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针对目前单台地震波形监视记录软件地震检测报警准确率不高的原因来改进地震检测算法。以个旧地震台CTS-1E型甚宽频带数字测震仪记录的地震波形为例,先将宽频带数字地震记录波形无延时的实时仿真成短周期地震波形以滤除大周期的背景干扰,进而得到纵波记录特征突出的地震波形;然后运用改进后的STA/LTA算法来检测地震,从而可以显著提高单台地震实时报警的准确性。  相似文献   

目前地震数据采集器使用的最后两级数字滤波器相位有最小相位和线性相位两种。相位特性直接影响着记录的地震波形数据质量,最小相位滤波器的相位特性非线性严重,引起波形失真,线性相位滤波器带来“前缀波”。本文介绍了一种专用于地震波形采集的瞬态滤波器的设计及其观测分析研究。该瞬态滤波器既有最小相位特性,又有较好的线性相位特性,具有良好的瞬态响应波形。地方震实测数据表明,使用瞬态滤波器记录的地震波,没有"前缀"波出现,初动半周期也没有被展宽,波形失真最小。因为通带至过渡带转角平缓和过渡带滚降速率低是所有瞬态特性良好的滤波器的共同特征,故使用瞬态滤波必须付出的代价是提高采样率来确保通带上边沿频率保持不变。  相似文献   

目前地震数据采集器使用的最后两级数字滤波器相位有最小相位和线性相位两种。相位特性直接影响着记录的地震波形数据质量,最小相位滤波器的相位特性非线性严重,引起波形失真,线性相位滤波器带来“前缀波”。本文介绍了一种专用于地震波形采集的瞬态滤波器的设计及其观测分析研究。该瞬态滤波器既有最小相位特性,又有较好的线性相位特性,具有良好的瞬态响应波形。地方震实测数据表明,使用瞬态滤波器记录的地震波,没有"前缀"波出现,初动半周期也没有被展宽,波形失真最小。因为通带至过渡带转角平缓和过渡带滚降速率低是所有瞬态特性良好的滤波器的共同特征,故使用瞬态滤波必须付出的代价是提高采样率来确保通带上边沿频率保持不变。  相似文献   

孙艺璇  徐国林 《地震学报》2023,45(1):107-115
受窄频地震仪平坦响应范围影响,窄频速度记录存在低频成分失真问题,导致地震记录可用范围受限。针对此问题,本文推导基于拉普拉斯变换和双线性变换的传递函数,实现由窄频地震记录向宽频地震记录的校正,并以日本Hi-net速度记录为例进行验证,将校正后的速度记录与同台KiK-net加速度积分所得的速度记录予以对比。结果显示,原始速度记录在低频处存在失真,而校正后的波形与KiK-net加速度积分速度记录波形一致,这表明改进的传递函数能有效地解决原速度记录中的低频成分失真问题,有效地拓宽了低频可使用范围,而且相较于Nakata校正速度记录方法,以本文给出的传递函数校正的速度记录在振幅和波形等方面的精度更高。  相似文献   

用于地震观测的瞬态滤波器仿真研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代地震数据采集器中广泛使用的最小相位滤波器和线性相位滤波器各有不足之处,最小相位滤波引起的“振铃”尾波,线性相位滤波引起的“前缀”波,无法用后续处理的方法消除。本文提出一种专用于地震波形采集的瞬态滤波器设想,该瞬态滤波器既能满足最小相位特性,又能保持较好的线性相位特性。本文用Matlab设计出了可以满足上述条件的瞬态滤波器,并通过仿真比较了正弦接入波通过3种滤波器的输出波形。从仿真结果可以看出,与最小相位和线性相位滤波相比较,该瞬态滤波器的波形失真最小。  相似文献   

随着数字化地震计的应用和发展,数字观测资料中不仅记录了宽频带地震信息,也包含了大量的干扰信号。在实际工作中,对地震信息的分析处理影响很大,有时还会造成地震波形记录不完整或地震信号淹没在干扰信号中,很难再进行深入的分析和应用。因此,利用MATLAB软件设计IIR数字滤波器对不同记录中的干扰波进行滤波器设计,达到消除干扰波的目的。实例表明,此方法在台站应用效果良好。  相似文献   

EMD新技术在数字波形预处理中的初步应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了EMD技术,给出由该技术产生的固有模态函数重构数字地震波形信号处理中所用滤波器算法。然后利用该方法对实际波形信号进行了初步处理,处理结果表明,基于EMD的滤波技术具有许多其它分析手段所不具备的特点,是一种新的滤波方法,可用于数字地震波形信号的预处理。  相似文献   

地震学中的一个主要问题是如何将原始的震源信号从其他影响中分离出来。讨论了地震波在传播过程中可能引起波形变化的一些因素以及记录系统和采样处理过程所产生的影响,介绍了地震信号处理中的一般原理和概念,通过对简单的RC滤波器的讨论,揭示了系统理论的一些基本概念,如线性时间不变系统、傅里叶变换和拉普拉斯变换、褶积、频率响应函数、传递函数和极点等,为讨论数字地震信号的处理奠定了基础。  相似文献   

地震学中的一个主要问题是将原始的震源信号从其他影响中分离出来。讨论了地震波在传播过程中可能引起波形变化的一些因素以及记录系统和采样处理过程所产生的影响,介绍了地震信号处理中一般原理和概念,通过对简单的RC滤波器的讨论,揭示了系统理论的一些基本概念,如线性时间不变系统、傅里叶变换和拉普拉斯变换、褶积、频率响应函数、传递函数和极点等,为讨论数字地震信号的处理奠定了基础。  相似文献   

在SeisDps地震处理软件的实时系统中,不是用系统的幅频特性计算震级ML,而是利用台站的零点、极点和增益,将记录的数字地震波形仿真成伍德-安德森地震仪记录的波形,计算具有3 大优点的ML震级,本文主要介绍用零点、极点和增益计算ML的过程。  相似文献   

The time‐invariant gain‐limit‐constrained inverse Q‐filter can control the numerical instability of the inverse Q‐filter, but it often suppresses the high frequencies at later times and reduces the seismic resolution. To improve the seismic resolution and obtain high‐quality seismic data, we propose a self‐adaptive approach to optimize the Q value for the inverse Q‐filter amplitude compensation. The optimized Q value is self‐adaptive to the cutoff frequency of the effective frequency band for the seismic data, the gain limit of the inverse Q‐filter amplitude compensation, the inverse Q‐filter amplitude compensation function, and the medium quality factor. In the processing of the inverse Q‐filter amplitude compensation, the optimized Q value, corresponding gain limit, and amplitude compensation function are used simultaneously; then, the energy in the effective frequency band for the seismic data can be recovered, and the seismic resolution can be enhanced at all times. Furthermore, the small gain limit or time‐variant bandpass filter after the inverse Q‐filter amplitude compensation is considered to control the signal‐to‐noise ratio, and the time‐variant bandpass filter is based on the cutoff frequency of the effective frequency band for the seismic data. Synthetic and real data examples demonstrate that the self‐adaptive approach for Q value optimization is efficient, and the inverse Q‐filter amplitude compensation with the optimized Q value produces high‐resolution and low‐noise seismic data.  相似文献   

对稀疏/非规则采样或者低信噪比数据,射线束提取困难并伴随有假频产生,对叠加剖面和道集造成严重干扰.为了提升射线束偏移在稀疏和低信噪比地震数据采集中的成像效果,本文提出基于三角滤波的局部倾斜叠加波束形成偏移假频压制方法.射线束偏移首先将地震数据划分为超道集,经过部分NMO后转化为以射线束中心定义的共偏移距数据,倾斜叠加和反假频操作均在局部共中心点坐标上实现.时间域倾斜叠加是对地震数据的时移累加操作,三角低通滤波同样可以在时间域完成,在对地震数据进行因果和反因果积分后,亦为地震数据的时移累加.因此,三角低通滤波与倾斜叠加可在时间域结合同时完成,避免了频域滤波的正反傅里叶变换.本文在反假频公式中加入权重系数,用以对反假频的程度进行控制,达到分辨率和噪声压制的最佳折衷.以某海上三维实际数据为例,文中展示了反假频射线束形成对偏移叠加剖面和共成像点偏移距道集中的噪声进行了有效压制.  相似文献   

地震预警系统对地震数据处理的实时性要求极高。其系统数据来源除布设在基岩的测震台站外,还有大量非基岩场地的强震动台站和地震烈度仪台站,其场地影响不容忽视。为了考虑震级估算和地震动场预测中的场地影响,需实时对各种场地条件下的地震波形进行校正。目前处理一般使用某个标量来表征场地放大效应。本文采用一种实时的场地校正方法,首先计算目标场地与参考场地的谱比,然后通过最小二乘法、双线性变换将谱比转化为因果递归的无限冲激响应(IIR)时域滤波器,之后可以应用该滤波器进行实时场地校正。该方法考虑了场地放大系数的频率依赖性,相比于标量校正提高了准确度。应用我国四川和日本部分强震动台站记录,验证并讨论了这种实时场地校正方法在地震预警中的应用效果。  相似文献   

The ground roll and body wave usually show significant differences in arrival time, frequency content, and polarization characteristics, and conventional polarization filters that operate in either the time or frequency domain cannot consider all these elements. Therefore, we have developed a time-frequency dependent polarization filter based on the S transform to attenuate the ground roll in seismic records. Our approach adopts the complex coefficients of the S transform of the multi-component seismic data to estimate the local polarization attributes and utilizes the estimated attributes to construct the filter function. In this study, we select the S transform to design this polarization filter because its scalable window length can ensure the same number of cycles of a Fourier sinusoid, thereby rendering more precise estimation of local polarization attributes. The results of applying our approach in synthetic and real data examples demonstrate that the proposed polarization filter can effectively attenuate the ground roll and successfully preserve the body wave.  相似文献   

One of the main objectives of seismic digital processing is the improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio in the recorded data. Wiener filters have been successfully applied in this capacity, but alternate filtering devices also merit our attention. Two such systems are the matched filter and the output energy filter. The former is better known to geophysicists as the crosscorrelation filter, and has seen widespread use for the processing of vibratory source data, while the latter is. much less familiar in seismic work. The matched filter is designed such that ideally the presence of a given signal is indicated by a single large deflection in the output. The output energy filter ideally reveals the presence of such a signal by producing a longer burst of energy in the time interval where the signal occurs. The received seismic trace is assumed to be an additive mixture of signal and noise. The shape of the signal must be known in order to design the matched filter, but only the autocorrelation function of this signal need be known to obtain the output energy filter. The derivation of these filters differs according to whether the noise is white or colored. In the former case the noise autocorrelation function consists of only a single spike at lag zero, while in the latter the shape of this noise autocorrelation function is arbitrary. We propose a novel version of the matched filter. Its memory function is given by the minimum-delay wavelet whose autocorrelation function is computed from selected gates of an actual seismic trace. For this reason explicit knowledge of the signal shape is not required for its design; nevertheless, its performance level is not much below that achievable with ordinary matched filters. We call this new filter the “mini-matched” filter. With digital computation in mind, the design criteria are formulated and optimized with time as a discrete variable. We illustrate the techniques with simple numerical examples, and discuss many of the interesting properties that these filters exhibit.  相似文献   

介绍了一种用冲击不变法从速度响应平坦地震计二阶传递函数设计得到的递归滤波方法,比用双线性变换得到的递归滤波系数少,因此使用更方便.作者用此方法作了反褶积与仿真的数值实验和实际地震记录的短周期仿真试验,仿真结果与实际仪器记录符合较好;并将此法应用于地震计方位角的相关分析法相对测量,结果与不仿真的相关分析测量相比更接近寻北仪的绝对测量结果.  相似文献   

Optimum pilot sweep   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The successful application of high-resolution seismic methods requires evaluating each element in the seismic system and ensuring that each part of the system contributes optimally to the success of the method. Unfortunately, unlike data processing, seismic signal generation is not carefully optimized. The purpose of our study was to optimize the source signal in order to better coordinate field operations with subsequent data processing to achieve their common objective. We developed an iterative method for a rational frequency distribution of the energy of a seismic source. The method allows the optimum amplitude spectrum of a source signal to be calculated, thus providing the best data quality at the end of the processing. We assume that the source signal is affected by a total transfer function, by the reflectivity function of a target interval, and by ambient noise, whose characteristics, if not known, can be estimated or measured in practice. The transfer function includes data processing other than the correlation stage and the final trace-optimizing filter. The variance of a reflectivity estimate is considered to be a measure of the data quality and improvement of the characteristic corresponds to a decrease in the variance. For this reason, a constrained Wiener deconvolution filter is used as the final trace-optimizing filter. It not only minimizes the variance of a reflectivity estimate but also ensures a specific signal-to-noise ratio. The method is made feasible by following the Vibroseis technique, primarily because of the versatility of the technique in controlling the signal spectrum. With the optimum amplitude spectrum obtained, the corresponding optimum pilot sweep can be readily calculated. Examples using synthetic data are presented to illustrate the method.  相似文献   

基于带状混合矩阵ICA实现地震盲反褶积   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于对地震反褶积本质上是一个盲过程的认识,引入高阶统计学盲源分离技术——独立分量分析(ICA)实现地震盲反褶积.在无噪声假设条件下,利用地震记录时间延迟矩阵和地震子波带状褶积矩阵,将地震褶积模型转化为一般线性混合ICA模型,采用FastICA算法,将带状性质作为先验信息,实现所谓带状ICA算法(B\|ICA),得到个数与子波算子长度相等的多个估计反射系数序列和估计子波序列,最后利用褶积模型提供的附加信息从中优选出最佳的反射系数序列及相应的地震子波.模型数据和实际二维地震道数值算例表明:对于统计性反褶积,在不对反射系数作高斯白噪假设,不对子波作最小相位假设的所谓“全盲”条件下,基于ICA方法(反射系数非高斯分布,地震子波非最小相位)可以较好解决地震盲反褶积问题,是基于二阶统计特性的地震信号统计性反褶积方法的提升,具有可行性和应用前景.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new method for seismic stratigraphic absorption compensation based on the adaptive molecular decomposition. Using this method, we can remove most of the effects resulting from wavelets truncation and interference which usually exist in the common time-frequency absorption compensation method. Based on the assumption that the amplitude spectrum of the source wavelet is smooth, we first construct a set of adaptive Gabor frames based on the time-variant properties of the seismic signal to transform the signal into the time-frequency domain and then extract the slowly varying component (the wavelet’s time-varying amplitude spectrum) in each window in the time-frequency domain. Then we invert the absorption compensation filter parameters with an objective function defined using the correlation coefficients in each window to get the corresponding compensation filters. Finally, we use these filters to compensate the time-frequency spectrum in each window and then transform the time-frequency spectrum to the time domain to obtain the absorption-compensated signal. By using adaptive molecular decomposition, this method can adapt to isolated and overlapped seismic signals from the complex layers in the inhomogeneous viscoelastic medium. The viability of the method is verified by synthetic and real data sets.  相似文献   

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