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The effects of tidal forcing on the biogeochemical patterns of surface water masses flowing through the Strait of Gibraltar are studied by monitoring the Atlantic Inflow (AI) during both spring and neap tides. Three main phenomena are defined depending on the strength of the outflowing phase predicted over the Camarinal Sill: non-wave events (a very frequent phenomenon during the whole year); type I Internal wave events (a very energetic event, occurring during spring tides); and type II Internal wave events (less intense, occurring during neap tides).During neap tides, a non-wave event comprising oligotrophic open-ocean water from the Gulf of Cádiz is the most frequent and clearly dominant flow through the Strait. In this tidal condition, the inflow of North Atlantic Central Water (NACW) provides the main nutrient input to the surface layer of the Alboran Sea, supplying almost 70% of total annual nitrate transport to the Mediterranean basin. A low percentage of active and large phytoplankton cells and low average concentrations of chlorophyll (0.3–0.4 mg m−3) are found in this tidal phase. Around 50% of total annual phytoplankton biomass transport into the Mediterranean Sea through the Strait presents these oligotrophic characteristics.In contrast, during spring tides, patches of water with high chlorophyll levels (0.7–1 mg m−3) arrive intermittently, and these are recorded concurrently with the passage of internal waves coming from the Camarinal Sill (type I internal wave events). When large internal waves are arrested over the Camarinal Sill this implies strong interfacial mixing and the probable concurrent injection of coastal waters into the main channel of the Strait. These processes result in a mixed water column in the AI and can account for around 30% of total annual nitrate transport into the Mediterranean basin. Associated with type I internal wave events there is a regular inflow of large and active phytoplankton cells, transported in waters with relatively high nutrient concentrations, which constitutes a significant supply of planktonic resources to the pelagic ecosystem of the Alboran Sea (almost 30% of total annual phytoplankton biomass transport).  相似文献   

In order to investigate total organic carbon (TOC) exchange through the Strait of Gibraltar, samples were taken along two sections from the western (Gulf of Cádiz) and eastern (Western Alboran Sea) entrances of the Strait and at the middle of the Strait in April 1998. TOC was measured by using a high-temperature catalytic oxidation method. The results referenced here are based on a three-layer model of water mass exchange through the Strait, which includes the Atlantic inflow, Mediterranean outflow and an interface layer in between. All layers were characterised by a decrease of TOC concentrations from the Gulf of Cádiz to the Western Alboran Sea: from 60–79 to 59–66 μM C in the Atlantic inflow and from 40–60 to 38–52 μM C in the Mediterranean waters, respectively. TOC concentrations in the modified North Atlantic Central Water varied from 43 to 55 μM C. Intermediate TOC values were measured in the interface layer (43–60 μM C). TOC concentrations increased from the middle of the Strait towards continents indicating a contribution of organic carbon of photosynthetic origin along Spain and Morocco coasts or TOC accumulation due to upwelling in the northeastern part of the Strait. Our results indicate that the short-term variability caused by the tide greatly impacts the TOC distribution, particularly in the Gulf of Cádiz. The TOC input from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea through the Strait of Gibraltar varies from 0.9×104 to 1.0×104 mol C s−1 (or 0.28×1012 to 0.35×1012 mol C year−1, respectively). This estimate suggests that the TOC inflow and outflow through the Strait of Gibraltar are two and three orders of magnitude higher than reported via the Turkish Straits and Mediterranean River inputs.  相似文献   

An acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) is used to measure the currents and estimate the transports over the Camarinal Sill at the Strait of Gibraltar. The deepest measurements of the ADCP compare well with an underlying conventional current meter. The exchange interface between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean water is defined as the depth of the maximum vertical shear. The mean depth of the shear interface is 147 m. The time series of the depth of the interface and the currents are used to estimate the transports across the Strait. The resulting values are 0.78 Sv for the Atlantic inflow and −0.67 Sv for the Mediterranean outflow. The time series of the shear interface include fortnightly oscillations of 19 m. The time series of the transports are compared with the pressure and sea level difference records across the Strait. Linear multiple regression is used to estimate the (statistical) contribution of each parameter on the variation of transports. The cross strait sea level difference is well correlated with the Atlantic inflow and accounts for 57% of the variability of the transport records which improves to 78% when the fortnightly and monthly cycles are included in the linear regression. The Mediterranean outflow is best correlated with the along strait sea level difference which accounts for only 10% of the variability of the transport record. Again the addition of the Msf and the MM cycles improves the percentage of the variance accounted for to 37%. The local, along strait wind component is significantly correlated with, both the Atlantic inflow and the across strait sea level difference.  相似文献   

A large set of new data concerning dissolved metal concentrations has been acquired in the Gulf of Cadiz and in the Strait of Gibraltar from 1996 to 1999. These data, associated with models (hydrodynamic, tracer advection–dispersion and mixing), have been used to assess the influence of rivers draining the South Iberian Pyrite Belt on the Gulf of Cadiz and on the Atlantic inflow in the Strait of Gibraltar.Metal concentrations in surface waters from the Gulf of Cadiz are maximal near the mouth of the Tinto/Odiel rivers with values exceeding 50 nmol/kg (Mn), 5 nmol/kg (Ni), 30 nmol/kg (Cu), 100 nmol/kg (Zn), 0.9 nmol/kg (Cd) and 45 nmol/kg (As). From the Tinto/Odiel river, a plume of contamination follows the coast in the direction of the Strait of Gibraltar. The computation of a tracer advection–dispersion model confirms that the coastal currents carry the metals discharged from the Tinto and Odiel to the Strait of Gibraltar.From temperature–salinity and metal–salinity plots, four water masses can be recognised in the Gulf of Cadiz and in the Strait of Gibraltar: North Atlantic Surface Water (NASW), North Atlantic Central Water (NACW) and metal-enriched Spanish Shelf Waters from the Gulf of Cadiz (SSW). The Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) is also clearly seen at depths greater than 300 m.The chemical characteristics of these various water masses have been used in a mixing model to evaluate their relative contribution to the Atlantic inflow through the Strait of Gibraltar. These contributions are seasonally variable. In June 1997, the contribution was: 80±20%, 5±5% and 15±10% for NASW, NACW and SSW, respectively. In September, the SSW contribution was apparently negligible.Finally, these relative contributions allow the evaluation of the metal fluxes in the Strait of Gibraltar. The presence of SSW in the Strait increases the metal flux to the Mediterranean Sea by a factor of 2.3 (Cu), 2.4 (Cd), 3 (Zn) and 7 (Mn). It does not modify significantly As and Ni fluxes.  相似文献   

The variability of the water transport through three major straits of the Mediterranean Sea (Gibraltar, Sicily and Corsica) was investigated using a high-resolution model. This model of the Mediterranean circulation was developed in the context of the Mercator project.The region of interest is the western Mediterranean between the Strait of Gibraltar and the Strait of Sicily. The major water masses and the winter convection in the Gulf of Lions were simulated. The model reproduced the meso-scale and large-scale patterns of the circulation in very good agreement with recent observations. The western and the eastern gyres of the Alboran Sea were observed but high interannual variability was noticed. The Algerian Current splits into several branches at the longitude of the Strait of Sicily level, forming the Tyrrhenian branch, and, the Atlantic Ionian Stream and the Atlantic Tunisian Current in the eastern Mediterranean. The North Current retroflexed north of the Balearic Islands and a dome structure was observed in the Gulf of Lions. The cyclonic barotropic Algerian gyre, which was recently observed during the MATER and ELISA experiment, was evidenced in the simulation.From time-series of 10-day mean transport, the three straits presented a high variability at short time-scales. The transport was generally maximum, in April for the Strait of Gibraltar, in November for the Strait of Sicily, and in January for the Strait of Corsica. The amplitudes of the transport through the Straits of Gibraltar (0.11 Sv) and Sicily (0.30 Sv) presented a weaker seasonal variability than that of the Strait of Corsica (0.70 Sv).The study of the relation between transport and wind forcing showed that the transport through the Strait of Gibraltar is dependent on local zonal wind over short time-scales (70%), which was not the case for the other straits (less than 30%). The maximum (minimum) of the transport occurred for an eastward (westward) wind stress in the strait. An interannual event was noticed in November–December 2001, which corresponded to a very low transport (0.3 Sv), which was characterised by a cyclonic circulation in the western Alboran Sea. That circulation was also reproduced by the model for other periods than winter during the interannual simulation.The transport through the Strait of Sicily is not influenced by local wind.The wind stress curl of the northwestern Mediterranean influenced the transport through the Strait of Corsica.  相似文献   

Primary production was studied at nine sites distributed within the Strait of Gibraltar (Southern Spain) and North-Western (NW) Alboran Sea by analyzing photosynthesis-irradiance (P–I) relationships and integrated primary production rates in relation to the different types of Deep Chlorophyll Maxima (DCM) detected in the area. The characteristics of the DCM were examined by several methods, including flow cytometry, quantification of transparent expolymer particles and fluorimetric measurements that were applied in order to assess the photo-physiological state of the phytoplankton assemblages with respect to their species composition and water column structure (hydrology). The photosynthetic parameters (derived from P–I relationships) and integrated primary production (range 6–644 mg m−2 d−1) responded greatly to the diverse DCM identified and thereby the spatial variability of the primary production observed in the region was found to depend upon the occurrence of the different types of phytoplankton accumulations, which were themselves indicative of the previous history of the water column. The net contribution of the primary production to the air–sea CO2 exchange process was also evaluated in the area. Results indicated that this region behaved as a net sink for the atmospheric CO2, with the intensity of the flux being strongly modulated by the wind intensity.  相似文献   

The Dardanelles Strait is a remarkable example of a long, narrow, shallow, and strongly stratified strait with bidirectional exchange that is governed by both baroclinic and barotropic forcing with a wide spectrum of variability. A three-dimensional free surface primitive equation model is applied to study seasonal hydrodynamics variability in this strait. The calculated vertical structure of temperature, salinity, and velocity fields agrees well with available survey data. Seasonal monthly values of the volume exchange at the Aegean and Marmara exits are estimated. It is found that the seasonal exchange dynamics is governed by the turbulent friction and entrainment at the Nara Passage area. The mean annual water transport in the upper layer is increased by 80% after the Nara Passage. About 25% of water entering in the Dardanelles bottom layer reaches the Marmara Sea in winter, and 50% reaches it in summer. The estimate of the Dardanelles hydrodynamics according to hydraulic and viscous–advective–diffusive regime classification shows significant deviation from the two-layer hydraulic asymptotic. However, according to three-layer hydraulic theory, the flow is found to be critical in the Nara Passage area.  相似文献   

The total organic carbon (TOC) and total inorganic carbon (CT) exchange between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea was studied in the Strait of Gibraltar in September 1997. Samples were taken at eight stations from western and eastern entrances of the Strait and at the middle of the Strait (Tarifa Narrows). TOC was analyzed by a high-temperature catalytic oxidation method, and CT was calculated from alkalinity–pHT pairs and appropriate thermodynamic relationships. The results are used in a two-layer model of water mass exchange through the Strait, which includes the Atlantic inflow, the Mediterranean outflow and the interface layer in between. Our observations show a decrease of TOC and an increase of CT concentrations from the surface to the bottom: 71–132 μM C and 2068–2150 μmol kg−1 in the Surface Atlantic Water, 74–95 μM C and 2119–2148 μmol kg−1 in the North Atlantic Central Water, 63–116 μM C and 2123–2312 μmol kg−1 in the interface layer, and 61–78 μM C and 2307–2325 μmol kg−1 in the Mediterranean waters. However, within the Mediterranean outflow, we found that the concentrations of carbon were higher at the western side of the Strait (75–78 μM C, 2068–2318 μmol kg−1) than at the eastern side (61–69 μM C, 2082–2324 μmol kg−1). This difference is due to the mixing between the Atlantic inflow and the Mediterranean outflow on the west of the Strait, which results in a flux of organic carbon from the inflow to the outflow and an opposite flux of inorganic carbon. We estimate that the TOC input from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea through the Strait of Gibraltar varies from (0.97±0.8)104 to (1.81±0.90)104 mol C s−1 (0.3×1012 to 0.56×1012 mol C yr−1), while outflow of inorganic carbon ranges from (12.5±0.4)104 to (15.6±0.4)104 mol C s−1 (3.99–4.90×1012 mol C yr−1). The high variability of carbon exchange within the Strait is due to the variability of vertical mixing between inflow and outflow along the Strait. The prevalence of organic carbon inflow and inorganic carbon outflow shows the Mediterranean Sea to be a basin of active remineralization of organic material.  相似文献   

Transient,seasonal and interannual variability of the Taiwan Strait current   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have constructed a fine-resolution model with realistic bathymetry to study the spatial and temporal variations of circulation in the Taiwan Strait (TS). The TS model with a resolution of 3~10 km derives its open boundary conditions from a larger-scale model. The QSCAT/NCEP winds and AVHRR SST provide forcing at the sea surface. Because of the high resolution in model grids and forcing, the model achieves a previously unavailable level of agreement with most observations. On biweekly time scales surface-trapped current reversals often lead to Strait transport reversals if the northeasterly wind bursts in winter are sufficiently strong. On seasonal time scales the northward current is the strongest in summer since both summer monsoon and pressure gradient force are northward. The summer northward current appears to be relatively unimpeded by the Changyun Rise (CYR) and bifurcates slightly near the surface. With the arrival of the northeast monsoon in fall, downwind movement of China Coastal Water (CCW) is blocked by the northward current near 25.5°N and 120°E. In winter, the northward current weakens even more as the northeasterly monsoon strengthens. The CCW moves downwind along the western boundary; the CYR blocks part of the CCW and forces a U-shaped flow pattern in the northern Strait. Past studies have failed to reveal an anticyclonic eddy that develops on the northern flank of CYR in winter. On interannual time scales a weakened northeast monsoon during El Niño reduces advection of the cold CCW from the north and enhances intrusion of warm water from the south, resulting in warming in the TS.  相似文献   

白令海峡夏季流量的年际变化及其成因   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张洋  苏洁 《海洋学报》2012,34(5):1-10
白令海峡是连接太平洋和北冰洋的唯一通道,穿过海峡的海水体积通量在年际尺度上的变化主要取决于海峡南北两侧的海面高度差,白令海峡的入流对北冰洋海洋过程有重要的意义。利用SODA资料计算夏季白令海峡海水体积通量,对其年际变化及成因进行分析。结果表明夏季白令海峡的体积通量主要是正压地转的;当体积通量为正距平时,楚科奇海、东西伯利亚海、拉普捷夫海以及波弗特海南部海面高度为负距平,同时,白令海陆架海面高度为正距平;对这些海域的Ekman运动、上层海洋温度、盐度和垂直流速进行分析,发现海面高度异常与海峡体积通量的这种关系主要是与海面气压异常分布所产生的Ekman运动有关。当白令海峡的体积通量为正距平时,北冰洋中央海面气压为正距平,白令海海盆海面气压为负距平。这种气压的异常分布在一定程度上解释了上层海洋运动、海水温盐结构与白令海峡入流的关系,从而把夏季大尺度大气环流和白令海峡体积通量的年际变化联系了起来。  相似文献   

Several characteristics of water exchange in the Luzon Strait   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1IntroductionTheLuzonChannelissituatedonthewest-ernsideofthenorthernPacificandbetweenTaiwanandLuzonIslands.ItisthemainpassageofthePacificwaterenteringtheSCS.Therearenumerousdifferent-sizedislandsformingmanynarrowwaterpassagesinthischannel,sotheLuzonChannelisthegeneralnameofthesepas-sages(includingBabuyan,BalintangandBashiChannels,etc.).Customarily,theLuzonStraitiscalledtheBashiChannel.Itswidthis386kmandhasameandepthof1400m. Toagreatextent,thehydro-meteorologi-calconditionso…  相似文献   

An analysis of historical oxygen data provides evidence on the water exchange between theSouth China Sea (SCS) and the Pacific Ocean (PO). In the vicinity of the Luzon Strait (LS) , the dissolved oxygen concentration of sea water is found to be lower on the Pacific side than on the SCS side at depths between 700 and 1500 m (intermediate layer) , while the situation is reversed above 700 m (upper layer) and below 1 500 m (deep layer). The evidence suggests that water exits the SCS in the intermediate layer but enters it from the Pacific in both the upper and the deep layers, supporting the earlier speculation that the Luzon Strait transport has a sandwiched structure in the vertical. Within the SCS basin, the oxygen distribution indicates widespread vertical movement, including the upwelling in the intermediate layer and the downwelling in the deep layer.  相似文献   

Assessing the west ridge of Luzon Strait as an internal wave mediator   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
The Luzon Strait is blocked by two meridional ridges at depths, with the east ridge somewhat higher than the west ridge in the middle reaches of the Strait. Previous numerical models identified the Luzon Strait as the primary generation site of internal M2 tides entering the northern South China Sea (Niwa and Hibiya, 2004), but the role of the west-versus-east ridge was uncertain. We used a hydrostatic model for the northern South China Sea and a nonhydrostatic, process-oriented model to evaluate how the west ridge of Luzon Strait modifies westward propagation of internal tides, internal bores and internal solitary waves. The dynamic role of the west ridge depends strongly on the characteristics of internal waves and is spatially inhomogeneous. For M2 tides, both models identify the west ridge in the middle reaches of Luzon Strait as a dampener of incoming internal waves from the east ridge. In the northern Luzon Strait, the west ridge is quite imposing in height and becomes a secondary generation site for M2 internal tides. If the incoming wave is an internal tide, previous models suggested that wave attenuation depends crucially on how supercritical the west ridge slope is. If the incoming wave is an internal bore or internal solitary wave, our investigation suggests a loss of sensitivity to the supercritical slope for internal tides, leaving ridge height as the dominant factor regulating the wave attenuation. Mechanisms responsible for the ridge-induced attenuation are discussed.  相似文献   

Employing harmonic analysis of tidal data in the Taiwan Strait, the cross-strait tidal characteristics are completely illustrated. Based on the two dimensional mild-slope equation which can be reduced to the shallow-water wave equation, a finite element model (Tsay et al., 1989) is applied to investigate the characteristics of tides in the Taiwan Strait. The co-range and equi-phase charts of major tidal constituents, such as M2, S2, N2, and K1, are reproduced. Anomalous amplification of semidiurnal tides in the Taiwan Strait is verified. With rotation effects neglected and by applying a non-reflective condition on the open boundaries, the numerical results of phase-lag and co-range distributions show very good agreement with observed data for semidiurnal tides in the Taiwan Strait. Due to crude representation of the topography at two ends along the China coast, computed tidal distributions deviate from the observations. However, both computed amplitudes and phase-lags compare very well with observed data along the central half of the China coast.  相似文献   

袁欣  王庆业 《海洋科学》2020,44(3):15-22
利用1993~2017年海表面高度异常数据集,分析研究了西北太平洋季节内变化(20~120d)的整体分布特征,结果表明空间上季节内信号在20°N附近海域(16°~24°N)最强,时间上在6~8月达到一年中的最大值。在吕宋海峡东侧(123.875°E,20.125°N)季节内信号周期(70d)和传播速度(10.7~12.7cm/s)均大于吕宋海峡西侧(119.625°E, 20.125°N)(60 d, 6.5~7.8cm/s)。在大洋内部(123°~140°E, 18°~24°N)存在准90d的周期信号,传播速度约10.3cm/s。传播路径受黑潮的影响发生改变,由沿纬度西传转向向西北方向传播。第一斜压Rossby波理论对海表面高度季节内变化的周期和传播速度具有很好的解释性。  相似文献   

Nutrient Fluxes through the Taiwan Strait in Spring and Summer 1999   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Transports of water and nutrients (N and P) through the Taiwan Strait were calculated using chemical hydrography and currents observed in May and August 1999. The surveys were conducted along a transect across the strait in the middle section. The velocity fields were determined by phase-averaging currents measured using shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) on two repeats, which were separated by 1.5 cycles of the dominant M2 tide. Nutrient distributions were also derived from phase-averaged data. The volume transports determined from the two surveys were similar (2.0 Sv and 2.2 Sv, respectively). By contrast, the nutrient fluxes obtained in August (1.82 kmol N/s and 0.34 kmol P/s) were significantly higher than those in May (0.96 kmol N/s and 0.16 kmol P/s), apparently due to coastal upwelling under southwest monsoon in summer. The rather low N/P ratios (6.0 and 5.4 by atoms) of the nutrient fluxes were attributed to the widespread N-deficiency in the upper water column of the North Pacific. The nutrient fluxes were fed mainly through a meridional deep channel off southwest Taiwan. The nutrient contributions from the Taiwan Strait to the East China Sea in spring and summer are comparable to the total riverine contributions from the Changjiang (also know as the Yangtze River) and other smaller rivers for nitrogen, but 8–17 times larger than the latter for phosphate. Therefore, the Taiwan Strait inflow may serve as an important supplement for the P-limiting condition in the huge coastal plume in the East China Sea.  相似文献   

本文在z坐标海洋数值模式HAMSOM中引入了内潮黏性项(Internal-tide viscosity term),将之运用到吕宋海峡M2内潮的生成与传播过程的数值模拟研究。研究结果表明:(1)在250 m以浅,吕宋海峡产生的M2内潮振幅于温跃层处最大,岛坡附近的内潮明显强于别处,且最大振幅可达到40 m左右;(2)M2内潮的生成源主要集中在伊特巴亚岛西北、巴丹岛西南以及巴布延群岛西北的岛坡;(3)海峡产生的M2内潮向东西2个方向传播。巴丹岛以西的西向能量在吕宋海沟斜向下传播,在到达恒春海脊附近发生反射返回海面,到达海面后再次反射回海底,在此过程中,有高模态的内潮被激发,不同模态间有相消干涉的现象产生。西传的内潮能量分为2支进入南海,产生于巴布延群岛西北的能量分支直接向西南折转进入南海海盆,而产生于伊特巴亚岛和巴丹岛岛坡附近的主要能量则以束状向南海陆架传播,在到达118°E后部分能量折向西南的海盆,其余的能量则沿西北方向传入中国近岸,陆架陆坡地形起着重要的耗散作用。伊特巴亚岛西北有最大的能量产生,向东北传入太平洋。在122°E以东,能量主要以束状向东南传入太平洋。  相似文献   

文章基于2004年1月~2006年11月的"国际努加登沙层结与输运"(international Nusantara stratification and transport,INSTANT)计划以及2006年11月~2011年7月的"印度尼西亚贯穿流观测"(monitoring the Indonesian throughflow,MITF)计划的实测数据,从长时间序列研究印度尼西亚贯穿流的变化。在望加锡海峡中,印度尼西亚贯穿流的周期信号分布非常丰富,涵盖潮汐、季节内、季节和年际信号。对于季节变化,东南季风期间温跃层深度上最大南向流速约为1.0m·s-1,而西北季风期间最大南向流速约为0.8m·s-1。印度尼西亚贯穿流的年际变化与尼诺3.4区指数(NINO3.4)呈正相关,最大相关系数大约在NINO 3.4前1~2个月;水深150m以上,印度尼西亚贯穿流与偶极子模态指数(dipole mode index,DMI)呈负相关,200m以下呈正相关,在时间上较DMI滞后约1~2个月。季节变化的经验正交分解(empirical orthogonal function,EOF)前2个模态方差的总贡献率为97%,其中第一模态为65%,第二模态为32%;年际变化的EOF前2个模态的方差贡献率为90%,其中第一模态为51%,第二模态为39%。季节变化的第二模态和年际变化的第一模态表征赤道印度洋开尔文波模态,该模态的空间结构在垂向会发生相位反转;季节变化的第一模态和年际变化的第二模态表征赤道太平洋罗斯贝波(Rossby waves)的厄尔尼诺与南方涛动(El Ni?o and southern oscillation,ENSO)模态,其垂向的空间结构变化比较一致。  相似文献   

卡里马塔海峡水体交换的季节变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Four trawl-resistant bottom mounts, with acoustic Doppler current profilers(ADCPs) embedded, were deployed in the Karimata Strait from November 2008 to June 2015 as part of the South China Sea-Indonesian Seas Transport/Exchange and Impact on Seasonal Fish Migration(SITE) Program, to estimate the volume and property transport between the South China Sea and Indonesian seas via the strait. The observed current data reveal that the volume transport through the Karimata Strait exhibits significant seasonal variation. The winteraveraged(from December to February) transport is –1.99 Sv(1 Sv=1×10~6 m~3/s), while in the boreal summer(from June to August), the average transport is 0.69 Sv. Moreover, the average transport from January 2009 to December2014 is –0.74 Sv(the positive/negative value indicates northward/southward transport). May and September are the transition period. In May, the currents in the Karimata Strait turn northward, consistent with the local monsoon. In September, the southeasterly trade wind is still present over the strait, driving surface water northward, whereas the bottom flow reverses direction, possibly because of the pressure gradient across the strait from north to south.  相似文献   

莫桑比克海峡及其邻近海区是全球海洋潮流和潮能耗散最强的海区之一。文章利用高分辨率通用环流模式对该海区的正压潮流进行模拟, 并对该海区潮能通量和潮能耗散特征进行分析。结果表明, 莫桑比克海峡及其邻近海区的潮波主要是半日分潮占主导地位, 全日分潮可忽略不计, M2分潮形成1个左旋潮波系统和1个右旋潮波系统, S2分潮形成1个左旋潮波系统。莫桑比克海峡和马达加斯加岛南部等绝大数区域的M2和S2半日潮流是逆时针旋转, 在马达加斯加岛顶部等局部区域是顺时针旋转, 而且在海峡通道等复杂地形处潮流流速量级较大。潮能通量矢量主要来自东边界, 大部分潮能通量沿马达加斯岛北部传入莫桑比克海峡区域, 其中经过马达加斯加岛北部和进入莫桑比克海峡的M2 (S2)分潮的潮能通量分别为156.86GW (40.53GW)和148.07GW (36.05GW), S2分潮潮能通量的量级大约为M2分潮的1/5~1/4。底摩擦耗散主要发生莫桑比克海峡和马达加斯加岛南北部, 其中莫桑比克海峡M2 (S2)分潮的底摩擦耗散为1.762GW (0.460GW), 占其底部总耗散的43.74% (39.72%)。  相似文献   

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