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The energy balance equation for the upper chromosphere or lower corona contains a radiative loss term which is destabilizing, because a slight decrease in temperature from the equilibrium value causes more radiation and hence a cooling of the plasma; also a slight increase in temperature has the effect of heating the plasma. In spite of this tendency towards thermal instability, most of the solar atmosphere is remarkably stable, since thermal conduction is very efficient at equalizing any temperature irregularity which may arise. However, the effectiveness of thermal conduction in transporting heat is decreased considerably in a current sheet or a magnetic flux tube, since heat can be conducted quickly only along the magnetic field lines. This paper presents a simple model for the thermal equilibrium and stability of a current sheet. It is found that, when its length exceeds a certain maximum value, no equilibrium is possible and the plasma in the sheet cools. The results may be relevant for the formation of a quiescent prominence.  相似文献   

We present a 2-D potential-field model for the magnetic structure in the environment of a typical quiescent polar-crown prominence. The field is computed using the general method of Titov (1992) in which a curved current sheet, representing the prominence, is supported in equilibrium by upwardly directed Lorentz forces to balance the prominence weight. The mass density of the prominence sheet is computed in this solution using a simple force balance and observed values of the photospheric and prominence magnetic field. This calculation gives a mass density of the correct order of magnitude. The prominence sheet is surrounded by an inverse-polarity field configuration adjacent to a region of vertical, open polar field in agreement with observations.A perturbation analysis provides a method for studying the evolution of the current sheet as the parameters of the system are varied together with an examination of the splitting of an X-type neutral point into a current sheet.Program Systems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Pereslavl-Zalessky 152140, Russia.  相似文献   

Simple models for the MHD eruption of a solar prominence are presented, in which the prominence is treated as a twisted magnetic flux tube that is being repelled from the solar surface by magnetic pressure forces. The effects of different physical assumptions to deal with this magneto-hydrodynamically complex phenomenon are evaluated, such as holding constant the prominence current, radius, flux or twist or modelling the prominence as a current sheet. Including a background magnetic field allows the prominence to be in equilibrium initially with an Inverse Polarity and then to erupt due to magnetic non-equilibrium when the background magnetic field is too small or the prominence twist is too great. The electric field at the neutral point below the prominence rapidly increases to a maximum value and then declines. Including the effect of gravity also allows an equilibrium with Normal Polarity to exist. Finally, an ideal MHD solution is found which incorporates self-consistently a current sheet below the prominence and which implies that a prominence will still erupt and form a current sheet even if no reconnection occurs. When reconnection is allowed it is, therefore, driven by the eruption.  相似文献   

In this paper the twisted flux-tube model for the support of a prominence sheet with constant axial current density, given by Ridgway, Priest, and Amari (1991), is considered.The model is extended in Section 2 to incorporate a current sheet of finite height. The sheet is supported in a constant current density force-free field in the configuration of a twisted flux tube. The mass of the prominence sheet, using a typical height and field strength, is computed. Outside the flux tube the background magnetic field is assumed to be potential but the matching of the flux tube onto this background field is not considered here.Instead our attention is focussed, in Section 3, on the interior of the prominence. An expanded scale is used to stretch the prominence sheet to a finite width. We analytically select solutions for the internal magnetic field in this region which match smoothly onto the external force-free solutions at the prominence edge.The force balance equation applied inside the prominence then yields expressions for the pressure and density and a corresponding temperature may be computed.  相似文献   

Ulrich Anzer 《Solar physics》1972,24(2):324-335
A 2-dimensional model of the magnetic field associated with quiescent prominences is presented. The coronal field is assumed to be current-free, currents are only allowed in the photosphere and inside the prominence. The prominence is taken to be infinitely thin. For this model a method is given to calculate the field configuration from the observed normal component of the field both in the photosphere and the prominence. The normal field components are inferred from disc observations and H limb observations. The sheet currents inside the prominence are calculated and the resulting Lorentz force is compared with the gravitational force. Within the range of uncertainty in the total hydrogen density of quiescent prominences it is possible to give models where the gravity is balanced by the Lorentz force.  相似文献   

B. C. Low 《Solar physics》1982,75(1-2):119-131
We present a simple magnetostatic theory of the thin vertical filaments that make up the quiescent prominence plasma as revealed by fine spatial resolution H photographs. A class of exact equilibrium solutions is obtained describing a horizontal row of long vertical filaments whose weights are supported by bowed magnetic field lines. A free function is available to generate different assortments of filament sizes and spacings, as well as different density and temperature variations. The classic Kippenhahn-Schlüter solution for a long sheet without filamentary structures is a particular member of this class of solutions. The role of the magnetic field in supporting and thermally shielding the filament plasma is illustrated. It is found that the filament can have a sharp transition perpendicular to the local field, whereas the transition in the direction of the local field is necessarily diffuse. A consequence of the filamentary structure is that its support by the Lorentz force requires the electric current to have a component along the magnetic field. This electric current flowing into the rarefied region around the prominence can contain substantial energy stored in the form of force-free magnetic fields. This novel feature has implications for the heating and the disruption of prominences.  相似文献   

I. Lerche 《Solar physics》1979,63(1):93-103
We discuss the evolution of pulses of heat both along and perpendicular to magnetic fields threading quiescent prominences. We show that while heating of prominence material can take place on a time scale of the order 103 s (of the same order as the observed winking of H light from prominences and also of the same order as the dynamical Alfvén time scale across a prominence sheet) individual flux tubes are effectively thermally insulated from neighboring tubes, since the transverse (to the ambient supporting magnetic field) heat conduction time scale is of order 104 yr. The exact solution to the one-dimensional parallel heat conduction problem is shown to differ significantly from the approximate solution reported by Ioshpa (1965). We also suggest that uneven heating of a quiescent prominence by the surrounding solar corona may be a contributory mechanism for surges and/or the observed winking phenomenon - both of which are recorded in many quiescent prominences. The signature of such a temperature pulse would be a sharp (103 s) brightening of continuum radiation with a correlated decrease in the free-bound emission, followed by a slow (104 s) recovery of both to their pre-heat pulse levels.  相似文献   

Two possible limiting scenarios are proposed for the production of a coronal mass ejection. In the first the magnetic field around a prominence evolves until it loses equilibrium and erupts, which drives reconnection below the prominence and an eruption of the overlying magnetic arcade. In the second a large-scale magnetic arcade evolves until it loses equilibrium and erupts, thereby causing a prominence to erupt. In general it is likely to be the non-equilibrium of the coupled system which creates the eruption. Furthermore, large quiescent prominences are expected to be centred within the magnetic bubble of a coronal mass ejection whereas when active-region prominences erupt they are likely to be located initially to one side of the bubble.A model is set up for the eruption of a magnetically coupled prominence and coronal mass ejection. This represents a development of the Anzer and Pneuman (1982) model by overcoming two limitations of it, namely that: it is not globally stable initially and so one wonders how it can be set up in a stable way before the eruption; it has reconnection driving the CME whereas recent observations suggest that the reverse may be happening. In our model we assume that magnetic reconnection below the prominence is driven by the eruption and the driver is magnetic non-equilibrium in the coupled prominence-mass ejection system. The prominence is modelled as a twisted flux tube and the mass ejection as an overlying void and magnetic bubble. Two different models of the prominence are considered. In one a globally stable equilibrium becomes unstable when a threshold magnetic flux below the prominence is exceeded and, in the other, equilibrium ceases to exist. In both cases, the prominence and mass-ejection accelerate upwards before reaching constant velocities in a manner that is consistent with observations. It is found that the greater the reconnection that is driven by the eruption, the higher is the final speed.  相似文献   

A. Poland  U. Anzer 《Solar physics》1971,19(2):401-413
The energy balance for cool quiescent prominences is examined using a 6000 km, 6000 K isothermal slab model prominence with a density gradient dictated by a modified Kippenhahn-Schlüter model. The model is irradiated from both sides by the coronal, chromospheric, and photospheric radiation fields. The radiative transfer problem is solved in detail for the Lyman continuum and H to determine the net radiative energy loss for hydrogen. An estimate of the energy loss for Ca ii H and K indicates that this source of energy loss is unimportant when compared with the hydrogen radiation. The radiative energy loss is easily balanced by the conductive energy gain from the corona.The only difficulty with our model is that the total hydrogen density must be of the order of 3 × 1012/ cm3 to match the n = 2 population density of 5 × 104/cm3 obtained from observation. To support a prominence of this density and a thickness of 6000 km against gravity requires magnetic fields of the order of 20 G which is much higher than the average magnetic field in quiescent prominences deduced from limb observations. Two possible explanations for this discrepancy are given.Currently at the Max-Planck-Institut für Physik und Astrophysik, München, Germany.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Ideas and models for the appearance of photospheric magnetic structure are confronted with observational data. Some findings are: The magnetic flux emerging in an active region consists of a bundle of flux tubes which were already concentrated before penetrating into the photosphere. A model of a rising bunch of flux tubes joining into a few strands at larger depths describes the coalescence of spots near the leading and following edges of the active region while more flux may surface near the center of the region. There is no observational evidence for appreciable helical twists in the flux bundles.Throughout the region's lifetime the magnetic elements move coherently, the whole magnetic structure rotates faster than the quiet photosphere. In active regions the convective flow at scales larger than the granulation is arrested by the magnetic structure. The long-lived supergranular cells around spots and in the enhanced network in turn determine the decay properties of spots and facular clusters. The modulation of the convective flow by the magnetic structure explains the slow dispersal of faculae.The hierarchy of magnetic elements (sunspots-pores-knots-facular clusters-facular points) may be explained by a set of magnetostatic flux tube models in the top of the convection zone. The underlying assumptions are that the heat flow along the magnetic field is reduced and that there is no heat exchange across the field except by radiation.A tentative model is proposed to account for the amplification, ascent and emergence of intense flux bundles. The assumptions are: (i) the field is concentrated in toroidal bundles by differential rotation, (ii) in the deep convection zone flux bundles are contained by the external turbulent pressure, and (iii) for field strengths up to the equipartition value efficient lateral heat exchange is possible. After a loop has surfaced radiative cooling and subsequent convective downflow reduce the temperature in the top of the flux tubes which then contract to field strengths well above the local equipartition value. There the heat flow is channelled along the field, which creates the conditions for the magnetostatic flux tube models without requiring a blocking of the heat flow somewhere within the tubes.The paper contains a brief review on the evolution of the magnetic field from the emergence in active regions up to the enigmatic disappearance, and a list of topics for further observational investigation.  相似文献   

An observed relation between line-of-sight velocities and the longitudinal component of the magnetic field in quiescent prominences is discussed. Weak fields in quiescent prominences are associated with large velocities determined from Doppler shifts of resolved emission knots and Doppler line widths measured in Ca ii K line. It is suggested that the observed irregular motions in prominences are driven by photospheric horizontal convection coupled by the prominence magnetic field. An energy flux of 3 × 105 ergs cm–2 sec–1 present in the form of Alfvén waves in quiescent prominences is consistent with the observations.  相似文献   

Pécseli  Hans  Engvold  OddbjØrn 《Solar physics》2000,194(1):73-86
The nature of thin, highly inclined threads observed in quiescent prominences has puzzled solar physicists for a long time. When assuming that the threads represent truly inclined magnetic fields, the supporting mechanism of prominence plasma against gravity has remained an open issue. This paper examines the levitation of prominence plasma exerted by weakly damped MHD waves in nearly vertical magnetic flux tubes. It is shown that the wave damping, and resulting `radiation pressure', caused predominantly by ion-neutral collisions in the `cold' prominence plasma, may balance the acceleration of gravity provided the oscillation frequency is 2 rad s–1 (f0.5 Hz). Such short wave periods may be the result of small-scale magnetic reconnections in the highly fragmentary magnetic field of quiescent prominences. In the proposed model, the wave induced levitation acts predominantly on plasma – neutral gas mixtures.  相似文献   

We investigate the formation and support of solar prominences in a quadrupolar magnetic configuration. The prominence is modeled as a current sheet with mass in equilibrium in a two-dimensional field. The model possesses an important property which is now thought to be necessary, namely that the prominence forms within the dip, rather than the dip being created by the prominence.The approach of two bipolar regions of the same sign gives a natural way to form a dip in the magnetic field in a horizontal band above the photospheric polarity inversion line. As the approach proceeds, the height of the dip region decreases but, in agreement with observations, a corridor, free of significant magnetic field, is needed in order to obtain a dip at low heights.Support is achieved locally just as for normal-polarity configurations, so the model avoids the strong self-pinching effect of several inverse-polarity configurations (such as the Kuperus and Raadu model). The role of the strong field component along the prominence axis, which is here modelled by a uniform field in that direction, may well be to provide the necessary thermal properties for prominence formation.The model thus has several attractive features which make it credible for inverse polarity prominences: (i) both the dip and the inverse orientation are naturally present; (ii) prominence formation is by converging rather than shearing motions, in agreement with observations; converging photospheric motions induce a horizontal upward motion in the filament; (iii) the orientation of the axial field, opposite to what is expected from differential rotation, is naturally accounted for; (iv) the observed relation between chromospheric and prominence magnetic field strengths is naturally reproduced; (v) the field configuration is more complex than a simple bipole, in agreement with observations.  相似文献   

Pneuman  G. W. 《Solar physics》1983,88(1-2):219-239
A model for solar quiescent prominences nested in a Figure 8 magnetic field topology is developed. This topology is argued to be the natural consequence of the distention of bipolar regions upward into the corona. If this distention is slow enough so that hydrostatic equilibrium holds approximately along the field lines, the transverse gas pressure forces fall exponentially with height whereas the inward Lorentz forces fall as a power law. At a low height in the corona, the pressure forces cannot balance the Lorentz forces provided the field lines remain tied to the photosphere and an inward collapse with subsequent reconnection at the point of closest approach should occur. Because of initial shear in the magnetic field, the reconnection would produce isolated helices above the point of reconnection since field lines would not interact with themselves but with their neighbors. This resulting topology produces a field above the elevated neutral line which is opposite in polarity to that of the photospheric field as in the current sheet models of Kuperus and Tandberg-Hanssen (1967). Raadu and Kuperus (1973), Kuperus and Raadu (1974), and Raadu (1979) and in agreement with recent observations of Leroy (1982), and Leroy et al. (1983).Assuming the isolated helices formed by reconnection are insulated from coronal thermal conduction and heating, the radiative cooling process and condensation is considered for the temperature range of 104-6000 K. This condensation results in a steady downflow to the bottom of the helices as the temperature scale-height falls, thus forming a dense, cool, prominence at the bottom of the helical configuration resting on the elevated neutral line with the remainder of the helix being essentially evacuated of material. We identify this neutral line at the bottom of the prominence with the sharp lower edge often seen when viewing quiescent prominences side-on and the evacuated helix with the coronal cavity observed around prominences when seen during total eclipses.Downflow speeds associated with the condensation process are calculated for prominence temperatures and yield velocities in the range of the observed downflows of about 1 km s–1.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Cartledge  N. P.  Titov  V. S. 《Solar physics》1996,169(1):55-67
A one-dimensional analysis of Kippenhahn-Schlüter type is applied to a sheet of prominence material inclined at an angle, to the horizontal. It is found that the magnetic pressure across the prominence no longer has a symmetric profile, but is stronger on the lower side of the sheet. This excess in magnetic pressure is necessary to balance the component of prominence weight in that direction. A matching function is derived and allows for variations along the length of the sheet, enabling the internal prominence solution to be linked onto a given background potential field. In this way a curved prominence sheet in a potential field may be resolved. A smooth profile for the magnetic field and a continuous variation of plasma pressure across the prominence region is then possible. An example is given in which the analysis is applied to a polar-crown prominence configuration of inverse polarity and the basic properties of the prominence are determined.  相似文献   

G. S. Choe  L. C. Lee 《Solar physics》1992,138(2):291-329
A numerical simulation is performed to investigate the prominence formation in a magnetic arcade by photospheric shearing motions. A two-and-a-half-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) code is used, in which the gravitational force, radiative cooling, thermal conduction and a simplified form of coronal heating are included. It is found that a footpoint shear induces an expansion of the magnetic arcade and cooling of the plasma in it. Simultaneously the denser material from the lower part of the arcade is pulled up by the expanding field lines. A local enhancement of radiative cooling is thus effected, which leads to the onset of thermal instability and the condensation of coronal plasma. The condensed material grows vertically to form a sheet-like structure making dips on field lines, leading to the formation of the Kippenhahn- Schlüter type prominence. The mass of the prominence is found to be supplied not only by the condensation of the material in the vicinity but also by the siphon-type upflows. The upward growth of the vertical sheet-structure of the prominence is saturated at a certain stage and the newly condensed material is found to slide down from above the prominence along magnetic field lines. This drainage of material leads to the formation of an arc-shaped cavity of low density and low pressure around the prominence. The problem of force and heat balance is addressed and the prominence is found to be not in a static equilibrium but in a dynamic interaction with its environment.  相似文献   

The temperature and density are obtained for coronal plasma in thermal and hydrostatic equilibrium and located in a force-free magnetic arcade. The isotherms are found to be inclined to the magnetic field lines and so care should be taken in inferring the magnetic structure from observed emission.When the coronal pressure becomes too great, the equilibrium ceases to exist and the material cools to form a quiescent prominence. The same process can be initiated at low heating rates when the width or shear of the arcade exceeds a critical value.We suggest that the prominence should be modelled as a dynamic structure with plasma always draining downwards. Material is continually sucked up along field lines of the ambient arcade and into the region lacking a hot equilibrium, where it cools to form new prominence material.  相似文献   

Using analytical approximations we study the effects of different external magnetic configurations on the half-width, mass, and internal magnetic structure of a quiescent solar prominence, modelled as a thin vertical sheet of cool plasma. Firstly, we build up a zeroth-order model and analyse the effects produced by a potential coronal field or a constant- force-free field. This model allows us to obtain the half-width and mass of the prominence for different values of the external field, pressure and shear angle. Secondly, the effects of these external magnetic configurations on a two-dimensional model proposed by Ballester and Priest (1987) are studied. The main effects are a change of the half-width with height, an increase of the mass, a decrease of the magnetic field strength with height and a change in the shape of the magnetic field lines.  相似文献   

当背景磁场在日冕中存在零磁场线时,反向新磁通量的喷发将会产生双重电流片,包括零场区附近的磁场受到挤压而形成的横向电流片和新喷发场、原背景场之间形成的拱形电流片、本文用一对线偶极子来模拟背景场,用一对线磁荷来模拟反向喷发场,讨论了上述双重电流片的形成和演变过程。在电流片形成过程中,物质将向电流片集中。拱形电流片物质主要来自过渡层和光球层,并通过辐射损失进一步冷却,形成低温日珥环;横向电流片的物质则全部来自日冕,从而形成高温日冕环。以上结果可用来解释1984年4月14日观测到的日冕瞬变。  相似文献   

This paper treats the prominence model of Low (1993) to examine more complicated sheet currents than those used in the original model. Nonlinear force-free field solutions, in Cartesian coordinates, invariant in a given direction, are presented to show the possibility of an inverse-polarity prominence embedded in a large twisted flux tube. The force-free solution is matched to an external, unsheared, potential coronal magnetic field. These new solutions are mathematically interesting and allow an investigation of different profiles of the current intensity, magnetic field vector and mass density in the sheet. These prominence models show a general increase in magnetic field strength with height in agreement with observations. Other prominence properties are shown to match the observed values.  相似文献   

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