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通过对高砷地下水典型区完整地质单元不同深度含水层地下水进行监测,分析了与砷释放、迁移和富集有关的敏感因素(水位、Eh、总铁、亚铁等)的时间和空间变化规律,探讨了高砷地下水的形成机理。结果发现,地下水灌溉区和黄河水灌溉区,地下水水位均受人为灌溉活动的影响。地下水砷含量在空间和时间尺度上发生有规律的变化。在空间尺度上,地下水中砷含量随着深度的增加而升高,井深小于10 m的地下水砷含量在1.88~2.58 μg/L;井深在10~15 m之间的地下水中砷含量在18.2~217 μg/L;井深在15~25 m之间的地下水中砷含量在38.3~226 μg/L。受人为灌溉影响,地下水中砷的含量会随着地下水位的抬升而升高。地下水砷含量随时间变化的原因是水位抬升使水位变化造成氧化还原环境改变。地下水系统中含砷铁氧化物矿物的还原性溶解、脱硫酸作用等是控制地下水砷含量的主要水文地球化学过程。  相似文献   

Data on spatiotemporal variations in groundwater levels are crucial for understanding arsenic (As) behavior and dynamics in groundwater systems. Little is known about the influences of groundwater extraction on the transport and mobilization of As in the Hetao Basin, Inner Mongolia (China), so groundwater levels were recorded in five monitoring wells from 2011 to 2016 and in 57 irrigation wells and two multilevel wells in 2016. Results showed that groundwater level in the groundwater irrigation area had two troughs each year, induced by extensive groundwater extraction, while groundwater levels in the river-diverted (Yellow River) water irrigation area had two peaks each year, resulting from surface-water irrigation. From 2011 to 2016, groundwater levels in the groundwater irrigation area presented a decreasing trend due to the overextraction. Groundwater samples were taken for geochemical analysis each year in July from 2011 to 2016. Increasing trends were observed in groundwater total dissolved solids (TDS) and As. Owing to the reverse groundwater flow direction, the Shahai Lake acts as a new groundwater recharge source. Lake water had flushed the near-surface sediments, which contain abundant soluble components, and increased groundwater salinity. In addition, groundwater extraction induced strong downward hydraulic gradients, which led to leakage recharge from shallow high-TDS groundwater to the deep semiconfined aquifer. The most plausible explanation for similar variations among As, Fe(II) and total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations is the expected dissimilatory reduction of Fe(III) oxyhydroxides.  相似文献   

Incubation studies were carried out using 5 freshly collected sediments from shallow aquifers of the Hetao Basin, Inner Mongolia. The aquifer sediments covering a range of redox conditions, as indicated by their deep grey to yellow color were mixed with degassed artificial As solution or degassed deionized water at a ratio of solid to water of about 1:10 (wt./wt.). Suspensions which were either amended with glucose or autoclaved, were incubated in parallel with unamended suspensions. Five microcosm cultures of unamended sediments gradually release the equivalent of 0.03–0.30 μg/g As to the dissolved phase. The addition of glucose as a potential electron donor results in a marked stimulation in the mobilization of As (0.71–3.81 μg/g) in the amended incubations for all sediments. The quantity of As released accounts for 60–70% of As bound to Fe/Mn oxides in the original sediments. The microbially mediated mobilization of As with the organic nutrient as an electron donor is strongly associated with the As bound to Fe/Mn oxides, as well as the exchangeable As. During the incubations amended with glucose, 2–4% of the sediment Fe is released. The results suggest that the introduction of labile dissolved organic C into the yellowish sediment aquifers with As-free groundwater would reduce a significant proportion of the Fe(III) oxyhydroxides mediated by anaerobic bacteria respiration and increase groundwater As concentrations.  相似文献   

内蒙古河套平原地下水砷异常分布规律研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
通过对内蒙古河套平原砷异常区的实际调查、现场取样、测试、室内实验以及数据分析,得出本区高砷地下水的分布具有明显的地带性,其中双庙和三道桥、沙海和蛮会、白脑包和狼山、塔尔湖及胜丰5片为高砷水地带,从西向东呈不连续的条带状展布,而且与盆地沉降中心带相一致。同时分析了高砷地下水的分布规律及其与古地理环境特征、地下水环境演化的关系。通过研究,可以看出以还原环境为主的富含有机质的湖沼相沉积环境、特定的地质、地形条件为地下水砷异常的原因。  相似文献   

1990年报道了在中国内蒙古河套平原由于饮用污染的地下水而患砷中毒的病例.估计目前内蒙受到砷中毒影响的居民已超过41万人.从1997年至2004年,在长达8年的时间里,我们进行了水文地质调查、地质调查和医学调查,并装置了管道输送的供水系统.这些调查揭示了河套平原地下水受砷污染的机理:由于被吸收的砷释放进入地下水,蓄水层中不断加强的还原环境造成铁氢氧化物的溶解.为了防止砷中毒病人数量的进一步增加,停止饮用污染过的水和供应安全的饮用水是重要的.我们需要根据当地的地质和水文地质条件来了解砷污染的机理.  相似文献   

Environmental geochemistry of high arsenic groundwater at Hetao plain was studied on the basis of geochemical survey of the groundwater and a core sediment. Arsenic concentration in groundwater samples varies from 76 to 1093 μg/L. The high arsenic groundwater mostly appears to be weakly alkaline. The concentrations of NO3 and SO42− are relatively low, while the concentrations of DOC, NH4+, dissolved Fe and sulfide are relatively great. Analysis of arsenic speciation in 21 samples shows that arsenic is present in the solution predominantly as As(III), while particulate arsenic constitutes about 10% of the total arsenic. Methane is detected in five samples with the greatest content being 5107 μg/L. The shallow aquifer in Hangjinhouqi of western Hetao plain is of strongly reducing condition. The arsenic content in 23 core sediment samples varies from 7.7 to 34.6 mg/kg, with great value in clay and mild clay layer. The obvious positive relationship in content between Fe2O3, Mn, Sb, B, V and As indicates that the distribution of arsenic in the sediments may be related to Fe and Mn oxides, and the mobilization of Sb, B and V may be affected by similar geochemical processes as that of As.  相似文献   

内蒙古河套盆地地表水-浅层地下水化学特征及成因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郭华明  倪萍  贾永锋  张波  张扬 《现代地质》2015,29(2):229-237
地表水-地下水的相互作用不仅影响地下水化学演化,而且控制地下水化学组分的空间分布,是地下水研究领域的重要课题之一。在内蒙古河套盆地采集地下水样品58组,雨水和地表水样品32组,分析了主要离子、微量组分和氢氧稳定同位素等18个指标。结果表明,研究区地表水除了受蒸发浓缩作用影响外,还受到人为活动的影响,水中钙离子、硫酸根、硝酸根等组分明显升高。浅层地下水具有与地表水类似的主要组分和同位素特征,表明浅层地下水可能受到地表水的影响。地表水补给进入含水层的过程中,可能发生了硅酸盐矿物的非全等溶解、盐岩全等溶解、重晶石沉淀、硝酸根、铁氧化物矿物和硫酸根还原等作用。其中,铁氧化物矿物的还原是地下水砷含量高的主要原因。此外,砷浓度还受硫酸根还原的影响。因此,地下水-地表水的综合研究有助于揭示地下水的成因及水文地球化学过程。  相似文献   

Due to the importance of colloids in regulating element transport and mobility in aquifers, As distribution in the colloidal fraction needs to be identified in high As groundwaters. Groundwater samples were filtered in the field through a progressively decreasing pore size (0.45 μm, 100, 30, 10, 5 kDa) using a filtration technique under a N2 atmosphere. Major and trace elements and organic C (OC) were measured in (ultra)filtrates. The studied groundwater samples have typical physio-chemical characteristics of the basin waters. Declines in concentrations of alkali (Na, K), alkaline-earth (Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba) elements, Mo, Si and Se during ultrafiltration are smaller relative to other elements. Arsenic, Cu, Cr, U and V are generally about 30% lower in 5 kDa ultrafiltrates in comparison with 0.45 μm filtrates. Around 50% of Fe, OC and Al are bound to colloids with grain size between 5 kDa and 0.45 μm. Two types of colloids, including large-size Fe colloids and small-size organic colloids, have been identified. Results indicate that As would be more likely to be associated with small-size organic colloids than Fe colloids. SEM images and EDS analysis and synchrotron XRF analyses confirm the association of As with NOM with molecular weights of 5-10 kDa. The better correlation between As(V) and OC in the 5-10 kDa fraction indicates that the small-size organic colloids have a greater affinity for As(V) than As(III). Arsenic associated with organic complexes may not be immobilized by adsorption, and, therefore, easily transported in the aquifer. Thus, the presence of As-containing colloidal complexes in high As groundwaters must be considered in the modeling of As transport in the aquifers.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanism of arsenic mobilization from sediments to groundwater is important for water quality management in areas of endemic arsenic poisoning, such as the Hetao Basin in Inner Mongolia, northern China. Aquifer geochemistry was characterized at three field sites (SH, HF, TYS) in Hangjinhouqi County of northwestern Hetao Basin. The results of bulk geochemistry analysis of sediment samples indicated that total As concentrations have a range of 6.8–58.5 mg/kg, with a median of 14.4 mg/kg. The highest As concentrations were found at 15–25 m depth. In the meanwhile, the range of As concentration in the sediments from background borehole is 3–21.8 mg/kg, with a median value of 9 mg/kg. The As sediments concentrations with depth from the SH borehole were correlated with the contents of Fe, Sb, B, V, total C and total S. Generally, the abundance of elements varied with grain size, with higher concentrations in finer fractions of the sediments. Distinct lithology profile and different geochemical characteristics of aquifer sediments indicate the sediments are associated with different sources and diverse sedimentary environments. Up to one third of arsenic in the sediments could be extracted by ammonium oxalate, suggesting that Fe oxyhydroxides may be the major sink of As in the aquifer. Sequential extraction results indicate that arsenic occurs as strongly adsorbed on and/or co-precipitated with amorphous Fe oxyhydroxides in sediments accounting for 35 and 20%, respectively, of the total contents of arsenic. The release of As into groundwater may occur by desorption from the mineral surface driven by reductive dissolution of the Fe oxide minerals. Furthermore, small proportions of As associated with iron sulfides occur in the reductive sediments.  相似文献   

郭华明  张波  李媛  魏亮  张扬 《地学前缘》2010,17(6):59-66
高砷地下水是世界范围内的一个重大环境问题。尽管已有工作在高砷地下水的地球化学特征、形成条件和富砷机理等方面取得了很大进展,但其稀土元素(REE)含量及分异特征却一直不清楚,这就限制了稀土方法在评价此类地下水中的应用。在对内蒙古河套盆地地下水样品进行现场测试、实验室分析检测的基础上,我们发现高砷地下水的REE浓度较低。对地下水REE浓度依照北美页岩平均组分(NASC)进行归一化处理后,我们发现大部分水样富集重稀土元素(HREEs),而贫化轻稀土元素(LREEs)。HREEs的富集与地下水中碳酸根对于REE的络合作用密切相关,而弱碱性环境下REE的再吸附可导致LREEs的贫化。所有地下水样表现为Eu正异常,其中大部分表现为Ce负异常。Eu正异常似乎与铁锰氧化物的还原性溶解和解吸附有关,地下水As浓度随[Eu]NASC的升高而升高。从某种意义上说,还原性含水系统中Eu正异常的程度也许可以反映地下水As的富集程度。  相似文献   

Although high As groundwater has been observed in shallow groundwater of the Hetao basin, little is known about As distribution in deep groundwater. Quantitative investigations into relationships among chemical properties and among samples in different areas were carried out. Ninety groundwater samples were collected from deep aquifers of the northwest of the basin. Twenty-two physicochemical parameters were obtained for each sample. Statistical methods, including principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), were used to analyze those data. Results show that As species were highly correlated with Fe species, NH4-N and pH. Furthermore, result of PCA indicates that high As groundwater was controlled by geological, reducing and oxic factors. The samples are classified into three clusters in HCA, which corresponded to the alluvial fans, the distal zone and the flat plain. Moreover, the combination of PCA with HCA shows the different dominant factors in different areas. In the alluvial fans, groundwater is influenced by oxic factors, and low As concentrations are observed. In the distal zone, groundwater is under suboxic conditions, which is dominated by reducing and geological factors. In the flat plain, groundwater is characterized by reducing conditions and high As concentrations, which is dominated by the reducing factor. This investigations indicate that deep groundwater in the alluvial fans mostly contains low As concentrations but high NO3 and U concentrations, and needs to be carefully checked prior to being used for drinking water sources.  相似文献   

Geochemical and isotopic characterization of groundwater and lake-water samples were combined with water and total dissolved solids balances to evaluate sources of groundwater quality deterioration in eastern Hetao Basin, Inner Mongolia, China. Groundwater quality is poor; 11 of 13 wells exceed drinking-water guidelines for at least one health-based parameter and all wells exceed aesthetic guidelines. The well water is largely derived from Yellow River irrigation water. Notably high uranium concentrations in the Yellow River, relative to world rivers, suggest groundwater uranium and other trace elements may originate in the river-derived irrigation water. Complex hydrostratigraphy and spatial variation in groundwater recharge result in spatially complex groundwater flow and geochemistry. Evapotranspiration of irrigation water causes chloride concentration increases of up to two orders of magnitude in the basin, notably in shallow groundwater around Wuliangsuhai Lake. In addition to evapotranspiration, groundwater quality is affected by mineral precipitation and dissolution, silicate weathering, and redox processes. The lake-water and TDS balances suggest that a small amount of discharge to groundwater (but associated with very high solute concentrations) contributes to groundwater salinization in this region. Increasing salinity in the groundwater and Wuliangsuhai Lake will continue to deteriorate water quality unless irrigation management practices improve.  相似文献   

Elevated As concentrations in groundwater of the Huhhot basin (HB), Inner Mongolia, China, and the western Bengal basin (WBB), India, have been known for decades. However, few studies have been performed to comprehend the processes controlling overall groundwater chemistry in the HB. In this study, the controls on solute chemistry in the HB have been interpreted and compared with the well-studied WBB, which has a very different climate, physiography, lithology, and aquifer characteristics than the HB. In general, there are marked differences in solute chemistry between HB and WBB groundwaters. Stable isotopic signatures indicate meteoric recharge in the HB in a colder climate, distant from the source of moisture, in comparison to the warm, humid WBB. The major-ion composition of the moderately reducing HB groundwater is dominated by a mixed-ion (Ca–Na–HCO3–Cl) hydrochemical facies with an evolutionary trend along the regional hydraulic gradient. Molar ratios and thermodynamic calculations show that HB groundwater has not been affected by cation exchange, but is dominated by weathering of feldspars (allitization) and equilibrium with gibbsite and anorthite. Mineral weathering and mobilization of As could occur as recharging water flows through fractured, argillaceous, metamorphic or volcanic rocks in the adjoining mountain-front areas, and deposits solutes near the center of the basin. In contrast, WBB groundwater is Ca–HCO3-dominated, indicative of calcite weathering, with some cation exchange and silicate weathering (monosiallitization).  相似文献   

土著微生物作用下含水层沉积物砷的释放与转化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在原位采集内蒙古河套平原高砷含水层中沉积物和土著微生物的基础上,进行了室内微生物淋滤实验研究。实验过程中,使用了3种水溶液(包括去离子水和2种人工配水)和2种营养条件(包括添加2%葡萄糖和未添加葡萄糖)。结果表明,葡萄糖可强化土著微生物的活性,使得悬浮液pH值明显降低,并增加悬浮液中As质量浓度。配水成分影响悬浮物中As质量浓度。在第9 d之后,添加葡萄糖的样品中存在一定强度的硫酸根还原作用,且这种脱硫酸作用受配水成分的影响较小。研究表明,土著微生物影响下砷的释放和转化过程包括沉积物中As(V)的释放、溶液中As(V)的还原以及沉积物中As(Ⅲ)的释放等。与溶液As(V)相比,As(Ⅲ)更有利于沉积物As的释放。在As释放的过程中,溶液中Fe/Mn含量同时增加,且呈很好的线性相关关系。这意味着土著微生物作用下Fe/Mn氧化物矿物的还原性溶解是导致沉积物As释放的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

To understand the mechanism of arsenic mobilization from sediment to groundwater mediated by microorganism, vertical distribution of bacterial populations in aquifer sediments of the Hetao plain, Inner Mongolia was investigated by a two-step nested PCR-DGGE and 16S rRNA gene clone libraries, combined with sediment geochemistry. A borehole to 30 m depth was drilled and 11 sediment samples were collected. Lithological profile and different geochemical characteristics of sediments indicated a distinct transition of oxidizing–reducing environment along the depth of the sediment core. As(III) and Fe(II) concentrations elevated progressively from 10 m, simultaneously coupling with decrease of As(V) and Fe(III) concentrations, implying that reductive dissolution of arsenic-rich Fe(III) oxyhydroxides led to arsenic release. Results of DGGE displayed that sediment samples with higher concentrations of total arsenic and total organic carbon had lower population diversity, which suggested total arsenic concentrations were important to determine the population diversity of sediments. Bacterial communities of a sediment sample with the highest diversity and ratio of As(III) to total As were dominated by aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria and belonged to Alpha-, Beta-, and Gammaproteobacteria and Firmicutes group. Most of the retrieved sequences were closely related to high arsenic-resistance organisms, sulfide/thiosulfate oxidizers, denitrifiers, and aromatic hydrocarbon degraders. Thiobacillus distinctly predominated in clone library, which suggested that arsenic might be released by oxidized dissolution of sulfide minerals coupled to arsenate reduction or nitrate reduction in anaerobic condition. These data have important implications for understanding the microbially mediated arsenic mobilization in aquifers.  相似文献   

Twenty-nine wells were selected for groundwater sampling in the town of Shahai, in the Hetao basin, Inner Mongolia. Four multilevel samplers were installed for monitoring groundwater chemistry at depths of 2.5–20 m. Results show that groundwater As exhibits a large spatial variation, ranging between 0.96 and 720 μg/L, with 71% of samples exceeding the WHO drinking water guideline value (10 μg/L). Fluoride concentrations range between 0.30 and 2.57 mg/L. There is no significant correlation between As and F concentrations. Greater As concentrations were found with increasing well depth. However, F concentrations do not show a consistent trend with depth. Groundwater with relatively low Eh has high As concentrations, indicating that the reducing environment is the major factor controlling As mobilization. Low As concentrations (<10 μg/L) are found in groundwater at depths less than 10 m. High groundwater As concentration is associated with aquifers that have thick overlying clay layers. The clay layers, mainly occurring at depths <10 m, have low permeability and high organic C content. These strata restrict diffusion of atmospheric O2 into the aquifers, and lead to reducing conditions that favor As release. Sediment composition is an additional factor in determining dissolved As concentrations. In aquifers composed of yellowish-brown fine sands at depths around 10 m, groundwater generally has low As concentrations which is attributed to the high As adsorption capacity of the yellow–brown Fe oxyhydroxide coatings. Fluoride concentration is positively correlated with pH and negatively correlated with Ca2+ concentration. All groundwater samples are over-saturated with respect to calcite and under-saturated with respect to fluorite. Dissolution and precipitation of Ca minerals (such as fluorite and calcite), and F adsorption–desorption are likely controlling the concentration of F in groundwater.  相似文献   

内蒙古五原县塔尔湖地区发育一系列湖泊,与当地干旱气候形成鲜明的对比,湖泊成因机制对河套地区第四纪水文地质、气候环境研究具有重要意义。对色尔腾山山前—塔尔湖湖泊—黄河沿线不同水体样品进行水化学测试后,利用Gibbs模型投影显示湖泊采样点主要落在蒸发-浓缩端元和岩石风化端元的过渡带,而远离大气降水作用带,地下水更靠近岩石风化端元,说明湖泊接受地下水补给,蒸发强烈;Piper三线图显示山前泉水以HCO3—Ca型为主,河套平原地下水以HCO3—Na、Cl—Na型为主,黄河水为HCO3—Na型,湖泊以Cl—Na型为主,说明塔尔湖地区地下水与湖泊存在水力联系,HCO3—Na型地下水经过蒸发浓缩作用转变成了盐度更高的Cl—Na型湖泊,导致盐分的聚集;地下水可溶性固体总量(TDS)自北向南由262 mg/l快速增加至2 296 mg/l,而湖泊TDS先升后降,最后小于地下水TDS,最大值在塔尔湖地区北部,为1 213 mg/l,说明湖泊还受现代黄河补给,地下水TDS变化满足山前—盆地的水文地质模型。塔尔湖地区的湖泊既可以发育于古河床亚相也可以发育于堤坝亚相,且湖泊呈零星分布,与古河道形成的牛轭湖特征不吻合,从而基本排除湖泊为古黄河残留的可能;潜水面之上的河流相沉积物由于风蚀作用被切穿,导致地下水出露,补给湖泊,从而推断塔尔湖地区湖泊主要为风蚀湖。  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2003,18(9):1453-1477
Observed As concentrations in groundwater from boreholes and wells in the Huhhot Basin of Inner Mongolia, northern China, range between <1 μg l−1 and 1480 μg l−1. The aquifers are composed of Quaternary (largely Holocene) lacustrine and fluvial sediments. High concentrations are found in groundwater from both shallow and deep boreholes as well as from some dug wells (well depths ranging between <10 m and 400 m). Populations from the affected areas experience a number of As-related health problems, the most notable of which are skin lesions (keratosis, melanosis, skin cancer) but with internal cancers (lung and bladder cancer) also having been reported. In both the shallow and deep aquifers, groundwaters evolve down the flow gradient from oxidising conditions along the basin margins to reducing conditions in the low-lying central part of the basin. High As concentrations occur in anaerobic groundwaters from this low-lying area and are associated with moderately high dissolved Fe as well as high Mn, NH4, dissolved organic C (DOC), HCO3 and P concentrations. Many of the deep groundwaters have particularly enriched DOC concentrations (up to 30 mg l−1) and are often brown as a result of the high concentrations of organic acid. In the reducing groundwaters, inorganic As(III) constitutes typically more than 60% of the total dissolved As. The highest As concentrations tend to be found in groundwater with low SO4 concentrations and indicate that As mobilisation occurs under strongly reducing conditions, where SO4 reduction has been an active process. High concentrations of Fe, Mn, NH4, HCO3 and P are a common feature of reducing high-As groundwater provinces (e.g. Bangladesh, West Bengal). High concentrations of organic acid (humic, fulvic acid) are not a universal feature of such aquifers, but have been found in groundwaters from Taiwan and Hungary for example. The observed range of total As concentrations in sediments is 3–29 mg kg−1 (n=12) and the concentrations correlate positively with total Fe. Up to 30% of the As is oxalate-extractable and taken to be associated largely with Fe oxides. The release of As into solution under the reducing conditions is believed to be by desorption coupled with reductive dissolution of the Fe oxide minerals. The association of dissolved As with constituents such as HCO3, DOC and P may be a coincidence related to the prevalent reducing conditions and slow groundwater flow, but they may also be directly involved because of their competition with As for binding sites on the Fe oxides. The Huhhot groundwaters also have some high concentrations of dissolved U (up to 53 μg l−1) and F (up to 6.8 mg l−1). In contrast to As, U occurs predominantly under the more oxidising conditions along the basin margins. Fluoride occurs dominantly in the shallow groundwaters which have Na and HCO3 as the dominant ions. The combination of slow flow of groundwater and the young age of the aquifer sediments are also considered potentially important causes of the high dissolved As concentrations observed as the sediments are likely to contain newly-formed and reactive minerals and have not been well flushed since burial.  相似文献   

内蒙古河套盆地晚白垩世地层新资料   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
<正> 河套盆地白垩系—第三系发育,缺失古新世一早始新世沉积。过去因化石资料不足,仅依据地震反射层特征把晚白垩世地层误划入始新一渐新世。笔者等(1985)采集8口钻孔微体古生物样品,获得较多的介形虫及孢粉等,将其划入晚白垩世,新建毕克齐组(K_2b)和杭锦组(K_2h),时代为康亚克期—马斯特里赫特期。  相似文献   

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