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Summary The possibility of applying X-ray single crystal techniques to minerals pertaining to rocks experimentally crystallized in laboratory has been investigated as a new approach to precisely relate crystal-chemistry to pressure, temperature, fO2, and composition of the magma from which the crystal formed.A clinopyroxene from the experimental lunar basalt (74275 composition) ofGreen et al. (1975) crystallized at 12 Kb and 1320 °C, was successfully refined to an R factor of 0.041. Its structure configuration turned out to be exceptional, expecially in relation to the record low Ca(M2) occupancy (0.57 atoms per formula unit henceforth a.f.u.), but comparable with the other lunar C2/c clinopyroxene previously studied with X-ray single crystal methodology: augite 12052 (Takeda 1972 a). Comparative analysis of the two lunar clinopyroxene structures revealed their common high temperature origin and the high-pressure imprint of the experimental specimen relative to the natural one.Both lunar samples differ radically from the studied terrestrial clinopyroxenes of C2/c diopside-like structure: the main difference of lunar clinopyroxenes with respect to terrestrial analogues is the high Ally (T) (AlIV > 0.20 a.f.u.) in spite of low Ca(M2). Relative to the ideal diopside structure, Si4+ AlIV and Ca Mg + Fe2+ substitutions in T and M2 sites, respectively, turned out to be not compatible with terrestrial clinopyroxenes.
Kristallographische methoden zur untersuchung experimenteller gesteine: struktur verfeinerung von C2/c klinopyroxen aus dem experimentellen hochdruck mond-basalt 74275
Zusammenfassung Die Anwendung von Einkristallverfahren auf Minerale aus experimentell hergestellten Gesteinen wurde untersucht; sie wird als ein neuer Weg zur quantitativen Korrelation der Kristallchemie mit Druck, Temperatur, fO2 und der Zusammensetzung des Magmas, aus dem der Kristall gebildet wurde, gesehen.Die Struktur eines Klinopyroxens aus dem experimentellen Mond-Basalt (Zusammensetzung 74275) vonGreen et al. (1975), der bei 1320 °C kristallisierte, wurde mit Erfolg bis auf einen R-Faktor von 0.041 verfeinert. Es zeigte sich, daß seine Struktur-Konfiguration außergewöhnlich war, besonders im Hinblick auf die besonders niedrige Ca(M2) Besetzungsdichte (0.57 Atome pro Formeleinheit). Sie ist jedoch vergleichbar mit dem anderen lunaren C2/c Klinopyroxen der bisher mit Röntgen-Einkristallverfahren untersucht wurde, nämlich Augit 12052) (Takeda, 1972a). Vergleichsanalysen der beiden lunaren Klinopyroxen-Strukturen lassen ihre gemeinsame Hochtemperatur-Entstehung erkennen, sowie den — im Gegensatz zu der natürlichen Probe — deutlichen Einfluß hoher Drucke auf die experimentell hergestellte Probe.Beide lunare Proben unterscheiden sich deutlich von den untersuchten terrestrischen Klinopyroxenen mit Diopsid-artiger C2/c Struktur: der Hauptunterschied zwischen lunaren Klinopyroxenen und ihren terrestrischen Analogen ist der hohe AlIV (T) (AlIV > 0.20 a.f.u.) trotz niedrigem Ca(M2). Im Vergleich mit der idealen Diopsidstruktur zeigte sich daß, Si4+ AlIV und Ca Mg + Fe2+ Substitutionen an T resp. M2 Plätzen nicht kompatibel mit terrestrischen Klinopyroxenen sind.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   

The microstructural and X-ray diffraction characteristics of natural K-bearing cordierites in buchites (Blaue Kuppe, Germany), and paralavas (Bokaro, India) are compared to those of three suites of synthetic, K-bearing Mg-cordierite, studied after annealing glasses of the requisite compositions for durations between 5 min and 255 days at 1,290° C and 1 bar. In analogy to pure Mg-cordierite, hexagonal high-cordierite initially crystallizes from the glass and subsequently transforms to orthorhombic low-cordierite. After annealing for 30–60 min, the crystals develop tweed-structure. With prolonged annealing, the pattern coarsens and develops into lamellar twinning. Higher K-contents favour earlier development of tweed-contrast. Distortion indices obtained by X-ray powder diffraction show a sharp initial increase of with annealing time, followed by a levelling off after approximately 10 h. Higher K-contents delay this initial increase, and decrease drastically the maximum distortion index that can be attained. The contrasting observations with respect to increasing K-content are due to the different levels of information yielded by TEM and X-ray diffraction. Analyses of electron diffraction patterns indicate that the metric state of individual crystals in any single sample annealed for more than one hour is highly heterogeneous, while no compositional differences could be detected. Hexagonal and variously distored crystals coexist. Thus intermediate structural states of cordierite in the classical sense are shown to exist, although intermediate distortion indices obtained by routine X-ray powder diffraction are largely due to a summation effect over such structurally heterogeneous populations. Although distinct differences in microstructure between the synthetic and the natural Fe2+-bearing cordierites exist, the Bokaro samples most closely resemble the early (1–10 h) tweed-structure of the synthetic products, whereas the Blaue Kuppe samples are comparable to a more mature (1–3 days) stage. It is thus concluded that the cordierite-bearing Bokaro paralavas cooled considerably faster than the Blaue Kuppe buchites.  相似文献   

A compositionally diverse suite of volcanic rocks, including tholeiites, phonolites, basanites and nephelinites, occurs as accidental blocks in the palagonitic tuff of Kaula Island. The Kaula phonolites are the only documented phonolites from the Hawaiian Ridge. Among the accidental blocks, only the phonolites and a plagioclase basanite were amenable to K-Ar age dating. They yielded ages of 4.0–4.2 Ma and 1.8±0.2 Ma, respectively. Crystal fractionation modeling of major and trace element data indicates that the phonolites could be derived from a plagioclase basanite by subtraction of 27% clinopyroxene, 21% plagioclase, 16% anorthoclase, 14% olivine, 4% titanomagnetite and 1% apatite, leaving a 16% derivative liquid. The nephelinites contain the same phenocryst, xenocryst and xenolith assemblages as the tuff. Thus, they are probably comagmatic. The strong chemical similarity of the Kaula nephelinites and basanites to those from the post-erosional stage Honolulu Group on Oahu, the presence of garnet-bearing pyroxenites in the Kaula nephelinites (which previously, had only been reported in the Honolulu volcanic rocks) and the similar age of the Kaula basanite to post-erosional lavas from nearby volcanoes are compelling evidence that the Kaula basanites and nephelinites were formed during a post-erosional stage of volcanism.Now at Occidental Petroleum, Bakersfield, CA, 93309, USA  相似文献   

A classification diagram was empirically developed for acid volcanic rocks formed in modern geodynamic settings and reflects their peculiar chemical features. The testing of the binary diagram Al2O3/(CaO + MgO)?Fe2O 3 Tot /(CaO + MgO) for the Late Cretaceous (Pimorsky, Siyanovsky, Kamensky, and Levosobolevsky) and Paleogene (Bogopolsky) Volcanic Complexes of East Sikhote Alin demonstrated its high efficiency for deciphering the tectonic settings of ancient acid volcanism.  相似文献   

非洲乍得盆地火山岩地球化学特征及成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钻井揭示了乍得盆地中新生代有大量玄武岩喷发,主要为橄榄拉斑玄武岩,少数为石英拉斑玄武岩和碱性橄榄玄武岩。主量、微量元素及Sr-Nd-Pb同位素地球化学研究表明,乍得盆地玄武岩岩浆在上升过程中经历了橄榄石、单斜辉石的分离结晶作用,且未受到陆壳物质的混染;岩石明显富集轻稀土元素、大离子亲石元素和高场强元素,Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf具正异常。晚白垩世玄武岩(87Sr/86Sr) i比值(0.704167~0.706564)高于古近纪玄武岩(0.703545~0.705380),(143Nd/144Nd)i比值(0.512451~0.512703)低于古近纪玄武岩(0.512690~0.512847);晚白垩世玄武岩εNd(t)u值变化范围较大(-1.4~3.5),且明显低于古近纪玄武岩(2.6~5.6)。两者具有相似的Pb同位素比值,206Pb/204Pb=18.14~18.96,207Pb/204Pb=15.56~15.62,208Pb/204Pb=38.33~38.88。乍得盆地玄武岩主要来自于亏损地幔DM和富集地幔EMⅡ两种端元组分混合产生的,石榴石橄榄岩的母熔体可能是本区玄武岩产生的源区,是地幔高度部分熔融的结果(15%左右)。乍得盆地玄武岩的地幔组份随时间的演化可能与中生代以来中、西非地区软流圈上涌、岩石圈减薄作用密切相关。  相似文献   

Volcano-sedimentary series of the Upper Jurassic to the Lower Cretaceous are extensively developed in Zhejiang Province. But ages and stratigraphic correlation concerning these rocks have long been a controversial problem. Systematic sampling was made of volcanic rocks of the Laocun, Huangjian, Shouchang and Moshishan Formations in western Zhejiang considered thus far as the Late Jurassic. Isotopic age determinations show that U-Th-Pb zircon ages are approximately concordant with Rb-Sr isochron ages, whereas K-Ar biotite ages and K-Ar isochron ages are all slightly lower. It can therefore be established that the ages of volcanic rocks mentioned above range from 134±6 to 122±2 m.y., corresponding to the “transitional period” from Jurassic to Cretaceous. It can also be concluded that the rocks have not undergone apparent epigenetic metamorphism. The initial87Sr/86Sr ratio is about 0.7089–0.7121, on the basis of which it may be postulated that the volcanic magma seems to have originated from the upper mantle with contamination by sialic materials subsequent to differentiation. For age determinations of such acid volcanic rocks Rb-Sr isochron method is considered more suitable in view of its following advantages: the high reliability of results; wide applicability to different samples; smaller sample requirement and the possibility for further studies involving petrogenesis by use of initial87Sr/86Sr ratio.  相似文献   

Volcanic rocks in Ertix,Xinjiang,occurring in the collision zone between the Siberia Plate and the Junggar Plate,are distributed along the Eritix River Valley in northern Xinjiang.The volcanic rocks were dated at Late Paleozoic and can be divided into the spilite-keratophyre series and the basalt-andesite series.The spilite-keratophyre series volcanic rocks occur in the Altay orogenic belt at the southwest margin of the Siberia Plate.In addition to sodic volcanic rocks.There are also associated potassic-sodic volcanic rocks and potassic volcanic rocks.The potassic-sodic volcanic rocks occur at the bottom of the eruption cycle and control the distribution of Pb and Zn deposits.The potassic volcanic rocks occur at the top of the eruption cycle and are associated with Au and Cu mineralizations.The sodic volcanic rocks occur in the middle stage of eruption cycle and control the occurrence of Cu(Zn) deposits.The basalt-andesite series volcanic rocks distributed in the North Junggar orogenic belt at the north margin of the Junggar-Kazakstan Plate belong to the potassic sodic volcain rocks.The volcanic rocks distributed along the Ulungur fault are relatively rich in sodium and poor in potassium and are predominated by Cu mineralization and associated with Au mineralization.Those volcanic rocks distributed along the Ertix fault are relatively rich in K and poor in Na,with Au mineralization being dominant.  相似文献   

新疆柯坪库木如吾祖克地区二叠纪火山岩   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
新疆柯坪库木如吾祖克地区二叠纪火山岩产于柯坪微地块中,为陆相火山岩,主要由基性熔岩 (辉石玄武岩 )和酸性凝灰岩组成,具双峰式火山岩系组合特征。火山岩为 3个火山喷发旋回的产物,从下至上基性熔岩主元素成分成规律性变化,表明基性熔岩为同源岩浆分异演化的产物。基性熔岩具有大陆火山岩性质,形成于大陆拉张环境。该二叠纪火山岩为天山造山带石炭—二叠纪大规模裂谷作用在柯坪古老微地块上的反映。  相似文献   

云南腾冲新期火山岩矿物及其熔体包裹体研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李霓  张柳毅 《岩石学报》2011,27(10):2842-2854
腾冲火山群位于我国云南省西部和缅甸的交界处,由黑空山、大空山、小空山、打鹰山、马鞍山等一系列火山组成,是我国著名的第四纪火山群,从喷发活动时间上可分为老期火山和新期火山.前人研究证实,打鹰山、马鞍山和黑空山为新期火山,它们在全新世都有过喷发活动.这些新期火山岩的主要斑晶矿物为辉石、橄榄石和长石,主要的斑晶矿物中都含有熔体包裹体,它们形态多样,分布不规则,且部分显示后期有变化.探针分析表明,新期火山岩矿物中熔体包裹体成分的变化范围大于其基质玻璃成分的变化范围,它们的化学成分分布范围涵盖了玄武粗安岩、粗面安山岩、粗面岩和流纹岩等岩石类型,与腾冲火山区晚更新世以来火山岩的成分分布范围基本一致.根据对新期火山岩斑晶和微晶矿物中熔体包裹体及基质玻璃成分的测试研究,其中挥发分Cl的含量在包裹体和基质中变化不大,但F、SO3在熔体包裹体中的含量高于基质,总体上腾冲新期火山喷发时岩浆的脱气率较低,喷发时并未向空中喷出大量气体,推测对当时的气候环境影响不大,但未来喷发的灾害效应不容忽视.  相似文献   

Experimental data show that the Ce-family REE are more accessible to hydrolysis than the Y-family REE, and the optimum pH conditions for REE adsorption vary from one system to another, for example, pH = 3–6 for the chloride system, and 3–4 for the acutate system. At pH = 3–6, no obvious selective REE adsorption is observed in both the systems. From the deep levels of the weathered crust towards the surface the percent content of the Ce-family REE tends to increase progressively, whereas that of the Y-family REE tends to decrease, with La/Ce varying from <1 → > 1 → <1. More or less fractionation would take place among the rare-earth elements due to their different geochemical behaviors. Nevertheless, the REE distribution patterns in the weathered crust can still reflect the REE distribution patterns in the parent rocks. Relatively unstable independent REE minerals, such as bastinaesite, parisite and britholite are considered as the main source of rare-earth elements in the weathered crust of this area.  相似文献   

The sulfide and sulfate contents and their δ34S values were determined in Quaternary volcanic rocks from the Japanese Islands Arc. The total sulfur contents are much lower (less than 40 ppm) and the δ34S values are higher (+4.4 ± 2.1) than those of ocean-floor basalts (800 ± 100 ppm and +0.8 ± 0.5, respectively; Moore and Fabbi, 1971; Sakaiet al., 1982). Lateral variations of both sulfur content and δ34S values were observed in the four volcanic belts in Japan. In the Northeast Japan belt, the sulfur content (30 ± 10 ppm) of the rocks in the inner zone (the Japan Sea side) is 3 to 5 times that in the outer zone (the Pacific side), although the δ34S values of the two zones are almost the same (+4.3 ± 1.0). The δ34S values for the two belts in West Japan are on the average 2%. higher than those of East Japan.This study suggests that the primary magmas that formed the island arc volcanic rocks are initially depleted in sulfur (<120 ppm) and enriched in 34S (δ34S: +5 ~ +7) compared to ocean-floor tholeiitic basalts which formed at mantle under oceanic region. This indicates that the upper-mantle is heterogeneous in sulfur content and isotope composition.  相似文献   

宁芜火山岩的地球化学特征及其意义   总被引:70,自引:30,他引:40  
王元龙  张旗等 《岩石学报》2001,17(4):565-575
宁芜早白垩世火山岩由中基性成分组成,与碱性玄武岩比较,火山岩贫Ti,Fe,富K和LREE,Na2O/K2O近似等于1,在SiO2-K2O图中龙王山组的全部和大王山组的大部落入橄榄玄粗岩区域,属于橄榄玄粗岩系列,为富集LILE和水的地幔部分熔融的产物。宁芜火山岩产于板内环境,富钾质岩浆的形成可能与软流圈地幔上涌和岩石圈的伸展-减薄或裂谷作用有关。宁芜火山岩富集大离子亲石元素,亏损高场强元素,Ti,Nb(Ta)具负异常。宁芜火山岩底部的龙王山组和主体大王山组具有不同的地球化学特征:与大王山组相比,前者更富Rb,Ba,K,而相对贫LREE(La,Ce,Nd),Eu,Sr,Isr较高,εNd(t)较低。由于龙王山组层位低,大王山组层位高,不可能解释为分离结晶作用的结果,而只能说明在火山岩喷发的早期阶段(龙王山组),岩浆穿过陆壳上升过程中与围岩发生过混染作用,从围岩中带入较多的K、Rb,Ba等大离子亲石元素,从而使得Isr较高和εNd(t)较低。龙王山组SiO2-K2O不具相关性也说明陆壳混染的影响。至宁芜火山岩喷发的极盛时期(大王山组),岩浆与围岩的混染程度降低,Isr和Nd(t)值更接近岩浆的初始组成。据了解,在长江中下游地区有许多晚中生代的埃达克质岩出露,埃达克质岩来自加厚的陆壳底部,需要很高的温度才能使下地壳基性岩发生部分熔融。宁芜一带火山岩的大规模喷出,表明在早白垩世初期该区地幔处于十分活跃的状态,可能有大量橄榄玄粗质岩浆底侵到下地壳底部,烘烤下地壳使之熔融形成埃达克质熔浆。  相似文献   

印度-亚洲大陆碰撞伴生有大量火山活动,其中,林子宗火山岩发育最广,遍布碰撞带北侧的冈底斯带,形成长逾1200 km的火山岩带。林周地区作为林子宗火山岩的命名地,该套火山岩发育相对齐全,为安山岩、流纹岩及相应的火山碎屑岩夹沉积碎屑岩组合,顶部发育巨厚流纹质凝灰岩,可以划分出三个火山旋回,其生成时代介于63.89~48.73 Ma。岩石学和地球化学资料显示,林子宗火山岩自下而上SiO2和K2O含量以及Al2O3饱和度增加,其岩浆从早到晚由中性、中钾和准铝质变化到酸性、高钾和过铝质,晚期喷发巨厚的火山灰流,反映区域地壳明显的加厚,由早期的30~40 km变化到晚期的50~60 km。火山岩相对富集Cs、Rb、K、U,亏损Ta、Nb、Ti、Sr、Ba、P,早期与桑日组安山岩地球化学特征相近,而中—晚期与乌郁、扎嘎等地渐新世高钾火山岩相似,表明早期岩浆具有新特提斯洋俯冲板片印迹,而中—晚期具有后碰撞作用特点。林子宗火山岩作为印度-亚洲大陆碰撞过程的响应,记录着古新世至始新世(64~48 Ma)印度-亚洲大陆之间的碰撞向碰撞后演化过程。  相似文献   

J Dostal  S Capedri  C Dupuy 《Lithos》1976,9(3):179-183
The U content of major rock-forming minerals in a suite of calc-alkaline volcanic rocks from Sardinia is very low and their partition coefficient of U (DU = CS/CL) is smaller than 0.1. The values of DU of the mineral phases decrease from basalt to dacite and, in all rocks, the bulk of U and K is present in the groundmass. The apparent close association between K and U in basic and intermediate rocks probably reflects the fact that most of their rock-forming minerals are relatively ‘inert’ with respect to both of these elements.  相似文献   

KRb ratios in Mauritian Older Series basalts range from 200 to 350. A fall to around 175 in trachytes probably relates to kaersutite fractionation. Highly variable ratios in Intermediate  相似文献   

Summary The results of the present paper confirm the overall dependence of the geometric parameters of olivines on the Mg/(Fe+Mn) ratio. M1 and M2 volumes linearly decrease with increasing forsterite (Fo) content but at different rates. The difference between the volumes of the octahedral sites decreases gradually fromFo 92% toFo 50% and then remains virtually constant down toFo 0.2%.Fe(M1)/Fe(M2) ratios indicate that Fe2+ prefers the M1 site in fayalite (Fa)-rich olivines (Fa=39% to 92%; average Fe(M1)/Fe(M2)=1.04±0.02). Instead, in Mg-olivines (Fo=80% to 92%) a Mg-M1 preference (average Mg(M1)/Mg(M2)=0.96±0.05) may exist. Finally, Mn(M1)/Mn(M2) ratios do not indicate a definite Mn preference for M2 in the studied olivines (MnO=0.44% to 4.5 wt.%; average Mn(M1)/Mn(M2)=0.99±0.13).No relevant influence on geometric parameters was observed between Ca-free and Cabearing (maximum CaO=0.66 wt.%) olivines.
Struktur-Verfeinerung von 13 Olivinen der Forsterit-Fayalit-Serie aus Vulkaniten und ultramafischen Einschlüssen
Zusammenfassung Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung bestätigen die Abhängigkeit der geometrischen Parameter der Olivine vom Verhältnis Mg/(Fe+Mn). Die Volumina M1 und M2 nehmen linear, jedoch jeweils verschieden, mit zunehmenden Forsterit (Fo)-Gehalt ab. Der Unterschied zwischen den Volumina der oktaedrischen Plätze nimmt graduell vonFo 92% bisFo 50% ab und bleibt dann bis zuFo 0.2% konstant.Fe(M1)/Fe(M2)-Verhältnisse zeigen, daß Fe2+ vorzugsweise M1 Plätze in fayalitreichen Olivinen (Fa=39% bis 92%; durchschnittliches Fe(M1)/Fe(M2)=1,04±0,02) besetzen. In Mg-Olivinen (Fo=80% bis 92%) hingegen dürfte eine Mg-M1 Präferenz vorliegen (durchschnittliches Mg(M1)/Mg(M2)=0,96±0,05). Mn(M1)/Mn(M2)-Verhältnisse weisen nicht auf eine definitite Mn-Präferenz für M2 in den untersuchten Olivinen hin (MnO=0,44–4,5 wt.%; durchschnittliches Mn(M1)/Mn(M2)-Verhältnis=0,99±0,13).Der Calcium-Gehalt (Maximum, CaO=0,66 wt.%) beeinflußt die geometrischen Parameter der Olivine nicht.

With 5 Figures  相似文献   

Ar, N2 and CO2 were introduced into the structural cavities of channel-evacuated single-crystals of White Well cordierite with the composition: K0.01Na0.03(Mg1.91Fe0.09Mn0.01)Al3.98Si5.01O18. The gas refilling experiments were carried out in conventional hydrothermal bombs at 6–7 kbar and 600–700°C. The increase in the mean refractive indices for gas-treated crystals, as determined with a spindle-stage equipped microscope, was used along with point-dipole calculations to estimate the percentage of occupied structural cavities. The steep increase of the electronic polarizability parallel to the a-axis, which can be derived from the increase of the refractive index n γ (Z∥a) upon introduction of volatiles, indicates that N2 and CO2 are preferentially aligned parallel to the a-axis of cordierite. Single-crystal structure refinements at room temperature confirm these predictions. Additionally, decreased C–O and N–N bond lengths suggest a librational motion with a mean rotary oscillation angle of 35° (N2) and 25° (CO2) about a, where c is the rotation axis. Mean libration angles of 40° (N2) and 28° (CO2) were estimated from the electronic polarizability tensors of CO2 and N2. Site occupancy refinements of the channel position are in good agreement with the optically derived values for the volatile concentrations, both indicating about 70% and 60% filled cavities for Ar- and N2-cordierite, respectively. Chemical analyses and point-dipole calculations confirm that about 45% of the cavities are occupied in the CO2-treated crystal. The structural framework of cordierite is slightly but specifically altered by the various channel occupants.  相似文献   

In the acid volcanic rocks of the Cerberean Cauldron of Central Victoria, four almandine garnet types can be distinguished. Types 1 and 2 are the most important. Type 1 garnets, about 1 mm across, euhedral and free of inclusions, occur mainly in the Rubicon Rhyolite. Type 2 garnets, up to 1 cm across, often irregular and always with inclusions, are most abundant in the Lake Mountain Rhyodacite. Type 1 garnets are enriched in Fe and Mn and depleted in Mg and Ca with respect to Type 2 garnets. Zoning patterns in Type 1 garnets show enrichment of Fe and Mn in the cores. Conversely Type 2 garnets have Fe and Mn enriched rims, although the zoning is frequently less regular. Fe rich cordierite occurs, mainly in the Rubicon Rhyolite, as nearly euhedral sixlings, without inclusions. They are frequently altered but where fresh show zoning patterns like those of the Type 1 garnets.These characteristics are best explained if the Type 2 garnets and cordierite are residuals of high grade metamorphic assemblages in granitic liquids produced by partial melting of pelitic rocks. Type 1 garnets and biotite subsequently crystallized from the liquid and the zoning patterns of Type 2 garnets and cordierite were modified near their rims by reaction.  相似文献   

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