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《Applied Geochemistry》2006,21(6):1064-1072
Atmospheric 222Rn concentrations were determined over a 10a period, which included the date of the Kobe, Japan earthquake, on January 17th 1995. It was found that the seismically related 222Rn anomaly was higher than the 99% confidence limits for the residual value of atmospheric 222Rn which had been observed 2 months before. The residual 222Rn concentration, in which residual values of the daily minimum are the difference between each normal 222Rn concentration (calculated from January 1984 to December 1993) and the daily minimum 222Rn concentration (January 1994 to January 1995), was calculated by applying the exponential smoothing method to the residual values for each day. It was found that the fluctuations of the residual values can be fitted very well to a log-periodic oscillation model. The real residual values stopped increasing at 1994.999 (December 31st 1994), which corresponds with the critical point (tc) of best fit model. This anomalous 222Rn variation can be seen as the result of local stresses, not primary stresses which directly lead to the Kobe earthquake. On the other hand, when the critical exponent (z) and the radial frequency (ω) of the model were simultaneously fixed 0.2  z  0.6 and 6  ω  12, tc (critical point) was between January 13th 1995 and January 27th 1995. The Kobe earthquake occurrence date (January 17th 1995) is within this range. Therefore this anomalous 222Rn variation can also be seen as the result of primary stresses which possibly led to the Kobe earthquake. There is a distinct possibility that similar statistical oscillations will be detected in other measurements such as microseismicity, tectonic strain, fluctuation in the ground level, or changes in groundwater elevations and composition.  相似文献   

An attempt was made in the present study to delineate how the radon concentrations vary with respect to different geological formations and to evaluate annual effective dose exposure due to ingestion of radon. A total of 60 groundwater samples were collected from layered sequential aquifers in Chitradurga district having major rock types such as Bababudan Group, Charnockite, Chitradurga Group, Closepet granite, migmatites and granodiorite — tonalitic gneisses and Sargur Schist complex during pre-monsoon and post-season of the year 2011. Radon measurement was made using Durridge RAD-7 radon-in-air monitor, connected to RAD H2O accessory with closed loop aeration concept. In the present study, the radon activity ranged from 0 to 186.6 Bq/L and 0 to 150.6 Bq/L during pre- and post-monsoon seasons of the year 2011, with 56.67 % (17 samples) of samples during both the seasons exceeding the EPA’s MCL value of 11.1 Bq/L. The annual mean radon activity in the groundwater was higher in the area having Chitradurga rock group formations (78.1 Bq/L) followed by Sargur-Satyamangalam schist complex group (56.8 bq/L), migmatites and granodiorite — tonalitic Gneisses group (56.3 Bq/L), Closepet granite (42.7 Bq/L), Charnonkite (29.1 Bq/L) and Bababudan Group (22.2 Bq/L). It is inferred that radon concentration found to depend on the tectonic structure, geology of the area and on the presence of uranium minerals in these rocks. The annual effective dose resulting from radon in groundwater in the Chitradurga district were significantly lower than UNSCEAR and WHO recommended limit of 1 mSv/y.  相似文献   

It is shown that temporal variation in hydrochemistry may be attributed, in part, to continuous seismotectonic activity occurring before the onset of the 1995 “Kobe” earthquake, Japan, challenging the “one earthquake–one signal” hypothesis with respect to potential precursory signals to this devastating event. A possible continuous seismotectonic influence on chloride and sulphate ion-concentration is evaluated with aggregate earthquake-information by transforming a multivariate earthquake time series (including coordinates and magnitude) into a one-dimensional time series (considering geometric relationships between earthquakes and the well-site). A piecewise analysis of ion-concentration and seismotectonic-activity time series compares trends and change points between the two time series: a positive correlation (before the proposed onset of the preparation stage) is followed by a negative correlation (during the proposed preparation stage) which, in turn, is succeeded by a positive correlation (after the heaviest aftershock sequences). This suggests that seismotectonic processes occurring before the Kobe earthquake dynamically influenced aquifer characteristics, leading to temporal variations in the hydrochemical time series. Accordingly, a dynamic change in the mixing ratios of waters with different hydrochemical characteristics is proposed as a mechanism for explaining observed variation. The research can be extended by considering vectors in the stress field that lead to changes in the aquifer-well system.The influence of seismotectonics on precursory changes in groundwater composition for the 1995 Kobe earthquake, Japan.  相似文献   

大地震导致的同震及震后效应,对于分析不同地震之间的相互影响及区域地震危险性等有着重要的作用。文中开发了模拟地震同震及震后效应的三维黏弹性有限元程序,通过计算走滑断层震例(概念性模型)引起的同震及震后效应,并与解析/半解析解进行对比,验证了程序的可靠性。同时基于概念性模型,分析了不同介质参数对同震及震后的地表变形的影响。研究表明,地球介质的横向不均匀性对地震同震位移有显著的影响,而中下地壳上地幔的黏度对震后效应起着主要控制作用。最后将该程序应用于青藏高原东缘,计算分析了2008年MW7.9汶川大地震导致的同震及震后库仑应力变化对2013年MW6.6芦山地震及2017年MW6.5九寨沟地震的影响。结果显示,汶川地震导致的库仑应力变化在芦山地震震源附近(0.013 MPa)及九寨沟地震震源附近(0.009 MPa)都为正值,说明汶川地震可能使得两次地震提前发生。  相似文献   

土壤氡浓度日变化影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地表壤氡可以反映地下深部的水文、地质、矿产、热源等信息,但土壤氡浓度有年变和日变的特点。为了研究土壤氡浓度日变化规律及其影响因素,采用α能谱测氡仪对土壤氡进行连续测量。结果表明:土壤氡浓度呈单峰型日变化特征,最大值出现在19:00~22:00,最小值出现在11:00~14:00,土壤温度是影响土壤氡浓度的关键因子,土壤氡浓度与土壤温度呈正相关。降雨对土壤氡浓度有显著的影响,降雨后土壤氡浓度出现双峰型日变化特征,其变化与土壤湿度和空气温度等气象因素有关。  相似文献   

Takeda  Joe  Tamura  Keiko  Tatsuki  Shigeo 《Natural Hazards》2003,29(3):567-585
The main objectives of this study were (1) to examine what has beenrecovered and what has not yet been recovered in Nishinomiya City five years after the GreatHanshin-Awaji Earthquake, and (2) to find current service needs for the earthquake survivors,especially for the disadvantaged populations. Disadvantaged populations are minorities in society, andtheir needs and opinions are often ignored and not reflected in the services or mitigation policy,despite the fact that they are the ones who are affected most by various hazards. At the same time, becauseof their unique characteristics and positions in society, their needs differ from the majorityof the society. Six hundred eighty-six opinion cards were collected in nine grassroots workshopsessions with various disadvantaged groups in Nishinomiya City, such as the physically challenged,the visually impaired, the elderly living in public housing, junior and senior high school students,mothers with small children, and those who lost their own homes because of the earthquake. Theseopinion cards were sorted out and analyzed by using a TQM(Total Quality Management)-basedassessment method. Since the TQM-based assessment method allows bottom-up integration ofopinions from each individual, it helps us identify unique needs of the disadvantaged groupsand reflect their opinions in mitigation plan and policies. The main findings of this study include (1)the city redevelopment cannot be achieved without integrating the viewpoints of thedisadvantaged; (2) the social support was a key resource for both mental health and community development;and (3) disaster experiences and adaptation produced civic mindedness among people in a community.  相似文献   

We present a new method by which the maximum previous stress in rocks can be estimated. The Kaiser effect in acoustic emission is often used for an estimation of the stress to which rocks have been subjected. However, there are cases in which the Kaiser effect is not clear. In such cases, estimation of the previous stress is difficult by the conventional method which is based on the acoustic emission activity during one stress cycle. Using a new method of cyclic loading, we can estimate the stress in cases where the conventional method does not work. In the new method, the difference of the acoustic emission activity between the first and second reloading begins to increase markedly at the previous maximum stress. Even if the Kaiser effect is not clear, we can estimate the previous stress by observation of this difference.Our new method may be applicable for estimating the crustal stress. In this paper, we study the influence of water and temperature under uniaxial compression, because rocks in the earth's crust are saturated and subjected to high temperatures and they are disturbed by water and temperature in the sampling process. The present experiment shows that the Kaiser effect is often masked by changes in water content and temperature. However, we can estimate the previous stress by the new method even after the rock has been disturbed by water and temperature. The accuracy in the stress estimation by this method is satisfactory for the ratio of the previously applied stress to the fracture strength of the rock less than 40%.  相似文献   

 Major and trace element models of recently published vapour-absent mica dehydration melting experiments are used to identify granitoids generated by muscovite and biotite dehydration melting, and to distinguish between plagioclase-limited and biotite-limited, biotite dehydration melting. In the case of granitoids from the Pan-African Damara mobile belt (Namibia), many of the leucogranites and Salem-type granitoids may be modelled by biotite dehydration melting. The low Rb/Sr granitoids (e.g. Donkerhuk Onanis, Salem Onanis, Donkerhuk Nomatsaus, Salem Goas) probably reflect feldspar-limited, biotite dehydration melting (a pelitic source) whereas the high Rb/Sr suites (e.g. Bloedkoppie leucogranite, Stinkbank leucogranite, Salem Swakopmund, Leucocratic Stink bank granite) reflect biotite-limited, biotite dehydration melting (a greywacke source). Alaskites from the Damara belt have major element compositions which are consistent with muscovite dehydration melting, and their positive Eu anomalies are linked to high K2O reflecting K-feldspar entrainment. Combined Zr and LREE (light rare earth element) solubility models indicate that insufficient time (probably less than 104 years) had elapsed between melt generation and melt extraction to ensure that the alaskite melts attained their equilibrium concentrations of Zr and the LREEs. In contrast, the leucogranites and Salem-type granites have attained their equilibrium inventories of these trace elements. Combined Fe2O3 and MgO contents in some samples from two granitoids (the Salem Goas and Donkerhuk Onanis intrusions) are higher than those readily attainable by biotite dehydration melting indicating either: (1) that they contain a contribution from melts generated by incipient garnet breakdown or; (2) that they contain small amounts of an entrained ferromagnesian phase. Received: 24 April 1995/Accepted: 11 December 1995  相似文献   

目前产生地震的机制仍以弹性回跳说为主:地震是因为断层错断使岩层的弹性能释放而引发。但越来越多的学者开始质疑,仅断层错断后的弹性能,是否真能达到实际地震所释放的巨大能量。因此,有必要探讨地震初动后破坏性强震的性质及其真正的能量来源。文章根据沉积地层中的储集层及其压力的特点分析得出,储集层内含有大量的高压流体,其压力在一定条件下可以释放出来,产生流体物理爆炸,有可能是强震能量的重要组成部分。通过计算得出,当断层破裂并刺穿面积较大的储集层时,其压力释放所产生的弹性能可以达到震级8.0以上地震所释放的能量;人为的工程活动也可引发小规模的流体压力的释放现象,如钻井时的井喷、水力压裂会诱发有感地震等。同时,文章根据对距离震中较近的地震台的波形及传播射线路径分析认为,强震波动可能不是横波S波,而是涨缩波P波,据此不能排除强震是由爆炸所致。综合汶川地震多个台站记录到的地震波的时间域和频率域特征、地面观测到的爆炸现象、地震后科学钻探获得的岩心等大量直接或间接证据,说明了这种流体爆炸能量释放的可能性。最后,文章提出了地震活动可分为三个阶段:微破裂阶段Ⅰ,该阶段有流体活动,并可产生动电效应,但未触发地震初动;地震初动后的断裂破裂阶段Ⅱ;由流体压力释放产生地震强震阶段Ⅲ。  相似文献   

Magmatism-related localized deformation in the mantle: a case study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A deformed composite peridotite-pyroxenite xenolith in Pliocene alkali basalts from the Pannonian Basin (Szentbékkálla, Bakony—Balaton Highland Volcanic Field) has been studied in detail. A narrow shear zone of intense deformation marked by porphyroclast elongation and recrystallization runs along the peridotite-pyroxenite contact. The xenolith contains a large volume of euhedral olivine neoblasts and tablet grains of olivine away from the shear zone interpreted as products of annealing and recrystallization in the presence of grain boundary fluid. Estimates of the time required for growth of recrystallized olivine grains suggest that the annealing took place in situ in the mantle and not during transport of the xenolith in the basalt magma. The grain boundary fluid present during recrystallization was a vapor rich silicate-melt different from the host basaltic melt that entrained the xenolith. This study demonstrates that high-stress deformation zones and associated fluid-assisted recrystallization, which are common features in kimberlite mantle xenoliths, also occur in some mantle xenoliths from alkali basalts. The suggested high-stress deformation zones in the mantle beneath the Pannonian Basin may be produced by paleoseismic events in the lithosphere associated with faulting related to the ascent of basalt magma.Editorial responsibility: J. Hoefs
Csaba SzabóEmail: Phone: +36-1-2090555Fax: +36-1-3812108

2008年5.12汶川地震发生后,对于龙门山地壳结构及其与汶川地震的成生联系成为构造地质学研究极为关注的科学问题。然而,现有的多种龙门山地壳结构模式在综合解释表层构造变形及深部构造时与调查和探测资料均有不符。利用前人地球物理探测成果,结合穿过龙门山主要发震构造单元彭灌杂岩及雪隆包岩体的综合构造剖面,将地表构造与深部地壳探测资料结合进行了综合解释,认为龙门山逆冲构造带中的多重冲断推覆构造由约10 km深处的拆离断层分隔,因而应该只是浅层次构造变形的组合样式;在中、下地壳韧性流壳层的主导下,扬子地块基底被动?入并形成多层拆离的韧性流变构造组合。5.12汶川地震及余震是由于以彭灌杂岩和雪隆包岩体为代表的刚性体,在上部韧性流壳层前端的持续推挤作用下,发生破裂而形成的。  相似文献   

大陆构造变形与地震活动——以青藏高原为例   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
大陆内部构造变形和地震活动往往突显出复杂的、区域性的特征,很难用板块构造理论来解释。青藏高原是大陆构造变形的典型实例,具有不同构造变形的分区特征,不仅表现在物质组成、地形地貌和断裂组合等方面的不同,而且还表现出不同的地震活动特征。东昆仑断裂带以北的青藏高原北部地块,主要发育一系列挤压环境下的盆岭构造,表现为以连续变形为特征的上地壳挤压缩短变形;高原中北部巴颜喀拉地块,具有整体向东运动的特点,变形主要集中在其边缘,表现为刚性块体运动特征。在东部,由于稳定的四川盆地(扬子地块)的阻挡,位于龙日坝和龙门山断裂带之间相对坚硬的龙门山地区受到东西向强烈挤压,西部边界为伸展变形;在高原中央腹地羌塘地块西部,由于上地壳物质在向东挤出的驱动下不断变形,沿一系列小型正断层和走滑断层以伸展变形为主,表现为弥散型变形特征。相比之下,羌塘地块的东部向东-南东方向挤出,在大型走滑断层之间形成一个刚性块体;高原南部地块以东西向伸展的南北向裂谷系为主要变形特征,高原南缘以南北向挤压的大型逆冲断裂系为特征。历史地震和仪器记录的大地震(M≥8)只发生在高原东北和东南部的大型走滑带,以及东部和南部边缘的大型逆冲断裂上,沿...  相似文献   

An 1800-m-deep borehole into the Nojima fault zone was drilled at Nojima-Hirabayashi, Japan, after the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu (Kobe) earthquake. Three possible fracture zones were detected at depths of about 1140, 1300, and 1800 m. To assess these fracture zones in this recently active fault, we analyzed the distributions of fault rocks, minerals, and chemical elements in these zones. The central fault plane in the shallowest fracture zone was identified by foliated blue-gray gouge at a depth of 1140 m. The degree of fracturing was evidently greater in the hanging wall than in the footwall. Minerals detected in this zone were quartz, orthoclase, plagioclase, and biotite, as in the parent rock (granodiorite), and also kaolinite, smectite, laumontite, stilbite, calcite, ankerite, and siderite, which are related to hydrothermal alteration. Biotite was absent in both the hanging wall and footwall across the central fault plane, but it was absent over a greater distance from the central fault plane in the hanging wall than in the footwall. Major element compositions across this zone suggested that hydrothermal alteration minerals such as kaolinite and smectite occurred across the central fault plane for a greater distance in the hanging wall than in the footwall. Similarly, H2O+ and CO2 had higher concentrations in the hanging wall than in the footwall. This asymmetrical distribution pattern is probably due to the greater degree of wall–rock fracturing and associated alteration in the hanging wall. We attributed the characteristics of this zone to fault activity and fluid–rock interactions. We analyzed the other fracture zones along this fault in the same way. In the fracture zone at about 1300 m depth, we detected the same kinds of hydrothermal alteration minerals as in the shallower zone, but they were in fewer samples. We detected relatively little H2O+ and CO2, and little evidence for movement of the major chemical elements, indicating little past fluid–rock interaction. In the fracture zone at about 1800 m depth, H2O+ and CO2 were very enriched throughout the interval, as in the fracture zone at about 1140 m depth. However, smectite was absent and chlorite was present, indicating the occurrence of chloritization, which requires a temperature of more than 200 °C. Only smectite can form under the present conditions in these fracture zones. The chloritization probably occurred in the past when the fracture zone was deeper than it is now. These observations suggest that among the three fracture zones, that at about 1140 m depth was the most activated at the time of the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu (Kobe) earthquake.  相似文献   

2008年汶川Mw7.9地震的强地面震动在龙门山前地区造成大量的砂土液化、喷砂冒水等地震灾害现象。震后野外调查发现,砂土液化点主要分布于地下水位只有几米深的山前河流的低阶地处,以大面积砾性土液化为特征,约58%的液化点位于距北川断层20~35km的范围内。对喷水高度及喷水过程进行了详细记录,喷水高度与峰值加速度并没有明显的相关性,喷水高度异常点(2m)集中于山前断裂系统近地表投影处。汶川地震中喷水高度异常、砾性土液化的位置与山前断裂系统的吻合性说明,沉积盆地内的地质构造可能在砂土液化强度和与震动相关的地震灾害方面起到促进作用,所以在类似的地质和水文环境中,除主震的断层错动外,应考虑地质构造在地震危险性评估和建筑物抗震设计中的重要作用。  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - The present study focuses on investigating the impacts of a sudden dust storm on the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) over Ahmedabad (23.02°N, 72.57°E), an urban site...  相似文献   

Complexity in the earth’s crustal structure plays an important role in governing earth’s thermal and geodynamic behavior. In the present study, an attempt has been made taking insights from our recent geological, geochemical, petrophysical and geophysical findings from specially drilled deep boreholes, to understand the lithospheric thermal evolution of the highly complex western India, which forms the core region of the Deccan large igneous province. This region was severely affected by the Deccan volcanic eruptions 65 Ma ago, which resulted in a totally degenerated, reworked and exhumed mafic crust, which presently contains several Tertiary basins with proven hydrocarbon reserves. Our detailed case study from the disastrous 1993 Killari earthquake (Mw 6.3) region, apart from some other geotectonically important localities like seismically active 2001 Bhuj and 1967 Koyna earthquake regions together with Tertiary Cambay graben, indicate that the western part of India, is perhaps one of the warmest segments of the earth. It is characterized by an average high mantle heat flow and Moho temperatures of about 43 mW/m2 (range: 31-65 mW/m2) and 660°C (range: 540-860°C) respectively. Estimated thickness of the lithosphere beneath these areas varies from as low as about 45 km to 100 km. Consequently, melting conditions in certain segments are expected at extremely shallow depths due to asthenospheric swell, like northern part of Cambay basin and Bhuj seismic zone beneath which only about half of original crystalline crust now remains due to sub-crustal melting and massive exhumation of deeper crustal layers. Sustained thermal heating and rise of isotherms appear to have resulted in substantial enhancement of hydrocarbon generation and maturation processes in Tertiary sediments. The present study highlights the need of an integrated geological, geochemical and geophysical study, if reasonably accurate deep crustal thermal regime is to be investigated.  相似文献   

Determination of the age of rocks by whole rock Sm-Nd isochron method has several limitations imposed by petrogenetic processes. If the age of the rocks can be determined by other independent methods, the Sm-Nd system provides a wealth of information to understand crustal genesis. Sm-Nd isotopic studies of metabasaltic rocks of the Archaean Kolar and Ramagiri Schist belts in the eastern Dharwar Craton indicate that the system was disturbed by postmagmatic fluid alteration processes associated with terrane accretion.  相似文献   

This study presents a qualitative and quantitative analysis of porosity in deformation bands by applying X-ray micro-computed tomography in conjunction with microstructural analysis. Samples of compactional cataclastic bands and shear compactional bands identified in Early Cretaceous aeolian sandstones of the Paraná Basin were analyzed. The application of X-ray micro-computed tomography expanded the view of features in the porous framework of each type of deformation band studied and provided information that are not clear or was not observable with optical microscopy. The compactional cataclastic bands and shear compactional bands differ in geometry, thickness, microstructures and, mainly, in the distribution, shape and orientation of the remaining pores. Porosity analysis was also performed by comparing values of porosity (total, open and closed pores) of the parental rock and the deformation band in each sample. Results of these analyses show a reduction of total porosity and open pores and therefore an increase in the amount of closed pores in all types of deformation bands in relation to parental rock. In addition, it is observed that changes in porosity characteristics are related to the effect of different deformation mechanisms that operated in each type of deformation band.  相似文献   

Studies on the genesis of subaerial debris flows and associated deposits are relatively rare in the literature, especially in an ice-marginal context of moraine formation. The present contribution reports results from both the macro- and micro-scales of a subaerial depositional setting in order to contribute to closing this gap. At the macroscale, alternating loose, stratified, clast- and matrix-supported diamicts and finely laminated sand units indicate deposition of debris flows and fluvial units in a subaerial, ice-marginal setting that were stacked up to form a terrestrial ice-contact fan. Macroscale and micromorphological analyses show that this fan displays evidence of a three-phased formation: (a) overriding and glaciotectonisation of pre-existing sediments followed by retreat and burial of this core by (b) ice-contact fan deposition dominated by water-rich fluvial deposition with relatively little debris flow activity and (c) a switch to a gravitational sedimentation style with dominantly debris flow deposition and fewer and thinner fluvial units. Thin sections of both the diamict and laminated sand units show evidence of deposition of a mud and fine sand-rich slurry being expelled from the tops of advancing mass flows. Water-rich fine-grained slurries appear to have been progressively overridden and deformed in response to ductile shear occurring at the base of individual flows. Liquefaction and remobilisation of sand within laminated deposits occurred during such basal shear events, resulting in the injection of liquefied sediments into variably deformed laminated sands and clays. Deformation is more likely to have taken place through internal movement of the sediment due to changing porewater conditions and loading upon emplacement. Our approach confirms previous results that highlight the possibilities of increasing the accuracy of sedimentological investigations through combined sedimentological analyses at varying scales.  相似文献   

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