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Palaeomanicapsocus margoae gen. et sp. nov. and Palaeomanicapsocus fouadi gen. et sp. nov. are characterized, described, illustrated, from the Cretaceous Burmese amber. Their phylogenetic position is discussed. These fossil taxa are the first manicapsocid barklice to be described from the Burmese amber.  相似文献   

The third Cretaceous Aeshnoptera in amber is described from Myanmar. It represents a new family Burmaeshnidae fam. nov., genus and species Burmaeshna azari gen. et sp. nov. Its exact affinities remain uncertain but it is probably the sister group of the Late Cretaceous family Enigmaeshnidae. This discovery supports the hypothesis of an intense period of appearance of many aeshnopteran subclades during the late Early Cretaceous and the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

One new genus with three new species of the family Prionoglarididae, Palaeosiamoglaris leinhardi Azar, Huang et Nel gen. et sp. nov.; P. burmica Azar, Huang et Nel sp. nov. and P. inexpectata Azar, Huang et Nel sp. nov. are characterised, illustrated and described from Cretaceous Burmese amber. Palaeosiamoglaris gen. nov. share several characters with the recent genus Siamoglaris Lienhard, 2004, endemic to the Oriental (Sino-Indian) Region. A new tribe Siamoglaridini Azar, Huang et Nel trib. nov. is established to accommodate the group Siamoglaris + Palaeosiamoglaris; the other Prionoglaridinae being attributed to Prionoglaridini. This discovery implicates a palaeobiogeographic repartition for this particular tribe (Siamoglarini) that is still the same currently. Most diagnostic features show a nearly stasis state, supporting the notion that these characters appeared at least by the early Cenomanian. A checklist of all prionoglaridids is given.  相似文献   

Paraelectrentomopsis chenyangcaii gen. et sp. nov. from the Cretaceous Burmese amber is characterized, described, illustrated and its position is discussed. This fossil taxon is the second compsocid barklouce to be described from the Burmese amber and constitute one of the earliest records of the family. A checklist of known Compsocidae is given. Identification keys of all known Compsocidae are provided. A palaeobiogeography scenario is proposed.  相似文献   

The new genus and species Angustaeshna magnifica of Burmaeshnidae is described on the basis of a new fossil from Burmese amber. The genus Cretaeshna from the same amber is transferred from the Telephlebiidae into the Burmaeshnidae. We redefine this last family, no longer considered as the sister group of the Late Cretaceous Enigmaeshnidae, but as putative sister group of the Telephlebiidae in the Aeshnoidea. No known fossil belongs to the Telephlebiidae.  相似文献   

Burmaneura minuta gen. et sp. nov., the first araripeneurine antlion in amber, is characterized, described and compared with the modern and Mesozoic Myrmeleontidae. The precise position of the fossil within this group is debatable. Interestingly, despite a rather rich fossil record, all Mesozoic Myrmeleontidae belong to subfamilies that are not recorded in the Cenozoic, although this might merely reflect the artificiality of the classification as the extinct groups may be paraphyletic with respect to their younger counterparts (e.g., Araripeneurinae may very well be nothing more than a stem group of no classificatory value).  相似文献   

A new genus and species of Trichomyiinae (Axenotrichomyia boisteli) is described herein from Burmese Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) amber. This new taxon is characterized, illustrated, and its taxonomic position is discussed. This discovery sheds new light for the understanding of the palaeobiodiversity of this group.  相似文献   

Xenotrichomyia newjerseyiensis a new genus and species belonging to Trichomyiinae within Psychodidae is characterized, described, illustrated and its taxonomic position is discussed. It shares some similarities with Trichomyiinae of group B, but retains some archaic features, such as normal and non-excentric flagellomeres, and possesses an autapomorphy in wing venation that distinguish it from all remaining Trichomyiinae. This discovery represents the first Trichomyiinae (Psychodidae) from the Upper Cretaceous New Jersey amber, and adds more evidence on the very high palaeodiversity of the psychodids since at least the Lower Cretaceous. An updated check list of fossil Trichomyiinae is given.  相似文献   

The rhagionid Lebanoleptis huangi gen. et sp. nov. is described from the Lower Cretaceous amber of Lebanon. It is characterized, illustrated, and compared with the recent and fossil genera having the same particular absence of wing vein M3. Other Mesozoic flies with similar venation and currently attributed to the Rhagionidae are briefly discussed and should be revised.  相似文献   

A new family of aphids, the Isolitaphidae fam. nov. (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea), is described for the new genus and species, Isolitaphis prolatantennus gen. et sp nov., in mid-Cretaceous amber from Myanmar (Burma). The new species is compared with previously described Mesozoic Aphidoidea, including members of the families Parvaverrucosidae and Burmitaphididae that were described earlier from Myanmar amber. The new taxon can be separated from all previously described extant and extinct Aphidoidea by its 10-segmented antenna, the presence of an ovipositor, siphons, a three-branched M vein and forked C vein. The new species adds to the morphological diversity of Mesozoic Aphidoidea.  相似文献   

Cratosmylus magnificus gen. et sp. nov., type genus and species of the new osmylid subfamily Cratosmylinae, is described from the Lower Cretaceous of the Crato Formation, Brazil. The relationships of this taxon remain uncertain within the Osmylidae, mainly due to the lack of phylogeny of the whole family. Nevertheless, it shares with the Mesozoic subfamily Saucrosmylinae the Rs curved and bent anteriorly distally, even in a more pronounced state, i.e. Rs touching R1 in its distal part.  相似文献   

Cretanallachius magnificus gen. et sp. nov., first Mesozoic and earliest record of the Dilaridae (Neuroptera), is described from the Cretaceous Burmese amber. Its putative closest relative is the recent subfamily Nallachiinae known by the sole genus Nallachius.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of female phantom midge Neuseptychoptera carolinensis gen. et sp. nov. in the fossil subfamily Eoptychopterinae is described and illustrated; this ptychopterid is from Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) amber of North Carolina. This is the first member of Eoptychopterinae from North America and the first found in Campanian age amber. We propose to treat the extinct subfamily Eoptychopterininae Lukashevich, 1995, as a junior synonym of the subfamily Eoptychopterinae Handlirsch, 1906, syn. nov. The elongated mouthparts of the new species have broad labella, and these are functionally interpreted as feeders for honeydew, fermenting plant juices, and nectar rather than for biting.  相似文献   

We describe herein a new genus and species of Sycoracinae (Xenosycorax engeli). This new taxon is characterized, described, illustrated and its taxonomic position is discussed. This discovery is very interesting for the understanding of the evolution of this group.  相似文献   

An exotic wingless female insect in mid-Cretaceous Myanmar amber is described as Aethiocarenus burmanicus sp. et gen. nov. in the order Aethiocarenodea ord. nov. and family Aethiocarenidae fam. nov. The distinguishing feature of Aethiocarenus burmanicus sp. et gen. nov. is its unique head, the dorsum of which is shaped like an isosceles right triangle with the hypotenuse at the top and vertex positioned at the base of the neck. While insects with triangular-shaped heads are common today, the hypotenuse of the triangle is always located at the base of the head and attached to the neck, with the vertex at the apex of the head. Other features of the fossil are the long narrow, flat body, long slender legs, especially the hind pair that are twice the length of the abdomen, lack of wings, protruding eyes, paired ocelli, secretory glands located on the dorsum of the neck and swollen abdomen bearing paired segmented cerci.  相似文献   

Avenaphora gallica sp. nov., second representative of this dolichopodid genus, and Cretomicrophorus piolencensis sp. nov., third representative of this genus, are described from a new lower Santonian amber outcrop in Southern France. The relationships of Avenaphora in the Empidoidea are discussed. Avenaphora gallica and Cretomicrophorus piolencensis were found in a marine littoral swamp palaeoenvironment, as for many modern Parathalassiinae.  相似文献   

A new dinosaur of Early Cretaceous age was recently discovered from the Mazongshan area of northwestern Gansu Province, China. The new dinosaur represents a new genus and species of Sauropoda, and is among the most basal members of Titanosauria. Its finding also suggests that titanosaurs might have originated in Asia no later than the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The first fossil Carabidae from Burmese amber is described as new to science, Oodes kachinensis Liu n. sp., based on a single individual preserved in Cretaceous amber from Myanmar. This species is placed in the extant tribe Oodini as supported by several characters: one supraorbital seta at each side of vertex, interval 9 very narrow, stria 8 very deep, epipleuron plica presented, antennomeres 1–3 glabrous and 4–11 densely pubescent. This new species has surprising long legs, indicating most probably it was living on the bank of puddle.  相似文献   

A rare archaic beetle, Barbaticupes combertiae n. gen. n. sp. (Insecta: Coleoptera: Archostemata: Cupedidae) is described from mid-Cretaceous burmite from northern Myanmar. This beetle's distinctive form includes dense setae (small hairs) and protuberances on the head and merging rows of window cells on the elytra (wing cases). It is the first true or typical reticulated beetle (cupedine) to be found in Burmese amber displaying male genitalia.  相似文献   

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