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Pore waters were collected from a sea-marginal, hypersaline pond in the Sinai and analyzed for dissolved organic carbon (DOC). The pore water DOC values ranged from 121 to 818 mg 1−1 with maxima between 15 and 54 cm deep. These values are some of the highest observed from recent sediments and probably reflect production via abiotic as well as biotic sources.  相似文献   

We measured dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC and POC) in samples collected along 13 transects of the salinity gradient of Chesapeake Bay. Riverine DOC and POC end-members averaged 232±19 μM and 151±53 μM, respectively, and coastal DOC and POC end-members averaged 172±19 μM and 43±6 μM, respectively. Within the chlorophyll maximum, POC accumulated to concentrations 50–150 μM above those expected from conservative mixing and it was significantly correlated with chlorophylla, indicating phytoplankton origin. POC accumulated primarily in bottom waters in spring, and primarily in surface waters in summer. Net DOC accumulation (60–120 μM) was observed within and downstream of the chlorophyll maximum, primarily during spring and summer in both surface and bottom waters, and it also appeared to be derived from phytoplankton. In the turbidity maximum, there were also net decreases in chlorophylla (?3 μg l?1 to ?22 μg l?1) and POC concentrations (?2 μM to ?89 μM) and transient DOC increases (9–88 μM), primarily in summer. These occurred as freshwater plankton blooms mixed with turbid, low salinity seawater, and we attribute the observed POC and DOC changes to lysis and sedimentation of freshwater plankton. DOC accumulation in both regions of Chesapeake Bay was estimated to be greater than atmospheric or terrestrial organic carbon inputs and was equivalent to ≈10% of estuarine primary production.  相似文献   

The circulation of hydrothermal fluid through the upper oceanic crustal reservoir has a large impact on the chemistry of seawater, yet the impact on dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the ocean has received almost no attention. To determine whether hydrothermal circulation is a source or a sink for DOC in the oceans, we measured DOC concentrations in hydrothermal fluids from several environments. Hydrothermal fluids were collected from high-temperature vents and diffuse, low-temperature vents on the basalt-hosted Juan de Fuca Ridge axis and also from low-temperature vents on the sedimented eastern flanks. High-temperature fluids from Main Endeavour Field (MEF) and Axial Volcano (AV) contain very low DOC concentrations (average = 15 and 17 μM, respectively) compared to background seawater (36 μM). At MEF and AV, average DOC concentrations in diffuse fluids (47 and 48 μM, respectively) were elevated over background seawater, and high DOC is correlated with high microbial cell counts in diffuse fluids. Fluids from off-axis hydrothermal systems located on 3.5-Ma-old crust at Baby Bare Seamount and Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 1026B had average DOC concentrations of 11 and 13 μM, respectively, and lowered DOC was correlated with low cell counts. The relative importance of heterotrophic uptake, abiotic sorption to mineral surfaces, thermal decomposition, and microbial production in fixing the DOC concentration in vent fluids remains uncertain. We calculated the potential effect of hydrothermal circulation on the deep-sea DOC cycle using our concentration data and published water flux estimates. Maximum calculated fluxes of DOC are minor compared to most oceanic DOC source and sink terms.  相似文献   

Sediments from shallow aquifers in Bengal Delta, India have been found to contain arsenic. Rivers of Ganga-Brahmaputra system, responsible for depositing these sediments in the delta, have created a store of arsenic. Geomorphological domains with different depositional styles regulate the pattern of distribution of zones with widely different content of groundwater arsenic. The high arsenic zones occur as narrow sinuous strips confined to channel deposits. A few iron-bearing clastic minerals and two post-depositional secondary products are arsenic carriers. Secondary siderite concretions have grown on the surface of the clastic carriers in variable intensity. The quantity of arsenic in all clastic carriers is in excess of what is generally expected. Excess arsenic is contributed by the element adsorbed on the concretion grown on the surface of the carriers, which adds up to the arsenic in the structure of the minerals. Variable abundance of concretions is responsible for the variable quantity of arsenic in the carriers and the sediment samples. Fe2+ for the growth of siderite concretions is obtained from the iron-bearing clastic carriers. The reaction involves reduction of trivalent iron to bivalent and the required electron is obtained by transformation of As3+ to As5+. It is suggested that oxidation of As3+ to As5+ is microbially mediated. In the Safe zone arsenic is retained in the carriers and groundwater arsenic is maintained below 0.05 mg/l. In the Unsafe zone sorbed arsenic is released from the carriers in the water through desorption and dissolution of concretion, thereby elevating the groundwater arsenic level to above 0.05 mg/l.  相似文献   

Particulate organic carbon (POC) was measured for 77 water samples collected over a 3000 m water column along 88° E in the central Bay of Bengal. The POC values varied from 80 to 895 μg per litre at the surface and 171 to 261 μg per litre at 2000 m. The POC decreased with increasing water depth at all the stations. Deep water concentrations of POC were higher than those reported from other oceanic waters. Distribution of POC was not influenced by water masses. The POC was not significantly correlated with chlorophylla.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2004,19(8):1255-1293
In order to investigate the mechanism of As release to anoxic ground water in alluvial aquifers, the authors sampled ground waters from 3 piezometer nests, 79 shallow (<45 m) wells, and 6 deep (>80 m) wells, in an area 750 m by 450 m, just north of Barasat, near Kolkata (Calcutta), in southern West Bengal. High concentrations of As (200–1180 μg L−1) are accompanied by high concentrations of Fe (3–13.7 mg L−1) and PO4 (1–6.5 mg L−1). Ground water that is rich in Mn (1–5.3 mg L−1) contains <50 μg L−1 of As. The composition of shallow ground water varies at the 100-m scale laterally and the metre-scale vertically, with vertical gradients in As concentration reaching 200 μg L−1 m−1. The As is supplied by reductive dissolution of FeOOH and release of the sorbed As to solution. The process is driven by natural organic matter in peaty strata both within the aquifer sands and in the overlying confining unit. In well waters, thermo-tolerant coliforms, a proxy for faecal contamination, are not present in high numbers (<10 cfu/100 ml in 85% of wells) showing that faecally-derived organic matter does not enter the aquifer, does not drive reduction of FeOOH, and so does not release As to ground water.Arsenic concentrations are high (≫50 μg L−1) where reduction of FeOOH is complete and its entire load of sorbed As is released to solution, at which point the aquifer sediments become grey in colour as FeOOH vanishes. Where reduction is incomplete, the sediments are brown in colour and resorption of As to residual FeOOH keeps As concentrations below 10 μg L−1 in the presence of dissolved Fe. Sorbed As released by reduction of Mn oxides does not increase As in ground water because the As resorbs to FeOOH. High concentrations of As are common in alluvial aquifers of the Bengal Basin arise because Himalayan erosion supplies immature sediments, with low surface-loadings of FeOOH on mineral grains, to a depositional environment that is rich in organic mater so that complete reduction of FeOOH is common.  相似文献   

In the Bengal Delta Plain (BDP) the primary arsenic sourcing appears to be different from the global scenario. Here, the Terminal Pleistocene–Holocene depositional platform, the interactive early Holocene depositional morphology with fluvio-estuarine and marine incursions played a crucial role for arsenic sourcing and enrichment. The lenticular silt-fine sand layer between anoxic clay beds favoured entrapment of dissolved organic carbon with decayed phyto-planktons debris. The Terminal Pleistocene–Holocene transgression and regression processes may have acted as major events in the BDP. Interestingly, at the end of the last glacial maxima, the Pleistocene delta had undergone block movements, wherein some parts of the platform were raised above the level of Holocene deposition. Those blocks were found to be free from arsenic in the groundwater. The sea, during re-emerging inundation (10–7 ka BP), has witnessed a monsoon-induced environment in the BDP with the resultant oscillation of sea level leading to higher upsurge towards the north. This might have resulted in the marine incursion and inundation in pre-existing land depressions. Meanwhile arsenic entrapments through marine incursion as well as enrichment in the presence of organic carbon/DOC and/or Fe/Mn/Al catalytic agents could have developed into localised redox traps. It may be of relevance that due to the repetitive transgressive–regressive phases in Holocene, resulting in periodic exposure and weathering of iron-bearing minerals and consequent iron enrichment in the aquifer system. The iron, thus present, had free charge to host arsenic as a sink. It appears that arsenic, wherever found, would likely be of atypical localised exhaustible phenomenon, both in horizontal and vertical context. It also rationalises the cause of the absence of arsenic in the other nearby Pleistocene platform, which has not come across Holocene interaction and marine incursion, as to the likely limiting condition for the search for arsenic in the BDP or beyond.  相似文献   

Lead (Pb) is normally considered as a trace element in soils and sediments for geochemical study. However, the concentration of Pb in firing range soils is generally so high that it should be considered as a major element during the evaluation of the soil geochemical properties. Soil organic matter (SOM) has been reported as one of the major factors to expedite the corrosion of metallic lead (Pb) in acidic and organic-rich soils. The main impacts of SOM on the fate and transport of Pb in firing range soils lie in the following two aspects; (1) the complexation of organic matter with Pb, which has received lots of attention, and; (2) changes in soil redox potential due to the transformation of SOM and its subsequent impact on Pb speciation, which has rarely been investigated. Soils from 6 different firing ranges are selected for this study. These samples have been stored under a closed condition for more than 3 years. The soil moisture contents were well-retained, as all the samples were kept in closed plastic buckets. The analytical data showed that the summation of the soil total organic carbon content (TOC) and inorganic carbon contents (TIC) were consistent with soil total carbon contents (TC) measured in previous years, although the TOC and TIC contents have changed respectively after years of storage. In general, it is observed that the soil TOC decreased against an increase of TIC. The mass balance on such a transformation suggested a major conversion of organic carbon (Corg) to inorganic carbon (CO3^2-) in the stored soils.  相似文献   

The results of a study of the contribution of microbial metabolic products to total dissolved organic carbon (DOC) levels in coastal sediments are presented. The data indicate that acidic volatile compounds make up a substantial fraction of pore water DOC's in both oxic and anoxic pore waters of coastal marine sediments. Formic, acetic and butyric acids are the principal volatile species identified at levels exceeding 10 μM. Acid concentrations are up to five times higher in anoxic pore waters than in oxic waters. Volatile organic acids show promise as indicators of diagenetic processes in marine sediments and of the ecological succession of microorganisms, in particular.  相似文献   

Sediments from a core retrieved during installation of a shallow drinking water well in Ambikanagar (West Bengal, India) were analyzed for various physical and chemical parameters. The geochemical analyses included: (1) a 4-step sequential extraction scheme to determine the distribution of As between different fractions, (2) As speciation (As3+ vs. As5+), and (3) C, N and S isotopes. The sediments have a low percentage of organic C and N (0.10-0.56% and 0.01-0.05%, respectively). Arsenic concentration is between 2 and 7 mg kg−1, and it is mainly associated with the residual fraction, less susceptible to chemical weathering. The proportion of As3+ in these sediments is high and ranges from 24% to 74%. Arsenic in the second fraction (reducible) correlates well with Mn, and in the residual fraction As correlates well with several transition elements. The stable isotope results indicate microbial oxidation of organic matter involving SO4 reduction. Oxidation of primary sulfide minerals and release of As from reduction of Fe-(oxy)hydroxides do not seem important mechanisms in As mobilization. Instead, the dominance of As3+ and presence of As5+ reducing microorganisms in this shallow aquifer imply As remobilization involving microbial processes that needs further investigations.  相似文献   

The distributions of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), phytoplankton biomass (as measured by in vivo fluorescence), total nitrogen and phosphorus, and light extinction were observed on 10 cruises during 1989 and 1990 in the Pawcatuck River estuary located in southern Rhode Island. In the lower estuary, the distance of peak phytoplankton biomass from the head of the estuary was positively correlated with river discharge while the magnitude of the peak increased with decreasing discharge. High light-extinction appeared to limit the accumulation of biomass in the upper estuary. Variability in light extinction was largely (50%) explained by variation in the concentration of DOC. Salinity versus constituent plots suggested that DOC behaved nonconservatively in the estuary. These observational data indicate that the mixing behavior of DOC in the estuary influences light extinction and thus may limit accumulation of phytoplankton biomass in the upper estuary. This interpretation of observational data was supported by experimental work that demonstrated the significant contribution of DOC to light extinction, and by measurements, of phytoplankton productivity that showed greater light limitation in the upper estuary.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲内陆到潮滩土壤中碳、氮元素的梯度分布规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄河三角洲是我国典型的通过黄河冲积泥沙填海造陆形成的近代沉积区。区域受到黄河冲积、沉积等自然过程和农业耕种熟化等人类活动的双重影响。本研究通过在黄河三角洲地区内陆到河口海湾不同距离采集典型土壤类型剖面发生层样品,探讨土壤有机碳、总氮等生源要素的空间分布规律,为阐明我国典型海岸带地区陆源碳、氮的输送及循环特征提供基础依据。研究结果表明,黄河三角洲内陆与河口地区呈现出完全不同的土壤碳、氮分布规律。表层土壤碳、氮含量在黄河沿岸及三角洲南部均表现出由陆向海逐级递减的空间分布特征,而在黄河刁口流路和清水沟流路沿行水方向有梯度升高的趋势。内陆地区土壤碳、氮与盐分呈一定的负相关关系,表明土壤碳、氮主要受到耕作熟化过程的影响;而在河口地区两者呈显著的正相关关系(p〈0.01),表明靠近海湾地区土壤碳、氮积累可能受到细颗粒泥沙沉积和滩涂湿地厌氧等环境影响。表层土壤碳、氮比变幅在3.6~8.6之间,说明该地区土壤有机质分解较快,不利于有机碳的积累。土壤剖面中,一些特殊发生层如红色夹黏层、黑色泥炭层对土壤碳、氮的富集具有明显的作用,其中红色夹黏层的土壤碳、氮含量接近耕层土壤。总之,黄河三角洲土壤在耕作垦殖、泥沙沉积等综合作用下形成的空间分布格局以及剖面特征发生层是影响碳、氮封存、释放和增汇等循环过程的关键驱动因素。  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2004,19(2):215-230
Sources of As in the Ganges sediments and microbial mechanisms of its release in groundwater were examined in the present study, where the authors have systematically examined the pertinent mineral species present in the sediments using XRD, TEM-EDS and EPMA techniques. The results show several As-bearing minerals in the Ganges sediments, in western Bangladesh. Iron-sulfide minerals consist of near-amorphous and/or crystalline precursors of framboidal pyrite and pyrite both of which contain As. Several types of Fe oxyhydroxides (oxides), which contain variable amounts of As were also found in muddy sediments. The content of As increases from Fe-oxides to the precursors of framboidal pyrite and pyrite. Four different chemical forms of As from the core sediments were determined. The sequentially extracted chemical forms are as follows: (1) acid soluble form (As mainly fixed in carbonates), (2) reducible form (As fixed in Fe- and/or Mn-oxides), (3) organic form, (4) insoluble form (As fixed mainly in sulfide and rarely in silicate minerals). Arsenic is dominantly sorbed on to Fe- and/or Mn-oxides, organic forms and sulfide minerals in most samples, although their relative abundances differ in different samples. Geomicrobial culture experiments were carried out to test the hypothesis that microbial processes play a key role in the release of As in groundwater. Batch culture and circulating water system experiments were designed using the sediments from Bangladesh. In the batch experiments, As was released at low Eh values a few days after adding nutrients containing glucose, polypepton and yeast extract, urea and fertilizer under a dominantly N2 atmosphere. This contrasts with the control experiments without nutrients. Circulating water experiments with sand layer in a N2 atmosphere showed similar results. These results support the hypothesis that microbial processes mediate the release of As into groundwater under reducing conditions. Glucose and polypepton used in the experiments may correspond to C and N sources, respectively. Younger sediments contain abundant organic matter, which is easily used by bacteria. So, the enhanced bacterial activity may correspond to simulation of accelerated natural diagenetic process using organic matter, or some fertilizer/wastewater effects.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemical characteristics and elemental features of groundwater and core sediments have been studied to better understand the sources and mobilization process responsible for As-enrichment in part of the Gangetic plain (Barasat, West Bengal, India). Analysis of water samples from shallow tubewells (depth 24.3–48.5 m) and piezometer wells (depth 12.2–79.2 m) demonstrate that the groundwater is mostly the Ca-HCO3 type and anoxic in nature (mean EhSHE = 34 mV). Arsenic concentrations ranged from <10–538 μg/L, with high concentrations only present in the shallow to medium depth (30–50 m) of the aquifer along with high Fe (0.07–9.8 mg/L) and relatively low Mn (0.15–3.38 mg/L) as also evidenced in core sediments. Most groundwater samples contained both As(III) and As(V) species in which the concentration of As(III) was generally higher than that of As(V), exhibiting the reducing condition. Results show lower concentrations of NO3, SO4 and NO2 along with higher values of DOC and HCO3, indicating the reducing nature of the aquifer with abundant organic matter that can promote the release of As from sediments into groundwater. Positive correlations of As with Fe and DOC were also observed. The presence of DOC may actively drive the redox processes. This study revealed that reduction processes of FeOOH was the dominant mechanism for the release of As into the groundwater in this part of the Ganges Delta plain.  相似文献   

The vertical distributions of Se (IV), Se (VI) and dissolved organic Se have been determined in the oxic and non-sulfide-bearing anoxic zones of the Orca Basin. In the oxic waters, the concentration of Se (IV) increases with depth gradually from 0.25 nmole/kg at the surface to a maximum of 0.46 nmole/kg at 750 m and then decreases with depth to a relatively constant concentration of 0.39 nmole/ kg below 1,230 m. The concentration of Se (VI) is rather uniform in the top 250 m at about 0.24 nmole/ kg. Below 250 m it increases with depth to 0.50 nmole/kg at 1.230 m, and it stays relatively constant below this depth. The concentration of organic Se increases from 0.50 nmole/kg at the surface to 1.39 nmole/kg at 78 m. A pronounced broad maximum of organic Se exists between 78 and 250 m. The concentration decreases with depth below 250 m, dropping sharply between 250 and 380 m and more gradually at greater depths. It becomes undetectable at 1,230 m. Organic Se is the dominant species above 250 m. Se (IV) is the most abundant between 250 and 1,000 m while Se (VI) becomes the dominant species below 1,000 m. The distributions of these three species can be explained by the biological uptake of Se in the surface waters and the multi-step regeneration of Se from biogenic particles at greater depths. In suboxic waters at the oxic-anoxic interface, the concentration of Se (IV) increases while that of Se (VI) decreases reflecting a change in redox conditions in the environment. In the anoxic brine, the concentration of Se (IV) is around 0.25 nmole/kg while Se (VI) is undetectable. The concentration of organic Se increases sharply in the suboxic waters and reaches 2.6 nmole/kg in the anoxic brines probably as a result of the decomposition of organic matter and/or a diffusive flux from the underlying sediment.  相似文献   

改进评价生油岩有机质含量的CARBOLOG法及其初步应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对法国石油研究院利用测井资料计算烃源岩有机碳含量的CARBOLOG法的原理进行了剖析,推导出利用声波测井及电阻率测井资料计算总有机碳含量的理论关系式,弥补了CARBOLOG法利用电测资料作图评价有机质丰度的不足,较大程度地改进了方法的可操作性。以取芯较好的牛38井分析测试资料为基础,进行回归计算,标定了理论关系式的相应系数,相关系数为0.90,该成果在东科1、丰112、富15等井的生油岩评价中得了到进一步的检验。  相似文献   

This paper deals with dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and organic carbon (DOC) in pore waters from a 150 m deep hole drilled through the carbonate barrier reef of Tahiti and its underlying basalt basement. Alkalinity-pH measurements were used to calculate the DIC species concentration, and DOC was analysed according to the high temperature catalytic oxidation technique. Salinity was used as a conservative tracer to help identify water origin and mixing within the hole. Water mixing, calcium carbonate dissolution and mineralization of organic carbon combined to form three distinct groups of pore water. In the deeper basalt layers, pore water with alkalinity of 1.4 meq kg?1 pH of 7.6 and p(CO2) of 1.2 mAtm was undersaturated with respect to both aragonite and calcite. In the intermediate carbonate layer, pore water with alkalinity of more than 2.0 meq kg?1, pH of 7.70 and p(CO2) of 1.4 mAtm was supersaturated with respect to both aragonite and calcite. The transition zone between those two groups extended between 80 and 100 m depth. The shift from aragonite undersaturation to supersaturation was mainly attributed to the mixing of undersaturated pore waters from the basalt basement with supersaturated pore waters from the overlaying limestone. In the top of the reef, inputs from a brackish water lens further increased p(CO2) up to 5.6 times the atmospheric P(CO2).  相似文献   

This paper deals with dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and organic carbon (DOC) in pore waters from a 150 m deep hole drilled through the carbonate barrier reef of Tahiti and its underlying basalt basement. Alkalinity-pH measurements were used to calculate the DIC species concentration, and DOC was analysed according to the high temperature catalytic oxidation technique. Salinity was used as a conservative tracer to help identify water origin and mixing within the hole. Water mixing, calcium carbonate dissolution and mineralization of organic carbon combined to form three distinct groups of pore water. In the deeper basalt layers, pore water with alkalinity of 1.4 meq kg–1 pH of 7.6 and p(CO2) of 1.2 mAtm was undersaturated with respect to both aragonite and calcite. In the intermediate carbonate layer, pore water with alkalinity of more than 2.0 meq kg–1, pH of 7.70 and p(CO2) of 1.4 mAtm was supersaturated with respect to both aragonite and calcite. The transition zone between those two groups extended between 80 and 100 m depth. The shift from aragonite undersaturation to supersaturation was mainly attributed to the mixing of undersaturated pore waters from the basalt basement with supersaturated pore waters from the overlaying limestone. In the top of the reef, inputs from a brackish water lens further increased p(CO2) up to 5.6 times the atmospheric P(CO2).  相似文献   

A series of laboratory experiments were performed to investigate the relative contributions of CO and other single-carbon compounds to abiotic synthesis of organic compounds in hydrothermal environments. Experiments were conducted by heating aqueous solutions of CO, CO2, HCOOH, or CH4 at 250 °C under reducing conditions, and observing production of CH4 and other hydrocarbons. Native Fe was included in the experiments as a source of H2 through reaction with water and as a potential catalyst. Experiments with CO or HCOOH as the carbon source resulted in rapid generation of CH4 and other hydrocarbons that closely resembled typical products of Fischer-Tropsch organic synthesis. In contrast, experiments using CO2 or CH4 as the carbon source yielded no detectable hydrocarbon products. Carbon isotope measurements of reaction products from the CO experiments indicate that the CH4 and other hydrocarbons were substantially depleted in 13C, with CH4 δ13C values 30 to 34‰ lighter than the initial CO. Most of the fractionation apparently occurs during attachment of CO to the catalyst surface and subsequent reduction to surface-bound methylene. The initial step in polymerization of these methylene units to form hydrocarbons involves a small, positive fractionation, so that ethane and ethene are slightly enriched in 13C relative to CH4. However, subsequent addition of carbon molecules to the growing hydrocarbon chain proceeds with no net observable fractionation, so that the isotopic compositions of the C3+ light hydrocarbons are controlled by isotopic mass balance. This result is consistent with a previously proposed model for carbon isotopic patterns of light hydrocarbons in natural samples. The abundance and isotopic composition of light hydrocarbons produced with HCOOH as the carbon source were similar to those generated with CO, but the isotopic compositions of non-volatile hydrocarbons diverged, suggesting that the higher hydrocarbons were formed by different mechanisms in the CO and HCOOH experiments. The experiments indicate that CO, and possibly HCOOH, may be critical intermediates in the abiotic formation of organic compounds in geologic environments, and suggest that the low levels of these compounds present in most hydrothermal systems could represent a bottleneck restricting the extent of abiotic organic synthesis in some circumstances.  相似文献   

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