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The family Mesopsychidae Tillyard,1917 presently consists of ten described genera from the Early Permian to the Early Cretaceous of Australia,China,Kyrgyzstan,Russia,South Africa,Tajikistan,and Ukraine.Herein,a new genus and a new species of fossil mesopsychid,Epicharmesopsyche pentavenulosa gen.et sp.nov.,is described from the Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation of Inner Mongolia,China,supplementing the family-level diversity.The well-preserved,new material reveals many characters,including antennae,wing venation,shape and genitalia that increase our morphological understanding of the family,although unfortunately the mouthparts and most of the legs are not preserved.Diagnosis of the Mesopsychidae is emended to include a four-or five-branched MP in both the fore-and hind wings.This is the first documentation of a wing coupling structure in the Mesopsychidae,consisting of three to four frenula bristles on the humeral lobe at the base of the costal margin of both hind wings.Asymmetrical shape and size of the left and right wings on a specimen of E.pentavenulosa gen.et sp.nov.,seems to be a common condition for mesopsychid taxa from northeastern China.  相似文献   

The following new fossil trichopteran insects are described or revised from the Purbeck Limestone Group and Wealden Supergroup of southern England: Pteromixanum inviolatum gen. et sp. nov., P. ruderatum gen. et sp. nov., P. purbeckianum (Handlirsch) gen. et comb. nov. and P. poxwellense gen. et sp. nov. (Necrotauliidae);Purbimodus minor gen. et sp. nov., P. medius gen. et sp. nov., P. rasnitsyni gen. et sp. nov. and P. saxosus gen. et sp. nov. (Vitimotauliidae);Palaeoludus popovi gen. et sp. nov. (Dysoneuridae);Palaeotarsus desertus gen. et sp. nov. (Plectrotarsidae);Eucrunoecia ridicula gen. et sp. nov. (Lepidostomatidae);Palaeocentropus placidus gen. et sp. nov. (Calamoceratidae) and Helicophidae gen. et sp. incertae sedis. The general composition of the fauna is compared with Early Cretaceous faunas of Asia. The early appearance of several living families is noted.  相似文献   

Christophus myanmarensis gen. et sp. nov., Christophus ohmkuhnlei gen. et sp. nov., and Mintara parva gen. et sp. nov., three new species and two new genera of belytine wasps (Diapriidae: Belytinae) are described and figured from males preserved in mid-Cretaceous Kachin (Burmese) amber. These new fossils enrich the fossil record of Cretaceous diapriids, summarized here, demonstrating the diversity of the family before the K/Pg extinction and suggesting an older origin for the family.  相似文献   

Two new genera and two new species of fossil Throscidae: Potergosoma gratiosa gen. et sp. nov. and Rhomboaspis laticollis gen. et sp. nov. are described from the Lower Cretaceous Lebanese amber and are compared with extant and extinct genera. The described amber inclusions are the oldest known representatives of the family Throscidae. Some hypotheses on the phylogeny of the family Throscidae and the position of it in the superfamily Elateroidea are discussed.  相似文献   

<正>The classification and phytogeny of the basal Vespina(=Orussoidea+Apocrita)are reconsidered based primarily on rich and well preserved material from the Middle Jurassic of Daohugou in Inner Mongolia,China. Comparatively smooth morphological transitions are traced from a Xiphydriidae-like ancestor toward Orussoidea via the Jurassic family Karatavitidae,and through Karatavitidae and the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous family Ephialtitidae independently to Stephanidae,to Evanioidea,and,via the extinct Jurassic Kuafuidae fam.nov.to the remaining Apocrita.New hypothesis is proposed concerning development of the characteristic wasp-waist of Apocrita,which is supposed to appear independently and in different ways in Evanioidea and in the rest of Apocrita.As a result,six infraorders are proposed for the suborder Vespina with the following taxonomic structure:infraorder Orussomorpha including the only superfamily Orussoidea(Karatavitidae+Paroryssidae + Orussidae),infraorder Stephanomorpha with the only superfamily Stephanoidea(Ephialtitidae+Stephanidae), infraorder Evaniomorpha with the only superfamily Evanioidea of traditional composition,infraorder Ceraphronomorpha with the superfamilies Ceraphronoidea s.str.and monotypical Megalyroidea and Trigonaloidea,and the infraorders Proctotrupomorpha,Ichneumonomorpha,and Vespomorpha of traditional composition.The family Kuafuidae is unplaced to infraorder because it is putatively paraphyletic with respect to Ceraphronomorpha,Proctotrupomorpha,Ichneumonomorpha and Vespomorpha.Described as new are Karatavites junfengi sp.nov,Praeratavites wuhuaensis sp.nov.,P.perspicuus sp.nov.,Postxiphydria daohugouensis gen.et sp.nov.,P.ningchengensis gen.et sp.nov.,Postxiphydroides strenuus gen.et sp.nov.,Praeratavitoides amabilis gen.et sp.nov.,Proapocrtius densipediculus sp.nov.,P.sculptus sp.nov.,P.longantennatus sp.nov., P.formosus sp.nov.,P.atropus sp.nov.,P.elegans sp.nov.,Stephanogaster pristinus sp.nov.,Asiephialtites lini sp. nov.,Praeproapocritus vulgatus gen.et sp.nov.,Sinaulacogastrinus solidus gen.et sp.nov.,Sinevania speciosa gen. et sp.nov.,Eonevania robusta gen.et sp.nov.,Kuafua polyneura gen.et sp.nov.(all from the Middle Jurassic of Daohugou),as well as Kuafuidae fam.nov.including Kuafua gen.nov.as well as Arthrogaster Rasnitsyn,1975,and Leptogastrella Rasnitsyn,1975 from the Upper Jurassic of Karatau in Kazakhstan.  相似文献   

Two new genera and species of fossil Palaeontinidae are described from Daohugou Village, Inner Mongolia, China: Cladocossus undulatus gen. et sp. nov. and Cricocossus paradoxus gen. et sp. nov. Both new genera are described based on well-preserved forewings. This discovery confirms the high diversity of palaeontinids during the Middle Jurassic. Both specimens have interesting modal structures which are new to Palaeontinidae: M five-branched and M3 with two branches. Based on this character, wing structural characteristic is discussed.  相似文献   

Situated at the easternmost area of the Late Mesozoic Jehol Biota, China, abundant fossils, including invertebrates, vertebrates and plants, were collected from the Early Cretaceous Yingzuilazi Formation of the Baishan Basin, southeastern Jilin. The faunal remains from this formation distinctly belong to the Early Cretaceous Lycoptera–Ephemeropsis–Eosestheria assemblage of the Jehol Biota. Based on the gross leaf morphology and epidermal structures, two new species and one indeterminate species of genus Solenites(Czekanowskiales), S. baishanensis sp. nov., S. gracilis sp. nov. and S. sp. are described in this paper. This is the first fossil plant of Czekanowskiales reported from this new fossil locality of the easternmost area of the Late Mesozoic Jehol Biota, China. The new discovery contributes to improve our knowledge for understanding of leaf morphology, epidermal characters and diversity of this genus during the Early Cretaceous time, and extends geologic and geographic distribution of Solenites in northern China and Eurasia. Along with consideration of associated plant and faunal assemblages and sedimentology, we suggest that the regional climate was warm and moderately humid with seasonal temperature and precipitation variations in warm–temperate zone during the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Eight new genera and thirteen new species of lacewings (Neuroptera) are described from the Lower Cretaceous Wealden Supergroup, Weald Sub-basin: Principiala rudgwickensis sp. nov. (Ithonidae), Stenomylina medialis gen. et sp. nov., Protosmylina bifasciata gen. et sp. nov. (Osmylidae), Cretapsychops corami gen. et sp. nov., Micropsychops parallelus gen. et sp. nov., Valdipsychops logunovi gen. et sp. nov., V. brigidae gen. et sp. nov., V. maculosus gen. et sp. nov., V. proudlovei gen. et sp. nov., V. minimus gen. et sp. nov., Psychopsites rolandi gen. et sp. nov. (Psychopsidae), Actinophlebioides valdensis gen. et sp. nov. and Protohemerobius perexiguus gen. et sp. nov. (Neuroptera familia incertae sedis). Psychopsidae are shown to dominate the neuropteran fauna, while the presence of Brongniartiellidae has not been confirmed in the Wealden, due to previously thought representatives of this family being in fact psychopsids. This is the first fossil record of Ithonidae and Osmylidae in Britain. The range of Kalligrammatidae has been extended in the Cretaceous of Britain from the mid-Valanginian to early Barremian.  相似文献   

A new genus Barbderma gen. nov. with a new species, Barbderma oblonguata sp. nov., and a new species, Sinoprotodiplatys ellipsoideuata sp. nov., of the family Protodiplatyidae are described from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation at the Huangbanjigou Village, Beipiao City, Liaoning Province, China. Both new species are assigned to Protodiplatyidae mainly based on their diagnostic characters of antenna, pronotum, tegmina, tarsi and the distinct long, slender, multi-segmented cerci. These findings of fossil Protodiplatyidae provide more evidence to confirm the existence of these basal earwigs in the Early Cretaceous. Key diagnostic characters for genera of Protodiplatyidae are compared to highlight the generic variations and similarities. Evolutionary trend of cerci morphology suggests that it is likely that the cerci were evolved from long, slender and segmented to the stout terminal forceps without segmentation.  相似文献   

Four new genera and five new species of Archegocimicidae are described from the Lower Cretaceous of England: namely Mortalia martini gen. et sp. nov., Tyrion lannister gen. et sp. nov., T. cersei sp. nov., Stannis baratheon gen et sp. nov., Daenerys khaleesi gen. et sp. nov. A transitional position of the complex between Asian Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous entomofaunas is indicated by this new material.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of female phantom midge Neuseptychoptera carolinensis gen. et sp. nov. in the fossil subfamily Eoptychopterinae is described and illustrated; this ptychopterid is from Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) amber of North Carolina. This is the first member of Eoptychopterinae from North America and the first found in Campanian age amber. We propose to treat the extinct subfamily Eoptychopterininae Lukashevich, 1995, as a junior synonym of the subfamily Eoptychopterinae Handlirsch, 1906, syn. nov. The elongated mouthparts of the new species have broad labella, and these are functionally interpreted as feeders for honeydew, fermenting plant juices, and nectar rather than for biting.  相似文献   

Although recent molecular phylogenetic analyses suggest a great antiquity, going into the Jurassic, for the small modern fly family Hilarimorphidae, no fossil was attributed to this group. The first fossil hilarimorphid Cretahilarimorpha lebanensis gen. et sp. nov., is described, based on a specimen from the Lower Cretaceous Lebanese amber. Its external morphology is analysed and compared with that of Hilarimorpha, unique modern hilarimorphid genus. The differences concern the wing venation, antenna and especially mouthparts. Cretahilarimorpha has very elongate mouthparts, adapted for nectar feeding or (less probably) for predation on other insects. Several other Lower Cretaceous lineages have developed similar elongate mouthparts, viz. nemestrinid and xylomyiid flies, and the Mecoptera: Aneuretopsychina, probably adapted to still unknown deep nectar-producing flowers. A checklist of species belonging to the Hilamorphidae is given.  相似文献   

One new genus and two new species of fossil Cerophytidae, Baissophytum convexus gen. et. sp. nov. and Baissophytum amplus sp. nov. are described and illustrated from Zaza Formation (Lower Cretaceous), Eravnensky (Bauntovsky) District, Buriatskay Autonomous Republic (Transbaikalia), Russia.  相似文献   

Sixteen liverwort specimens collected from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Huangbanjigou Village, Liaoning Province, China are studied in this work. The plants are thalloid and preserved in brown arenaceous mudstone as impressions. Based on examinations, the liverworts are assigned to two new genera and five new species: Riccardiothallus palmata sp. nov., Pallaviciniites stricta sp. nov., Pellites latithallus gen. et sp. nov., Conocephalumites hexagonites gen. et sp. nov. and Metzgerites multifidus sp. nov., belonging to five families and five genera. The fossil research indicates that the divergence of families, Aneuraceae and Metzgeriaceae, Pallaviciniaceae and Hymenophytaceae, Pelliaceae and Fossombroniaceae, was in the Lower Cretaceous (125 Ma). The research provides significant additions to the fossil liverwort records in Western Liaoning and offers fossil evidence for studying the classification and evolution of extant liverworts.  相似文献   

A new genus, Cretasyne gen. nov., in the family Lasiosynidae, with two species C. lata sp. nov. and C. longa sp. nov., is described from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Inner Mongolia, China. These fossils are the first record of the family from the Yixian Formation and provide significant information on lasiosynid morphology and diversity. The fossil record of Lasiosynidae is also reviewed.  相似文献   

Prophaenognatha robusta gen. et sp. nov. (Scarabaeoidea: Scarabaeidae: Aclopinae), the best-preserved aclopine fossil so far, is described and illustrated from the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of the Jehol Biota, western Liaoning Province, NE China. The key to extinct and extant genera of Aclopinae is given and the monophyly of extant and fossil Aclopinae lineages is supported by five character states. The new taxon provides evidence about the evolution of Scarabaeoidea with its phylogenetic position inferred based on 68 morphological characters.  相似文献   

Two new genera and species of Cretaceous webspinners (Embiodea) are described and figured, both preserved in amber from northern Myanmar. Atmetoclothoda orthotenes Engel and Huang, gen. et sp. nov., is the first fossil representative of the putatively primitive family Clothodidae, and is segregated into its own subfamily, Atmetoclothodinae Engel and Huang, subfam. nov., owing to its primitive retention of a distinct mentum, a quadrate submentum with straight borders, a postocciptal suture that meets the hypostomal sulcus at the posterior tentorial pit, and subgenae that do not meet medially (thus a ventral bridge or gula is lacking), completely symmetrical terminalia, and unsegmented cerci that apically bear a small inner lamellar projection. Litoclostes delicatus Engel and Huang, gen. et sp. nov., is the first definitive fossil of Oligotomidae (not including a subfossil species in Pleistocene copal and which is likely synonymous with an extant taxon), and differs from modern genera in a combination of head, tarsal, and terminalic morphology. The new fossil species double the known Cretaceous fossils and add a further two families to the Mesozoic record for the order.  相似文献   

内蒙古赤峰早白垩世昆虫化石的新发现   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
任东  朱会忠  陆有泉 《地球学报》1995,16(4):432-439
本文首次描述了内蒙古自治区赤峰市早白垩世九佛堂组的鞘翅目和异翅目昆虫化石4属5种,其中3新属5新种。这些昆虫化石通过与国内、外相关类群的对比,为该区的地层划分、对比和地质时代的确定,提供了最新的依据。由古生态方面分析,该区为湖沼环境,水体充沛,为古黑龙江流域的一部分。文中里阿龙虱科、沼梭科和中生五节蝽科的材料在国内是首次报道。  相似文献   

New Taxa of Chrysomelidae (Insecta:Coleoptera)from Rovno Amber,Late Eocene   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
<正>Leaf beetles Chrysomelidae of Rovno amber,from the Late Eocene,are recorded and described. Chrysomelidae of Rovno amber are represented by three subfamilies:Galerucinae(Alticini),Chrysomelinae,and Eumolpinae.Two new genera and three new species of Alticini:Manobiomorpha Nadein,gen.nov.(type species Manobiomorpha eocenica Nadein,sp.nov.),Psyllototus Nadein,gen.nov.(type species Psyllototus progenitor Nadein,sp.nov.),and Crepidodera decolorata Nadein et Perkovsky,sp.nov.are described.A new chrysomeline genus and species Paleophaedon minutus Nadein gen.nov.et sp.nov.is described.Probable trophic association of Crepidodera decolorata sp.nov.,the taxonomic positions of Manobiomorpha gen.nov.and Psyllototus gen.nov., and the composition of leaf beetle faunas of Middle and Late Eocene of Europe are discussed.  相似文献   

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