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The δ18O of ground water (−13.54 ± 0.05 ‰) and inorganically precipitated Holocene vein calcite (+14.56 ± 0.03 ‰) from Devils Hole cave #2 in southcentral Nevada yield an oxygen isotopic fractionation factor between calcite and water at 33.7 °C of 1.02849 ± 0.00013 (1000 ln αcalcite-water = 28.09 ± 0.13). Using the commonly accepted value of ∂(αcalcite-water)/∂T of −0.00020 K−1, this corresponds to a 1000 ln αcalcite-water value at 25 °C of 29.80, which differs substantially from the current accepted value of 28.3. Use of previously published oxygen isotopic fractionation factors would yield a calcite precipitation temperature in Devils Hole that is 8 °C lower than the measured ground water temperature. Alternatively, previously published fractionation factors would yield a δ18O of water, from which the calcite precipitated, that is too negative by 1.5 ‰ using a temperature of 33.7 °C. Several lines of evidence indicate that the geochemical environment of Devils Hole has been remarkably constant for at least 10 ka. Accordingly, a re-evaluation of calcite-water oxygen isotopic fractionation factor may be in order.Assuming the Devils Hole oxygen isotopic value of αcalcite-water represents thermodynamic equilibrium, many marine carbonates are precipitated with a δ18O value that is too low, apparently due to a kinetic isotopic fractionation that preferentially enriches 16O in the solid carbonate over 18O, feigning oxygen isotopic equilibrium.  相似文献   

To establish the increase in temperature and the time span of the transition between the Late Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the Holocene, the noble gas content, 18O, 2H, 13C δ values, 3H and 14C activity and chemistry were studied in a groundwater flow system in Quaternary sediments in Hungary. The study area is a sub-basin of the Pannonian Basin, where the C isotope ratios are not influenced by carbonate reactions along the flow path, because the only water-rock interaction is ion exchange. The δ18O and δ2H values indicate a cold infiltration period, followed by warming, and, finally, warm temperature conditions. The noble gas data show that the average infiltration temperature was 3.3 °C in the cold, 12.9 °C in the warm, and intermediate in the transitional stage. Using the noble gas temperatures, geochemical batch modelling was performed to simulate the chemical processes. Based on the geochemical model, δ13C and 14C0 (initial radiocarbon activity) in the recharging water were calculated. Transport modelling was used to simulate the distribution of chemical components, δ18O, δ2H and 14C0, along the flow path. It was found that the main processes determining the chemical composition of the groundwater were dissolution/precipitation of calcite and dolomite during infiltration near the surface, and ion exchange along the flow path. In the recharge area the δ13C and 14C0 were controlled by dissolution and precipitation of carbonate minerals, C speciation, and fractionation processes. All these processes were influenced by the recharge temperature. NGTs calculated from the dissolved noble gas concentrations showed an average of 3.3 °C for cold, and 12.9 °C for warm infiltration, i.e. for the LGM and for the Holocene. The temperature difference was thus 9.1 ± 0.8 °C, which is one of the largest degree of warming detected by noble gases so far. The alkalinity indicates that carbonate reactions were unimportant along the flow path. Owing to the temperature dependence of the equilibrium constants, temperature conditions during infiltration have to be taken into consideration in radiocarbon age calculation. Dispersive transport along the flow path modified the chemical and isotopic composition of infiltrated water. The contribution of the old pore water, which was free of the 14C isotope, resulted in uncertainties in radiocarbon age determination. It was concluded that determination of the radiocarbon age or mean residence time requires detailed knowledge of the hydraulic conditions of groundwater.  相似文献   

Fracture minerals calcite, pyrite, gypsum, barite and quartz, formed during several events have been analysed for δ13C, δ18O, δ34S, 87Sr/86Sr, trace element chemistry and fluid inclusions in order to gain knowledge of the paleohydrogeological evolution of the Simpevarp area, south-eastern Sweden. This area is dominated by Proterozoic crystalline rocks and is currently being investigated by the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co. (SKB) in order to find a suitable location for a deep-seated repository for spent nuclear fuel. Knowledge of the paleohydrogeological evolution is essential to understand the stability or evolution of the groundwater system over a time scale relevant to the performance assessment for a spent nuclear fuel repository. The ages of the minerals analysed range from the Proterozoic to possibly the Quaternary. The Proterozoic calcite and pyrite show inorganic and hydrothermal-magmatic stable isotope signatures and were probably formed during a long time period as indicated by the large span in temperatures (c. 200–360 °C) and salinities (0–24 wt.% eq. CaCl2), obtained from fluid inclusion analyses. The Paleozoic minerals were formed from organically influenced brine-type fluids at temperatures of 80–145 °C. The isotopic results indicate that low temperature calcite and pyrite may have formed during different events ranging in time possibly from the end of the Paleozoic until the Quaternary. Formation conditions ranging from fresh to brackish and saline waters have been distinguished based on calcite crystal morphologies. The combination of δ18O and crystal morphologies show that the fresh–saline water interface has changed considerably over time, and water similar to the present meteoric water and brackish seawater at the site, have most probably earlier been residing in the bedrock. Organic influence and closed system in situ microbial activity causing disequilibrium are indicated by extremely low δ13C (down to −99.7‰), extreme variation in δ34S (−42.5‰ to +60.8‰) and trace element compositions. The frequency of calcite low in δ13C and high in Mn, as well as pyrite with biogenically modified δ34S decreases with depth. Strontium isotopes have been useful to separate the different generations and the Sr isotope ratios in the groundwaters have been determined mainly by in situ water–rock interaction processes. The difficulty of separating late Paleozoic calcite from possibly recent calcite, and the fact that these calcites are usually found in the same fracture systems indicate that water conducting structures have been intermittently conductive from the Paleozoic and onwards. The methodology used has been successful in separating the different generations and characterising their formation conditions.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of carbon and oxygen in a calcite precipitating CO2-H2O-CaCO3 solution is preserved in the calcite precipitated. For the interpretation of isotopic proxies from stalagmites knowledge of the evolution of δ13C and δ18O in the solution during precipitation is required. A system of differential equations is presented from which this evolution can be derived. Both, irreversible loss of carbon and oxygen from the solution with precipitation time τ and exchange of oxygen in the carbonates with the oxygen in the water with exchange time T are considered. For carbon, where no exchange is active, a modified equation of Rayleigh-distillation is found, which takes into account that precipitation stops at ceq, the saturation concentration of DIC with respect to calcite, and that ceq as well as the precipitation time τ is slightly different for the heavy and the light isotope. This, however, requires introducing a new parameter γ = (Aeq/Beq)/(A0/B0), which has to be determined experimentally. (Aeq/Beq) is the isotopic ratio for the heavy (A) and the light isotope (B) at both chemical and isotopic equilibrium and (A0/B0) is the initial isotopic ratio of the solution. In the case of oxygen, where exchange is present, the isotopic shifts are reduced with increasing values of the precipitation time τ. For τ ? T the solution stays in isotopic equilibrium with the oxygen in the water during the entire time in which precipitation is active. The isotopic ratios in a calcite precipitating solution R(t)/R0 = (1 + δ(t)/1000) for carbon are plotted versus those of oxygen. R0 is the isotopic ratio at time t = 0, when precipitation starts and δ(t) the isotopic shift in the solution after time t. These show positive correlations for the first 50% of calcite, which can precipitate. Their slopes increase with increasing values of τ and they closely resemble Hendy-tests performed along growth layers of stalagmites. Our results show that stalagmites, which grow by high supply of water with drip times less than 50 s, exhibit positive correlations between δ13C and δ18O along a growth layer. But in spite of this the isotopic composition of oxygen in the solution at the apex is in isotopic equilibrium with the oxygen in the water, and therefore also that of calcite deposited at the apex.  相似文献   

Secondary calcite, silica and minor amounts of fluorite deposited in fractures and cavities record the chemistry, temperatures, and timing of past fluid movement in the unsaturated zone at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, the proposed site of a high-level radioactive waste repository. The distribution and geochemistry of these deposits are consistent with low-temperature precipitation from meteoric waters that infiltrated at the surface and percolated down through the unsaturated zone. However, the discovery of fluid inclusions in calcite with homogenization temperatures (Th) up to ∼80 °C was construed by some scientists as strong evidence for hydrothermal deposition. This paper reports the results of investigations to test the hypothesis of hydrothermal deposition and to determine the temperature and timing of secondary mineral deposition. Mineral precipitation temperatures in the unsaturated zone are estimated from calcite- and fluorite-hosted fluid inclusions and calcite δ18O values, and depositional timing is constrained by the 207Pb/235U ages of chalcedony or opal in the deposits. Fluid inclusion Th from 50 samples of calcite and four samples of fluorite range from ∼35 to ∼90 °C. Calcite δ18O values range from ∼0 to ∼22‰ (SMOW) but most fall between 12 and 20‰. The highest Th and the lowest δ18O values are found in the older calcite. Calcite Th and δ18O values indicate that most calcite precipitated from water with δ18O values between −13 and −7‰, similar to modern meteoric waters.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationship between stable isotope signals recorded in speleothems (δ13C and δ18O) and the isotopic composition of the carbonate species in the soil water is of great importance for their interpretation in terms of past climate variability. Here the evolution of the carbon isotope composition of soil water on its way down to the cave during dissolution of limestone is studied for both closed and open-closed conditions with respect to CO2.The water entering the cave flows as a thin film towards the drip site. CO2 degasses from this film within approx. 10 s by molecular diffusion. Subsequently, chemical and isotopic equilibrium is established on a time scale of several 10-100 s. The δ13C value of the drip water is mainly determined by the isotopic composition of soil CO2. The evolution of the δ18O value of the carbonate species is determined by the long exchange time Tex, between oxygen in carbonate and water of several 10,000 s. Even if the oxygen of the CO2 in soil water is in isotopic equilibrium with that of the water, dissolution of limestone delivers oxygen with a different isotopic composition changing the δ18O value of the carbonate species. Consequently, the δ18O value of the rainwater will only be reflected in the drip water if it has stayed in the rock for a sufficiently long time.After the water has entered the cave, the carbon and oxygen isotope composition of the drip water may be altered by CO2-exchange with the cave air. Exchange times, , of about 3000 s are derived. Thus, only drip water, which drips in less than 3000 s onto the stalagmite surface, is suitable to imprint climatic signals into speleothem calcite deposited from it.Precipitation of calcite proceeds with time constants, τp, of several 100 s. Different rate constants and equilibrium concentrations for the heavy and light isotopes, respectively, result in isotope fractionation during calcite precipitation. Since Tex ? τp, exchange with the oxygen in the water can be neglected, and the isotopic evolution of carbon and oxygen proceed analogously. For drip intervals Td < 0.1τp the isotopic compositions of both carbon and oxygen in the solution evolve linearly in time. The calcite precipitated at the apex of the stalagmite reflects the isotopic signal of the drip water.For long drip intervals, when calcite is deposited from a stagnant water film, long drip intervals may have a significant effect on the isotopic composition of the DIC. In this case, the isotopic composition of the calcite deposited at the apex must be determined by averaging over the drip interval. Such processes must be considered when speleothems are used as proxies of past climate variability.  相似文献   

Atmospheric carbon dioxide is widely studied using records of CO2 mixing ratio, δ13C and δ18O. However, the number and variability of sources and sinks prevents these alone from uniquely defining the budget. Carbon dioxide having a mass of 47 u (principally 13C18O16O) provides an additional constraint. In particular, the mass 47 anomaly (Δ47) can distinguish between CO2 produced by high temperature combustion processes vs. low temperature respiratory processes. Δ47 is defined as the abundance of mass 47 isotopologues in excess of that expected for a random distribution of isotopes, where random distribution means that the abundance of an isotopologue is the product of abundances of the isotopes it is composed of and is calculated based on the measured 13C and 18O values. In this study, we estimate the δ13C (vs. VPDB), δ18O (vs. VSMOW), δ47, and Δ47 values of CO2 from car exhaust and from human breath, by constructing ‘Keeling plots’ using samples that are mixtures of ambient air and CO2 from these sources. δ47 is defined as , where is the R47 value for a hypothetical CO2 whose δ13CVPDB = 0, δ18OVSMOW = 0, and Δ47 = 0. Ambient air in Pasadena, CA, where this study was conducted, varied in [CO2] from 383 to 404 μmol mol−1, in δ13C and δ18O from −9.2 to −10.2‰ and from 40.6 to 41.9‰, respectively, in δ47 from 32.5 to 33.9‰, and in Δ47 from 0.73 to 0.96‰. Air sampled at varying distances from a car exhaust pipe was enriched in a combustion source having a composition, as determined by a ‘Keeling plot’ intercept, of −24.4 ± 0.2‰ for δ13C (similar to the δ13C of local gasoline), δ18O of 29.9 ± 0.4‰, δ47 of 6.6 ± 0.6‰, and Δ47 of 0.41 ± 0.03‰. Both δ18O and Δ47 values of the car exhaust end-member are consistent with that expected for thermodynamic equilibrium at∼200 °C between CO2 and water generated by combustion of gasoline-air mixtures. Samples of CO2 from human breath were found to have δ13C and δ18O values broadly similar to those of car exhaust-air mixtures, −22.3 ± 0.2 and 34.3 ± 0.3‰, respectively, and δ47 of 13.4 ± 0.4‰. Δ47 in human breath was 0.76  ± 0.03‰, similar to that of ambient Pasadena air and higher than that of the car exhaust signature.  相似文献   

The mineral barite (BaSO4) accommodates calcium in its crystal lattice, providing an archive of Ca-isotopes in the highly stable sulfate mineral. Holocene marine (pelagic) barite samples from the major ocean basins are isotopically indistinguishable from each other (δ44/40Ca = −2.01 ± 0.15‰) but are different from hydrothermal and cold seep barite samples (δ44/40Ca = −4.13 to −2.72‰). Laboratory precipitated (synthetic) barite samples are more depleted in the heavy Ca-isotopes than pelagic marine barite and span a range of Ca-isotope compositions, Δ44/40Ca = −3.42 to −2.40‰. Temperature, saturation state, , and aCa2+/aBa2+ each influence the fractionation of Ca-isotopes in synthetic barite; however, the fractionation in marine barite samples is not strongly related to any measured environmental parameter. First-principles lattice dynamical modeling predicts that at equilibrium Ca-substituted barite will have much lower 44Ca/40Ca than calcite, by −9‰ at 0 °C and −8‰ at 25 °C. Based on this model, none of the measured barite samples appear to be in isotopic equilibrium with their parent solutions, although as predicted they do record lower δ44/40Ca values than seawater and calcite. Kinetic fractionation processes therefore most likely control the extent of isotopic fractionation exhibited in barite. Potential fractionation mechanisms include factors influencing Ca2+ substitution for Ba2+ in barite (e.g. ionic strength and trace element concentration of the solution, competing complexation reactions, precipitation or growth rate, temperature, pressure, and saturation state) as well as nucleation and crystal growth rates. These factors should be considered when investigating controls on isotopic fractionation of Ca2+ and other elements in inorganic and biogenic minerals.  相似文献   

Low temperature vent fluids (<91 °C) issuing from the ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal system at Lost City, 30°N Mid-Atlantic Ridge, are enriched in dissolved volatiles (H2,CH4) while attaining elevated pH values, indicative of the serpentization processes that govern water/rock interactions deep in the oceanic crust. Here, we present a series of theoretical models to evaluate the extent of hydrothermal alteration and assess the effect of cooling on the systematics of pH-controlled B aqueous species. Peridotite-seawater equilibria calculations indicate that the mineral assemblage composed of diopside, brucite and chrysotile likely dictates fluid pH at moderate temperature serpentinization processes (<300 °C), by imposing constraints on the aCa++/a2H+ ratios and the activity of dissolved SiO2. Based on Sr abundances and the 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios of vent fluids reported from Lost City, estimated water/rock mass ratios (w/r = 2-4) are consistent with published models involving dissolved CO2 and alkane concentrations. Combining the reported δ18O values of vent fluids (0.7‰) with such w/r mass ratios, allows us to bracket subseafloor reaction temperatures in the vicinity of 250 °C. These estimates are in agreement with previous theoretical studies supporting extensive conductive heat loss within the upflow zones. Experimental studies on peridotite-seawater alteration suggest that fluid pH increases during cooling which then rapidly enhances boron removal from solution and incorporation into secondary phases, providing an explanation for the highly depleted dissolved boron concentrations measured in the low temperature but alkaline Lost City vent fluids. Finally, to account for the depleted 11B composition (δ11B ∼25-30‰) of vent fluids relative to seawater, isotopic fractionation between tetrahedrally coordinated aqueous boron species with BO3-bearing mineral sites (e.g. in calcite, brucite) is proposed.  相似文献   

Lithium isotopes in global mid-ocean ridge basalts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The lithium isotope compositions of 30 well-characterized samples of glassy lavas from the three major mid-ocean ridge segments of the world, spanning a wide range in radiogenic isotope and elemental content and sea floor physical parameters, have been measured. The overall data set shows a significant range in δ7Li (+1.6 to +5.6), with no global correlation between Li isotopes and other geochemical or tectonic parameters. The samples with the greatest lithophile element depletion (N-MORB: K2O/TiO2 < 0.09) display an isotopic range consistent with the extant database. Samples with greater trace element enrichment display a greater degree of isotopic variability and trend toward heavier compositions (δ7Li = +2.4 to +5.6), but are not distinct on average from N-MORB. Together with published data, N-MORB is estimated to have mean δ7Li = +3.4 ± 1.4‰ (2σ), consistent with the estimate for an uncontaminated MORB source based on pristine peridotite xenoliths. Locally, where sampling density permits, sources of Li isotope heterogeneity may be evaluated. Sample sets from the East Pacific Rise show correlation of δ7Li with halogen concentration ratios. This is interpreted at 15.5°N latitude to represent incorporation of <5 weight percent recycled subduction-modified mantle in the MORB source. At 9.5°N latitude the data are more consistent with shallow level magma chamber contamination by seawater-derived components (<0.5 wt.%).  相似文献   

Fractionation of oxygen and hydrogen isotopes in evaporating water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Variations in oxygen and hydrogen isotope ratios of water and ice are powerful tools in hydrology and ice core studies. These variations are controlled by both equilibrium and kinetic isotope effects during evaporation and precipitation, and for quantitative interpretation it is necessary to understand how these processes affect the isotopic composition of water and ice. Whereas the equilibrium isotope effects are reasonably well understood, there is controversy on the magnitude of the kinetic isotope effects of both oxygen and hydrogen and the ratio between them. In order to resolve this disagreement, we performed evaporation experiments into air, argon and helium over the temperature range from 10 to 70 °C. From these measurements we derived the isotope effects for vapor diffusion in gas phase (εdiff(HD16O) for D/H and εdiff(H218O) for 18O/16O). For air, the ratio εdiff(HD16O)/εdiff(H218O) at 20 °C is 0.84, in very good agreement with Merlivat (1978) (0.88), but in considerable inconsistency with Cappa et al. (2003) (0.52). Our results support Merlivat’s conclusion that measured εdiff(HD16O)/εdiff(H218O) ratios are significantly different than ratios calculated from simplified kinetic theory of gas diffusion. On the other hand, our experiments with helium and argon suggest that this discrepancy is not due to isotope effects of molecular collision diameters. We also found, for the first time, that the εdiff(HD16O)/εdiff(H218O) ratio tends to increase with cooling. This new finding may have important implications to interpretations of deuterium excess (d-excess = δD − 8δ18O) in ice core records, because as we show, the effect of temperature on d-excess is of similar magnitude to glacial interglacial variations in the cores.  相似文献   

By using continuous helium flow during the crushing of calcite speleothem samples, we are able to recover liberated inclusion waters without isotopic fractionation. A paleotemperature record for the Jacklah Jill Cave locality, Vancouver Island, BC, was obtained from a 30-cm tall stalagmite that grew 10.3-6.3 Ka ago, using δ18O values of the crushed calcite and of the inclusion water as inferred from its δD. It is found that the locality experienced mean annual temperature variations up to 11 °C over a 4-Ka period in the early Holocene. At the beginning of the period, local temperature quickly increased from a minimum of ∼1 °C to around 10 °C, but this early climate optimum, about 3 °C warmer than today, only lasted for ∼1200 years. About 8.6 Ka ago, temperature had declined to ∼7 °C, approximately the same as the modern cave temperature. Since then, the study area has experienced only minor temperature fluctuations, but there was a brief fall to ∼4 °C at around 7 Ka ago, which might be caused by a short lived expansion of local alpine glaciers. The long-term T-dependence of δD was 1.47‰/°C, identical to the value in modern precipitation.  相似文献   

Detailed studies of a new, complete Marl Slate core in South Yorkshire have provided information on isotopic (δ13C, δ18O, δ34S) and geochemical variations (trace elements and C/S ratio) which enable the formulation of a model for carbonate and sulphide precipitation in the Late Permian Zechstein Sea. Calcite and dolomite are intimately associated; the fine lamination, organic character and absence of benthos in the sediments are indicative of anoxic conditions. Lithologically the core can be divided into a lower, predominantly sapropelic Marl Slate (2 m) and an upper Transition Zone (0·65 m) of alternating sapropel and calcite-rich and dolomite-rich carbonates. C/S ratios are 2·22 for the Marl Slate and 1·72 for the Transition Zone respectively, both characteristic of anoxic environments. δ18O in the carbonates shows a large and systematic variation closely mirrored by variations in calcite/dolomite ratio. The results suggest a fractionation factor equivalent to a depletion of 3·8% for 18O and 1·5% for 13C in calcite. The δ34S values of pyrite are isotopically light (mean value = - 32·7%) suggesting a fractionation factor for the Marl Slate of almost 44%, typical of anoxic basins. The results are related to stratification in the early Zechstein Sea. Calcite was precipitated in oxic upper layers above the halocline. Below the oxic/anoxic boundary framboidal pyrite was precipitated, resulting in lower sulphate concentration and elevated Mg/Ca ratio (due to calcite precipitation). As a result of this, dolomite formation occurred below the oxic/anoxic interface, within the anoxic water column and in bottom sediments. Variations in calcite/dolomite ratios, and isotopic variations, are thus explained by fluctuations in the relative level of the oxic/anoxic boundary in the Zechstein Sea.  相似文献   

Groundwater is the most important source of water supply in southern Tunisia. Previous hydrogeologic and isotopic studies carried out in this region revealed the existence of two major aquifer systems: the “Complex Terminal” (CT) and the “Continental Intercalaire” (CI). Turonian carbonates constitute one of the major aquifer levels of the CT multilayered aquifer. It extends over most of southern Tunisia, and its hydrodynamic regime is largely influenced by tectonics, lithology and recharge conditions. Forty-eight groundwater samples from the CI and Turonian aquifers were collected between January and April 2004 for chemical and isotopic analyses. Hydrochemistry and isotopic tools were combined to get an insight into the processes controlling chemical composition of groundwater and wide-scale interaction of these two aquifer systems. Analysis of the dissolved constituents revealed that several processes control the observed chemical composition: (i) incongruent dissolution of carbonate minerals, (ii) dissolution of evaporitic minerals, and (iii) cation exchange. Dissolution alone cannot account for the observed high supersaturation states of groundwater with respect to calcite and dolomite. The observed supersaturation is most probably linked to geogenic CO2 entering water-bearing horizons of the CT and CI aquifers via deep tectonic faults and discontinuities and subsequent degassing in the exploitation wells. Presence of geogenic CO2 in the investigated region was confirmed by C isotope data of the DIC reservoir. The radiocarbon content of the Turonian samples varied between 9.5 and 43 pmc. For CI samples generally lower values were recorded, between 3.8 and 22.5 pmc. Stable isotope composition of Turonian groundwater samples varied from −8.3 to −5.3‰ for δ18O and from −60 to −25‰ for δ2H. The corresponding ranges of δ values for the Continental Intercalaire samples were from −8.9‰ to −6.9‰ for δ18O and from −68.2‰ to −45.7‰ for δ2H. Stable isotope composition of groundwater representing CT and CI aquifers provide strong evidence for regional interaction between both systems.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of atmospheric O2 depends on the rates of oxygen cycling in photosynthesis, respiration, photochemical reactions in the stratosphere and on δ17O and δ18O of ocean and leaf water. While most of the factors affecting δ17O and δ18O of air O2 have been studied extensively in recent years, δ17O of leaf water—the substrate for all terrestrial photosynthesis—remained unknown. In order to understand the isotopic composition of atmospheric O2 at present and in fossil air in ice cores, we studied leaf water in field experiments in Israel and in a European survey. We measured the difference in δ17O and δ18O between stem and leaf water, which is the result of isotope enrichment during transpiration. We calculated the slopes of the lines linking the isotopic compositions of stem and leaf water. The obtained slopes in ln(δ17O + 1) vs. ln(δ18O + 1) plots are characterized by very high precision (∼0.001) despite of relatively large differences between duplicates in both δ17O and δ18O (0.02-0.05‰). This is so because the errors in δ18O and δ17O are mass-dependent. The slope of the leaf transpiration process varied between 0.5111 ± 0.0013 and 0.5204 ± 0.0005, which is considerably smaller than the slope linking liquid water and vapor at equilibrium (0.529). We further found that the slope of the transpiration process decreases with atmospheric relative humidity (h) as 0.522-0.008 × h, for h in the range 0.3-1. This slope is neither influenced by the plant species, nor by the environmental conditions where plants grow nor does it show strong variations along long leaves.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotope ratios of well-preserved brachiopod calcite and conodont apatite were used to reconstruct the palaeotemperature history of the Middle and Late Devonian. By assuming an oxygen isotopic composition of –1 V-SMOW for Devonian seawater, the oxygen isotope values of Eifelian and early Givetian brachiopods and conodonts give average palaeotemperatures ranging from 22 to 25 °C. Late Givetian and Frasnian palaeotemperatures calculated from 18O values of conodont apatite are close to 25 °C in the early Frasnian and increase to 32 °C in the latest Frasnian and early Famennian. Oxygen isotope ratios of late Givetian and Frasnian brachiopods are significantly lower than equilibrium values calculated from conodont apatite 18O values and give unrealistically warm temperatures ranging from 30 to 40 °C. Diagenetic recrystallization of shell calcite, different habitats of conodonts and brachiopods, as well as non-equilibrium fractionation processes during the precipitation of brachiopod calcite cannot explain the 18O depletion of brachiopod calcite. Moreover, the 18O depletion of brachiopod calcite with respect to equilibrium 18O values calculated from conodont apatite is too large to be explained by a change in seawater pH that might have influenced the oxygen isotopic composition of brachiopod calcite. The realistic palaeotemperatures derived from 18O apatite may suggest that biogenic apatite records the oxygen isotopic composition and palaeotemperature of Palaeozoic oceans more faithfully than brachiopod calcite, and do not support the hypothesis that the 18O/16O ratio of Devonian seawater was significantly different from that of the modern ocean.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, sea surface temperature (SST) reconstructed from the Mg/Ca ratio of foraminiferal calcite has increasingly been used, in combination with the δ18O signal measured on the same material, to calculate the δ18Ow, a proxy for sea surface salinity (SSS). A number of studies, however, have shown that the Mg/Ca ratio is also sensitive to other parameters, such as pH or , and salinity. To increase the reliability of foraminiferal Mg/Ca ratios as temperature proxies, these effects should be quantified in isolation. Individuals of the benthic foraminifera Ammonia tepida were cultured at three different salinities (20, 33 and 40 psu) and two temperatures (10-15 °C). The Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios of newly formed calcite were analyzed by Laser Ablation ICP-MS and demonstrate that the Mg concentration in A. tepida is overall relatively low (mean value per experimental condition between 0.5 and 1.3 mmol/mol) when compared to other foraminiferal species, Sr being similar to other foraminiferal species. The Mg and Sr incorporation are both enhanced with increasing temperatures. However, the temperature dependency for Sr disappears when the distribution factor DSr is plotted as a function of calcite saturation state (Ω). This suggests that a kinetic process related to Ω is responsible for the observed dependency of Sr incorporation on sea water temperature. The inferred relative increase in DMg per unit salinity is 2.8% at 10 °C and 3.3% at 15 °C, for the salinity interval 20-40 psu. This implies that a salinity increase of 2 psu results in enhanced Mg incorporation equivalent to 1 °C temperature increase. The DSr increase per unit salinity is 0.8% at 10 °C and 1.3% at 15 °C, for the salinity interval 20-40 psu.  相似文献   

Low-density graphite spherules from the Murchison carbonaceous chondrite contain TiC grains and possess excess 28Si and 44Ca (from decay of short-lived 44Ti). These and other isotopic anomalies indicate that such grains formed by condensation from mixtures of ejecta from the interior of a core-collapse supernova with those from the exterior. Using homogenized chemical and isotopic model compositions of the eight main burning zones as end-members, Travaglio et al. (1999) attempted to find mixtures whose isotopic compositions match those observed in the graphite spherules, subject to the condition that the atomic C/O ratio = 1. They were partially successful, but this chemical condition does not guarantee condensation of TiC at a higher temperature than graphite, which is indicated by the spherule textures. In the present work, model compositions of relatively thin layers of ejecta within the main burning zones computed by Rauscher et al. (2002) for Type II supernovae of 15, 21 and 25 M? are used to construct mixtures whose chemical compositions cause equilibrium condensation of TiC at a higher temperature than graphite in an attempt to match the textures and isotopic compositions of the spherules simultaneously. The variation of pressure with temperature and the change in elemental abundances with time due to radioactive decay were taken into account in the condensation calculations. Layers were found within the main Ni, O/Ne, He/C and He/N zones that, when mixed together, simultaneously match the carbon, nitrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions, 44Ti/48Ti ratios and inferred initial 26Al/27Al ratios of the low-density graphite spherules, even at subsolar 12C/13C ratios. Due to the relatively large proportion of material from the Ni zone and the relative amounts of the two layers of the Ni zone required to meet these conditions, predicted 28Si excesses are larger than observed in the low-density graphite spherules, and large negative δ46Ti/48Ti, δ47Ti/48Ti, δ49Ti/48Ti and δ50Ti/48Ti are produced, in contrast to the observed normal δ46Ti/48Ti and δ47Ti/48Ti, large positive δ49Ti/48Ti and smaller positive δ50Ti/48Ti. Although better matches to the observed δ46Ti/48Ti, δ47Ti/48Ti and 28Si excesses can be found using much smaller amounts of Ni zone material and some Si/S zone material, it is very difficult to match simultaneously the Ti and Si isotopic compositions in any mixtures of material from these deep layers with He/C and He/N zone material, regardless of the condensation sequence. The occurrence of Fe-rich, Si-poor metal grains inside the graphite spherules does not have a satisfactory explanation.  相似文献   

Diffusion coefficients for oxygen and hydrogen were determined from a series of natural uraninite-H2O experiments between 50 and 700 °C. Under hydrous conditions there are two diffusion mechanisms: (1) an initial extremely fast-path diffusion mechanism that overprinted the oxygen isotopic composition of the entire crystals regardless of temperature and (2) a slower volume-diffusive mechanism dominated by defect clusters that displace or eject nearest neighbor oxygen atoms to form two interstitial sites and two partial vacancies, and by vacancy migration. Using the volume diffusion coefficients in the temperature range of 400-600 °C, diffusion coefficients for oxygen can be represented by D = 1.90e−5 exp (−123,382 J/RT) cm2/s and for temperatures between 100 and 300 °C the diffusion coefficients can be represented by D = 1.95e−10 exp (−62484 J/RT) cm2/s, where the activation energies for uraninite are 123.4 and 62.5 kJ/mol, respectively. Hydrogen diffusion in uraninite appears to be controlled by similar mechanisms as oxygen. Using the volume diffusion coefficients for temperatures between 50 and 700 °C, diffusion coefficients for hydrogen can be represented by D = 9.28e−6 exp (−156,528 J/RT) cm2/s for temperatures between 450 and 700 °C and D = 1.39e−14 exp (−34518 J/RT) cm2/s for temperatures between 50 and 400 °C, where the activation energies for uraninite are 156.5 and 34.5 kJ/mol, respectively.Results from these new experiments have implications for isotopic exchange during natural UO2-water interactions. The exceptionally low δ18O values of natural uraninites (i.e. 32‰ to −19.5‰) from unconformity-type uranium deposits in Saskatchewan, in conjunction with theoretical and experimental uraninite-water and UO3-water fractionation factors, suggest that primary uranium mineralization is not in oxygen isotopic equilibrium with coeval clay and silicate minerals. The low δ18O values have been interpreted as resulting from the low temperature overprinting of primary uranium mineralization in the presence of relatively modern meteoric fluids having δ18O values of ca. −18‰, despite petrographic and U-Pb isotope data that indicate limited alteration. Our data show that the anomalously low oxygen isotopic composition of the uraninite from the Athabasca Basin can be due to meteoric water overprinting under reducing conditions, and meteoric water or groundwater can significantly affect the oxygen isotopic composition of spent nuclear fuel in a geologic repository, with minimal change to the chemical composition or texture. Moreover, the rather fast oxygen and hydrogen diffusion coefficients for uraninite, especially at low temperatures, suggest that oxygen and hydrogen diffusion may impart characteristic isotopic signals that can be used to track the route of fissile material.  相似文献   

A total of 117 water samples, including cave water, ground water, spring water and river water, collected from the monsoonal area of China have been analyzed for their H- and O-isotope composition. Overall, a δ18O–δD correlation is observed of δD = −4.45 + 6.6δ18O (R2 = 0.90) and a significant evaporation effect observed for the southern sites. Average δ18O and δD site values generally correspond to those of precipitation in nearby cities, with correlations of δD = 2.18 + 7.23δ18O (R2 = 0.95) for the sample sites and δD = 11.05 + 7.95δ18O (R2 = 0.95) for the cities. The effects of rainfall amount and temperature on precipitation δ18O were calculated using a simplified theoretical model derived from the Rayleigh distillation equation, which demonstrated that the sign of δ18Opvs. T correlation is dependent on precipitation intensity. The mean δ18O value of cave waters exhibit decreasing trends with increasing latitude and reveal a spatial pattern of positive correlation with annual mean temperature and precipitation, mainly reflecting isotopic fractionations in the moisture source traveling from the ocean side to the inland continent. This spatial pattern implies that the δ18O values recorded in the proxy climate records derived from speleothems might be influenced by shifts in monsoon boundary during the past, especially between glacial and interglacial intervals.  相似文献   

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