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A high-precise analytical theory of a satellite in orbit around a non-spherical planet has been developed. The Poisson's small parameter method has been used. All secular and short-periodic perturbations proportional up to and including a product of five arbitrary harmonic coefficients of the planetary potential expansion are calculated. Long-periodic perturbations are derived with the accuracy of up to the fourth-order, inclusive. The influence of the high-order perturbations on the motion of ETALON-1 satellite has been investigated. The results of comparison of the numerical and analytical integration of the equations of its motion over a five year interval are as follows:
–  - the r.m.s. difference between the positions is 1.1 cm;
–  - the r.m.s. difference between the ranges is 0.5 cm.
The theory is intended to be used for processing precise laser range measurements of the Earth geodynamical satellites over long-term intervals.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper is to provide sufficient conditions for the existence of periodic solutions of the perturbed attitude dynamics of a rigid dumbbell satellite in a circular orbit.  相似文献   

Charlier’s theory (1910) provides a geometric interpretation of the occurrence of multiple solutions in Laplace’s method of preliminary orbit determination, assuming geocentric observations. We introduce a generalization of this theory allowing to take into account topocentric observations, that is observations made from the surface of the rotating Earth. The generalized theory works for both Laplace’s and Gauss’ methods. We also provide a geometric definition of a curve that generalizes Charlier’s limiting curve, separating regions with a different number of solutions. The results are generically different from Charlier’s: they may change according to the value of a parameter that depends on the observations.  相似文献   

We suggest a nonstandard methodology for studying the influence of Jupiter on the secular orbital evolution of a distant satellite of Saturn. This influence is tangible only in short time spans near the times of the smallest separation between Jupiter and Saturn, i.e., when the heliocentric longitudes of the two planets coincide. These times are spaced about 20 years apart. To describe the jumplike behavior of perturbations, we suggest approximating the principal part of the perturbing function averaged over the satellite’s motion by a two-parameter exponential wavelet-type (burst) function. The subsequent averaging (smoothing) of the perturbing function allows us to eliminate the 20-year-period terms and obtain an approximate analytical solution in a special case of the problem. The results are illustrated by plots of the variations in the averaged perturbing function and the orbital eccentricity of Saturn’s outer satellite S/2000 S1, which is most strongly perturbed by Jupiter.  相似文献   

The main effects of tesseral harmonics of a gravity potential expansion on the motion of a satellite, are short period variations as well as long period variations due to resonances. However, other smaller long period and secular variations can arise from interactions between tesseral terms of the same order. The analytical integration of these effects is developed, using numerical evaluation of Kaula eccentricity and inclination functions. Examples for some Earth's geodetic satellites show that secular effects can reach a few decameters per year. The secular variations can even reach several hundred of meters per year for the Mars natural satellite Phobos.  相似文献   

A theory is developed for the perturbations to the orbit of a spherically symmetric satellite which accounts for the changes in the perigee and nodal positions and the variations of the Sun-Earth distance and direction over an orbital revolution. The theory is semi-analytical, the equations of motion being integrated with respect to time over the sunlit period of each orbital revolution. Long-periodic and short-periodic perturbations may be treated separately, and this is important for long-term analyses in terms of mean elements where short-period terms are averaged or omitted.  相似文献   

Giacomo Giampieri 《Icarus》2004,167(1):228-230
A planetary body moving on an eccentric orbit around the primary is subject to a periodic perturbing potential, affecting its internal mass distribution. In a previous paper (Rappaport et al., 1997, Icarus 126, 313), we have calculated the periodic modulation of the gravity coefficients of degree 2, for a body on a synchronous orbit. Here, the previous analysis is extended by considering also non-synchronous orbits, and by properly accounting for the apparent motion of the primary due to the non uniform motion along the elliptical orbit. The cases of Titan and Mercury are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A practical and important problem encountered during the atmospheric re-entry phase is to determine analytical solutions for the space vehicle dynamical equations of motion. The author proposes new solutions for the equations of trajectory and flight-path angle of the space vehicle during the re-entry phase in Earth’s atmosphere. Explicit analytical solutions for the aerodynamic equations of motion can be effectively applied to investigate and control the rocket flight characteristics. Setting the initial conditions for the speed, re-entering flight-path angle, altitude, atmosphere density, lift and drag coefficients, the nonlinear differential equations of motion are linearized by a proper choice of the re-entry range angles. After integration, the solutions are expressed with the Exponential Integral, and Generalized Exponential Integral functions. Theoretical frameworks for proposed solutions as well as, several numerical examples, are presented.  相似文献   

We estimate the effect of trajectory measurement errors on the orbital parameters of asteroid Apophis determined from improvements. For this purpose, based on all of the optical and radar observations available to date, we have computed a nominal orbit of the asteroid. The scatter ellipsoid of the initial conditions of motion has been obtained by two methods. In the first, universally accepted method, the scatter ellipsoid is calculated by assuming a linear dependence of the errors in the parameters being determined on observational errors. In the second method, the scatter region of the orbital parameters around the nominal-orbit parameters is determined by the Monte Carlo method. We show that the region determined by the latter method at the initial epoch differs only slightly from the scatter ellipsoid for the linear approximation. We estimate the sizes of the projections of the corresponding regions onto the target plane at the time of the closest encounter of the asteroid with the Earth in 2029. The projections are approximated by ellipses. Our computations have shown that the ellipse has the following sizes: 389.6 km for the semimajor axis and 16.4 km for the semiminor axis in the linear case and 330.0 and 11.1 km, respectively, in the nonlinear case.  相似文献   

Numerical methods are usually used for the computation of ephemerides with perturbations for the precise orbital determination of an artificial satellite. But their numerical stability will be encountered in a long arc. In this case the use the improved Encke special perturbation methods has been suggested. The results of this paper show that Encke's method does indeed have a certain effectiveness, but cannot yet completely resolve the numerical stability, and the more efficient method is to use the energy integral or its variational relation to control the growth of the along-track error in general numerical calculations so that the aim of stabilization can be achieved.  相似文献   

The concept of Space Manifold Dynamics is a new method of space research. We have applied it along with the basic idea of the method of Ott, Grebogi, and York (OGY method) to stabilize the motion of a spacecraft around the triangular Lagrange point L5 of the Earth‐Moon system. We have determined the escape rate of the trajectories in the general three‐ and four‐body problem and estimated the average lifetime of the particles. Integrating the two models we mapped in detail the phase space around the L5 point of the Earth‐Moon system. Using the phase space portrait our next goal was to apply a modified OGY method to keep a spacecraft close to the vicinity of L5. We modified the equation of motions with the addition of a time dependent force to the motion of the spacecraft. In our orbit‐keeping procedure there are three free parameters: (i) the magnitude of the thrust, (ii) the start time, and (iii) the length of the control. Based on our numerical experiments we were able to determine possible values for these parameters and successfully apply a control phase to a spacecraft to keep it on orbit around L5. (© 2015 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We consider a stationary two-dimensional model of magnetic reconnection in plasma. The model includes a current sheet and four MHD shock waves attached to its endpoints. The solution to the problem has been found in an analytical form that admits of efficient numerical implementation. We analyze in detail the structure of the magnetic field in the reconnection region and its variation with model parameters.  相似文献   

We investigate the stability of the periodic motion of a satellite, a rigid body, relative to the center of mass in a central Newtonian gravitational field in an elliptical orbit. The orbital eccentricity is assumed to be low. In a circular orbit, this periodic motion transforms into the well-known motion called hyperboloidal precession (the symmetry axis of the satellite occupies a fixed position in the plane perpendicular to the radius vector of the center of mass relative to the attractive center and describes a hyperboloidal surface in absolute space, with the satellite rotating around the symmetry axis at a constant angular velocity). We consider the case where the parameters of the problem are close to their values at which a multiple parametric resonance takes place (the frequencies of the small oscillations of the satellite’s symmetry axis are related by several second-order resonance relations). We have found the instability and stability regions in the first (linear) approximation at low eccentricities.  相似文献   

The detection and identification of carbonates on Mars are of prime importance to establish the evolution of its atmosphere, correlated to the history of the liquid water, or even to determine the existence of a possible ancient biological activity. Till date, no large deposits of carbonates have been found. In fact, their detection is specific to local areas and in very low amounts. The absence of such deposits is commonly attributed to the harsh environmental conditions at the surface of Mars. Additionally, the presence of UV radiation has been proposed to explain their photodecomposition and hence their absence. However, contradictory results from laboratory experiments mimicking Mars’ surface UV radiation did not resolve the behaviour of carbonates in such an environment, which is why we exposed, in low Earth orbit and in laboratory experiments, both abiotic and biotic calcium carbonates to UV radiation of wavelength above 200 nm, the same spectral distribution as the one reaching the surface of Mars. For low Earth orbit (LEO) exposure, this was done for the UVolution experiment on board the BIOPAN ESA module, which was set outside a Russian Foton automated capsule, and exposed to space conditions for 12 days in September 2007. The targeted carbonates are biominerals and abiotic samples. Our laboratory results mainly show that the exposed carbonates appear to be stable to UV radiation if directly exposed to it. The LEO experiment results tend to the same conclusion, but the integrated exposition time to Solar UV during the experiment is not sufficient to be conclusive. However, the stability of the biominerals derived from the laboratory experiment could strengthen the interest to explore deeper their potential as life records at Mars. Hence, they should be considered as primary targets for in situ analyses during future missions.  相似文献   

As laser–plasma interactions access ever-increasing ranges of plasma temperatures and densities, it is interesting to consider whether they will some day shed light on questions concerning nuclear synthesis. One such open question is the process of endothermic nuclear synthesis for elements with A > 60, thought to have taken place at a point in time during the big bang, or currently in supernovae. We present an explanation based on a Boltzmann equilibrium condition, in combination with the change of the Fermi-statistics from the relativistic branch for hadrons from higher than nuclear densities to the lower density subrelativistic branch. The Debye length confinement of nuclei breaks down at the relativistic change, thus leading to the impossibility of nucleation of the quark-gluon state at higher than nuclear densities. Taking the increment for the proton number Z as Z′ = 10 of the measured standard abundance distribution (SAD) of the elements for a Boltzmann probability for heavy element synthesis, a sequence 3 n was found with the exponent n for the sequence of the magic numbers. The jump between the magic numbers 20 and 28 does not need then the usual spin-orbit explanation.  相似文献   

The gravitational instability in the dust layer of a protoplanetary disk with nonuniform dust density distributions in the direction vertical to the midplane is investigated. The linear analysis of the gravitational instability is performed. The following assumptions are used: (1) One fluid model is adopted, that is, difference of velocities between dust and gas are neglected. (2) The gas is incompressible. (3) Models are axisymmetric with respect to the rotation axis of the disk. Numerical results show that the critical density at the midplane is higher than the one for the uniform dust density distribution by Sekiya (1983, Prog. Theor. Phys. 69, 1116-1130). For the Gaussian dust density distribution, the critical density is 1.3 times higher, although we do not consider this dust density distribution to be realistic because of the shear instability in the dust layer. For the dust density distribution with a constant Richardson number, which is considered to be realized due to the shear instability, the critical density is 2.85 times higher and is independent of the value of the Richardson number. Further, if a constant Richardson number could decrease to the order of 0.001, the gravitational instability would be realized even for the dust to gas surface density ratio with the solar abundance. Our results give a new restriction on planetesimal formation by the gravitational instability.  相似文献   

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