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The seasonal variation of microbial biomass and activity in the surface sediments (0–10 cm) of the shallow, eutrophic Lake Vallentunasjön was followed during one year. OverwinteringMicrocystis colonies dominated the microbial community during all seasons, constituting 60–90% of the total microbial biomass. Expressed on an areal basis, the benthic biomass was, throughout the year, larger than or similar to the planktonic biomass during the peak of the summer bloom, indicating an ability of the colonies to survive in the sediments for extended periods. Abundance of other, non-photosynthetic bacteria varied in the range 3.0–15.5 · 1010 cells g–1 d. w. over the year with minimum values in summer and maximum values in autumn in connection with the sedimentation of theMicrocystis bloom. A substantial part of the non-photosynthetic bacteria, up to circa 40%, was associated with the mucilage of healthyMicrocystis colonies. Bacterial production (3H-thymidine incorporation) appeared to be strongly temperature dependent and less influenced by the seasonal sedimentation pattern. Our data indicate an increasing proportion of non-growing cells in autumn and winter. Biomass-bound phosphorus constituted a significant portion, circa 10%, of the phosphorus content in Lake Vallentunasjön sediments. This pool has normally been overlooked in studies on phosphorus dynamics in lake sediments. Different mechanisms whereby organic phosphorus can be released from the sediments are discussed.  相似文献   

The feeding activity of adult roach (Rutilus rutilus), perch (Perca fluviatilis) and ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus) was studied over a one year cycle to show trophic relations between fish and the prey communities in eutrophic Lake Aydat.Daily consumption rates were referred to the stock of the different age classes of fish. Seven food compartments (phytoplankton, macrophytes, Cladocera, Copepoda, macroinvertebrates, fish and sediment) were used by the fish. The main prey compartment ofR. rutilus were macroinvertebrates (39.7%), sediment (29.0%), macrophytes (15.4%) and phytoplankton (14.9%). Little zooplankton was consumed (2.4%).P. fluviatilis fed mainly on macroinvertebrates and fish fry (both 41.8%) and some zooplankton (15.0%). ForG. cernuus, macroinvertebrates dominated in the diet (97.4%). During spring, Bacillariophyceae and macroinvertebrates represented the principal preys. During summer, insect larvae, phytoplankton and macrophytes were the principal components of the diet. At the end of summer, macrofauna was scare and fish tended to move to the pelagic zone feeding on plankton. In autumn, the prey spectrum was large. During winter, sediment was the most important item consumed, together with some macroinvertebrates. The impact of this fish community through consumption is highest on macroinvertebrates (40.7%), flora (27.7%) and sediment (28.4%). The predation of these three fish on zooplankton was low (1% per day of the zooplankton biomass) and restricted to periods when the other items were scarce. Interspecific competition is not excluded for macroinvertebrates.  相似文献   

Rh. germanica is a European species that, due to human impacts, has progressively disappeared from its original territories and is now considered rare. In SwitzerlandRh. germanica has disappeared from the Aare, Broye and Kleine Emme rivers and is actually found in a limited reach of the River Rhine and some of its tributaries (Limmat, Sihl, Thur and Töss rivers).Rh. germanica is a univoltine species, hatching probably in summer. The emergence occurs from February to the beginning of April. It takes place on the water surface. Laboratory observations have shown that the subimaginal stage lasts four days.Rh. germanica occurs on different substrate types, ranging from stones and cobbles to pebbles and gravel. The larvae are more abundant in zones of erosion with coarse and porous sediments than in depositional zones with fine sediments and silts. They are most abundant in riffles with water velocities from 20 to 150 cm/sec. The species tolerates moderately organic-polluted waters.The particular strategy concerning growth and emergence ofRh. germanica is also discussed.  相似文献   

Distribution, abundance and life history characteristics of Mysis relicta were studied in the Feldberg Lake District (Lake Breiter Luzin, Lake Schmaler Luzin, Lake Zansen) located in northeastern Germany. Between July 2001 and November 2002 mysids were collected by vertical net hauls. In order to determine the impact of the current trophic conditions on the distribution of mysids in these lakes, oxygen concentration, total phosphorus, chlorophyll a and water transparency were also measured. All investigated lakes are mesotrophic at present. Lake Breiter Luzin exhibited great seasonal and spatial variations in mysid abundance. Density of adults and juveniles had a mean of 44.9 ± 57.1 and 68.7 ± 99.6 m−2, respectively. Highest abundance of adults was 110.4 ± 76.5 m−2 in summer, lowest abundances of 2.0 ± 4.0 m−2 occurred in spring. For juveniles, highest density of 218.4 ± 174.6 m−2 was detected in summer and lowest of 0.8 ± 1.8 m−2 in winter. No mysids were caught in any of the daytime hauls, but they were widely distributed throughout the water column at night. Size frequency distribution of mysids suggested that reproduction occurred year-round, the most consistent influx of juveniles occurred in early summer and a smaller second cohort in autumn. Highest mysid abundance was 189.2 ± 318.6 adults and 127.0 ± 66.3 juveniles m−2 in Lake Schmaler Luzin, and 59.6 ± 5.6 adults and 79.4 ± 11.2 juveniles m−2 in Lake Zansen. There were great spatial differences in abundance in both lakes.  相似文献   

迄今为止,全球范围共报道出100多种鱼腥藻,中国记录报道的仅有50余种,但有些种类的描述仍较模糊.最近在福建、浙江等地进行野外调查时,发现了多种丝状蓝藻.其中就有2种鱼腥藻在中国尚未报道:威格鱼腥藻(Anabaenaviguieri Denis et Frémy 1923)和史密斯鱼腥藻(Anabaena smithii(Komárek)Watanabe 1992).  相似文献   

The abundance of different size classes of perch and roach in the littoral zone of Lake Geneva was compared between submerged aquatic vegetation and unvegetated zones. Samples were taken with gillnets during four periods between June and October 1993. During the vegetation period (June to September), perch 9 cm and roach 10 cm were more abundant in vegetation whereas roach > 20 cm were more abundant in open water. Perch larger than 18 cm and medium roach were equally distributed in both habitats whatever the period, whereas medium perch distribution fluctuated according to the period. In October, after the decline of the vegetation, no more differences in fish distribution were observed except for small roach, which were always more abundant in the vegetated sites.  相似文献   

火烧作为调控因子,对植物群落结构和生态系统功能具有重要影响,但在湖泊湿地中研究较少.通过野外调查取样与实验室分析,探讨火烧对洞庭湖湿地主要群落类型——荻(Miscanthus sacchariflorus)和苔草(Carex brevicuspis)土壤化学性质的影响.结果表明:火烧后,苔草群落土壤硝态氮含量显著减少64.6%,有机质含量增加26.3%;而荻群落土壤与之相反,硝态氮含量增加186.9%,有机质含量减少22.9%.火烧后,苔草群落的全氮、铵态氮、全碳和全磷含量均显著增加,分别增加了75.4%、36.3%、102.7%和76.9%,而荻群落土壤与对照组间无显著差异.总体上,火烧对荻群落土壤养分影响不大,可作为芦苇场的一种管理方式,但火烧促进苔草群落土壤养分释放,有助于苔草群落提前萌芽和生长,并引起牲畜牧食增加.  相似文献   

An Aphanomyces sp. (Oomycetes) was found to be an important egg parasite of Eudiaptomus gracilis (Copepoda) in Lake Mondsee (Austria). The infection is evidenced by densely packed infection hyphae, attached with holdfasts and wrapped around the female's abdomen. The infection hyphae give rise to hyphae which penetrate the egg sac, and subsequently kill all eggs. The infection obviously has no pathogenetic effects on the egg-carrying female. Infected females appear during summer and fall, mainly in warm water layers. Infected egg clutches are found at all seasons of the year, indicating considerable birth control of the Eudiaptomus population by parasite infection. It seems possible that the actual Aphanomyces sp. is not the only parasite involved.  相似文献   

本文报道了东湖大型肉食性枝角类——透明薄皮溞(Leptodora kindti)种群的周年变动昼夜垂直迁移及体长-体重回归方程。在I站1984年的高峰出现在8月, 1985年出现在7月, 数量分别为1.775和0.313 ind./L;且站均出现在9月, 数量分别为1.214和1.547 ind./L。透明薄皮溞有明显的昼夜垂直移动现象, 衣层的数量变动更明显, 通常以日出及日落前后1小时, 衣层数量最多, 用直接测重法测定了不同体长组的湿重、干重, 经统计处理获得了各自的回归方程。  相似文献   

大通湖是湖南省最大的养殖湖泊.随着河蚬经济价值的提升,大通湖河蚬Corbicula fluminea(Müller,1774)的开发强度逐年增加.为实现河蚬资源的合理开发,本研究在对大通湖河蚬形态特征、现存量及其时空分布调查分析基础上,重点探讨了养殖和软体动物捕捞对其资源的影响.结果显示,壳长大于6 mm河蚬的平均湿重(BW)、壳长(SL)、壳高(SH)和壳宽(SW)分别为1.41±0.03 g、14.82±0.09 mm、13.73±0.09 mm和9.72±0.06 mm,平均相对高度、圆度和凸度分别为0.930±0.001、0.660±0.001和0.710±0.001.河蚬壳长、壳高、壳宽与湿重的关系分别为:lg BW=-3.45+3.00 lg SL、lg BW=-3.23+2.89 lg SH、lg BW=-2.87+2.97 lg SW,表明河蚬为等速生长.2010 2011年,大通湖河蚬平均密度和生物量均较2009年显著增加.2009年,河蚬主要分布于中北部的蜜蜂夹湖区域,2010年开始,几乎遍布整个大通湖,但整体上呈现由东北向西南逐渐递减的趋势,密度和生物量高值均出现在大通湖中部,蜜蜂夹湖、大西湖与尼古湖交界区域.推测养殖过程中物化产品投入的增加是导致大通湖河蚬现存量快速增加的主要原因之一,软体动物捕捞加速了河蚬分布区域的扩展.据此提出了大通湖河蚬合理开发和有效保护的建议.  相似文献   

Atlanta, Georgia (City of Atlanta, COA), is one of the most rapidly growing urban areas in the US. Beginning in 2003, the US Geological Survey established a long‐term water‐quantity/quality monitoring network for the COA. The results obtained during the first 2 years have provided insights into the requirements needed to determine the extent of urban impacts on water quality, especially in terms of estimating the annual fluxes of suspended sediment, trace/major elements, and nutrients. During 2004/2005, suspended sediment fluxes from the City of Atlanta (COA) amounted to about 150 000 t year?1; ≥ 94% of the transport occurred in conjunction with storm‐flow, which also accounted for ≥ 65% of the annual discharge. Typically, storm‐flow averaged ≤20% of the year. Normally, annual suspended sediment fluxes are determined by summing daily loads based on a single calculation step using mean‐daily discharge and a single rating curve‐derived suspended sediment concentration. Due to the small and ‘flashy’ nature of the COAs streams, this approach could produce underestimates ranging from 25% to 64%. Accurate estimates ( ± 15%) require calculation time‐steps as short as every 2–3 h. Based on annual median base‐flow/storm‐flow chemical concentrations, the annual fluxes of ≥ 75% of trace elements (e.g. Cu, Pb, Zn), major elements (e.g. Fe, Al), and total P occur in association with suspended sediment; in turn, ≥ 90% of the transport of these constituents occur in conjunction with storm‐flow. As such, base‐flow sediment‐associated and dissolved contributions represent relatively insignificant portions of the total annual load. An exception is total N, whose sediment‐associated fluxes range from 50% to 60%; even so, storm‐related transport typically exceeds 80%. Hence, in urban environments, non‐point‐sources appear to be the dominant contributors to the fluxes of these constituents. Published in 2007by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

湖泊水深是影响沉水植物生长、繁殖与分布的重要环境因子,水深增加改变了水下光照、风浪和底泥特性等,因而可能导致沉水植物的生理生化指标发生相应变化.本研究通过对云南洱海沉水植物苦草(Vallisneria natans)随水深分布的情况进行调查,并分析了定植于不同水深的苦草叶片碳(C)、氮(N)和磷(P)含量及其比率,以阐明水深变化对苦草叶片生态化学计量学的影响.结果表明洱海苦草定植的水深范围为0.5~5.6 m,在1.5~2.4 m处达到最大频度,在2.5~3.4 m处达到最大相对生物量,这表明苦草在洱海中的最适生长深度在1.5~3.4 m范围内;苦草叶片C、N和P含量平均值分别为356.10、26.13和3.54 mg/g,C:N、C:P和N:P的平均值分别为14.38、113.46和7.85;苦草叶片C含量、C:N和C:P均随水深增加而降低,N和P含量则随水深增加而升高,N:P在0.5~1.4 m较高,其余水深梯度之间则没有显著差异.总体上,苦草叶片C、N、P含量及其化学计量特征显著地受到了湖泊水深的影响.另外,本研究还发现水深的增加使得苦草叶片N、P含量发生聚敛,这导致其N、P之间的耦合性变弱.  相似文献   

The horizontal distribution of bloom-forming Microcystis in a specific lake area and the transport of Microcystis by wind-driven lake currents between Meiliang Bay and the open water of Taihu Lake were measured during continuous field observations from August 21 to 25, 2006. During the observations, the horizontal distributions of Microcystis, represented by Chlorophyll a, showed a clear concentration toward downwind lake areas. According to the lake currents and the Chl a concentrations on the boundary line between the Meiliang Bay and the open water, the transported Chl a was less than 2% of the total weight of Chl a in Meiliang Bay on August 22, 24 and 25. The results suggest that the horizontal distribution of the bloom-forming Microcystis was strongly affected by the wind conditions, and the wind-driven Microcystis accumulation was mainly determined by surface drift; the transport of Microcystis by lake currents was much less important in this large, shallow lake.  相似文献   

Large data sets covering large areas and time spans and composed of many different independent sources raise the question of the obtained degree of harmonization. The present study is an analysis of the harmonization with respect to the moment magnitude M w within the earthquake catalogue for central, northern, and northwestern Europe (CENEC). The CENEC earthquake catalogue (Grünthal et al., J Seismol, 2009) contains parameters for over 8,000 events in the time period 1000–2004 with magnitude M w ≥ 3.5. Only about 2% of the data used for CENEC have original M w magnitudes derived directly from digital data. Some of the local catalogues and data files providing data give M w, but calculated by the respective agency from other magnitude measures or intensity. About 60% of the local data give strength measures other than M w, and these have to be transformed by us using available formulae or new regressions based on original M w data. Although all events are thus unified to M w magnitude, inhomogeneity in the M w obtained from over 40 local catalogues and data files and 50 special studies is inevitable. Two different approaches have been followed to investigate the compatibility of the different M w sets throughout CENEC. The first harmonization check is performed using M w from moment tensor solutions from SMTS and Pondrelli et al. (Phys Earth Planet Inter 130:71–101, 2002; Phys Earth Planet Inter 164:90–112, 2007). The method to derive the SMTS is described, e.g., by Braunmiller et al. (Tectonophysics 356:5–22, 2002) and Bernardi et al. (Geophys J Int 157:703–716, 2004), and the data are available in greater extent since 1997. One check is made against the M w given in national catalogues and another against the M w derived by applying different empirical relations developed for CENEC. The second harmonization check concerns the vast majority of data in CENEC related to earthquakes prior to 1997 or where no moment tensor based M w exists. In this case, an empirical relation for the M w dependence on epicentral intensity (I 0) and focal depth (h) was derived for 41 master events, i.e., earthquakes, located all over central Europe, with high-quality data. To include also the data lacking h, the corresponding depth-independent relation for these 41 events was also derived. These equations are compared with the different sets of data from which CENEC has been composed, and the goodness of fit is demonstrated for each set. The vast majority of the events are very well or reasonably consistent with the respective relation so that the data can be said to be harmonized with respect to M w, but there are exceptions, which are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

百花湖是贵阳市重要的城市饮用水源地,并且近年来经常发生水质异常现象.本文利用2009-2018年百花湖长时间序列的监测数据,采用综合营养状态指数法和Pearson相关性分析,研究了百花湖10年间的水质变化特征和影响因素.结果表明:1)库区叶绿素a(Chl.a)、总磷(TP)、总氮(TN)、高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)和透明度(SD)的浓度范围分别是3.43~39.72 mg/m3、0.034~0.115 mg/L、1.200~2.759 mg/L、1.41~5.51 mg/L和0.75~2.07 m,且高氮磷比(12~63)表明百花湖是磷限制型.2)在空间上,TP、TN、氨氮、CODMn和Chl.a浓度沿水体流向逐渐降低,SD呈相反变化趋势.3)10年来,百花湖水质由Ⅳ类转变为Ⅲ类,综合营养状态由轻度富营养化状态转变为中营养状态,水质整体向好.4)入库支流是影响百花湖库区水质的主要因素,长期以来,东门桥河、南门河水质TP和TN等超标严重,给库区水质稳定达标带来威胁.5)百花湖Chl.a浓度与气温、水位、风速和TP等指标显著相关,是受水文、气象及营养盐因素的综合控制.未来在百花湖水环境保护治理过程中,应加大对东门桥河、南门河等重点支流的污染治理,加强对水动力学、气候变化等水文气象因素影响库区水质(藻类水华)的机制研究.  相似文献   

洪湖日本沼虾的种群繁殖生物学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1994年5月至1995年6月对洪湖日本沼虾的种群繁殖生物学进行了研究。洪湖日本沼虾的繁殖期为4月中旬至10月上旬,5月中旬至8月中旬为日本沼虾的繁殖高峰期,其中6月、8月雌虾抱卵率均在70%以上;日本 虾群体中雄性总是少于雌性,月性比(♀/♂)变化于1.104-5.780之间,3-6月性比逐渐增高,7-10月性比则逐渐降低;在整个繁殖期,4-7月的抱卵是均为前一年出生的大、中规格的个体,之后当年  相似文献   

好氧不产氧光合细菌(aerobic anoxygenic photosynthesis bacteria,AAPB)是广泛分布于海洋、湖泊及河流等典型水域生境中的异养原核生物,能够以环境中有机物为营养物质来获取细胞生长及代谢所需的能量,同时借助自身独特的菌绿素完成光合作用产能但不合成氧气,在物质循环与能量流动中扮演着重要角色.近年,越来越多的AAPB种属被陆续报道,基于光合基因,例如光合反应中心M亚基(pufM)的分子系统发育分析显示,大部分AAPB属于α-、β-及γ-变形菌,且丰度及多样性随生境的不同而呈现时空地理格局异质性.本文对AAPB的栖息环境与生长特性、丰度与分布、生态功能以及环境驱动因子等方面的研究进展进行了回顾和综述.目前,针对水库生态系统AAPB的研究鲜见报道,作者建议开展水库生境中AAPB多样性分布、环境驱动因素及生态功能研究,丰富对于水生生态系统中功能微生物种群生态结构与代谢功能的认识.  相似文献   

Floristic surveys, vegetation mapping, and detailed transect analyses rendered a macrophyte flora of 14 native and five alien taxa of flowering plants in the River Erft, a contributory of the River Rhine in Northrhine-Westphalia. Water temperatures of this river do not fall below 10 °C all the year round, for reasons of geothermically heated water discharged from nearby opencast mining areas. Macrophyte stand structures, composed of the neophytes Azolla filiculoides and Lemna minuta (floating) and Myriophyllum aquaticum, Egeria densa, and Vallisneria spiralis (rooted in the muddy or sandy ground of the river) are described and the ecological requirements of these taxa are characterized. The alien species can be seen as elements that increase the α-diversity of the aquatic vegetation of the River Erft. They do not replace any of the native species, even if shifts in the competition dynamics occur. The colonization by neophytes of the abnormally warmed River Erft can be appreciated as paradigmatic for trends in the macrophyte vegetation of medium-sized rivers in Central Europe when climate-related or discharge-based heating of the waterbody occurs and propagules of alien plants imported by waterfowl or – more important – plants from aquarium waste will find suitable places of existence and spread.  相似文献   

We investigated trophic transfer efficiency in the pelagic food chain of deep, oligotrophic Lake Stechlin (Germany) by analyses of the primary, secondary, and fish production. Primary production between April and November 2000 was estimated at 78 g C m−2, pelagic secondary production at 14 g C m−2, and production of the main planktivorous fish species [European cisco, Coregonus albula (L.)] at 0.77 g C m−2. Thus, trophic transfer efficiency between primary and pelagic secondary production was around 18%, whereas between pelagic and fish production around 6%. The high efficiency at the first step of the chain is discussed to be due to the high food quality in oligotrophic lakes due to the dominance of Bacillariophyceae and Chlorophyceae rich in essential fatty acids. In turn, the relatively low trophic transfer efficiency between the secondary and the fish production is mainly explained by the avoidance of calanoid copepods as food source by the ciscoes. Concerning the trophic transfer efficiency, results from this study support the general assumption of a 10% transfer between neighbouring trophic levels within ecosystems.  相似文献   

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