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 The total amount of groundwater resources in the middle and upper Odra River basin is 5200×103 m3/d, or about 7.7% of the disposable groundwater resources of Poland. The average modulus of groundwater resources is about 1.4 L/s/km2. Of the 180 'Major Groundwater Basins' (MGWB) in Poland, 43 are partly or totally located within the study area. The MGWB in southwestern Poland have an average modulus of groundwater resources about 2.28 L/s/km2 and thus have abundant water resources in comparison to MGWB from other parts of the country. Several types of mineral waters occur in the middle and upper Odra River basin. These waters are concentrated especially in the Sudety Mountains. Carbon-dioxide waters, with yields of 414 m3/h, are the most widespread of Sudetic mineral waters. The fresh waters of the crystalline basement have a low mineralization, commonly less than 100 mg/L; they are a HCO3–Ca–Mg or SO4–Ca–Mg type of water. Various hydrochemical compositions characterize the groundwater in sedimentary rocks. The shallow aquifers are under risk of atmospheric pollution and anthropogenic effects. To prevent the degradation of groundwater resources in the middle and upper Odra River basin, Critical Protection Areas have been designated within the MGWB. Received, January 1995 Revised, May 1996, August 1997 Accepted, August 1997  相似文献   

The Odra Fault Zone of southwestern Poland is a NW-trending horst marked by gravimetric and magnetic anomalies and composed of high- to low-grade metamorphic and igneous rocks which are only known from boreholes. This zone embraces a concealed border between Variscan internides and externides. It also contains an array of several I-type, metaluminous to peraluminous, high potassic granitoid bodies which intruded earlier metamorphosed rocks. Except for one case, they remain unfoliated and undeformed, and presumably play a role of stitching plutons at the suture between two obliquely colliding terranes. U–Pb TIMS dating of single zircons from one foliated and one unfoliated granitoid samples yielded identical concordant ages of 344±1 Ma (Tournaisian). They resemble a Pb–Pb age of 350±5 Ma obtained for S-type granitoids from the Luckau area further west in Germany, which is generally regarded as an eastern segment of the Mid-German Crystalline High. Carboniferous granitic intrusions in the high are generally younger (340–290 Ma). Correlations of the the Odra Fault Zone with the Mid-German Crystalline High appear plausible, but by no means certain and require further confirmation.  相似文献   

Employing the histogram matching approach, the sediment regime alteration of the upper Yangtze River was assessed and its possible causes and environmental influences were discussed. Daily sediment load and flow data from 1950 to 2008 were collected from Yichang hydrometric station. The annual sediment load series was segmented by heuristic segmentation algorithm in 1986 and 2003, and the multi-year mean values of the three phases were 5.28 × 108, 3.89 × 108 and 0.57 × 108 t, respectively. One change point was found by cross wavelet transform in 2003 when the cross wavelet power became insignificant, which indicates the interruption of the common annual cycle of the sediment load and flow series. The sediment regime from 1986 to 2002 was altered by a total of 41 % compared with the regime from 1950 to 1985. It may be mainly attributed to numerous dams constructed in the tributaries, the Gezhouba Dam constructed in the mainstream, and land use and land cover change, e.g., the increased grassland with a coverage density larger than 50 %. The sediment regime alteration after 2003, assessed to be a total of 83 %, may be mainly attributed to the Three Gorges Reservoir. It breaks the natural process of sediment transport, reduces sediment concentration and releases clear water to the downstream which may result in some environmental problems, e.g., limited nutrients availability, river bed erosion, benthic habitat destruction, etc. The assessment of sediment regime alteration may provide some references for the environmental management and conservation of the Yangtze River.  相似文献   

A natural 1 M-celadonite from Barcza, Poland, approximates closely the Mg-Al end member of the celadonite group. The lattice constants of this phase are $$a_0 = 5.208 \pm 0.005{\AA},b_0 = 9.006 \pm 0.003{\AA}, c_0 = 10.071 \pm 0.004{\AA}, \beta = 1$$ . A comparison with other end members indicates that within this group of minerals the substitution Mg+Si=2 Al diminishes c 0, whereas the incorporation of Fe+3 instead of octahedral Al will increase both b 0 and c 0 sin β.  相似文献   

In the Badenian (middle Miocene) basin of the Carpathian foreland of southern Poland, gypsum breccias occur associated with laminated gypsum deposits. These breccias consist of large clasts of gypsum, carbonates, marls and clay chips of variable size embedded in a gypsarenitic matrix. Constituent gypsum grains and clasts commonly appear to be mechanically abraded and chemically corroded crystals or fragments of selenitic, laminated and alabastrine gypsum. Gypsorudites are commonly accompanied by laminated gypsarenites and gypsolutites which show graded bedding; a vertical sequence of graded gypsum beds showing Bouma sequences may be recognized in borehole sections. Microfolding is common within the folded laminated gypsum, and is closely associated with expressions of extensional strain. Both are accompanied by pervasive microfaulting, suggesting a semi-coherent downslope mass movement. The stratiform geometry of the breccias, together with the intensity of slumping relatively independent of the palaeoslope, suggest earthquake shocks as the initial, main cause. Gypsum deposits form a constant, laterally extensive sequence of different lithofacies. The occurrence of the same lithologies and shallowing-up cycles over a wide area reflects thrusting of the Carpathians over the Carpathian foredeep. Local tectonism has also played a significant role. The tectonic framework favoured activation of dip-slip faults promoting shallow-focus earthquakes. These in turn resulted in the resedimentation of gypsum by slumps, debris flows and turbidites. A similar basinward resedimentation of clastic material by gravity flows initiated by fault-induced earthquakes could be of great importance in the foreland geological setting, and may explain some phenomena observed in other evaporite formations from different geological settings, especially of rift type.  相似文献   

O. Areola Dr. 《GeoJournal》1979,3(4):371-378
This paper describes the application of multivariate statistical techniques in the study of the soils of Montgomeryshire, Wales. Principal components analysis is used to analyze data on 39 soil horizon properties for 150 soil profiles throughout the county. Six principal components which account for 62% of the total variance in the data are selected and used in the cluster analysis of the soil profiles using a non-hierarchical grouping technique. The analysis revealed certain patterns in the data and the grouping of the soil profiles which have important implications for describing and characterizing the soils in the area and for understanding their distribution and the relationship between them.  相似文献   

Breaks in the slope of log-probability plots of cumulative grain-size distributions of bed material are compared with frequency distributions of bedload and suspended sediment over a range of discharges at two stations on the Platte River in south-central Nebraska. The break between suspension and intermittent suspension as determined from the bed-material curve coincides with the upper limit of the grain-size overlap between bedload particles and suspended-sediment particles, whereas the break between intermittent suspension and traction corresponds to the grain size at the lower limit of overlap of bedload particles and suspended-sediment particles. Although grain-size distributions of bedload change little with discharge, the size of the coarsest grains in suspension increases with increasing discharge. Thus, the length of overlap of bedload and suspended-sediment distributions increases with increasing discharge. The limits of grain-size overlap of bedload and suspended-sediment distribution curves associated with near-flood discharges most closely approximate the breaks in the bed material grain-size distribution.  相似文献   

Statistical treatment of geochemical exploration data in the Ife-Ilesha area has not been fully utilized as a tool in their interpretation. The results of 176 stream sediment samples from an area of 1800 km2 analyzed for Cu, Zn, Mn, Ni, Co and Cr after hot extraction were treated with both simple and sophisticated (R-mode factor) statistical analytical methods. All the elements were found to have density distributions closely approaching lognormal or a mixture of two lognormal populations.They all show strong positive correlations with correlation coefficient values ranging from 0.5 between Mn and Ni to 0.84 between Mn and Co, all considered to be real at 5% level of significance.R-mode factor analysis produced a three-factor model which accounts for 82.0% of the total variance in the data. Factor 1 (Cu-Co-Ni) correlates spatially with the area underlain by the amphibolite complex, thus reflecting the parent rock as dominant influencing factor. Factor 2 (Mn-Co) and the strong positive correlation between Mn and Co are interpreted as resulting from the influence of Co-adsorption by Mn-oxides. Factor 3 (Zn) is probably a mineralization factor.  相似文献   

This study examines rainfall thresholds for erosion and sediment yield in the upper Yangtze River basin. Sediment reduction effects of soil conservation measures depend on the magnitudes of rainstorm. When the latter is less than a critical threshold, sediment reduction effects of soil conservation measures are positive; when this magnitude is exceeded, the effect is negative. An analysis based on data from the Jialingjiang River shows that the sediment reduction by soil conservation measures increased with annual precipitation to a peak, and then decreased to a negative value. The annual precipitation at the peak and zero values of sediment reduction are 970 and 1,180 mm, respectively, which can be regarded as two thresholds. Annual precipitation at the zero-value of sediment reduction has a return period of 25 years. In general, the design standard of soil conservation works in China is related with rainstorms with return periods of 10–20 years. When the magnitude of rainstorm exceeds this, the soil conservation works may be partly or totally destroyed by rainstorms, and the previously trapped sediment may be released, resulting in a sharp increase in sediment yield. It was also found in the lower Jinshajiang River that when annual precipitation exceeds 1,050 mm or high-flow season precipitation exceeds 850 mm, the annual sediment yield increased sharply. These can also be regarded as key rainfall thresholds for erosion and sediment yields. When precipitation is less than the two thresholds, dominant erosion types are sheet, rill and gully erosions. When precipitation crosses the two thresholds, debris flows may occur more frequently. As a result, the previously stored loose sediment is released and sediment yield increases sharply.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1995,10(4):447-460
Brines in the Miocene formations of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin have isotopic composition close to SMOW, which identifies them as the connate marine water. However, controversies exist on the origin of brines in the Carboniferous formations. Isotopic and hydrochemical data exclude any relationship to marine water and enrichment by evaporation. The most common brine which occurs at great depths can be identified as the oldest infiltration in a very hot climate (δ18O ⋟ −2‰, δD ⋟ −20‰, Cl content 34 to 140 g/L). This brine is free of SO42− and U, and rich in Ba2+ and226Ra. Its salinity is probably related to the leaching of evaporites and intensive weathering of rocks during the Rotliegendes.Other brines are difficult to identify because their isotopic contents are within the range of mixing between the oldest brine and the Quaternary waters (δ18O ⋟ 10‰, δD ⋟ 70‰). Isotopic and hydrochemical data allow identification of several occurrences of brine formed by meteoric water of a warm Tertiary climate, after the last marine transgression in the Tortonian. That brine is rich in SO42− and contains moderate contents of226Ra and U. Its salinity is thought to result from leaching of Miocene evaporites. Two other identified types of brines can be related to some infiltration periods before the last marine transgression. The sources in salinity of these 2 types remain unknown. Mining activity results in a common occurrence of mixed brines. When the Quaternary component dominates, its identification is easy from the isotopic composition, whereas the end brine component can ususally be identified by chosen ion ratios and the presence or lack of sulphates.  相似文献   

预估喀斯特生态脆弱区的未来气候变化对于区域资源的合理开发利用及生态环境保护具有重要参考价值,而目前应用降尺度方法模拟喀斯特地区的未来气候情景仍存在较大的探讨空间。本文依据珠江流域红柳江区13个气象站1961-2001年的实测日气温、日降水量资料和全球大气NCEP再分析资料,采用SDSM模型预测流域在HadCM3模式SRES A2和B2两种排放情景下未来年份气温和降水的变化趋势。结果表明:(1)SDSM模型可以较为准确地模拟研究区的气温和降水变化,确定性系数分别可达99%和65%左右;(2)A2、B2两种情景下,21世纪气温和降水均表现出明显的上升趋势,且随时间推移增幅逐渐增大。截至21世纪末,A2、B2两种情景下的年平均气温变化分别为+3.39 ℃和+2.49 ℃,日均降水将分别增加117.30 %和80.90 %;(3)未来的气温上升以秋季和春季变化最为明显,降水则表现为夏季降水增幅最大。分析成果可为喀斯特区的气候变化影响评价与应对决策提供数据基础和理论依据。   相似文献   

径流序列的非线性和非平稳特性使得高精度的径流预报存在困难。本文组合EEMD和GRNN模型形成EEMD-GRNN耦合模型,预测时通过将径流序列分解为确定成分与随机成分并通过GRNN模型分别进行预测,预测值的加和则构成径流最终预测结果。EEMD-GRNN耦合模型应用到元江中上游,并与其他模型进行比较,结果表明:EEMD-GRNN耦合模型具有更高的预测精度,对径流的总体趋势预测有良好的效果,但在随机性的模拟上有待进一步完善。EEMD-GRNN耦合模型优于BP、GRNN、EEMD-BP模型,能有效提升径流预测的精度,可为流域的水资源优化调度等提供决策支持。  相似文献   

The River Gash Basin is filled by the Quaternary alluvial deposits, unconformably overlying the basement rocks. The alluvial deposits are composed mainly of unconsolidated layers of gravel, sand, silt, and clays. The aquifer is unconfined and is laterally bounded by the impermeable Neogene clays. The methods used in this study include the carry out of pumping tests and the analysis of well inventory data in addition to the river discharge rates and other meteorological data. The average annual discharge of the River Gash is estimated to be 1,056?×?106 m3 at El Gera gage station (upstream) and 587?×?106 m3 at Salam-Alikum gage station (downstream). The annual loss mounts up to 40% of the total discharge. The water loss is attributed to infiltration and evapotranspiration. The present study proofs that the hydraulic conductivity ranges from 36 to 105 m/day, whereas the transmissivity ranges from 328 to 1,677 m2/day. The monitoring of groundwater level measurements indicates that the water table rises during the rainy season by 9 m in the upstream and 6 m in the midstream areas. The storage capacity of the upper and middle parts of the River Gash Basin is calculated as 502?×?106 m3. The groundwater input reach 386.11?×?106 m3/year, while the groundwater output is calculated as 365.98?×?106 m3/year. The estimated difference between the input and output water quantities in the upper and middle parts of the River Gash Basin demonstrates a positive groundwater budget by about 20?×?106 m3/year  相似文献   

Calcareous foraminifers representing 9 species and 5 genera were investigated in two Famennian sections located in the south‐western part of the Holy Cross Mountains (HCM), central Poland. They constitute redeposited material that, together with crinoids and calcareous algae, comprise the dominant component of limestone turbidite beds intercalated with deep‐marine marly sediments. The calcareous material was redeposited from an unknown carbonate platform located probably to the south of the HCM area. The first appearance data of foraminifers, mainly from the quasiendothyrid group, correlated to the Standard Conodont Zonation, indicate a diachronous appearance of the same species in different parts of Europe due to a migration delay from the foraminiferal evolutionary centre located in the south‐eastern shelves of Laurussia in the neighbouring areas. As a result, the Moravian foraminiferal zonation, where index taxa appeared in similar stratigraphic intervals, was chosen as the most applicable to the stratigraphy in the central Polish area. The Quasiendothyra communis–Eonodosaria evlanensis Interzone, the Quasiendothyra communis–Quasiendothyra regularis Zone and Quasiendothyra kobeitusana–Quasiendothyra konensis Zone were distinguished, respectively, in the HCM sections. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

1919—2010年黄河上中游区径流量变化分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
应用Mann-Kendall秩次相关检验、流量历时曲线法、双累积曲线法等方法对黄河干流陕县站和河口镇站1919—2010年径流量演变过程进行了分析。结果表明:区域面平均降水量趋势性变化不显著,而上游(河口镇站以上)及中游(河口镇—陕县)年径流量自1985年以来呈显著减少趋势,中游径流量的降幅高于上游。黄河径流量变化具有明显阶段性,上游和中游径流量变化都经历了枯水期—丰水期—枯水期3个时期,现在黄河正处于枯水期。采用双累积曲线法,定量分析降水和人类活动对径流量的影响,上游和中游人类活动对径流量减少的影响程度分别占88.1%和84.9%,水利水保工程、生产生活用水等人类活动是引起黄河径流量减少的主要因素。  相似文献   

黑河干流上中游径流变化及其原因分析   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
根据黑河干流出山径流控制站莺落峡、中游的高崖和正义峡等水文站的径流和区域内的气象资料,以及中游的地下水位资料,对黑河上中游来水的年际变化和年内分配,径流沿程变化规律及其影响因素进行分析研究。结果表明: ①黑河干流出山径流自1945年以来整体上呈小幅增加趋势,其年内最大径流月份在进入21世纪后,由7月份推后至8月份,主要受降水的影响; ②高崖和正义峡断面的水量自1977年以来呈微弱增加趋势,前者增幅略大于后者;由于中游社会经济发展引起用水增加,莺落峡至高崖区间的耗水量以每年近850×104 m3的增量变化,而高崖至正义峡区间灌溉回归水和地下水补给河道的水量与区间灌溉引水和其他耗水量基本持平; ③地下水的超量开采一定程度上减缓了黑河干流统一调度的压力,但不利于流域水资源的可持续利用。该研究成果对于今后黑河水资源科学配置、合理调度具有一定的参考和指导作用。  相似文献   

 In 1995 the contamination status of accumulated fine surface sediments and effluent material from the River Danube in Russe (Bulgaria) was analysed for trace metals (Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni, As), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis [chlorophenyl] ethane (DDT), 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis [chlorophenyl] ethylene (DDE), 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis [chlorophenyl] ethane (DDD), and hexachlorocyclohexanes (α-, β-, γ- and δ-HCH) to achieve basic information about the River Danube in Bulgaria. The range of trace-metal levels came close to or below the intended quality criteria for the River Elbe in Germany. The only exceptions were Pb in a shipyard, exceeding the final criteria by a factor of 17, and Cr downflow from a metal factory. In one sample from a shipyard (D8) the highest trace metal concentrations were analysed in the fraction 125–2000 μm. The maximum measured PAH contents exhibited a contamination on the lower μg g–1 d.w.-level (dry weight base), traces of PCBs, HCB and DDD/DDE were analysed in the ng g–1 d.w.-range. DDT and HCHs were not detected in any sample. The trace-metal and organic-compounds level in sediments from Lake Srebarna (UNESCO-Biosphere Reserve) displayed completely background character. Received: 18 March 1997 · Accepted: 21 July 1998  相似文献   

The studies presented explore post-depositional changes of zinc, cadmium, lead, manganese and 137Cs distribution in alluvial sediments accumulated in the upper Odra River valley in southern Poland. The rate of these changes was estimated by comparing metal and 137Cs distributions in four vertical alluvial profiles with a history of river pollution and sediment deposition. The untypical 137Cs distribution with peaks in the surface 40–60 cm and lower down, even at a depth of 2.5 m in strata deposited before the beginning of nuclear tests in 1954, indicates rapid post-depositional migration of this isotope from the surface and its retention in lower, less permeable layers. Moreover, the highest concentrations of lead, zinc and cadmium were found at a depth of 4 m in sediments accumulated in the mid-nineteenth century in spite of the growth of industrialization and the pollution of the Odra River with heavy metals until the end of the twentieth century. The post-depositional changes in heavy metals and 137Cs are rapid in comparison with the slow element migration usually observed in uninundated soils. This difference is explained by the frequent and easy infiltration of polluted river water into the gravelly and sandy sediments present in the profiles.  相似文献   

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