 μm (L-band in the infrared photometry system) is found to be relatively free from strong line absorption. The ratioR L of bolometric flux toL flux can then be used as a measure of effective temperature. On the basis of the predicted line-blanketed flux based on model atmospheres, with an empirical correction for the effect of 3 μm absorption due to polyatomic species (HCN, C2H2), it is shown thatR L is roughly proportional to T3 eff. The high sensitivity ofR L to Teff makes it a very good measure of effective temperature, and the usual difficulty due to differential line blanketing effect in the analyses of photometric indices of cool carbon stars can be minimized. It is found that the majority of N-type carbon stars with small variability (SRb and Lb variables) are confined to the effective temperature range between 2400 and 3200 K, in contrast to M-giant stars (M0 III - M6 III, including SRb and Lb variables) that are confined to the effective temperature range between 3200 and 3900 K. The effective temperatures based on the infrared flux method show good agreement with those derived directly from angular diameter measurements of 5 carbon stars. On the basis of the new effective temperature scale for carbon stars, it is shown that the well known C-classification does not represent a temperature sequence. On the other hand, colour temperatures based on various photometric indices all show good correlations with our derived effective temperatures. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

The problem of lithium in chemically peculiar Ap-CP stars has been the subject of debate for many years. The main reason for this is a lack of spectral observations of Ap stars in the neighborhood of the lithium resonance doublet Li I 6708 Å. An international cooperation project on “Lithium in cool CP stars with magnetic fields” was started in 1996. Systematic observations of CP stars in spectral regions of the 6708 Å and 6103 Å lines at the ZTSh (CrAO), CAT (ESO), Feros (ESO), and the 74″ telescope of the Mount Stromlo Observatory (Australia) have been used to analyze spectra of several CP stars studied by the way the 6708 Å lithium line varies with the stars’ rotational phase. Monitoring of the spectra of the oscillating CP stars (group I) HD 83368, HD 60435, and HD 3980, for which significant Doppler shifts of the Li I 6708 Å line are observed led to the discovery of “lithium spots” on the surface of these stars whose positions are related to the magnetic field structure. Models of the surfaces of these stars with the special program “ROTATE” based on the profiles of the Li I 6708 Å line are used to estimate the size of the spots, their positions on the stars’ surface, and the lithium abundances in these spots. A detailed analysis and modelling of the spectra of slowly rotating oscillating CP stars with strong, invariant lithium 6708 Å emission, including blending with lines of the rare earth elements, reveals an enhanced lithium abundance, with the abundance determined from the lithium 6103 Å line being higher than that determined from the 6708 Å line for all the stars. This may indicate vertical stratification of lithium in the atmospheres of CP stars with an anomalous isotopic composition (6Li/7Li = 0.2–0.5). HD 101065, an ultraslow rotator (vsini ≈ 1.5) visible from the poles and with powerful oscillations which cause pulsating line broadening in its spectrum, is unique among these stars. The amount of lithium in the atmosphere of HD 101065 logN(Li) = 3.1 on a scale of logN(H) = 12.0 and the isotope ratio 6Li/7Li ≈ 0.3. The high estimates of 6Li/7Li may be explained by the production of lithium in spallation reactions and the preservation of surface 6Li and 7Li by strong magnetic fields in the upper layers of the atmosphere near the magnetic poles. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 463–492 (August 2007).  相似文献   

Observations with the 6-m telescope revealed eight new magnetic, chemically peculiar stars: HD 29925, HD 40711, HD 115606, HD 168796, HD 178892, HD 196691, HD 209051, and BD+32°2827. Zeeman observations of all these objects have been carried out for the first time. We selected candidates by analyzing the depression profile at a wavelength of λ5200 Å. This technique for selecting candidate magnetic stars was shown to be efficient: we found magnetic fields in 14 of the 15 objects that we selected for our observations with a Zeeman analyzer. A maximum longitudinal field strength B e exceeding 8 kG was found in HD 178892; in HD 209051 and HD196691, B e reaches 3.3 and 2.2 kG, respectively. For the remaining stars, we obtained lower limits of the longitudinal field (more than several hundred G).  相似文献   

We consider the evolution of a rotating star with a mass of 16M and an angular momentum of 3.25 × 1052 g cm2 s?1, along with the hydrodynamic transport of angular momentum and chemical elements in its interiors. When the partial mixing of matter of the turbulent radiative envelope and the convective core is taken into account, the efficiency of the angular momentum transport by meridional circulation in the stellar interiors and the duration of the hydrogen burning phase increase. Depending on the Schmidt number in the turbulent radiative stellar envelope, the ratio of the equatorial rotational velocity to the circular one increases with time in the process of stellar evolution and can become typical of early-type Be stars during an additional evolution time of the star on the main sequence. Partial mixing of matter is a necessary condition under which the hydrodynamic transport processes can increase the angular momentum of the outer stellar layer to an extent that the equatorial rotational velocity begins to increase during the second half of the evolutionary phase of the star on the main sequence, as shown by observations of the brightest stars in open star clusters with ages of 10–25 Myr. When the turbulent Schmidt number is 0.4, the equatorial rotational velocity of the star increases during the second half of the hydrogen burning phase in the convective core from 330 to 450 km s?1.  相似文献   

Our observations with the 6-m telescope revealed six new magnetic chemically peculiar (CP) stars among objects with large depressions in the continuum: HDE 293764, BD+17°3622, HD 169887, HDE 231054, HDE 338226, and HDE 343872. The presence of a magnetic field is suspected in several other CP stars. The maximum longitudinal field component B e exceeds 1.5 kG for all six stars; in HDE 293764 and HDE 343872, it reaches 3.8 kG. For each object, we present our magnetic-field measurements and published data on previous studies. The method of searching for magnetic stars based on an analysis of spectrophotometry shows its efficiency.  相似文献   

We substantiate the conclusion that the unusual color variability found previously in some eruptive stars is typical of a broad class of nonstationary objects, manifests itself over a wide temperature range (from B0 to K 3), and can be regarded as a new type of stellar variability.  相似文献   

We systematically investigate the evolution of low-mass (0.35, 0.40, and 0.65M ) helium donors in semidetached binaries with white-dwarf accretors. The initial periods of the binaries are chosen in such a way that the helium abundance in the center of the models at the time of Roche lobe overflow varies between Y c = 0.98 and Y c ? 0.1. The results of our calculations can be used to analyze the formation scenarios and evolutionary status of AM CVn stars. We show that the minimum orbital periods of the semidetached binaries depend weakly on the total mass of the components and the evolutionary phase of the donor at the time of Roche lobe overflow and are 9–10 min. The differences in the mass transfer rates after P orb reaches its minimum in the range P orb ≈ 10–40 min do not exceed a factor of ~2.5. For P orb ? 20 min, the mass-losing stars are weakly degenerate homogeneous cooling objects; the He, C, N, O, and Ne abundances depend on the evolutionary phase at which Roche lobe overflow occurred. For the binaries that are currently believed to be the most probable candidates for AM CVn stars with helium donors, Y ? 0.4, X C ? 0.3, X O ? 0.25, and X N ? 0.5 × 10?2. In the binaries under consideration, once P orb ≈ 40 min has been reached, the mass loss time scale begins to exceed the thermal time scale of the donors, the latter begin to contract, their matter becomes degenerate, and the populations of AMCVn stars with white-dwarf and helium-star progenitors of their donors probably merge together.  相似文献   

A catalog of massive (⩾10 M ) stars in binary and multiple systems with well-known masses and luminosities has been compiled. The catalog is analyzed using a theoretical mass-luminosity relation. This relation allows both normal main-sequence stars and stars with peculiarities: with clear manifestations of mass transfer, mass accretion, and axial rotation, to be identified. Least-squares fitting of the observational data in the range of stellar masses 10M M ≲ 50 M yields the relation LM 2.76. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

We present our calculations of the spectrum and oscillator strengths for the 4f7?(4f65d+4f66s) Eu III transitions. The calculations were performed with Cowan's RCN-RCG-RCE codes in the single-configuration approximation. A comparison of computed level lifetimes with experimental data for three levels shows that the scale of theoretical oscillator strengths could be overestimated by a factor of 3. The theoretical oscillator strengths of red Eu III lines are two orders of magnitude smaller than their astrophysical oscillator strengths derived by Ryabchikova et al. (1999) from the condition of ionization balance. The new oscillator strengths were tested by analyzing the Eu abundance using Eu II and Eu III lines in the spectra of hot peculiar stars (α2 CVn is a typical representative) and cool peculiar stars (β CrB is a typical representative). First, we computed non-LTE corrections, which proved to be significant for α2 CVn. We also analyzed the Eu II λ6645.11-Å line as well as ultraviolet and optical Eu III lines. We show that the new oscillator strengths together with the non-LTE corrections allow the contradiction between the Eu abundances derived by Ryabchikova et al. (1999) separately from optical Eu II and Eu III lines in α2 CVn to be resolved. The new Eu abundance, log(Eu/N tot)=?6.5, also faithfully describes the blended near-ultraviolet resonance Eu III lines. Using the new Eu III oscillator strengths to analyze the spectrum of the cool Ap star β CrB, we found a significant deviation of the n(Eu II)/n(Eu III) ratio from its equilibrium value. For a chemically homogeneous model atmosphere, to obtain the observed intensity of the Eu III λ 6666.35-Å line, the Eu abundance must be increased by two orders of magnitude compared to that required to describe the Eu II λ 6645.11-Å line. We discuss the possibility of explaining the observed intensities of Eu II and Eu III lines in the spectrum of β CrB by the presence of an inhomogeneous atmosphere with Eu concentrated in its uppermost layers. In such atmospheres, the role of non-LTE effects becomes dominant.  相似文献   

The ultraviolet spectra of the stars RY Tau and HD 115043 from the Hubble Space Telescope are analyzed. RY Tau belongs to the classical T Tauri stars, while HD 115043 is a young (t~3×108 years), chromospherically active star. The most intense emission lines were identified, and their fluxes were measured. Low-resolution spectra of RY Tau and HD 115043 in the wavelength range 1160–1760 Å exhibit almost the same set of emission lines. However, first, the luminosity of RY Tau in these lines is approximately a factor of 300 higher than that of HD 115043, and, second, the relative line intensities differ greatly. The intensity ratio of the C IV λ1550, Si IV λ1400, and NV λ1240 doublet components is close to 1: 2 in the spectra of both stars. Judging by the continuum energy distribution, the spectral type of RY Tau is later than that of HD 115043. Synchronous flux variability in the C IV λ1550 and He II λ1640 lines in a time of ~20 min was detected in RY Tau. The flux rise in these lines was accompanied by a redshift of the intensity peak in the profiles by~50 km s?1. Intermediate-resolution spectra are used to study line profiles in the spectrum of RY Tau. In particular, the profiles of (optically thin) Si III]λ1892 and C III]λ1909 lines were found to be asymmetric and about 300 km s?1 in width. The (optically thick) C IV λ1550 doublet lines have similar profiles. The Mg II λ2800 doublet lines are also asymmetric, but their shape is different: they consist of a broad (?750 km s?1 at the base) emission component on which an interstellar absorption line shifted from the line symmetry center by about 20 km s?1 is superimposed. The intensity ratio of the Mg II λ2800 doublet components is?1.4. Whether there are molecular hydrogen lines in the spectrum of RY Tau is still an open question. It is shown that the emission lines in the ultraviolet spectrum of RY Tau cannot originate in a hydrostatically equilibrium chromosphere. It is argued that quasi-steady accretion of circumstellar matter is responsible for the emission.  相似文献   

We analyze ultraviolet spectra of DF Tau, a binary system whose primary component is a classical T Tauri star. The spectra were obtained from the Hubble Space Telescope and the IUE satellite. The stellar emission in the wavelength range covered is shown to originate in an accretion shock wave. The gas infall velocity is ~250 km s?1. The accreted-gas density is typically N 0≤1011 cm?3, but it can occasionally be higher by one and a half orders of magnitude. The continuum intensity near λ=1900 Å was found to be virtually constant for such a significant change in N 0. The star’s photometric variability is probably attributable to variations in accreted-gas density and velocity, as well as to variations in the area of a hot spot on the stellar surface and in its orientation relative to the observer. The mean accretion rate is $\dot M \sim 3 \times 10^{ - 9} M_ \odot yr^{ - 1}$ . The interstellar extinction for DF Tau is $A_V \simeq 0\mathop .\limits^m 5$ , the stellar radius is ≤2R , and the luminosity of the primary component is most likely no higher than 0.3 L . We argue that the distance to DF Tau is about 70 pc. Upper limits are placed on the primary’s coronal emission measure: EM(T=107 K)<3×1054 cm?3 and EM(T=1.3×106 K)<3×1055 cm?3. Absorption lines originating in the stellar wind were detected in the star’s spectrum. Molecular hydrogen lines have essentially the same radial velocity as the star, but their full width at half maximum is FWHM ?50 km s?1. We failed to explain why the intensity ratio of the C IV λ1550 doublet components exceeds 2.  相似文献   

The transfer of polarized radiation in inhomogeneous circumstellar shells with a spheroidal spatial distribution of porous dust particles is computed. The grains are modeled by an MRN mixture of silicate and graphite particles. The optical properties of porous particles (considered separately in the Appendix) are computed by using effective medium theory and Mie theory. The following observational characteristics have been computed for WW Vul, a typical Herbig Ae star with Algol-like minima: the spectral energy distribution from the ultraviolet to the far infrared, the color-magnitude diagrams, the wavelength dependence of linear polarization, and the shell brightness distribution. The effect of grain porosity on the results is considered. It has been found that only moderate particle porosity (the volume fraction of matter is f ~0.5) can explain available observational data in terms of the approach used. Since radiation pressure must rapidly sweep submicron-sized grains out of the vicinity of Herbig Ae/Be stars, we briefly discuss how particle porosity can affect this process.  相似文献   

The plasma mechanism of radio emission in the coronas of late-type stars is shown to be considerably more efficient than that in the solar corona because of the high plasma temperature in their magnetic arches. This is attributable to an increase in the length of plasma-wave conversion into electromagnetic waves and a decrease in the optical depth of collisional wave absorption. Magnetic-arch filamentation results in a decrease in the intensity of the fundamental-tone radio emission and in the relative dominance of the second-harmonic radio emission. The efficiency of the fundamental-tone radio emission increases with plasma density in a coronal arch. The plasma mechanism accounts for the high brightness temperature of the flare radio emission from stars (≥1014 K).  相似文献   

We suggest a model based on the representation of the stellar magnetic field as a superposition of a finite number of poloidal and toroidal free decay modes to describe the dynamo action in fully convective stars. For the adopted law of stellar differential rotation, we determined the dynamo number in exceeding which the generation of a cyclically varying magnetic field is possible in stars without a radiative core and derived an expression for the period of the cycle. The dynamo cycles in fully convective stars and in stars with thin convective envelopes are shown to differ qualitatively: first, the distributions of spots in latitude during the cycle are different for these two types of stars and, second, the model predicts a great weakening of the spot formation in fully convective stars at certain phases of the cycle. To compare the theory with observations, we have analyzed the historical light curve for the weak-line T Tauri star V410 Tau and found that its long-term activity is not a well-defined cycle with a definite period—its activity is more likely quasi-cyclic with a characteristic time of ~4 yr and with a chaotic component superimposed. we have also concluded that a redistribution of spots in longitude is responsible for the secular brightness variations in the star. This does not allow the results of photometric observations to be directly compared with predictions of ourmodel, in which, for simplicity, we assumed a symmetry in longitude and investigated the temporal evolution of the spot distribution in latitude. Therefore, we discuss the questions of what and how observations can be compared with predictions of the dynamo theory.  相似文献   

We obtained U BV R photometric and spectroscopic observations during the outburst of V838 Mon. Before its outburst, the B brightness of the star had been stable ( $\tilde15.^m 85$ ) for 45 years. This was a blue star with the color index $(B - V)_0 = - 0\mathop .\limits^m 03 \pm 0\mathop .\limits^m 1$ and may have been a cataclysmic variable. In the middle of March 2002, the outburst amplitude reached $8\mathop .\limits^m 1$ in B. The star has the counterpart V 1006/7 in M 31 in luminosity at maximum and in spectrum. The unusual spectrum at the premaximum stage originated in the expanding photosphere of a cool K-type giant. The expansion velocity of the photosphere was 150 km s?1; the maximum velocity in the expanding stellar envelope reached 500 km s?1. The absorption components of neutral metal lines were enhanced by a factor of 3 or 4 compared to a normal K-type star. No overabundance of s-process elements was found. One day before the brightness peak, an intense Hα emission line with broad wings, FWZI=3100 km s?1, and numerous lines of ionized metals appeared in V838 Mon, which is characteristic of normal classical novae. We show light, color, and spectral variations of the object.  相似文献   

Published photoelectric measurements over a wide wavelength range (0.36–18 µm) are used to study the continuum spectrum of the star Θ1 Ori C. The model that assumes the following three radiation sources is consistent with observations: (1) a zero-age main-sequence O7 star (object 1) of mass M 1=20M , radius R 1=7.4R , effective temperature T 2=37 000 K, and absolute bolometric magnitude $M\mathop {bol}\limits^1 = - 7\mathop .\limits^m 7$ ; (2) object 2 with M 2=15M , R 2=16.2R , T 2=4000 K, and $M\mathop {bol}\limits^2 = - 5\mathop .\limits^m 1$ ; and (3) object 3 with R 310 700 R , T 3=190 K, and $M\mathop {bol}\limits^3 = - 0\mathop .\limits^m 6$ . The visual absorption toward the system is $A_V = 0\mathop .\limits^m 95$ and obeys a normal law. The nature of objects 2 and 3 has not been elucidated. It can only be assumed that object 2 is a companion of the primary star, its spectral type is K7, and it is in the stage of gravitational contraction. Object 3 can be a cocoon star and a member of the system, but can also be a dust envelope surrounding the system as a whole.  相似文献   

The ultraviolet spectra of the star RU Lup obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope are analyzed. Emission lines are identified. The presence of absorption components with a nearly zero residual intensity in the Mg II resonance doublet lines is indicative of mass outflow with a velocity V ?300 km s?1. These lines also exhibit a broad (?1400 km s?1 at the base) component originating in the star itself. The profiles of the (optically thin) Si II] and Si III]1892 Å lines for the first time unequivocally prove that these lines originate in an accretion shock wave rather than in the chromosphere, with the gas infall velocity being V 0?400 km s?1. The intensity ratio of the C IV 1550 Å and Si IV 1400 Å resonance doublet components was found to be close to unity, suggesting a high accreted-gas density, logN 0>12.5. Molecular H2 Lyman lines formed in the stellar wind were detected. The H I Lα luminosity of RU Lup was found from their intensities to exceed 10% of L bol. Radiation pressure in the Lα line on atomic hydrogen may play a significant role in the initial acceleration of stellar-wind matter, but the effect of Lα emission on the dynamics of molecular gas is negligible.  相似文献   

Two spectra of the star BM Ori were obtained with the 2.6-m Crimean Astrophysical Observatory telescope near its maximum eclipse phase. The light detector was a CCD array. The wavelength range 5305–5373 Å was chosen in such a way that it contained no strong primary lines. Optimum filtration of the spectra yielded a signal-to-noise ratio of ~300. Eighteen secondary lines are seen in the spectrum. Atmospheric parameters of the secondary star were determined: T eff=5740 K and logg=3.0; the secondary was classified by these parameters as being of spectral type G2 III. The best agreement between observed and synthetic spectra is achieved for metallicity [M/H]=?0.5 and microturbulence ξt=0 km s?1. The projected rotational velocity is Vsini=60 km s?, in agreement with the synchronous velocity in the hypothesis that assumes a total eclipse by the secondary star. Atmospheric elemental abundances in the secondary are estimated. Nickel, chromium, and iron exhibit an underabundance of ~1 dex.  相似文献   

Based on high-dispersion echelle spectra taken with the 6-m Special Astrophysical Observatory telescope, we study the IR source IRAS 20004+2955 identified with the variable star V1027 Cyg. We have determined the star’s fundamental parameters (T eff=5000 K, logg=1.0), metallicity ([Fe/H]=?0.2 dex), and atmospheric abundances of 16 elements. Its metallicity, carbon underabundance, and slight overabundance of the heavy elements Zr, Y, Ce, and Eu suggest that V1027 Cyg belongs to the Galactic disk population.  相似文献   

The evolution of a rotating star with a mass of 16M at the hydrogen burning phase is considered together with the hydrodynamic processes of angular momentum transport in its interior. Shear turbulence is shown to limit the amplitude of the latitudinal variations in mean molecular weight on a surface of constant pressure in a layer with variable chemical composition. The resulting nonuniformity in the mean molecular weight distribution and the turbulent energy transport along the surface of constant pressure reduce the absolute value of the meridional circulation velocity. Nevertheless, meridional circulation remains the main mechanism of angular momentum transport in the radial direction in a layer with variable chemical composition. The intensity of the processes of angular momentum transport by meridional circulation and shear turbulence is determined by the angular momentum of the star. At a fairly high angular momentum, more specifically, at J = 3.69 × 1052 g cm2 s?1, the star during the second half of the hydrogen-burning phase in its convective core has characteristics typical of classical early Be stars.  相似文献   

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