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Preflare state     
Discussion on the preflare state held at the Ottawa Flares 22 Workshop focused on the interpretation of solar magnetograms and of H filament activity. Magnetograms from several observatories provided evidence of significant build up of electric currents in flaring regions. Images of X-ray emitting structures provided a clear example of magnetic relaxation in the course of a flare. Emerging and cancelling magnetic fields appear to be important for triggering flares and for the formation of filaments, which are associated with eruptive flares. Filaments may become unstable by the build up of electric current helicity. Examples of heliform eruptive filaments were presented at the Workshop. Theoretical models linking filaments and flares are briefly reviewed.Report of Team 1, Flares 22 Workshop, Ottawa, May 25–28, 1993  相似文献   

Preflare activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
V. Gaizauskas 《Solar physics》1989,121(1-2):135-152
Magnetic reconnection at current sheets or in current-bearing arches in the solar atmosphere is generally accepted as the mechanism responsible for the sudden energy release in solar flares. Attempts have so far been unsuccessful to isolate from the observations some unique preconditions which would be necessary and sufficient to ensure rapid conversion of energy by this process. Here we survey recent multi-wavelength observations which illustrate the variety of preflare activity. Multiple structures are now believed to participate in the energy release. Dynamic global coupling of the magnetic fields between a flaring site and the rest of an activity complex is seen from the data to be an important aspect of preflare activity.  相似文献   

The physical state of the photosphere 1 h 50 min before a C1 solar flare on May 24, 2012, was studied. The spectropolarimetric data from the French-Italian THEMIS telescope (Tenerife Island, Spain) were used. The modeling was carried out through the inversion method using SIR [B. Ruiz Cobo and J. C. del Toro Iniesta, Astrophys. J. 398, 375–385 (1992)] code. Height distributions of temperature, magnetic field strength, and line-of-sight velocity were obtained. Nine semiempirical models of the photosphere were constructed. Each model has a two-component (a magnetic field component and nonmagnetic surroundings) structure. According to the obtained models, the magnetic field parameters and thermodynamic parameters did change significantly in the course of observations that lasted for 8 min. The models contain layers with increased and decreased temperature values. The magnetic field strength in these models varied, on average, from 0.2 T (lower photospheric layers) to 0.13 T (upper layers). The line-of-sight velocities did not exceed 2 km/s in lower and middle photospheric layers and rose to 5–6 km/s in the upper layers. The differences in the physical state and its changes occurring at different sites within the active region prior to the flare were revealed.  相似文献   

The preflare activity of a plage filament is analysed from H observations made with the Multichannel Subtractive Double Pass Spectrograph (MSDP) of the Meudon Solar Tower. The June 22, 1980 event is studied and interpreted in terms of preflare heating of a filament, connected to the rise of emerging flux, and the relative approach of pores of different magnetic polarity, prior to the onset of a two-ribbon flare.The region with enhanced magnetic field, around the filament, begins to brighten slowly 20 min before the triggering of the flare, in the center of H. Filament dark material begins to rise rapidly while the brightest point on one side drifts towards it, 6 min before the onset of the two-ribbon flare. Simultaneously the absorbing material separates from the remaining part of the filament.In the discussion, we suggest that most of the observed features may be the consequence of emergence of new magnetic flux and the related reconnection processes.  相似文献   

The preflare phase of the flare SOL2011-08-09T03:52 is unique in its long duration, in that it was covered by the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) and the Nobeyama Radioheliograph, and because it showed three well-developed soft X-ray (SXR) peaks. No hard X-rays (HXR) are observed in the preflare phase. Here we report that no associated radio emission at 17 GHz was found either, despite the higher sensitivity of the radio instrument. The ratio between the SXR peaks and the upper limit of the radio peaks is higher by more than one order of magnitude than the ratio in regular flares. The result suggests that the ratio between acceleration and heating in the preflare phase was different than in regular flares. Acceleration to relativistic energies, if any, occurred with lower efficiency.  相似文献   

The two-dimensional Van Tend and Kuperus (1978) scenario for pre-flare energy build-up is extended to a fully three-dimensional model and applied to the 16 May, 1981 flare observed at Debrecen. It is shown that there is plenty of free energy (1033 erg) available to explain the ensuing large two-ribbon flare. This estimate is an order of magnitude larger than the simple estimate made by Van Tend, as a result of the three-dimensional character of the present model. It is further confirmed that the global form of the preflare circuit is decisive for determining the amount of energy stored in the preflare configuration, while the internal structure of the filament is of little importance. This is in accordance with the similar claims of Alfvén and Van Tend and Kuperus.Order of magnitude estimates are derived for all the lumped circuit parameters of the preflare filament-return current circuit; self-inductance, resistance, current strength, and applied voltage. It is found that the model gives correct predictions for the independently observed photospheric flow velocity and current strength in filaments.NAS/NRC Resident Research Associate.  相似文献   

Preflare current sheets in the solar atmosphere   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Neutral current sheets are expected to form in the solar atmosphere when photospheric motions or the emergence of new magnetic flux causes oppositely directed magnetic fields to be pressed together. Magnetic energy may thus be stored slowly in excess of the minimum energy associated with a purely potential field and released suddenly during a solar flare. For simplicity, we investigate the neutral sheet which forms between two parallel line dipoles when either the distance between them decreases or their dipole moments increase. It is found that, when the dipoles have approached by an amount equal to a tenth of their original separation distance, the stored energy is comparable with that released in a major flare. In addition, a similarity solution for one-dimensional magnetohydro-dynamic flow within such a neutral sheet is presented; it demonstrates that rapid conversion of magnetic energy into heat is possible provided conditions at the edge of the neutral sheet are changing sufficiently quickly.  相似文献   

S. W. Kahler 《Solar physics》1979,62(2):347-357
X-ray images from the AS&E telescope on Skylab are used to investigate coronal conditions in solar active regions during the 20-min periods preceding the X-ray onsets of small flares. The preflare or precursor phase is defined as a phase with a characteristic length or time scale significantly different from that of the rise phase. We show that there is no observational evidence of a requirement for a coronal preflare heating phase with a time scale longer than 2 min for small flares characterized by one or two loops. In 18 out of 25 cases the flaring X-ray structure was not the brightest feature in the preflare active region. The electron densities are estimated for preflare loops.  相似文献   

We present and interpret observations of the preflare phase of the eruptive flare of 15 November, 1991 in NOAA AR 6919. New flux emerged in this region, indicated by arch filaments in Hα and increasing vertical flux in vector magnetograms. With increasing frequency before the eruption, transient dark Hα fibrils were observed that crossed Hα bright plage and the magnetic inversion line to extend from the region of flux emergence to the filament, whose eruption was associated with the flare. These crossing fibrils were dynamic, and were often associated with sites of propagating torsional motion. These sites propagated from the region of flux emergence into the filament flux system. We interpret these morphological and dynamic features in terms of relaxation after magnetic reconnection episodes which create longer field lines within the filament flux system, as envisioned in the tether cutting model, and transfer twist to it, as well. Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1005086108043  相似文献   

Contrasting conditions preceding MIS3 and MIS2 Heinrich events   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents an integrated multi-tracer study performed on piston cores recovered in the glacial ice-rafted detritus belt, stretching from Newfoundland to the Irish margin across the North Atlantic (40–55°N), in order to compare in detail the internal structure of each Heinrich event (HE). These tracers are IRD counts (quartz, dolomite, volcanic grains), their Nd isotopic composition and Ar–Ar datings of individual hornblende grains. A focus on the detailed structure of HE confirms that all intervals of massive sediment flux, specifically Heinrich layers HL1-to-5 (HLs), were dominated by North American, Laurentide ice-sheet surges from Hudson Strait, that are evident as far east as the Bay of Biscay (European margin). The sequences of events leading up to the HLs, however, present significant dissimilarities. One important difference is that HL2 and HL1 were preceded by “precursor events” (increases in the number of lithic grains per gram from non-Laurentide sediment sources). Sediment debris derived from near-simultaneous iceberg releases originating from the European ice-sheet are only detectable close to the European margin. In contrast there are no comparable precursor events before HL5 and HL4. This observation implies that precursor events are unlikely to be mechanistically linked to the triggering of HEs. The similarity of the HLs, against contrasting background conditions, is a significant observation that should add constraints to their origin.  相似文献   

We analyzed the data on the flares of the X-ray class X in the 24th solar activity cycle. Several properties of the active regions (their morphological structure, the changes in the structure of the magnetic fields of spots, the evolution dynamics, etc.) were also analyzed with the object of identifying the factors that influence the flare activity of a group the most. In order to gather the maximum amount of experimental data, we used the observational data that cover various levels of the solar atmosphere that were obtained both by terrestrial and space (SOHO, SDO, XRT, Hinode, etc.) telescopes.  相似文献   

Images from the AS & E X-ray telescope on Skylab were examined for evidence of a flare build-up during the 20 minute periods preceding eight small X-ray flares. In two cases no activity could be seen up to 2 min before the flare onset. In no case did a preflare brightening occur in and only in the region which flared.  相似文献   

Solar proton events have been studied for over thirty years and a great deal of lore has grown around them. It is the purpose of this paper to test some of this lore against the actual data. Data on solar proton events now exist for the period from 1956 to 1985 during which time 140 events took place in which the event integrated fluxes for protons of energy > 30 MeV was larger than 105 particles cm-2. We have studied statistical properties of event integrated fluxes for particles with energy > 10 MeV and for particles with energy > 30 MeV. Earlier studies based on a single solar cycle had resulted in a sharp division of events into ordinary and anomalously large events.Two such entirely separate distributions imply two entirely separate acceleration mechanisms, one common and the other very rare. We find that the sharp division is neither required nor justified by this larger sample. Instead the event intensity forms a smooth distribution for intensities up to the largest observed implying that any second acceleration mechanism cannot be rare. We have also studied the relation of event sizes to the sunspot number and the solar cycle phase. We find a clear bimodal variation of annual integrated flux with solar cycle phase but no statistically significant tendency for the large events to avoid sunspot maximum. We show there is almost no relation between the maximum sunspot number in a solar cycle and the solar cycle integrated flux. We also find that for annual sunspot numbers greater than 35 (i.e., non-minimum solar cycle conditions) there is no relation whatsoever between the annual sunspot numbers and annual integrated flux.  相似文献   

New evidence of statistically significant circulation changes in the lower stratosphere and in the middle and upper troposphere following Type IV Proton and Ground Level Events confirms some earlier findings of a relationship between solar activity and weather. The maximum 24-hr circulation changes appear to occur in the North Pacific-Alaskan area. A comparison between the effects that followed the flare sample used in this study with earlier results reported for less intense solar particle emission flare samples, implies that if these particles are responsible for triggering the atmospheric circulation in times of enhanced solar activity, their atmospheric effect is enhanced as we move to the more energetic solar proton events. The physical explanation of the results may possibly be found in numerical-experimental models. Some possible causes of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Solar flares and magnetospheric substorms are discussed in the context of a general theory of impulsive flux transfer events (IFTE). IFTE theory, derived from laboratory observations in the Double Inverse Pinch Device (DIPD), provides a quantitative extension of neutral sheet theories to include nonsteady field line reconnection. Current flow along the reconnection line increases with magnetic flux storage. When flux build-up exceeds the level corresponding to a critical limit on the current, instabilities induce a sudden transition in the mode of conduction. The resulting IFTE, indifferent to the specific modes and instabilities involved, is the more energetic, the lower the initial resistivity. It is the more violent, the greater the resulting resistivity increase and the faster its growth. Violent events can develop very large voltage transients along the reconnection line. Persistent build-up promoting conditions produce relaxation oscillations in the quantity of flux and energy stored (build-up-IFTE cycles). It is difficult to avoid the conclusion: flares and substorms are examples of IFTE.  相似文献   

A flare rising from behind the solar limb was recorded simultaneously by the UCSD X-ray detector on OSO-III (7.7–200 keV) and the Caltech photoheliograph on Robinson Laboratory roof (Hα). The de-occultation gives excellent spatial resolution of the X-ray source. Spectra suggest that the material was already heated to 27 000 000° and that the increase in flux was due to the de-occultation. The flux rise to maximum was proportional to the apparent area. The uniformity of this rise shows that there was no special kernel of emission. Comparison of the deduced volume with the bremsstrahlung formula gives a density of about 1010 for the 27 000 000° component of the flare; this is confirmed by consideration of the maximum possible coulomb braking. The actual decay is more likely by escape rather than coulomb braking.  相似文献   

An M4.1/1B solar flare on November 5, 2004, is investigated. The Stokes I ± V profiles of nine photospheric Fe I, Fe II, Sc II, and Cr II lines are studied for three instants of this flare (11 h 35 m , 11 h 39 m , and 11 h 45 m UT). The magnetic fields in the flare were measured in two ways: using the center-of-gravity method and by comparing the observed profiles with the theoretical ones computed with Baranovsky’s code. Analysis of the profiles reveals that the magnetic field strength peaked in the upper photosphere (logτ500 = ?2.7) at the flare maximum (11 h 35 m ); this peak was smeared and shifted into the deeper photospheric layers as the flare evolved. The semiempirical model of the flare has two layers with an enhanced temperature: in the upper and middle photosphere. These layers also shifted deep into the photosphere as the flare evolved. The turbulent velocities at the distribution maximum increased by almost a factor of 5 compared to those in the undisturbed photosphere, while the plasma density both increased and decreased by a factor of 3–6.  相似文献   

Abstract— The high‐pressure polymorphs of olivine, pyroxene, and plagioclase in or adjacent to shock melt veins (SMVs) in two L6 chondrites (Sahara 98222 and Yamato 74445) were investigated to clarify the related transformation mechanisms and to estimate the pressure‐temperature conditions of the shock events. Wadsleyite and jadeite were identified in Sahara 98222. Wadsleyite, ringwoodite, majorite, akimotoite, jadeite, and lingunite (NaAlSi3O8‐hollandite) were identified in Yamato 74445. Wadsleyite nucleated along the grain boundaries and fractures of original olivine. The nucleation and growth of ringwoodite occurred along the grain boundaries of original olivine, and as intracrystalline ringwoodite lamellae within original olivine. The nucleation and growth of majorite took place along the grain boundaries or fractures in original enstatite. Jadeite‐containing assemblages have complicated textures containing “particle‐like,” “stringer‐like,” and “polycrystalline‐like” phases. Coexistence of lingunite and jadeite‐containing assemblages shows a vein‐like texture. We discuss these transformation mechanisms based on our textural observations and chemical composition analyses. The shock pressure and temperature conditions in the SMVs of these meteorites were also estimated based on the mineral assemblages in the SMVs and in comparison with static high‐pressure experimental results as follows: 13–16 GPa, >1900 °C for Sahara 98222 and 17–24 GPa, >2100 °C for Yamato 74445.  相似文献   

The absorption of cosmic radio noise passing through the ionosphere may be described as a function of radio wave frequencyA(f e ) f e -n , with n 2.0 for spatially uniform precipitation of electrons and n < 2.0 for spatially nonuniform precipitation. Using multifrequency riometer recordings at SANAE, the following observations are reviewed: (1) The frequency distribution of the power index, n, obtained from 4 min averaged absorptions during 1983, shows a most probable value around n 1.5, indicating that mostly energetic electrons are precipitated spatially structured onto the upper atmosphere, as in optical aurora. (2) Multifrequency riometer recordings suggest that field-aligned ionospheric irregularities have scattered additional cosmic radio waves from the central region of the Galaxy into the fields of views of the riometer antennae during an auroral absorption event in the early morning hours of 27 July, 1982. With the power reflectivity by ionospheric irregularities inversely proportional to the fourth power of radio wave frequency, as required by the Bragg condition, an estimated 70% increase in the 20 MHz radio flux at 01:22 UT, at the strong absorption peak, can explain the strongly reduced absorption observed in 20 MHz relative to 30 and 51.4 MHz. (3) Gradual increases in absorptions observed at all three riometer frequencies from onset at 11:50 UT of the largest solar proton ground level enhancement on 29 September, 1989, until 18:00 UT, suggest diffusion of the much more intense low energy protons from the polar cap to the L=4.0 geomagnetic field shell and subsequent precipitation at SANAE due to the South Atlantic Geomagnetic Anomaly. (4) The flux of electron energy deposited per second at SANAE is closely related to geomagnetic activity, but has a lower maximum during the years 1971 and 1980 of solar polar magnetic reversals than in the years 1976 and 1986/87 of minimum solar activity. (5) A significant correlation has been found between the arrival of single-hop whistlers and 30 MHz riometer absorption events, using point statistics. The maximum absorption at 30 MHz was 0.04 dB with a delay of 3 ± 2 s relative to the whistler.  相似文献   

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