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Todos os Santos (all Saints) Bay area on Brazil’s east coast is known for one of the most significant cases of lead contamination in the country owing to the past activities of a Pb-smelter plant. This work was carried out to assess the concentration and sources of Pb based on Pb isotopes and enrichment factor of soil profiles surrounding Todos os Santos Bay in order to understand the expansion of contamination and to help the establishment of Pb regulatory standards for the region. Forty-four samples were collected from soil genetic horizons of six pedons that represent the range of dominant soil properties and geologic materials in the region. Concentrations of Pb and the isotopes 204Pb, 206Pb, 207Pb, and 208Pb were determined on an inductively coupled plasma (quadrupole) mass spectrometry. The soil enrichment factor was calculated using Al and Fe as conservative index elements. Average Pb concentration (15.87 mg kg?1) in uppermost horizons (from all six pedons) is slightly higher than soil background concentrations commonly reported in Brazil. Samples feature a wide range of Pb isotope ratios, ranging from 36.71 to 47.38 for 208Pb/204Pb, 15.00 to 15.65 for 207Pb/204Pb, 16.86 to 20.59 for 206Pb/204Pb, and 1.10 to 1.31 for 206Pb/207Pb. For the enrichment factor calculations, only Fe demonstrated a good agreement with Pb isotopic ratios. Both Pb isotopic composition and enrichment factor were useful tools to distinguishing natural and anthropogenic influence on the Pb soil concentrations.  相似文献   

This paper focuses attention on the some basic aspects of the role of clay fraction of marly soils including palygorskite and sepiolite upon marl behaviour. The clay fraction of marl is generally dominated by palygorskite and/or sepiolite. It is the performance of these clay soil fractions that are the root cause of many of the problems encountered in the use of such soils as load-bearing materials. This makes it necessary to investigate the role of palygorskite and sepiolite on marly soil's performance. In this paper, some geotechnical and geoenvironmental aspects of marl behaviour is investigated and a new definition and classification of marly soils is presented. This classification focuses attention on the presence of palygorskite or sepiolite as the major fraction of marl, which governs its geoenvironmental and geotechnical behaviour.  相似文献   

Dianchi Lake is a eutrophic lake in southwestern China. Sediment and the bottom water samples were taken from six sites in the east, west, south, north and center of the lake, respectively, in December 2002. Total phosphorus (TP) concentrations in sediments were high and reached a maximum value of 6.66 g/kg. There was a soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentration gradient at the sediment–water interface. In the present study, sediment P was divided into loosely adsorbed P (NH4Cl-P), redox-sensitive P (BD-P), metal oxides bound P (NaOH-P), calcium bound P (HCl-P), and organic P (Org-P). At three of the six sites selected, the concentrations of different P forms in sediments followed the order: NaOH-P, Org-P>HCl-P>BD-P>NH4Cl-P in the profile, and in the southern lake the order was HCl-P>NaOH-P, Org-P>BD-P>NH4Cl-P in the top 15 cm layers of the sediments. The sediment profiles showed that different forms of P had an increasing trend upward toward the sediment surface. There is a considerable potential for release from the sediment into the overlying water and sediment P could be the dominant factor determining the trophic status of the lake if the external load is reduced. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

以广东省乳源瑶族自治县富硒(Se)土壤为研究对象,依据研究区422件表层土壤调查数据,探讨研究了土壤中不同要素下Se元素含量的地球化学特征、空间分布特征及其影响因素。研究结果表明:研究区土壤Se元素平均含量为0.65 mg·kg-1,分别是韶关市背景值、广东省背景值和全国丰度的1.97、2.71和2.95倍。富硒土壤主要分布在研究区的中西部地区,共圈定2061.31 km2富硒土壤,占研究区总面积的89.66%。不同土地利用类型下,Se含量整体呈现为林地>园地>草地>耕地。研究区土壤Se元素富集主要受到成土母质的控制,土壤中Se含量最高的成土母质类型为泥质岩类风化形成的土壤,富硒率为93.33%;其次受到研究区内表生地球化学作用及S、N等元素的吸附固定作用影响,有利于土壤Se元素的富集。研究区土壤中Se与pH呈显著的负相关关系,即pH值越低,Se含量越高。这些认识有利于对当地富硒土地资源的合理规划利用提供一定科学依据,具有较好的农业经济意义。  相似文献   

碳酸盐岩风化剖面U和Th的富集特征 及淋溶实验的指示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对贵州岩溶区12条风化剖面U、Th的分布情况、岩-土界面岩粉层动态淋溶残余物的元素变化特征以及元素质量平衡的研究,初步揭示了碳酸盐岩风化剖面U、Th的富集特征.①在碳酸盐岩风化体系中,U呈现出明显的活性,而Th既有惰性的一面,又表现出活性的一面.②碳酸盐岩风化过程中,岩-土界面是U、Th产生突变性富集的重要地球化学场所,而剖面进一步发育演化中U、Th的变化是一个长期而缓慢的过程.岩-土界面反应中,由于风化残余物体积的巨大缩小,U呈现出低背景、强亏损、高富集的地球化学特征.当Th呈现活性态时,与U表现出相似的地球化学特征;当Th表现为惰性态时,其在剖面中的富集主要源于易溶组分溶蚀后的绝对残余.③碳酸盐岩风化剖面U、Th的富集系数与基岩酸不溶物含量存在明显的负相关,说明碳酸盐岩酸不溶物含量愈低,碳酸盐溶蚀的体量愈大,风化溶液带出的活性U或Th也愈多,风化残余物的体积缩小变化程度也愈强,因此残余U或Th的相对富集程度也愈高.  相似文献   

鱼耳石中锶和钡富集的影响因素及其环境响应   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
鱼耳石中元素锶和钡主要来源于鱼类生存的水体,这两种元素通过腮或肠进入内耳淋巴液,继而以类质同象的方式沉淀在耳石晶格内部空位和晶格间隙中。耳石结晶沉淀的整个过程不仅受生物的调控作用,而且还受到外界环境,如水体元素浓度、盐度、温度等因素的影响,因此耳石中某种元素的浓度与其在水体中的浓度之比(元素富集系数)与鱼类所生存的环境之间具有一定的响应关系。在以上各种因素中,水体元素浓度对耳石元素富集系数的影响最为显著。一般来说,耳石中某种元素的含量与水体中相应的元素浓度呈正相关关系,而水体中元素之间就耳石中的富集过程也存在一定的相互促进或抑制作用,如Sr对Ba为协同作用,Ca对Sr、Zn为拮抗作用。另外,水体盐度或温度与元素富集系数之间不存在简单的线性相关关系,而是因鱼种、水体综合环境及元素种类不同而有所差异。研究结果表明:鱼种一定的情况下,耳石中元素富集系数与水体盐度和温度存在良好相关关系。基于以上相关性分析,可以认为耳石中元素富集系数与环境因子(水体元素浓度、盐度、温度)之间存在响应关系。因此,可以选用那些受环境影响大但对自身调控影响小的元素(如:Sr、Zn、Pb、Mn、Ba、Fe、Li、Ni、Cd)来建立耳石与水体环境之间元素富集系数的定量化模型,并利用这种响应关系及定量化模型进行生态环境监测和渔业管理。  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地西北缘哈拉阿拉特山地区发育一套晚石炭世哈拉阿拉特山组灰黑色泥岩层系,是该地区石炭系油气藏的主要烃源岩之一,但到目前为止,对该套烃源岩发育的沉积环境和有机质富集因素的认识尚不清楚。本文基于西准噶尔哈拉阿拉特山地区晚石炭世哈拉阿拉特山组乌和公路剖面,进行了详细的沉积学和岩石学研究,系统采集了17件新鲜泥岩样品,并开展了有机碳含量、主量元素和微量元素实验分析。通过综合分析野外调查结果和室内实验数据,得到如下几点认识:1)哈拉阿拉特山组泥岩发育在深海-半深海的沉积环境中,受浊流沉积频发的影响,底层水体一直处于富氧-缺氧的动荡变化过程之中;2)低V/Cr和U/Th比值,以及低V和U元素含量,指示了泥岩总体上形成于偏氧化的沉积环境;3)高的P和Ni元素含量,反映了当时水体具有较高的古生产力;4)在较高古生产力背景下,哈拉阿拉特山组泥岩有机质丰度(TOC平均为0.49%)偏低,原因是偏氧化的保存条件。因此,可以认为哈拉阿拉特山组泥岩有机质质富集主要受控于沉积水体的保存(氧化还原)条件。  相似文献   

Refractory compounds are responsible for the long-term sequestration of organic matter in soil. The aim of this study is to assess the storage of refractory compounds, i.e. compounds with long turnover times, across size separates in arable soils. The contents and distribution of organic carbon (OC) and nitrogen (N) in size fractions were examined for two contrasting treatment types from long-term agroecosystem experiments, i.e. C-depleted and fertilized plots. The soil organic carbon (SOC) pool of the C-depleted plots is considered to be relatively enriched in refractory compounds compared with the SOC in the fertilized counterparts. In two of the three long-term experiments, the relative retention of OC in separates <20 μm was considerably higher than in separates 2000–20 μm (OC contents in depleted plots compared with fertilized plots). Highest residual contents of OC were found in fractions <6 μm. In the third experiment, additionally to the very fine fractions, separates 250–20 μm retained a high proportion of OC. The behavior of N was analogous to that of OC: the highest relative residues in the depleted plots were found in fine separates. These results indicate that in the investigated arable soils, C and N compounds associated with fine separates are most stable. Refractory OC in arable soils may be largely stored in fine particle-size fractions.  相似文献   

From 2012 to 2013, heavy haze frequently hit Beijing in spring and winter. The fine atmospheric particulates can be inhaled by people, and remain in the respiratory tract and lung for quite a long time. The heavy metal elements in the particles are harmful, and even carcinogenic to human bodies. Therefore, it is necessary to master the geochemical characteristics and the temporal and spatial distribution of the heavy metal elements in atmospheric particles. The atmospheric particulates (TSP/PM10/PM2.5) were collected by using TH1500C intelligent medium volume (80~120 L/min) air samplers in the five functional areas and suburbs of Beijing, respectively in January 2013 (heating period) and April 2013 (non-heating period). The five functional areas were: building materials factory area, residential area, education area, business area and recreation area, each functional area having three sampling sites, and five in suburbs. The sampling height was 1.5 m above the ground and the distance of the sampling sites to roads exceeded 50 m so as to avoid excessive impact of vehicle exhaust emissions. These samples were analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS), Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer(ICP-OES)and Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometer (AFS), by which 21 elements including Al, Fe, Mn, As, Hg, Cd, Cr were tested. Based on the comparisons of the concentration and element content variation of atmospheric particulates of these functional areas in and after the heating period, the spatial distribution of atmospheric particulates and the influence of coal combustion on the concentration and composition of atmospheric particulates were revealed. The elements sources of atmospheric particulates were also discussed by computing the enrichment factor of the elements, providing a scientific basis for the air contaminant treatment in Beijing. The results showed that the total concentration of the 21 elements of PM10 and PM2.5 in the functional areas of Beijing in winter was higher than that in spring, the most marked among them being the business area. In winter, the concentration of pollution elements in the building materials factory area and the business area in Beijing was extremely high, and the residential area, education area, recreation area and suburbs where people live were much better, among which the education area was the best. The concentration change of particulates in suburbs was quite smaller in winter and spring than that of the urban area. It also showed that the concentrations of Cd, Cr, As and Hg in PM10 increased by 233%,306%,298%,141%,respectively and the increase in PM2.5 was 442%、309%、310%、256%, respectively. These abovementioned elements show a tendency to accumulate mainly in PM2.5 whose concentrations in winter were significantly higher than those in spring. It indicates that coal heating during winter makes great contributions to the polluting elements in atmosphere and the main polluting particulates are Cd, As and Hg.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of using the US-EPA MOVES2010a model for estimating PM2.5 emission factors in the Mexican vehicle fleet; the results are compared with the current PM2.5 emissions estimates in the 2005 Mexican National Emissions Inventory (MNEI). Our results show that model-based PM2.5 emissions factors updated from recent studies can have significant impacts on the estimated PM2.5 emissions from mobile sources in Mexico. Higher fractions of older vehicles tend to increase PM2.5 emissions estimates using MOVES2010a with respect to the 2005 MNEI estimates; however, the overall impact on PM emissions varies depending on the vehicle population and vehicle age composition for each Mexican state fleet. These effects are primarily driven by the higher PM2.5 emission factors from the gasoline-powered vehicles and by the high fractions of older gasoline and diesel vehicles. The results also indicate that the estimated MOVES2010a PM2.5 emission factors for Mexico were particularly sensitive to vehicle speed, ambient temperature and sulfur content, but not the relative humidity. There is a strong need to better understand the characteristics of fine particulate matter (PM) emitted from gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles in major urban areas in Mexico.  相似文献   

Arieh Singer 《Earth》1980,15(4):303-326
The interpretation of paleoclays for paleoclimatic purposes is based on five major assumptions: (1) clay mineral formation is directly related to climatic parameters; (2) once formed in the weathering milieu, clay minerals are stable and do not change any more as long as the climate remains stable (pre-burial stability); (3) clay mineral assemblages are uniform throughout the weathering profile; (4) once formed or deposited and buried, clay minerals are stable (post-burial stability); (5) the sensitivity of clay minerals towards environmental factors is uniform. All these assumptions have only a limited validity. Clay mineral formation is in few cases directly related to climatic parameters, nor do clay minerals always represent the stable end products in equilibrium with environmental factors. The vertical distribution pattern of authigenically formed clay minerals is seldom monomineralic. Post-depositional changes are not infrequent. The sensitivity of clay minerals to environmental factors is variable. The use of paleoclays occurring in paleosols and weathering profiles is reviewed. Paleoclays occurring in paleosols or weathering profiles are, in well-defined situations, suitable for paleoclimatic interpretation. At our present state of knowledge, references as to the nature of climates of the past that are based solely on the interpretation of paleoclays are warranted only in exceptional cases. Authigenic occurrences of clay minerals with limited stability fields that can be used as ‘marker minerals’ and the isotopic composition of paleoclay minerals promise, with future research, to increase the value of paleoclays as paleoclimatic indicators.  相似文献   

Four volatile, six siderophile and 18 generally lithophile elements were determined in six sieve fractions of mare soil 15100 and seven sieve fractions of highlands soil 66080; 15100 is a moderately and 66080 a highly mature soil.Two size fractions of 66080 were subjected to leaching with HCI and etching with HF. Leaching removed ca. 25% of the rare earths in both the 500-177 μm and 62-20 μm fractions; the soluble phase, probably a phosphate, is enriched in light rare earths relative to the bulk soil. The leach and etch removed a larger portion of Zn and Cd than expected on the basis of surface concentrations inferred from size distribution data apparently because of selective dissolution of minor volatile-rich phases.Lithophile concentrations in 66080 are nearly independent of grain size. In 15100 decreasing grain sizes show moderately increasing amounts of KREEP and anorthosite related elements, and decreasing amounts of basalt related elements. In 66080 a maximum in siderophile concentration occurs at ca 150 μm, as previously observed in our studies of 61220, 63500 and 65500. This peaking appears to result from a gradual increase with time in the size of metal grains as a result of welding during micrometeorite impacts. The coarse fraction maximum is not observed in the siderophile data for 15100, probably because of the much smaller fluence of extralunar projectiles at the Apollo 15 site. A modest rise in siderophile concentrations in the smallest size fractions of all soils probably results from recondensation of impact-vaporized materials.The concentrations of highly volatile Zn, Cd and In in 15100 and 66080 show a marked increase with decreasing size, but the fine/coarse ratios are about a factor of two lower than those in soils 61220 and 63500. The lower ratio in 66080 results entirely from higher concentrations in the coarser fractions. It appears that this is a reflection of the higher maturity of 66080, and that the volume-correlated component in lunar soils increases with increasing near-surface residency. The high amount of volume-correlated component in 15100 may be related to the more efficient formation of agglutinates in basalt-rich soils. The observed increase in rare gas and volatile metal concentration with decreasing grain size results from an increasing bias in surface exposure of fine grain sizes, probably as a result of the adhesion of smaller to larger grains.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地东部地区欧南凹陷是石炭系油气运聚成藏的有利构造单元,具有一定勘探潜力,但对有机质富集机理认识不清导致对优质烃源岩分布的预测缺乏有效指导,制约了油气勘探进程。基于地球化学分析、XRD、SEM等分析测试,对石炭系烃源岩矿物组分、有机质丰度、干酪根类型、热演化程度、形成环境、TOC与主要矿物关系等进行了综合研究,明确了有机质富集的主要影响因素。结果表明:石炭系发育大量“差—中等”级别和少量“好”以上级别泥页岩和碳酸盐岩烃源岩,形成于咸水、干热、弱还原—弱氧化过渡带的海陆交互陆棚沉积环境;分散有机质由海相和陆相混源型生物有机质组成,整体处于“成熟—高成熟阶段”,烃源岩主要残留Ⅲ型干酪根,但抽提的氯仿沥青“A”主要来自于Ⅱ型干酪根;高丰度烃源岩TOC随石英矿物组分增大而升高,富含硅质微体生物化石,高硅烃源岩中硅质证实为生物成因,推测石炭纪硅质生物的参与引起海相生物有机质的富集并极大提高了沉积物初级生产力。研究认识为研究区石炭系优质烃源岩分布预测和下一步油气资源部署提供了依据。  相似文献   

Rainfall infiltration can cause a dramatic decrease of suction in unsaturated soils and, consequently, of shear strength, triggering various instability phenomena, such as the slip of steep surface soil layers. Swelling of cracked soils and capillary barrier effects, induced by fine-grained soils overlying a more permeable material, can also affect water flow through this type of soil systems. In the past, few studies on infiltration and rainfall-induced landslides considered the simultaneous effects of surface cracks, swelling materials, and/or the capillary barrier phenomenon. To this purpose, this paper presents the results obtained by a dual-permeability model, which simulates water flow through a fractured swelling soil overlying a more permeable soil and focusing on the influence of these phenomena on triggering of landslides. Numerical results show that for high-intensity precipitations, flow through fractures quickly reaches significant depths and the capillary barrier is broken, while soil swelling leads to a uniform narrowing of cracks. On the other hand, for low-intensity precipitations, fracture flow and swelling are limited only to the first 30–50 cm of the topsoil, while cracks almost completely closed. Evaluations of the slope stability show that prolonged low-intensity rainfalls might be more dangerous than short high-intensity rains in triggering surface landslides.  相似文献   

黏性土桩间土拱效应计算与桩间距分析   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
土拱效应是安全经济地发挥抗滑桩等非连续支挡结构的支护功能的重要前提,桩间距与成拱作用密切相关。利用合理拱轴线几何特征与受压破裂角方位,通过力学概念分析,将黏性土土拱计算的平衡条件和强度条件综合简化为以拱脚处拱圈轴向压应力表达的形式。继而从最少且最易获得的土工材料参数(内聚力c、内摩擦角?)出发,根据轴向压应力与矢跨比函数关系,利用摩尔-库仑强度准则,推导了拱曲线与桩间距上下限的简便计算式,再以此进一步探讨了考虑土拱效应三维稳定的桩间距校核,并以工程实例验证,以对土拱效应的估算提供简便清晰的计算方法。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the release kinetics, speciation, and fractionation of boron (B) in some calcareous soils of western Iran. Ten surface soil samples were incubated with 100 mg B kg?1 for a week at field capacity moisture. After air drying of samples, the trend of B release was experimented using sequential extraction with 10 mM CaCl2. B speciation in soil solution was calculated for the first and the last steps of extraction by the visual MINTEQ program. The distribution of B among five fractions including exchangeable (F1), specially adsorbed (F2), bound by Fe–Mn oxides (F3), organically bound (F4) and residual (F5), was determined in control and spiked soils. The results indicated that the release rates were initially rapid followed by a slower reaction and the main proportion of the added B was extracted by CaCl2. The release kinetics of B was described well with Elovich, parabolic diffusion, power function, and first-order equations. The speciation results revealed that the uncharged boric acid (H3BO 3 0 ) was the dominant species in soil solutions. In control soils, B concentration in different fractions decreased in the following order: F5 > F1 > F2 > F3 > F4. In spiked soils, however, the largest and the smallest fractions were exchangeable and residual, respectively. This implies that B transformation from soluble to less mobile and non-labile forms is not a rapid process and requires more than a week. The significant relationship observed between kinetic parameters of power and parabolic equations and organically bound B fraction and OM content indicated that organic matter played an important role in B adsorption and release in calcareous soils.  相似文献   

Environmental degradations caused by erosion and landslide within an area in the South-eastern part of Nigeria were assessed, and also an attempt to characterize the underlying soils based on their degree of susceptibility to erosion and landslide. Factors affecting soil erodibility such as physical and chemical properties of soil, as well as vegetation density and slope gradient was determined in 20 different areas. Simple linear regression and principal component analysis were employed to relate the factors controlling erosion and landslide to the erosion and slide densities, and to determine the pattern that exists in the data and as well express the data in such a way as to highlight their similarities and differences. Four vertical horizons and two horizontal zones of soil were distinguished based on their degree of weathering as well as their chemical and mineralogical composition; hence the soils were classified into six different types based on their degree of susceptibility to erosion and landslide. Variations in their degree of susceptibility to erosion and landslide were majorly controlled by its chemical and mineralogical composition rather than its particle size distribution.  相似文献   

Nineteen trace metals in PM10 were measured by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) at three sites in Chongqing. The special and seasonal variations of trace metals in PM10 samples collected in the downtown were different from those in the background area of Jinyunshan. The source identification indicated that particulate materials were contributed mainly by two sources.  相似文献   

刘景东  蒋有录 《中国地质》2013,40(2):498-507
依据可溶有机质、生物标志化合物和镜质体反射率资料,结合EASY% Ro法数值模拟,综合分析了东濮凹陷北部地区不同洼陷古近系烃源岩的热演化特征及其差异性的主控因素.结果表明,前梨园洼陷和海通集洼陷进入高、过成熟阶段,濮卫次洼进入成熟阶段,前梨园洼陷和濮卫次洼相对海通集洼陷具有较宽的生烃窗范围,对应的生烃门限深度较浅,而高成熟门限深度较深.沙三段为各洼陷主力生烃层系,东营沉积末期为主要生烃期,明化镇期-现今出现二次生烃.烃源岩热演化差异的主控因素为地温,其次为异常高压,有机质类型影响较小.  相似文献   

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