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高氟地下水混凝沉淀降氟试验研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
本文开展了山西运城地区高氟地下水的降氟试验,对聚铁、硫酸铝和明矾等不同混凝剂降氟效果进行对比,探讨了地下水硬度对混凝沉淀除氟效果的影响.实验结果表明:明矾混凝沉降效果优于其它混凝剂,0.3g/L的明矾溶液可使含氟浓度4.0mg/L 的地下水降低到浓度1.0mg/L以下;地下水的硬度对明矾混凝降氟效果没有明显影响. 相似文献
内蒙古苏尼特地下水氟污染形成机理研究 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
为了研究内蒙古苏尼特地区地下水氟污染机理,本文运用水文地球化学分类方法,从水文地质、水化学特征两方面研究其地下水的水质特征、氟的起源、分布规律及污染形成机理。研究结果发现:高氟地下水的主要水质类型为HCO3—Na型,pH值在7.08~9.38之间,氟浓度与井深有关,即井越浅,氟浓度越高;地下水中氟浓度最高达14.78mg/L,5~9月地下水氟浓度相对增长率在7.8~23.1之间;F-浓度与Li+、Br-相关系数达0.89和0.82,受断层影响的深层地下水中F-浓度几乎与Li+、Br-没有相关关系,这暗示着氟来源于浅部,并受到强烈的蒸发作用影响而使水中的氟浓缩;地质调查发现该地区还有数个萤石矿存在,显微镜分析结果证实表层土壤中普遍存在CaF2,地下水中的氟来自CaF2。高氟地下水存在于潜水层,深部含水层的地下水可供开采。从断层带涌出的水对潜水层有稀释作用。 相似文献
地下水样品采自印度Andhra Pradesh,Anantapur地区。该地区主要地层为太古代半岛片麻岩。本文分析了该水样的F^-和其他化学参数。结果表明,该区氟源主要来自围岩,这个地区的F^-紧紧地吸附在包含粘土的矿物质土壤中。F^-与成岩的钠之间很强的正相关性反映出了风化侵蚀作用。正是这种相关性导致了F^-拘滤出,而半干旱气候和强灌溉也是F^-产生的原因。研究区循环水的碱性环境使土壤更容易滤出F^-,也导致地下水中的F^-含量高。高蒸发率引起的水在含水层中的滞留时间长和风化带水力传导系数低,将促使含氟矿物的溶解,这是另一个地下水中氟含量进一步增加的因素。提出了提高地下水质量的建议,从而改善居民的健康状况。 相似文献
活性TiO2的制备与去除地下水中氟离子(F-)性能的研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
通过静态和动态(柱)吸附实验,探讨了活性TiO2去除地下水中氟离子(F-)时活性TiO2的投加量、处理时间、酸度等影响因素。实验结果表明:在静态实验中,在50 mL,F-浓度为10 mg/L的地下水样中,加入0.3 g活性TiO2,处理15 min,F-的去除率可达90%以上,且处理前后水样的pH值不变。在动态实验中,0.3 g的活性TiO2和120 g砾石可使150 mL水样的除氟率达到90%以上。处理后均可达到饮用水的标准。 相似文献
采用美国环保局编写的MINTEQA2程序计算了山西离柳地区浅层地下水中氟的各种主要存在形态的浓度、活度及其比例、饱和指数等。计算结果表明 ,在该区略偏碱性的浅层地下水中氟的存在形式主要有F- ,MgF+,CaF+,NaF ,HF-2 ,H2 F2 等。其中F- 含量在总氟中所占比例最高 ,可达87 8%~ 99 3% ,其次为MgF+和CaF+,分别为总氟的0 36 %~ 10 8%和 0 2 9%~ 1 4%。NaF的饱和指数在地理分布上呈现出极强的规律性 :从补给区到排泄区 ,数值逐渐增大。依次从小于 10 - 8 0 增大为 10 - 7 5,再到 10 - 7 0 直到黄河沿岸大… 相似文献
浅层地下水氟的溶解/沉淀作用的定量研究 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
以河北邢台山前平原浅层高氟地下水为例,根据氟的化学热力学分析,确定了控制浅层地下水中氟迁移和富集的固相沉淀物,以及不同化学类型的浅层地下水中含氟固相沉淀物的溶解/沉淀条件;利用浅层地下水化学平衡反应模型和PHREEQE软件,确定了氟化的稳定区域,计算了氟化钙的饱和指数.研究结果表明,在浅层高氟地下水的整个形成过程中,都表现为氟由固相转入水相的趋势,有利于氟的迁移和富集 相似文献
陕西定边平原高氟地下水的形成、分布及改水途径研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
定边平原高氟地下水的形成,受控于地质环境、气候、地貌和水化学条件等;成因可分为溶滤型、浓缩型和溶滤一浓缩型。其水平分布规律,受地貌、地质和水文地质条件的控制。防氟改水方法,要因地制宜,灵活多样,综合改水;应采取打井和打窖相结合,分散供水与集中供水相结合,引水与理化除氟相结合。 相似文献
在淮北新元古代倪园组和九顶山组海相碳酸盐岩地层中,保存着许多燧石相微生物化石。通过对其形态结构、群落组合特征及埋藏保存状态研究,探讨其系统分类、生存环境及区域地层对比,确定这些微生物化石结构的原始性和群落的低分异性。结合相关地层中原始的光球状浮游微生物、Chuaria—Tawuia类型宏体碳质化石生物群及叠层石优势的特征考虑,这些微生物的生存时间是在南沱冰期之前。 相似文献
This paper reports on the origin of high fluoride in a regional alluvial aquifer system under water stress in the North Gujarat-Cambay (NGC) region in western India. This region is severely affected by endemic fluorosis due to ingestion of groundwater containing excessive fluoride. With an objective to understand factors controlling high fluoride concentration in groundwater of this region, 225 groundwater samples have been analysed for various chemical parameters. Samples were collected from different depth zones tapping shallow dug wells, geothermal springs, hand-pumps and tubewells, including free flowing artesian wells up to 450 m depth from the aquifers in the Quaternary alluvial formation covering most of the study area. No relation was found between fluoride concentration and depth of sampled groundwater. However, certain sub-aquifer zones have been identified within the Cambay Basin where groundwater contains relatively high fluoride concentration. In general, areas of high fluoride overlap areas with high electrical conductivity (EC). On the west flank of the Cambay Basin in the low lying belt linking Little Rann of Kachchh-Nalsarovar-Gulf of Khambhat (LRK-NS-GK), high fluoride and EC in shallow aquifers originate from evaporative enrichment. On the east flank of Cambay Basin, some high fluoride pockets are observed which are probably due to preferential dissolution of high fluoride bearing minerals. On this flank high fluoride is also associated with thermal springs. Within the Cambay Basin, alternating belts of low and high fluoride concentrations are ascribed to groundwater recharge during the past wet and arid climatic phases, respectively. This is based on groundwater radiocarbon age contours of ~20 ka overlapping the high fluoride belt.
Resumen Este artículo reporta sobre el origen de altas concentraciones de flúor en un sistema regional de acuíferos bajo presión hídrica en la región del norte de Gujarat-Cambay (NGC) del occidente de India. Esta región está afectada severamente por fluorosis endémica debido a la ingestión de agua subterránea que contiene exceso de flúor. Se tomaron 225 muestras de agua subterránea las cuales fueron analizadas por varios parámetros químicos con el objetivo de entender los factores que controlan las elevadas concentraciones de flúor en esta región. Las muestras se colectaron a diferentes profundidades en pozos someros, manantiales geotermales, pozos con bombas de mano, y pozos entubados incluyendo pozos artesianos de flujo libre de hasta 450 m de profundidad emplazados en los acuíferos de la formación aluvial Cuaternaria que cubre la mayor parte del área de estudio. No se encontró ninguna relación entre la concentración de flúor y la profundidad de las muestras de agua subterránea. Sin embargo, se identificaron dentro de la cuenca Cambay algunas zonas sub-acuíferas donde el agua subterránea contiene concentraciones relativamente altas de flúor. En general, las áreas con elevada concentración de flúor están sobrepuestas a áreas de alta conductividad eléctrica (CE). Sobre el flanco occidental de la cuenca Cambay, en la faja baja que une Little Rann con Kachchh-Nalsarovar-Golfo de Khamhat (LRK-NS-GK), las altas concentraciones de flúor y altas CE en acuíferos someros se derivan de enriquecimiento por evaporitas. Sobre el flanco oriental de la cuenca Cambay se observaron algunos cuerpos con alta concentración de flúor los cuales se deben probablemente a la disolución preferencial de minerales con alto contenido de flúor. En este flanco el alto contenido de flúor también se asocia con manantiales termales. Dentro de la cuenca Cambay existen fajas alternantes, con concentraciones altas y bajas de flúor, las cuales se atribuyen a recarga de agua subterránea durante las fases climáticas pasadas, húmedas y áridas, respectivamente. Este planteamiento se basa en contornos de edades de ~20 ka de radiocarbono que están sobrepuestos a la faja alta en flúor.
Résumé Cet article étudie lorigine des teneurs élevées en Fluorure dans un système aquifère alluvial régional, soumis à un stress hydrique dans le Nord Gujarat–région Cambay (NGC) à lOuest de lInde. Cette région est sévèrement affectée par une fluorose endémique, due à lingestion deau souterraine très riche en fluor. Avec pour objectif de comprendre les paramètres contrôlant les fortes teneurs en fluor, 225 échantillons deau souterraine ont été analysés sur différents paramètres. Les échantillons ont été pris à différentes profondeurs : puits de surface, sources géothermiques, pompes à main, forages artésiens jaillissant dont la profondeur avoisine les 450 m dans les formations alluviales quaternaire recouvrant la plus grande partie de la région étudiée. Il ny a pas de relation entre la profondeur et les teneurs en fluorure. Néanmoins, certaines zones sub-aquifères ont été identifiées dans le Basin de Cambay où leau souterraine présentait des concentrations relativement élevées en fluorure. En général les zones de hautes concentrations en fluorure recouvrent les zones à fortes conductivité électrique (abréviation en anglais: EC). Sur le flanc Ouest du bassin de Cambay dans le mince lit reliant Little Ran de Kachchh-Nalsarovar au golfe de Khambhat (LRK-NS-GK), les fortes teneurs en fluorure et les EC dans la nappe phréatique proviennent de lenrichissement par les évaporites. Sur le flanc Est du bassin, des poches de teneurs élevées en fluorures ont été observées, probablement dues à des dissolutions préférentielles de minéraux fluorés. Sur ce flanc des teneurs sont également associées à la présence de sources géothermales. Dans le bassin de Cambay, les alternances de couches lits à fortes teneurs et de lits à faibles teneurs sont expliquées par la recharge durant les périodes climatiques humides et les périodes climatiques plus sèches. Ceci est corroboré par les datations au radiocarbone (environ 20.000 an) au dessus du lit riche en fluorure.相似文献
N. Subba Rao K. V. Srinivasa Rao P. Surya Rao Ch. Venkat Rao K. Arjunudu P. Madhusudhana Reddy A. Subrahmanyam 《Journal of the Geological Society of India》2009,73(5):651-656
Groundwater samples were collected from a coastal region of Andhra Pradesh to assess the possible conditions of the formation
of carbonates. The area experiences a semi-arid climate and is underlain by khondalites, over which the Quaternary sediments
occur. The study of the geochemistry of groundwater indicates that groundwater is mostly of fresh, with alkaline nature. The
study further suggest that the breakdown of feldspars as kaolinite during rock-water interaction, releases Ca2+. Soils/weathered products contribute high CO2 under the open system. The Ca2+ and CO2 are added to the groundwater through the infiltrating recharge water. They subsequently precipitate as fine-grained carbonates
in the weathering profile due to evapotranspiration under a freshwater environment. 相似文献
Arsenic distribution and source in groundwater of Yangtze River Delta economic region,China 下载免费PDF全文
ZHOU Xun 《地下水科学与工程》2017,5(4):343-353
This thesis focuses Arsenic(As) distribution and occurrence in groundwater of Yangtze River Delta economic region, East China. 2019 groundwater samples were collected to analyze 26 chemical compositions, including As. The Principal Component Analysis(PCA) was used to find out As source in groundwater. The results show that average As concentration in groundwater of this study is 9.33 μg/l, and maximum As concentration is up to 510 μg/l. The variation coefficient is 314.34%. High arsenic phreatic water(10 μg/l) distributes along the Yangtze River and its estuary. Weak hydrodynamic conditions, wide p H value variation range and deteriorating environment are dominating factors, especially in Yangtze River Delta. The PCA suggests that arsenic in phreatic water is mainly of natural origin. Part of arsenic may directly originate from sediment organics and be related to organics decomposition. 相似文献
Application assessment of GRACE and CHIRPS data in the Google Earth Engine to investigate their relation with groundwater resource changes(Northwestern region of Iran) 下载免费PDF全文
Mehdi Afraz Mobin Eftekhari Mohammad Akbari Elyasi Ali Haji Zahra Noghani 《地下水科学与工程》2021,9(2):102-113
In recent years, drought has become a global issue, especially in arid and semi-arid areas. It is without doubt that the identification and monitoring of the drought phenomenon can help to reduce the damages that would occur. In addition, rain is one of the factors which directly affect the water levels of underground water reservoirs. This research applied a linear gradient regression method developed on the basis of GRACE, CHIRPS, and data from monitoring wells to investigate the groundwater storage changes.These data have been analyzed on the Google Earth Engine platform. In order to conduct temporal and spatial analyses, the water levels of the aquifer were generated from the monitoring wells and zoned into five classes. Also, the amount of water storage and rain from the year 2003 to 2017 in the West Azerbaijan Province were investigated using the GRACE satellite and the CHIRPS data, respectively. The results obtained from the GRACE satellite data show that the average water level in the underground reservoirs in Iran had started to decrease since 2008 and reached its peak in 2016 with an average decrease of 16 cm in that year. The average annual decline of groundwater level in the studied time period was 5 cm. A chart developed from the CHIRPS annual rainfall data indicates that the biggest decline in rainfall occurred in 2008, and the declining trend has remained steady. Linear analyses were made on GRACE with CHIRPS results and monitoring wells data separately, from which the correlation coefficients are between 86% and 97%, showing generally high correlations. Furthermore, the results obtained from the zoning of the aquifer showed that in the period of 2004 to 2016, due to the decrease in rainfall and the excessive withdrawal of groundwater, the water levels also decreased. 相似文献
Salinization of groundwater in the Nefzawa oases region,Tunisia: results of a regional-scale hydrogeologic approach 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Mounira Zammouri Tobias Siegfried Tobias El-Fahem Samiha Kriâa Wolfgang Kinzelbach 《Hydrogeology Journal》2007,15(7):1357-1375
Groundwater pumped from the semi-confined Complexe Terminal (CT) aquifer is an important production factor in irrigated oases
agriculture in southern Tunisia. A rise in the groundwater salinity has been observed as a consequence of increasing abstraction
from the aquifer during the last few decades. All sources of contamination were investigated using hydrochemical data available
from the 1980s. Water samples were taken from drains and observation wells tapping both the CT and the phreatic aquifers and
analyzed with regard to chemistry, temperature, isotopes and other environmental tracers. Local salinization mechanisms are
suggested, i.e. the upwelling of saline water from the underlying, confined Continental Intercalaire (CI) aquifer, as well
as backflow of agricultural drainage water. At this stage, the main salt pan, the Chott el Djerid, is not a contamination
source. A finite difference model was also developed to simulate groundwater flow and contaminant transport in the oases.
Calibration for the period 1950–2000 was carried out in order to adjust geological and chemical system parameters. The simulation
of planned extraction projects predicts a worsening of the present situation. Maintenance of the present abstraction regime
will not reduce or stop the salinity increase.
Résumé L’eau souterraine pompée dans l’aquifère semi-captif du Complexe Terminal (CT) est un facteur de production important pour l’agriculture des oasis irriguées du sud de la Tunisie. Une augmentation de la salinité de l’eau souterraine a été considérée comme la conséquence de l’augmentation des prélèvements dans l’aquifère au cours des dernières décades. Toutes les sources de contamination ont été étudiées à l’aide de données hydro-chimiques disponibles depuis les années 80. Des échantillons d’eau ont été prélevés dans des drains et des puits d’observation qui captent à la fois le CT et les aquifères phréatiques; la chimie, la température, les isotopes ainsi que d’autres traceurs environnementaux ont été analysés. Des processus locaux de salinisation sont proposés, comme par exemple la remontée d’eau salée en provenance de l’aquifère captif du Continental Intercalaire (CI) sous-jacent, ainsi que le reflux des eaux du drainage agricole. A ce stade, le principal marais salé, le Chott el Djerid, n’est pas une source de contamination. Un modèle aux différences finies a également été élaboré pour simuler les écoulements souterrains et le transport de contaminants dans les oasis. Une calibration pour la période 1950–2000 a été effectuée afin d’ajuster les paramètres des systèmes géologique et chimique. La simulation de projets planifiés d’extraction prédit une aggravation de la situation actuelle. La conservation du régime d’extraction actuel ne réduira ou ne stoppera pas l’augmentation de la salinité.
Resumen El agua subterránea que se bombea del acuífero semi-confinado Terminal Complejo (CT) es un importante factor de producción en la agricultura de riego con oasis en el sur de Túnez. Se ha observado un incremento en la salinidad del agua subterránea como consecuencia de la abstracción creciente del acuífero durante las últimas décadas. Se investigaron todas las fuentes de contaminación usando datos hidroquímicos disponibles de la década de 1980s. Las muestras de agua se tomaron de drenajes y pozos de observación alojados tanto en el CT como los acuíferos freáticos y se analizaron en relación con química, temperatura, isótopos y otros trazadores ambientales. Se sugieren mecanismos de salinización local, i.e. el ascenso de agua salada a partir del acuífero confinado subyacente Intercalado Continental (CI), así como también retorno de flujo de agua de drenaje agrícola. En esta etapa, el pan salado principal, el Chott el Djerid, no es una fuente de contaminación. También se desarrolló un modelo de diferencia finita para simular el flujo de agua subterránea y el transporte de contaminantes en los oasis. Se calibró el modelo para el periodo 1950–2000 para de este modo ajustar parámetros del sistema químico y geológico. La simulación de los proyectos de extracción que se han planeado predice un empeoramiento de la situación actual. El mantenimiento del régimen de extracción actual no reducirá o detendrá el incremento de salinidad.相似文献
A simple, physically based method is developed in this paper to assist in the allocation of areas with high groundwater potential and for the determination of maximum allowed pumping rate to ensure proper groundwater management. This method utilizes the aquifer physical properties as well as GIS technology to accomplish this purpose. The design of this method was considered to be applicable in areas with little data, such as in most arid regions. This technique was applied to a catchment in an arid environment where qualitative as well as quantitative analyses of the results were undertaken. Locations of available groundwater and rates of maximum allowable pumping were compared with observations and experiments in the field and a good agreement was found. It was concluded that the best groundwater location was in the alluvial area, which represents only 16% of the total aquifer, which is a typical case in arid region catchments. The rate of maximum pumping was estimated to be 65 m3/h. However, to benefit 55% of the area, the maximum pumping rate should only be 40 m3/h with an average rate throughout the area (55%) of about 24 m3/h.This revised version was published online in December 2004 with corrections to the category. 相似文献
In a confined alluvial aquifer located between two rivers, discrete zones of anomalously high concentrations of redox species such as iron, are thought to be a result of groundwater flow dynamics rather than a chemical evolution along continuous flow paths. This new hypothesis was confirmed at a study site located between Nan and Yom rivers in Phitsanulok, Thailand, by analyzing concentrations of redox species in comparison with dynamic groundwater flow patterns. River incision into the confined alluvial aquifer and seasonally varying river stages result in truncated flow paths. The groundwater flow dynamics between two rivers has four phases that are cyclic, including: aquifer discharge into both rivers, direct flow from one river toward another, aquifer recharge from both rivers, and reverse of river-to-river flow. The resulting groundwater flow direction has a zigzag pattern and its general trend is almost parallel to the river flow. High iron anomaly appears as discrete zones in the transition areas of the confined alluvial aquifer because the lateral recharge from rivers penetrates into the aquifer only by tens of meters. The high iron anomaly, which is nearly constant in space and time, is a result of groundwater/surface-water interactions and related groundwater flow dynamics. 相似文献
Recharge source and hydrogeochemical evolution of shallow groundwater in a complex alluvial fan system,southwest of North China Plain 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Fadong Li Guoying Pan Changyuan Tang Qiuying Zhang Jingjie Yu 《Environmental Geology》2008,55(5):1109-1122
Many cities around the world are developed at alluvial fans. With economic and industrial development and increase in population,
quality and quantity of groundwater are often damaged by over-exploitation in these areas. In order to realistically assess
these groundwater resources and their sustainability, it is vital to understand the recharge sources and hydrogeochemical
evolution of groundwater in alluvial fans. In March 2006, groundwater and surface water were sampled for major element analysis
and stable isotope (oxygen-18 and deuterium) compositions in Xinxiang, which is located at a complex alluvial fan system composed
of a mountainous area, Taihang Mt. alluvial fan and Yellow River alluvial fan. In the Taihang mountainous area, the groundwater
was recharged by precipitation and was characterized by Ca–HCO3 type water with depleted δ18O and δD (mean value of −8.8‰ δ18O). Along the flow path from the mountainous area to Taihang Mt. alluvial fan, the groundwater became geochemically complex
(Ca–Na–Mg–HCO3–Cl–SO4 type), and heavier δ18O and δD were observed (around −8‰ δ18O). Before the surface water with mean δ18O of −8.7‰ recharged to groundwater, it underwent isotopic enrichment in Taihang Mt. alluvial fan. Chemical mixture and ion
exchange are expected to be responsible for the chemical evolution of groundwater in Yellow River alluvial fan. Transferred
water from the Yellow River is the main source of the groundwater in the Yellow River alluvial fan in the south of the study
area, and stable isotopic compositions of the groundwater (mean value of −8.8‰ δ18O) were similar to those of transferred water (−8.9‰), increasing from the southern boundary of the study area to the distal
end of the fan. The groundwater underwent chemical evolution from Ca–HCO3, Na–HCO3, to Na–SO4. A conceptual model, integrating stiff diagrams, is used to describe the spatial variation of recharge sources, chemical
evolution, and groundwater flow paths in the complex alluvial fan aquifer system. 相似文献