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Three large-scale experimental waste rock piles (test piles) were constructed and instrumented at the Diavik Diamond Mine in the Northwest Territories, Canada, as part of an integrated field and laboratory study to measure and compare physical and geochemical characteristics of experimental, low sulfide waste rock piles at various scales. This paper describes the geochemical response during the first season from a test pile containing 0.053 wt.% S. Bulk drainage chemistry was measured at two sampling points for pH, Eh, alkalinity, dissolved cations and anions, and nutrients. The geochemical equilibrium model MINTEQA2 was used to interpret potential mineral solubility controls on water chemistry. The geochemical response characterizes the initial flushing response of blasting residues and oxidation products derived from sulfides in waste rock exposed to the atmosphere for less than 1 year. Sulfate concentrations reached 2000 mg L−1 when ambient temperatures were >10 °C, and decreased as ambient temperatures declined to <0 °C. The pH decreased to <5, concomitant with an alkalinity minimum of <1 mg L−1 (as total CaCO3), suggesting all available alkalinity is consumed by acid-neutralizing reactions. Concentrations of Al and Fe were <0.36 and <0.11 mg L−1, respectively. Trends of pH and alkalinity and the calculated saturation indices for Al and Fe (oxy)hydroxides suggest that dissolution of Al and Fe (oxy)hydroxide phases buffers the pH. The effluent water showed increased concentrations of dissolved Mn (<13 mg L−1), Ni (<7.0 mg L−1), Co (<1.5 mg L−1), Zn (<0.5 mg L−1), Cd (<0.008 mg L−1) and Cu (<0.05 mg L−1) as ambient temperatures increased. Manganese is released by aluminosilicate weathering, Ni and Co by pyrrhotite [Fe1−xS] oxidation, Zn and Cd by sphalerite oxidation, and Cu by chalcopyrite [CuFeS2] oxidation. No dissolved metals appear to have discrete secondary mineral controls. Changes in SO4, pH and metal concentrations indicate sulfide oxidation is occurring and effluent concentrations are influenced by ambient temperatures and, possibly, increasing flow path lengths that transport reaction products from previously unflushed waste rock.  相似文献   

The results of established crystal growth theory and silicate dissolution experiments are combined in developing a new model for mineral/water reactions controlled by surface processes. The overall reaction rate at steady-state is determined by coupling equations for the velocities of mass transport and interface detachment processes. Non-steady state processes can be successfully treated when interface reactions control the rate. For most sparingly soluble minerals, diffusion through the solution can be neglected as a rate-determining factor.Many surface processes are driven by the total interface under saturation, but only processes facilitating detachment contribute to dissolution. Other, non-detachment related, surface reactions result in lower dissolution rates. Slow rates of many mineral/solution reactions are attributed to the surface processes which consume the energy that would otherwise drive detachment.An analysis of the time dependence of interface reaction velocities indicates that linear rate laws apply when uniform detachment or layer-source generation mechanisms such as screw dislocations control the dissolution rate. At low interfacial undersaturations, first-order, logarithmic rate laws prevail. A parabolic time dependence occurs if surface detachment parameters vary as a function of (time)12.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2006,21(2):203-222
Disposal of nuclear waste in deep geological formations is expected to induce thermal fluxes for hundreds of years with maximum temperature reaching about 100–150 °C in the nearfield argillaceous environment. The long-term behavior of clays subjected to such thermal gradients needs to be perfectly understood in safety assessment considerations. In this respect, a Toarcian argillaceous unit thermally disturbed by the intrusion of a 1.1-m wide basaltic dike at the Perthus pass (Herault, France), was studied in detail as a natural analogue. The thermal imprint induced by the dike was evaluated by a mineralogical, chemical and K–Ar study of the <2 μm clay fraction of shale samples collected at increasing distance from the basalt. The data suggest that the mineral composition of the shales was not significantly disturbed when the temperature was below 100–150 °C. Closer to the dike at 150–300 °C, changes such as progressive dissolution of chlorite and kaolinite, increased content of the mixed layers illite–smectite with more illite layers, complete decalcification and subsequent increased content of quartz, were found.At the eastern contact with the dike, the mineral and chemical compositions of both the shales and the basalt suggest water–rock interactions subsequent to the intrusion with precipitation of palagonite and renewed but discrete deposition of carbonate. A pencil cleavage developed in the shales during the dike emplacement probably favored water circulation along the contact. Strontium isotopic data suggest that the fluids of probable meteoric origin, reacted with Bathonian and Bajocian limestones before entering the underlying Toarcian shales.By analogy with deep geological radioactive waste repositories, the results report discrete mineralogical variations of the clays when subjected to temperatures of 100–150 °C that are expected in deep storage conditions. Beyond 150 °C, significant mineralogical changes may alter the physical and chemical properties of the shales, especially of the clay fraction. Also, the development of structural discontinuities in the so-called thermally disturbed zone might be of importance as these discontinuities might become zones for preferential fluid circulation. Finally, the study emphasizes the use of Rb–Sr and K–Ar isotopic systems as tracers of local circulating fluids related to low-grade thermal imprints.  相似文献   

The mineralogy and geochemistry of the waste rocks distributed at Taojiang Mn-ore deposit, central Hunan province, China, were studied using X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), electron microprobe analysis (EMPA) fitted with energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrum (atomic emission spectra) ICP-MS (AES), with the aim of predicting the environmental impacts of weathering of the waste rocks. The mineralogical results from microscope observation and XRD and EMPA studies show that the waste rock is composed of black shale and minor Mn carbonates. The oxidation of sulfide minerals such as galena, pyrite and chalcopyrite is accompanied by decomposition of Mn carbonates and K-feldspar during exposure to atmospheric O2. The geochemical characteristics of major, rare earth elements (REE) and trace elements of the waste rocks also show that the waste rock can be divided into black shale and Mn carbonate, and both of them are currently under chemical weathering. The major alkalies and alkaline elements (Ca, Mg, Na, K, Rb, Sr and Cs) and major elements (Fe, S and P) and heavy metals (Sc, V, Cr, Th, U, Sn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb, Mo, Cd, Sb, an Tl) are being released during weathering. The mobility of alkalis and alkaline elements Ca, Mg, Na, K, Rb, Sr and Cs is controlled by decomposition of Mn carbonates. The dispersion of Cr, Sc and Th (U) might be related to weathering of K-feldspar, and the release of the heavy metals Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb, Mo, Cd Sb and Tl is dominated by the breaking of sulfide minerals. The REE of the waste rocks and surrounding soils and the spidery distribution patterns of heavy metals in the waste rocks, the surrounding soils and the surface waters show that weathering of the waste rocks and bedrock might be the sources of heavy metal contamination for the surrounding soils and surface water system for the mining area. This is predicted by the mass-balance calculation by using Zr as an immobile element. Therefore, it is urgently necessary take measures to treat the waste rocks distributed throughout the area for the local environmental protection.  相似文献   

介绍了在地球化学普查中,一种单元素异常特征参数的计算方法。在确定了单元素异常下限,建立了取样点位数据图层,完成了单元素异常图制作的基础上,将单元素异常区图层与点位数据图层做点对区的相交分析,把单元素异常区中异常编号、异常面积字段的空间信息相交分析到异常区内点位数据图层中,将该点图层属性转换成DBF文件,应用FORXPRO软件编写了程序,从而计算单元素异常特征参数。  相似文献   

裂隙渗流会引起裂隙周围岩体中的温度场变化,在低温岩体中其影响更为明显;此外,裂隙水与周围低温岩石介质发生热交换会引起裂隙中的水冰相变过程发生,而裂隙水冻结将阻碍裂隙渗流,引起裂隙渗流场的变化。因此,低温下的裂隙岩体水-热相互作用是一个强耦合过程。考虑裂隙中的水冰相变过程和渗流作用,建立了低温冻结条件下裂隙岩体水-热耦合模型;以冻结法施工为例,考察了低温冻结过程中裂隙水渗流对裂隙冻结交圈的影响。研究结果表明:由于裂隙渗流的存在,距裂隙较远处岩石先冻结,裂隙冻结所需时间远大于周围岩石;裂隙宽度和裂隙水压力差都会影响冻结交圈时间,裂隙越宽、水压力差越大,裂隙冻结需要时间越长;随着冻结时间的推进,裂隙水渗流速度逐渐降低,当裂隙冻结后裂隙渗流停止。最后通过构建随机裂隙网络模型,利用所建立的水-热耦合模型考察了裂隙网络渗流对冻结交圈的影响,说明了在冻结法施工中考虑裂隙的重要性。  相似文献   

The geochemical and isotopic composition of surface waters and groundwater in the Velenje Basin, Slovenia, was investigated seasonally to determine the relationship between major aquifers and surface waters, water–rock reactions, relative ages of groundwater, and biogeochemical processes. Groundwater in the Triassic aquifer is dominated by HCO3 , Ca2+, Mg2+ and δ13CDIC indicating degradation of soil organic matter and dissolution of carbonate minerals, similar to surface waters. In addition, groundwater in the Triassic aquifer has δ18O and δD values that plot near surface waters on the local and global meteoric water lines, and detectable tritium, likely reflecting recent (<50 years) recharge. In contrast, groundwater in the Pliocene aquifers is enriched in Mg2+, Na+, Ca2+, K+, and Si, and has high alkalinity and δ13CDIC values, with low SO4 2– and NO3 concentrations. These waters have likely been influenced by sulfate reduction and microbial methanogenesis associated with coal seams and dissolution of feldspars and Mg-rich clay minerals. Pliocene aquifer waters are also depleted in 18O and 2H, and have 3H concentrations near the detection limit, suggesting these waters are older, had a different recharge source, and have not mixed extensively with groundwater in the Triassic aquifer.  相似文献   

Two experimental waste-rock piles (test piles), each 15 m in height × 60 m × 50 m, were constructed at the Diavik diamond mine in Northern Canada to study the behavior of low-sulfide content waste rock, with a similarly low acid-neutralization potential, in a continuous permafrost region. One test pile with an average of 0.035 wt.% S (<50 mm fraction; referred to as Type I) and a second test pile with an average of 0.053 wt.% S (<50 mm fraction; referred to as Type III) were constructed in 2006. The average carbon content in the <50 mm fraction of waste rock in the Type I test pile was 0.031 wt.% as C and in the Type III test pile was 0.030 wt.% as C. The NP:AP ratio, based on the arithmetic mean of particle-size weighted NP and AP values, for the Type I test pile was 12.2, suggesting this test pile was non-acid generating and for the Type III test pile was 2.2, suggesting an uncertain acid-generating potential. The Type I test pile maintained near-neutral pH for the 4-year duration of the study. Sulfate and dissolved metal concentrations were low, with the exception of Ni, Zn, Cd, and Co in the fourth year following construction. The pore water in the Type III test pile contained higher concentrations of SO42− and dissolved metals, with a decrease in pH to <4.7 and an annual depletion of alkalinity. Maximum concentrations of dissolved metals (20 mg L−1 Ni, 2.3 mg L−1 Cu, 3.7 mg L−1 Zn, 35 μg L1 Cd, and 3.8 mg L−1 Co) corresponded to decreases in flow rate, which were observed at the end of each field season when the contribution of the total outflow from the central portion of the test pile was greatest. Bacteria were present each year in spite of annual freeze/thaw cycles. The microbial community within the Type I test pile included a population of neutrophilic S-oxidizing bacteria. Each year, changes in the water quality of the Type III test-pile effluent were accompanied by changes in the microbial populations. Populations of acidophilic S-oxidizing bacteria and Fe-oxidizing bacteria became more abundant as the pH decreased and internal test pile temperatures increased. Irrespective of the cold-climate conditions and low S content of the waste rock, the geochemical and microbiological results of this study are consistent with other acid mine drainage studies; indicating that a series of mineral dissolution–precipitation reactions controls pH and metal mobility, and transport is controlled by matrix-dominated flow and internal temperatures.  相似文献   

Low temperature vent fluids (<91 °C) issuing from the ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal system at Lost City, 30°N Mid-Atlantic Ridge, are enriched in dissolved volatiles (H2,CH4) while attaining elevated pH values, indicative of the serpentization processes that govern water/rock interactions deep in the oceanic crust. Here, we present a series of theoretical models to evaluate the extent of hydrothermal alteration and assess the effect of cooling on the systematics of pH-controlled B aqueous species. Peridotite-seawater equilibria calculations indicate that the mineral assemblage composed of diopside, brucite and chrysotile likely dictates fluid pH at moderate temperature serpentinization processes (<300 °C), by imposing constraints on the aCa++/a2H+ ratios and the activity of dissolved SiO2. Based on Sr abundances and the 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios of vent fluids reported from Lost City, estimated water/rock mass ratios (w/r = 2-4) are consistent with published models involving dissolved CO2 and alkane concentrations. Combining the reported δ18O values of vent fluids (0.7‰) with such w/r mass ratios, allows us to bracket subseafloor reaction temperatures in the vicinity of 250 °C. These estimates are in agreement with previous theoretical studies supporting extensive conductive heat loss within the upflow zones. Experimental studies on peridotite-seawater alteration suggest that fluid pH increases during cooling which then rapidly enhances boron removal from solution and incorporation into secondary phases, providing an explanation for the highly depleted dissolved boron concentrations measured in the low temperature but alkaline Lost City vent fluids. Finally, to account for the depleted 11B composition (δ11B ∼25-30‰) of vent fluids relative to seawater, isotopic fractionation between tetrahedrally coordinated aqueous boron species with BO3-bearing mineral sites (e.g. in calcite, brucite) is proposed.  相似文献   

Antimony is ubiquitously present in the environment as a result of natural processes and human activities. Antimony is not considered to be an essential element for plants or animals. In this third review paper on the occurrence of antimony in natural waters, the interactions of antimony with microbiota are discussed in relation to its fate in natural waters. This paper covers the following aspects: occurrence in microbiota, uptake transport mechanisms, pathways of Sb(III) removal from cells involved in antimony tolerance, oxidation and reduction of antimony by living organisms, phytochelatin induction and biomethylation. This review is based on a careful and systematic examination of a comprehensive collection of papers on the above mentioned aspects of the subject. All data are quoted from the original sources. Relatively little existing information falls within the strict scope of this review and, when relevant, discussion on the interactions of antimony with reference microorganisms, such as Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and different protozoan parasites of the genus Leishmania, has been included.  相似文献   

The petrographic and geochemical composition of coal wastes exposed to fire in the minestone dump of Piekary Ślą1skie town (Upper Silesia, Poland) was investigated using samples collected at various distances from a recent fire site. The question as to whether geochemical biomarker maturity parameters could be applied to assess thermal changes in organic matter caused by waste dump fires, was examined using the data obtained. Geochemical parameters were correlated with observed petrographic changes in the organic matter caused by oxidation and heating. Petrographic analyses included the determination of maceral group contents (vitrinite, liptinite and inertinite), mineral matter and coke contents, and reflectance measurements on organic matter. All results were supported by proximate and ultimate analyses. Geochemical analysis included ultrasonic solvent extraction of bitumen followed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) of the extracts. In petrographic terms, the influence of heating was seen in reflectance variations and as oxidation rims, cracks, pores and coke development. Some zoned oxidation rims may be interpreted as re-heating episodes. In terms of chemical fingerprints, less thermally-stable compounds such as lighter n-alkanes, cyclic isoprenoids, methyl- and dimethylnaphthalenes, methyphenanthrenes and five-ring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were destroyed or evaporated in the most fire-affected material. The presence/absence of particular compound groups was used to assess heating temperatures. Biomarker parameters of thermal maturity were used to assess alterations in organic matter around the waste dump fires, especially those indices and ratios with higher maturity ranges, e.g. (3-methylbiphenyl + 4-methylbiphenyl)/dibenzofurane and Σdimethylbiphenyls/Σmethyldibenzofuranes.  相似文献   

Systematic analysis and comparative study of the chemical compositons of rocks and ores from the main types of zeolite deposits in the surroundings of the Songliao Basic have shown that the process of formation of zeolite from volcanic and pyroclastic rocks is generally characterized by the relative purification of SiO2,i.e.,SiO2/Al2O3 ratios tend to increase,alkali eart elements (CaO MgO)and H2O are relatively enriched,and the alkali metals(K2O Na2O)are depleted in their total amount.The alkali metals K and Na follow different rules of migration and enrichment during the formation of mordenite and clinoptilolite.In the process of formation of mordenite more Na^ will be imported and K^ will be lost remarkably.On the contrary,in the process of formation clinoptilolite more K^ will be incorporated and Na^ will become obviously depleted.  相似文献   

申艳军  杨更社  荣腾龙  刘慧 《岩土力学》2016,37(Z1):521-529
寒区含表面裂隙硬岩与大气连通,易受外界低温环境引起裂隙内部水分凝结,造成裂隙带附近形成温度场突变,进而随水冰相变产生冻胀力,二者随着冻结活动处于动态演化之中,涉及到温度场、渗流场及应力场等多场问题。目前的研究大多依据数值模拟结果,描述裂隙岩体温度场、应力场分布特征及规律,考虑从基础理论解析计算角度,探究低温环境下裂隙岩体温度场、冻胀力演化规律鲜有报道。针对含表面裂隙硬岩在低温环境下发生的冻结现象,从传热学理论、相变理论、弹塑性力学及断裂力学理论等多角度出发,探讨随着冻结深入含表面裂隙硬岩内部温度场及冻胀荷载演化过程,提出对应解析表达式,引入多场耦合数值程序Comsol-Multiphysics进行数值模拟验证,结果表明,文中提出的温度场及冻胀荷载演化解析表达式与数值模拟结果具有较好吻合度,可满足对含表面裂隙半无限板模型温度场、应力场演化过程分析,对于裂隙岩体在低温环境下温度场、应力场演化及热-力耦合分析具有较好借鉴价值。  相似文献   

不同水流速度下温度对奥陶系碳酸盐岩溶蚀速度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解不同水流速度下温度对碳酸盐岩溶蚀速度的影响,以自行设计、制造的能够模拟水流条件,并且可同时容纳24个样品的溶蚀试验装置为平台,以淮南张集矿、潞安漳村矿和兖州东滩矿奥陶系灰岩为代表性岩石试样,选取不同温度、水流速度及CO2压力,进行了溶蚀试验。试验结果显示,在水流速度较低时(16.67 mL/min),环境温度的变化对溶蚀速度的影响比较微小(平均溶蚀变化量为0.000 6 g/cm2)。在水流速度较大时(60 mL/min),温度的改变对溶蚀速度影响较大(平均溶蚀变化量为0.0038 g/cm2)。也就是说在地下水的强径流带,温度对溶蚀速度的影响相对较大,溶蚀速度较快,所以岩溶较发育。  相似文献   

徐维生  周创兵 《岩土力学》2014,35(1):204-210
考虑岩体裂隙渗流变水温影响,推导单裂隙变水温水流近似解析解和有限元解,在此基础上分别建立裂隙二维网络变水温渗流数值求解方程,分别对应裂隙网络变水温渗流分析的近似解析法和子结构法。分析变温水流运动规律发现:(1)单裂隙内水流水头与水力坡降成非线性关系,当水流由高温区向低温区流动时,水头分布曲线为凸曲线,此时按线性渗流简化水头整体偏小;当由低温区向高温区流动时,水头分布曲线为凹曲线,此时按线性渗流简化水头整体偏大。(2)单裂隙内,高水温处水力坡降小,低水温处水力坡降大;裂隙平均水温越高,流速越快;裂隙网络内存在与裂隙宽度相似的温度偏流效应,即交叉节点水流有偏向水流温度高的裂隙流动的趋势。在温度较高和温度梯度较大的区域,应该考虑水流温度变化对渗流场的影响。  相似文献   

为了更好地描述岩石材料在多种复杂应力作用下的强度状态,在已提出的双T~2强度理论基础上,建立了一种新的非线性三参数强度准则。通过与Westerly花岗岩等5种岩石材料试验数据的比较,对准则在σ_1=σ_2σ_3,σ_1σ_2=σ_3,σ_3=0、σ_10、σ_20,σ_30和σ-τ 5种复杂应力状态下的合理性和适用性进行了讨论。研究表明:待定系数A、B、C可通过简单的试验确定且具有明确的物理意义;不同岩石材料的极限应力比α和β对应不同的强度理论;非线性三参数强度准则的π平面迹线介于单剪强度理论和Mises准则、双剪强度理论之间,符合各向同性材料屈服面三轴对称和外凸的公设;理论预测曲线可反映岩石材料中主应力效应的区间性与静水压力效应,并与多种岩石材料在复杂应力状态下的强度变化趋势基本吻合。  相似文献   

Research over the past several decades has clearly demonstrated that changes in the ocean environment have had major impacts on carbonate systems. Changes in climate, ocean circulation and seafloor spreading rates have influenced temperature and seawater chemistry, including carbonate saturation state and nutrient availability, and thereby have determined boundary conditions for the biota that form carbonate platforms. In turn, the biota determine accumulation rates and facies zonations, thus controlling platform geometry and facies dynamics. In the first section of this paper, we examine how nutrient availability influences carbonate facies associations. We first discuss the role of temperature and nutrient gradients in the modern ocean and their influence on biotic associations. Then we discuss how carbonate sedimentation can be characterized along nutrient gradients. In the second section, we review proxies currently used to reconstruct paleoproductivity in open ocean environments and discuss their applicability to neritic carbonate systems. We highlight the variety of existing proxies and their limitations, and suggest that multiple lines of evidence are needed for valid interpretations. Our short review discusses sedimentological, biogenic, and geochemical proxies that can be used to reconstruct past nutrient fluxes and to constrain paleoceanographic controls over the distribution of carbonate associations. However, it also reveals that more data and case studies are needed that integrate shallow and deep water carbonate sequences and elucidate the links between temperature vs. nutrient supplies changes and facies in ancient carbonate sequences.
Maria MuttiEmail:

A kyanite mine in central Virginia produces a silicate-rich waste stream which accumulates at a rate of 450,000–600,000 tons per year. An estimated 27 million tons of this waste stream has accumulated over the past 60 years. Grain size distribution varies between 1.000 and 0.053 mm, and is commonly bimodal with modes typically being 0.425 and 0.250 mm and uniformity coefficients vary from 2.000 to 2.333. Hydraulic conductivity values vary from 0.017 to 0.047 cm/s. Mineralogy of the waste stream consists of quartz, muscovite, kyanite and hematite. Muscovite grains have distinct chemical compositions with significant Na2O content (1.12–2.66 wt%), TiO2 content (0.63–1.68 wt% TiO2) and Fe content, expressed as Fe2O3 (up to 1.37 wt%). Major element compositions of samples were dominated by SiO2 (87.894–90.997 wt%), Al2O3 (6.759–7.741 wt%), Fe2O3 (1.136–1.283 wt%), and K2O (0.369–0.606 wt%) with other components being <1.000 wt%. Elements of environmental concern (V, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Ag, Sn, Sb, Ba, Hg, Tl, and Pb) were detected; however, the concentrations of all elements except Ni were below that of the kyanite quartzites in the region from which the waste is derived. Both major and trace element compositions indicate minimal variation in composition. The waste stream has potential for recycling. Muscovite is suitable for recycling as a paint pigment or other industrial applications. Muscovite and hematite are commonly intergrown and are interpreted to be material where much of the elements of environmental concern are concentrated. Reprocessing of the waste stream to separate muscovite from other components may enable the waste stream to be used as constructed wetland media for Virginia and nearby states. Recycling of this mine waste may have a positive impact on the local economy of Buckingham County and aid in mitigation of wetland loss.  相似文献   

张均锋  祁涛  李正国 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):27-30
基于复合材料以及连续介质损伤理论,给出了岩石材料的各向异性损伤破坏模型。通过引入与岩石材料单轴加载行为相对应的特征模态构成的四阶对称损伤张量,描述了岩石材料的损伤演化过程,其中对不同主应变方向采用不同的损伤变量,而对同一主应变方向拉压时的损伤则采用不同的损伤变量来描述。在数值模拟岩石破坏过程的程序中,采用了张量分解的方法。将该模型编写用户材料子程序,并嵌入到大型有限元分析程序ABAQUS中,通过ABAQUS/EXPLICIT SOLVER的显式有限元算法求解。利用此程序对岩石材料的单轴压缩进行了数值模拟。  相似文献   

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