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The mean depth of the mantle transition zone depends on the global mantle temperature through the Clapeyron slope. Numerical models of mantle convection with endothermic phase change at 670 km are characterized by quiet periods of partial layering alternating with catastrophic events. During an avalanche, global thermal anomalies, reaching several tens of degrees, and lasting several tens of million years occur that induce a global deepening of the mantle transition zone. The resulting inertia tensor perturbations lead to acceleration of the Earth’s rotation. The bottom heat fluxes remains strong as a consequence of the steep thermal gradient at the CMB level; whereas it decreases to a low level during quiet periods. The upper surface heat flux displays a more complex behavior due to the re-heating of upper mantle by plumes generated at the transition zone and at the CMB. Following these numerical results, two significantly different regimes of mantle convection may have alternated several times during the Earth’s history. The avalanche periods are also associated with a global increase of plate tectonic activity (ridge accretion and continental break-up) due to an increase of the surface velocity during the avalanche process. This work shows the richness of the behavior in surfaces and bottom heat fluxes that arises from the alternation of quiet periods of partial layering with catastrophic avalanche events. Complexities in the real Earth displays are surprisingly simular to those caused by the consequences of mantle avalanches.  相似文献   

在核幔界面之上的下地幔一侧,地震波速分布极不均匀,厚度在50~300 km范围内变化的一层物质称为地幔底层。地幔底层由具有高地震波速和高密度的D″区和超低速带(ULVZ)组成。地幔底层是地核热能向地幔传播的必经之路,也是地幔中温度和温度梯度最高的地区。地幔底层既是俯冲板块的最终归宿,又是热柱和超级热柱的源区。因此,地幔底层既是全地幔对流的起点,又是全地幔对流的终点。在地幔底层可能发生地幔物质(包括俯冲板块物质在内)的部分熔融作用,也可能存在外核液态铁与地幔硅酸盐的化学反应。所以地幔底层在全球物质演化中占有重要的地位。  相似文献   

The Earth was born from a giant impact at 4.56 Ga. It is generally thought that the Earth subsequently cooled, and hence shrunk, over geologic time. However, if the Earth's convection was double-layered, there must have been a peak of expansion during uni-directional cooling. We computed the expansion-contraction effect using first principles mineral physics data. The result shows a radius about 120 km larger than that of the present Earth immediately after the consolidation of the magma-ocean on the surface, and subsequent shrinkage of about 110 km in radius within about 10 m.y., followed by gradual expansion of 11 km in radius due to radiogenic heating in the lower mantle in spite of cooling in the upper mantle in the Archean. This was due to double-layered convection in the Archean with final collapse of overturn with contraction of about 8 km in radius, presumably by the end of the Archean. Since then, the Earth has gradually cooled down to reduce its radius by around 12 km. Geologic evidence supports the late Archean mantle overturn ca. 2.6 Ga, such as the global distribution of super-liquidus flood basalts on nearly all cratonic fragments (>35 examples). If our inference is correct, the surface environment of the Earth must have undergone extensive volcanism and emergence of local landmasses, because of the thin ocean cover (3–5 km thickness). Global unconformity appeared in cratonic fragments with stromatolite back to 2.9 Ga with a peak at 2.6 Ga. The global magmatism brought extensive crustal melting to yield explosive felsic volcanism to transport volcanic ash into the stratosphere during the catastrophic mantle overturn. This event seems to be recorded by sulfur mass-independent fractionation (SMIF) at 2.6 Ga. During the mantle overturn, a number of mantle plumes penetrated into the upper mantle and caused local upward doming of by ca. 2–3 km which raised local landmasses above sea-level. The consequent increase of atmospheric oxygen enabled life evolution from prokaryotes to eukaryotes by 2.1 Ga, or even earlier in the Earth history.  相似文献   

The paper is a synthesis of models for basic geodynamic processes (spreading, subduction transient into collision, mantle plumes) in relation with the Earth's evolution and regularly changing geodynamic parameters. The main trends and milestones of this evolution record irreversible cooling of the Earth's interior, oxidation of the surface, and periodic changes in geodynamic processes. The periodicity consists of cycles of three characteristic sizes, namely 700–800 Myr global cycles, 120, 90, and 30 Myr smaller cycles, and short-period millennial to decadal oscillations controlled by changing Earth's orbital parameters and, possibly, also by other extraterrestrial factors. Major events and estimates of mantle and surface temperatures, heat flow, viscosity, and the respective regimes of convection and plume magmatism have been reported for the largest periods of the Earth's history: Hadean (4.6–3.9 Ga), Early Archean (3.9–3.3 Ga), Late Archean (3.3–2.6 Ga), Early Proterozoic (2.6–1.9 Ga), Middle Proterozoic (1.9–1.1 Ga), Neoproterozoic (1.1–0.6 Ga), and Phanerozoic with two substages of 0.6–0.3 and 0.3–0 Ga.Current geodynamics is discussed with reference to models of spreading, subduction, and plume activity. Spreading is considered in terms of double-layered mantle convection, with focus on processes in the vicinity of mid-ocean ridges. The problem of mafic melt migration through the upper mantle beneath spreading ridges is treated qualitatively. Main emphasis is placed on models of melting, comparison of experimental and observed melt compositions, and their variations in periods of magmatic activity (about 100 kyr long) and quiescence. The extent and ways of interaction of fluids and melts rising from subduction zones with the ambient mantle remain the most controversial. Plume magmatism is described with a “gas torch” model of thermochemical plumes generated at the core-mantle boundary due to local chemical doping with volatiles (H2, CH2, KH, etc.) which are released from the metallic outer core, become oxidized in the lower mantle, and decrease the melting point of the latter. The concluding section concerns periodicities in endogenous processes and their surface consequences, including the related biospheric evolution.  相似文献   

Influence of supercontinents on deep mantle flow   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The assembly of supercontinents should impact mantle flow fields significantly, affecting the distribution of subduction, upwelling plumes, lower mantle chemical heterogeneities, and thus plausibly contributing to voluminous volcanism that is often associated with their breakup. Alternative explanations for this volcanism include insulation by the continent and thus elevated subcontinental mantle temperatures. Here we model the thermal and dynamic impact of supercontinents on Earth-like mobile-lid convecting systems. We confirm that insulating supercontinents (over 3000 km extent) can impact mantle temperatures, but show the scale of temperature anomaly is significantly less for systems with strongly temperature-dependent viscosities and mobile continents. Additionally, for continents over 8000 km, mantle temperatures are modulated by the development of small-scale convecting systems under the continent, which arise due to inefficient lateral convection of heat at these scales. We demonstrate a statistically robust association between rising plumes supercontinental interiors for a variety of continental configurations, driven largely by the tendency of subducting slabs to lock onto continental margins. The distribution of slabs also affects the spatial positioning of deep mantle thermochemical anomalies, which demonstrate stable configurations in either the sub-supercontinent or intraoceanic domains. We find externally forced rifting scenarios unable to generate significant melt rates, and thus the ultimate cause of supercontinent breakup related volcanism is probably related to dynamic continental rifting in response to mantle reconfiguration events.  相似文献   

S.  M.  D.   《Gondwana Research》2007,11(1-2):7
The Western Pacific Triangular Zone (WPTZ) is the frontier of a future supercontinent to be formed at 250 Ma after present. The WPTZ is characterized by double-sided subduction zones to the east and south, and is a region dominated by extensive refrigeration and water supply into the mantle wedge since at least 200 Ma. Long stagnant slabs extending over 1200 km are present in the mid-Mantle Boundary Layer (MBL, 410–660 km) under the WPTZ, whereas on the Core–Mantle Boundary (CMB, 2700–2900 km depth), there is a thick high-V anomaly, presumably representing a slab graveyard. To explain the D″ layer cold anomaly, catastrophic collapse of once stagnant slabs in MBL is necessary, which could have occurred at 30–20 Ma, acting as a trigger to open a series of back-arc basins, hot regions, small ocean basins, and presumably formation of a series of microplates in both ocean and continent. These events were the result of replacement of upper mantle by hotter and more fertile materials from the lower mantle.The thermal structure of the solid Earth was estimated by the phase diagrams of Mid Oceanic Ridge Basalt (MORB) and pyrolite combined with seismic discontinuity planes at 410–660 km, thickness of the D″ layers, and distribution of the ultra-low velocity zone (ULVZ). The result clearly shows the presence of two major superplumes and one downwelling. Thermal structure of the Earth seems to be controlled by the subduction history back to 180 Ma, except in the D″ layer. The thermal structure of the D″ layer seems to be controlled by older slab-graveyards, as expected by paleogeographic reconstructions for Laurasia, Gondwana and Rodinia back to 700 Ma.Comparison of mantle tomography between the Pacific superplume and underneath the WPTZ suggests the transformation of a cold slab graveyard to a large-scale mantle upwelling with time. The Pacific superplume was born from the coldest CMB underneath the 1.0–0.75 Ga supercontinent Rodinia where huge amounts of cold slabs had accumulated through collision-amalgamation of more than 12 continents. A high velocity P-wave anomaly on a whole-mantle scale shows stagnant slabs restricted to the MBL of circum-Pacific and Tethyan regions. The high velocity zones can be clearly identified within the Pacific domain, suggesting the presence of slab graveyards formed at geological periods much older than the breakup of Rodinia. We speculate that the predominant subduction occurred through the formation period of Gondwana, presumably very active during 600 to 540 Ma period, and again from 400 to 300 Ma during the formation of the northern half of Pangea (Laurasia). We correlate the three dominant slab graveyards with three major orogenies in earth history, with the emerging picture suggesting that the present-day Pacific superplume is located at the center of the Rodinian slab graveyard.We speculate the mechanism of superplume formation through a comparison of the thermal structure of the mantle combined with seismic tomography under the Western Pacific Triangular Zone (WPTZ), Laurasia (Asia), Gondwana (Africa), and Rodinia (Pacific). The coldest mantle formed by extensive subduction to generate a supercontinent, changes with time of the order of several hundreds of million years to the hottest mantle underneath the supercontinent. The Pacific superplume is tightly defined by a steep velocity gradient on the margin, particularly well documented by S-wave velocity. The outermost region of the superplume is characterized by the Rodinia slab graveyard forming a donut-shape. We develop a petrologic model for the Pacific superplume and show how larger plumes are generated at shallower depths in the mantle. We link the mechanism of formation of the superplume to the presence of the mineral post-perovskite, the phase transformation of which to perovskite is exothermic, and thus aids in transporting core heat to mantle, and finally to planetary space by plumes.We summarize the characteristics of tectonic processes operating at the CMB to propose the existence of an “anti-crust” generated through “anti-plate tectonics” at the bottom of the mantle. The chemistry of the anti-crust markedly contrasts with that of the continental crust overlying the mantle. Both the crust and the anti-crust must have increased in volume through geologic time, in close relation with the geochemical reservoirs of the Earth. The process of formation of a new superplume closely accompanies the process of development of anti-crust at the bottom of mantle, through the production of dense melt from the partial melting of recycled MORB, observed now as the ULVZ. When CMB temperature is recovered to near 4000 K through phase transformation, the recycled MORB is partially melted imparting chemical buoyancy of the andesitic residual solid which rises up from CMB, leaving behind the dense melt to sink to CMB and thus increase the mass of anti-crust. These small-scale plumes develop to a large-scale superplume through collision and amalgamation with time. When all recycled MORBs are consumed, it is the time of demise of superplume. Immediately above the CMB, anti-plate tectonics operates to develop anti-crust through the horizontal movement of accumulated slab and their partial melting. Thus, we speculate that another continent, or even a supercontinent, has developed through geologic time at the bottom of the mantle.We also evaluate the heating vs. cooling models in relation to mantle dynamics. Rising plumes control not only the rifting of supercontinents and continents, but also the Atlantic stage as seen by anchored ridge by hotspots in the last 200 Ma in the Atlantic. Therefore, we propose that the major driving force for the mantle dynamics is the heat supplied from the high-T core, and not the slab pull force by cooling. The best analogy for this is the atmospheric circulation driven by the energy from Sun.  相似文献   

We present a thermophysical model for interaction between the conduit of a thermochemical plume and horizontal free convection flows in the mantle: The mantle flow incident on the plume conduit melts at the conduit boundary (front part) and crystallizes at its back. Geological data on the intensity of plume magmatism over the last 150 Myr are used to estimate the total thermal power of mantle plumes. A possible scenario for plume-related mantle recrystallization is proposed. Over the lifespan of a thermochemical plume, mantle melts and recrystallizes owing to the motion of the plume source and interaction between the plume conduit and horizontal free convection flows. The plume conduits can melt and recrystallize the entire mantle over a certain period of time. The model for the interaction of drifting plume conduits with mantle flows and the estimated total thermal power of mantle plumes are used to estimate the duration of plume-related melting and recrystallization of the entire mantle. The influence of mantle plumes on the convective structure of the mantle through melting is judged from the model for plume interaction with horizontal mantle flows.  相似文献   

地球内部物理和演化的几个核心论题:Ⅱ地球动力体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生成于岩石圈底部的“大陆根”与地幔羽的形成过程有关,其主要证据来自3-D地震成象和实验、数值模拟结果。地幔上涌和地幔下涌分别代表高温、低速带和低温、高速带。长波长的地幔构造与表层构造特征相关,地球内部边界层-热边界层或化学边界层将对全球动力体系产生直接或间接的效应。因此,深入研究这些边界层的结构、形态、热力学和物理化学特性,对解决地幔整体对流与成层对流体系中某些相冲突的问题具有关键意义。全球地震成象和深源地震资料表明,某些破碎的早期俯冲板片可能连续或间断性地下沉到核-幔边界处,并返回到起源于该边界层的地幔羽中。今后的任务不是重提地幔整体对流或是成层对流的问题.而是如何建立两者的统一模式。整体地幔对流体系在时间和空间演化过程中与成层对流、局部小规模对流或次生对流相伴生的理论、实验和数值模拟将是地球动力学研究的主要趋势。  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(3-4):1080-1090
Geological studies have suggested that a significant amount of crustal material has been lost from the surface due to delamination, continental collision, and subduction at oceanic–continental convergent margins. If so, then the subducted crustal materials are expected to be trapped in the mid-mantle due to the density difference from peridotitic materials induced by the phase transition from coesite to stishovite. In order to study the effect of the subducted granitic materials floating around the mantle transition zone, we conducted two-dimensional numerical experiments of mantle convection incorporating a continental drift with a heat source placed around the bottom of the mantle transition zone. The simulations deal with a time-dependent convection of fluid under the extended Boussinesq approximation in a model of a two-dimensional rectangular box with a height of 2900 km and a width of 11,600 km, where a continent with a length of 2900 km and heat source below the continent are imposed. We found that the addition of heat source in the mantle transition zone considerably enhances the onset of upwelling plumes in the upper mantle, which further reduces the time scale of continental drift. The heat source also causes massive mechanical mixing, especially in the upper mantle. The results suggest that the heat source floating around the mantle transition zone can be a possible candidate for inducing the supercontinent cycle.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThetemperaturestructureoftheearthinteriorhasapro foundscientificsignificanceforthestudyonthedynamicevolutionprocessoftheearth .Ingeneral,thecrustalandlithospherictem peraturefieldisdeterminedbytheequationofthermalconductionwiththesurfacehea…  相似文献   

Recent advances in three-dimensional numerical simulations of mantle convection have aided in approximately reproducing continental movement since the Pangea breakup at 200 Ma. These have also led to a better understanding of the thermal and mechanical coupling between mantle convection and surface plate motion and predictions of the configuration of the next supercontinent. The simulations of mantle convection from 200 Ma to the present reveals that the development of large-scale cold mantle downwellings in the North Tethys Ocean at the earlier stage of the Pangea breakup triggered the northward movement of the Indian subcontinent. The model of high temperature anomaly region beneath Pangea resulting from the thermal insulation effect support the breakup of Pangea in the real Earth time scale, as also suggested in previous geological and geodynamic models. However, considering the low radioactive heat generation rate of the depleted upper mantle, the high temperature anomaly region might have been generated by upwelling plumes with contribution of deep subducted TTG(tonalite-trondhjemite-granite) materials enriched in radiogenic elements. Integrating the numerical results of mantle convection from 200 Ma to the present, and from the present to the future, it is considered that the mantle drag force acting on the base of continents may be comparable to the slab pull force, which implies that convection in the shallower part of the mantle is strongly coupled with surface plate motion.  相似文献   

Seismic images under 60 hotspots: Search for mantle plumes   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Dapeng Zhao   《Gondwana Research》2007,12(4):335-355
The mantle plume hypothesis is now widely known to explain hotspot volcanoes, but direct evidence for actual plumes is weak, and seismic images are available for only a few hotspots. In this work, we present whole-mantle tomographic images under 60 major hotspots on Earth. The lateral resolution of the tomographic images is about 300 km under the continental hotspots and 400–600 under the oceanic hotspots. Twelve plume-like, continuous low-velocity (low-V) anomalies in both the upper and lower mantle are visible under Hawaii, Tahiti, Louisville, Iceland, Cape Verde, Reunion, Kerguelen, Amsterdam, Afar, Eifel, Hainan, and Cobb hotspots, suggesting that they may be 12 whole-mantle plumes originating from the core–mantle boundary (CMB). Clear upper-mantle low-V anomalies are visible under Easter, Azores, Vema, East Australia, and Erebus hotspots, which may be 5 upper-mantle plumes. A mid-mantle plume may exist under the San Felix hotspot. The active intra-plate volcanoes in Northeast Asia (e.g., Changbai, Wudalianchi, etc.) are related to the stagnant Pacific slab in the mantle transition zone. The Tengchong volcano in Southwest China is related to the subduction of the Burma microplate under the Eurasian plate. Although low-V anomalies are generally visible in some depth range in the mantle under other hotspots, their plume features are not clear, and their origins are still unknown. The 12 whole-mantle plumes show tilted images, suggesting that plumes are not fixed in the mantle but can be deflected by the mantle flow. In most cases, the seismic images under the hotspots are complex, particularly around the mantle transition zone. A thin low-V layer is visible right beneath the 660-km discontinuity under some hotspots, while under a few other hotspots, low-V anomalies spread laterally just above the 660-km discontinuity. These may reflect ponding of plume materials in the top part of the lower mantle or the bottom of the upper mantle. The variety of behaviors of the low-V anomalies under hotspots reflects strong lateral variations in temperature and viscosity of the mantle, which control the generation and ascending of mantle plumes as well as the flow pattern of mantle convection.  相似文献   

Both seismology and geochemistry show that the Earth's mantle is chemically heterogeneous on a wide range of scales. Moreover, its rheology depends strongly on temperature, pressure and chemistry. To interpret the geological data, we need a physical understanding of the forms that convection might take in such a mantle. We have therefore carried out laboratory experiments to characterize the interaction of thermal convection with stratification in viscosity and in density. Depending on the buoyancy ratio B (ratio of the stabilizing chemical density anomaly to the destabilizing thermal density anomaly), two regimes were found: at high B, convection remains stratified and fixed, long-lived thermochemical plumes are generated at the interface, while at low B, hot domes oscillate vertically through the whole tank, while thin tubular plumes can rise from their upper surfaces. Convection acts to destroy the stratification through mechanical entrainment and instabilities. Therefore, both regimes are transient and a given experiment can start in the stratified regime, evolve towards the doming regime, and end in well-mixed classical one-layer convection. Applied to mantle convection, thermochemical convection can therefore explain a number of observations on Earth, such as hot spots, superswells or the survival of several geochemical reservoirs in the mantle. Scaling laws derived from laboratory experiments allow predictions of a number of characteristics of those features, such as their geometry, size, thermal structure, and temporal and chemical evolution. In particular, it is shown that (1) density heterogeneities are an efficient way to anchor plumes, and therefore to create relatively fixed hot spots, (2) pulses of activity with characteristic time-scale of 50–500 Myr can be produced by thermochemical convection in the mantle, (3) because of mixing, no ‘primitive’ reservoir can have survived untouched up to now, and (4) the mantle is evolving through time and its regime has probably changed through geological times. This evolution may reconcile the survival of geochemically distinct reservoirs with the small amplitude of present-day density heterogeneities inferred from seismology and mineral physics.  相似文献   

http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gsf.2016.07.005   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The Hadean history of Earth is shrouded in mystery and it is considered that the planet was born dry with no water or atmosphere. The Earth-Moon system had many features in common during the birth stage. Solidification of the dry magma ocean at 4.53 Ga generated primordial continents with komatiite. We speculate that the upper crust was composed of fractionated gabbros and the middle felsic crust by anorthosite at ca. 21 km depth boundary, underlain by meta-anorthosite (grossular + kyanite + quartz) down to 50–60 km in depth. The thickness of the mafic KREEP basalt in the lower crust, separating it from the underlying upper mantle is not well-constrained and might have been up to ca. 100–200 km depending on the degree of fractionation and gravitational stability versus surrounding mantle density. The primordial continents must have been composed of the final residue of dry magma ocean and enriched in several critical elements including Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, P, K, and Cl which were exposed on the surface of the dry Earth. Around 190 million years after the solidification of the magma ocean, “ABEL bombardment” delivered volatiles including H2O, CO2, N2 as well as silicate components through the addition of icy asteroids. This event continued for 200 Myr with subordinate bombardments until 3.9 Ga, preparing the Earth for the prebiotic chemical evolution and as the cradle of first life. Due to vigorous convection arising from high mantle potential temperatures, the primordial continents disintegrated and were dragged down to the deep mantle, marking the onset of Hadean plate tectonics.  相似文献   

The periodic assembly and dispersal of continental fragments,referred to as the supercontinent cycle,bear close relation to the evolution of mantle convection and plate tectonics.Supercontinent formation involves complex processes of"introversion"(closure of interior oceans),"extroversion"(closure of exterior oceans),or a combination of these processes in uniting dispersed continental fragments.Recent developments in numerical modeling and advancements in computation techniques enable us to simulate Earth’s mantle convection with drifting continents under realistic convection vigor and rheology in Earth-like geometry(i.e.,3D spherical-shell).We report a numerical simulation of 3D mantle convection,incorporating drifting deformable continents,to evaluate supercontinent processes in a realistic mantle convection regime.Our results show that supercontinents are assembled by a combination of introversion and extroversion processes.Small-scale thermal heterogeneity dominates deep mantle convection during the supercontinent cycle,although large-scale upwelling plumes intermittently originate under the drifting continents and/or the supercontinent.  相似文献   

This article discusses the Meso–Cenozoic thermal history, thermal lithospheric thinning, and thermal structure of the lithosphere of the Bohai Bay Basin, North China. The present-day thermal regime of the basin features an average heat flow of 64.5 ± 8.1 mW m–2, a lithospheric thickness of 76–102 km, and a ‘hot mantle but cold crust’-type lithospheric thermal structure. The Meso–Cenozoic thermal history experienced two heat flow peaks in the late Early Cretaceous and in the middle to late Palaeogene, with heat flow values of 82–86 mW m?2 and 81–88 mW m?2, respectively. Corresponding to these peaks, the thermal lithosphere experienced two thinning stages during the Cretaceous and Palaeogene, reaching a minimum thickness of 43–61 km. The lithospheric thermal structure transformed from the ‘hot crust but cold mantle’ type in the Triassic–Jurassic to the ‘cold crust but hot mantle’ type in the Cretaceous–Cenozoic, according to the ratio of mantle to surface heat flow (qm/qs). The research on the thermal history and lithospheric thermal structure of sedimentary basins can effectively reveal the thermal regime at depth in the sedimentary basins and provide significance for the study of the basin dynamics during the Meso–Cenozoic.  相似文献   

The numerical models of mantle convection agree to depict avalanches behaviour according to the level of endothermicity of the spinel → perovskite phase change. Their potential effects on the global thermal and dynamical states of the mantle have been computed thanks to a numerical code, which takes into account both the 400-km exothermic and the 660-km endothermic phase changes. The cycle followed by the avalanches is: local layering, destabilization of the 660-km thermal layer, travelling and spreading on the core, and reappearing of the local layering. Therefore, mantle convection is characterized by quiet periods of partial layering embedded in catastrophic events. During the avalanche, the amplitude of the surface velocity is multiplied by two, which would imply an enhanced plate tectonic and ridge activities. The global thermal effects of the avalanche are compatible with a high mantle temperature and an acceleration of Earth's rotation during the Cretaceous. They also offer a coherent explanation to locate the origin of mantle plumes both within the CMB and just below the transition zone.  相似文献   

The presented scenario of free convection flows in a subduction zone is based on experimental and theoretical simulation. The experimental simulation of free convection flows is carried out under various conditions of heat transfer that occurs between the oceanic and continental limbs of the subduction zone. The experiments show that to provide insights into subduction zones, it is necessary to estimate the horizontal forces acting on the left and right sides of the plunging plate, as well as the resulting horizontal force and its direction. The vector sum of horizontal and gravity forces of the subducting plate determines the slope angle of this plate at different depths. Heat transfer in the subducting plate has been considered. The y min coordinate of the temperature minimum in a plate and the value of minimum temperature have been estimated. The forces that arise due to phase transition and owing to the horizontal temperature gradient along the thickness of the descending lithosphere in the transitional mantle layer C are estimated as well. These forces are directed in opposite direction from the y min coordinate and induce spreading of the subducting lithosphere along the boundary between the upper and lower mantle. Theoretical simulation of the hydrodynamics and heat transfer in combination with experimental simulation of convection flows in a subduction zone indicates that a significant part of the upper mantle material of the plunging plate circulates in the oceanic limb of the subduction zone owing to spreading from the region of minimum temperature along a 670 km boundary.  相似文献   

Simple fluid dynamic constraints aid in the interpretation of lower mantle tomograms. The geothermal gradient away from slabs and plumes is subadiabatic between the upper (lithosphere) and lower (D″) boundary layers by ~400 K. Slabs widen proportionally with the square root of the viscosity as they sink through the lower mantle. The time scale for the persistence of slab graveyards at the base of the mantle is comparable to the time for plate motions to reorganize ~120–200 Myr. At most a few starting plume heads currently exist in the lower mantle. Tomographic inversions may include more sophisticated numerical-modeling versions of these constraints.  相似文献   

彭波  邹华耀 《现代地质》2013,27(6):1399
依据236口井共2 706组的静温数据以及25口井的系统测温数据,分析计算了渤海盆地地温梯度及大地热流;建立地壳分层结构模型,利用回剥法计算现今地幔热流、深部温度以及岩石圈厚度;在此基础上,利用地球动力学方法恢复本区热流演化史。结果表明:渤海盆地背景地温梯度为322 ℃/km,热流值为648 mW/m2;盆地现今热岩石圈厚度在61~69 km之间,地幔热流占地表热流的比例在60%左右,属于“热幔冷壳”型岩石圈热结构,盆地地壳底部或莫霍面温度变动在548~749 ℃之间;热流演化的特征与盆地的构造演化背景吻合,新生代以来盆地经历了3期岩石圈减薄并加热的过程,在东营组沉积末期热流达到最高(70~83 mW/m2),这期间盆地内产出多期碱性玄武岩,表明盆地经历了波及地幔的裂谷过程,随后进入热沉降期,热流逐渐降低,盆地向坳陷型转变。  相似文献   

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