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中国菱镁矿成矿规律及资源潜力分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
提要:菱镁矿是中国的优势矿种之一,具有资源量丰富、分布比较集中、成矿类型较单一、品质优良等特点。文章在全国矿产资源潜力评价成果的基础上,总结了中国菱镁矿的成矿规律,建立了全国菱镁矿的预测类型谱系,分析总结了沉积变质型菱镁矿、与超基性岩有关的风化淋滤型菱镁矿以及湖相沉积型菱镁矿的典型矿床特征,并分别建立了成矿模式。文章划分了7个菱镁矿的成矿区带,分别对各带的资源潜力进行了探讨。  相似文献   

中国铁矿成矿规律及重点矿集区资源潜力分析   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
铁矿是中国重要的大宗金属矿产资源,对其进行成矿规律总结和潜力分析具有重要的理论和实际意义。本文总结了中国铁矿资源的禀赋特征;将中国铁矿床分为沉积变质型、岩浆型、接触交代-热液型、火山岩型、沉积型和风化淋滤型6种成因类型和40个矿床式,并建立了鞍山式沉积变质型、大庙式岩浆型、蒙库式海相火山岩型、大西沟式沉积型铁矿床的成矿模式;划分了36个中国铁矿成矿区带,编制了成矿区带图,总结了不同类型铁矿和不同时代铁矿的空间分布规律;总结了矿床类型、矿床规模和矿石类型的时间分布规律;最后,探讨了7个重点成矿区带的资源潜力。  相似文献   

Mercury from mineral deposits and potential environmental impact   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

This paper is briefly involved in distributions of China's uranium metallogenic types, provinces, regions and belts. Eight target regions have been pointed out to be worthy of prospecting for uranium resources. The regional uranium metallogeny is discussed and great uranium potential pointed out from many aspects. Generally speaking, there are favorable conditions for uranium mineralization and good perspective to explore for uranium resources.  相似文献   


东天山铜成矿带是中亚成矿域的重要组成部分, 发育土屋、延东大型铜矿, 三岔口、玉海中型铜矿, 赤湖、福兴、灵龙、玉带和四顶黑山等小型铜矿床。其中的斑岩铜矿带主要沿大南湖-头苏泉岛弧带近东西向展布, 其成岩作用集中于志留纪和石炭纪, 而成矿峰期为石炭纪。东天山斑岩铜矿带赋矿围岩包括火山岩、花岗岩和沉积岩, 围岩蚀变主要有黑云母-磁铁矿化、绢英岩化和青磐岩化, 钾化相对较弱。成矿岩体主要为中酸性钙碱性花岗岩, 富集大离子亲石元素, 亏损高场强元素, 具有高Sr/Y比值, 显示典型的岛弧岩浆岩和埃达克质特征。成矿流体早阶段发育大量含子晶的高盐度包裹体, 为H2O-NaCl±CO2体系, 氢氧硫同位素显示明显的岩浆热液特征。锶钕铪同位素表明成矿岩体具有新生地壳和亏损地幔混合来源。东天山斑岩铜矿带形成于古天山洋的多期次俯冲造山, 因而具有多期叠加成矿的特征。石炭纪钙碱性岩浆岩是下一步找矿的主要目标, 后期构造叠加可能导致富矿体的形成。


王鹏 《江苏地质》2021,45(4):349-365
南秦岭柞水银洞子—山阳桐木沟铅银锌矿带地处陕西柞山地区中部,位于中秦岭晚古生代弧前盆地的柞水—山阳矿集区内。该带东西长约71 km,南北宽1~7 km。对带内银洞子(铜)铅银菱铁矿床、黑沟铅锌菱铁矿床、桐木沟锌矿床、南沟(银)铅矿床和松林沟铅矿点的地质、矿体、蚀变、矿化规律进行总结,发现矿体均严格产于中-上泥盆统青石垭组,具有明显的时控、层控、岩控及后期热液改造成矿特征,属典型的海底热水喷流沉积-热液改造层控矿床,构成与晚古生代海底热水喷流沉积-热液改造作用有关的铅锌银成矿系列。建立以层控+热液改造为主控矿条件,以青石垭组热水沉积岩+断裂+化探异常+硫化物、重晶石、菱铁矿蚀变分带为组合的找矿模型,对柞山地区金属矿的找矿突破具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

New Zealand is an active orogenic belt which varies along its length from continental collision to continent–ocean subduction tectonics. Mesothermal gold deposits, with rare mercury, have formed in collisional settings from late Mesozoic to Pleistocene, with youngest deposits along the axis of the actively rising Southern Alps mountain chain. Epithermal gold and mercury deposits have formed, and are still forming associated with calcalkaline volcanism above the subduction zone, and with basaltic volcanism associated with extensional faulting. The environmental impact of mineral deposits is related to tectonic setting, mineralogy, and climate, all of which are governed by the geometry of the orogen. Mesothermal mineralisation added carbonates to calcite-bearing host rocks in what is now cool semiarid or extreme Alpine settings, and oxidation of sulphides does not result in significant acidification of the environment. Arsenic is the principal metal of environmental significance, and is readily mobilised from these deposits at neutral to alkaline pH. Mercury may be leached from cinnabar and/or gold on geological time scales. In contrast, epithermal mineral deposits have hydrothermal clay alteration, locally further clay-altered by deep temperate to subtropical weathering, and calcite is generally subordinate to sulphides. Acidification accompanies oxidation of these deposits, and copper, cadmium, lead and zinc are readily mobilised into the environment. Mercury can be mobilised by these acid solutions as well, where mercury occurs in minerals other than cinnabar.  相似文献   

山东西北部齐河—禹城矿集区矽卡岩型铁矿找矿工作取得了重大突破。该矿集区发育明显的航磁和重力异常,二者具有同源特征。地球物理异常查证工作显示,该区深部发育矽卡岩型铁矿床,成矿时代为早白垩世,铁矿物质主要来源于闪长岩体。铁矿体为地层、侵入岩和构造三者控矿,即铁矿体赋存于奥陶系(石炭系、二叠系)地层、闪长岩体、地层与岩体接触带附近。勘查表明,总体表现为布格重力异常梯度较陡处、剩余重力异常高值处、磁异常较高处、化极磁异常高值处以及高低电阻率转换带是该矿集区矽卡岩型铁矿的找矿有利地段。  相似文献   

中国钨矿成矿规律概要   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
我国钨矿资源丰富,钨矿类型比较齐全。占有钨矿资源储量较大比重的主要是矽卡岩型和石英脉型,但从开采和利用的角度来说,最为重要的是石英脉型的黑钨矿矿床。矽卡岩型钨矿集中分布在南岭中段湘南、东秦岭等矿集区,石英脉型则主要集中在华南地区的闽西、赣南、粤北、湘南等地;成矿时代以中生代最为重要;成矿大地构造背景以造山运动之后的陆内环境为主但构造变动剧烈,深大断裂纵横交错,岩浆活动频繁,与钨锡成矿作用密切相关的中生代花岗岩类至关重要,是成矿的关键要素。本次在对全国1199处钨矿矿产地资料系统梳理的基础上,深入总结了全国钨矿的成矿规律,厘定出22个以钨为特点或明显涉及钨的矿床成矿系列,认为矽卡岩(一云英岩型)、石英脉型和岩体型3个钨矿预测类型应该作为重点预测类型,划分出65个成钨带并编制了中国成钨带分布图,圈定出22个重要矿集区,为本次潜力评价预测工作提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

A geochemical rock- and soil-sampling program was carried out in the vicinity of eight concealed “Cyprus type” deposits, occurring in marginal mafic to intermediate metapillow lavas of the Troodos Ophiolite Complex. The mineralization of massive and stockwork sulfide ore is characterized by the predominance of pyrite, intergrown with less chalcopyrite and minor amounts of sphalerite.Background values of Hg are in the range of 8–12 ppb for soils and 3–6 ppb for surface rocks. Anomaly/background ratios of 10:1 (soils) and 5:1 (rocks) have been found only, where Hg migrated along channels formed by faults cutting shallow-seated mineralization. Here, Hg sometimes shows significant correlations with Cu, Zn, Ba and exceptionally with Co. However in one case an Hg anomaly in soils and surface rocks was detected directly over a deposit. The use of Hg as indicator element for these types of deposits is therefore limited. Buried mineralization may be delineated more distinctly by Cu, Zn and Ba.  相似文献   

Isotope Geochemistry of Granitoids in South China and Their Metallogeny   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Abstract: On the basis of data of initial strontium ratios for over 300 plutons, neodymium isotopes for 240 plutons and oxygen isotopes for more than 200 plutons, the granites of South China are divided into six belts which are different from each other in petrology, geochemistry and mineralization. The similar Nd isotopic composition between the peraluminous granites and Proterozoic crust reveals that there is intermediate to felsic composition crust at mid-crustal depth throughout the South China interior. The six granitic belts mentioned above belong to different lithospheric plates with different composition basement. Differences in the extent and nature of interaction between mantle and crusts in different geodynamic setting and the different extent of differentiation of magma have all controlled the characteristics of the granites and their related mineralization.  相似文献   

Please refer to the attachment(s) for more details  相似文献   

中国钼矿资源特征及其成矿规律概要   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
中国钼矿资源丰富,是我国的优势矿种之一.近年来钼矿找矿成果突出,钼矿在我国遍地开花,呈现出“面型”分布的特征.从地理分布上看,总体集中在中国东部地区,其中河南省钼储量居首;从矿床规模看,查明的超大型钼矿床约占全国钼资源量的53%,大型钼矿床约占30%,中型钼矿床约占14%,小型钼矿床和钼矿(化)点仅占约3%;从矿床类型来看,主要有斑岩型、矽卡岩型、热液(脉)型和沉积(变质)型,分别占钼总资源量的85.75%,8.83%,2.79%,2.63%.根据辉钼矿Re-Os同位素年龄将中国钼成矿期划分为六个阶段:前寒武纪(>800Ma)、寒武纪—志留纪(540~415Ma,加里东期)、泥盆纪—二叠纪(400~290Ma,海西期)、三叠纪(260~200Ma、印支期)、侏罗纪—白垩纪(195~70Ma、燕山期)和古近纪—新近纪(65~10Ma、喜马拉雅期),其中燕山期是最主要的成矿期,形成了约76.69%钼资源,其次为喜马拉雅期.本文初步总结了中国钼矿的时空分布特征及其成矿规律,将全国钼矿划分为41个Ⅲ级成钼带,13个Ⅱ级成钼省,4个Ⅰ级成钼域,建立了中国钼矿成矿谱系,探讨了不同类型钼矿的时空演化、钼成矿作用与构造演化的关系,并认为钼是反映中国地壳演化的有效示踪剂.  相似文献   

中国金矿资源特征及成矿规律概要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王成辉  徐珏  黄凡  陈郑辉  应立娟  刘善宝 《地质学报》2014,88(12):2315-2325
我国金矿资源较为丰富,金矿是中国重要的战略矿种之一.本文在全国潜力评价项目开展过程中,在典型矿床研究的基础上,通过对我国资源特征、勘查进展、金矿类型、时空分布、成矿谱系的分析与归纳,初步总结了中国金矿成矿规律.文章总结了我国金矿的资源特征及存在的问题;从预测的角度,将我国金矿分为花岗绿岩型金矿、火山岩型金矿、与岩浆岩有关金矿、沉积建造中的金矿、与表生作用有关金矿等五大预测类型;在统计的基础上,将我国金矿分为新太古代—古元古代、中—新元古代、古生代、中生代和新生代5个成矿期,并初步总结了各成矿期金矿的空间分布特征等;提出了成金带的概念,并划分了53个成金带,概括了其主要特征;厘定出71个与金矿有关的成矿系列,建立了中国金矿成矿谱系.认为应该继续加强我国金矿成矿体系和成矿规律研究,通过理论指导找矿勘查部署并综合评价,以期取得更大的找矿进展.  相似文献   

Early Proterozoic volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Rappen district in northern Sweden were deposited at a destructive plate margin to the south of the Archaean craton of the western Baltic Shield. The volcano-sedimentary suite was intruded by two generations of early Proterozoic granites at ca. 1.89–1.85 Ga and ca.1.82–1.78 Ga, respectively, and metamorphosed at upper amphibolite facies conditions. Small stratabound iron, copper, and zinc deposits occur in felsic to mafic tuffs and arkosic sediments. Small deposits of molybdenum, tungsten, and uranium formed during the emplacement of the younger granites. The lead isotopic compositions of sulfide trace lead from the various deposits are highly heterogeneous. In the 206Pb/204Pb–207Pb/204Pb diagram they fall on mixing arrays between little evolved early Proterozoic lead and highly radiogenic Caledonian lead. The least radiogenic lead isotopic compositions from the various deposits have a wide range of 207Pb/204Pb ratios and thus indicate variable involvement of Archaean crustal lead in the Proterozoic deposits. Deposits hosted by siliciclastic rocks have higher 207Pb/204Pb ratios than deposits hosted in mafic to felsic tuffites. The lead isotopic heterogeneity suggests that the lead in the various deposits was locally derived and, furthermore, that the sedimentary rocks in part originated from the Archaean craton to the north. Lead mixing arrays in the 206Pb/204Pb–207Pb/204Pb diagram demonstrate that in Paleozoic time radiogenic lead was mobilized and transported in the basement. Source ages calculated from the mixing arrays (ca.1.9 Ga and ca.1.8 Ga) correspond to the age of the Early Proterozoic volcanism and metamorphism respectively. One group of deposits includes lead from at least three sources and illustrates that radiogenic lead was multiply mobilized and transported in the Proterozoic basement. It occurs in deposits that occur in zones that became permeable during the reactivations of the basement.  相似文献   

华北地区铜矿资源丰富,文章在对华北地区579处铜矿床(点)资料系统梳理的基础上,总结了区内矿床类型,划分出四大成矿期,认为侏罗纪—白垩纪为最主要的成矿时期,以斑岩型、接触交代型为主;提出不同类型铜矿时空分布特征及控矿因素;建立了 7种预测类型划分方案、6种预测方法.探讨了华北地区铜矿的时空演化,认为在重要成矿带和典型矿...  相似文献   

Lead and zinc resources are abundant in China, with the reserves of 100 million tons ranking only second in the world. There are more than 3000 lead-zinc mine areas nationwide. The classification of lead-zinc (Pb-Zn) deposits has been a highly controversial issue. From the standpoint of evaluating the potential of mineral resources, we construct a Pb-Zn deposit predictive type of classification scheme, and propose a Pb-Zn deposit comprehensive classification scheme (including 5 classes and 13 sub-types) that regards mineralization as the primary factor and the ore rock as secondary. According to the temporal and spatial distribution of Pb-Zn deposits, we conclude that a multi-period, multi-cycle orogenic environment is the most favorable for lead-zinc deposit growth, that the Proterozoic is the major eon for the growth of igneous-type deposits, the Paleozoic is an important development era for sedimentary Pb-Zn deposits, and the Mesozoic and Cenozoic are the heyday eras of magmatic type lead-zinc deposits. On this basis, we analyse the relationship between tectonic evolution and Pb-Zn metallogenic, and propose that the key factors determining geological mineralization are the metallogenic epoch of mineralization and tectonic environment, which determine the temporal and spatial distribution.  相似文献   

Bauxite Deposits in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bauxite deposits in China,rangin in age from Late Paleozoic to Cenozoic ,are distributed mainly in Shanxi,Shandong Henan,Guizhou,Guangxi and Yunnan.Based on stratigraphic relations they can be clas-sified as 6 types:inter-system marine,inter-system continental,intra-system marine,intra-system continent-tal,weathering lateritic and weathering accumulation types.But in terms of depositional environments,only four types are distinguished,I.e.the marine deposits,continental deposits,lateritic deposits and weath-ering-accumulation deposits.These deposits have been formed in two steps:firstly,the depression of paraplatform or front basin margins in paleocontinents and secondly,the development of littoral-lagoons on the eroded surface of karstified carbonate bedrocks.The aluminum may have been derived from the carbonate rocks with which the ores are associated,or from adjacent aluminosilicate rocks.  相似文献   

Sulfur is one of the havardous elements in coal The concentrations of sulfur are relatively high in coal.The major forms of sulfur in coal are pyritic,organic and sulfate.Pyritic and organic sulfur generally account for the bulk of sulfur in coal.Elemental sulfur also occurs in coal,but only in trace to minor amounts.When coals are burned,leached and washed,sulfur will be released in the form of sulfide and H2S,which then reach with O2,water and other substances to change into vitriol,and in some places it may form acid rain.And they will impact water environment,acidify the soil and do great harm to plants and human health.In this paper,on the basis of the data from the Yanzhou mining district,the distribution and concentrations of sulfur are analyzed and the existing forms of sulfur are studied.The variation of sulfur and its impact on the environments also are described when coal is used.  相似文献   

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