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唐洁 《天文学报》2012,53(1):1-8
将基于多重信号分类的MUSIC谱估计算法引入BL Lac天体光变周期分析中.给出了MUSIC算法的基本原理,利用模拟信号检测了算法的频谱分辨率.从大量文献中收集了BL Lac天体S5 0716+714光学V、R、I 3个波段从1994年到2008年的有效观测数据,用MUSIC算法和平均周期图算法分别计算了它们的光变周期,发现存在两个主要光变周期:一个是(3.33±0.08)yr的周期,另一个是(1.24±0.01)yr的周期.对这两种算法的周期估计性能进行了比较,结果表明,MUSIC谱估计算法对样本长度要求较低,具有良好的分辨特性和抗噪声能力,能提高在样本长度较短情况下光变周期分析的准确性.  相似文献   

探索Blazar光变资料中的周期或准周期变化是1个有待深入研究的领域.由于光变资料的复杂性,目前寻找周期的算法还不够完善.文中以现代谱估计为基础,详细论述了自回归(Auto-regressive,AR)模型谱估计方法和最大熵谱估计的基本原理,分析了阶数选择对模型的重要影响,并把这些方法应用到类星体3C 279和BL Lac天体OJ287的光变周期分析中,得到它们的光变周期分别为7.14和11.76yr.通过验证,自回归 模型谱估计方法由于其分辨率高,可以作为1种较好的分析周期的方法.最后指出在应用谱估计分析Blazar天体的光变周期注意事项.  相似文献   

王洪涛  潘艳平 《天文学报》2012,53(4):265-273
OJ 287是存在着剧烈活动的低峰频BL Lac天体,其低频段的能谱与另两个TeV BL Lac天体(0716+714和BL Lacertae)在低频段的能谱很相似,但是切仑科夫望远镜却没能探测到它的TeV射线.利用这3个天体的观测数据,比较它们在22 GHz、37 GHz和B波段的最小光变周期及延迟的异同,进一步寻找没有观测到OJ 287的TeV伽马射线的可能原因.分析结果显示:(1)最小光变周期方面,OJ 287在37 GHz和B波段的周期偏小,在22 GHz,OJ 287与0716+714的结果相当,但与BL Lacertae相比要小很多,OJ 287的周期更短表明其活动性更强,却没有探测到来自OJ 287的TeV伽马射线,这表明OJ 287在TeV波段的辐射与这3个低能波段最小光变周期之间可能没有联系;(2)延迟方面,OJ 287在B波段相对于37 GHz的延迟要长于0716+714,短于BL Lacertae;在37 GHz相对于22 GHz的延迟要短于0716+714,而BL Lacertae在37 GHz相对于22 GHz的时延为负值,表明22 GHz要超前于37 GHz.通过对延迟的比较分析,并没有发现OJ 287与0716+714和BL Lacertae之间存在明显的差异;从能谱来看,很可能是由于OJ 287在TeV波段的能谱较陡造成切仑科夫望远镜没有探测到来自OJ 287的伽马辐射,但TeV能段较陡的能谱对低能段光变的影响目前还不是很清楚.  相似文献   

用周期图谱分析方法计算Blazar天体的光变周期   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐洁  张雄  伍林 《天文学报》2007,48(4):488-499
对适用于等间隔时间序列的周期图谱分析方法进行了研究,用模拟信号进行了检验,证实了它适用于有噪声的时间序列.并把这种方法应用到类星体3C 279、3C 345,BL Lac天体OJ 287、ON 231的光变周期分析中,得到它们的光变周期分别为7.14年、10.00年、11.76年、6.80年.结果表明用周期图谱分析方法得到的结论和其他文献用Jurkevich方法得到的结论一致.获得的周期对进一步研究Blazar天体的物理机制很有帮助.还分析了窗函数的影响,指出它们的优缺点,便于在实际工作中做出正确选择.  相似文献   

用WWZ变换分析类星体3C 345的光变周期   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种全新的基于小波分析原理的处理非等间隔数据的方法:加权小波Z变换(Weighted Wavelet Z-transform,WWZ).收集了类星体3C 345光学B波段100多年来较为完整的观测数据,获得了其长期光变曲线.利用WWZ变换对3C 345 B波段28 yr的光变数据进行分析,通过研究发现3C 345的光变曲线中包含有624~941 d、4.54~5.23 yr和9.59~11.51 yr的周期成分,并分析了它们随时间演化的情况.其中后两个周期成分属于稳定周期,而前一个周期成分波动比较大,可以推测它并不是一个稳定周期.  相似文献   

收集了18个γ射线噪BL Lac天体的X射线流量密度和γ射线流量密度,以及X射线波段(1keV)和γ射线波段(>100 MeV)的平均光谱指数,研究了它们之间的相关性.结果表明:1)X射线流量密度与γ射线流量密度在高态、低态和平均态均有较强的相关性.2)X射线波段和γ射线波段的平均光谱指数之间有较强的负相关性.3)X射线和γ射线波段的平均光谱指数与X射线和γ射线辐射流量密度在高态和平均态时均无显著的相关性.4)γ射线波段的平均光谱指数与X射线辐射流量密度的低态有较强的负相关性.X射线波段的平均光谱指数与γ射线波段的流量密度的低态之间也存在弱相关性.分析结果支持BL Lac天体的X射线和γ射线辐射可能来自同一相对论电子分布的同步辐射和同步自康普顿(SSC)辐射.  相似文献   

用Jurkevich方法分析计算BL Lac天体的光变周期   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍一种分析寻找BLLac天体光变周期的方法,给出了BLLac天体OJ287,ON231,Mrk421的长光变周期.分析计算表明:当观测样品的数据点很多、观测时间很长(大约100年左右的光学波段数据)、数据样本不少于6个周期并能从光变曲线的两次大振幅中,看出有若干小振幅的周期时,则能用该方法准确地认证和确定其长周期值.这种方法在寻找周期时,对无规律不等间隔的样品数据有较高的灵敏度,而计算方法简捷实用,结果可靠  相似文献   

从射电结构的角度评述了BLLac天体和FR-I射电星系的统一模型的最新进展,内容包括射电结构,延展射电光度(Pext),最大角尺度(LAS),射电核主导系数(f)的比较以及对相对论聚束的测试。最新的射电观测资料表明XBLs是介于FR-I和RBLs之间的过渡型天体,这对BLLac天体是聚束的FR-I射电星系提供了一个很好的证据。  相似文献   

从射电结构的角度评述了BLLac天体和FR-I射电星系的统一模型的最新进展,内容包括射电结构、延展射电光度(Pext)、最大角尺度(LAS)、射电核主导系数(f)的比较以及对相对论聚束的测试。最新的射电观测资料表明XBLs是介于FR-I和RBLs之间的过渡型天体,这为BLLac天体是聚束的FR-I射电星系提供了一个很好的证据。  相似文献   

A kind of wavelet analysis method for identifying the light period of the BL Lac object S5 0716+714 is introduced. The rather complete observed data in the four optical wavebands B, V, R, I are collected, and the long-term light curves based on 10-day averaging are obtained. On these light curves, the periodicity analysis is performed by using a wavelet analysis method. The result demonstrates that the wavelet analysis method is preferable for searching and identifying the light periods of BL Lac objects. From the contour map of the real part of the wavelet transform coefficient, the periodical light variations of the BL Lac object S5 0716+714 can be precisely identified. By analyzing the wavelet variance curves at the 4 wavebands, it is found that the BL Lac Object S5 0716+174 has a stable light period of 1160 days. This result is consistent with the 3.3-year period given by Raiteri et al. It is predicted that the next outburst in this object will happen around the August of 2011.  相似文献   

An optical monitoring shows Blazar object S5 0716+714 has complex Intra-Day Variability (IDV) behaviour. In this paper, we introduce a method of non-linear time series analysis, and calculate the correlation dimension of the IDV light curves of S5 0716+714 over seven nights in the December of 2006. According to our calculations, the correlation dimension D ≈ 1.993 ? 5.178 for all of the observed data, it is implied that the IDV behaviour may be a chaotic system with some additional noise.  相似文献   

Based on the long-term data from observations, we present an evidence for its spectral index variability behaviour in optical bands for BL Lacertae object S5 0716+714. We find that the spectral index variability period is in agreement with the flux variability period of about 1180 days in optical bands. We also find that the spectral index variability has periods of about 71 and 60 days which cannot be compared with the amplitude of long-term variability.  相似文献   

The multiple signal classi?cation (MUSIC) algorithm is introduced to the estimation of light periods of BL Lac objects. The principle of the MUSIC algorithm is given, together with a testing on its spectral resolution by using a simulative signal. From a lot of literature, we have collected a large number of effective observational data of the BL Lac object S5 0716+714 in the three optical wavebands V, R, and I from 1994 to 2008. The light periods of S5 0716+714 are obtained by means of the MUSIC algorithm and average periodogram algorithm, respectively. It is found that there exist two major periodic components, one is the period of (3.33±0.08) yr, another is the period of (1.24±0.01) yr. The comparison of the performances of periodicity analysis of two algorithms indicates that the MUSIC algorithm has a smaller requirement on the sample length, as well as a good spectral resolution and anti-noise ability, to improve the accuracy of periodicity analysis in the case of short sample length.  相似文献   

The BL Lac object S5 0716+714 was monitored in the optical band during October 2008, December 2008 and February 2009. We achieved a best temporal resolution of about 5 min in the BVRI bands. The source was active during the whole monitoring campaign. It showed microvariability in 13 days out of 14 days of observation. Four fast flares were observed with amplitudes ranging from 0.3–0.75 mag. The overall amplitude changes during the whole campaign are ΔB ~ 0. m 89, ΔV ~ 0. m 80, ΔR ~ 0. m 73, and ΔI ~ 0. m 51. On internight time scales, strong bluer-when-brighter chromatism was found while different spectral behaviours were found on intranight time scales.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the statistical behavior of the optical Intraday Variability of BL Lac S5 0716+714. Available Intraday Variability data in the optical are tested to see whether or not the magnitude is lognormally distributed. Our results consistently indicate that this is not the case. This is in agreement with a previous discussion about data for the same object but in a different observational period.Simultaneously, the spectral slope of the light curves is calculated. The implications of these findings on models that describe both the location and source of Intraday Variability are presented.  相似文献   

The emission from blazars is known to be variable at all wavelengths. The flux variability is often accompanied by spectral changes. Spectral energy distribution (SED) changes must be associated with changes in the spectra of emitting electrons and/or the physical parameters of the jet. Meaningful modeling of blazar broadband spectra is required to understand the extreme conditions within the emission region. Not only is the broadband SED crucial, but also information about its variability is needed to understand how the highest states of emission occur and how they differ from the low states. This may help in discriminating between models. Here we present the results of our SED modeling of the blazar S5 0716+714 during various phases of its activity. The SEDs are classified into different bins depending on the optical brightness state of the source.  相似文献   

A selected sample of intra-day variable AGN had been observed for 3–4 days per month at the Urumqi Observatory. The sample includes 7 target sources and 7 calibrators. The BL Lac object B0716+ 714 shows prominent intraday and long term variations.  相似文献   

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