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Volcanic eruptions may create a wide range of risks in inhabited areas and, as a consequence, major economic damage to the surrounding territory. An example of volcanic hazard was given between 1998 and 2001 by Mt. Etna volcano, in Italy, with its frequent paroxysmal explosive activity that caused more than a hundred fire-fountain episodes. In the period January–June 2000, in particular, 64 lava fountains took place at the Southeast Crater. During the most intense explosive phase of each episode, a sustained column often formed, reaching up to 6 km above the eruptive vent. Then, the column started to expand laterally causing more or less copious tephra fallout on the slopes of Etna; ash and lapilli, therefore, constituted a serious danger for vehicular and air traffic. A software and hardware warning system was developed to mitigate the volcanic hazard indicating the areas affected by potential ash and lapilli fallout. The alert system was mainly based on the good correspondence between the pattern of volcanic tremor amplitude and the evolution of explosive activity. When a fixed tremor threshold was exceeded, a semiautomatic process started to send faxes to Civil Defence and Municipalities directly affected by tephra fallout, together with information on wind directions from the Meteorological Office. The application of this methodology, during the last 14 eruptive episodes in 2000 and the 14 events occurred in 2001, demonstrated the good correspondence between the forecasts on the areas affected by tephra fallout and the effective tephra distribution on land. Despite the integrity of the performance provided by the alert system, small discrepancies occurred in the technical procedure of alerting, for which possible solutions have been discussed. The improvement of this type of system, could become basic for the Etnean region and be proposed for similar volcanic areas throughout the world.  相似文献   

 The aim of this paper is to verify whether lichens have the capacity to accumulate atmospheric contaminators linked to volcanic activity. About 100 lichens were collected in 1994 and 1995 from two active volcanic areas in Italy: Mount Etna and Vulcano Island. Twenty-seven elements were analyzed for each individual lichen using Instrumental Neutronic Activation Analysis and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry. Lichen composition reflects the contribution of the volcanic particulate material, and the two areas investigated can be distinguished on the basis of the concentration of some lithophile elements. Moreover, the distribution in lichens of the elements (As, Sb, Br, Pb) – derived from gas emissions (plume, fumaroles) – also shows different geochemical trends on Mt. Etna and Vulcano. Received: 20 April 1998 · Accepted: 4 July 1998  相似文献   

We present the application of a classification method based on Kohonen maps and fuzzy clustering to geochemical analyses of volcanic products erupted on Mt. Etna from 1995 to 2005. Based on 13 major and trace elements, the classification allows a new way to visualize distinct compositional features of magma both considering long period as well as single eruptive events, such as in 2001 and 2002–03 flank eruptions. Products of the various vents do not necessarily form homogeneous groups, but show clear trends of chemical evolution with time. Using a convenient color code, the graphical visualization of the results in just a single picture allows the rapid identification of the compositional features of each sample and their comparison with all the products analyzed in the 10-year-long time span. This single picture accounts for the mutual interactions of the 13 components avoiding shortcomings of classical low-dimensional plots where components relevant for the discrimination have to be found in a priori study of many diagrams. On the basis of the synoptic information provided by pattern classification, we identify links between the products of different eruptive vents which deliver a reliable picture of a multifaceted plumbing system, in agreement with geochemical and geophysical evidence reported in literature. The analysis of the 13-dimensional data set using the Kohonen maps and fuzzy clustering simultaneously turned out to be straightforward and easy. Accordingly, the results of this application will be useful also as a contextual data set for new data in future ongoing eruptive episodes.  相似文献   

Summary A set of phenocryst/matrix partition coefficients was obtained for up to 29 trace elements (ICP-MS analyses) in hawaiite to trachyte lavas from the Ellittico volcanic sequence (Mt. Etna system, Sicily). Partition coefficients were determined for plagioclase, clinopyroxene, olivine, kaersutite and Ti-magnetite. These phases, along with apatite (not analysed in this work), constitute the common fractionating solid assemblage of alkaline magmas feeding Mt. Etna volcanic system. The obtained data set forms the first attempt to characterise the solid/melt trace-element partitioning for Etnean magmas, and can be usefully applied in other sites of alkaline volcanism. The partition coefficients are here used to define the scale of incompatibility of 29 trace elements and to asses the extent of differentiation processes and the prevailing oxygen fugacity of Ellittico magmas.
Verteilungs-Koeffizienten von Spurenelementen zwischen Phänokristallen und Matrix in Hawaiit-Trachyt Laven der vulkanischen Abfolge von Ellittico (Ätna, Sizilien, Italien)
Zusammenfassung Ein Satz von Phänokristall/Matrix Verteilungs-Koeffizienten für bis zu 29 Spurenelemente wurde mittels ICP-MS Analytik in hawaiitischen bis trachytischen Laven der Ellittico Abfolge (Ätna-System, Sizilien) erhalten. Die Verteilungs-Koeffizienten wurden für Plagioklas, Klinopyroxen, Olivin, Kaersutit und Ti-Magnetit bestimmt. Diese Phasen, zusammen mit Apatit (in dieser Arbeit nicht analysiert), stellen die fraktionierende Assoziation von festen Bestandteilen in alkalischen Magmen, die das vulkanische System des Ätna versorgen, dar. Der Datensatz ist ein erster Versuch die Verteilung von Spurenelementen zwischen Festphasen und Schmelze für Magmen des Ätna zu charakterisieren und kann ebenso nutzbringend auf andere Gebiete mit alkalischem Vulkanismus angewandt werden. Die Verteilungs-Koeffizienten werden hier benützt, um das Ausmaß der Inkompatibilität von 29 Spurenelementen zu erfassen, und das Ausmaß der Differentiationsprozesse und der vorherrschenden SauerstoffFugazität der Ellittico-Magmen zu bestimmen.

With 6 Figures  相似文献   

Buoyancy controls the ability of magma to rise, its ascent rate and the style of the eruptions. Geophysical, geological and petrological data have been integrated to evaluate the buoyancy of magmas at Mt Etna. The density difference between host rocks and magmas is mainly related to the amount of H2O dissolved in the magma and to the bubble‐liquid separation processes. In the depth interval 22–2 km b.s.l. highly hydrated (H2O ~ 3%) basaltic magmas or mixtures of bubbles + liquid have positive buoyancy and rise rapidly. Conversely, bubble‐depleted liquids, with an intermediate H2O content (~ 1.5%), having neutral buoyancy, will spread out and form magmatic reservoirs at different depths until cooling/crystallization further modify composition and density. These different processes account for the magma compositions, location of magmatic reservoirs as determined by geophysical methods, and the complex eruptive cycles (slow effusions, fire fountains and Plinian eruptions) that have been observed in the history of the volcano.  相似文献   

In this study 50 seismic events, preceding and accompanying the eruptions occurring in 1981 and 1983, have been considered. Seismic moments, fault radii, stress drops and seismic energies have been calculated using Brune’s model (J Geophys Res 75:4997–5009, 1970; J Geophys Res 76:5002, 1971); site, anelastic attenuation along the propagation path, geometrical spreading and interaction with the free surface effects are taken into account. For each event we have also estimated the equivalent Wood–Anderson magnitude (MWAeq) (Scherbaum and Stoll in Bull Seism Soc Am 73:1321–1343, 1983); relations among all these source parameters have been determined. Furthermore, the hypothesis of self-similarity (Aki in J Geophys Res 72:1217–1231, 1967) is not verified for events with seismic moments <1012 N-m: in fact the relationship between log-stress drop and log-moment is linear up to a moment of 1012 N-m (events of 1981 eruption), while for higher moments (events of 1983 eruption) the slope of the regression line is not significantly different from zero. We suppose that such a behaviour is related to a heterogeneous medium with barriers on the faults. Finally, the main conclusion is that eruptions of 1981 and 1983 differ from one another both in eruptive and seismic aspects; analysis of seismic energies indicates an increase in Mt. Etna’s activity, confirmed by studies performed on the following lateral eruption of 1991–1993 (Patanè et al. in Bull Volcanol 47:941–952, 1995), occurring on the same structural trend.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2003,18(6):863-882
New geochemical data on dissolved major and minor constituents in 276 groundwater samples from Etna aquifers reveal the main processes responsible for their geochemical evolution and mineralisation. This topic is of particular interest in the light of the progressive depletion of water resources and groundwater quality in the area. Multivariate statistical analysis reveal 3 sources of solutes: (a) the leaching of the host basalt, driven by the dissolution of magma-derived CO2; (b) mixing processes with saline brines rising from the sedimentary basement below Etna; (c) contamination from agricultural and urban wastewaters. The last process, highlighted by increased concentrations of SO4, NO3, Ca, F and PO4, is more pronounced on the lower slopes of the volcanic edifice, associated with areas of high population and intensive agriculture. However, this study demonstrates that natural processes (a) and (b) are also very effective in producing highly mineralised waters, which in turn results in many constituents (B, V, Mg) exceeding maximum admissible concentrations for drinking water.  相似文献   

We report in this paper a systematic investigation of the chemical and isotopic composition of groundwaters flowing in the volcanic aquifer of Mt. Vesuvius during its current phase of dormancy, including the first data on dissolved helium isotope composition and tritium content. The relevant results on dissolved He and C presented in this paper reveal that an extensive interaction between rising magmatic volatiles and groundwaters currently takes place at Vesuvius.Vesuvius groundwaters are dilute (mean TDS ∼ 2800 mg/L) hypothermal fluids ( mean T = 17.7°C) with a prevalent alkaline-bicarbonate composition. Calcium-bicarbonate groundwaters normally occur on the surrounding Campanian Plain, likely recharged from the Apennines. δD and δ18O data evidence an essentially meteoric origin of Vesuvius groundwaters, the contribution from either Tyrrhenian seawater or 18O-enriched thermal water appearing to be small or negligible. However, the dissolution of CO2-rich gases at depth promotes acid alteration and isochemical leaching of the permeable volcanic rocks, which explains the generally low pH and high total carbon content of waters. Attainment of chemical equilibrium between the rock and the weathering solutions is prevented by commonly low temperature (10 to 28°C) and acid-reducing conditions.The chemical and isotope (C and He) composition of dissolved gases highlights the magmatic origin of the gas phase feeding the aquifer. We show that although the pristine magmatic composition may vary upon gas ascent because of either dilution by a soil-atmospheric component or fractionation processes during interaction with the aquifer, both 13C/12C and 3He/4He measurements indicate the contribution of a magmatic component with a δ13C ∼ 0‰ and R/Ra of ∼2.7, which is consistent with data from Vesuvius fumaroles and phenocryst melt inclusions in olivine phenocrysts.A main control of tectonics on gas ascent is revealed by data presented in this paper. For example, two areas of high CO2 release and enhanced rock leaching are recognized on the western (Torre del Greco) and southwestern (Torre Annunziata-Pompeii) flanks of Vesuvius, where important NE-SW and NW-SE tectonic structures are recognized. In contrast, waters flowing through the northern sector of the volcano are generally colder, less saline, and CO2 depleted, despite in some cases containing significant concentrations of magma-derived helium. The remarkable differences among the various sectors of the volcano are reconciled in a geochemical interpretative model, which is consistent with recent structural and geophysical evidences on the structure of Somma-Vesuvius volcanic complex.  相似文献   

We present here new measurements of sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide emissions from Vulcano, Etna, and Stromboli (Italy), made by direct sampling at vents and by filter pack and ultraviolet spectroscopy in downwind plumes. Measurements at the F0 and FA fumaroles on Vulcano yielded SO2/H2S molar ratios of ≈0.38 and ≈1.4, respectively, from which we estimate an H2S flux of 6 to 9 t · d−1 for the summit crater. For Mt. Etna and Stromboli, we found SO2/H2S molar ratios of ≈20 and ≈15, respectively, which combined with SO2 flux measurements, suggest H2S emission rates of 50 to 113 t · d−1 and 4 to 8 t · d−1, respectively. We observe that “source” and plume SO2/H2S ratios at Vulcano are similar, suggesting that hydrogen sulfide is essentially inert on timescales of seconds to minutes. This finding has important implications for estimates of volcanic total sulfur budget at volcanoes since most existing measurements do not account for H2S emission.  相似文献   

The author describes a subterminal radial fissure eruption of Mt. Etna that took place in February 1964. A sketchmap and a chemical analysis of the lava are given.
Zusammenfassung Der Verfasser beschreibt den subterminalen Radialspaltenausbruch des Ätnas im Februar 1964 und fügt eine chemische Analyse der geförderten Lava bei.

Résumé L'auteur décrit une éruption subterminale de l'Etna qui a eu lieu sur une fissure radiale en février 1964. Une carte de la région sommitale de l'Etna et une analyse chimique de la lava sont ajoutées.

Riassunto L'autore descrive l'eruzione radiale verificatasi al cono terminale dell'Etna nel Febbraio del 1964. Dà inoltre un rilevamento schematico della zona del cratere centrale ed il chimismo della roccia.

, 1964 .

Dedicated to Professor Dr. A.Rittmann on the occasion of his 75. birthday

This study is a part of the researches, carried out with the funds of the National Research Council of the Italy under the direction of Prof. A.Ritmann.  相似文献   

Large variations of the CO2 flux through the soil were observed between November 2002 and January 2006 at Mt. Etna volcano. In many cases, the CO2 flux was strongly influenced by changes in air temperature and atmospheric pressure. A new filtering method was then developed to remove the atmospheric influences on soil CO2 flux and, at the same time, to highlight the variations strictly related to volcanic activity. Successively, the CO2 corrected data were quantitatively compared with the spectral amplitude of the volcanic tremor by cross correlation function, cross-wavelet spectrum and wavelet coherence. These analyses suggested that the soil CO2 flux variations preceded those of volcanic tremor by about 50 days. Given that volcanic tremor is linked to the shallow (a few kilometer) magma dynamics and soil CO2 flux related to the deeper (~12 km b.s.l.) magma dynamics, the “delayed similarity” between the CO2 flux and the volcanic tremor amplitude was used to assess the average speed in the magma uprising into the crust, as about 170–260 m per day. Finally, the large amount of CO2 released before the onset of the 2004–2005 eruption indicated a deep ingression of new magma, which might have triggered such an eruption.  相似文献   

This study investigates in detail the deformation events that have affected the sedimentary successions forming the substrate of Mt. Etna volcano (Italy). Based on the geometric reconstruction of a buried sedimentary marker, we have been able to identify and quantify the effects of three different mechanisms of deformation that have affected the area in the last 600 ka. Numerical results from Finite Element Method (FEM) applied to model viscoelastic deformation suggest the occurrence of a crustal doming process originating at the mantle‐crust transition (~16 km). We propose that the source of deformation is related to the diapiric uprise of hydrothermal material originating in altered ocean‐like crust and its emplacement at a shallower level in the crust. This process has great relevance in the volcanic system and should be considered for the full assessment of its origin and evolution.  相似文献   


A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of Mt. Etna is presented; it has altimetric and planimetric resolution of 1 m and 5 m, respectively, and covers an area of about 120 km . This 3-D view of Mt. Etna allowed both recognition and location of the main morphostructural and volcano-tectonic features of the volcano. A slope map has been generated from the DEM; on the basis of slope distributions and surface textures, five acclivity domains have been recognized. The largest domain, south of the summit craters, reflects the occurrence of old plateau lavas, distinct from central volcanoes which built the present Etnean volcanic system. Interaction between the central volcanoes, with their summit calderas and failed slopes, produced the other recognised domains. Furthermore, newly identified relevant morphostructural lines are discussed. © Elsevier, Paris  相似文献   

The exceptional occurrence of fluorine-rich mineral phases in the benmoreitic lava dome of Mt. Calvario (south-western flank of Mt. Etna) has given the opportunity to understand the genetic process allowing their crystallization. Both primary and secondary mineral associations were found, namely: plagioclase, clinopyroxene, olivine, fluorapatite and iron oxides as primary assemblage, whereas fluoro-edenite and fluorophlogopite, ferroan-enstatite, hematite, pseudobrookite and tridymite as secondary mineralization. In addition to some major and trace elements (e.g., Fe, Ti, Na, K, P, Ba, Rb, Sm, Zr), particularly fluorine and chlorine concentrations of the whole rock are significantly higher than other Etnean prehistoric benmoreites, and cannot be accounted for common differentiation processes in the feeding system. The selective enrichment in some elements has been here attributed to volatile flushing occurring in the plumbing system, with fluid/melt ratio of ~0.65:1. The resulting high amount of fluorine, coupled with its high solubility even at low pressure for benmoreitic melts, finally led to nucleation and growth of F-rich mineral phases during syn- and post-eruptive conditions.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》1999,12(5):279-290
A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of Mt. Etna is presented; it has altimetric and planimetric resolution of l m and 5 m, respectively, and covers an area of about 120 km2. This 3-D view of Mt. Etna allowed both recognition and location of the main morphostructural and volcano-tectonic features of the volcano. A slope map has been generated from the DEM; on the basis of slope distributions and surface textures, five acclivity domains have been recognized. The largest domain, south of the summit craters, reflects the occurrence of old plateau lavas, distinct from central volcanoes which built the present Etnean volcanic system. Interaction between the central volcanoes, with their summit calderas and failed slopes, produced the other recognised domains. Furthermore, newly identified relevant morphostructural lines are discussed.  相似文献   

Indoor Radon concentrations have been carried out simultaneously at the villages of S. Venerina and Acireale, which are located on the south-eastern flank of Mt. Etna volcano. Both investigation sites are partially affected by the same fault system, which plays an important role in the dynamics of the volcano, especially before and during eruptive periods. Measurements were performed in the period from January 2006 until April 2006, just prior to an eruption which took place on 14th July 2006. Indoor Radon monitoring at S. Venerina, was carried out at two buildings located nearby, characterized by a different type of construction. These buildings were chosen because they can be considered as representative of both the historical centre and the new neighbourhoods of the village. At the same time, a Radon active monitor was operating in-soil near the two aforesaid edifices. Cross-correlation analysis between the in-soil one with both the indoor S. Venerina Radon series indicated different temporal correlation, probably due to the different types of building foundations and constructive materials of their walls, both causing the different indoor accumulation. S. Venerina’s indoor Radon values taken at the new building showed similar trends and the same anomalies as the ones recorded at Acireale. The simultaneous increase in indoor Radon concentration was observed at both sites from the last ten days of March, when a significant increase in the CO2 efflux was recorded. Increases in volcanogenic gases occurred very probably throughout an inflating state of the volcano during the pre-eruptive period, which caused the wide opening of the fractures. Lastly, variations in indoor Radon concentrations observed before an eruption, indicate the suitability of the investigated sites for in-soil Radon monitoring at a low altitude of the south-eastern flank of Mt. Etna. Moreover, in this place repeated and long period Radon indoor measurements should be carried out due to high potential indoor accumulation which depends from the volcanic activity, as this could constitute a serious danger to public health.  相似文献   

3D earthquake locations, focal mechanisms and stress tensor distribution in a 16‐month interval covering the 2018 Mt. Etna flank eruption, enabled us to investigate the relationship between magma intrusion and structural response of the volcano and shed light on the dynamic processes affecting the instability of Mt. Etna. The magma intrusion likely caused tension in the flanks of the volcano, leading to significant ground deformation and redistribution of stress on the neighbouring faults at the edge of Mt. Etna's unstable sector, encouraging the ESE sliding of the eastern flank of the volcano. Accordingly, FPSs of the post‐eruptive events show strike slip faulting mechanisms, under a stress regime characterized by a maximum compressive σ1, NE‐SW oriented. In this perspective, any flank eruption could temporarily enhance the sliding process of both the southern and eastern flanks of the volcano.  相似文献   


The spatial/temporal proximity of Mt. Etna to the Hyblean Plateau and the Aeolian slab makes the discussion on the nature of its mantle source/s extremely controversial. In this study, a detailed geochemical overview of the entire Mt. Etna evolutionary sequence and a comparison with the magmatism of the Hyblean Plateau was proposed to: (i) simulate the composition of Mt. Etna tholeiitic to alkaline primitive magmas in equilibrium with a fertile mantle source; (ii) model the nature, composition and evolution of the mantle source from the tholeiitic stage (600 ka) to present magmatism. According to our simulations, two amphibole + phlogopite-bearing spinel lherzolite sources are able to explain the wide range of Etnean primary magmas. The enrichment in LILE, 87Sr/86Sr, Rb and H2O of the magmas emitted after 1971 (but also discontinuously generated in both historic and prehistoric times) are caused by different melting proportions of amphibole and phlogopite in a modally and compositionally homogeneous mantle domain, with melting degrees analogous to those required to produce magmas erupted prior to 1971. The behaviour of the hydrous phases during melting could be ascribed to a variable H2O/CO2 activity in the mantle source, in turn related to the heat/fluxes supply from the asthenospheric upwelling beneath Mt. Etna. All these considerations, strengthened by numerical models, are then merged to review the complex Pliocene/Lower Pleistocene to present day’s geodynamic evolution of eastern Sicily.  相似文献   

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