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Xenotrichomyia newjerseyiensis a new genus and species belonging to Trichomyiinae within Psychodidae is characterized, described, illustrated and its taxonomic position is discussed. It shares some similarities with Trichomyiinae of group B, but retains some archaic features, such as normal and non-excentric flagellomeres, and possesses an autapomorphy in wing venation that distinguish it from all remaining Trichomyiinae. This discovery represents the first Trichomyiinae (Psychodidae) from the Upper Cretaceous New Jersey amber, and adds more evidence on the very high palaeodiversity of the psychodids since at least the Lower Cretaceous. An updated check list of fossil Trichomyiinae is given.  相似文献   

We describe herein a new genus and species of Sycoracinae (Xenosycorax engeli). This new taxon is characterized, described, illustrated and its taxonomic position is discussed. This discovery is very interesting for the understanding of the evolution of this group.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of Trichomyiinae (Axenotrichomyia boisteli) is described herein from Burmese Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) amber. This new taxon is characterized, illustrated, and its taxonomic position is discussed. This discovery sheds new light for the understanding of the palaeobiodiversity of this group.  相似文献   

The rhagionid Lebanoleptis huangi gen. et sp. nov. is described from the Lower Cretaceous amber of Lebanon. It is characterized, illustrated, and compared with the recent and fossil genera having the same particular absence of wing vein M3. Other Mesozoic flies with similar venation and currently attributed to the Rhagionidae are briefly discussed and should be revised.  相似文献   

The third Cretaceous Aeshnoptera in amber is described from Myanmar. It represents a new family Burmaeshnidae fam. nov., genus and species Burmaeshna azari gen. et sp. nov. Its exact affinities remain uncertain but it is probably the sister group of the Late Cretaceous family Enigmaeshnidae. This discovery supports the hypothesis of an intense period of appearance of many aeshnopteran subclades during the late Early Cretaceous and the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Paraelectrentomopsis chenyangcaii gen. et sp. nov. from the Cretaceous Burmese amber is characterized, described, illustrated and its position is discussed. This fossil taxon is the second compsocid barklouce to be described from the Burmese amber and constitute one of the earliest records of the family. A checklist of known Compsocidae is given. Identification keys of all known Compsocidae are provided. A palaeobiogeography scenario is proposed.  相似文献   

Cratosmylus magnificus gen. et sp. nov., type genus and species of the new osmylid subfamily Cratosmylinae, is described from the Lower Cretaceous of the Crato Formation, Brazil. The relationships of this taxon remain uncertain within the Osmylidae, mainly due to the lack of phylogeny of the whole family. Nevertheless, it shares with the Mesozoic subfamily Saucrosmylinae the Rs curved and bent anteriorly distally, even in a more pronounced state, i.e. Rs touching R1 in its distal part.  相似文献   

P. Nel  D. Azar  A. Nel   《Cretaceous Research》2007,28(6):1033-1038
A new family of thrips, Moundthripidae, is described on the basis of a new genus and species, Moundthrips beatificus, from Early Cretaceous Lebanese amber. This taxon has plesiomorphic prognathous mouthparts, a unique type of wing venation and the main apomorphies of the Thysanoptera of the legs and mouthpart structures, suggesting that they were acquired very early during the evolution of this order.  相似文献   

Burmaneura minuta gen. et sp. nov., the first araripeneurine antlion in amber, is characterized, described and compared with the modern and Mesozoic Myrmeleontidae. The precise position of the fossil within this group is debatable. Interestingly, despite a rather rich fossil record, all Mesozoic Myrmeleontidae belong to subfamilies that are not recorded in the Cenozoic, although this might merely reflect the artificiality of the classification as the extinct groups may be paraphyletic with respect to their younger counterparts (e.g., Araripeneurinae may very well be nothing more than a stem group of no classificatory value).  相似文献   

A new species, Eoptychoptera cantabrica sp. nov. is described from the Albian El Soplao amber-bearing deposits based on a single male with an elongated proboscis, unknown among extant members of Ptychopteridae. It represents the youngest record of the species-diverse genus Eoptychoptera. A pupa of Eoptychoptera sp. with a long respiratory horn, typical of extant ptychopterids, is described from Las Hoyas limestones, where adult fossil ptychopterids have yet to be discovered. A key to species of Eoptychoptera, based on wing venation, and a distribution map of Cretaceous Ptychopteridae are provided. The climatic preferences and mouthparts of Mesozoic and recent Ptychopteridae are discussed.  相似文献   

Mesonemestrius caii gen. et sp. nov. is the first record of Archinemestriinae (Nemestrinidae) to be described from Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber. Mesonemestrius caii can be attributed to the subfamily Archinemestriinae by the following characters: M1 ending posterior to the wing tip and supernumerary crossveins absent. Mesonemestrius is characterized by M1 bifurcating after the conjunction of M1+2+3 and a long straight R1. The discovery not only adds to the diversity of tangle-veined flies in Burmese amber, but also represents the youngest record of the ancient subfamily Archinemestriinae.  相似文献   

Palaeomanicapsocus margoae gen. et sp. nov. and Palaeomanicapsocus fouadi gen. et sp. nov. are characterized, described, illustrated, from the Cretaceous Burmese amber. Their phylogenetic position is discussed. These fossil taxa are the first manicapsocid barklice to be described from the Burmese amber.  相似文献   

Avenaphora gallica sp. nov., second representative of this dolichopodid genus, and Cretomicrophorus piolencensis sp. nov., third representative of this genus, are described from a new lower Santonian amber outcrop in Southern France. The relationships of Avenaphora in the Empidoidea are discussed. Avenaphora gallica and Cretomicrophorus piolencensis were found in a marine littoral swamp palaeoenvironment, as for many modern Parathalassiinae.  相似文献   

The new genus and species Angustaeshna magnifica of Burmaeshnidae is described on the basis of a new fossil from Burmese amber. The genus Cretaeshna from the same amber is transferred from the Telephlebiidae into the Burmaeshnidae. We redefine this last family, no longer considered as the sister group of the Late Cretaceous Enigmaeshnidae, but as putative sister group of the Telephlebiidae in the Aeshnoidea. No known fossil belongs to the Telephlebiidae.  相似文献   

We describe two new species of extinct biting midges in the fossil genus Protoculicoides: Protoculicoides hispanicus Szadziewski and Arillo, sp. nov. and Protoculicodes sanjusti Szadziewski and Arillo, sp. nov., from Albian (101–113 Ma) amber of San Just, Spain. Atriculicoides Remm, 1976 is recognized as a new junior synonym of Protoculicoides Boesel, 1937 (NEW SYNONYM). Devalquia Choufani et al., 2013 is regarded here as a new junior synonym of the extant genus Culicoides Latreille, 1809 (NEW SYNONYM). Metahelea roggeroi Choufani et al., 2013 from Upper Cretaceous French amber, is excluded from the tribe Heteromyiini and placed in the extant genus Stilobezzia Kieffer, 1911, tribe Ceratopogonini: Stilobezzia roggeroi (Choufani et al., 2013), comb. nov. The extinct tribe Atriculicoidini Szadziewski, 1996 is regarded as a new subfamily, Atriculicoidinae, stat. nov., that includes the fossil genus Protoculicoides, with 13 species reported from Albian, Turonian, Cenomanian, Coniacian, Santonian and Campanian ambers (78–113 Ma). Protoculicoides skalskii Szadziewski & Arillo, 1998 from Lower Cretaceous amber of Álava, Spain, Protoculicoides succineus Szadziewski, 1966 from Lower Cretaceous Lebanese amber and Protoculicoides burmiticus Szadziewski & Poinar, 2005 from Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber are transferred to the extinct genus Archiculicoides Szadziewski, 1996, comb. nov. Protoculicoides krzeminskii Choufani et al., 2014 from Lower Cretaceous Lebanese amber is transferred to the extinct genus Archiaustroconops Szadziewski, 1996, comb. nov. The Cretaceous subfamily Atriculicoidinae forms an unresolved trichotomy with the extant subfamilies Forcipomyiinae and Dasyheleinae, both of which date to the Eocene. The fossil record indicates that wings with macrotrichia in biting midges evolved during the mid-Cretaceous greenhouse climate. We suggest that this was an evolutionary adaptation to new atmospheric conditions with higher levels of CO2 in order for the antennal Johnston's organs of males to receive the vibrational sex signals produced by females during flight.  相似文献   

A partial skull comprising fused maxilla/premaxilla and palate of a ctenochasmatoid pterosaur from the Santana Formation of the Araripe Basin in NE Brazil is named as the new genus and species Unwindia trigonus gen. et sp. nov. on account of its long slender rostrum, isodonty with raised dental alveoli and dentition of seven tooth pairs restricted to the portion of the rostrum anterior to the nasoantorbital fenestra. Unwindia is assigned to the Ctenochasmatoidea, and is probably basal within the clade.  相似文献   

A new dinosaur of Early Cretaceous age was recently discovered from the Mazongshan area of northwestern Gansu Province, China. The new dinosaur represents a new genus and species of Sauropoda, and is among the most basal members of Titanosauria. Its finding also suggests that titanosaurs might have originated in Asia no later than the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The campterophlebiid new genus and species Ctenogampsophlebia reni is described from the Middle Jurassic of Inner Mongolia, China. It shows close similarities with the Lower to Middle Jurassic genera Gampsophlebia, and Petrophlebia, with closed and short subdiscoidal cells, confirming the attribution of these two other genera to the Campterophlebiidae.  相似文献   

A new biting midge Archiculicoides andersoni sp. nov. from Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber is described and illustrated. An unknown male of Leptoconops myanmaricus Szadziewski, 2004 is described and an undetermined female of the genus Archiaustroconops and Austroconops in the collection of National Museums Scotland is reported. A key for the determination of 10 named species in 6 genera of biting midges reported from Burmese amber is also provided.  相似文献   

Annulipsyllipsocus andreneli gen. et sp. nov. and A. inexspectatus gen. et sp. nov., the first records of the Psyllipsocidae from the Cretaceous amber of Myanmar are described, illustrated and their taxonomic position discussed. The new genus is characterized by antennae with 16 segments; flagellomeres with secondary annulations; radial cell closed, five-angled, bulged on its R1 border; triangular pterostigma. Species belonging to Annulipsyllipsocus gen. nov. are polymorphic. The described taxa represent the earliest evidence for polymorphism in Psocodea. A checklist of all known species of Psyllipsocidae is given.  相似文献   

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